"You guys go and help too."

Xia Yi glanced at the elders of Xuanjizong. The elders of Xuanjizong didn't dare to have any comments. He immediately left Feizhou to help Xianyueyin bury the people on Sanyang Island. Sanyang Island's valuables were looted. , There won't be anything left. Once Dao Fa really made up his mind to help someone, it would still exercise great restraint on the immortal clan.

If Dao Fa was willing to help Tian Ling and Xuan Huang fight against the immortals a long time ago, Tianding Holy Land’s opposition is just a fart, and it can be destroyed directly, but in fact Dao Fa will not do things that are not beneficial, and Tian Ling can give Dao. What? What can Xuan Huang give Dao Fa?

Can't give anything.

But what Haiqiong Realm can give is a large number of sacred stones, and the style of Taoism can be said to be very realistic.

When all the victims of Sanyang Island were buried, it was almost night. What made Xia Yi surprised was that the plants on the island and the things living in the shallow sea would glow by themselves. The beauty was exceptionally dazzling, and the sea dome. The plants living on the land of the realm are not like those in other realms. Trees are indeed trees, but they are coral trees that grow in the soil.

"The Sea Sky Realm is said to usher in a daylight every seven days, so the creatures in the original realm will illuminate themselves regardless of the spirits, but it was actually true."

It is estimated that the elders of Xuanji Sect are also the first time to come to the sea vault realm. They feel particularly new to the sea vault realm at night. Xianyueyin is also watching around. Xia Yi's interest is not very high. He is tired of neon lights and all kinds of light pollution, and it is more comfortable to simply night.

People’s interest is limited. Once the heat is over, they don’t feel fresh. After the freshness of the first time in Haiqiang Realm, Xia Yi also began to prepare for the next step. There is no one in Haiqiang Realm to cooperate with them now, but it doesn’t matter. , They have the strength, now it is completely too late to find.

Just find a force and ask about it. You can know the location of the sacred stone vein. Xia Yi estimates that Daofa is already mining. If you want to be a step ahead, you can go in directly by hollowing out. Go to Dao Fa, right?

"If there is nothing wrong, set off quickly and find the next power."

Xia Yi didn’t want to waste any more time, so he called Xian Yueyin and the elders of Xuanjizong to leave Sanyang Island, but before leaving, Xia Yi went through the Zongkuli on Sanyang Island, although it was worthwhile. All of the things were taken away, but what Xia Yi wanted to find was exactly what the people of Haiqiong Realm did not look for.

That is the map of the sea dome. If there is no direction and goal in the landform of the sea dome, I don’t know how long it will take to find a strong enough force. After finding the map, Xia Yi directly set the target in a company called Shuiyue. The power of the cave, Shuiyue Dongtian is the strongest force in the sea dome, Xia Yi predicts that most of the Dao Fa people will be in the Shuiyue Cave.

This kind of direct door-to-door behavior may be arrogant, but it is definitely enough to save trouble. Xia Yi didn't want to waste a bit of energy on some complicated issues between Daofa and the immortal clan. He came here for the only purpose this time, the **** stone! That's it.

In this way, Feizhou moved towards the position Xia Yi had set, and Xianyueyin still had the mentality of traveling in mountains and water. Looking at the shimmering sea on the flying boat, most of the aquatic creatures in the sea dome would also glow. Regardless of the animals and plants, I have to say that the sea dome realm does have a different kind of beauty, but it is a pity that most monks will not deliberately go to other realms to see the scenery.

After reaching the location of Shuiyue Cave Sky, Xia Yi turned on the shield that Feizhou came with and let the flying boat dive into the water and sailed all the way to the bottom of the water. This Shuiyue Cave Sky was built on the bottom of the sea, and compared to the dim water, the splendor under the water was splendid. The majestic building is very dazzling, but as soon as the flying boat approached, Xia Yi felt that the surrounding water suddenly became turbulent, and the water temperature also dropped at a terrifying speed, and the surrounding water began to freeze.

"It seems that Shuiyue Dongtian didn't welcome us, and immediately launched the killing formation without a warning. If this is the case, then I don't need to be polite."

The opponent directly attacked. Xia Yi was still polite, but Xia Yi quickly laughed. It may not be a sensible thing to kill the opponent’s base camp directly, because Shuiyue Dongtian actually reversed the guardian formation and let It turned into a killing formation, and the surrounding area was frozen to cut off their retreat. ,

Xia Yi was able to resist against the level of a large array of heaven and earth, but he would definitely suffer from the original injury.

