Xia Yi believed in Yu'er's abilities, so he wouldn't worry too much. Doesn't Yu'er still have the power to protect himself if it doesn't help?

"With your current strength, if you can get to the next level, it's true that no one is afraid of it. It is embarrassing to think about it. You have reached this point in just over a hundred years, and my cultivation level has been over a hundred years. But it only increased by one level. Sure enough, the heavenly spirits are too barren, and you may be right not to choose to go back."

Xia Yi was in the fairy clan now that he didn't have enough resources. He returned to Tianling and practiced a fart. It was really accumulated by time, and this time may be thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years.

"I have to go back sooner or later, but now it’s just unnecessary, but you’re right. I need the **** stone. Speaking of which, you haven’t told me the information yet. You probably are not doing well in Dao Fa at the moment. It’s just a errand runner, so you’d better return to Tianling to mix with me in the future."

Xia Yi’s words can be regarded as talking about Li Ming’s heart. After all, he is a foreign venerable, and the means to obtain resources in Taoism are extremely limited. Xia Yi is now the ninth human race anyway, and he is a person he knows. Xia Yi, I don't think I have a very comfortable life, but it must be more moisturized than it is now.

"When the time comes, you can contact me, I will help you watch the door and sweep the floor. This time Dao Fa came to fifteen nobles, I am one of them, some of whom I don’t know, and I don’t know their strength. However, there are only three demigods, and the others are not considered threats in your eyes. The most noteworthy is Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign, he is the junior of Sword Sovereign, and is a powerhouse of the sixth rank of God ascending."

"Which are the strongest sages of Taoism?"

"Three Dao Venerables, the three of them have absolute right to speak in the three domains, Martial Dao Venerable, Dharma Dao Venerable, Soul Dao Venerable, and Sword Venerable, although they are also sub-divines, but slightly inferior to the three of them, among them, Fa Dao Venerable is the strongest. The cultivation base has reached its limit long ago, the ninth level of ascending to the gods."

The strength of Dao Fa is really not covered, Xia Yi knows that Dao Fa must have reached the ninth level of the gods. Although the specific strength of the Central Palace Master of the Immortal Clan is unknown, it is definitely not much weaker than the Dao Zun of Fa. .

"Absolute Sword Master? I am looking forward to a fight with him. I have learned enough about the news. Then you should be careful not to get hurt."

"Um... you want to do it directly?"

Li Ming heard the meaning of Xia Yi's words, and the last sentence was obviously a precursor to Xia Yi's intention to do it.

"I didn't do it, did I come to help? Or do you have any comments?"

"Where, how dare I have any opinions, I just want to talk about the key point of the start, that the Supreme Sword Master is in Dao Fa, except for San Da Dao Zun and his senior brothers, who have insulted me before because of some trivial matters."

"When the time comes, in case I can't win, remember to remind me whenever there is a new message."

Xia Yi laughed twice, and then waved his hand to signal him to leave. Li Ming naturally did not stay long, he nodded, and there was a ripple in the space around him, and then disappeared in front of Xia Yi's eyes.

This feeling of encountering old friends from another country is actually quite happy for Xia Yi. It is a pity that Li Ming can be reminiscent of Tianling’s old friend, but Li Ming once helped him fight against immortality together. Thinking about it, it’s true. Yeah, even if it’s not a big deal.

After learning about the Dao Fa through Li Ming, Xia Yi took out the jade slip and urged the immortal army again. He was not enough to ignore as many as fifteen holy priests. Even if it really fought, Li Ming would release water, but It doesn't make much difference to have him without him.

The immortal army speeded up after knowing that something was wrong, and told Xia Yi that it would be there within a month, so Xia Yi would delay until the army arrived anyway. Without the help of the army, it would be difficult for the immortal sage to overcome the Dao in a frontal battle. The Lord of Dharma.


Xian Yueyin and Xuanjizong’s elders are waiting for Xia Yi’s return. Xia Yi hasn’t left for too long, but after returning to Feizhou, the look in their eyes is somewhat strange. .

"What's the matter? What do you mean by looking at us like this?"

