"Then from now on?"

"The sunset is dusk."

"What about after dusk?"

"The afterglow of no emperor."

The Emperor Feng Demon seemed reluctant to talk about this, especially when speaking of the last sentence of the afterglow of no emperor, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl could clearly hear the sadness in the tone of the Emperor Demon.

"Only Hui left?"

"Only Hui is left!"

The Great Emperor Fengmo nodded heavily, and the human race has been shining for a long time. From the most ancient human race to the present, it has been nearly a hundred million years, and the Daofa Heaven Summit has been several million years ago.

"I hope that there will be people like you, the human race is not light, burning their bodies to shine in the sky."

"Hmm... I hope there can be someone like you. I wish you a good dream, child."

The Great Emperor Feng Mo stretched out his hand and stroked the head of the Jiutian Profound Girl. How old was the Jiutian Profound Girl. In the eyes of the Great Emperor Feng Mo, she was simply a child of children, just like a babbling baby. Do children need to stand up?

The road in the future will only be more difficult. The people with great responsibility in the future will be more rugged than the roads experienced by the three Kaitian emperors. They are advancing bravely and sailing against the current.

And the person in the future, he wants to sail without water!

"I also wish the Human Race a good dream in the future, this news can only let you help inform the entire Human Race."

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl yawned after speaking. She was already sleepy. The Big Og would not let her go, because she had blocked the Big Og several times in her dreams before, and it was already a big deal for her to take the initiative to enter a dream. Kind of provocation.

Da Og doesn't seem to be afraid of any means, but this time it will definitely be sanctioned.

"May... Terran..."

Clenching a fist with his right hand on his heart, it means that a lot of dissatisfaction has become a passing moment.


Replace with something more important.


Then he fell into eternal sleep, and his hand on his chest slipped weakly.

The Great Emperor Feng Demon watched the Nine Sky Profound Girl fall asleep, and quickly noticed that the Great Og was coming, so he immediately activated the Heaven and Earth Soul Locking Array that he had arranged using the Yin Dragon Vein to cut off all intangible things from the outside world. What is trapped in the formation will be trapped in it forever.

Soon, after the passage of time in the cave, the soul crystal was born, the soul flower bloomed, and the eyes of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl slowly twitched in the time, as if it was about to wake up.

At the beginning, when I said to the emperor that the glory of the human race would be there forever, the state of mind once again came to my heart, completely integrating myself into a new meaning, using it as a reason to live, and my shoulders seemed to add a lot of weight in an instant. The weight is heavier than mountains and rivers because it benefits others.

It is no longer limited to my thinking, others are there and I am also, others think and I live, and the real self is reminiscent by others.

But as expected, I still want to open my eyes again and look at the choices I once thought I had no regrets.

Eyes opened

Sitting on the top of the mountain, the vast mountains and rivers are as beautiful as before. Even if it is the afterglow, it is really the world she once loved. The smell of vegetation, the smell of earth, once again feel the warmth of the sun, and the breeze blowing across her cheeks. The song of mountain birds is the song of life, and the whirling sound of leaves colliding with each other is endless.

The real world really does not dream of the essence, because it can change at any time, and everything that you don't pay attention to in the ordinary day will become the most wanted to keep in a certain day.

Reaching out to the sky, wanting to touch the sun, at this moment, the mind is fully integrated into this beloved world, the soul is sublimating, and he perceives the spirituality hidden in all things, and he also breaks all the shackles and rises to the purest.

I am the world.

The next moment, emergence.


Xia Yi looked at what was happening in front of him in disbelief. After the Nine Heavens Profound Girl stretched out her hand to the sky, a phantom flew out of her body. The phantom was not a divine soul, not a primordial spirit, or even unable to perceive it. It was not Xia Yi already. Any matter that knows is not tangible, not intangible, and completely illusory.

But it does exist, because Xia Yi can't be mistaken. It is a ray of sunshine, a breeze, and a taste or anything that exists between heaven and earth. It is nothing but nothing.

Until it dissipated to the other side of the sky, the body of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl also began to disintegrate into ashes. This scene shocked Xia Yi extremely, because he knew that it was will, but just a thought.

But that thought actually existed alone without the body and soul.


