"It's a pity? I don't think that, after all, I was born as a martial arts wizard. I am a direct descendant of Emperor Wu, but since I met my brother, I have been obsessed with kendo. Does what you want makes more sense?"

"If you were born in Dao Fa, you would understand how uncomfortable it is to be condemned to death."

Absolute Sword Dao stood proudly, because he achieved the perfect golden body and did not dominate martial arts. This matter is very outrageous in many people's eyes. He is typically capable and does not need it, but Xia Yi laughed.

He used to be an innate Taoist body, but he did not practice Taoism.

"Even if I was not born in Taoism, I understand. In fact, my talent in Taoism is very high, but because the power is so easy to gain, I almost lost myself. I had no intention of contacting physical training, but this kind of The feeling of clearly seeing each step forward in pain is incomparable to stepping relying on talent."

"And the facts have also proved that if I blindly rely on talent, from the moment that talent falls, I will no longer be able to improve."

The two fought once, but then stopped to verify their own way. This is an exchange that can only be achieved with evenly matched enemies.

"Talent is also a bondage."


Both laughed three times and laughed out all three. This time it was Xia Yi's turn to take the initiative to attack. Xia Yi still did not take out a weapon, but crushed everything with his fist. This is the pride of a martial artist, and his whole body is impeccable. The weapon.

Xia Yi used his palm as a sword, and directly used the palm knife to slash at the Supreme Sword Master. The Supreme Sword Master wanted to resist with the sword, but suddenly he took the sword and punched to meet Xia Yi's palm knife. Shattered and cracked, the dust was raised high for a long time.

One second, two seconds...

Absolute Sword Master's left arm began to tremble. After a few steps, he stabbed the sword into the ground to stabilize his figure, and there was a smile on his face that was incomprehensible to others.

"My descendant of Emperor Wu doesn't seem to specialize in martial arts, but I am still inferior to those who specialize in martial arts."

When the realm is low, it can be said that it is a seven-point talent with three-point effort, or even a nine-point talent with one point effort. But as the realm improves, with the growth of Dao Xin, the path oneself chooses will eventually go to a farther place. Spread, unlike the talent that will end in a day.

"Nonsense, we are all in a realm. If you hold the sword, you can use the sword well. Don't play fist with me here, I can kill you."

How much Xia Yi has paid in the martial arts, Xia Yi walked along the way, knowing in his heart that even if he can achieve perfect golden body with the resources of talent and Taoism, it is far from him.


"If that's the case, then I won't hide it. This is a fair fight you asked for."

Absolute Sword Master twisted his neck twice and readjusted his posture. The posture of holding the sword suddenly changed. At first glance, he just held the sword backwards behind him, and his other hand stretched out his fingers and lay his chest horizontally. , But this is also the most standard sword posture for Jian Xiu.

If it was a bit sloppy before, then the "power" he showed now is domineering and sharp, it seems that his whole person is a peerless sword.

"You may have some misunderstanding about the fairness I asked for."

"You people from the fairy clan are weak in one-on-one fights. Didn't the fair fight you demand made me give up my best kendo?"

"Big mistake! The fairness I ask for is that no one will come to bother you, and we will fight without reservation!"

Xia Yi didn't expect Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign to think that the fairness he proposed meant this, Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign twitched twice, then nodded and smiled.

"That's it, sorry, I misunderstood what you said about fairness, my fault, my fault."

"How do I feel that you are laughing at me? Absolute Sword Master, I don't know your name yet, what is your name?"

"Wu Jue."

"Then Wu Jue, I hope your kendo won't let me down."

"You think too much, I'm afraid you will despair under my kendo."

The two talks seem to be peaceful, but in fact they are killing each other. Xia Yi also put aside his contemptuous attitude. He is now also a holy lord. At a glance, you can see how much Wu Jue's sword posture contains at this moment. This is A sword posture that can only be maintained through long-term practice for thousands of years.

Behind the sword is because the sword is a gentleman, and if it is not killing, it is introverted. The **** are the ruler. It can measure the world and measure everything the sword can reach. When this sword poses, it will be astonishing.

Rarely, Xia Yi didn't assume a wide open and close posture. Instead, he stretched out his palms, placed one palm horizontally on his chest, and pushed one palm to the front.

