Once the body burns out, the underworld will tear everything and come to welcome him back. This step can be said to be very dangerous. If one is not careful, he will lose the qualification to stay in this world, but Xia Yi did not hesitate. This demon is too difficult. Entangled, if he had known it long ago, he shouldn't have touched the Nine Heavens Profound Girl from the beginning, but directly punched the Nine Heavens Profound Girl from a distance, and beat the Nine Heavens Profound Girl's body to pieces and annihilated it.

Although this is disrespectful to seniors, if the real Nine Heavens Profound Girl knew all this, she would definitely approve.

In the dream, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl came to Xia Yi and slapped Xia Yi's head easily with her hand. Xia Yi's body was even grabbed and torn by her, and it fell apart within a short while, although it was a dream, but The pain was very real, Xia Yi didn't speak or do anything, and did nothing.

Dreams and hallucinations have been testing Xia Yi’s will. The time in the dreams is different from the elapse of the outside world. Maybe it’s just a moment for several months. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl asks Xia Yi to vent her hatred of being unable to wake up. Xia Yi is like A puppet, no matter how tortured by the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, there will be no reaction at all.

I don’t know how long it has been, maybe decades in the dream, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl finally changed her practice, she began to intercede, and begged Xia Yi to let her go out for a look, but Xia Yi just didn’t answer, and Xia Yi couldn’t let it go. This thing.

She is a demon, the real demon, the most terrifying demon, the demon of obsession. Once she leaves the soul of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, God knows what it will become in the end, perhaps it is not impossible to just become the second great ugly.

It was useless to intercede. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl continued to torture meaninglessly, bringing Xia Yi pain all the time, but Xia Yi didn't even frown. Xia Yi knew that the end of the demon was coming.

You'd better not let me go out. When I go out, you will know what a real demon is, and swallow all your unwillingness and obsessions. You can only be fierce in non-existent places like dreams, invincible in dreams, But dreaming is useless.

One day in the dream, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl continued to torment Xia Yi, and Xia Yi suddenly opened his eyes, showing a smile that couldn't tell whether it was cruel or indifferent.

"Your end has come, I saw your death."

After that, the world turned upside down in the dream space, everything was stained with a weird red, and time seemed to stop. It seemed that the body of the outside world was finally about to burn out, and the underworld came to pick him up, a force that ignored everything. As Xia Yi left her dream, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl screamed like she was crazy, trying to catch Xia Yi.

Or maybe...

I want to go out with Xia Yi just like that.

She didn't look at Xia Yi, just looked at the thing that led Xia Yi, shattering a certain brilliance of the dream, it seemed to be a projection of reality, just hurriedly overseeing it, there was only one thought left in her heart.

To wake up, she wants to wake up. Even if she was born in a false dream, even if she considered herself the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, she didn't think she had done any bad things. She just wanted to wake up. No matter what she did in the dream, she should be Can be forgiven, right?

"do not want……"

"Stay! Take me out, please, please... let me go, let me leave this **** endless dream!! Let me really live, even if it's just a moment, please take me along... "

Obviously she is a heart demon, but she is crying like a little girl. All the previous ferociousness has turned into guilt. She keeps apologizing. The desire for truth is the whole reason for her existence. She was born in the death of the true nine-day goddess. The last bit of disappointment before.

I really want to take a look at the blue sky and white clouds at the end, smell the fragrance of the grass and trees again, and bid farewell to the world she once loved so much. It is for this world that she resolutely closed her eyes and never wakes up ever since.

But she could only watch Xia Yi being pulled by her unstoppable force until she dissipated in this dream.


In a world without any breath of life, Xia Yi opened his eyes, but there was no real feeling of opening and closing his eyelids. His side was red, and time seemed to stop. The only difference was that there was still a color that was still disappearing in front of him. The only faint blue in this piece of heaven and earth.

Xia Yi remembered that it was the gleam of the soul crystal.

Without any hesitation at all, Xia Yi walked straight forward, and came to reality once again through the color that was about to disappear. The endless sense of weakness that came in gave Xia Yi the illusion that he was about to die. He was almost instinctive. Wanted to open the storage ring, but couldn't.

King Ashura is a kind of alienation that is more thorough than the meditation. It is no longer a present-world existence, and the storage ring needs the soul to communicate. The dry bones entangled in the fire of karma froze for a while, and suddenly noticed the primordial spirit on the side. Flower, he picked one of the soul power borrowed at will before opening the storage ring, and then immediately used all vital things to recover.

