Although this will cost a lot of sacred stones, but can't bear the children can't help the wolf, how can this sacred stone be unwilling to pay?

Xia Yi took out a fairy clan artifact from the storage ring. It was a sword, a bright golden long sword, which was presented to him by Xian Ruyi. It was an extremely rare array sword, the sword itself. With a sacred formation, it was a gift that Nantian Palace Lord spent his painstaking efforts to create for her daughter during his lifetime, but his daughter forwarded it to Xia Yi, the father-killing enemy.

The Dao Fa masters frowned slightly when they saw this sword, they wondered why Xia Yi only took out the weapon now.

"Secret sword, sky light!"

Xia Yi blasted almost half of the aura into the sword, and then raised it high. The sword was shining with dazzling brilliance. A round of swords circled Xia Yi, and hundreds of lightsabers gathered in one place and shot out a spread towards the sky. Don't know how many distances of the beam of light.

This is a lightsaber.

next moment.

Thousands of troops come to meet each other.

A vague ripple appeared in the space behind Xia Yi, and the space changed, and the silhouette of a majestic ancient star could be seen from the starry sky behind Xia Yi. The starry sky behind Xia Yi was already in contact with the outer sky of another star. Get up, this is the space channel, something huge is slowly drilling out of the space channel behind Xia Yi.

After a while, the Dao Fa veterans saw the whole picture of the thing. It was a huge and boundless flying boat, on which was an armoured armoured army of millions.

"I'll be late, please punish Xianzun for atonement."

Immediately, nine of the sages left the flying boat and came to Xia Yi, kneeling and saluting.

"The nine statues and millions of troops who came together on this trip are all here, please order!"

"The whole army is ready to go to war and respond to the order of punishment of the immortal at any time."

On the flying boat, the holy emperor leaders of the various small units gave orders, and then raised the swords in their hands. The millions of troops raised their swords at the same time and let out a loud battle roar. This scene reminded Xia Yi of the battle on Mars, but at this moment At this moment, the commander is him!

The moment he saw this army, Xia Yi knew that he was stable, and the **** stone was stable. He laughed three times. He didn't expect that he would feel kind after seeing the immortal army.


"The whole army goes out and surrounds all directions with the Venerable. The remaining Venerable keeps an eye on the battle situation and makes up for the side that is not in good conditions."

"The purpose is not to kill the enemy, just besieged to prevent anyone from escaping!"

"Now, spread out!"

After Xia Yi gave the order, the millions of immortal clan army was not in the least chaotic, and moved extremely quickly to fly away from the flying boat from far to near. The Dao Fa masters were waiting for Absolute Sword Dao Venerable's order, Absolute Sword Dao Venerable did not let them escape. Because Absolute Sword Master knows that it is meaningless to escape.

The immortal clan army has arrived, it is relying on the flying boat to chase and harass continuously, they have nothing to do. A single immortal clan powerhouse and an entire immortal clan army are two completely different concepts. The former Dao Fa dismisses it. , The latter has to evade even Dao Fa.

After the army completely surrounded the Dao Fa from all directions, Absolute Sword Dao Venerable spoke.

"The immortal is still, no wonder you are fighting so hard, it turns out that the army is coming soon, so I spent a lot of sacred stones in order to rush over in time, you are also willing, not afraid of wasting it, but the current situation is like this, we can only admit it, so let’s. We have five or five points for the sacred stone, let's go."

Facing the army of the immortal clan, Absolute Sword Dao Zun quickly changed his attitude, and it was impossible for him to be stubborn at this point.

"Hand over it all."

Xia Yi shook his head, saying that he wanted everything. Naturally, the Dao Fa masters couldn't accept this. The Absolute Sword Dao Master also sighed deeply.

"Really? I'm not showing you weakness, I just don't want to hurt both sides. I am here, and you consume a lot, and you don't have much combat power. I can make some sacrifices to lead others to break through, but I think that. It’s a loss, we just split up in half to get together and get together."

The meaning of Absolute Sword Master is very simple, since your army is here, then give you a face, and hope you will give me face, but Xia Yi is the kind of person who is easy to send? If it were not for the **** Shi Xia Yi, he wouldn't have come to the sea vault at all.

"I consume a lot? I don't have much combat power? Are you sure?"

"Then I won't make it difficult for you. I now give you a chance to find a wild star and fight me fairly!"

Directly pulling away the opponent’s strongest combat power, I believe that the other Taoist sages should not be able to break through the encirclement of the immortal clan, and there is no way to bully the less with more. Xia Yi forcibly turned the situation into a one-to-one relationship between the high-levels. .

In fact, Xia Yi could have directly let the army attack the Taoist venerables, but unfortunately he swore to Xianyueyin, Xianyueyin will try his best to bring the army to come, he can't entrap the army, otherwise Xia Yi still wants to give it to him. Dharma deities cheer up.