"The way to see through? Then you can try to see through my sword!"

As soon as the voice fell, Absolute Sword Master completely lost all aura, and the figure turned into dust and disappeared. Xia Yi used the soul to feel the Absolute Sword Master seemed to be integrated into the void, and he couldn't even feel the vitality, even the sword intent. All disappeared without a trace, and he used some kind of mysterious Taoism to completely hide in front of Xia Yi's eyes.

I have to say that Xia Yi felt troublesome. It was always that he disappeared in front of others openly. This had nothing to do with speed, but a kind of deep secret way.

Soon, Xia Yi noticed something wrong. In his body, beside him, and in front of his eyes were flashing arcs inexplicably. Xia Yi swam around until they were connected, and the Supreme Sword Master finally descended with his sword.


This sword was like the first spring thunder in a year. There was a loud blast from the silent starry sky, shaking the wilds and wilds. Xia Yi was directly submerged in the thunder light, and he just didn't see through the startling sword.

However, Xia Yi ignored the tens of thousands of thunder rays, and rushed out of it to make a fist as a punch. The Supreme Sword Master did not release the water this time. Instead, he pierced Xia Yi's fist with the Years Sword in his hand, and the sword gas turned into hoarfrost and quickly covered it. Xia Yi's whole body solidified, and the extreme low temperature made Xia Yi feel that his blood became cold.


Jue Sword Master made his name, and took a few steps back like Young Master Pianpian, holding the sword and making a stabbing action, and then quickly stab a serial sword forward. The sword is like a drizzle in the clear light, and the rain and dew spread evenly in the summer. The whole body of Yi actually broke Xia Yi's acupuncture points in just a few breaths, causing Xia Yi's blood and energy to be greatly damaged.

To be honest, Xia Yi is now being beaten a bit stupid. The opponent has also cultivated a perfect golden body. He is also a descendant of Emperor Wu. He knows how to target martial arts. Xia Yi relies on the immortal realm to quickly recover himself. This scene Also let Absolute Sword Master feel quite helpless.

It is the other strong men who have achieved the perfect golden body. After this trick, he can't recover their combat power within a few hours. The power of martial arts is greatly limited, but Xia Yi just returned his breath and stayed in place. The restoration as before is simply incredible.

"Yes, my Dao Fa also has strong people who specialize in the way of vitality. As long as they have a breath, they can retain the power of fighting. You are even more exaggerated. As long as you don't die, you are afraid that you can recover."

Absolute Sword Master really feels that Xia Yi’s path is very powerful, but it is still lossy, otherwise Xia Yi will not be invincible, but Xia Yi’s loss is very small, small injuries equal no injuries, big injuries equal small injuries, and cause death. It is estimated that it will make him immobile for a while.

"You can take it off with one blow, do you think of ways to keep your distance, and you also know martial arts, this time using your fist may kill me, you are good."

Only after taking two simple moves, Xia Yi knew that the Supreme Sword Master is not afraid of his martial arts attacks. The Supreme Sword Master must have countless methods to prevent him from getting close, and the Years Sword in the hands of the Absolute Sword Master is also very troublesome. Indestructible Domain could bring him back again, but the moment of weakness after the attack still caused Xia Yi to be unable to give Absolute Sword Master a powerful blow.

"Will you fist with me then?"

"Of course not. As expected, the sword is used. As expected, it is your sword. You are the best sword."

"Huh? How to speak, you are the sword!"

Absolute Sword Master did not expect that Xia Yi suddenly uttered a slur. Xia Yi knew that he was invincible with his bare hands and did not insist on forcibly. He took out an immortal standard long knife and held it in his hand. Seeing that Xia Yi was finally willing to take it out Weapons, I still expected to be able to compete with Xia Yi's sword, because Xia Yi had taken out a fairy clan's magical array sword before.

However, Xia Yi took out a handful of inferior holy soldiers.

"That's it?"

Jue Sword Dao Venerable looked at the sword in Xia Yi's hand, very, very despised. This kind of sword broke when touched in front of the Sword of Time. Xia Yi couldn't help it. He didn't have a knife anymore. If the sword of Broken Blade was in his hand, what would the Sword of Age be? thing!