To become King Asura so thoroughly, the last time it was at the Battle of Mars, the return of King Asura to normal state almost exhausted all the spiritual objects in the storage ring, until the flesh and blood reunited like sand and soil, and it was born out of nothing. Xia Yi sighed after leaving the state of meditation.

"The realm is immortal."

After being able to use Dao Fa, Xia Yi immediately used his domain to create a steady stream of vitality. This time, all the items containing aura in the storage ring were consumed, not just the elixir, and the power of life was permeated in the cave. In the cave that has been abandoned for so many years, there are many branches of unknown plants breaking out of the rock wall.

Xia Yi stopped temporarily after his own state had recovered by 30%. At the same time, he was amazed. It was too resource intensive. The Holy Venerable realm really couldn't be injured. High realm monks were very common even if healed for ten years.

Next, let's rely on daily practice and time to heal yourself.

After he stabilized, Xia Yi realized that he was standing at the entrance of the cave. It seemed that his body was also swallowed by the underworld, and his movement was completely stretched by the underworld unconsciously, perhaps quite like a moment of eternity. Bar.

The body of Jiutian Xuannv still maintained the movements that he had previously controlled, but the expression with her eyes closed was very quiet, like a girl taking a nap. If her face was not flushed, Xia Yi would even suspect that she would wake up at any time.

But in the arms of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl was a waste mirage who was drooling and seemed to be sleeping very well. Xia Yi even heard a faint snoring. Xia Yi walked over slowly, grabbing the mirage's shoulders with both hands, and then exerted a force. Pull, he threw it on the rock wall, and the huge impact directly awakened the mirage from his deep sleep.



She just woke up and seemed to be unable to find Bei. Her confused eyes blinked a lot before she seemed to understand the current situation. She looked at the surrounding area vigilantly, and stared at Xia Yi again, as if she wanted to wait for Xia Yi to speak.

"This is reality, it's by no means false, I'm sure."

Xia Yi nodded to the mirage dragon, and the mirage dragon slowly climbed up from the ground, and then suddenly accelerated into Xia Yi's arms.

"Brother Xia!!"

"Don't post it, your saliva is spraying my face!"

Xia Yi's backhand is to slap the mirage back onto the rock wall. This kind of ruthlessness, this indifference, this familiar way of domestic violence all proves that the person in front of him is definitely his brother Xia, and he did not panic after experiencing the crisis of life and death. , And still domestic violence, this is something that only Xia Yi can do.

However, after Xia Yi hit the flying mirage, he walked up to the mirage and leaned down and hugged the mirage.

"But this time it's really dangerous, unexpected danger. I finally understand why the practitioners are so afraid of the soul, and come up with all kinds of ways and even the unity of the soul and the body, so that the soul will never leave the body to prevent the attack of the soul. , But if it is illusion, even the soul in the dream will no longer belong to me alone, which really makes me unspeakable."

"Brother Xia..."

Mirage Dragon obviously felt that Xia Yi was far more fearful than him. It was wrong, and it could not be said to be fear, but fear. It was hard to imagine that Xia, who was fearless and fearless, would still be fearful now.

"Maybe I never realized one thing. I was accustomed to having it from birth, and thought that I was still me until the last moment before the end, but now I found a fear no less than death, that is, although Live but become no longer oneself."

"Ming... it may be right..."

For the first time, Xia Yi felt that Ming is not entirely evil. When he thinks that his will can be eternal in the Ming, Xia Yi has a super sense of peace of mind. It seems that this time it is completely thanks to Ming, otherwise even his methods. No matter how much, it will eventually suffer this time.

"Brother Xia, don't be afraid, be good."

The mirage deliberately touched Xia Yi's head twice with a gentle tone, but the next second...



Xia Yi uttered two questions, and the arms holding the mirage suddenly strengthened. Perhaps it was because he was too moved. Xia Yi's embrace was full of open-hearted enthusiasm, and this enthusiasm caused the mirage to mourn for a while.

After the two calmed down, Xia Yi stood up again and patted the dust on his body. The mirage dragon also returned to Xia Yi's inner world. This matter seemed to come to an end, but there was no change from when he first came here.

Because the inner demon is still dreaming, the source of the great oath still exists.

