outside world.

Inside the crystal cave.

Xia Yi, who touched the face of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl with his hand, opened his eyes, but his eyes were different, because he is now a mirage dragon. After waking up, the mirage dragon immediately perceives her own breath, still in the inner space, but positive Trying to leave.

"Don't think about it!"

With qi and blood pulsing, the mirage dragon deliberately adjusted the qi and blood in the collective to rush into the dantian, blocking the world in the body. Based on the mirage's understanding of herself, it was impossible for her to break through the qi and blood blockade of a half-step martial god.

What's more, this half-step martial arts **** also achieved a perfect golden body.

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl only tried for a while, but after finding that she was unable to leave, she became quiet, and after a while, she talked directly with the mirage dragon from within the sea of ​​knowledge.

"It makes no sense for you to do this. Let’s be practical. You are still you and I am still me. The only difference is that we recognize ourselves as another person. The real me is still awake. Dream, you cannot change this fact."

"What can’t be changed, do you think I don’t know? What I am, you have invaded my body, don’t you even know my real body? I am a mirage dragon, I know why the soul is immortal, because The will is immortal, as long as there is a carrier to carry the will. Although there is no way to seize the will, you have exchanged our will with the Brahma Dream."

"Your behavior is equivalent to the will to seize the house!"

The mirage dragon is not stupid. The will to seize the house is the deepest path of the soul. For example, the Taishang that Xia Yi has encountered belongs to the road to seize the house by will, but is that possible? As a result, he naturally became an existence that no one could tell clearly, and there was no final conclusion about whether he succeeded or failed.

"In addition to our cognition being changed, we are still us. What's the difference?"

"Nine Heavens Profound Girl, don't force me to go back to the origin of the Great Og, I will find a way to find other souls of the original spirit, the body will be broken, the soul will also decay, only the will is eternal, the reason why the creatures are creatures, It’s because there is a spirit before you are born, and the spirit is the root. You seize the spirit by seizing the spirit, so there is so much nonsense!"

After the Nine Heavens Profound Girl appeared, Mirage Dragon also basically figured out the true purpose of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl. She has always wanted to get away from this place by means of seizing the soul, but it is a pity that most people have difficulty waking up in her dreams, Xia Yi was awake three times in a row to make the dream appear unstable, so that her spirit was awakened from the endless sleep.

At this time, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl also noticed the sleeping **** the ice jade chair. That was her. She was still young, but she was already rotten from the inside out.


Seeing her sound asleep from the perspective of another person, this feeling is very fresh, and it also gives Jiu Tian Xuan Nu the reality that she is alive again. She does not want to disappear, she is afraid that she will become ignorant, and she is afraid that she will return to nothingness. , Perhaps in a sense she is extremely afraid of death.

"How many years have I slept here, how many years have I died, but someone came to memorialize me? But someone remembers me? My name, everything about me disappears with the waking of my dream, but I can only be like a parasite It exists in the dream of the evil god, is everything I have done for the human race so trivial?"

"I now truly regret why I chose to sacrifice myself to complete the race."

"Look at my face, look at my almost flawless body, even the emperor had pursued me when I was young. I should have become a concubine, but I am always rotten here."

"Am I willing?"

Looking at her sleeping body, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl felt a burst of unspeakable anger. When she saw the evil **** messing up the world, the people were crying in pain in nightmares, and people were killed inexplicably in their dreams. She only wanted to do it in her heart. To get rid of this scourge, she refused all the retention of her relatives, just for the justice that she insisted on in her heart.

But how much justice will remain in the countless time? That kind of justice has long been rotten in the body along with the soul swallowed by the evil god!

"This is your own choice. I think in ancient times, people would definitely treat you as the savior of the world. Why do you, as a human hero, do this?"

"But she is dead. I am just a real obsession in her heart. I want to really live for myself once, instead of dreaming a million years in my best years!"

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl wanted to convince the mirage dragon, but how could the mirage dragon care about this? The mirage dragon simply wanted to rescue Xia Yi, although Xia Yi beat and scolded her all day, the domestic violence never stopped. , But she just didn't want to give up Xia Yi like that, it didn't matter what was sad or unwilling, she didn't care.

"What's the matter with me and Brother Xia, I sympathize with your experience. Our trip only wants to destroy the evil god, and it can be regarded as an end to your endless dream. Instead, you hinder us."

"When I wake up from my dream, I will die. Your behavior is equivalent to killing me. Why can't I hinder you!"

"But you are already dead! You are dead!"

The mirage emphasized this point. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl was dead, both in body and soul, and eternally dissipated, but this obsession jumped out to make trouble.

"I'm not dead, I remember everything, I am, I still exist!"

"It seems that the obsession of losing your soul has lost your humanity. Now you are completely a monster turned into obsession. You are evil, don't you understand! You are not even the Nine Heavens Profound Girl anymore!"

