"Looking at my previous sword refining exercises, do you actually think I will have no swords?"

"My sword is just like the sky full of stars, endless, unless I die, I will never be without a knife, and this barren star under our feet, it is also one of the sky full of stars!"

"In this world, everything is my sword."


Xia Yi forced the retreat of the Sword Master, and then slapped the ground with a palm. The earth cracked at the speed visible to the naked eye, and flames tumbling in it. Hunch.

Because this is very similar to Xia Yi’s previous refining of meteorites, but this time it is also different, because the spreading flame area is too wide, after the Supreme Sword Master reacted from his surprise, at least a hundred miles around it changed into The land of lava.

"How could you have so much aura!"

The earth is burning, and the Supreme Sword Master is also in the fire.

"This star is already combustible, I just lit a fire."

A mortal set fire to the mountain, Xia Yi set fire to refine the stars, Absolute Sword Dao Venerable thought that maybe he should take advantage of this time to attack, but he did not do that, because he wanted to see what Xia Yi wanted to do. No, no surprise, seeing and hearing is also a way to improve yourself.

Until the flames spreading across the earth became more and more hot, even spewing fierce fire from the cracks, the Supreme Sword Master realized that something was awakening under the ground, Xia Yi closed his eyes, and the palm of his hand lying flat on the ground suddenly With a fist lifted up, the earth trembled violently, and the vast earth began to crack in a wide range.

Xia Yi's primordial spirit merged into the earth, but his thoughts entered the soul sky. People stood between the sky and the earth, leaving only the most basic fighting consciousness.

This move is one of the four great swords, one of the thirty-six swords, and the first of the Qimen casting roads.

"Huntian, cast stars!"

Xia Yi opened his eyes suddenly, and his hands raised up quickly. In the eyes of the Supreme Sword Master, he pulled a giant blade from under the earth, and the knife sank, like a deep hole. It was a huge amount of flames erupting like a volcano, and Xia Yi's body was an ant compared to the giant blade of the sky.

"Wu Jue, would you dare to take me a trick?"

After that, the giant blade that covered the sky smashed towards the faces of Absolute Sword Master. This can no longer be described by slashing and cutting. This is completely smashed. It is a collision, because the sharpest blade is no less than ten meters wide. .

Venerable Absolute Swordsman clenched the Years Sword in his hand, held it horizontally with both hands, and actually wanted to pick it up. He is also a fighting lunatic, who is not afraid of anything. After the sky-shielding giant blade is smashed, the world changes drastically, and the whole barren star is like a Shaking, Absolute Sword Master's whole person was smashed into the ground, and a deep ditch was added to the already devastated earth.

If this barren star can one day become a star of life, the creatures living on it will surely marvel at the supernatural craftsmanship of "nature", which can actually create an incomparably neat Grand Canyon on both sides.

After smashing the knife, Xia Yi was still not satisfied, and did something more excessive. He forcibly returned the sky-shielding giant blade to the ground. He stood in mid-air with his hands slanted between his waist, as if Holding something.

It took a while for Absolute Sword Master to fly out from the depths of the earth with a gray head and face. After seeing Xia Yi's posture, his face instantly turned white. If it was like seeing a ghost before, then now a ghost is more ghost than a ghost. s things.

"Hey, don't you, can you also use the drawing style with this knife?"

Absolute Sword Master was a bit stupid, but he had just crawled out, Xia Yi grinned at him, as if he had been waiting for a long time, what else could Absolute Sword Master say, temporarily let go of the sword, let the sword float in front of him, and vacate it. I was afraid of hitting both hands a few times, which was applauding Xia Yi.

"You are really good, I want to see what tricks you can play."

"Clash with the giant blade of heaven and earth, it's worthwhile for me to cultivate my sword for thousands of years, Xia Yi, you really surprised me!"

Jue Sword Dao Venerable was so excited that he could hardly control his emotions. He had never encountered any swordsman or master swordsman before, but it was the first time he saw Xia Yi like a sword mad.

"Vientiane is fully open, the shadow of the years!"