After that thought soared and detached from the body of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, the body left by the Nine Heavens Profound Girl disintegrated like sand and stone, and the whole person scattered with the wind. This process did not last long, because it was like the wind blowing through. Sand pile.

Until the end, there was only a cluster of galaxy-like brilliance floating in front of Xia Yi's eyes. It seemed to be an aggregation of thoughts. The light spots that flashed inside Guanghua from time to time reminded Xia Yi of a concept of Xuanhuang, a neuron.

This is something that has never been seen before. Nothing controls it. It has no weight and is not driven by any phenomenon. Although it can be seen visually, it is quietly fixed in place, as if fixed in space.

"Is this the origin of Da Og?"

Xia Yi looked at the group of Guanghua the size of an apple. It was hard to imagine that this thing created a big horror. Even dreaming of the ancient human race was a torture. Xia Yi reached out to Guanghua. This thing was useless. The touch feels like it doesn't exist, and it can't be grasped.

However, Xia Yi had a special method. He burned the karma fire with his right hand. Through the karma fire, Xia Yi successfully grasped this group of brilliance. Xia Yi lifted the brilliance and stared at the interior of the brilliance through the sunlight. Those photons became dots. The lines are connected in an instant, and a certain kind of movement has been produced irregularly, and it seems that some idea is about to be born from it.

"Innate soul, can it be?"

A congenital soul that was born in the starry sky by coincidence, and the idea that was born from the congenital soul is undoubtedly a congenital **** in the true sense. Because it is a congenital spirit, it can be found in the acquired spirit. Invading it when the consciousness is weak, this innate soul has nothing to do with good and evil, it is just a strange phenomenon.

But Xia Yi will not let it go. It is possible for a mind born from a soul without a root system to turn into anything. Good gods, evil gods, and even purely tempted by power, keep preying on the monsters of the acquired spirits. There is no doubt that it belongs to the latter.

It is almost the instinct of this innate spirit to swallow the acquired spirit, just as it is natural for people to know that they want to eat when they are hungry.

Xia Yi’s hands slowly increased, and Guanghua began to collapse in Xia Yi’s hands, and then suddenly shattered, and was crushed in his palm by Xia Yi. Xia Yi would not refine this complete spirit, and Xia Yi was afraid that this spirit would treat him Instead, Xia Yi wanted his own soul. As a human soul, he was the root of a human being in the soul.

Even if you can make yourself stronger, but if you don’t even own your soul anymore, what's the point? This innate spirit may be able to carry any thoughts, and his thoughts are naturally okay. This is the spirituality of God, which means refining. Kai Ling.

But Xia Yi gave up. He closed his eyes and tore the innate soul to refine the fragments, allowing the innate soul to be contaminated by the acquired turbidity, becoming a subsidiary of his own soul, becoming a part of himself, the supreme self, regardless of any power Can't let him give up everything that gave birth to him.

At this moment, Xia Yi’s soul felt astonished by lightning. The world became clear, and there were infinite sounds in his ears. Many things he had experienced in the past were presented at the speed of light in his mind, and his thinking seemed to be liberated. Perception spreads to the world, and time slows down in an instant.

Xia Yi opened his eyes. There was almost a substantive aura in his eyes. The air was full of steaming water vapor and billions of dust. The eyes were fixed on the grass and trees, and he could even perceive the veins of the grass and trees, as well as the cells and cells in the veins. The matter in it constitutes the soul of matter.

In Xia Yi’s eyes, even the simple sunlight has changed into several types. It is photons that dance. These photons are reflected by billions of dust, which gives the light a color, and the perception continues to spread until Xia Yi forgets his name and name. Who even has the feeling of being part of this world.

At the same time, all the people who practiced in retreat in the vast Beiyuan area, and those who had reached the holy emperor's cultivation base opened their eyes in consternation.

"Who is the expert who is spying on me?"

"A kind of domineering divine mind, is it the demigod who achieves the soul?"

"My soul is shaking..."

"Another expert was born... I don't know where the Taoist friend is."

"My soul is not as good as that, is this fellow Taoist already close to Dacheng?"

The awakened high-level cultivators all felt palpitations at this trace of divine thought that swept across the heavens and the earth. They felt that even if they had a faint thought, they could be caught and blocked by this thought. The master of this thought could even be thousands of miles away. He attacked them with a little thought.

