Xia Yi spoke and walked slowly towards Xian Ruyi. After hearing Xia Yi’s voice, Xian Ruyi immediately opened her eyes, her brows bloomed with joy, she quickly stood up and threw directly into Xia Yi’s arms, her tenderness was like water. But there is also fire-like enthusiasm.

"Brother Xianhuan, I heard that you even defeated Wu Jue? He is the powerhouse closest to the sub-shen in Taoism. Doesn't that mean that Brother Xian-huan is enough to compare to the sub-shen?"

"Well, I have this strength."

"Brother Xianhuan, you are too good, you deserve to be my brother Xianhuan, I feel that you can do everything, as long as you are by your side, even I feel that I can do everything."

After speaking, Xian Ruyi closed his eyes and stood on tiptoe. Xia Yi hesitated for a while, but he could only respond patiently to Xian Ruyi’s feelings, but this response directly made Xian Ruyi worse. She thought of putting down a lock-out formation to block outside exploration, Qiang La Xia Yi came to the bed.

After some clouds and rains, Xian Ruyi calmed down a lot. She put her head on Xia Yi’s shoulders, enjoying this moment of happiness, and what she didn’t know was that everything that happened before in Xia Yi’s heart was like a routine, but Moved for business, let alone feelings, even the most straightforward desire Xia Yi didn't have much.

"The Central Palace Master asked me to marry Xian Yueyin again. This time I can hardly refuse."

"It's okay. Anyway, it's just a form. I understand that I am not the young me who used to be."

Although the time spent together in these hundred years is not long, but after so long anyway, Xian Ruyi has grown a lot in both strength and mood. The only constant is the unconditional trust in Xia Yi, no matter what Xia Yi does. It's all right.

"If you can understand me, I'm afraid you will be angry."

"Brother Xianhuan, you think me too stingy, so is there anything else?"

Xian Ruyi sensed from Xia Yi's tone that Xia Yi should have something else to say, so she took the initiative to ask.

"Yes, the Central Palace Master asked me to replace you as the Nantian Palace Master."

"Yes, why not?"

Xian Ruyi nodded immediately, without any reluctance. She was the Lord of the Nantian Palace, yes, but in her heart, even she herself belonged to Xia Yi, so there was no problem at all.

"I still don't think this is great. By the way, is there any ceremony required for formal succession? You probably haven't officially succeeded, right?"

To be precise, Xian Ruyi was only acting as the lord of the palace, because he did not hold a succession ceremony, Xia Yi knew this, because Xian Ruyi had always been lacking in strength.


"Except for some declarations and procedures, the most important thing is to swear to the bloodline. Only in this way can you officially obtain the true inheritance of the five heavenly palaces before you can enter the core of the Nandi Formation. Above the talisman, if the master does not die or does not take the initiative to remove it, only one person will be able to use the Nandi Formation Talisman in the future."

"Swear to the bloodline... But I don't have the Southern Emperor bloodline."

"It doesn't matter, Brother Xianhuan, you are a pure-blooded immortal, and you can be recognized, as long as you are not a foreigner or inferior immortal, it doesn't matter."


Xia Yi nodded, it seemed that there was nothing unusual, but he had already sensed the crisis in his heart. Xia Yi immediately asked the mirage if he could handle it with the spirit, but the mirage said that there was no way at all, unless Xia Yi had the legendary exchange of blood. Secret method, permanently abandon the blood of Xuanhuang, and live as an immortal in the future.

Let’s not say whether Xia Yi has the secret method for blood exchange, if there is, will Xia Yi use it again?

This is a dead end. He can't formally succeed in any case. If he does it, he will expose himself. If he doesn't do it, the Central Palace Master will doubt what his true heart is. There is no good idea after thinking about it. This also leads to what Xia Yi can do. There is only one thing.

Before the Central Palace Master had greater suspicion, before he shot him, he used his current advantages to improve himself as much as possible.

"Ruyi, you can practice well next. I think it is better for you to succeed as the Southern Emperor. I will explain it to the Central Palace Master. After all, the five parties do not interfere with each other, right?"

"Brother Xianhuan, you have the final say."

