Xia Yi had an indifferent attitude anyway. The mirage dragon took the hand of Jiutian Profound Girl, then took a deep breath and put a finger on his forehead.

"Perhaps, as a mirage clan, I have to admit one thing again. There is still an illusion that does not exist in the world, which can be compared to Brahma and a dream."

"At this time, the dream is back!"

There are thousands of big dreams, nothingness but rooted in reality, body and soul are shaken out of things, but the will is still there.

Xia Yi and the mirage dragon were still their original bodies in their dreams. They were in a dark world. When they looked up, there was a huge blood moon in the sky, which was slowly moving through layers of dark clouds. .

The earth was trembling, and it seemed that something huge was trampling on the earth.

"Brother Xia, who is dreaming now?"

"Innate Master..."

"Cause the ancestor."


Xia Yi stared at the **** crescent moon in the sky. It was exactly the same as the painting recorded in the civilized ruins found in the Tianling Western Wilderness. It is the innate ruler named the ancestor of disaster, and its eyes are blood. Moon, he can swallow the light and bring endless fear and torment to the acquired life.

"Brother Xia, can only part of the body contain the spirit?"

"That's an existence I can't imagine. Of course it can. My Human Race Great Emperor can also drop blood to create humans, not to mention the innate ruler."

In this dream, the huge body of the ancestor of evil wreaked havoc on the earth. No one knew what it was going to do, but there was a person who rushed straight up against the ancestor of evil’s blood-moon pupil, a nine-day mysterious girl. There were thousands of gleams around her, brighter than the bright moon, and she hung up for nine days like the goddess of the moon.

"Brother Xia? What is she doing? Does she know this is a dream?"

"I don't know her current state. She should be dreaming again. Her will is asleep, and she is dominated by the soul, so it is very obvious what she wants to do."

"What is she doing?"

"Perhaps I want to fight against the ancestors."

As the person imprisoned by the Great Og, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl was in the same period as the Great Emperor Feng, so she must know the ancestor of the blight, she knew that it was the enemy of the human race, so she went head-on, and her sleeping soul was still deep inside. She was still the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, and Xia Yi saw her fighting spirit.

"Doesn't she know that the innate ruler is impossible for her to defeat?"

"I know for sure, but she went anyway. This is the human race. The will to separate from the soul is just a selfish obsession. She has lost too much of what she should have. It may be like experiencing a completely different life after amnesia, even in the first half of her life. Killing is monstrous, but for the rest of his life he is compassionate, but it is a fact that he has killed people."

Xia Yi roughly understood the difference between the real Nine Heavens Profound Girl and that obsession. Just like Xia Yi, the previous generations were equal to the obsession, but the real him was only in the current world, all from a body and a soul. The wills born in it may be the same or different, but I have to say that they are all Xia Yi.

Although the will is immortal, it is only a part of "self". How can it be regarded as the most important thing of oneself?

Xia Yi stared at the Nine Heavens Profound Girl who was blooming in the sky, thinking about it for the first time. He had thought about it on earth, even when facing the memory of Yu'er waking up in Linger, Xia Yi also thought about it. .

Will Ling'er's awakening be the same to Yu'er as she is now, probably like her upper body in the previous life?

"Because it is not the will, the cognition and the will are the spirit, just like the dense leaves, the soul is the root, and the leaves can't lose their roots. Otherwise, they just fall with the wind, and nothing can be changed. No matter what the wind can do, nothing can be changed."

Mirage Dragon expressed her own opinion. As the soul of the Primordial God, they are all different species among the dragon clan. She has also thought about how she is a kind of existence. Everything that everything becomes a spirit is initially one thing. .

What I am, because of this initial thinking, both cognition and will can be called "self".

"Since the will is born in the soul and the body, can the truly powerful will give birth to the soul and the body?"

"This is equivalent to a fallen leaf rooting out of thin air, and the root system grows back into a big tree. This reverses the nature of living things. It is absolutely impossible. What you said, Brother Xia, is completely out of nothing."

