Xia Yi looked at the Nine Heavens Profound Girl. She didn't look at Xia Yi, but stared at the karma fire in Xia Yi's palm. She almost didn't hesitate to take the karma fire from Xia Yi's hand, but then she pressed her chest firmly.

The karma cremated her heart, and her heart that wouldn't be beating again at all suddenly moved after being cold for so many years.

There is nothing like waking up as a complete self. What is more fearful than death is forgetting to have been alive.

A kind of warmth, many memories, the sizzling state of mind is agitated with the re-beating heart, and the soul feeds all these feelings back to the will. The will has mixed feelings. The past joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys come to life, and can recall the fragrance of flowers. , Can recall the sweetness of Lingguo, can recall the warmth of other people's bodies.

I can even recall the state of mind why she stood here, and the reason why she didn't regret it.

The world in the dream changed once again, Xia Yi's figure disappeared, everything returned to the original appearance, and the Nine Heavens Profound Girl returned to her senses and found herself standing on the heights of a continuous palace.

She knows where it is, Jiutian Taoism, and people are seeking refuge, because recently too many people have died in unknown circumstances. The monks are okay and can stay awake, but mortals are afraid to fall asleep and force themselves to death.

She heard that all these were the actions of the evil gods, Da Og, this is a name that makes people afraid to fall asleep, the source of nightmares, even the Great Emperor Feng can hardly deal with it, unless someone is willing to do something that never wakes up. Nightmare, to imprison the town and seal the big Og.

And she, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, is stunning in the soul path. She created the ultimate Brahma Dream to protect the mortals. The Brahma Dream was not created to confuse anyone, but simply to protect the people in their sleep. .

"not enough……"

"There are too few people who can protect."

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl dreams on her own, she can’t protect many people at all. There are still people dying in her sleep every day. She knows that the big night is in the vastness, but there is no way to catch it, even if it can kill it once, and wait for it to be reborn in the future. How will future generations deal with this evil god?

The ordinary Emperor Na Da Og had no way at all, only the Great Seal of Demon had a way to deal with it, but for the person who could seal Da Og, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl knew that perhaps only she could do it.


What awaits her are endless dreams, even dreams that will continue after death. Unless the source of the great horror disappears completely, she will never wake up. End and eternity are both tortures. The former has an end and the latter is endless.

At the age of sixteen, she has not been deeply involved in the world, and her high talent has made others praise her as the future female emperor since she was a child. The original evil **** is the innate ruler of the future, so only the future emperor can die with her...

"Sure enough, I still... forget it, let's practice hard."

The endless dream is called eternal torture. It is impossible for anyone to agree to it. At least she is not that great. She wants to do something for the human race, but if she can really achieve the throne in the future, wouldn't she contribute more to the human race?

Moreover, it can also be remembered and sung by others, right, it is better than dreaming endless dreams in a seal, and now there is no one to force her, everyone is grateful to her, she must be a monk every day Sleep, because she wants to protect others' peace, but there are still people who die in their sleep every day.

No matter how hard she tries, how many people the dream can protect, there is ultimately a limit. She passes the Brahma Dream to others, but many people can no longer wake up in the practice. Not everyone can successfully cultivate Brahma Dream. .

Every once in a while, I heard that some people were willing to try, but they were all rejected by the Great Demon Sealing Emperor. People who were incapable went forward. On the contrary, those who were able were afraid of losing. Go, the fear of the big night makes people start to have nightmares involuntarily, and the Nine Heavens Profound Girl bears it with her.

The more so, the more fear, she is anxious, she is worried, she is afraid, and the more she is ashamed.

She can save countless people from fire and water, but she also wants to be the emperor most admired by people. She is still so young and the future is bright. Only the emperor can survive through the ages, and she does not want to be forgotten.

