"It's too uneconomical, and there is no possibility of spreading this way. We still have to rely on methods for the **** stone."

The sacred stone was originally dug by Dao Fa in the sea vault, and it is not Dao Fa’s own. It is okay to trade with other people’s things, but to blame it can only be blamed on the immortal clan’s poor reputation, otherwise the sea vault would not Strongly support Dao Fa.

"Then it seems that the sacred stone and the immortal clan have no relationship, do you think I don't know that you are delaying time? I am not as you want, and if it fails, I have to give up. Anyway, the sacred stone has already succeeded."

After finishing speaking, Absolute Sword Master took off the storage ring in his left hand and handed it to the other saint beside him. The storage ring he carried on his right hand was used by him to hold personal belongings.

"You go first, and after I'll break, prevent this guy from harassing you."


The Venerable who took over the storage ring was also a demigod. Dao Fa came to three demigods, and there were only two immortals. Xia Yi was one of them, and one person was on the way. After taking the storage ring, he said The Venerables of Dharma left one after another, but the Venerables of the Sea Sky Realm did not leave, they were still standing beside the Supreme Sword Master, intending to help the Supreme Sword Master.

"Do you not know the style of my immortal clan? Do you think that the Dao Fa people will take care of you after they leave? Although it is a loss for you to cooperate with which party, but the other party is so thorough. Be careful of your head!"

Xia Yi didn't say anything about it. It would be strange if many forces in the Immortal Sea Vault Realm vented after the arrival of the immortal army.

"Hehe, our Dao Fa will protect them, am I not staying?"

"I look forward to waiting for the arrival of my fairy clan army, you can still fight the sea vault that accompanies you. In the sea vault, your catastrophe is about to come, and you don't have any points in your heart? It involves my immortal clan and Dao Fa, if you have to cross your feet, don’t blame me for not reminding you!"

Xia Yi borrowed the fierce style of the immortal clan to let out cruel words first. This really made the holy sages of the sea vault feel a sense of crisis. They looked at each other, and their expressions were obviously a little afraid. Maybe they won't care about them, what awaits them will be the anger of the fairy clan.

How to do? How to choose?

"Absolute Sword Master, the penalty to Immortal Venerable is justified. We have no intention of getting involved in disputes anymore. Now that you have got what you want, then we won't stay for long."

The sages of the sea vault are very aware of current affairs, knowing that they can no longer be involved in the battle between Taoism and the immortal clan, but the sacred swordsman shook his head and stopped them.

"Can you believe what the fairy clan says? In case he turns back in the future..."

"I swear that if you leave now, after the immortal clan kills one person in the sea sky world, I will not die as the leader. I will not be able to advance my cultivation for life, and my friends and relatives will be implicated."

Xia Yi interrupted Jue Sword Master’s words and swore directly to the sky. The sages of the Sea Sky Realm immediately sighed with relief and bowed their hands to the Jue Sword Master and left without looking back, whether it was the Jue Sword Master or the penalty. Xianzun can't afford to offend them, and it's pretty good to be able to get a part of the sacred stone.

Dao Sword Absolute could not persuade them to come back at this time, unless he also swore that Dao Fa would protect the sea vault, but he himself understood that this was impossible.

"Even without these stinky fish and shrimps, I can stop you alone."

The Supreme Sword Master firmly grasped the Years Sword in his hand and pointed the sword at Xia Yi. Xia Yi just took out a knife and shook it twice, and then directly performed a quick attack at a speed that could not be caught up by the spirit of the sword. The sword split, and the sword gas passed through Xia Yi's body, and Xia Yi's figure quickly dissipated after the sword.


Seeing Xia Yi who was missing and a handful of saint soldiers before him, Absolute Sword Master immediately noticed something wrong.


Absolute Sword Master realized that he had fallen into illusion and Xia Yi possessed the original spirit. If he used the illusion, it would be difficult for people who did not cultivate the original spirit to notice the abnormality. Therefore, Absolute Sword Master immediately and cautiously guarded against Xia Yi's sneak attacks from all around, but waited. Nothing happened for several seconds, and the divine mind only captured the traces of Xia Yi's departure.

Is it possible that this guy is chasing after the sages who left before?

Absolute Sword Dao Venerable thought it was very possible, so he immediately followed the aura left by Xia Yi to chase out of the sea, and came directly to the starry sky. As expected, a figure in the starry sky was flying away from the place quickly, it was Xia Yi.