Xian Ruyi nodded, whether she could be the palace lord or not, but she still wanted to do it more in her heart. After all, she was carrying the glory of the Southern Emperor's line. Xia Yi then chatted casually with Xian Ruyi. He left. You Dao was afraid of being famous for being a pig and afraid of being strong. He was already well-known in the immortal clan. It is estimated that the vast Dao Fa and even the various realms of the human clan are investigating him.

No way, he is the ninth person of the human race today, the person who will be in charge of the general trend of the human race in the future.

Xia Yi smiled on the surface, and Chunfeng returned to the penalty hall with pride in the eyes of everyone, but his expression immediately became gloomy after entering. It seemed that defeating Wu Jue was a mistake, but even if he did not defeat Wu Jue, he would show up sooner or later, rather than meaningless. It’s not as good as trying to improve it for a long time.

Taking out the jade slip of transmission, Xia Yi contacted someone who hadn't been in contact for a long time.

"Xianduofu, come and see me soon."

There were not many words, just a serious rush to see me, Xian Duofu replied yes, and his speed was indeed fast enough, it is estimated that he could also hear the bleak coolness in Xia Yi's tone.

Half an hour later, Xian Duofu entered the Penalty Hall by giving gifts as a pretext. Xia Yi stood in the center of the Penalty Hall with his back facing Xian Duo Fu. Xian Duo Fu had no idea what happened to Xia Yi. Become the limelight and become one of the important figures of the immortal clan. He should be very happy, but why did he behave so solemnly, as if a catastrophe is imminent?

"My lord, what happened?"

Xian Duofu was silent for a long time. Seeing that Xia Yi hadn't spoken for a long time, he took the initiative to ask. Only then did Xia Yi turn around and look at Xian Duofu.

"Speaking of which, you have been with me for a long time, and you have always put me at ease when doing things."

"Where, it is a blessing for the villain to do things for adults."

Xian Duofu immediately began to flatter, Xia Yi smiled, came to Xian Duo Fu and helped Xian Duo Fu who was half-kneeling up.

"I once got a secret treasure, because he made me grow so quickly, and it is also the source of my ambition. I am eager to replace the central palace lord to control the immortal clan power."


Xian Duofu was also shocked when he heard Xia Yi's follow-up words, God! What an ambition is this, this is simply a plot to usurp the throne! Is this the real purpose of penalty Xianzun? But the adult tells himself at this moment, does it mean that the adult has really regarded him as his own?

"I know you are shocked, and maybe you think it is impossible, but nothing is impossible. I have been targeted by the Central Palace Lord, and he rejects me very much. If this continues, I may be eliminated by the Central Palace Lord. I have already considered the future, and I will give you an extremely important task. If you do it well, when the plan is completed in the future, you will be the champion of opening a new era by my side."

"If you want to control a heavenly palace, I can give it to you."

"You want to become a deity, become a demigod, as strong as I am now, I can do it all."

"Now, do you dare?"

Xia Yi glanced at Xian Duofu, and had to say that the doglegs he had just found at the beginning were really useful, treacherous and smooth, and secretly helped Xia Yi with a lot of dirty things.

Xian Duofu’s heart thumped straight, which was a very important choice for him. He was originally just an unknown town superintendent. He relied on the punishment of Xianzun and walked step by step to the present. Eat, he knew that the only person he could not resist was Punishment Xianzun, and his greatest backer was Punishment Xianzun.

Punishment Xianzun must not fall! He had already been in the same boat with Xianzun Xianzun. Once his old things were turned out, there would be no place to bury him. Once he had gone to darkness, he could only go one way to the dark!

"My lord, no matter what the order is, as long as you say it, I will do it if you can. If you can't, you will have to cut your head off your waist and do it!"

Xian Duofu didn't dare to think about it. He didn't even dare to think about it. What else could he stop? In this kind of power struggle, the losing party is bound to face a major purge, and he has nowhere to retreat.

"Okay! The deity did not misunderstand you. Come to see me in half a month. Before that, you should be ready to leave the fairy clan."


Xian Duofu nodded and didn't dare to ask more. He immediately saluted and retired. Xia Yi came to the bars of the penalty hall and looked into the distance. There was a lot of calculations in his heart. It's all in vain. Instead of doing this, it's better to come back and retreat.

"Disciple, it's all up to you next."