The elders of Xuanjizong didn't dare to ask, but Xian Yueyin certainly did. Xia Yi immediately took the chattering box and sighed hypocritically.

"There are fifteen sages of Taoism, and some sages of the sea sky are definitely there. We are seriously insufficient and can only wait for the army to come, but I am afraid that it will be too late to wait for the army to come, so please go to the starry sky. First, take the other nine sages of our clan over, and the army will be fine if it arrives two steps slowly."

The small flying boat that Xia Yi and Xian Yueyin rode is very fast, and it can bring the sage of the Xian clan from the army at most a week. This is the safest plan. Xia Yi always keeps his mission in mind. He is for The **** stone is not doing so desperately to help the immortal clan kill the enemy.

Even if he accidentally sacrificed a few celestial sages at that time, he would be very happy to say that if the Dao is not a black hand, he will have a black hand.

"I don't think it's appropriate to return to the immortal. You still have to wait for the arrival of the army to use the bloodline advantage to strengthen the army's combat power. It is very risky to come alone."

However, Xian Yueyin opposed Xia Yi's opinion, and Xia Yi shrugged. It was not surprising that Xian Yueyin could detect such a small conspiracy.

"Then we can only watch Daofa transport the sacred stone away."

"If it doesn't work, we can only forget it. It's because we missed the game, and we can't make the risk even when we are already at a disadvantage."

Xian Yueyin generously stated that even if he gave up the divine stone, the other nine nobles would not be in danger. Xia Yi laughed bitterly after hearing it, and also helplessly patted Xian Yueyin's shoulder twice.

"I'll protect them. Whoever doesn't want the sacred stone, and I still have the big head, no matter how stupid I am, it is impossible for me to get along with the sacred stone."


"of course it's true."

"you swear."

"Yes, I swear, I swear."

In order to let Xian Yueyin honestly move the soldiers, Xia Yi could only swear in front of her not to cruel the venerables. In fact, he really wanted to kill the sacred sacred stone and died of the immortal sage. It's a pity that Xian Yueyin has fully understood his style, knowing that he will definitely not let go of the opportunity to entrap him.

After all this was done, Xian Yueyin dared to take the flying boat away with confidence, and Xia Yi watched the flying boat sail to the stars.

"Brother Xia, are you a bit too good for her? What is her relationship with you? I'm sour."

After Xia Yi sent away Xianyue Yin, the voice of the mirage dragon suddenly echoed in his mind. Xia Yi didn't explain, or even pretended not to hear it.

"Before you talk about what happened to Xia Yi, your memories of Emperor Xia, you haven't told me yet!"

"Brother Xia! You are talking!"

The mirage became suspicious. She discovered that she had been with Xia Yi for so long, and she didn’t know that Xia Yi had so many secrets. This made her feel very hurt. Shouldn’t they be honest with each other because of their relationship? It is necessary to understand each other how long and deep Xia Yi is.

"That's my daydream, right?"

"Menghui still does exist Taoism! I still learned it!"

"That shows that your brother Xia, I am powerful, and can create Dao in my dream."

"Brother Xia, you don't love me anymore. We have all lived and died together so many times. Why are you unwilling to share secrets with me?"

"This is called personal privacy."

"Brother Smelly Xia, you are too much!"

The mirage didn't say anything about Xia Yi, and couldn't help it with Xia Yi. He could only secretly vowed in his heart not to let her wait until Xia Yi's soul was weak, otherwise he would use the dream to return Xia Yi to the dream to understand the truth.

After the mirage fell silent, Xia Yi began to think about this problem. He felt that Emperor Xia’s life really emphasized his tastes. What is good about the mirage dragon. It’s just like a bear child. Xia Yi likes his age. I am young, but the bear child is spared. Wouldn't Dixia's self in that life just like this bite?

Gee... abnormal!

After that, Xia Yi squatted on the Crystal Island and waited for the Dao Fa people to come out. Anyway, they dig the sacred stone mine. When that time comes, they will grab it directly, and save the digging effort. Under the boredom, Xia Yi began to practice until about five days later. , Xia Yi felt an abnormal movement in the distant space, and what followed was a sound transmission echoing in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Xia Yi, the total amount of raw stones from the God Mine is 108,900 catties, and the Dao Fa people have purified them on the spot to have more than 9,000 catties of pure stones, all of which are kept in the storage ring of the Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign."