General trauma and internal injuries are not a big problem for Xia Yi, but he is afraid of hurting the origin.

"You are a little in the way, it is very inconvenient to take you, go back to the sea and wait for me to contact."

Xia Yi looked back at the people on the flying boat, waved his hand and directly moved the flying boat to a farther place by using the air-exchange technique. Just as Xia Yi moved the flying boat away, Shuiyuedongtian’s killing array was activated, and the surrounding sea water all turned towards Xia. Yi was squeezed surgingly, and the power of the water pressure had reached an unnatural degree.

Every hair of Xia Yi bears a weight of almost ten million catties. If it were not for a half-step martial arts, this kind of terrifying pressure would be enough to instantly crush a person into a fleshy ball and burst open, and Xia Yi actually didn't feel good. The squeezed blood flowed out along the seven orifices.

Although Haiqiongjie and Xia Yi had no grievances or grudges themselves, they were treated like this and Xia Yi was also angered in his heart. He could be kind to the people of Haiqiongjie, but it seems that this is not necessary at present.

Straighten your hands to activate the domain, and directly burn vitality to activate Yang Yan. I saw a blue ball of light quickly appeared before Xia Yi's palms, and the frozen sea water was immediately thawed or even boiled by high temperature. Using Xia Yi's current realm to urge Yang Yan with all his strength, that is definitely the power of burning the sky and boiling the sea.

Xia Yi only knows one large-scale attack method, that is, to gather Yang Yan to attack directly. This is Xia Yi's wide-area lethal trick. Xia Yi intends to directly defeat Shuiyue Dongtian's guardian array with a single blow. .


A pale blue light appeared on the blood vessels of both arms, and the extremely fierce high temperature began to make the surrounding sea water boil with Xia Yi as the center, until Xia Yi could no longer compress the firepower to the light ball before both palms.

The ball of light emitted a fiery glow, almost like a miniature star, aiming at the water moon cave sky, Xia Yi suddenly pushed his hands forward, the light ball burst directly and sent a bright beam of light to the water moon cave sky.

"This is what I will return to you, courtesy!"

After coming to the sea vault, he encountered this situation twice in a row. If his strength is low, the consequences will be very serious. Although he does not want to help the immortal clan kill the enemy, but the opponent is not benevolent, how can Xia Yi teach?

The light beam hits the large array of Shuiyue Dongtian, stirring the entire ocean floor, the blue streamer evaporates the sea water, and the terrifying high temperature can cause the low-level monks in it to be scalded until the protector of Shuiyue Dongtian. The large array was overwhelmed, and the light mask could no longer bear and shattered in a burst of light and light.

Xia Yi directly set off the large array of heaven and earth with one person's power, and the stream of destruction penetrated the large array and broke into the water and moon cave.

The light beam disappeared until the accumulated firepower was exhausted. The Shuiyue Cave sky in front of him was in a mess. Xia Yi also took out a lot of rejuvenating pills to temporarily recover. The gods can sink a continent, but Xia Yi is not as good as the real one. A strong god, but Xia Yi also possesses a little bit of the terrifying power to sink the mainland.

Xia Yi didn't want to destroy the Shuiyue Cave Sky, so it was almost as a lesson to destroy the Shuiyue Cave Sky's Protector Formation. Although it is inevitable to sacrifice, this is also impossible. Xia Yi has long been more or less inwardly. The passing of a life is too serious.

He only sees the overall structure in his eyes, and the meaning of individual survival is reduced infinitely. There is a saying that gods fight with mortals and suffer. Xia Yi kept mortals alive, but what about the enemies? Did the enemy come up alive to make up for him?

After breaking through the guardian formation by powerful means, Xia Yi then swaggered into the Shuiyue Cave Sky alone. The water shelter of the Shuiyue Cave Sky has not expired yet, so the inside of the Shuiyue Cave Sky has not been submerged by water, but it is a pity. The area was only left with a scorched pit, and the buildings and monks on that area were annihilated.

"Use the heaven and earth to kill the formation directly against me, it shows that you know who I am, and you have also expressed your attitude, so I don't talk nonsense, what about the Dao Fa people?"

The monks in front of Xia Yi looked at Xia Yi with fear, and did not dare to act rashly. Among these monks, there were teenagers and young middle-aged. There were fewer old people, but the elders were basically higher in the sect. Yes, so Xia Yi looked at one of the old people after speaking, hoping that he could give an answer.