"We have come from nothingness, and one day we will return to nothingness. Everything will uphold this principle. I will also have one day, a hundred years, a thousand years, and hundreds of millions of years. How long can I exist? Unless I am no longer a spirit. Transforming the Nether, the ego, the id, and the true self, these three selves may be cultivation."

"The soul of the self, the soul of the self, the true self is immortal. There seems to be such a sentence in my memory. I always think that the pure body is the self. What am I."

Xia Yi didn’t understand the Soul Dao. This was the first time that he seriously thought about the Soul Dao. But in fact, the soul still had a day of decay. Rebirth with a strand of will.

That piece of his obsession was unwilling, and that piece was like a mantra. It was the only thought that never faded in Xia Yi's heart at the time.

Whoever says I am defeated, that is the way that connects all generations, the common way of all generations.

"Theoretically speaking, it is to transcend all forms, completely invisible but ubiquitous, but that is only an imaginary realm, still above the sky, but I am wondering whether it is even a living thing. Isn’t it? What’s that? Is the avenue? Or is it the reason that constitutes everything?"

The mirage also began to answer Xia Yi's question seriously, but he also raised a rhetorical question. Xia Yi shook his head. He couldn't possibly know.

"From the moment I was born as a creature, I will never be able to touch it, probably."


The two stopped thinking about this issue, but quietly looked at the bright moon in the sky trying to illuminate the heavens and the earth. That was the real Nine Heavens Profound Girl, the heroic soul of the human race in ancient times. In fact, Xia Yi was also very pitiful for Nine Heavens. Mysterious girl, her obsession is like a demon, gradually growing in this great dream, until she perishes, but this obsession remains.

And the Heretic God did not completely swallow the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, it was more like a fusion of the two, but the consciousness of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl was dominant, so the Nine Heavens Profound Girl's will re-entered a dream and returned to her soul.

Xia Yi gradually became aware of the essence of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl. She was indeed the product of the combination of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl’s obsession and the evil thoughts of the Heretic God. She was a very sad existence. She was just a demon, unable to wake up or admit that she was dead. Demon.

Soon, the bright moon and the blood moon in the sky decided the winner. This was a battle in a dream. It all depends on whose will is stronger, but the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is obviously not the opponent of the innate ruler. The bright moon is obscured and swallowed by the blood moon. , Heaven and Earth plunged into darkness once again, Xia Yi would not rescue him, because that was just a demon who thought he was the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

At least in this last dream, let her think that she is the heroic soul of the human race and disappear.

But soon, that round of Blood Moon Demon Eyes actually looked at Xia Yi, and the faint light of blood penetrated the clouds to disperse the darkness, but it was stained with a layer of scarlet more terrifying than the darkness, like hell.

But Xia Yi suddenly smiled.

"You just think you are the ancestor of curse."

The evil eye was destroyed with Xia Yi, and was reshaped by the fire of karma. It was born from Xia Yi's karma, so even if it still has the will, it is definitely not a curse to the ancestor.


Perhaps every second of self is dying, or every second of self is being reborn. The death of the last thought will produce the next thought, and the next thought does not realize that it has just passed away and then immediately disappears. Usher in another thought.

The **** moon outside the cloud had been facing Xia Yi all the time, and Xia Yi was also facing it. This silent gaze lasted for a long time, until the **** moon dissipated and the black world began to collapse.

"Brother Xia, are you waking up from the dream?"

"It's almost time to wake up."

The disappearance of the blood moon surprised Xia Yi to be honest. After all, he didn’t know what the ancestor of evil would do, but the ancestor of evil did nothing, and even Yu Xia Yi guessed that he couldn’t understand himself at all. Whoever came from, just had pure hostility towards the human race.

And if Fuzu's Cannian's spiritual intelligence is high enough, he will definitely think about why he hates Human Race.

"When you wake up, will you face a big ill..."

Even though the mirage was in a dream, he was quite nervous, because he was about to face his real last opponent, but Xia Yi stared at the dark dream sky.

"Perhaps it is not Da Og, but it may also be the ancestor of evil. Can Da Og's original consciousness defeat the ancestor of evil?"