Hearing this transmission, Xia Yi awakened from cultivation, stretched out and flew into the air immediately until he could see the entire crystal island. After only a short while, as expected, many venerables broke out of the ground. , Xia Yi directly targeted the strongest among them, that is, the one who split his soul with a sword before.

After they left, they actually planned to trade on the spot and distribute the sacred stone to the people in the sea sky world. This was to grab the gap that the fairy clan army could not rush to and directly dig into the treasure. Dao Fa was obviously well prepared this time, and the fairy clan received It's too late after the news!

But it’s not too late for Xia Yi to arrive. Xia Yi no longer hides his breath. The wind between heaven and earth gathers around Xia Yi. Xia Yi’s figure disappears in an instant, and the void where he walks is shattered one after another, and Xia Yi directly takes himself The speed increased to the limit, and after the sages of Taoism noticed it, they immediately used eternity for a moment.

Xia Yi intends to run away after grabbing the storage ring. If he can't run away, let's talk about it. In short, get the sacred stone first. At this moment of rapidity and the moment when time stops, Xia Yi believes that even a demigod can't react. But the facts exceeded Xia Yi's expectations.

The other saints kept their vigilant movements and expressions motionless, but Absolute Sword Master raised his hands strangely, his expression even seemed to be fixed, but the hand holding the sword was able to move, from top to top With a sword, it broke Xia Yi's momentary eternity.

Even Jian Qi left a sword mark on Xia Yi in an unsolvable way.

Time returned to flow, and Xia Yi stood less than ten meters in front of Absolute Sword Master, and his expression was slightly surprised.

"The first time I met someone who could break my trick, I've seen it for a long time."

The sudden appearance of Xia Yi made many saints shocked, because Xia Yi appeared extremely suddenly, appeared in one place without any warning, and there was no spatial fluctuation, indicating that it was not teleportation, but it was similar to teleportation. This kind of move will feel weird no matter who sees it.

But Absolute Sword Master didn't seem to be surprised, only curiosity in his eyes.


"What a mysterious Taoism, you can stop time, how did you do it? Some people in my Taoism have studied this Taoism for millions of years and have little gain. My teacher has always been fascinated by the Taoism of time. Your fairy clan has actually achieved something?"

"How on earth did you do it, even the five emperor immortal emperors have never been contaminated with the outdated ways!"

The Dao Sovereign Absolute Sword looked at Xia Yi with a warm expression, as if he was looking at a peerless beauty, but Xia Yi looked at the sword in the Dao Sovereign Absolute Sword, because Xia Yi clearly sensed that his Dao skills were broken. It was not the mysterious method used by the Supreme Sword Master, but the mysterious cold sword in the hands of the Supreme Sword Master.

"No comment, but what is the origin of this sword in your hand?"

Xia Yi was only curious about the sword in the hands of the Supreme Sword Master. This sword was also weird. There was always fine dust surrounding the sword. Xia Yi looked at it and realized that the dust was basically sword dust. Repetition of decay and remodeling!

"The Divine Sword of the Years can cut life."

Although Xia Yi didn't say anything that was eternal for a moment, this Absolute Sword Master was quite generous and told Xia Yi what the sword in his hand was, which made Xia Yi think of a strange thing, the stone of time.

Although the stone of time is not as good as the stone of karma and reincarnation, it is also very rare, and there are few records about the stone of time.

If this stone is not affected by external forces, it will be indestructible and immortal. It has been in a cycle of decay and rebirth since it was discovered. It also has the ability to deprive other things of time. It seems that this thing has been in Dao Fa, even Man made a sword.

"Very powerful, since the sneak attack failed, then I wish you all a good evening. If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first. Please feel free to please."

There are twenty-three of the fifteen sages of Taoism and the eight sages of the Shanghai Vault. Xia Yi didn't dare to be too arrogant when standing in front of them, and could only try to leave in a civilized and polite manner.