Absolute Sword Master thoroughly manifested the Vientiane that he had already understood. He no longer had to hide. He slowly retracted the sword, but his actions caused countless afterimages. It was like thousands of people were retracting the sword at the same time, and even more terrifying was even returning. The sound of the sword being sheathed rang nearly a hundred times in succession.

Absolute Sword Master, he neither dodges nor evades nor stops, Xia Yi closes the sword and he closes the sword. This is the rule he set for himself, the etiquette between swords.

Unknowingly, the distant double star was about to sink into the earth. They fought for a day and night, shattering a corner of the barren star, and they still had room to fight until now.

When the night came, when the twin stars sank into the horizon, Xia Yi drew his sword. This time it really shocked the entire star. The sound of the ground sounded far away. The heavy and fast giant blade slashed towards Absolute Sword Master in a posture of shattering everything.

"Years are united, and you are at the top!"

The sword opened, there was no light, no sound, no shadow, only a slight vibration was left in the void, but the huge blade that was cut on the face disintegrated directly, Xia Yi's huge blade of the sky turned into countless large and small stones and fell like rain. The rocks are still lingering in flames, like meteors flying by.

Absolute Sword Master broke Xia Yi's move head-on, Xia Yi raised his head and looked at the sparks flying around in the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

"You ruined me again."

Xia Yi sighed to himself.

"I slapped you again."

Jue Sword Dao stood proudly in the air not far from Xia Yi, and the ground under their feet could no longer be described by the ground, it was almost a gravel pit.

"You lost."

"Am I defeated?"

"Is not it?"

"Of course not, I still have a broken edge."

Xia Yi looked down at the surrounding area, and could still find the previously damaged knife. The hardest part of these broken blades still existed, and it had not been completely damaged after the aftermath of the war.

"Those who have been blades for me, even if they are just ordinary weapons, even if they are broken into pieces, but they have carried my sword intent. If I am immortal, how can they be destroyed?"

Xia Yi's right hand stretched out in front of him, and many fragments gathered toward Xia Yi spontaneously, and were rejoined by Xia Yi's knife intent. Although they were no longer complete, they were at least the sharpest or hardest parts ever.

"This knife has a single heart."

There is no need for Broken Blade Blood Drink anymore. It is the sword of Emperor Shenxiao. Emperor Shenxiao has passed on the essence of his sword art to Xia Yi, casting his own broken blade, and rejoining the knives that he once shattered. , Although tattered, but they are all strong to sharp.

Broken knives and forgotten centuries, only a trace of precious remains, once they are gathered, they can go against the sky.

"Your sword way is inherited from Emperor Shenxiao, this is his way. It seems that he has met a good disciple, the sword of a hundred words that I cultivated. This is a way that is more inherited and more powerful. By my generation, it has been heard, and perhaps the sword can be included."

"I remember what you said, and I will also cast a broken sword of mine."

twenty one

Absolute Sword Master seems to be inspired by Xia Yi Dao Dao. Xia Yi held his own broken blade. This time he did not take the sword again, but quietly waited for Absolute Sword Master to attack. This broken blade is the true meaning of Xia Yi. The last knife on the board, but at least it won't break.

Xia Yi didn't know who would win in the end. The two sides forced out the opponent's hole cards time and time again. This broken blade was Xia Yi's hole card on the knife path.

"You made me realize something. I respect you very much. You have shown me a lot. There are knives, no knives, my knives, no knives, and infinite knives. Maybe I should humbly learn from you in some places, but if this is Your last knife path, then you can lose."

The Supreme Sword Master saw Xia Yi's solemn expression and knew that Xia Yi had no other sword techniques, and he still had it.

"You deserve to leave me unreserved. You are qualified to see the sword of the year. The sword of the year alone cannot beat you."

After the words, the Supreme Sword Master carefully took out a matt iron sword from the storage ring. No matter how you look at it, this sword is a rusty waste sword. After touching the waste sword, the waste sword was quickly reborn and became completely new.

"This is the Divine Sword of Years, my first sword, just by holding it, I can feel every joyful moment, every sad past, and those who have learned the truth just by holding it. Joy, years make me forget, but years make me remember."

"Do you remember the feeling of holding the knife for the first time, or the heavy weight of holding the spear for the first time? I remember."