Until this thought dissipated, countless people breathed a sigh of relief and continued to practice in retreat, thinking that after leaving the customs this time, they must find out which senior did this, so that they can send gifts to express their kindness.

On the other side, Xia Yi, who was standing on the cliff, suddenly collapsed and almost fell off the cliff. An unprecedented sense of weakness struck him, and for the first time since becoming a monk, he felt an unbearable distress.

I want to sleep, I want to fall to the ground immediately, but Xia Yi always has an unknown premonition. If this sleep really passes, I am afraid it is not as simple as sleeping all night.

"Brother Xia! I'll just say how familiar with that little thought before, it really is you!"

Fortunately, at this time, a passing junk arrived in time. The mirage dragon was only startled by Xia Yi’s primordial spirit before, covering most of the world with the soul of one person. This kind of stupid thing was done by Xia Yi. It is estimated that the origin of the refining Da Og is not even clear how the primordial spirit controls it.

"Quickly refine this Yuanshen flower, Brother Xia, Brother Xia, you are really too, why are you so anxious, in case there is wind and rain or something at this time, or someone has evil intentions, Brother Xia You are afraid that you will not be a fool for the rest of your life!"

The mirage anxiously stuffed Xia Yi's mouth with soul crystals and primordial flowers. Seeing that Xia Yi was still delirious, he simply scratched his body and scratched something that the ghost knew what it was, and went to Xia Yi's mouth. Lisay.

However, Xia Yi's pupils began to lose consciousness, and his face was expressionless. The mirage sighed, and finally thought of an idea.

"Brother Xia, it seems that at this time I can only rely on my dragon's covet, and then I have no choice but to help you recover. After you wake up, don't say that I am in danger. Although I am not a gentleman, but if it is not an emergency, I I still won't do this kind of thing."

"Now...Let us have a terrifying and weeping encounter!"

The mirage pursed his lips and slowly moved his face closer to Xia Yi's. Xia Yi's hand subconsciously pressed the mirage's head.

"Brother Xia? Are you..."

But in the next second, Xia Yi suddenly opened his mouth and bit the mirage's nose. At this moment, the mirage didn't think of anything else in his heart, only that he was going to be finished this time.


After the consciousness became clear, Xia Yi's head was still a little unclear, as if he hadn't woken up. As a monk, he hadn't felt this kind of weakness for a long, long time. Xia Yi barely remembered that he did it before fainting. What, but the details are completely unclear. He seemed to instinctively hold down the mirage and did something.

Xia Yi immediately looked around and found that there was someone lying next to her. It was the hapless mirage. Her eyes were blank, with tears hanging from the corners of her eyes. Her slightly opened mouth unconsciously spit out her tongue, and her body was still twitching slightly. .


Xia Yi saw such a mirage lost in thought, and then a very gentleman found a robe from the storage ring and placed it on the mirage.

"I will remember your sacrifice, you will always live in my memory."

After Xia Yi said these words, Mirage realized that Xia Yi had recovered his mind, so he turned his head and squeezed out a smile.

"Brother Xia...I think I can save it..."

"What the **** did I do to you before?"

"What did you do to me? Nothing...hehe, nothing...I...I..."

While talking, the mirage actually hid her face and wept. Xia Yi fell into silence again. The mirage acted like a wounded girl once again. What kind of psychological trauma did she experience?

"A mirage, in other words..."

"Don't... don't!!!"

Just as Xia Yi stretched out his hand to the mirage dragon, the mirage dragon pushed Xia Yi's hand away with his backhand. His eyes were full of fear and alert. Xia Yi could only smile awkwardly at this, and then found a lot of recovery spirits from the storage ring. He was fed the mirage with the herb of the mirage. After feeding the mirage, the mirage calmed down a lot, but his expression was still a bit scared and frightened.

At this moment, Xia Yi had to admit that closing her mouth, Chu Chu, the poor mirage really fits his liking. If the mirage had such a cute and well-behaved appearance when they first met, it is estimated that she would not have been abused by her own family all the time. Got it.

"So, what happened to me before?"

Xia Yi clearly remembered that after refining the origin of the Great Og, his perception expanded at a terrifying speed, and even the things that he could not perceive in the ordinary day were as detailed as possible, even the extremely fine particles produced after the dust was touched. He can perceive the shock.