"The immortal is still, I want to leave now? I wouldn't stop you if you wanted to leave, but I am extremely interested in your previous Taoism. If possible, please enlighten me."

Absolute Sword Master did not intend to let Xia Yi go just like that. Although Xia Yi did not succeed, there was something he wanted in Xia Yi. He was tempted and thought it was necessary to obtain it. That is a Taoist technique that can truly stop time. Even Dao Fa is unprecedented Dao Shu.

"If you don't give me advice or give me advice, I suddenly remembered that there is something else. I will definitely next time."

Xia Yi replied twice with a grin and turned around like walking, but the surrounding saints suddenly speeded up and surrounded him. Xia Yi was now robbed by others after failing to rob someone. This made Xia Yi annoyed. He planned to take away the sacred stone and let the waste eat ashes. He ran away to buy time and waited for the immortal army to arrive, but he did not expect to steal the chicken and lose the rice.

He may also be too confident, there is no invincible Taoism in the world, even if it is a moment of eternity, there is something that cannot be stopped.

"Do you think there will be another time? You throw yourself into the trap. If I don't do something to you, I will feel sorry for myself. If the fifth person of the immortal clan returns in embarrassment, it is probably enough to make the immortal clan face a big loss."

Venerable Absolute Sword Dao showed ridicule. Originally, he was worried that the immortal clan would cut the Hu, and he was indeed afraid of Xia Yi's strength, but now that Xia Yi is surrounded by them alone, there is nothing to be afraid of. It is Xia Yitai. I was so confident that I thought that he alone could forcibly **** the sacred stone from his own hands.

"Fine, I surrender, I surrender, this time I am unlucky."

Surrounded by people to Tuan Tuan, Xia Yi first chose to raise his hand to surrender, and then honestly took out a jade slip from the storage ring, honestly and very sensible, which made Absolute Sword Master feel a little outrageous, he It is difficult to understand Xia Yi's behavior without resisting.

Xia Yi is not weak, it can even be said to be very strong. The people present can fight Xia Yi head-on. It is estimated that he is the only one. If Xia Yi wants to escape with all his strength, they will have to work hard to stop it. I didn't expect Xia Yi. Surrendered.

Absolute Sword Dao Zun immediately released his spirit to explore the jade slip, but Xia Yi suddenly squeezed his hand tightly, directly smashed the jade slip and broke into trouble, can Xia Yi say that you can believe it? Xia Yi is an old scumbag, and Xia Yi's mouth is a deceitful ghost.

Venerable Absolute Sword sneered when he saw this. Even if Xia Yi could not be so honest, the other sages had more or less thought so, so he had always been vigilant, and the two sages who were about to be attacked in front of Xia Yi were even earlier. He was ready to dodge. The moment Xia Yi moved, everyone except the Absolute Sword Master immediately took the initiative to back away and pulled away.

"A group of ants, watch me kill you in an instant."

"Emperor skill, the universe, the universe, the four phenomena, the infinite, and the earth is shaking..."

"I'm lucky!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xia Yi's figure had already flew away, and more than half of the Dao Fa's sages were still preparing for defense, because Xia Yi just looked very serious, and at first glance he wanted to use some kind of killing technique, but waited. All they have is air.


"Why are you still stunned? Chasing! When the fairy clan army arrives, we can only go, seize this opportunity to catch the immortal, and humiliate the immortal clan!"

Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign took the lead in chasing and killing him directly. Xia Yi's mode of action was completely beyond everyone's expectations. What was even more annoying was that he really ran away after bluffing.

Xia Yi couldn't find his own way of death, but the twenty-three venerables, he took the lead to fight? If it's for yourself, it's fine, fight hard to release the man's bloodliness, but whatever the fairy clan is good, he can accept it without the sacred stone, anyway, he doesn't want to be seriously injured.

It’s just that Xia Yi’s speed that is so exaggerated also made the Dao Fa masters suspicious. They have never heard of the immortal clan having such a speedy body method, that is, there is no Dao Fa. When Xia Yi got serious Seriously terrible.

But Xia Yi was also disgusting when he was humble.