"A fair fight? You just want to leave me, I don't want to waste time with you."

Absolute Sword Dao Venerable couldn't kill Xia Yi. After all, Dao Fa and Xian Clan didn't really go to war, just click and stop, so the seriously injured person is simply doing something stupid.

"I really want to push you away, after all, I don't want to lose too much to the people under my hand."

Xia Yi said these words while looking at Xian Yueyin on the flying boat. Xian Yueyin nodded to Xia Yi. Xia Yi kept her promise. She knew that Xia Yi had so many secrets but did nothing at all. It is Xia Yi to keep his promise.

Xia Yi said that it would be harmless or harmless, and that to resolve the grievances between the two worlds with the least sacrifice is to use the least sacrifice. In fact, Xian Yueyin also thought of a lot in private. She knew that this was due to the Xuan Huang from the fairy clan. No matter how Xuan Huang did, Xia Yiren did his best.

But there is always a hurdle in her heart. After all, she is a member of the fairy clan, and she knows how to think from the perspective of the fairy clan. She is still observing, anyway, Xia Yi said that if she wants to, she can expose herself at any time. True identity.

"so what?"

"So let's decide the victory or defeat in the first battle. You have no people around you, and I don't rely on the army. I win and the gods belong to me. I lose and you go."

"you sure?!"

Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign suspected that he had heard it wrong now, and Xia Yi was so weak that he thought he could win. This was too much to underestimate him, and even Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign was very upset and felt that he was despised.


Xia Yi nodded heavily, but the other sages of the immortal clan thought it was inappropriate.

"Punishing Xianzun, this is not good, thank you for worrying about the lives of our soldiers, but we are not afraid of sacrifice. You have been injured like this to delay time. Wherever there can be a so-called fair battle, you can just step back and rest."

"Yeah, Xianhuan, it's not that we don't trust you, but that your current state is indeed not good."

"Xian Huan brother, believe us, although we came a little bit slower, but we are not a waste, why give up our advantages and seek our own disadvantages."

The other sages of the immortal clan disagreed. After all, an individual could see how weak Xia Yi could survive? Only Xia Yi didn't think that he was disabled. This was his illusion, the illusion that he had always had, even if he died for the third time, he would be able to rise to the indomitable way of fighting again.

"Needless to say, I have decided, and I will bear all the consequences. I will also be responsible for the accountability of the Central Palace Master. Don't forget that the Beitian Palace Master has been overshadowed by me once."

Xia Yi insisted on insisting on his own opinions, and the other sages could only give up. He bowed his head and arched his hands towards Xia Yi. After stepping back for a while, the Supreme Sword Master slowly stepped forward and took a look at Xia Yi, no matter how he checked it. Detective can be sure that Xia Yi is very weak at this time.

"I want to see where your confidence comes from, aren't there four wild stars around here? Let's pick one at random?"

"Which one went to which one, in my opinion, is that one."

Xia Yi pointed to a gray-black barren star. It was a rock star. The Supreme Sword Master nodded directly. It was the same everywhere, and it was not a god. Compared to the starry sky without a foothold, even the Holy Master liked it more. Fight above the stars.

Besides, both of them are perfect golden bodies, and neither is convinced, there must be a contest between the two.

"Then let's go, do you want me to help you? You look blue and white. Don't blame me for being merciless if you lose."

"I won't even be unable to walk. What's the point of weakness, or are you the kind of person who is a little bit imaginary and wants to say no? A man can't say no, no! You have to do it, I see. You are the kind of soft-footed shrimp that gets on the bed of the Taoist couple, and has a weak leg and can't stand it after a few visits."

Xia Yi ridiculed Absolute Sword Master for a while, not only showed his masculinity, but also disgusted his opponent. Absolute Sword Master could not find any words to refute. He basically hadn't been exposed to foul language since he was a child. .

"Death to face and suffer, but I still want to thank you for your stupidity. If you can't do it, then go quickly."

After Absolute Sword Master finished speaking, Xia Yi flew to the rocky barren star one step at a time, and Xia Yi naturally followed immediately.


In the endless starry sky, cold or hot barren stars occupy the vast majority. The number of life stars in the entire starry sky is a drop in the ocean. The Supreme Sword Master and Xia Yi have reached the barren star. This barren star is almost composed of rocks. The stars are covered with a layer of thick gray like snow.

The two just settled gently, and the rootless dust was scattered.

"I am in Daofa second only to my seniors and San Dao Zun, and you are second only to the Sifang Palace Master in the Immortal Clan. In fact, I am looking forward to a fight with you, because this battle will determine who the real human race is. The ninth man."