"That's it!"

But if you lose face, you can’t lose your momentum, even if you can only swing a knife. Xia Yi’s sword technique has been completely inherited by Emperor Shenxiao. Even a branch in Xia Yi’s hands can turn decay into magic, not to mention one. The saint soldiers, no matter how bad they are, they are also saint soldiers!


Absolute Sword Master is not angry and rejoiced. He does not think that Xia Yi is underestimating him, but thinks that Xia Yi knows some advanced swordsmanship. The sword is the weapon that cultivators tend to choose most. I don't know how many years it lasted.

"Soul Heaven."

With a thought, the primordial spirit entered the soul sky, holding the sheath in the left hand and holding the handle in the right hand, and concentrated on the sword. Instead of overflowing, the sword's intent was very restrained. The Absolute Sword Master naturally also saw the gold content of Xia Yi's state.

He is a peerless swordsman, and Xia Yi is also a master swordsman.


The Supreme Sword Master follows the way of war and blade, and he is familiar with the various schools of swords. Xia Yi's posture is the most typical posture of drawing a sword, and Xia Yi's first exposure to sword martial arts is the skill of the Six Xiaozhou Hidden Sword Sect. , Although Zixianmen's martial arts had also been learned secretly, it basically made Xia Yi a habit.

Although he has obtained the inheritance of Emperor Shenxiao, Xia Yi has come to the various schools of swordsmanship, but for Xia Yi, he is the best at drawing swords. After all, he is the master of martial arts and is very good at bursting out terrifying power in an instant. , Combining the characteristics of the knife-drawing genre, the winner can be determined in an instant.

"Swordsman, respond to the ever-changing with the unchanging, you accept the sword, I accept the sword!"

Jue Jian Dao Zun quickly retracted the sword in the scabbard and held it upright in front of his chest, while Xia Yi held it on its side. He had to use the sword-drawing style to fight against Xia Yi's sword-drawing style, although he had more than ten responses. Sword-drawing genre, but what's the point?

The two sides took their weapons into their sheaths, and the auras of the two almost completely disappeared, but it was just a restrained aura. In fact, both of them stared at each other closely. Both sides didn't know what kind of offensive the other was brewing. Just looking at the posture, they thought that Two mortals who are good at swords are competing, but once they are recruited, it is not surprising that with their powerful cultivation bases, nothing will happen.

The atmosphere fell into silence. No one took the lead in attacking. They were all waiting for the opponent to attack first. Absolute Sword Master felt a little cool on his forehead. Xia Yi's primordial spirit had locked it in, and Xia Yi also felt that Dantian had been stabbed by acupuncture. His tickling sensation, it was the sword intent that was almost condensed into a single thread, and the absolute sword master could break his dantian the moment he took out the sword.

Of course, Xia Yi could also cause the Soul of the Absolute Sword Master to suffer severe damage.

The wild star is turning on its own, and the darkness is about to usher in light. The two accompanying double suns in the distance will illuminate the dark side of the wild star through the horizon, until the horizon shines with the first light. The two figures disappeared at the same time.

A flash of light flashed, and bursts of sour tearing sound echoed through the ground. When the figures of the two became clear again, they had exchanged positions. They turned their backs to each other, and the Supreme Sword Master touched his right eye. Then he put his hand in front of his left eye to check, it was a large pool of blood, and his right eye could no longer see anything.

Xia Yi coughed twice, and he gritted his teeth secretly, the Immortal Domain actually stagnated, and the dantian felt the pain of wanting to be torn apart, and the immortal domain alone could not recover Dantian's injury.

His field was broken.

He is far behind.

Soon, the ground behind them suddenly cracked, and a deep gully collapsed, but the two sides of the gully were extremely neat, and the humming earth seemed to be the wailing star.

In the mountains farther away, a series of peaks collapsed and were cut off by the waist, producing a huge amount of smoke and dust storms that swept towards the Supreme Sword Dao Sovereign and Xia Yi.

Absolute Sword Master took out the pill from the storage ring and took it. Xia Yi also swallowed a whole bottle of vitality pill, and even took out a saint soldier's long knife. As for the previous knife, After Xia Yi drew the sword, he disintegrated directly, and it had been turned into fragments and scattered all over the place.