The venerables were chasing for the kill. After running for a distance, Xia Yi suddenly killed a carbine. Turning back, it was the infinite strength of the two fists that opened the sky. The two venerables couldn't avoid it, and they could only defend themselves in desperation. Still being beaten to spit out a mouthful of blood, his chest sank directly.

Xia Yi didn't stop after hitting these two punches. Instead, he continued to run. The other venerables were a little afraid to chase them. Isn't it funny that their group of weak people chasing a strong one? And Xia Yi obviously didn't even have any injuries. He was in his heyday. Is he really going to keep chasing him?

"Absolute Sword Master, if this penalty immortal wants to run, it will be difficult for us to take him, should we forget?"

The other venerables from Dao Fa thought it was fine, anyway, the **** stones were all in hand, but Jue Sword Dao Venerable was itchy when he thought of Xia Yi stopping the Dao skills of time.

"Keep chasing, haven't you seen him slow down deliberately? This guy wants to play, that's okay, I'll have fun with him!"


Xia Yi turned around and killed a carbine halfway through and achieved unexpected results, but Xia Yi was not satisfied with this. In addition to fleeing, he also wanted the divine stone in the storage ring of Absolute Sword Master, and Absolute Sword Master was also immortal to him for a moment. Extremely interested, this made Xia Yi have the idea of ​​manipulation.

So, seeing that the enemy stopped chasing, Xia Yi began to practice pill on the spot again, and even smirked at the sages of Dao Fa. He sneered wildly at the sages of the Dao Fa, and said nothing on his mouth, thinking in his heart. It's best not to let him catch it, otherwise Xia Yi will regret it.

The two sides kept a certain distance in this way. The sages of the Dao Fa side guarded against Xia Yi's sneak attack, and the other side had a defensive heart. He even tried to leave the starry sky directly in the opposite direction.

This makes it difficult for Xia Yi, just like Xia Yi knows that Absolute Sword Dao Venerable is coveting him for a moment of eternity, Absolute Sword Dao Venerable still knows that Xia Yi wants the divine stone in his hand, now I can see who is more resistant to it. With temperament, whoever can control the initiative.

Xia Yi touched his chin and thought carefully about whether he wanted to catch up, but the Supreme Sword Master is not a vegetarian. There are many people on the other side. Once he falls into a disadvantage, he will be chased and beaten. Wouldn't it be that he loses the opportunity to fight back? Lost?

"No, you can't make the other party so cheap, it looks like you can only make a cheap one!"

Xia Yi quickly made a decision in his heart. The sacred stone was unacceptable. He quickly caught up to see the Dao Fa Masters and immediately moved his hands. He waved Wu Jian Jin to specialize in the lower cultivation level. Although the opponent was defensive, Xia Yi The purpose is not to hurt them, but to delay time.

"Sure enough... pay attention to each, take me as the center of offense and defense!"

The Supreme Sword Master knew that Xia Yi would definitely catch up. He took the initiative to walk out of the team and did not give Xia Yi the opportunity to consume other venerables. If Xia Yi kept a certain distance and continuously consumed them, then they really could not take Xia Yi. , Unless you can think of ways to limit Xia Yi's speed.

However, Xia Yi was not confident enough to let go of the enemy's leader even when surrounded by the enemy. It is impossible for those sages to stand there and watch, so Xia Yi saw the situation and immediately opened the distance again, after running away. Just looking at Absolute Sword Master, he didn't speak.

"The immortal is still, or we can just make a deal. It's not a way to go on like this. We can't get what we want. All the sacred stones are given to you. You can use Dao Shu to exchange it. If this Dao Shu fairy clan allows it to be spread out If we do, our Taoism will compensate a lot of resources in the follow-up. I know that although there are many divine stones this time, the value of Taoism in your hand is higher."

This is a waste of time, so the Supreme Sword Master does not want to wear the empty glove white wolf. That is not realistic, but wants to trade fair and honest, but the eternal eternity of Ji Dao is the evolution of Xia Yi’s natural magical powers, that is Xia Yi. It's hard to spread it out.

Even if Xia Yi was able to teach it, the person who accepted it would have to go for a walk in the netherworld first.

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