At the first thought, the wood was broken, the sawdust was flying, and the invisible sharp blade was terrifying. Xia Yi even reached out his hand to attack his arm with the soul, wanting to test the strength of the attack.

After that, Xia Yi only felt a pain in his arm and his skin was cut. Although he did not bleed, he was a half-step warrior.


"Awesome, I can have this kind of lethality just by thinking about it casually."

This attacking power almost caught up with a venerable person who had ascended to the first rank and made a full shot, and Xia Yi was just a thought. How long does it take to move a thought? It only takes a moment.

"Brother Xia, your attacking and killing ability will be further improved after you become proficient, especially the primordial spirit leaving the orifice. Before becoming a god, the primordial spirit leaving the orifice is very dangerous, but it can also use terrifying killing moves that are infinitely close to the true god."

"Does the primordial spirit come out... I will try."

Xia Yi's thoughts moved and recalled the previous feeling of merging into the world, but this time Xia Yi was more careful, gathering all his divine thoughts at one point, so that his thoughts were separated from the physical body. If it was placed before the soul, it would be quite To use all the soul power to explore something.

But after becoming the soul, only a vague light and shadow came out of Xia Yi's body.

After the appearance of light and shadow, it naturally absorbs the light between the sky and the earth. It is bright and dazzling. It can barely be seen as a figure. The hand of the light and shadow gradually transforms into the shape of a blade. With a light wave of the arm of the light and shadow, the dust and aura between the sky and the earth are all Gathered together and turned into blades, flashing like a phantom like thunder,

Silently, the earth was divided into a crack, and even the high-altitude cloud clearly appeared a broken thin line, the cloud broke and cracked, and everything that existed on this line was completely destroyed.

After the light and shadow completed all this, the light suddenly became much dim. He immediately flew back to Xia Yi’s forehead and returned to the spiritual platform. Xia Yi also slowly opened his eyes, but there was a clear sense of fatigue in his eyes, and the whole person looked like Both are not in good spirits.

"The consumption is a bit big, and even some losses..."

The consumption and impact of fighting with the soul is not small, at least it will not be confused when the aura is empty, at least it will not be unable to walk when the blood is decayed, but the weakness of the soul will cause the loss of the soul to faint directly.

"The person who cultivates the primordial spirit is not in the end. How can the primordial spirit be out of the body and protect the primordial spirit very well. Once the primordial spirit is out of the body, it will be extremely fragile. Yes, Brother Xia, you have to protect me. You are not allowed to treat me like you did before."

The mirage specially emphasized the fragility of the soul, and Xia Yi thought about it carefully. The mirage almost stayed in his body and rarely came out of the world, and occasionally came out in addition to stealing or stealing.

"I understand, Tianlei is the most soul-conquering way, among which the Purple Lightning Shenxiao is especially restrained. Look at what this is?"

Xia Yi smiled slightly, and a purple arc burst out in her palm. This was a method Xia Yi hadn't used for a long time. He was about to be eliminated and forgotten by Xia Yi. As soon as the mirage saw this purple lightning, his body could not control his hair. Cold, trembling, almost scared to tears.

What's wrong with this cultivation world? Can she get better? Why Xia Yi likes to target her so much? Is this because men like to bully her when they like someone?

Then Xia Yi really loved her deeply.

"Brother Xia, in a nutshell, you are not interested in Soul Dao anyway. You just need to understand the most basic things. Anyway, you don't need the Primordial Spirit to attack to supplement your combat power."

The peak of Xia Yi's combat power has always been in the martial arts, with martial arts as the main and the other two as supplements. This fighting method has become Xia Yi's habit. The current primordial spirit, Xia Yi's three ways have already climbed to the peak, second only to the palace lord in the immortal clan.

Even the strongest sages who counted in Taoism, Xia Yi is now considered to be the top ten of the human race, and the comprehensive combat power is no longer afraid of the sub-gods. Xia Yi now returns to the heavenly spirit and can treat the five-party sages as dogs. Torture, even if Tianding Lao Zun carried out Jiuding, Xia Yi could punch and fly.

In this era, the top ten human races in this starry sky, this is Xia Yi's current real combat power, one of the absolute pinnacles, just reminiscing about the past, but they are all a hundred years ago.