The two sides turned their heads at the same time, the smoke covered the sky and the sun. When the smoke covered them, the two grinned at the same time, and they sprinted towards each other with all their strength. Only the shadow of the sword, the light and the sword, and the scattered knives were visible in the smoke and dust. Qi Jianyi can seriously hurt ordinary saints.

The aftermath of the battle between the two demigods can be regarded as destroying the sky and the earth. The earth shattered, cracked and collapsed, and even the distant mountains collapsed from time to time. The heinous destructive power of the two beat the corner of the barren star. It fell apart, as if the end was coming.

Xia Yi completely abandoned his eyes in the smoke and dust, and used his original spirit to fight. Absolute Sword Master relied on his amazing fighting consciousness. Even without the original spirit, he could fight against Xia Yi. Xia Yi's knife was broken once. Once again, the sage swords that Xia Yi saved were almost exhausted, and the fierce battle didn't stop.

Rush up, cut the neck with a knife, or jump from top to bottom to open up the world. Xia Yi's sword technique relies on the blessing of martial arts and is dominated by fierce and domineering. Even the sword itself cannot withstand Xia Yi's power. , One move one by one smash one knife.

The sword of Absolute Sword Master pointed directly at the vitals of Xia Yi's body. It was precise, cruel, weird, and unavoidable. Almost every sword that Xia Yi shot would add a wound to Xia Yi's body, but Xia Yi fought bloody, and the pain seemed to have been Paralysis, or aroused a spurt of blood, the pain actually made Xia Yi more vigorous and mad.

At this moment, Absolute Sword Master felt that his evaluation of Xia Yi might be wrong. Xia Yi is not a sword hero, but a sword mad, the more he fights, the more mad.

It’s also a coincidence that he was also called a sword idiot when he was young, because as a direct line of Emperor Wu, he has put in incomprehensible efforts to kendo, and although his talent in kendo cannot be said to be worse, it is better than that. The peers around him can only be regarded as average.

But even so, he still took the path of his choice to the present. He has gathered the best of the Dao and Dharma families, the swordsmanship is second to his senior, and Shan Ruo Lun Jian, he is the second human race at this time.

The battle between the magic sword and the crazy sword is more than legendary. If anyone records it, this battle is a treasure in the eyes of anyone who practices swords and swords, and can learn a lot from the battle between the two.

Absolute Sword Master has slowly entered a state of concentration, completely forgetting me, and devoted himself to this battle. Naturally, Xia Yi did, too. Until Xia Yi swung another sword, when he subconsciously wanted to take out the sword from the storage ring, he even attached a handle. There are no weapons! He has no more swords.

The Absolute Sword Master did not notice this, and even took this opportunity to stab a life-threatening sword. Xia Yi used the Qingyun Nine Jue to forcibly slide a step sideways, but still let the Absolute Sword Master’s sword penetrate the abdomen, but fortunately it didn’t hurt. Dantian.

Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign knows very well how to restrain Xia Yi’s powerful recovery ability, that is, he specializes in Dantian and breaks his Dao. However, Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign immediately noticed something wrong after stabbing this sword. What about Xia Yi’s cultivation base? Could you drop the chain halfway?

"What's wrong? That's not going to work? Should we just give in?"

Absolute Sword Master did not continue to attack. Xia Yi sighed. At the critical moment, it was really disappointing that the knife was gone, but it was not a big problem. It was just a temporary knife. He wanted as many as he wanted.

"Slightly underprepared, don't mind waiting for me?"

"Naturally, please."

Absolute Sword Master is worthy of the word Absolute Sword. The sword is a gentleman's weapon. He has acquired the essence of the sword, and even his demeanor makes it difficult to pick out any problems, while Xia Yi let go of the soul and stretched directly toward the starry sky.


Jue Sword Dao Venerable looked at Xia Yi, who was motionless in front of him. This guy actually dared to get out of his body in front of his face. He was really not afraid of being murdered by him. If he had a malicious heart at this time, Xia Yi might be at risk of death.

