There are very few people who have returned from the Nether. There are only less than ten people who have been recorded from ancient times to the present. They have the characteristic of being extremely difficult to be killed. Therefore, the underworld is indeed immortal to a certain extent, since It was a fair fight, and the Supreme Sword Master killed Xia Yi to the end, so he felt that he had won it no matter what he thought.

Unless, it's a life and death fight.

That Absolute Sword Master would no longer go to the front of any of Xia Yi's moves, and would not give Xia Yi any chance to refine his sword. Therefore, the outcome of a truly murderous battle would not be easy to say.

"Okay, I was careless, and I have been picking up all your moves on the premise of fairness."

"I didn't hide, don't you think that I have no way to hide your last move? Did you forget my speed?"

"You can't hide!"

"Then try again. If you lose, you will lose. Accepting the facts is the demeanor of a strong man. I understand your feelings. That's why I conceded to you once. Your kendo is the best I have ever seen in my life. I am convinced of your kendo and years, but I can be resurrected. If you refuse to accept it, come and kill me again. If you can kill me, I will lose."

This is the so-called fair battle. Don't fight if you are upset. It is well known that a person has only one life, but Xia Yi happened to have several times. Who blamed him for not dying if he killed him once or twice?

Of course, I can only blame myself for failing to kill him more than a dozen times.

"No one of the same level can really kill you. I can't. I'm afraid that the Four Great Dao Venerables are reluctant, and it is also difficult for the Immortal Palace Masters. Only the true **** can kill you. As long as you don't seek death by yourself, you may be able to walk across the starry sky. Let’s go, considering this... well, I lost. Even life and death will defeat you at best, and it’s hard to kill."

Absolute Sword Master forced himself to start accepting the facts, I have to say that Xia Yi is really disgusting, disgusting to make people helpless, unless all kinds of methods of restraint are prepared in advance, if you want to kill Xia Yi without preparation, it is simply a foolish dream. .

"It’s good if you understand, but if it’s really life and death, I might die several times, but the last person to die must be you. After all, you only have one life. No matter how many years you can go against the current, you can’t resist the fact that you are dead. , I have not yet manifested the death image to the limit, because until the point is reached, I have no grievances with you, and I have no need to kill you."

"That's really a thank you for your mercy, but you won the battle but lost your bet. What kind of horrible reason is this."

This is what Absolute Sword Dao Venerable most can't figure out. Xia Yi smiled and didn't say a word. He was determined to win the Divine Stone, and it didn't matter if he won or lost.

"There are so many things in the world. If you suffer more, you will understand. In short, I hope you don’t expose my identity to others. It will definitely be very upset, I'm upset, then Netherworld may come to a certain realm someday."

"Hmph, even if you don’t threaten me, I won’t do this kind of harm to others and self. I still can’t commit to doing stupid things just to breathe out. I also look forward to what you can stir up trouble in the fairy clan, as for you. Identity, if the immortal clan becomes suspicious one day, I will help you testify, and I still have credibility when I speak."

"No, you just say you don’t know. You are so sure that I am. I am afraid that I am not going to guess whether I am a Dao Fa. If you deliberately say that I am not, maybe the immortal is more at ease and thinks you are destroying. Our unity, haha."

Lies can often exist for a long time if they are maintained by proper means. It is best if they are not sure or deny. It is to let the immortal clan pay attention so that he has more time.

"I don't care, anyway, it's just one sentence."

"It's so good, take this bottle of pill, and treat it as a comforting product for you."

twenty three

Xia Yi presented a bottle of his commonly used pill to Absolute Sword Master. Absolute Sword Master did not refuse. After taking it, he took it directly. The weak breath quickly improved a lot. Although it was reluctant to fight again, it was normal. There is no problem walking around.

"This pill grade is not high, but its effect is strong. The vitality infused is long and strong. If used under the saint, it is also a treasure that can pull people back from the gate of ghosts. Where did you get it? "

The pill that Xia Yi gave to the Supreme Sword Master does not have obvious effect on the venerable, but for the monks under the sage, it is simply a second life. When he is dying, he will immediately rejuvenate the new year. It is very good for the juniors. .

"Don't think about it, this Dan is the only one. My signboard is not for sale. If you buy it with a sacred stone, I don't mind providing it in batches."