"Yes, this trip was not in vain, but this time it really almost overturned."

"After all, it is also the top ten original evil gods. Speaking of which, I wanted to ask before. When I was sleeping, Brother Xia, when did you engage the other evil gods?"

"Don't say it, it turned out even worse that time."

Facing the original evil **** twice, he almost had an accident both times. In the face of the Great Wilderness, he used the power of the reincarnation stone to burn himself, and then relied on the strength of one hundred thousand years to consume the Great Wilderness successfully. This time, the real Great Og was a fringe. The character, the fierce one is the heart demon of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

Fortunately, the heart demon was also born from the soul of the Nine Heavens Profound Goddess. Xia Yi could use the "human" way to solve it. If it was Da Og's own thoughts, it might not be so simple.

"What about next time?"

"There is no next time, I admit it, I surrender."

There is an old saying that repeats again and again, and one after another adventure is to dig a grave for yourself. Those who roll over are old coachmen, and those who drown are those who can swim.

"It's best to leave, it's me who is really dangerous this time!"

Mirage almost lost everything about herself. If something really happened, would she want to live as Xia Yi? But I have to say that Xia Yi is also a ruthless person, the ten origin evil gods, Xia Yi has completely dealt with two of them. With this feat and ability to deal with evil things, Mirage Dragon has more or less guessed that Xia Yi will be in the human race in the future. Among them is absolutely decisive.

One day, I am afraid that the demon will not fall, and it will not be inferior to the gods.

After this matter was completed, the mirage dragon returned to Xia Yi’s body to rest. Xia Yi also rushed back to Xuanjizong to prepare for the business that the fairy clan had arranged for him. The time Xia Yi spent in the dreamland was put into reality for only three days. So, after returning home, Xuanji Sect Master Cang Taiji was surprised if Xia Yi was too fast, thinking that Xia Yi would retreat in the face of difficulty.

As a result, Xia Yi said something astonishing, and directly informed that Beiyuan Demon Cave and the Heretic God Og were completely wiped out by him, but Xia Yi did not let Xuanjizong speak out, because the fairy clan would definitely be curious about how he completely wiped out the original Heretic God. Although Xia Yi can think of many kinds of theories, the more lies, the easier it is to show his feet, so Xia Yi didn't even consider taking credit for it.

It’s just that after seeing Xia Yi again, Xianyueyin’s attitude became a lot more rigorous, because Xianyueyin’s temperament completely changed due to the difference in Xia Yi’s temperament, her eyes actually contained divine light, she knew that this was a sign of cultivating the soul, and In the immortal clan, only five people have the primordial spirit, but now only four are left.

If the cultivated primordial spirit Xia Yi walked to the sub-shen level randomly in the three ways, he would be able to compete with the palace lord of one party, but how long has it been since Xia Yi came to the immortal clan? He occupied the Nantian Palace, borrowed the advantages of the Nantian Palace to practice, and used the advantages of the fairy clan to make himself stronger at a very fast speed.

Even the chess pieces he cultivated, Xian Juexiao has now become a big hidden danger for the Xian clan.

Fighting method

In the days that followed, Xia Yi was cultivating in Xuanji Sect, while waiting for the arrival of the immortal army. The matter of fighting for the **** stone is not big or small. Both are the peaks of the human race, and the two sages The demand for sacred stones is extremely strong.

When the two meet, there will inevitably be an open and secret fight. The fight surrounding the gods can be large or small, as large as the two sides will anger, conspiracy and tricks and any means are used to the extreme, truly let the realm hatred each other, or it can be small. It was only the result of a battle between the top leaders of the two sides.

However, Xia Yi basically didn’t want to lose too much to Dao Fa. No matter how arrogant Dao Fa is, at least the human race has been in the same line since ancient times. He still considers himself a human in his bones. Never claim to be a human.

While Xuanjizong stayed and waited, Cang Taiji reported something to Xia Yi. Someone in Dao Fa had already gone to the realm where the **** stone was discovered and planned something with the local forces, and asked Xia Yi whether he also wants to pass now to avoid future situations. Not conducive to the fairy clan.

Although Xia Yi represents the immortal clan, and who actually represents the Xuanjizong seniors, he knows in his heart that although the immortal clan will also benefit, their Xuanjizong can also get more divine stones and choose better ones if they can't resist. Solution, why not do this?