However, Xia Yi dared to do this, and Absolute Sword Master was actually quite happy, because it shows that the other party agrees with him and knows that he will not engage in sneak attacks. They are all saints, and it is not difficult to know people in battle.

Soon, Xia Yi’s primordial spirit returned, and dozens of meteors fell in the sky. These meteors vary in size, but they are all meteorites that contain more meteorites, and some are even just a large meteorite iron. Meteorite is the most starry sky. One of the common materials, the quality is stable and easy to obtain, after refining it is the mysterious iron, which is deeply loved by the monks.

The meteor smashed to the ground, causing a series of explosions and sparks. The Supreme Sword Dao Venerable blocked his front a little with his arm, not knowing what Xia Yi's plan was.

And Xia Yi just stretched out his hand to the sky. The top of his head happened to be a meteor with a diameter of several hundred meters. On Xia Yi's arm, the blood vessels emitted a blue light. This scene made the Supreme Sword Master slightly open his mouth. He could feel the heat beyond imagination rushing through Xia Yi's body. The blue fire erupted from the palm of Xia Yi's palm. The meteorite had not yet landed, and it exploded into sparks scattered, but more of it turned into a bright red streamer. Shrink.

Those bright red streamers slowly changed into the shape of a knife in front of Absolute Sword Master, and then fell on Xia Yi's palm. The blade was flushed red and not yet cooled. Although it was just a blade, there was no texture and other materials mixed, but because of Xia Yi The flames were too violent, completely refining a small mountain of meteorite into a knife in an instant, but the blade embryos were already high-grade saint soldiers.

"So you don't have a knife anymore. Just tell me no. It's not a problem to borrow you a magic knife."

The Absolute Sword Master's wealth is exaggerated, and it's okay to take out another artifact, but Xia Yi shook his head.

"I prefer to use my own knife, now I have a knife."

Xia Yi pointed the sword that he had just refined at the Absolute Sword Master, and the Absolute Sword Master looked at the dozens of large craters with flames behind Xia Yi. Those large craters were full of meteors, which also meant that Xia Yi had at least ten more craters. There are many Saint Soldiers and meteorites are easy to get. After running out, Xia Yi can refine them easily.

This is the horror of the Holy Venerable, or Divine Profound Realm, and the Holy Soldier has long been out of sight.

"Why, I can trust you."

"That's really thank you for your trust, but I'm afraid it will be used up for you, and you will detain my **** stone!"

"Hehe, there is a limit to the use of the magic weapon."

"Haha, magic soldiers are indestructible? There is also a limit to sitting on a well and watching the sky."

The two talked to each other, and Absolute Sword Master did not answer, and once again entered a fighting state, abandoning distracting thoughts just to win the battle, Xia Yi is also the soul of the soul, and the sword made by Xia Yi is a naked sword, a naked sword. There is no sheath, but Xia Yi can be born out of nothing.

Directly use Cang Yan as the sheath to keep the body of the sword hot, even if it is just being cut by the knife, it can make the brows of Jue Jian Dao Zun slightly, his hair and brows emit a burnt smell, and the Cang Yan scabbard can also release the knife. The scabbard became a part of the attack in a moment, and the cold barren star indirectly gave birth to the lava zone with Cangyan Sword Qi.

After another hundred moves, Xia Yi's sword shattered, and Xia Yi went straight back to the meteors before and burned the meteors with Cangyan. In a short period of time, another sword was refined. Absolute Sword Master marveled at Xia. Yi's fire road, can he burn endlessly?

The answer is of course not, but Xia Yi possesses the art of bloodline, the Great Yantian Change, to maintain the Great Yantian Change under the immortal realm, the vitality is the flame, if the fire is not extinguished, the vitality will remain.

Xia Yi burned brightly like a star, but it was always immortal. Only then did Extinct Sword Master notice that Xia Yi hadn't stopped after using the fire road. He could even directly burn the stone as a means of recovery. The star is entirely made of stone!

Even if he hurts him many times, just give him a moment to breathe, he can burn the earth, burn the mountains, burn the meteor to reignite, and Xia Yi feels like an inextinguishable fire to Jue Sword Master, such a tricky enemy. It was the first time I met, and maybe I will never meet again.

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