But the Great Og will not stop. It is still killing people in its sleep. It is the most difficult era for the Human Race. Some people say that it is the last year of the Dao Fa days. Once something happens to the Great Seal of Demons, the future of the Human Race will be bleak. It is misfortune that the ancestors destroy the world, the blackness swallows the warm sun, and the ghosts eat the way of heaven, trapping all creatures and all things to death.

Afterwards, there are sprites, endless little evils, and the ten evil gods with fierce names that continue to cause chaos. Why is there only one person in this world? He was so tired that he had hardly rested, hardly stopped. Perhaps the end had come and people became more selfish.

Since I can’t survive well, I’ll live better than anyone else while I’m still alive. I don’t care about it. I heard that the three evil gods of Great Desolation, Great Silence, and Great Destruction have been sealed, but they are all the people around the Great Seal of Demons. Everyone applauds, everyone praises, but who can empathize with them?

Everyone is looking forward to the appearance of the savior, except on the surface, who is willing to be the more obscure savior.

"In this world, who is willing to abandon everything and seal demons for the human race?"

Only Feng Mo Great and the people around him, this is really the last years of Dao Fa, there must be someone who has no relatives and no reason to Feng Mo Great Emperor, and someone must take this step, maybe he will appear soon.

Wait, wait...


The waiting is endless.

Every day, there are still people who travel far and wide, even from other realms to the vastness to gain protection. The Sealed Demon Great Emperor and the only other two emperors of the Human Race at this time hardly have any time to separate their minds to expel the Great Og.

Da Og is different from other evils. It is intangible and not even a soul road, but exists in a way that people don’t know. The more people seem to be afraid, the easier it is to have nightmares, and the easier it is to attract Da Og and let it be. The power keeps getting stronger.

During this period of time, the major sects are constantly making magic weapons for the patron saint soul, but the effect is very small. Even the way of the big nightmare is a mystery, and only a part of the people who can get the protection of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl’s Dream Realm are only a part of them every day. Some of them died near Jiutian Taoism.

Although they are only mortal people and low-level monks, because high-level monks could not sleep long ago, this is tantamount to ruining the future of the human race. Only by being able to get out of Da Og's mercy, most mortals will be destroyed by Da Og even if they make great efforts, as long as there is one carelessness before that.

The other Cthulhus can be controlled more or less, but Da Og has been at large, and destroying its incarnation many times is of no avail. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl looks at all this, and her heart is suffering every day.

She can dedicate her life, but she dare not. She hopes that the world is peaceful, but she does not want to sacrifice herself. She can only rely on limited means to protect some people every day. She does her best to cultivate to make herself stronger and make her dreams more sheltered. people.

But the fear is not alleviated by a good dream. In the dream, she bears the fear of the big night for those people. She is having cruel nightmares every day, until one day she is crushed by the nightmare, if it weren’t for the sect. Guarded by the door elder, she herself almost died in a dream.

On that day, the people under her protection all died in their sleep. Although many people did not blame her, after all, she was only a teenager and a child. It was very difficult to do all this, but since then She herself began to fear and dream, and no one came to Jiutian Taoism to seek refuge.

This is an invisible disaster. The monks have also begun to give up on mortals. There is no way, there is really no way. Emperor Feng Mo was saddened by all this. Another disciple of his took the initiative to dedicate himself, and that is also a talented person. Man, but Da Og was trapped for only three months before breaking out and continuing to mess in his sleep.

People finally no longer have hope. Although Buddhism can also drive away nightmares, how many people can protect it compared to the human race? Unscrupulously invaded other people’s dreams and killed others in their dreams. The emperor had no choice but to give up. Even if the danger of death at any time stimulated the potential of many people, many of them were still silent. Perish.

The people don’t have a living, and a large number of people cannot wake up once they fall asleep. It is a blessing to be able to see the sun every day when they wake up. If this goes on, the roots of the human race, those mortals who have not yet been able to cultivate in the future will be uprooted.

Da Og is still growing, and its power becomes stronger day by day. Under this kind of world, the only person who can seal Da Og, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, is extremely complicated.