"Huh? Fight against the will of the innate rule?"

"Channian, it's not like the emperor's Cannian... Forget it, it's nothing."

The darkness collapsed, the world became fragmented, and it converged into a black hole to swallow everything that existed in the dream. Xia Yi and the mirage only felt that their bodies were not called upon by a certain sense of weightlessness, and their minds fluttered like fallen leaves. It seems like a disconnection, but does this mean that you are truly awake this time?

It’s just that as everything in front of them became clear again, the expressions of Xia Yi and the Mirage Dragon were not very good-looking, because the Nine Heavens Profound Girl in front of them opened their eyes, using something unspeakable, with a strong sense of oppression. Look at them.

"I... must... see... reality..."


Nine Heavens Profound Girl's lips opened lightly, her eyes stared at the mirage without blinking, and the mirage felt the fear of nowhere. She was originally a fearless character, but now she is afraid, she is hiding in Xia Yi Behind her, she didn't dare to look directly into the eyes of Jiutian Profound Girl.

What kind of eyes are that? One eye was pitch black, but the other eye was a blood moon magic pupil. Xia Yi touched his right eye socket, then suddenly lowered his head and laughed several times. The laughter was not easy, it was akin to convincing and confessing. wry smile.

"You actually won the Great Og and the Ancestor? You actually won an Evil God and Innate Lord? Haha...hahahaha, are you kidding me, am I dreaming?"

"Essence Cthulhu, Nine Heavens Profound Girl!"

Xia Yi laughed a little exaggeratedly, because Xia Yi had seen through the essence of this nine-day mysterious girl before. She is a demon, a real demon, because a certain obsession is a mad demon that does not want to dissipate. It is more stubborn than evil and more stubborn than evil gods. It's more difficult.

"Let me go to reality...I must go...must!"

What the Nine Heavens Profound Girl said clearly told Xia Yi that they were indeed still in dreams, but this Nine Heavens Profound Girl didn’t know why she swallowed the remnant thoughts of the ancestor, and she was not afraid of being horrified even in a semi-conscious state. Take back its roots.

All these signs indicate that she can use the power of the Great Og in a sober state, so she has no problem at this moment saying that she is a newly born Cthulhu. In this dream, she has the inheritance of the Soul Dao as the Nine Heavens Profound Girl. Og's original power, as well as the right eye of the ancestor of misfortune, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is almost invincible.

Xia Yi knows how difficult it is to leave. He can do it, but what about the mirage? Xia Yi didn't want to face a strange mirage after returning to reality, even if it is useless, wasteful and lazy...

But she was also raised by herself!

"You can go to reality now, because you have replaced Da Og..."

"Give her to me... to me!!"

However, this Nine Heavens Profound Girl is like a bad brain, she can't understand Xia Yi's words at all. She has such a strong will, even if she can't defeat the big ugly, then she won't be able to dissipate when she wakes up, why do she have to be persistent? Yu Weilong?

Xia Yi watched the Nine Heavens Profound Girl slowly stand up, and it gradually became clear in her heart. Perhaps the last Nine Heavens Profound Girl had dissipated, but a new one was born from her soul, and she thought she had never dissipated the obsession. , The new will born from the origin of the Great Og, her thinking is still stuck in the spirit-snatching mirage dragon can go out.

She even lied to herself...

No, it is because she has dreamed that she can no longer wake up on her own. The soul of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is stained with filth. The unwillingness in her soul will use the origin of the Og to keep being born, this obsession, death and rebirth, and death. Give birth again, just to wake up!


This thorny feeling, this incomprehensible will reminded Xia Yi of a person, himself.

"Should I say that it is worthy of being the heroic soul of my human race..."

Xia Yi gritted his teeth. In this dream space, even if he had the power to open the sky, it was difficult for him to deal with the Nine Sky Profound Girl, but there was no way, he couldn't abandon the mirage to wake up alone, and then there would be a tormental battle of will.

People dream deep, and they don’t even realize good and evil, and even lose all normal concepts. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl in front of them is so sad. It is the heart demon who is eager to wake up, but never regains, the Nine Heaven Profound Girl’s. Even if the soul wakes up a little bit, the heart demon will die instantly.

