It’s just that Absolute Sword Master also slowly noticed some secrets. Xia Yi’s combat power was not something that the immortal people could possess. It was too strong and incredible. He was a master who had gone through life and death. The immortal did not There may be such a venerable person. As for him saying that he came from Taoism, it is obvious that this is a lie.

If Dao Fa has such a strong person, Dao Fa will never let go, but will use all means to stay, even if he can't stay, he won't let him turn to the enemy.

"Oh, no matter what your status is, the stronger you are, the better."

Absolute Sword Master’s exhaustion cannot keep up with Xia Yi’s recovery, so he decided to take out the means of truly pressing the bottom of the box. It has been too long for the Sword Master to feel it.

The last time was hundreds of years ago? Or more than a thousand years ago? Can not remember.

"You are going to die, what are you still pretending to here?"

Xia Yi's expression changed slightly. After all, Absolute Sword Master suddenly came to say what your identity was. Because Xia Yi was too involved in the battle, he forgot that certain methods would expose himself, especially Cangyang Yan, although there is no direct evidence. , And no one stipulated that only Xia Yi had the blue fire, but the blue fire was too rare.

But too many coincidences overlap everything, it is no longer a coincidence, but inevitable.

"It's just appearance, don't you think that only you have this kind of recovery method, do you?"

"My years, my time, my peak, I am in control!"

"The realm of years, countercurrent!"

Supreme Sword Master clenched his fists, Xia Yi felt dizzy and dizzy for a moment, and the whole person was a little uncomfortable, and the figure of Jue Sword Master began to blur. It was just a short moment that the injury of Jue Sword Master was gone, no matter what It is the spirit and energy that have recovered to their peak.

Xia Yi couldn't help but smiled bitterly when he saw this. Someone can control these profound ways, and he doesn't seem to be particularly powerful in controlling life and death.

"Come on, go on."

The Supreme Sword Master pointed his sword at Xia Yi's dantian, Xia Yi struck up a twelve-point spirit, the blade returned to the sheath, the blue flames burned, and the desolate stars set off a blast of flames. Arriving in front of Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign inexplicably, he suddenly went away, and took a sword for no reason, which made Xia Yi suddenly shocked.


"Chaos change boundaries?"

Xia Yi stared at Jue Sword Dao Sovereign, not knowing what had happened before, but there was no wave of space in the space, and the dead silence was like water. It was definitely not the way of space.

"In the past years, you have stood before my eyes."

"So, I can hurt you with my current sword in the past years!"

After speaking, the Absolute Sword Master thought, and the strength of the years changed again. Xia Yi was full of pain, and the acupuncture points around the body were hit hard, and the realm of immortality was once again interrupted.

"Similarly, I can also let you bear the trauma of the past again in the present."

Absolute Sword Master flew up in the air, looking down at Xia Yi from a high altitude, Xia Yi was wounded all over his body, and the blood remained unstoppable. This was beyond the strength of the domain, and this was not a means that a sage could possess.

This is one of Vientiane!

The years of Vientiane, and the years usually refer to the past, because the years are the past experience, things that have passed and cannot be looked back.

"Look at your proud picture, as if you are invincible."

Xia Yi snorted coldly. This is indeed a bit troublesome, but the problem is not big. Xia Yi immediately burned his vitality again and quickly entered the realm of immortality, but Supreme Sword Master broke Xia Yi's realm again with the same method, Jue Sword Dao. Zun didn't do anything, just laughed, smiled, how disgusting he looked.

"From the moment you were first recruited, you have already failed."

As long as he breaks the domain once, he will be able to break through countless times with the strength of years. This cut off Xia Yi's recovery method. Xia Yi raised his head and looked at the Absolute Sword Master who slowly raised his sword. He had already planned. Defeat yourself with a sword.

"Do you deny losing?"

"I admit the fart, if you have the ability, you can make a sword!"

"You might die when I come down with this sword."