Absolute Sword Master seems to have hoped to fight Xia Yi with all his strength, especially with their embarrassing position now, it is impossible for Three Great Sword Master and Sword Master to really fight against Absolute Sword Master once, and the victory or defeat has been announced from the beginning. , The same was true for Xia Yi, he couldn't find the Sifang Palace Master to fight righteously.

"It's just a fake name, is it important? Or do you think you can't surpass the Three Great Dao Zun and your senior brother?"

"Difficult, it's you. Do you think you can surpass the current Sifang Palace Master of the Fairy Clan?"


Both Xia Yi and Absolute Sword Sovereign had only one word regarding this matter. Absolute Sword Sovereign thought it was difficult and Xia Yi believed that it was possible. This also made Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign a bit inferior to Xia Yi in terms of momentum.

"You have a big heart. Regardless of our position, we are in a similar situation. In this age of Godlessness, it is difficult to even reach the seventh step of God Climbing. I don’t know what you have. Not aware of it."

Absolute Sword Master did not directly fight Xia Yi, but first chatted like an old friend. Xia Yi was an opponent to him, and even a rare daoist friend, because they were in the same situation.

"Is there a change in the Tao? The four Taoists of Taoism and the Five Palace Masters of my Immortal Clan have all ascended it many years ago using the old Tao, at least a thousand years ago, and the world has changed drastically in recent hundreds of years. I feel it very clearly."

"Exactly, this is also the reason why I have been reluctant to step into the seventh step in a hurry. Everything we know is changing. The powerful Taoism that used to command the world is now a kind of bondage, but we are born in us. Among all the things I know, I want to change, but I don’t know where to start, and the existence of us that was born is also old and withered."

"And where can we, who have inherited them in the same line, be better?"

Absolute Sword Sovereign didn't know what nerves he had made, and suddenly sighed about this in front of Xia Yi. Although Xia Yi didn't know the purpose of Sword Sword Sovereign, he certainly didn't need to be low in the opponent's vision. Maybe he already knew some of the secrets of becoming a god.

"The power of chaos was inherited from the beginning, but it differentiated into primitives. Primitives gave birth to the ancients. The ancients have the foundation of Taoism. Fundamentally speaking, the power we use comes from chaos."

The acquired creatures were not born out of nothing, but evolved step by step from chaos. The human race should have always been a mortal thing, but since the moment the human race tried to control the fire, everything has changed, even mortals who cannot cultivate. , Relying on that heart of searching to forcibly reach the starry sky, the power cultivated by the human race is essentially step by step towards the beginning of chaos.

The gods at the beginning were the innate gods, and the divine way was the power of returning to the ancestors. The emperor had the power of returning to the primordial ancestors, and the Emperor Kaitian possessed the power of chaos.

"Yes, but do you see the starry sky still looks like chaos? It keeps changing, becoming more and more perfect, more and more refined. Any existence that can be cultivated is overdrawing the future of each star, and life from You should face the things that exist in awe from birth, so that you can continue to coexist with heaven and earth for a long time. This is the natural way of Taoism. This is the theory put forward by your old enemy Xuan Huang. In fact, the spiritual intelligence of self-creatures is getting higher and higher. The destruction of the starry sky is also increasing."

"Especially your fairy clan, how many barren stars that may become stars of life have been destroyed by your march. The awakening of the earth veins is the beginning of the active stars, but you have turned them into death stars."

Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign said while talking about the charges of the immortal clan. Xia Yi didn't express any opinion on it. It's a **** thing about him, he's a Xuanhuang person!

"So, if you can't fight, do you just talk so much nonsense? Do you have to tell the opponent before you fight?"

"What's the hurry? I just want to know one thing. What is the real reason for not becoming a god? It's because we have been looking back to the past and don't know how to move towards the future. The innate blood of your immortal race is very strong. It is harder than anyone to become a **** in the years."

After speaking, the Supreme Sword Master looked at Xia Yi with a look of expectation. Xia Yi's answer will verify whether his guess is correct, but it is a pity that Xia Yi cannot feel the **** of the heaven and the earth to the immortal clan, because Xia Yi is not an immortal. .

"That's right, but unless you can cross the new star field, it will be difficult to find the answer. My thoughts are similar to yours, but there are some differences. In layman's terms, we have been unable to keep up with the changes in the heavens and the earth. The technique is very different from the past, such as the fire technique, which was sacred in the early human race. The fire technique is a method of self-dedication, but now it is only one of the five elements."

Xia Yi thought for a while and gave an answer. He also wanted to get something from Absolute Sword Master to verify his conjecture. The sub-shen is the last step before the Shinto. The right or wrong step of this step will determine whether the road can continue. .

"Both are not the same thing at all. The fire of the former is a kind of spirit and will, but the fire of the latter is just a phenomenon. What I want to say is that if you want to continue, you can only step out of your own Shinto."