Therefore, the reality that the heart demon longs for is the eternal sleep of the soul of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl. It is the dream of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl. Even when it comes to reality, it is still just the product of a dream. As long as the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is still sleeping, it will not die. .

The real enemy in this trip is not Da Og, but this immortal heart demon, Da Og is not its opponent.

"A Mirage, can you find a way to close your knowledge?"


"Well, this is the only way to protect you from harm for the time being. In this dream, it is invincible. Now that we can distinguish between reality and illusion, we should close knowledge and suspended animation!"

In this situation, Xia Yi was still worried about the mirage dragon, to what extent the dream of endless reincarnation would torture people, and what the craziness would cause if he couldn't tell the truth. Xia Yi knew this very well.

If you dream too long, you never want to wake up again.

"But Brother Xia, what about you?"

"I don't need to worry about you. Just protect yourself. I don't want to see you stupidly asking who I am and who you are after I wake up."

Dissipating the will means losing all memories. Even though the body and soul will give birth to a new will, is that still the mirage dragon Xia Yi knows? Those who have experienced it are what made them now, and the thinking from birth to the present is the reason for their existence.

I think I am here!


Under Xia Yi’s gaze, the mirage slowly freezes in the space as if asleep, as if turned into a background. Because the mirage stopped thinking, she shut down her cognition completely, and what she had to say was like I fall asleep, and I will wake up at some point when I fall asleep. This is a dreamless deep sleep that can only be awakened from the outside world!

But the cognition of the mirage is still confined by dreams. Xia Yi must go to the outside world to wake up the mirage. Now he is thinking about how to wake up.

"Heart Sword, Despair..."

There was a blur in front of him, but it soon became clear again, Xia Yi gave a wry smile, thinking that it was not so simple, there is a saying that it is like a dream like a fantasy, here is no longer a pure dream, but an illusion.

The soul is asleep in a dream, and the cognition is still in the illusion. Even if it can break one level, it will not be a dream at the next level. Now he has no ability, he has nothing except knowing that he is Xia Yi.

"You are invincible in your dream, but so what?"

Xia Yi looked at the Nine Heavens Profound Girl in front of her. She seemed a little angry because of the mirage lost knowledge, so she set the target on Xia Yi.

"Then take your mind."

"The premise is that you can kill me away. The cognition has returned to its place. Either die or wake up, at least I won't wake up as you. You are so attached to her, that you want to be truly alive, it seems you I also know what you are."

It is a demon at this moment, and the human soul will essentially reject it. After all, there are many things like engraving in the depth of each person's soul, which cannot be changed many times when the will is born and died.

Just like Xia Yi, who is unrelenting, who would say that I am defeated.

But the souls of the Primordial Gods and the innate creatures are different. They themselves are just the carriers of thoughts. For example, the spirit clan Fire Wutong who was beheaded by Xia Yi, her spirit has passed away, but a new spirit was born, but the born spirits are different. , Because the acquired creatures have the soul before the soul, which is called the soul, and the original soul and the innate creature are the soul.

Mortals are so weak that they can't feel their souls, but they have themselves!

"I don't care what I am, I just want to, just want to take another look at the real world!"

"You are a product of a dream, you are not a reality."

"To shut up!"

The heart demon is angry. She possesses all the memories and experiences of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl. Who is she if she is not? Is there anything wrong with her waking up as the Nine Heavens Profound Girl? As the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, she was tortured by this endless dream, and finally had the chance to wake up. How could she let it go, if she was not the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, then what was she! !

"I can't make sense with you, but if you think you can take my spirit, then try it, but I have to tell you one thing, dead people don't dream!"

"Minghua... King Asura!"

Xia Yi said so, but in fact there was no change, but it was just that he did not change in his dream, but his body must have changed in reality, Minghua does not recognize qi and blood, and does not recognize soul power. , Only recognizes the will, so even in a dream, as long as the will persists, Xia Yi can be transformed into an asura.

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