"I don't believe it, I'll come if you can kill you, come, hack here, go to the dantian, go to the sea of ​​knowledge, go to the heart!"

"Why, I don't want to hurt you too badly, just stop here."

"You're still not a man, I'm your enemy, you don't want to hurt me too badly? Are you crazy!"

Xia Yi suddenly began to curse, as if he would not admit defeat. After a few words of persuasion, Absolute Sword Master didn't give any more advice. Some people just didn't believe in evil and couldn't help it.

"I hope you don't blame me for doing too hard today after you have recovered."


Absolute Sword Master decisively cut out with a sword. Who would know that Xia Yi suddenly moved a step sideways, the sword qi passed through Xia Yi's eyebrows, and the ground behind Xia Yi cracked a gully. Xia Yi's body became stiff, and his eyes lost the look and collapsed.


Jue Sword Dao Zun was stupid at this moment, he deliberately chopped it, but Xia Yi actually insisted on deliberately, it is not that way to find death, what should I do, how to explain to the immortal clan, should I just tell according to his previous guess Is there a problem with the identity of this person?

Killing immortals is still a big trouble!

But soon, Absolute Sword Master no longer thought that way, because he noticed a gloomy and terrifying aura, the surrounding fire disappeared at an extremely fast speed, and the thick smoke and dust did not know when it rained down, Xia Yi Suddenly, his body began to turn into sand and fly away, and Jue Jian Dao Zun seemed to have some kind of illusion before his eyes. He heard the elegy, the remembrance from the other side.

The blood that Xia Yi shed was actually blooming as flowers, and the flowers on the other side were in full bloom in this world, and the difference between life and death was directly broken.

Black and gray gathered around him, as if wearing a black robe. Two groups of flames burned in Xia Yi’s spare white bones. The spoils of the North Abyss Demon Cavern.

"Wu... Jue..."

"This all things..."

"Dead... Elephant!"

A dead thing stood in front of Absolute Sword Master's eyes, the corners of Absolute Sword Master's eyes twitched crazily, and then suddenly he covered his face with his hands and laughed, even more inexplicably looking up to the sky.

"The previous state is just your domain."

"You said that your way is life and death. Why didn't I think of the other side of your way? I never thought that your Wanxiang is not life, but death!"

"Good good, what a dead elephant, I am going to fight your death in Vientiane today, my years have not yet come to an end!"

Absolute Sword Master really didn't expect it, this kind of Vientiane is simply unheard of before, his Vientiane is amazing enough, but he didn't expect there to be even more amazing, death? It was actually a death elephant, and the person who manipulated the death elephant could even rewrite his own death, no wonder he dared to deliberately take his own deadly sword.

"I will leave you a thought, let you look back..."

"So now, die."

"No, you are dead."

Xia Yi held the sickle high, all the attacks he had suffered before his death, all the lifelessness he was born, gathered in this blow, and all the injuries that made him die would be reciprocated to others!

Turning my death into your death, and this is also the mystery of Xia Yi’s own three undead slashes, but after comprehending the death phenomenon, Xia Yi is stronger and the methods are even more incredible, the Absolute Sword Master actually got out of his body at this moment. There was a burst of black energy, and the strange black energy floated up and turned into a sickle hanging over the head of Supreme Sword Master.

"Destroy life and bury soul, kill Huangquan!"


After that, Xia Yi beheaded with a sickle, and the black qi sickle also took something from Absolute Sword Dao Venerable in an instant. The Absolute Sword Dao Venerable looked at Xia Yi while he was still alive. There was a trace of admiration in his eyes, but there was also a trace of confidence.

"Do you know why the years are always passing by so fast?"

"Because it only takes a moment to look back."

"The years never come to an abrupt end. It just passes quietly. I may not be able to recall the years anymore in my weakness, but that is also when I get old."

"Now, I can look back again."

"The years go against the flow!"