"Not in our Shuiyuedongtian."

"I'm here to find someone from Taoism. You didn't have to suffer this. It was simply your own sin. You were the first to take responsibility. You are responsible for the loss and death. I have no intention of acting against you local forces. where?"

Xia Yi straightforwardly asked the news about the sacred stone ore vein. Since the Dao Fa people were not there, he could only retreat. In fact, Xia Yi still has another main purpose now, that is, to find someone to fight.

The enthusiasm and the feeling of fighting over the sky that used to fight Jing Yi is the most conducive to the growth of martial arts. Unfortunately, to this level, there are really not many people who can fight him.

However, a long time passed after Xia Yi asked, but the old man did not answer.

"Why, don't you want to say? I don't want to search for souls, I don't want to make additional sacrifices. Please understand my kind heart."

"I... I don't know."

The old man shook his head and said that he didn't know, but to Xia Yi's point of view, this was completely nonsense. Shuiyue Dongtian was the strongest strength in the sea dome, and one of the holy ones in Shuiyue Dongtian didn't know?

Yes, although this old man is not good-looking, his breath does show that his realm is in the second-order of the holy lord.

"The thief of the fairy clan, pretend to be benevolent and righteous when taking the arrogance, and the true benevolence and righteousness will get out of our sea quickly!"

Just as Xia Yi was thinking about how to put pressure on, a young man suddenly stood out from the crowd and stretched out his finger to curse at Xia Yi. Xia Yi glanced at him and did not pay more attention, but continued to look at the saint. Respect the second-order old man.

"I really want to do it? I don't want to kill people, and you certainly don't want to die by yourself. I think this is a good thing for both of us. Am I rationalizing with you now, or do you prefer to be treated like before ? Then I don't mind giving it to you again."

Xia Yi's patience is limited. In order to achieve his goal, Xia Yi recognizes the necessity of sacrifice, but he will still avoid unnecessary sacrifices as much as possible, just as the so-called not losing his heart.

The old man stared at Xia Yi’s face for a long time, then turned back to look at the sect disciple behind him, and finally he could only sigh, and took out a jade slip from the storage ring. The old man’s action made Xia Yi couldn't help but smiled. That's right, the immortal clan is only competing with Dao Fa, and his position is that Hai Qiong and Dao Fa don't want to hurt.

"Second elder, absolutely must not!"

But just when the old man had compromised, the young man who pointed at Xia Yi's nose and cursed stood up again.

"We now have Daofa asylum. Why do we have to compromise with this kind of culprit, or do you still want to be a dog of the fairy clan in your bones, the second elder?"

The young man's words were a little bit awkward, and the old man's expression became uncomfortable. This made Xia Yi learn more about it. It seemed that Shuiyue Cave Sky had originally fallen to the Immortal Clan.

"You immortals did not make any contribution when the human race was in the most difficult time. Now there are a lot of burning, looting and looting. No matter how greedy Dao Fa is, you can think of yourself as human beings. But what about you? You don’t even admit that you are human anymore. Let people cooperate with you? Shuiyue Dongtian originally intended to help the immortal clan, but my method of threading has changed everything."

"I can tell you the immortal clan very clearly, the sea vault is now fully anti-immortal!"

This young man seemed to have leadership qualities. The other young people in Shuiyue Dongtian nodded secretly after hearing these words, and Xia Yi wanted to laugh for some reason.

He also wanted to draw Dao Fa to deal with the immortal in this way, but Dao Fa is not a bird at all. In Dao Fa's eyes, a waste Dao body does not have a divine stone vein worthy of their efforts, but what this young man said is also the truth. If you have to choose one , Even if you change to Xia Yi, you will also choose Dao Fa.

The reputation of the immortal clan is really bad in all circles of the human clan, and the difference is not a little bit, after all, the immortal clan is used to domineering.


"Don't you be afraid of death when you talk to me like this? You are still young and energetic, and you have mistakenly overestimated your own strength. It's nothing more than a forbidden device, and you don't want to be humiliated by the forbidden device."

Xia Yi saw this young man feeling sad. This kid was not actually used by Taoist law. If you think about it carefully, even if the fairy clan has been dragged by Taoist law in the heavenly spirit, he will not have that kind of despair. There will no longer be such a desperate will, abandoning all will, and there will be no miracles.

And obviously they have been used, and I have a little bit of my heart. If you are really used, you still have to be self-righteous, feel that you are very right, and force yourself to find the right reason.