Xia Yi didn’t want to pay attention to Absolute Sword Sovereign before he got the Divine Stone. He really wanted to have a good fight with Absolute Sword Sovereign. But where the Divine Stone was important, Absolute Sword Sovereign could not catch up with Xia Yi. Xia Yi moved towards the depths of the starry sky at full speed. After chasing, there is Xia Yi's person among the Dao Fa's holy priests, that is, Li Ming, who will always provide Xia Yi where they are.

At this moment, Absolute Sword Master can only tell the saints ahead of them to be careful by sending a jade slip. By the way, by asking about their location, they soon learned that Xia Yi was chasing behind them accurately, and Absolute Sword Master immediately asked them to change directions, but Xia Yi Yi unexpectedly also immediately changed direction, obviously knowing their specific location.

Seeing Xia Yi flying farther and farther, he was about to lose his figure, Jue Sword Dao Venerable gritted his teeth and directly took out the teleportation disk to start, and the Dao Fa Venerables waited in place.

Soon, Xia Yi caught up with the Dao Fa masters who had left before, but there was a space change in the void, and the figure of Absolute Sword Master slowly emerged in front of the masters, just blocking Xia Yi’s path forward. , But it was still a small step late, Xia Yi had already raised his fist in front of the Lord who had received the storage ring.

"Not moving like a mountain!"

The saint had practiced a special defensive technique, his body was slightly curled up, his arms were in front of him, his hair and skin all turned into a rock-like dark black, Xia Yi was unable to get any benefits when he punched it down. , Even the fist was still aching, and the saint was uncomfortable, his arms really cracked like stones.

Xia Yi broke the defense with a single blow, and the Holy Venerable was beaten back hundreds of meters by Xia Yi's tremendous force before stopping. His body had returned to its original shape, but his arms were **** and bloody. Seeing this, Absolute Sword Master immediately stood in front of Xia Yi. Xia Yi didn't even want to ignore it directly, and continued to chase down the previous venerable one.

"Attack together!"

After reaching the realm of True Sovereign, you can basically use aura to speak in the starry sky, let alone talk about the Holy Venerable. Therefore, the command of Absolute Sword Master is directly conveyed to everyone's heart through the voice, and Li Ming took out his sword and swung it pretentiously. After a few attacks, he would be avoided by Xia Yi with all his strength anyway.

With an absolute speed advantage, Xia Yi dodges most of the attacks in full view, and forcibly carries down the unavoidable attacks with a powerful body, once again comes to the Lord and directly grabs his right. arm.

"The **** stone belongs to me."

After that, Xia Yi pulled with all his strength and broke the entire arm directly, then quickly stepped back with the entire arm and removed the storage ring on his finger.

However, after Xia Yi probed with divine intent, his face quickly turned black.

Because the storage ring is empty, there is nothing, not even a spiritual stone!

At this moment, the saint took out a storage ring from his arms and handed it to the Supreme Sword Master who had already reached him. The Supreme Sword Master once again put the storage ring on his finger, turning his head and revealing it to Xia Yi There was a smile.

"Your speed is indeed amazing, but if you just want to use this method to capture the **** stone, then I can only say that you think too much."

"This time, I won't give you any more opportunities."

As he spoke, Absolute Sword Master took out a large piece of sacred stone from the storage ring and held it in his hand. The sacred stone exudes a milky white light, which is exactly the same as the sacred stone Xia Yi got in the Yuanjie. Just one piece, we can see the preciousness of the sacred stone.

"Set up the teleportation array directly on the spot."

The Absolute Sword Master threw the divine stone to one of the nobles. After the divine stone was taken away, the nobleman immediately moved away from the large group. The others stood behind Absolute Sword Master and looked at the other half. God is the third demigod that Daofa has come to this time.

"Brother Yan, borrow your magical tool to seal the realm of heaven, and other people will try their best to help Brother Yan use the Heavenly Sealing Mirror to seal the dantian returned by the immortal. I want to see what else he can take when the dantian is sealed."

"Li Ming, you go to help set up the array, disrupt the flow of space with the space-changing technique, don't let this guy discover where we are teleporting, he has a soul, and he already has the ability to know through the space fluctuations left by the teleportation array The ability to teleport locations."

Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign gave orders, and everyone else moved. Dao Fa is the first realm of the human race. How can so many people really have nothing to do with Xia Yi? Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign is also really angry at this moment, and really thinks he is. The speed is invincible, do you really think they have nothing to do?

If Xia Yi wants to leave, they really can't stop it, but Xia Yi still thinks that harassment is absolutely impossible!

"It's okay if there are too many people and less people are bullying. Is this the style of Dao Fa? I really have a long experience, Absolute Sword Master, you dare to fight me head-on!"

Xia Yi asked for a fight, but Absolute Sword Master did not answer. A head-on fight was completely meaningless, and it was not easy for the younger generation to get hot. He could calm down and avoid all unnecessary behaviors as much as possible.

The battle situation is deadlocked. It is not for Xia Yi to continue to attack, nor to escape. He can only secretly criticize the immortal clan for its poor intelligence ability. If you have to bring the army in everything you do, you are destined to be no more flexible than Dao Fa, so much later than Dao Fa. , I would not have come if I knew it.

At this moment, Xia Yi, as a member of the immortal clan, really felt the weakness of the immortal clan, that is, the army, where the immortal clan is strong is the army, and the weak place is also the army. The arrival of the army can be described as sweeping all enemies, but the army is not coming. The sage of the clan is not even as powerful as the sages of some small realms.

Xia Yi really felt the power of the fairy clan when he was an enemy of the fairy clan, but now he really felt the insufficiency when he needed it. This world is really strange.

Taking out the jade slip of the communication, Xia Yi once again contacted the army of the immortal clan.

"The Dao Fa people are almost running away, quickly roll over to me, use the sacred stone to drive the flying boat, regardless of loss, I will see you within an hour, otherwise don't blame me for being rude afterwards!"

After speaking, Xia Yi clenched a fist, twisted his neck twice, and his bones staggered and made muffled noises.

"Seal my aura, come on, don't use aura to pack you up!"


In fact, Xia Yi didn’t have much good feelings about Dao Fa, and he even didn’t like Tian Ling very much. Although Dao Fa people were not as cruel as the immortals, they only valued their cold interests, so Xia Yi didn’t feel right at all. It's too much to be cruel in Dao Fa.

Xia Yi moved forward confidently. One of the demigods of Dao Fa held a mirror with both hands to illuminate Xia Yi. Xia Yi suddenly felt that his dantian was blocked and bound by some kind of power, and the spiritual energy in his body was sealed, it was as if his cultivation base had been abolished. Same, lost control of Dao Power.

"The immortal is still, if you are in the realm, I might still be afraid of you, but now in this starry sky, you can't even move if you can't use aura."

Martial arts can only cross the starry sky with a **** body unless they reach the **** of war, otherwise they don’t even have the ability to fly for a long time. Xia Yi is really powerless now, can only float on the spot, even Yang Yan can’t even feel it, and the mirage dragon is lost. Induction.

This time I am afraid it is not only the pubic area, but even the world within the body has been sealed to death. It is indeed a divine tool of Taoism, and it really has infinite magic.

"Very powerful, but you seem to have forgotten a little, how can you bestow my soul and physique?"

However, Xia Yi is also a half-step martial arts god, and he has the power to ignore the distance. After being locked with divine consciousness, he can still attack and kill remotely. Moreover, the loss of aura does not mean that Xia Yi is completely unable to move. He still has mental power. It was the power of divine thought, but it was definitely not as good as the Qingyun Nine Jue that was activated with aura.

Relying on soul power to move oneself is very troublesome. It can be said that even dodge is not necessarily possible, only that it can be moved, but this is enough for Xia Yi. He looked at the demigod holding the mirror directly. He punched out his fist, trying to affect the mirror, but another demigod who was adept at defending himself directly blocked the mirror with his body.

He only heard a muffled sound. The demigod didn’t retreat. He raised his head and showed a mocking smile at Xia Yi. Unless Xia Yi pulled closer and used Kaitianjin, Wujianjin would not be able to hurt him. of.

"Yes, you will feel better later."

Xia Yi looked at Li Ming at this time, but Li Ming didn’t dare to look at Xia Yi. He couldn’t release the water at this time. Otherwise, it would be strange if the Dao Fa people didn’t strip him. Xia Yi still wanted Li Ming Ming secretly made some tricks to prevent the teleportation array from starting normally, but it seemed unrealistic right now.