"Only for the saints, it is obvious that you need a **** stone? Your appetite is not small."

After finishing speaking, Absolute Sword Master took all the whole bottle of pill in one breath, followed by another meditation and breath adjustment, which made his complexion much better, and then stopped talking to Xia Yi, and flew directly away from Huangxing. Xia Naturally, Yi didn't stay long. Xia Yi was making a small hand and foot on the storage ring.

It's really cool to harvest 30% by himself first, and take the big head for the remaining 70%.

I have harvested so many shining sacred stones in this trip. It is estimated that it is not a big problem to stay in the formation of Nantiangong for about two hundred years. After returning, I will explain a little and directly retreat. The concept of two hundred years is now in Xia Yi’s eyes. The retreat is the same for two months. It is not short, but it is definitely not long.

Xia Yi lags behind and returned to the place where he was before. The immortal clan also surrounded the fifteen Dao Fa's venerables. Seeing Xia Yi's arrival, the Supreme Swordsman only glared at Xia Yi, and Xia Yi waved. He waved his hand for the army to disperse.

"I'm slightly better than the Sword Master, the divine stone has been included in my fairy clan's bag, let them go."


"Congratulations to Xianzun Punishment for the victory!"

The soldiers of the immortal clan and the other immortals are all sincerely happy at this moment. The person Xia Yi defeated was not a nameless person. That is the absolute swordsman and martial artist. He is the direct line of the emperor Wu, the number one in the Taoist law. Five people!

However, this also indirectly shows one thing, that is, Punishment Xianzun is undoubtedly the fifth person of the Xian clan. No one can rule him except the Sifang Palace Master, and he almost controls Nantian Palace now. Isn’t that right? Say that Xia Yi is equivalent to the lord of Nantian Palace?

This cognition caused some thoughts in the hearts of the nine venerables of the immortal clan, but it is a good thing to think about it. The death of the Nantian Palace Lord was an extremely heavy blow to the immortal clan. The family breathed a sigh of relief.

"Receive the soldiers and return to the boundary."

Xia Yi raised his hand, and the soldiers of the fairy clan returned to the large flying boat in an orderly manner. Xia Yi also approached the flying boat. The small flying boat Xia Yi took before was parked on the deck of the large flying boat. Several elders of Jizong are here.

"Let's go to Haohan, send a few elders back to Xuanjizong, by the way, directly use the vast starry sky to teleport the array back."

"A lot of sacred stones? Wealth and wealth? If you don't hurry, you can't save a little bit?"

Xian Yueyin had a little pain in the divine stone, after all, the army spent a lot of time to arrive in time.

"It's not bad for this sacred stone. Go back early to save time. If you want to roam the starry sky with the army yourself, I won the sacred stone. I have the final say."

"Whatever you want, I want to go back with the army, you should go back by yourself first."

Xianyueyin obviously didn’t want to return to the fairy clan so quickly. She still wanted to see the stars. Xia Yi instructed the other nine immortals to take care of Xianyueyin and then go straight away in a small flying boat. Xianyueyin looked away. The small flying boat, fists clenched involuntarily.

Although the fairy clan has obtained a lot of divine stones for this, Xia Yi has obtained more. With so many important resources at once, how much will he become stronger? Is the fairy clan's chance of winning a bit lower?

No, maybe it's a good thing to make him stronger? Because in this way, he doesn't need to use inferior conspiracies, and many innocent people will be killed.

All the way back to the vast Xuanji Sect, Xia Yi gave Xuanji Sect a part of the divine stone according to the agreement, but because Xuanji Sect did not provide any decent help, it was only the favor of using the gates of all wonders before, so Xia Yi reduced the agreement. Half of the good, Xuan Jizong has no objections to this. If there is, it is not bad. Greed will only make the relationship between the two fairly good.

Two weeks later, Xia Yi exchanged sacred stones for a lot of cultivation items in Xuanji Sect, and restored his state to 80% before using the Starry Sky Teleportation Array to leave. The sense of time and space interlacing using the Starry Sky Teleportation Array is still as uncomfortable as ever. The more people want to understand, the only difference compared to the time when he returned to Xuanhuang from the Metaverse is that Xia Yi can resist this sense of time and space, and won't be dizzy.