It is precisely because of the soul that people can experience happiness, anger, sorrow, and happiness, and obsessions are nothing more than things that never let go, good or bad, but not a complete spirit at all.

The mirage said a lot, but the words were useless at all. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl's obsession combined with the evil thoughts of the evil **** had become something like evil and not evil, and she was evil.

"It doesn't matter what you say, it doesn't matter if you trap me like this, at least I live in reality, I can think, and I can feel, that's enough, unless you are willing to kill your own body and soul! "

"I want to live, in this reality forever! My will will be forever, and I will always be there until I hate to live!"

Nine Heavens Profound Girl’s words are full of obsessions. She doesn’t care if she can be free. For her, the lowest condition is that she can still think. Facing this kind of person, Mirage Dragon is also extremely tricky, and she simply takes her. There is no way.

In the dream of being alone, through countless falsehoods, I am eager for the truth every moment, even if it is only a moment.

Mirage tried his best to think about ways to save Xia Yi, even if she could still live as Xia Yi, but what about Xia Yi? Xia Yi really wants to replace the Nine Heavens Profound Girl and continue to have that endless dream?

Do not!

Of course there is a way, Xia Yi specifically instructed himself to use evil eyes.

"Nine Sky Profound Girl, this is what you forced me, even if I fall asleep, I believe that Brother Xia can wake me up again."

"Master and servant blood curse!"

The mirage bit his finger and drew lines in the void, and then took the initiative to expel the Nine Heavens Profound Girl from the world in the body. When the Nine Heavens Profound Girl came to the outside world, she wanted to escape, but was bound by the chain of blood. .

"I am Brother Xia's contract divine beast, he is the master, and I cannot violate it. Since you have invaded my divine soul, the blood curse will also work!"

"Now, I will completely wipe out your cognition!"

Xia Yi's right eye showed the bleeding moon magic pupil, which contained the power to obliterate memory and cognition. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl was restrained in place and stared at the mirage dragon. This irresistible feeling made Nine Heavens Profound Girl extremely sad.

Is it going to disappear again, is it going to die again? She doesn't want to lose her thinking, she is afraid of going back to nothing!

"If you destroy me, he won't be able to get out..."

"But you are going to die!"

"But you don't want to live either!"

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl who invaded the soul of the mirage actually wanted to destroy herself with only her will, and wanted to make the mirage completely fly into ashes. Seeing this, the mirage could only stop, because she knew that if her body and soul were destroyed , She will also become a non-existent obsession like the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

"Let me go, you can't change anything, but I can. I can still use Brahma One Dream to find other souls of the original spirit. I can let it think that it is me, and we can take a step back."

Seeing the mirage dragon hesitated, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl felt that she had a chance. She didn't care about occupying someone's body, as long as she could give her a carrier of will, it didn't matter who's body was.

The mirage nodded weakly. There was nothing she could do. She turned around and looked outside the cave. She seemed to be thinking about how to find other souls, but immediately noticed a problem.

Outside the cave, a corpse stood, never collapsed behind him. This may be a reminder Xia Yi left her. Why did she notice it now?

Did the dream really wake up?

The mirage dragon suddenly turned his head, and the evil eyes stared at the nine-day profound girl who had her own face.

"No, I don't believe you, you are already considered evil, even if I fight my body and soul today, I will never let go of your evil!"

"Kill me!"


Nine Heavens Profound Girl could not resist all this, her eyes were very vicious, and she was still trying to destroy the spirit of the mirage dragon until the end. The mirage dragon watched her body turn into a dim light and dissipated, and she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the body of Jiutianxuan female sitting on the ice jade seat opened her eyes.

"Good job, Mirage."


The Nine Heavens Profound Girl who opened her eyes is Xia Yi, and the Mirage Dragon is a little surprised. It seems that Xia Yi deliberately let the dream shattered, turned into a new dream and deceived herself, and then left a reminder to let herself notice this. Jiutian Xuannv thought she was dead.

In this way, it is easy to handle, the Heretic God is easy to deal with, it is enough to solve the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, she has been completely occupied by obsessions, and her will is only obsessive.

"Brother Xia, what should I do next?"

"What else can I do? Go to the real reality to destroy the Great Emperor's formation to liberate the evil god."

"Can this be the only way?"

"There is no way, this Nine Heavens Profound Girl may be even more evil than the Heretic God in a sense, so let's resolve this matter sooner."

Xia Yi is really a little scared of the Profound Girl of the Nine Heavens now, and her obsession with life is a bit scary. Maybe she can do anything to survive.

But when Xia Yi was planning this, there was a glimmer of light suddenly gathering in the void, which was where the Nine Heavens Profound Girl had dispersed before.

"She was... hesitant, but how decisive..."