Soon, Absolute Sword Master actually avoided death by relying on the magical power of the years, and unexpectedly returned to the peak for the second time, but Xia Yi could feel that the power of the years had been reduced a lot. This method does not seem to be infinite. The Absolute Sword Master who had returned to the top could not even maintain the domain.

Xia Yi snapped his fingers with his finger bones, and the red flame immediately wrapped his whole body, and his flesh and blood was reshaped in the fire. He once again got the body and came back to life again, but the power of life and death was about to bottom out. .

"Years, very strong."

"Life and death are not bad."

Both of them really completely put away any trace of contempt at this moment, and the fighting method is to such a point that it can't be replaced by any ordinary holy priest. They are the top ten of the human race at this time, the pride of a race.

"Next, let me see how your marksmanship is? Punishment Xianzun...No, Renwu Tianzun? No, Xia Yizhizun, yes, that's it."

Absolute Sword Master was talking to himself there, Xia Yi shrugged, this was not beyond his expectation, the bottom line was too much.

"What the **** is Renwu Tianzun."

"The people of Tianling will think you are dead, but you are good. Have the immortals ever been chic?"

"It's your shit, do you want to threaten me at this time or what?"

"No, I don't care what your status is. I can fight against the Dao Body of the same level. I can't ask for it. Go on!"

"Xia Yi!"

Jue Sword Dao Venerable laughed, as if he had met a soulmate, but Xia Yi still only thought about nothing wrong with the sacred stone.


The excited Absolute Sword Master has a high fighting spirit. In Dao Fa, he has never been able to drive him to this level. He missed the battle against many Tianjiao when he was young. There are not many warriors, and there are no people who can't shrink back even after seeing the signs of his years.

Except that the aloft Four Great Masters would not pay attention to him at all, he could not find an opponent. He was stronger than him and disdain to fight him. Even if he had the confidence to challenge, he would be considered self-defeating and weaker than him. He himself has no interest. He rarely meets opponents, and it is difficult to confirm how powerful his Dao is. He specializes in kendo, but the blood flowing in his bones originates from Emperor Wu. He inherited the fighting spirit of Emperor Wu.

The more frustrated the more courageous, the stronger the enemy, the stronger he is.

"It's just a fight. See what you are excited about. Can you be more stable?"

Xia Yi didn't expect that this Absolute Swordsman would be beaten by him for friendship. This guy had already regarded him as a friend, and he had a mental illness. Of course, Xia Yi was not incomprehensible. He felt this kind of excitement for a long time. I haven't felt it for a long time, but he originally wanted to practice with the Supreme Sword Master, but he didn't expect that he would always be regarded as the target of practice by the opponent. This is the reason for Xia Yi's unhappy.

"Aren’t you trembling too? Excited to the point of qi and blood, don’t forget that I also have a golden body, just by sensing your qi and blood, I know what you think at this time, and you are eager for this battle. It's been a long time, right? We are the same!"

Jue Sword Master stared straight at Xia Yi. Only then did Xia Yi notice that he seemed to be really passionate. He didn't even notice that his body was trembling with excitement. Martial arts can arouse a person's inner fighting instinct, because Martial arts were originally the means used by the human race to fight.

"Don't say that our relationship is so good, my purpose is just a sacred stone."

"Oh, you are quite cold, are you unhappy that I have revealed your identity?"


Absolute Sword Dao Venerable has a very high status in Dao Fa, let him know that his true identity has some unpredictable influence, but anyway, it is known, Xia Yi does not intend to let him do anything, anyway, he knows this pair of Dao Fa. It is harmless, after all, Xia Yikeng is an immortal clan, an enemy of Taoism.

"Since you think I talk too much, let's see the real chapter under your hand."

Absolute Sword Master is also the fifth person in Dao Fa at any rate. He will definitely not put a low-pitched face on his cold buttocks. After Xia Yi admits his identity, Absolute Sword Master appreciates Xia Yi even more. He, the Emperor of Sword, later practiced the Sword Master. Just outrageous, Xia Yi's innate Taoist body is actually even more exaggerated!