Her greed of life and fear of death caused countless people to die. In her eyes, this was her mistake. She could do it without doing it. No one was afraid of death, and no one dared to face endless torture, even if others died. As long as you have nothing to do, everything will be fine.

Then why does she exist here, just living to keep herself alive?

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl began to think about the meaning of life. Her escape has made her unable to face her heart directly. The senior sect leaders more or less knew that she might be able to trap Da Og, but no one would let her do it.

After all, she may become the future female emperor, because mortals sacrifice the future emperor, which is a loss no matter how you think, and it is also a huge loss for the Jiutian Taoism who cultivated the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

Her master and parents will comfort her, saying that this is something that can't be helped, and there is no need to be too pressured.

Other people who admire her will comfort her, saying that you are only likely to succeed. Didn't the disciple of the Great Feng Demon also fail?

People who have been favored by her will say, don't be too guilty, you have done nothing wrong.

Of course, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl understands all this, but she can't help but think about what it means to be alive, but these thoughts are too hypocritical, thinking that in the end they are meaningless, there is no life, no death, just because of the understanding of others. And protection, she gradually began to resent such selfish herself.

Is everyone assigned a certain duty from birth, and her duty is to become the empress of one party? For this reason, everything can be ignored, so what exactly did she experience for her growth? At least she can definitely not do it for herself.

To be honest, she has been playful since she was a child, and even doesn’t like to practice. She simply does what she wants to do and goes where she wants to go, but Zongmen always uses various rules and regulations to let her practice. I hate my own talents, this kind of reaching a predetermined end under the arrangement of others, is this the meaning of living?

Obviously, she didn't even know which day she would die, but she ceased to be herself when she was alive. This kind of responsibilities almost accompanied her by birth made her feel an unspeakable sense of nothingness for the first time.

Sixteen or seventeen is the age of rebellion. The more you are not allowed to do something, the more you want to do it, the more comforted it is that it is impossible, and the more you have to make it possible.

The emperor can protect people, and her dreams can also protect people. What the emperor could not do, she might be able to do...

What she thinks, what she thinks, what she understands, regressing in front of the tide is a kind of wisdom, but torrential advancing is the meaning she thinks, the dead will not change in any way, according to the principles of heaven and earth, living beings are even I was born with a certain kind of responsibility, but I was able to break it and chose another path.

It’s like the human race’s arduous hardships from an unwieldy beast to the length of all souls, born with an aura, this is a talent that many races can’t envy. Many powerful creatures grow up over time. Strength, and the strength of the human race grows very little, but the spiritual wisdom can reach the point where other creatures are less than thousands of years old when they are almost a teenager.

The spirit that can think about what life is, perhaps this is why the human race can become the most representative race of the born after generation. Perhaps life and death have no meaning at all, but the spirit gives meaning to life and death, and there is a difference between life and death with a spirit.

This is the same in the eyes of others, the person who can empathize with one's own death is often another person.


Holding a beam of warm sun in the palm of her hand, the dappled sunlight adorns the shadow of the tree. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl did not practice today, she ran out and was lazy again, sitting under the tree staring at the glow in the palm of her hand meditating.

"Tree, do you have any opinion on life and death?"

"No, after all, you don't care about life or death, but I will feel uncomfortable for your withered, because you were planted by me, and I gave you the meaning of life and death."

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl raised her head and looked at the lush canopy. The deceased will never experience the grief of death. Even the dying is more of a fascination with life. Her own death is only meaningful to others, dear ones. Pain, the enemy is quick, whether it is mourning or spurning, it is completely nothing from the moment when one does not exist.

The person who can feel the meaning of death is the living.

And the person who can feel the meaning of life is the deceased, if the deceased can still think and think.

Would he think that the last moment has passed, the next moment does not exist, and this moment is eternal?