The Supreme Sword Master also does not take the initiative to attack. His purpose is not to defeat Xia Yi, but to prevent Xia Yi from harassing. Yes, but Xia Yi is not surprised. This is a struggle between realms. How can it be possible to give the other party a chance?

The two sides guarded each other in this way. Until half an hour later, the teleportation formation was about to be set up. Only then did Absolute Sword Master open his eyes to look at Xia Yi. The unsheathed sword exudes a piercing chill, even Xia Yi I feel a little bit cool on my back, it would be uncomfortable if I hit the sword in the front.

"You didn't do anything in the middle of the way, because you thought you would have a trouble in the end. You only have this possibility. If you think you can take my sword, you can give it a try."

"If you dare not, just stay where you are and see us off."

Absolute Sword Master pointed out Xia Yi's thoughts. Xia Yi did think so. To destroy it, wait for the moment when the teleportation array is completed before destroying the most appropriate. The enemy knows this, and he also knows this, so next Development is all in one move.

Although Absolute Sword Master also has a non-leakage golden body, Xia Yi can clearly notice that his energy and blood are not as good as his own. The real sublimation in the first battle does not depend on blood or talent.

As a result, he obtained the Eclosion and Ascension Technique and Kaitian Jin. Before entering a dream, everything that I felt in the dream, and finally seeing the real emergence of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl with his own eyes, also made Xia Yi more or less aware of the Eclosion and Ascension technique. The true meaning of it.

The primordial spirit emerges for the spirit, the physical body expands and soars, and the soul and flesh merge into a flying body. This is the real martial arts technique!

"You seem to have confidence in your sword. Don't cry for a while."

"You seem to have confidence in your next move. I'm very curious about what else you can use to attract you without aura, whether it is the primordial spirit coming out of the body, or the law of heaven and earth."

Absolute Sword Master, as a Dao Fa, of course knows where these three Dao powers are. The strongest method of the primordial spirit is to get out of the body. Giant, as far as Qi training is concerned, of course it is the domain and Vientiane.

The two are looking at each other at a short distance. Absolute Sword Master can attack at this time, but it is not necessary. The same is the Holy Master unless the difference in strength is too large, otherwise it is impossible to tell the victory or defeat in a short time. It's normal for a player to fight for several days. Instead of wasting time and energy and being harassed by Xia Yi, it is better to accumulate a horrible blow to directly determine the winner.

Time passed by, and the teleportation formation was about to be completed. Xia Yi's eyes also moved away from Absolute Sword Master, and looked at the holy master who was setting up the formation. He was making the final step with Li Ming to bring all the divine power contained in the divine stone. Into the line to activate.

In the void, Xuan'ao's Dao pattern formed an aperture to envelop the other saints. The Absolute Sword Dao Venerable stared at Xia Yi while retreating. As long as he retreated within the distance of the teleportation formation, he would immediately split the accumulated one. Sword then yelled goodbye.

However, Xia Yi could bear his mind. He wanted to destroy the teleportation array at the last moment before it was activated. If something went wrong with the teleportation array powered by the **** stone, it would cause a space riot 100%, and everyone would be injured by that time, but He has only one person, but the other party has a total of fifteen people, no matter how he counts it, he earns it.

At the moment when Absolute Sword Master retreated into the formation with one foot, the two rioted at the same time, and the sword in Absolute Sword Master’s hand was slightly swung horizontally, only to see that his sword turned into a very long silk thread, turning the starry sky. They are all split, and all meteorites that are touched by the thread are silently divided into two parts.

This sword does not have much power, but is sharp to the extreme, and can easily cut the holy soldiers with one sword, but Xia Yi has disappeared, but the original location left a large pool of blood floating in the starry sky. .

Obviously, Xia Yi couldn't avoid this trick. He was injured, but the disappearance of his figure showed that he also used the lore he had prepared for a long time.

"Absolute Sword Master, these are..."

"What is this……"

"Invisible? That's not right... is becoming stylish!"

"What are these Caixia..."

"We are surrounded by this Caixia."


The Dao Fa masters noticed the abnormality almost instantly. The starry sky around them did not know when there were a lot of beautiful clouds. These shining clouds were as fuzzy as clouds, but they seemed to be within reach, and could even be roughly recognized. Clear the shape of the Xiaguang.