After Xia Yi got to know it, he thought of a lot of things. It should be time to go and have a look. The immortal clan is arrogant but he is not arrogant. He also needs divine stones. So Xia Yi immediately contacted the army who was still on the road and learned that they were actually arrogant. It will take about half a year to reach the vastness. Xia Yi told them not to stop in the vastness on the way, and go directly to the realm where the divine stone was found, and set off with Xianyueyin and several Xuanjizong elders.

The domain name of the sacred stone found is the sea dome. There is almost no entire continent in the sea dome. All fragments of islands and small lands are scattered in the ocean. The area of ​​the ocean exceeds 95%. Many undiscovered islands and ruins hidden in the islands and under the sea.

Looking back in history, this place was once a refuge for the ancient human races. It originated from the most difficult period of the Emperor Feng Demon. The sea dome is a hidden star. Because of the special star orbit, it is extremely difficult to find in the starry sky. The absolute proportion of the ocean distribution does not make evil creatures think that this is actually the human race realm, let alone such a realm that hides a lot of human resources.

Although the Great Seal of Demons defeated the Innate Clan afterwards, those who could be killed were destroyed, the things that could not be killed were also sealed, and many resources of the sea vault were taken back and used everywhere, but because of the refuge People have been out of touch with the outside world for too long, resulting in many undiscovered resources.

These sporadic resources and inheritance of other realms do not look good, but the people of the sea dome realm are always looking for all kinds of things that are still left. Until recently, there was a big discovery. The things left in the past were not found, but they were found. After the super-large sacred stone ore vein, it is indeed reasonable for the Fengmao Great Emperor to identify this as a refuge.

What is the concept of a super-large divine stone vein for a realm? At least for nearly a thousand years, the saints can be cultivated generously, which is especially important for improving the overall strength of the realm. No wonder Dao Fa and the fairy clan are so concerned.

There are more than one super-large divine stone ore veins in the realm of Dao Fa and the immortal clan, but why not have one more?

On the flying boat, the elders of the Xuanji sect led the way. The flying boat has determined several times in the starry sky before finding the sea dome. As for the reason why the sea dome is a hidden star, you will understand when you reach the outer starry sky of the sea dome. The dome is just surrounded by the star trails of four wild stars. The brilliance of the stars is difficult to shine, and they hardly reflect light. They are completely dark stars. They are almost invisible in the starry sky. Don’t even want to see the sea dome if you don’t get close boundary.

"The starry sky is really amazing."

Xia Yi also sighed after seeing the dull sea dome realm, this sea dome realm is actually a very strange realm.

If the human race intends to hide in such a place, the innate race is not necessarily easy to find. After all, the starry sky is so big, and the vast galaxy can only find one or two stars suitable for the survival of higher life. Daofa the Great is in this regard. Experts can actually find these stars through special star-gazing techniques, and let the ancestors go to explore them.

Feizhou quickly approached the sea dome realm, and Xianyueyin leaned on the deck with her eyes shining. Her greatest interest was discovery and travel. Although she only saw the vastness and the sea dome, the differences between the two realms made Xianyueyin feel special. interesting.

As for Xia Yi, his interest is just so-so. There is no sea in the fairy world, only rivers and lakes. The land area is extremely vast, and it is one of the most ideal territories for the existence of human races.

After truly entering the sea dome, Xia Yi discovered that it was almost a star full of water, and the land was completely small black dots. The elders of Xianyueyin and Xuanjizong were seeing the rise, but Xia Yi was inexplicable. Frowning, his expression became serious.


Xia Yi gave a faint smile, and rushed out of the flying boat directly with all his strength, and even displayed his own field of immortality. Xia Yi's reaction was fast, but the others on the flying boat slowed down by half a beat until he felt it. A devastating torrent pounced on him, only to realize that there was a scalp-numbing divine thunder light attacking him in the distance. This thick divine light was enough to flood the entire flying boat.

Xia Yi stood right in front of the flying boat and directly connected with his body. After the lightning hit Xia Yi, the two beams spread apart. The flying boat staying behind Xia Yi was safe and sound until the light of the lightning dissipated. The crowd looked at Xia Yi in front of him, his half of his shoulder was almost only broken, burnt to redness.