Thousands of thoughts progress layer by layer, and only those who are enlightened are aware of time. Without thinking, there is nothing. Thinking and thought are equal, and thought is born from the soul. Dream is the self whose thought is temporarily free from all tangible shackles.

Can dream of people who are dead, can dream of things that don’t exist.

"The weather is really good today."

Close her eyes, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl sat in the tree and rested in the afternoon, her thoughts drifted away, and she fell into a dream unknowingly. She drifted in the dream, and every thought came true from vain to reality, and the fatigue and pain were all in front of her. I get comforted in my sleep, and my shame and self-blame are also magnified in my sleep.

Together with fear, as well as more of what I want and least want are presented in my sleep.

To become an emperor in a dream, but also to be accused of being capable but not doing it in the dream. The self in the dream is the true self who is free from all constraints, and will no longer have any external moral rules to restrict thoughts.

Suddenly, everything began to change. There was a sea of ​​blood all around. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl found herself lying in the sea of ​​blood, with many hands grasping herself to pull herself into the sea of ​​blood, but she did not panic, she should have found it. She's gone.

If she thinks that being capable and not doing it is wrong, then she should be punished in the dream. That is her true thought, and has nothing to do with other people's judgments.


"Everyone, I'm sorry..."

Sinking into a sea of ​​blood and being eaten by ghosts, those pains may be what the person who died in the nightmare wants to vent. She thinks she is guilty, and that is what she deserves.

With her eyes open like this, watching herself being eaten to the dregs by the ugly evil spirits, she felt that this was a kind of salvation in her heart. They were all people she could have saved a long time ago. She really wanted to do something, no Hope to see anyone die in his sleep again.

Thinking that these real pains are actually happening in the world every day, the heart of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl burst into waves. She thought of those people who had their eyeballs protruding and died in horror after death. What you want, will you smile when you see your deceased relatives?

There are many things that can never be realized in reality, and even the qualification to dream is deprived, and even life is not allowed in a dream. The evil **** is terrible, and it must pay a price.

There were frequent waves until a big wave was set off. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl slowly opened her eyes. She defeated the Great Og in a dream by her own will, and awakened by her own will, which made her believe that it is no longer possible for her to seal the Great Og. , But definitely can.

Although there are many reluctances and it is hard to say, there are some things that must be done by someone. She wants to do and there are many things she didn't figure out, but time will not wait for her. Before she can cause more victims, As herself, as a creature and as a human being, what she should do is already very clear.

Slowly standing up from under the tree, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl looked at everything around her deeply, the brilliant spring light next time I will see you again, I don't know what year it will be, and maybe I will never see it again.

Taking out a jade slip for transmission, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl contacted a very distant realm, Tianling, and expressed a message to it.

"The vast Nine Heavens Taoism, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is willing to seal demons for the human race."

Without telling the sect, she expressed this meaning, and she felt extremely happy. Maybe she wanted to do it a long time ago, but she was restrained by many things that couldn't let go, and because she couldn't let go, she still chose to do it. This is the meaning of life.

Soon after, the Great Emperor Fengmo came to Jiutian Taoism to see her in person. The high-level Jiutian Taoism also knew what she meant. Almost all of them opposed it, but in front of the third Kaitian Emperor of the Human Race, their opposition was of no use.

The Great Emperor Feng Demon only cares about one thing, that is, whether I agree or disagree. It’s useless to force anyone. If I agree, it doesn’t matter who disagrees. The Great Emperor Demon has already abandoned too many low-level things because of him. His eyes are on the whole human race.

The great emperor Feng Mo came to the vastness in his busy schedule, and the high level of Jiutian Taoism finally could only let the Jiutian Profound Girl in the end come. Although everyone knew that Jiutian Profound Girl’s choice was very great, the selfishness of human nature gave them a lot. Reluctant.

Especially for those who watched the Nine Heavens Profound Girl grow up.