Xia Yi hurriedly came to the face of Jiutian Profound Girl, clenched his fist to infuse powerful strength, and then punched the sleeping girl. Seeing that his fist was about to hit Jiutian Profound Girl's head, Xia Yi's hand stopped at the end. .

"Brother Xia, why don't you start? Are you afraid of being dragged into a dream? Let's just use a spell."

The mirage thought Xia Yi stopped because he was afraid of being dragged into a dream, but Xia Yi struggled a bit.

"No, I'm just wondering if this is too unfair to her. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl has done something to miss, let alone what the happy demon did to us, she is a pioneer in the human race, sacrificing herself in exchange for it. The world is peaceful, and I treat her like the only thing left in this world, am I too much."

How many people still have nightmares now. Those who are lucky to be just a dream after waking up may never think that in ancient times, even if they have nightmares, they will die, die in the dream, lose themselves, and suffer in the dream. Torture, die in falsehood.

But the Nine Heavens Profound Girl slept here forever carrying the nightmare of the whole human race, until now no one even remembers it, and the dream is always just a dream and it has become a kind of peace of mind, awakening in fright, and then sighing that it is just a nightmare.

Yeah, it's really just a nightmare.

"Then Brother Xia, what do you want?"

"I want to help her wake up, even if she can only look at the truth."


Mirage Dragon’s answer to Xia Yi is not surprising. Xia Yi is a person who doesn’t forget his roots. He knows what some things must be done by someone, and even knows that even if they do, they may not be understood by others, but he Understand everyone who does this.

Things are gathered by kind and people are divided by groups. Xia Yi is fundamentally one of those people in ancient times who might choose to sacrifice himself to seal the evil **** without hesitation. There are not many such fools who do not love themselves. Xia Yi is For the sake of others, carry on with the pain.

Being exploited, ridiculed, and treated as a weakness, but Xia Yi still came over. Under the overall view of the human race, which is like self-destruction, I am full of food and what other people do to me. There is nothing wrong with this idea.

Xia Yi only hoped that the people around him and the world would be full, because if everyone was full, no one would care about his two grains of rice, but the cruel reality was that I was full, in order to pay back. If you can eat enough, you have to plunder other people's rice.

This is indeed the survival of the natural selection of the fittest, but for what purpose was the natural intelligence of the human race born, in order to be better, more convenient and faster to plunder other people's food?

"But Brother Xia, we can't save her because she is already dead. How can a dead person be awakened."

The mirage told an extremely cruel fact that the soul of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl had already died out and became a part of the Great Og, but why couldn't it be regarded as a part of it remaining?

"Let me take the risk and dream again. The heart demon is also born from the soul of the nine-day goddess. She is not the nine-day goddess, but again, if you can satisfy her obsession, the heart demon will disappear naturally, so you don't want to dream. Just in case I can leave."

"Do you want to die like this? I think it's better to forget it, after all... the woman is too crazy."

The mirage dragon cannot understand Xia Yi’s behavior, and Xia Yi does not expect the mirage dragon to understand. This is a kind of emotion that the human race has. In the end, it is gentle and treats others. This may be his own last, or it may be the last of others. .

"It's crazy, but it's anyone... even me, it's crazy."

"So, if it's me, I hope to be redeemed in the end, and so does her."

After that, Xia Yi looked around and quickly found the core of the formation. The formation of the Great Sealed Demon was indeed infinite, but most of them lacked protection. It was very easy for the human race to destroy from the inside, because the Great Sealed Demon might not have it at all. Thinking that someone would destroy the seal of the original evil god.

"Phantom dragon, all these spirit powers belong to you. The evil spirit of the evil **** is very weak without its origin. You can swallow it in one bite soon. You are not at all polite."


The mirage's tongue licked a circle of his lips. Although it was just an evil thought, it was the evil thought of the evil **** after all. I don't know whether it can be supplemented by eating it. Xia Yi raised his right arm again, and the power of the gods was born from flesh and blood. Gathering on Xia Yi's arm, Xia Yi punched the ground with all his strength, and the fist marks immediately spread to the surroundings like cobweb-like cracks, and the entire cave showed signs of collapse.

"I'll go one step ahead."

Xia Yi held up the body of the Nine Sky Profound Girl with aura, and then went directly to the rock wall above his head to make a hole to leave the ground. The mirage dragon waited in place to absorb the spirit power of the crystal cave, and the mirage dragon also felt a burst of energy. Nian Nian began to compete with her for soul power.