Xia Yi used to be famous in Tianling for the anti-xian, and he is now facing the anti-xian young talent as a member of the Xian tribe. This change in position is also funny.

"Even if you are a semi-god powerhouse, I have the means to hurt you. You should retreat. Your goal is the **** stone. You should find the trouble of Taoism. Unless you want to hurt both of us, we cannot tell you where the **** stone is. ."

The young man was talking and trying to persuade Xia Yi to resign. Xia Yi shrugged, not too lazy to pay attention to what this young man is doing. It is not impossible to use the difficulty of Haiqiong to improve his reputation. Xia Yi How does Yi know that he is a real anti-xian?

"A moment of eternity."

Xia Yi stopped talking nonsense, and was directly imprisoned by time. He came to the old man and took the jade slip, and then resumed the flow of time. After the people in Shuiyuedongtian came back to their senses, they found that Xia Yi didn't know when to stand. In front of their second elder, Xia Yi had already obtained the jade slip that recorded the location of the sacred stone vein.


Putting away the jade slip, Xia Yi smiled kindly. The young man seemed to be a little bit unbelievable that Xia Yi had obtained the position of the **** stone so easily.

After Xia Yi took the jade slip, he almost blurted out and told Xia Yi to stop, but thinking carefully about what qualifications and means he had to make Xia Yi stop, he could only watch Xia Yi leave, and before leaving, Xia Yi still used strong His divine mind forcibly swept across the entire Shuiyue Cave and found that the strongest among them was the old man before.

This old man is called the second elder, which means that the great elder and the suzerain or the supreme elder are not there. It seems that most of them are mixed with Dao Fa people, and since they are not in the sect, most of them have already begun to seize the sacred stone. The movements of the Fa are really fast enough.

Back to the surface of the water quickly, the elders of Xianyueyin and Xuanjizong were all waiting in place. Xia Yi flew back to the flying boat, adjusted the position according to the position recorded in the jade slip, and set off directly, and used the transmission jade slip to urge him to return. The army on the road, the immortal clan is a trouble. It is estimated that a few strong people will come and connect with the sea, and the immortal clan must bring the army, obviously it is not planning to borrow the power of the people in this world.

The immortal race is really full of discrimination and malice when facing other human races in all aspects.

With full horsepower, the flying boat rushed to the spot where the divine stone ore vein was discovered. I have to say that the manufacturing level of the fairy clan flying boat is really high, and I don’t know how the fairy clan made it. It is not inferior at full speed. Too much is too energy intensive and not flexible enough.

Soon, the discovery of the sacred stone vein appeared in Xia Yi’s eyes. The difference from Xia Yi’s imagination was that it was not underground, but on an island that was actually made of crystals. White-gray transparent crystals formed the entire island. Obviously not formed naturally.

The moment Xianyueyin saw this island, she became very interested. The island is almost all beautiful and crystallized. Which woman doesn't like it? Gems are everywhere, and these crystals are not common.

This is a diamond island. The crystals are all rough diamonds. Only Xia Yi knows the value of diamonds. However, in the eyes of Xia Yi now, diamonds are not worth a piece of spiritual stone.

"You wait for me here."

Just after landing on the island, Xia Yi frowned, but soon smiled again. Xian Yueyin didn’t ask why, because Xia Yi probably wouldn’t tell her, the elders of Xuanji Sect. I won't talk too much.

Stepping on the nine tactics of the blue clouds, Xia Yi quickly disappeared from everyone’s eyes and came to a land where no one was there. Xia Yi used his primordial spirit to explore the abnormal movement of the space, and then suddenly stretched out his hand to grab it, and a figure appeared in front of him. .


After seeing Xia Yi, this figure took two steps back in shock, his face was full of horror.

"You also have a second-tier cultivation base, how come Huarong pales in fright like a girl."

"Why did you use my Shenkong Shenzong's chaos illusion art? Did you take it when you attacked my Shenkong Shenzong more than 10,000 years ago!"

"Guess, but do you know who I am?"

Xia Yi smiled and looked at the person in front of him. This guy is an acquaintance of Xia Yi, not someone else, it is Li Ming. This guy seems to have gone to Dao Fa before he and the Xian clan battle, but now he is following Dao Fa. People came here together, which shows that he still has some ability and can be valued by Dao Fa.

But that's right, relying on the extremely curious nature of the chaotic air change technique, Li Ming's effect is still not small.

"Of course I know, the penalty to Xianzunxian is still..."