"I'm just guessing whether I really wake up..."

"You really have you, junior!"

The glimmer regrouped into the appearance of a mirage dragon. Xia Yi, with the face of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, was very surprised. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl was not deceived. She laughed, seeming to be very satisfied with her judgment, and intoxicated by knowing herself. Feeling alive.

She was even thankful that everything before was a dream.

But now, the dream should wake up!

"Not good... Mirage, immediately go to the real reality to imprison her!"

The real Xia Yi seemed to have lost his calmness and wanted to let the mirage dragon leave the dream, but the Nine Heavens Profound Girl was much faster.

"It's useless, even if I repeat the previous behavior, what about imprisoning me? It's enough to come to reality."

Her posture became nothingness again, she smiled very happily, and finally, finally came to the real reality. In this interweaving of the false and the real, any carelessness may perish, unless you always believe it. Immortal.

"The reality I have longed for for a long time..."

"The truth I long for..."

"I can finally see you again alive..."

The figure of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl disappeared like this, leaving behind a speech with endless expectations, and the mirage dragon was stunned in place, but it had not been out of the dream state, which made the mirage dragon anxious.

"Brother Xia, you should let me out soon. If it's late, Brother Xia, you..."

Before the mirage had finished speaking, Xia Yi suddenly sighed, a karma fire flashed past his left eye, and the intact passage at the entrance of the cave changed to a collapsed appearance.

"This Nine Heavens Profound Girl is really difficult. Fortunately, my will has a second carrier, which makes her think that reality is a dream. After all, I can't wake up through her body."

The karma flames that were burning in the eyes of the Jiutian Xuannv alternated, and the mirage dragon walked over and touched the body of the Jiutian Xuannv. It was very cold and cold, completely dead.

"Brother Xia?"

"I'm here. This is reality, not a dream. It's not right. To be precise, there was an illusion interspersed in the middle. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl came to reality from a dream, and then wakes up in the illusion, wakes up and sleeps again. The reality she thinks is the real illusion. "

"What's the meaning?"

"Look at your feet."

Xia Yi still had a sense of uncertainty at this moment. He only hoped to succeed. This was his last resort. The mirage looked down, isn't that his body? Intact, has fallen into a deep sleep, because there is no consciousness leading.

"Where did the Nine Heavens Profound Girl wake up?"

"Wake up? Only we wake up at this moment. She is dreaming in my soul. Her end requires us to sleep."

"Brother Xia, what do you mean!"

Mirage Dragon didn't understand at all, Xia Yi just pointed at Mirage Dragon's right eye.

"It is impossible for you to control the evil eye, on the contrary, you will be controlled by the evil eye. When you use the evil eye on the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, you have been controlled by the evil eye. Liberated under control, but now the Nine Heavens Profound Girl has taken the initiative to enter the evil eyes."

"Then why should we fall asleep?"

"Because we want to dream and use our own will to wake up and return to normal. At the same time, it is also for the evil eye to have no will to suppress."

Xia Yi walked to the edge of the mirage dragon's body, hugged the mirage dragon in his arms, then returned to the ice jade chair to sit down, and stretched out his hand to the mirage dragon with his own face.

"A Mirage, only you can do the next thing, look for the memory fragments deep in my soul, let us dream again."

"Uh... so what on earth are you looking for?"

"Some things I can't remember clearly, those fragments should be owned by you and I. Mine is called Di Xia."

"Dixia? Dixia... I'll look for it."

The mirage closed his eyes and let his consciousness completely enter Xia Yi's memory. Recalling is sometimes a painful thing, because many things cannot be recalled, especially things that do not exist, saying that it is a delusion. It's okay, but if both of them have the same delusion, even if that delusion is still a delusion in the eyes of others.

But in the eyes of these two people, it is truth.

Xia Yi stared at the mirage dragon with her own face, and suddenly realized that she was crying with her body. Seeing herself crying so close, this feeling is really strange. In fact, although those memories are only ashes, they are also There was ashes left, and the parts of the ashes that would not fade still existed deep in Xia Yi's soul.

Xia Yi waited quietly until the mirage opened his eyes.

"Brother Xia, those memories are in the end..."

"It's been a long time ago, don't think about it, I'm your Brother Xia, you are a trash mirage."

Xia Yi expressed his attitude in one sentence, and the mirage gritted his teeth, and decided that he didn't want to think about it first, and that it was more important to do business.

"Brother Xia, in the mysterious memory, my name is Xia Yi, and the pronunciation of your name is almost the same. You must explain it clearly to me afterwards!"

"I can explain it now, otherwise, why am I called Di Xia in that mysterious memory?"

"Brother Xia, you are so bad. If you have kept this from me for so long, I will say why I can't help it all the time!"

"Isn't that your slutty nature? It's my ass."

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