"The power is not small, although it can't kill the demigod in a second, it can be enough to make him seriously injured."

"Even I have suffered serious injuries. Is it some kind of magical forbidden device? Dao Fa thing?"

Xia Yi looked at the distance and analyzed it. The red and smoking bones actually began to grow again, and the flesh and blood were remodeled at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is no joke that the life and death path that Xia Yi cultivated can be called a taboo. Xia Yi is really far away. Rebirth in the sense of a drop of blood is not far away.

"Venerable Punishment, we can't contact the person we arranged before!"

At this moment, the elders of the Xuanji Sect also discovered the anomaly. This place was also designated by the people of the Sea Sky Realm. I didn’t expect to be bombarded from the front by the Divine Forbidden Device as soon as they arrived. Premeditated.

"I'll go ask those guys who attacked us."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, he did not leave at all, but closed his eyes. His thoughts spread to the distance at a terrifying speed, and the attacker was soon found.


On the sea, the three holy emperors and more than ten holy kings are standing here. They don’t know at this time whether their prepared attack will work. The leading holy emperor is holding a shattered orb in his hand. This is A dragon ball, a forbidden device made by Tianlong's dragon ball, is almost equal to Tianlong's own breath of dragon.

And they have also seen the destruction of Leiguang just now, even if the strongest of their sea vaults is hit, they will be annihilated directly, even if the people of the immortal clan are not dead, they only need to go and check the situation.

However, the change suddenly occurred. In the clear sky, dark clouds gathered suddenly, and the clouds in the sky formed a huge fuzzy face. That face slowly opened its eyes, and its pupils were all lifelike. It was a storm made by thunder. Eye.

"You are the people of Taoism?"

The mouth of the giant face surged with thunder, and the voice was deafening. The holy kings covered their ears and felt that the sea of ​​consciousness was shaking, and the three holy kings were also terrified. This is undoubtedly the super power with the original spirit. The person came across thousands of miles with thoughts.

"The evil immortal race, who we are does not need you to care about, you don't want to succeed this time, remember to tell the cowards that Haohan, we have never admitted to being affiliated with them in the sea sphere!"

"It seems that you have the Dao Fa to help?"

The giant face formed by the dark cloud did not show much hostility, but the nervous Saint King and Saint Emperor were already ready to attack. They did not answer, and directly attacked the giant face on the cloud. The giant face opened its mouth and spit out one after another thunder bombarding them. The vast sea water around it rose up to form the shape of a hand.

The giant hand of water grabbed them and brought up a huge sky-shaking wave. The people in the sea vault were horrified by this offensive. It was as if the world was angry. The three holy emperors escaped by their own means, but still Several holy kings shunned them and were trapped by the giant hand of water.

"Catch a few people over and ask, I know it naturally."

The giant face of the dark cloud laughed three times, and the frequency of thunder light was extremely terrifying. The giant hand of water quickly surged into the distance, but before it surged far away, a giant face of dark cloud that was enough to divide the sea but cut to the sky, the giant face did not He didn't get any benefits under the sword light that opened up the world, but he glared far away so that he could be shattered by the sword light.

And the giant hand of water collapsed in an instant, and the holy kings trapped in it were saved as a result, and a man came with a sword from afar.

"Absolute Sword Master, thank you very much..."

"Thank you for not helping the Sword Master."

"Who is the master of the immortal clan? I heard that the immortal clan has only the Wufang Palace majoring in the primordial spirit."

The strong men of the sea vaulted world one after another bowed their hands and thanked the people who came from the imperial sword. They still had cold sweat on their heads. The strong men of the immortal clan were able to capture them directly across thousands of miles by just relying on a single thought. Means They have heard of legends, but seeing them with their own eyes is another matter.

"That's the primordial spirit, this person has a lot of knowledge on the soul road, because he is the strongest person to come to the immortal clan this time, I remember who that face is, it is the commander-in-chief punishment of the immortal clan this time. The immortal is back, when did this immortal cultivate the primordial spirit, I thought it was the palace lord of the immortal clan who came here."

Dao Venerable Absolute Sword also has deep brows. A strong opponent is definitely not good news. This penalty Immortal Venerable even started to pay attention to Dao Fa. After all, the other party claims to be from Dao Fa, but if Dao Fa really has such a strong one. , He should know some deeds more or less.