I don’t know how long it has passed, everything has slowed down. The majestic fairy world is right in front of me. Just as Xia Yi approached on the flying boat, someone contacted the communication device on the flying boat. It was a member of the Central Heavenly Palace. The central palace lord said he wanted to see Xia Yi. one side.

Three days later, the Central Heavenly Palace, the Golden Immortal Pagoda topped the Great Immortal Hall.

Xia Yi stood at the door. He had just returned. He made the mirage always pay attention to the disguise breath, and took a deep breath to prepare before pushing the door to enter. Xia Yi was still very jealous of the strongest immortal clan and had to be careful.

"How many sacred stones did you get this time?"

When the central palace lord saw Xia Yi coming in, he didn't ask anything else. He asked the sacred stone straightforwardly. The sacred stone is now an important reserve for all major realms and one of the most advanced resources. No one cares about important resources.

"Except for the part I deserve and the ones I need to bring back to Nantian Palace, the rest are here."

Xia Yi threw a storage ring to the central palace lord, of which 60% was cut by 30% by Xia Yi. This 60% will be divided equally among the other four heavenly palaces. He is a high-powered person, and he inevitably smiles when he sees so many sacred stones.

"It's pretty good, I'm totally worthy of this military trip, how about Yueyin?"

"She will travel the starry sky with the army on the way home."

"What's so good about these wild stars, I don't understand her, what do you think of Yue Yin?"

"His posture is extraordinary, and his vision is very high, he considers a lot of things for people, and has no flaws in his personality. He is a rare talent."

"Well, except for the weird interest, my daughter has no flaws at all. That's the end of her business. I heard that you defeated Wu Jue. When you first came to the Immortal Clan, you only had a second-tier cultivation base. Is the increase in strength too fast?"

twenty four

The central palace lord’s phrase "too fast" was clearly aimed at. If it weren’t for Xia Yi’s move this time, the central palace lord would not be too suspicious. Who is it definitely? He also had a golden body, and he was already at the sixth rank of the gods. The opponent was the fifth person of Dao Fa. The immortal clan still attached great importance to it, but Wu Jue was defeated.

The immortal clan has self-knowledge and knows that it is difficult for him to fight head-on with Dao Fa monks of the same rank when fighting alone, but Xia Yi won. Although Xia Yi said that he came from Dao Fa, he was more powerful than that. Somehow it was too far from the Central Palace Master's expectations.

"Of course, fast. I worked so hard, including this time I took the initiative to ask Ying to seize the sacred stone, just to obtain resources. How can the little girl Xianruyi restrict me? I don't want to leave Nantian Palace because it is convenient to obtain resources. How many holy ones did you want to provide for cultivation? But now that I enjoy it alone, how can I be unhappy?"

"Really? You are sincere, and you don't hide your ambitions anymore. I am afraid that you have chosen to return to the fairy clan at this time. Caring about the race is just your excuse."

"The fairy clan has the right time and place for me, and returning is a good thing for me, at least not a bad thing for the immortal clan, after all, as a member of the race, I have indeed contributed to the race, haven't I?"

"I didn't mean to accuse you. Ambitious is a good thing, and it's even better to be able to seize the opportunity. However, you have cultivated your primordial spirit not long after you went out. You still really surprised me."

The central palace lord also has a soul, so he can naturally notice that Xia Yi's soul has changed, and he has cultivated a soul like him.

"After I came to the vast Xuanji Sect, I found a treasure. I used the name of the immortal clan to coerce the vast Xuanji Sect to let me in, and gave some divine stones to comfort them. Of course, I still have a little bit, and if the palace lord likes it, please accept it."

Xia Yi flipped the palm of his hand, and a primordial flower and a few bright soul crystals appeared in Xia Yi's hands. The central palace lord's eyes lit up, and he used the primordial spirit to fetch the treasure directly from the air and drag the treasure in front of him to store it. Ring storage.

"I accepted the things. You are lucky. Did you refine the remnant soul of the soul?"


"It's great luck, I admire your luck. You already have the power of a demigod in your qi martial arts and soul dao. You can already fight the sub-god. You can also have this qualification in the Nantian Temple, but you have to remember who is the most I promoted you first."

"I remember the grace of the palace lord, the right time and place are indispensable. The palace lord is human to me. I can improve so much in just a hundred years. Thanks to the palace lord for his love."