After spending a lot of time like this, Feng Demon Great chose a good place in Hao Han and carefully arranged the formation. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl said goodbye to her relatives and friends at the end. She thought it might be sad, but in fact she felt more plain. , Relatives also changed from the initial opposition to support.

After all, everyone knows that this is a good thing for the whole human race. Until everything is ready, the Great Feng Mo asked if Jiutian Profound Girl wanted more time, but Jiutian Profound Girl refused because she had a little more time. There will be countless people who will never feel the flow of time anymore.

Under the ground, in a cave, Nine Heavens Profound Girl was sitting on an ice jade chair, and Emperor Feng Mo was standing in front of her. Emperor Feng Mo was a seemingly ordinary person, just like the kind uncle that can be seen everywhere. He looked at Jiu Tian Xuan Nu's rather nervous look, and he felt a little bit sad.

Ashamed, the first time he saw the Profound Girl of the Nine Heavens, he believed that she was capable of shutting down the town, but her consciousness was more on a whim. It was a kind of willfulness during her youth, but now the human race is in a precarious situation. At this time, as a dignified emperor, there are times when he has no choice.

"Child, I hope you don't regret what you did today. I won't say anything is worth it or not. At least you stand up. I don't know when you will be free. I hope you will think that all of this is still worthwhile."

"In any case, may the glory of the human race be forever."

The Great Emperor Feng Mo clenched his right hand into a fist and placed it on his chest, smiling and offering a human gift to the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.


Jiu Tian Xuan Nu carefully watched Emperor Feng Demon’s salute to her, and felt a strong sense of recognition in her heart. Emperor Feng Demon could represent the human race on his behalf. Therefore, the personal ritual performed by Emperor Feng Mo himself was equivalent to thanking her on behalf of the entire human race. .

Human rites, this is from the most difficult time of the human race. Everyone who has abandoned the important things in his heart and protects the human race is worthy of the gift. Hold a fist in the heart, and dictate that the glory of the human race will be forever, which represents the human race. Glory has replaced the original heart.

This sentence is not something anyone can say, nor can anyone talk about it. Only those who have abandoned everything and have to stand in front of the race can do this great gift.

"Emperor, many people around me say that I have the talent to become an emperor. What do you think of the emperor?"

Before entering the dream, Jiutian Xuannv still wanted to talk to Emperor Feng Mo, she was still a little scared, this is inevitable, but I don’t know why, Emperor Feng Mo seemed to have a peculiar temperament, just looking at him can calm everything. Fear and anxiety.

"Of course you have. Your heart and your enlightenment are worthy of the position of God. If we hadn't been in a difficult situation now, I would definitely not let you sacrifice, but there is no way."

"Will we pass this catastrophe? Is it really the last year of the Dao Fa days?"

This is what Nine Heavens Profound Girl is most worried about. This is not the first time that Dao Fa Tian last year has appeared. After hearing this, Feng Mo Great Emperor was a little surprised. He looked into the distance and seemed to see the other end of time.

Relying on the strange reincarnation stone, he saw people in the long-term future, but beside him was darkness, the first fire was going out, the aura was exhausted, the emperor was no light, the long night was approaching, Emperor Wu opened the sky, and Dao Fa expanded. God, he seals the devil and protects the sky, how long can this Fa Tian last?

"This catastrophe, we will be able to survive, but the next catastrophe, even I did not know."

"What will be the next calamity?"

"The next calamity is the next calamity, and you will understand it only when you arrive."

The words of the Great Emperor Feng Mo could be heard in the mist in the cloud of Nine Heavens Profound Girl, but at least she understood a little bit, and the catastrophe can pass. If there are still people like her in the future generations, there may be a glimmer of hope.

"The Great Emperor, you haven't told me the previous question, is it the end of the Dao Fa Day?"

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl still pays more attention to this point. This is a very important piece of information, and only figures such as Feng Mo Great Emperor can accurately tell a fact.

"Yes, no, because I may not open the sky again, the sky and the earth are changing."

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