It seems that it is a hand.

A giant hand holding the heavens and the earth in the palm of the palm, and looking in front of you, a phantom that is several times larger than a mountain is looking at them condescendingly, and the other hand of Xiaguang is photographing from the top of their heads. Above the stars, the wind pressure generated by this giant palm alone is enough to cause all trees in a radius of hundreds of miles to collapse, and this palm is afraid that the mountains can be flattened!

This is no longer the level that mortal power can reach, this is the power of the gods, the magical skill!

The Xiaguang giant’s left palm is the ground, and the right palm is the sky. The two palms are like a collision between the sky and the earth. The surrounding meteorites are all photographed by the giant palm. Because this giant palm covers a large area, it is like a whole mountain and river. In general, the palm prints of the palms are like undulating ground. The Dao Fa masters know that it is too late to escape, and they can only use all defensive means to take it down.

Until the palms met, the meteorite flew into smoke, and the teleportation array was overwhelmed and shattered in an instant. Because of the full defense of the Dao Fa veterans, only a few venerables with a cultivation base of less than Tier 3 were injured.

Among them was the hapless Li Ming. At this moment, he realized how powerful Xia Yi really is. Isn’t this the trick that he almost shot Jing Yi at the beginning? He had seen it during the Battle of Heavenly King, but at the time When Xia Yi cast it, it was like pressing an ant with his palm.

And this, all beings collapsed from the sky.

Xia Guang collapsed under their defense, but it still brought an unbearably powerful counter-shock. Many people were wailing and wailing. The one with the lowest cultivation level had a broken spine, relying on others to disperse the pressure. Only barely survived, otherwise I'm afraid it won't be shot directly into a pool of flesh.

The shattered glow quickly faded, and the flow of light once again formed a figure in the distance. It was Xia Yi, but he was much weaker than before. There was a scar on his shoulder that was deeply visible. If it weren't for the starry sky, he could not breathe. Looks out of breath.

Although this technique is so powerful that it covers an astonishingly large area, it may be enough to wipe out a continent three or five times, but the consumption is also full of horror. It costs Xia Yi 80% energy and 90% soul power. The seal of Xia Yi's dantian also faded behind Xia Yi's palm, and Xia Yi felt the flow of spiritual power in his body again.

"I told you not to cry for a while."

Xia Yi looked at the chaotic space in front of him. The destruction of the teleportation array unexpectedly caused spatial turbulence. The sages of Dao Fa are being torn apart by the spatial turbulence. Only Li Ming has leeway, and he can actually survive the spatial turbulence. It can only be said to be the official descendant of Luankong Shenzong.

When the spatial turbulence subsided, the Dao Fa masters took a sigh of relief. They really didn't expect Xia Yi to do such a good job, fighting to prevent them from being weak. He was really loyal to the immortal clan, sure enough. The unity of the immortal people is not just for fun.

But in fact, for someone, it is not so much loyalty as greed for the **** stone.

"The immortal is still, I really admire you. I remember that this trick has been spread in the line of Emperor Wu, the technique of eclosion and ascension, after achieving the perfect golden body, there is a certain chance to understand it naturally. I saw it today and it was as powerful as the rumors. Let me I think of Tianling Tianjun, but he must be inferior to you. You did successfully stop us, and then? Just as weak as you are now, we can even kill you!"

"Should we take this chance to kill you?"

The Venerable Swordsman said that, but he was actually not joking. He really moved his mind. Of course, he would not kill him. If it causes strong dissatisfaction from the immortal clan, it will easily lead to the battle of the realm, but he is caught back "as a guest." "For a period of time, let the Xian clan prepare to redeem it with a big gift, but the Xian clan still has nothing to say.

Xia Yi shrugged. Next, he will not be able to forcefully support him. Let’s run and recover while running. Try to harass as much as possible. Even if the other party builds a teleportation array again, it will take half an hour. This time should be enough. The venerables of the clan came.

If they didn't come, Xia Yi would really scold his mother.

Just when Xia Yi was thinking about whether to run or try to delay a little longer, someone called him, and Xia Yi immediately accepted it. After receiving the news, Xia Yi finally smiled, and Xianyueyin was even more capable than he thought, and actually commanded The army rushed to Haohan with a directional teleportation array, and borrowed the starry sky teleportation array of the vast Xuanjizong.

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