No matter how strong Xia Yi was before, he still has to be honest and respectful in front of the central palace lord. This makes the central palace lord very useful. He has strength and knowledge of current affairs, ambitious and humble, and knows how to respect his elders, if not The identity is still a mystery, and the Central Palace Master wants to cultivate Xia Yi without reservation.

If he can make enough proofs, then the immortal clan will naturally trust it unconditionally, but not now.

"It's good if you know it. You seem to be very unconcerned about the rebels these days."

"That's also the host of the Beitian Palace. Anyway, I won't pull my face down to apologize. Although there are a lot of misunderstandings with him, he is also a little too good-faced. If there is no need, I will not take the initiative to admit my mistakes."

"That's your and his business. I don't want to care too much. Unless the five parties do not interfere with each other in major matters, you should not use him as a shield. I heard Yueyin report that you were completely negligent when you got the actual control of Nantian Palace. , The affairs are handed over to your hands, how can you do this?"

"Palace lord, the rebels are just a bunch of chickens, they can only hide themselves, I don't bother to waste time on them, but if they dare to be a little arrogant, I guarantee that they will always suffer, and they will be killed and caught. , You have the final say."

"I know this, but what I am worried about is Xian Juexiao, don't you think he is very dangerous? A few days ago, there was news from the Shenwu Realm that the people of our Xian Clan were killed. I was in the Shenwu Realm. Venerable Fang was even more unfortunately sacrificed. I seriously suspect that Xian Juexiao, the rebel, did it. This guy didn't know what weird magic skills he had cultivated. He was able to swallow his fellow clan and kill the Venerable of my clan. It is indeed a crime worthy of death! "

"Palace Master, if you can't be frank, you can't catch him. It's a waste of time for me to find him. In my opinion, it's better to let the tribe outsiders come back and let people secretly find a way to investigate him, but don't be alarmed. Investigate him. The people around him directly caught the people he valued to the immortal clan. There is no need to worry that he did not come from the snare. This kid robbed my prison before, and I killed his wild master and his wife, crying so much that it was a tearing heart. Lung, emphasizing affection and righteousness, just used it, but it was a pity that he escaped that time."

"What if not? He might be dead after this disaster."

"It’s hard to say, this kid is in love with love, and he can open his heart again for love. If it doesn’t work, I will hunt and kill him again. Anyway, he doesn’t dare to come back. Why can you worry about the trash? Is it going to turn the sky?"

After Xia Yi finished speaking, the central palace lord also considered this proposal. It really didn't make much sense to let Xia Yi chase and kill. Xian Juexiao, a rebel, was particularly cautious, and would run away whenever there was a turmoil.

"You are responsible for this matter. You'd better not delay it for a long time. I want to see his body as soon as possible."

"That is, he will die when I have the exact news."

After the conversation was over, the central palace lord sighed. The rebels are the stubborn disease of the immortal clan, the roots of the blood, and they don’t know what they are and want to be fair. It’s ridiculous. No, the nature is revealed all at once. When it comes, the same clan can swallow it, and it really can't be too good to the inferior immortals.

If you really can’t control it, you might want to consider using the curse of the bloodline, so that the inferior immortals born later can’t resist the pure-blood immortals at all. As long as there is a bit of crooked mind, they will explode and die, but this will more or less affect the unity. , At least they will no longer be truly intrepid.

"Xian Huan, the news of your defeat of Wu Jue will be spread throughout the immortal clan soon. I am considering letting you directly control the Southern Heavenly Palace. When Yue Yin comes back, I will officially betroth her to you for the big wedding. Think about it. The way to marry Xian Ruyi is to consolidate your position."

"Your strength, reputation, and status are all in place. The other three parties are not easy to say anything. You don't need to be too respectful to me. After all, our five parties do not interfere with each other, and I am just perfecting lovers. Do you know what I mean? "

"Of course, the Southern Heavenly Palace will take the meaning of the Central Heavenly Palace as the first order in the future."

"Very good, go back. I hope you can solve Xian Juexiao as soon as possible. As for Yueyin, I don't care if you like it or not, and treat her as nice as possible."