"Therefore, I regard the sword as my way, and the strength of the sword is related to my own will. I mean my way. I lament that time is merciless. Therefore, my way is time. As I go through more and more years, I am self-willed. There will be a day when I become a god."

"In my opinion, the essence of time is passing. Therefore, if you want to fight with me with all your strength, you will be at your own risk. The battle damage between the two sides is too large and must be agreed in advance."

"Call to stop, and admit defeat."

After the words, Absolute Sword Master slowly drew his sword, a kind of power from the realm that had nothing to do with it began to affect Xia Yi, Xia Yi did not resist Absolute Sword Master’s power, and let him invade himself. The power of existence to accelerate decay, as long as the existence is unable to resist this passing.

Because the passage of time is the meaning of existence itself.

Xia Yi quickly became haggard, his skin was full of wrinkles, and his pupils were muddy and dull. He was completely a dead old man. Why can the Supreme Sword Master be second only to the four Dao Masters? The reason why he is truly powerful has floated. Out of the water.

He is the one who controls the years and allows everything to greet the day that comes sooner or later.


Absolute Sword Master is actually a little surprised at this moment, because the already weak Xia Yi didn't even take the initiative to resist his domain, and even let go of his Dantian's deliberate introduction of Dao force into the body, that is, the Venerable who is much weaker than him can easily resist his domain. After all, he hasn't used any moves yet.

Xia Yi was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his hair became dry and white. Xia Yi looked at his hand tremblingly, because his eyes were blurred, he could only see the approximate shape, the old body and the dried blood even The inability to flow normally in the body is like losing the power of flow. It is difficult to reach the sky just by trying to make a fist.

If you don’t practice, and if you are not a monk, maybe this day will come long ago. This is a fate that no one can escape, unless...

Can understand life and death!

"The Way of the Years, the Supreme Way, its essence is passing, no wonder you want to pursue stagnation, because that is completely opposite power, which can be mutually confirmed. How many people in this world have sighed about the ruthlessness of the years, just a quick glance At the end, I felt the kind of powerlessness and deep unwillingness. Is this just getting old?"

No matter how ambitious and ambitious, he can only shake his head silently. Xia Yi is still very young. His age is really young among monks. Not to mention youth, at least he is in the prime of life, compared to the old. Go, even if there is nothing at this moment, at least there are still years and years.

When you want to do something, at least when you consider all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, you can still move forward.

"You are so courageous that you dare to take the initiative to cater to my power to grow old. This makes me even more looking forward to what means you will use to fight me next."

Xia Yi was injured before and became weak in order to keep them. At this moment, he turned his head and turned into a rickety old man, not as if he still had the power of a battle.

"Years may be the highest, but the end of the years is nothing but life and death. The Supreme is the highest because of its inability to resist, but life and death are even more inevitable. That is a taboo. I may die in battle, but I will never decay."

"Because I am immortal."

With a word, Xia Yi burst into horrible vitality, giving people the feeling that a barren mountain suddenly became lush, rejuvenating, and rejuvenating, even if the years passed by, it would not be able to take away those immortal things, a rickety body. The child stood upright, her turbid eyes were gleaming, and her wrinkled skin was as bright as jade.

It's just that there is no more than ten breaths, no injuries, no emptiness, no old age, the person standing in front of Absolute Sword Master is Xia Yi at his peak.

"Is this your method? It's amazing, really amazing! It's so indestructible, it's completely improving your domain. I'm afraid that even if my offensive against you is weak, I'm afraid it will become a means for you to recover. "

Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign saw the power of Xia Yi's domain at a glance. Even if it is attacked, this domain can transform the spiritual power in the attack into vitality, and even the opposite death energy can be transformed into vitality. Endless life, this is immortality.

"I have never had the confidence to take on the defeated battle, Absolute Sword Master, please enlighten me."

"You don't need to say, I will..."

Before the words fell, Absolute Sword Master had lost his figure, and appeared directly behind Xia Yi to launch a quick attack. This sword slashed towards Xia Yi's head, but Xia Yi just grabbed the edge of the sword with his left hand, this sword. It was the Sword of Years. The moment Xia Yi grasped the edge of the sword, he felt that he had lost something, and his body was a little weak for a moment.

However, under the blessing of the Immortal Domain, this weakness was quickly made up. Xia Yi yelled and fisted with his right hand, which was a direct hit by Kaitianjin. The Supreme Sword Master hardly grasped it with his palm, and almost couldn't catch this fist. , He couldn't help stepping back dozens of steps, the escaping force shattered the earth behind him, and even the rocky mountains thousands of meters away burst into dust.

"You master martial arts?"

Absolute Sword Master stretched out his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He seemed to be a little confident just now. He also had a golden body, so he dared to fight hard, but he didn't expect to suffer directly.

"You are the master of martial arts, saying that you can achieve even the perfect golden body. Isn't it a pity not to master the martial arts?"

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