But in fact, the ideas of the two of them overlapped somewhat. When they were young and energetic, they didn't want others to blame all their success on the so-called talent.

Seeing that Xia Yi was unwilling to take out the spear, the Supreme Sword Master thought that Xia Yi felt that he was not qualified, so he attacked even more frantically. The blood of martial art was integrated into the sword, which made the sharp sword style more heavy, the sword is elegant, but the sword is absolutely kendo. Zun's sword is full of strength in its elegance, and it is not as harmless as it seems.

Even the most common stabbing and stroke, once hit, it is at least a serious injury.

Xia Yi was beaten so hard that the speed he was good at had no effect at all. Absolute Sword Master himself was unhappy, but his sword was too fast, and from time to time Xia Yi was injured again.

"Dragon Yin Style!"

At the moment when Xia Yi's sword was broken again, Absolute Sword Master did not give Xia Yi a chance. Xia Yi himself did not accept the divine weapon. The loss was at his own expense. Absolute Sword Master held the sword in his hands with both hands and slashed forward vigorously. , The sword aura that looked like a white mist turned into a shadow of a white dragon and slammed into Xia Yi. The dragon power that was suddenly released directly shattered countless veins in Xia Yi’s body. Xia Yi was beaten into the air without any resistance. Submerge in the meteorite falling behind.


Falling into the dust-spattered rubble, Xia Yi coughed out a few large mouthfuls of blood, and the expression on his teeth slightly showed that he was suffering from pain that ordinary people could not.

"Brother Xia, he has definitely refined the emperor, it may be the blood of the Dragon Emperor!"

The mirage dragon was also surprised by the previous dragon power. It is definitely not the dragon power that an ordinary human race can use. The dragon power is very ancient and very pure. Xia Yi was not surprised after hearing it. The ninth turn of Fafan relied on the blood of the Dragon Emperor, Dao Fa is really rich!

After a while, Venerable Absolute Swordsman walked into the dust with a long sword in his hand. His figure was a bit blurred. He waved his sword, and the dust flew away instantly. Everything in front of Xia Yi became clear. Venerable Absolute Sword pointed his sword at Xia. Yi's forehead, but he didn't pierce it down.

"You lost."

"Unexpectedly, you still hide Long Li's hand."

Xia Yi also has dragon power, but it is only dragon divine power. It is not at all comparable to the Dragon Dili of Absolute Sword Master. The body of the dragon is stronger than the innate creatures, and it is an existence that can stand on top of all races with flesh and blood.

"So, you lost."

"You can't kill me with this sword, so why is it defeated?"

Xia Yi said while saying that he stretched his hand behind his back to refine the meteorite behind him, but he couldn't feel the meteorite at all. Xia Yi looked back and saw that the meteorite had already exploded, which also meant that Xia Yi could no longer refine the sword to use.

"You have no weapons. Of course, I don't mind you looking for meteors and fall. It's just that these meteors should be the best around this barren star. When you find them, I'm afraid I don't know how long it will be."

Without weapons, although Xia Yi still has fists, but the sword of years is too strong, as long as he is injured, he will be weak. Xia Yi must be the first to fail in the long run, so the weapon is a must.

"Really? I don't have any weapons... Haha, I don't have any weapons??"

Xia Yi couldn't help laughing, Emperor Shenxiao's sword skills are extremely advanced, and Emperor Shenxiao has been looking for all kinds of knives throughout his life, and he also knows how to turn all things into knives.

At this point, Xia Yi thought, Absolute Sword Master suddenly felt the cold behind his back, and a shadowless glow passed by, Absolute Sword Master subconsciously tilted his head and brought a bunch of hair flew off. He quickly backed away and touched the back of his neck. He felt a touch of warmth and he was injured.

"Soul knife?"

"I almost forgot that you have a soul."

Jue Jian Dao Zun thought that Xia Yi's last resort was the sword of the soul, but Xia Yi looked up at the starry sky.

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