Li Ming was very uneasy. He couldn't understand why the ruthless people of the immortal clan caught him. Moreover, he still caught him by using the random air exchange technique, which shows that the opponent is better than him in the random air exchange technique. High, this made Li Ming feel a heavy blow.

"You should be the one in charge of watching the wind, right? Just rush to vent the credit and summon Jade Jane, or do you want to run away for fear of being caught by me?"

Xia Yi raised a question, but Li Ming didn't answer, because he obviously didn't feel hostility in Xia Yi, and he even had an indescribable sense of familiarity.

He dared to swear, this penalty Xianzunxian has definitely seen him somewhere! !

"Who are you, why do I always feel that I know you..."

"Your feeling is not wrong, of course it is also because I am too lazy to pretend in front of you."

As he spoke, Xia Yi's face began to change, even his hair color and pupils were changing, and in Li Ming's unbelievable eyes he became a familiar person.

"Xia... Xia... Xia Yi? It was you? Really!"

"Yes, that's right, it's me. How can there be any immortal return? You can find out that the time when the immortal still appeared is exactly the same as the time when I died. Since everyone knows it, then I know that people don't talk about it. That's it, tell me how many people Daofa has come this time."

Xia Yi wanted to get information from Li Ming, and after revealing his true identity, Li Ming should not hide anything from him.


With the increase in strength, Xia Yi is now more and more courageous. If Xia Yi thinks it is necessary, he dare to expose his true identity to others, even if the fairy clan knows it, what can he do with him? How about Xuanhuang?

And he didn’t expose his identity to anyone casually. This was a way to show sincerity. Moreover, Li Ming was a person of special significance to Xia Yi. He was the beginning of Xia Yi’s path to cultivation, and this is the guy. Pretending to be a mountain Taoist, he directly stated his Taoist identity in Tianling Dongxuanxizhou Boyang City.

More than a hundred years later, Li Ming is still the same Li Ming, but Xia Yi is no longer the same Xia Yi.

"What are you thinking about right now? It has surprised me enough that you are still alive. The key is that your strength growth is too exaggerated. The innate Taoist body that has lifted the shackles of the Great Dao is really powerful. You are now afraid of Dao Fa. It is the fifth Daoist who can directly become the Dao Fa, a veritable innate Daoist!"

Li Ming's understanding of Xia Yi still stayed at the time when he was separated from Xia Yi. In the follow-up, I only heard that Xia Yi was dead. At that time, Xia Yi was at the most difficult time. Fettered by the chains of the great road, the immortal clan threatened. There is also the disapproval of the Tianling parties, which can be said to be not going well.

"I am not the fifth Immortal Venerable in the Immortal Clan. I am the same everywhere. I am currently lurking within the Immortal Clan, making some trouble for the Immortal Clan to use things from the Immortal Clan to improve myself. My life is still moisturizing, my true identity You know it, and don’t tell anyone, I hope you don’t betray my trust in you."

Li Ming wanted to pull Xia Yi into Dao Fa, but Xia Yi was not very interested in Dao Fa, let alone his innate Dao body long gone.

"Of course I won’t talk nonsense, but there’s a piece of news that I think it’s necessary to tell you that if you have gone back to Tianling, your wife is currently the only female deity of Tianling, and it has been confirmed that she has a complete spiritual emperor inheritance. , The Nine-Tailed Bloodline is all awakened, and many people in Dao Fa have some thoughts about her."


When Xia Yi heard the news about Yu'er, she sighed comfortably. She could be regarded as leaving the customs. This kind of retreat of the power of awakening from the previous life can't be disturbed. If you are not careful, Yu'er will fall into confusion, so Xia No matter how difficult the situation was, Yi never thought of awakening Yu'er.

"Actually, the inheritance of the spirit emperor is second. The key is the blood of the nine tails. That is the magic medicine for reversing life and death. Many elders want to use the blood of the nine tails to make up for the loss. I have been in the sky before, so I said Only the other sages of the law asked me about this matter."

Li Ming probably wanted to behave in front of Xia Yi, but Xia Yi was not very worried. Yuer was Yuer, and even more Linger, she also had her own domineering side.

"It's a pity that I can't go back now, and I can't do anything when I go back, because it's tantamount to self-violence. In that case, I will go back and do something. I will go back when the affairs of the fairy clan are over. If Yu'er has any accidents, some are Time and strength will be settled after the fall."

"Even a strong man like the Central Palace Master of the Immortal Clan, he has to peel off his skin if he doesn't die!"

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