The Supreme Sword Master holds a sword in each of his left and right hands. He speaks with a strong accent, and his tone is high, like a young child, and low, just like a mature and vicissitudes of life. Even his physical appearance changes in a blur. , Xia Yi seemed to have seen the life of the Supreme Sword Master so far.

Speaking of it, Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign seems to have said that the most powerful place in his Dao is the years he has experienced.

"This battle with you will become my strength in the future, and I will remember this battle."

Jue Sword Dao Zun stepped forward, the afterimage dragged the old man, Xia Yi subconsciously took a step back, even if he rushed to his own broken blade, he did not dare to be careless.

"Brother Xia, he has entered the Tao..."

The mirage dragon can recognize the state of Absolute Sword Master. It is just entering the Tao. A moment of entering the Tao can lift the limitations of the mysterious realm. According to the strength of Vientiane, it can exert a power similar to or even surpassing the gods. Xia Yi originally In Tianling, he relied on the octopole furnace for a moment to enter the Tao and gained power similar to that of God.

"What about entering the Dao, I can only take him this trick. In the previous battle, he didn't hide from me at all."

Xia Yi smiled and stood up and looked at Jue Sword Dao Zun. This is sword etiquette. If you don't hide, I will not avoid it.

"Brother Xia, his move is very dangerous, I think he should give up."

"What do you admit? You shut your mouth. Why do you suddenly start to care about me and start playing the role of a good wife? Don't think about it, you are a younger sister."

"Fine, good intentions are not rewarded, then Brother Xia, be careful yourself."

Mirage's plan to gain Xia Yi's favor failed, and she could only go silent, but she was indeed a little worried about Xia Yi, after all, that was entering the Tao, and in this age of godlessness, entering the Tao represented an unsolvable combat power.

And Xia Yi just set up the sword silently, brewing his strongest one, incorporating the spirit and vitality into the scabbard, and cutting out the sky. Xia Yi didn't know if he could win, but he would use his full strength.

Absolute Sword Master walked very slowly, but it was weirdly fast. The after-shadow light made people head big when he looked at it. Just when Absolute Sword Master was still a few steps away from Xia Yi, Xia Yi had a sword. He felt that he might be invincible, and he wanted to take the first opportunity to interrupt the entrance of the Sword Master, but the moment the sword was swung down.

No, the knife was not swung down!

The moment he took the sword, his acupuncture points were inexplicably broken. Xia Yi could only watch the Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign come in front of him, and the Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign's double swords were quickly slashed against Xia Yi. It was not very painful. It's even a little itchy, but because every sword is an afterimage, Xia Yi can't tell it at all. The Absolute Sword Master is even more like a ghost possessed by a ghost. film.

Xia Yi gritted his teeth and blocked his face with his arms. There were thousands of small wounds on his face and body, some of which were just a trace, some of which were deeply visible in bones. He didn't know how many swords Absolute Sword Master had swung until Everything stopped, Jue Sword Dao Sovereign was already standing behind Xia Yi, and the double swords were returning to their sheaths.

The next moment, the sword returned to its sheath, and there was a crisp sound. Xia Yi stretched out his hand and looked at the wound on his arm. It was deepening, cracking, and prolonging, just like countless swords acting on all the wounds at the same time. The place.

"It seems I can't escape death this time."

Xia Yi shrugged and slapped his hands twice, and then burst into a cloud of blood mist in an instant, but the strange thing was that the blood mist did not drift far away, but was slowly replaced by a burst of red fire, and some white ash reunited. For the bones, the fire of karma envelops the bones, and the bones sat on the ground in a little depression to recover. After waiting for a long time, the fire of karma ignited the bones, allowing the flesh and blood to be reborn in the fire.

This is not the power of the death elephant, but righteous death, all turned into King Asura, and compared to the active transformation of the Ming, this kind of passive transformation that suffered serious death and injury made Xia Yi almost completely empty after he recovered. Yes, it's hard to move.

After recovering a little bit of strength, Xia Yi turned his head and looked at Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign. He also slowly turned around, his aura weaker than Xia Yi.

"Hey, did you just want to kill me?"

"You can control the death elephant, it won't die so easily, but if you change to another person, you definitely can't die anymore."