After completing the report to the Central Palace Master, Xia Yi didn't have any intention to talk to the Central Palace Master. He turned around and left. The Central Palace Master looked at Xia Yi's leaving back, and there was always a hint of worry in his eyes.

This immortal is still too good. It is a good thing for the immortal clan to have such a mainstay, but after all, immortal has not grown up in the immortal clan since he was a child, and his identity is always doubtful, even if he has not done anything strange in the past hundred years. , Just trying hard to climb upwards, but still let the Central Palace Master feel uneasy.

Youdao is the master of high power. The Central Palace Master has no doubt that this kind of ambitious person will even threaten his position in the future, but that will be a long time away. If he really has that ability, he can be regarded as an immortal clan. Fortunately, the central palace lord is most worried about whether the immortal has any dissatisfaction.

Does he really have a fairy in his heart?

After the immortal also possessed the original spirit, he was unable to detect the reality of the immortal return, and he could not perceive the emotion and part of the other party’s thoughts. When he first met, he only felt the immortal’s fear and awe of him. This is a good thing, which shows that the immortal still knows who is the master.

But this time was completely different, and Xian was more confident than last time.

"Should I be laissez-faire or temperate?"

"Forget it, let's continue to observe. The successor of the Nantian Palace Master needs to swear to the bloodline. By then, the power of my bloodline can make him loyal to the immortal clan. If he doesn't agree, then he should be restrained."

The central palace lord was not too concerned about Xia Yi before, because no matter how good Xia Yi was, he could not threaten him at all. But now he clearly feels the threat, even if the threat is small and small, and has not grown up at all, but the threat is the threat. Must be strangled in the cradle.

Under the Golden Pagoda.

Xia Yi came to the bottom of the tower, and the surrounding immortals saluted after seeing Xia Yi. The guards at the door, even directly under the Central Tiangong, gave three points to Xia Yi. The news of the punishment of Xianzun for defeating Wu Jue has spread in the Central Tiangong. , This adult is now the fifth person of the immortal clan, which is equivalent to filling the position of the fifth palace lord.

Xia Yi’s courtesy to those people is not surprising. He knows that his identity has been improved a bit in the fairy clan. This is a good thing, but it is not a good thing. Xia Yi raised his head and glanced at the top of the tower. The central palace lord had already treated him. With a defensive heart, as he becomes stronger and stronger, the central palace lord's suspicion will exponentially multiply.

The betrothal to Xianyueyin should be to allow Xianyueyin to monitor herself all the time and find out her own reality. Fortunately, Xianyueyin had been persuaded by him a long time ago, otherwise it would be really a big trouble. As for Nantian Palace As the lord, Xia Yi didn't know the significance of this, but the central palace lord seemed eager to let him succeed.

If this time is not dealt with properly, his good days will probably come to an end.

Xia Yi did not fly back to Yunan slowly this time, but directly borrowed the teleportation array of the Central Tiangong to pass directly to the Nantian Temple. For some reason, it became quite lively in the Nantian Temple. Yu Nanfan is a member of the immortal clan who has a half-time official. They all came to the Nantian Palace to give gifts. The Xian clan is a race that cares about face. One-on-one defeating the descendants of Daofa Wudi alone, is there anything more that makes the Xian clan feel majestic than this?

"Punishing Master Xianzun, all inspectors from all over the southern region have come to congratulate me. Would you like to meet me?"

The immortal clan guarding the teleportation formation is a holy emperor. He immediately greeted him to report when he saw Xia Yi's return. Xia Yi shook his head. He was not interested in this kind of face-saving project.

"I still have something to do, let's not see, where is the palace lord?"

"His Royal Highness Ruyi's words should be in the inner temple."


Xia Yi nodded, condensing his breath and quickly walked towards the inner hall of the Nantian Temple. The inner hall is also the back hall of the Nantian Temple. Many people saw Xia Yi in the middle of where the palace lord lived, but they saw Xia Yi. The hurried appearance didn't stop me, I just thought that Xian Ruyi was really blessed, and he could actually get the infatuation of this class of men.

Coming to the entrance of the inner hall, Xia Yi gave a wink to let the doorkeeper leave, opened the door and walked into it. Xian Ruyi was closing her eyes and drawing an array in the void with divine thoughts. Her formation level was already better than Xia Yi is even taller, and this is also because of the results of her practice all the time.


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