"Brother Xia, that is your soul."

"The original spirit? You mean I already have the original spirit? But the original spirit, don't I remember that I want to overcome the soul catastrophe?"

For soul cultivation, the soul is no less than the meaning of the perfect golden body for martial arts, after all, the soul is already regarded as the soul of the gods.

"Normal cultivation is definitely to overcome the soul catastrophe, but Brother Xia, are you a normal cultivation? Putting it on other people may cause hidden dangers, but with the strength of your will, there is no hidden danger. You belong to that As long as he earnestly cultivates the Soul Dao, he will be able to cultivate the soul sooner or later."

"Moreover, hidden dangers have actually appeared. You used the original soul to enter the world without restraint before. If you are not careful, it will cause serious injury to the soul, but if you are weak enough to lose your mind, it is considered Xia brother. You are lucky, and you will use the original soul detective later. Depending on what you remember, you must be restrained."

The mirage dragon is originally the soul of the original spirit, so she knows a lot about the original spirit, and the reason why Xia Yi can avoid the fate of fainting for decades is due to the timely arrival of the mirage dragon.

"I didn't expect it either, so I followed that mysterious feeling, but my current perception of the world has changed again."

After all, Xia Yi already has a soul, and has an additional perspective on the world. The soul can exist alone without the body and is no longer bound by life span. As long as there is no accident or being killed, the person who cultivates the soul can almost exist. A very long time.

The soul is immortal, this sentence is true, just like a mirage dragon can sleep for 100,000 years in a great sleep.

"Anyway, congratulations to Brother Xia, you have cultivated the soul. The soul is the most important and necessary step to the path of the gods. After all, the first state of Vientiane is to open the spirit and completely open up the spiritual wisdom to become the soul."

Xia Yi has already obtained the pass to the divine way at this time. It is said that the soul masters can cultivate the primordial spirit in the little sage cultivation base, but no matter how to become a god, the primordial spirit is necessary, even if it is an ancient practice. If you want to become a **** of war, you must also cultivate a soul.

"By the way, can the primordial spirit be used in battle?"

"Of course it can, and the power of attack and kill is extremely terrifying, and it is by no means inferior to martial arts. The soul is a half **** in the true sense. Brother Xia, please try it yourself, remember not to go too far, lest you faint again."

Mirage Dragon just didn't want to watch Xia Yi faint because of overdraft, because Xia Yi would definitely instinctively do the cruel things to her before fainting.

"Are you attacking with spirit power?"

"No, it is with thoughts. The soul power does not need to be deliberately concerned with the control of soul power. What you think is what you do. Brother Xia, if you see that tree is not there, you use your thoughts to chop that tree."

"What does it mean to slash with thoughts?"

"Specifically, I don’t know how Brother Xia explained that you who have achieved the soul but don’t understand it are simply amazing. If you want you to teach a mortal how to run the vitality and blood, I have to see how you can teach it. All in all, the divine mind is a sword, release the divine mind near the tree, and then feel that you are standing in front of the tree."

"Anything that divine mind can perceive is as close to you as you are, this is the soul."

After the mirage dragon finished speaking, Xia Yi looked at the tree seemingly. Although he did not cultivate the soul, he was a holy deity and a demigod. He had seen pigs run without eating pork, and he was The use of mind is also part of daily life.

Closing his eyes, Xia Yi simply replaced his vision with divine mind, so that he could be more attentive. Through divine mind, Xia Yi seemed to have the feeling that he was in the reach of divine mind, so his mind moved, in imagination Cut a knife.

With a click.

Xia Yi opened his eyes again, and the tree and the surrounding trees within several tens of meters were all cut off. The section was extremely smooth, as if it had been cut by a real sharp blade.

"Is this the primordial attack?"

Qi training, martial arts, soul cultivation, the three ways of cultivation to the highest level each have their own horrors, and the attack of the soul is invisible and deadly.

Xia Yi opened his eyes this time to test the feeling. He was familiar with the way of using the soul. The speed at which the spirit can extend is definitely countless times faster than the physical body and Taoism. It can almost be said that what you think is what you think. To avoid, the speed can only be faster than his thinking, not his actions.

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