"It's okay, you know that I will definitely not die? What do you do so hard to do, and the point is good?"

"Didn't you always oppose it?"

"Well, my fault, it looks like I lost, my sword is not as good as your sword, you are a sword, I am convinced."

"It's fine for you to admit defeat, in this case..."

"I admit defeat, I just said that my sword is not as good as your sword. Look at my hungry golden gun, it hasn't fallen yet!"

After speaking, Xia Yi was finally willing to take out his spear. Xia Yi pointed it at Jue Sword Master, and a long life kept swimming in Xia Yi's body.

"You are really shameless enough to admit defeat?"

"Why? Just allow your way to kill me instantly, and not allow my way to bring me back to life. This is where I am strong. It is true that I cannot be resurrected now. If you beat me again, even if you win ."

"I think this is unfair..."

"Don't talk nonsense, you're disabled, I can still jump, you can be strong, and when you beat me out of strength, that's when I clean up you."


"What's the matter, I can't afford to roll!"

Xia Yi walked over and kicked Absolute Sword Sovereign’s **** directly, kicked Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign to the floor, and took off the storage ring of Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign.

twenty two

Xia Yi's sudden behavior can be said to be caught off guard by Absolute Sword Master. After he reacted, the storage ring containing the sacred stone was snatched by Xia Yi.

"Don't you think you are insulting this battle?"

To tell the truth, Jue Sword Dao Zun looked at Bian Xia Yi a little at this time. Originally, he still wanted to be friends with Xia Yi, but Xia Yi always maintained an alienated attitude. Xia Yi’s true identity was a Xuanhuang person, and had nothing to do with Dao Fa. Conflicts of interest, and even Taoism can help Xia Yi's behavior in the fairy clan to a certain extent.

No matter how you look at it, maintaining a good relationship between the two is an excellent choice.

"Fighting is just a process, and my purpose is a sacred stone."

"Heh, is it possible that you really think of yourself as a member of the immortal clan?"

"I take the biggest head, I also do it for myself, and I only believe in myself."

Even though Xia Yi and Dao Fa are currently in a position of common interests, Xia Yi does not want to rely on Dao Fa, and Xia Yi solves the problems of Xuanhuang and Xian Clan by himself.

"We can help you, what are you thinking about in the fairy clan?"

"It has nothing to do with your Dao Fa, but at least it is a good thing for you."

"You seem to distrust others very much. No matter what happened before, the important thing is that your weight at the moment is worthy of Dao Fa's sincere help. You are an innate Dao body. I think people in Dao Fa's line should welcome you back."

"Congenital Dao Body? I have already abandoned that thing."

After that, Xia Yi took the initiative to open up his breath to let Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign feel. Absolute Sword Dao Sovereign did not notice the aura of Innate Dao Body after careful exploration with soul power. Let alone the body, I am afraid that any special physique of Xia Yi No, it's a complete mortal body.

"You really abolished the Eucharist?"

"I encountered the shackles of the Great Dao because of the Holy Physique, why am I still keeping it? What is more important than my cultivation level at this moment when a Dao Physique that can never be sanctified? Is it possible that I should be reduced to some family to spy on the Dao Body bloodline? Tools? Although it’s a bit cool, it’s a pity that I’m not interested."

Xia Yi is now a demigod, what about the Mortal Body? He possesses genuine divine power and one of all phenomena. Compared with the Taoist body that cannot be sanctified, he doesn't know how powerful it is. What kind of Taoist body is just a trap of reincarnation.

"Break and then stand. You have the courage to directly abandon the Dao body. Perhaps there are other methods that can lift the shackles of the Dao body while preserving the Dao body. Your choice is very decisive, and it is a pity."

"The Taoist body belongs to me. I don't abandon me and I have the final say. I have no obligation to keep the Taoist body for anyone."

"It's okay, you can see that you understand. In that case, I won't mention it again, but I am not convinced at the moment. It seems that you have returned from the nether to understand the death phenomenon. According to the rules of a fair fight, you are indeed true. Lost."

"I am defeated, and I admit it, but it is my ability to return from Netherworld. If you are unhappy, I can send you to Netherworld now. If you have the ability, you will come back and we will fight against the Ming."

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