But Dao Fa has never had a mysterious body refining power born.

"What is the approximate extent of the penalty to the Immortal Clan?"

The terrified Saint Kings were a little curious about this after calming down. After all, they were the generals of the enemy, and it was important to understand how his strength was.

"The strongest person under the Five Palace Masters, now Nantian Xianzun has mysteriously fallen. He is the fifth person of the immortal clan. If you count my Dao Fa's San Dao Zun and my senior brother Jian Dao Zun, he is definitely not as good as he can Ranked ninth in the human race, what do you think?"

Such titles as Xianzun, Daozun, and Tianzun are all respects for their own nobles in different realms. People who can be called like this are all strong among the nobles. Xia Yi now returns to Tianling with iron. Tianzun.

"Is the ninth human race..."

"No wonder a thought makes us unable to resist..."

"Absolute Sword Master, can you beat him?"

The people in the Sea Sky Realm had lost much confidence at this moment. They had not even seen the other person's figure, and were only applauded by the other person's thoughts. This was uncomfortable for everyone.

"Could it be known until after a fight."

Jue Sword Master said so, but the moment he admitted that Xia Yi was the ninth human race, he had already explained a lot of things. If Xia Yi didn't have a soul, he might be more optimistic, but Xia Yi came to Haiqiong in the early days. Jie directly showed the Yuanshen Mind. Is this giving them the power of Taoism?

Speaking of it, the human race is ninth and the immortal race is fifth, implying the number of supreme ones. This penalty is not simple. Judging from the various understandings of the Taoist law on the penalty of the immortal, this penalty is not a small problem.

On the other side, Xia Yi slowly opened his eyes and twisted his neck a little bit. Before that sword, he had no reaction at all and cut off his thoughts. It should have been done by a powerful Dao Fa, and the other party should not be underestimated. , I don't know how long I can hold it under my full strength.

Xia Yi didn’t play with him when he was really fighting. Instead, he used his indestructible physical body and the power to open up the sky. Although he could not find too many things, the opponent The strong blood has made Xia Yi eager to try.

The opponent has also achieved a perfect golden body. Like him, Xia Yi almost wants to drag him to the starry sky for a hearty battle. It has been a long time that no one can make Xia Yi feel like this. He can never Seek a fight with the Sifang Palace Master, right?

"I have almost determined one thing. The Sea Sky Realm should be biased towards Dao Fa. I don't know what agreement has been reached with Dao Fa, but it doesn't matter, just fight."

Xia Yi turned around and said to the others on the flying boat. The elders of the Xuanji Sect were a little uncomfortable. If all of the Sea Sky Realm returned to Dao Fa, it would be really difficult for them to reap the benefits.

"Go to Sanyang Island first. The forces that favor the Immortal Clan are headed by the Sanyang Sect of Sanyang Island."

"It's okay to go and see, catch a few people and ask about the situation."

Xia Yi nodded. Now, what the Haiqiong Realm's attitude towards the Immortal Clan is, you still need to know. Feizhou turned and flew towards Sanyang Island, but after arriving, Sanyang Island was silent and there was a deadly atmosphere. , Zongmen had already been burned, and only the wreckage remained.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yi had already more or less guessed the situation. It seemed that a civil turmoil had occurred in the sea sphere, and the Affinity Dao Fa forces had destroyed the Affinity Immortal Clan's leading forces.


"It's a cruel method. Even if it is unreasonable, it won't be like this, right?"

Xian Yueyin looked at the miserable situation of Sanyang Island and couldn't bear it. After all, she knew that these people were biased towards the fairy clan.

"The Sanyang Sect should have a lot of power, and it should be the leader among the forces of the immortal clan. If you capture the thief first, capture the king, and destroy it, the other forces will not dare to make contact with the immortal clan anymore. This is caught by Taoism. Go ahead and stay here."

"We should have come earlier."

Xianyueyin seemed to apologize for this, thinking that it was caused by their late arrival, so she left Feizhou to the island and began to collect the bodies of the victims and bury them in place. Xia Yi was quite satisfied with this. Nodding his head twice, he was indeed the person he had liked in his previous life, and Xianyueyin's conscience was not waned.

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