"Snatching food with me?"

"Dare to grab food with me!!"

"I'll take you for dinner first!"

Xia Yi is not nearby. The mirage dragon reveals his body, a translucent dragon shining with colorful phantom light, dragon horns, dragon claws, dragon tails, dragon scales, etc. are all available, which can already make people look at it. Recognized as a pure-blood dragon, no longer a mirage dragon in its infancy, her body is definitely one of the most beautiful things in this world.

The mirage dragon that revealed its body opened its blood basin and took a big mouth. Everything that existed in an invisible way was swallowed by the mirage dragon. The poor evil spirit had no source of evil thoughts, and it was not a powerful enemy at all, and could not resist the mirage dragon. Absorb the power and turn it into a Chinese meal in the belly of the mirage dragon.

It’s just that before the evil spirit of the evil spirit disappeared, the evil spirit remembered a long, long time ago. It once looked for the next human realm to cause chaos in the starry sky, but encountered such a strange thing, and that strange thing saw him. From now on, don't even bite it and run away, just swallow a small part of his origin.

Since then, Cthulhu Da Og has been a little jealous of that thing. It doesn't know what that thing is among the acquired creatures. It seems to be a dragon in appearance.

But now, it is very unlucky to encounter this thing again.

On the other side, Xia Yi has broken through the thick rock and soil and made a hole in the ground. The body of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is behind Xia Yi. Now the true heretic **** is the heart demon of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, which has replaced it. It's a big Og.

After arriving on the surface, Xia Yi did not stop. He rushed straight to the sky and flew into the distance. Fortunately, the latest season is spring. Xia Yi hasn't paid attention to the four seasons for a long time. After a long time, he began to rejoice that everything is blooming. In the season, the blue sky and white clouds, the sun is shining brightly.

Finding a mountain with a very good view, Xia Yi stayed here, slowly lowering the body of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, she sat on the cliff, under the cliff is the vast and magnificent mountains and rivers, there are also flocks of birds singing and flying in mid-air. .

"You have done so much for the human race, if you don't even help you achieve your last wish, you are indeed in vain."

"Nothing is supposed to be taken for granted, I wish you a good dream, and hope that the nightmare will always be a nightmare in the future."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, he placed his hand on the shoulders of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, everything in front of him began to twist, until Xia Yi suddenly became sober in the confusion, he came to a broken world, the nine days Profound Girl’s The inner demon is destroying everything frantically, letting it be born and destroyed in a dream.

She was wailing, and she seemed to cry bitterly.

Realizing that someone was dreaming, she slowly turned her head, her hideous expression didn't look like a human being. She turned into a cloud of black mist that swept toward Xia Yi, and Xia Yi was also lamented when she saw this.

It was indeed correct that he chose to re-enter the dream, otherwise he couldn't bear it, this matter would become a hurdle in his heart, and he needed to make his will transparent.

Xia Yi was quickly swallowed by the black mist that covered everything, and the will and memories that did not belong to him poured into Xia Yi's mind. He seemed to be another person, but in this blend of wills, the heart demon of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl Also touched some of the things Xia Yi did before.

"If you are willing to open your eyes, it is reality."

"If you want to wake up, take advantage of it now."

"Everything you forget, everything you make up, their truth lies in your thoughts, live again with you as yourself, don't think you are anyone, you are the Nine Heavens Profound Girl."


In just a moment, perhaps only a ten-thousandth of a second, the black mist turned into a light spot.

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl staggered into Xia Yi's arms. The surrounding world was a projection of reality. It was the picture Xia Yi saw before entering her dream. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl looked around and looked at everything very greedily. She was about to forget the truth. What color is the world and what is it like.

But even if it is a real projection, it is still not real. She wants to wake up, really wake up.

"How do I wake up..."

"Just get yourself back."

"How do I get it back?"

"Remembering the original intention of why you exist here."

"I still have a heart?"

"I give you my heart."

After the words, there was a fire in Xia Yi's palm, the fire of karma.

"After touching it, your will will exist alone without all the shackles, but it will also burn your will. I don’t know how long it can last, maybe not for a moment, or maybe a few minutes. Can you think of everything and be there? Wake up before that, it's all up to you."

"This is the last, and the only opportunity for you to take another look at the truth as yourself. The throbbing in your soul will not be half false. You have to use your own body, your own soul, and your own will. After all this, you still have to continue to dream in the way you think you are."

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