Xia Yi was surrounded by black and gray, and his right eye showed the blood moon magic pupil. Next, he might have to do something with a little risk, but the risk is worth it, and Xia Yi is also capable of solving this risk.

More than half a month later, Xian Duofu quietly came to the penalty hall in the dead of night according to Xia Yi's instructions. Xia Yi hooked his finger at Xian Duo Fu and signaled Xian Duo Fu to come in front of him. Xian Duo Fu looked nervous. Because there was a small box in front of Xia Yi.

And in that box, there seemed to be something extremely unknown and evil, and he even heard something whispering.


"grown ups."

Xian Duofu smiled timidly at Xia Yi. Xia Yi slapped the box twice with his hands. The box slowly opened. Among them was a small pitch-black ball surrounded by black and gray. The sphere was as transparent as glass. It seems that there are thousands of ghosts crying.

"This...this is..."

"Xie Yuan Dan, do you remember part of the evil power Xian Juexiao once acquired? It is part of the evil source, and this is the whole. Give this thing to Xian Juexiao, and he naturally knows how to use it."

"But doesn't he hate you, your lord? Give him such a powerful power..."

"That's the way it is. He lives for hatred now, and he will surely be eroded by the evil source to only see hatred. I am only his hatred, but the central palace lord is the hatred of the inferior immortals."

Xia Yi decided to hand over the complete source of the Great Wilderness to Xian Juexiao. This source of the Great Wilderness was manipulated by Xia Yi. In the past half month, Xia Yi specially executed the sinners in the prison in a concentrated manner, borrowing their unjust death hatred and negative emotions. Greatly strengthened the evil thoughts in the source of the Great Wilderness.

Xian Juexiao, who had already been swallowed by hatred, would get this pill again, which in a sense was equivalent to the rebirth of the Great Wilderness, an original evil **** who hated the immortal clan, Xia Yi wanted to create this kind of existence.

"This thing is too..."

"You do not dare?"

The corner of Xia Yi's eyes twitched twice, and his tone became extremely cold in an instant. Xian Duofu shivered, and immediately shook his head madly.

"Where and where, I will do whatever the lord asks me to do, never ask what I shouldn't ask."

"Huh, it's all this time, don't think about your conscience. In this world, the weak and the strong, you are ruthless enough to have the ability to override others. After that, I will expel you from the old account. You got the news in advance and left the immortal clan. But I still have my home ransacked, and I will randomly get a few death row prisoners to be executed as your close relatives."

"After that, you should still have a way to contact Xian Juexiao. You go to him and give this thing to him. You said that you just caused the family to be annihilated because you resisted me. You intercepted this thing and made me angry. Remember when that happens. Be a little bit sad and resentful. After all, all your loved ones have been killed."

"I got it, then what?"

"There is no more. After getting it, Xian Juexiao naturally knows what to do. If I have further instructions, I will tell you. When I am away, all your actions are mainly to assist Xian Juexiao, even if it is temporarily against me. From then on From the moment you stepped out of the penalty hall, I was your unshakable enemy, do you understand?"


"Well, you can take this pill yourself and take it yourself. It can make you respectable, and it can also be regarded as a small reward for giving you a little bit after you get it done."

As Xia Yi spoke, he took out another pill. It was extremely precious. It could make the Holy Emperor the Heaven-defying Holy Pill, and it was also the pinnacle of Xia Yi's current refinement. Only the materials needed. It consumes a lot of sacred stones.

"Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!"

Xian Duofu's nervousness immediately after seeing the pill was relieved a lot, a touch of greed floated to his heart, this was just a small reward, if he could truly complete everything that the penalty immortal had explained, his destiny would be radically changed. After he took control of the Fang Tiangong in the future, he might never dream that he was just a small town superintendent.

Originally, even the position of the Lord was an extravagant hope for him, but this extravagant hope is now in sight.

"I’ve never treated anyone who really does things for me. I remember what I said. The thing is now. You can only continue to be cruel. If you are not cruel, you are the one who will die. You can choose to die with the last humanity. Of course Now, you can also choose to abandon humanity under one person and above ten thousand people!"

"I look forward to your performance, Xian Duo Fu."

Xia Yi stood up and patted on the shoulders that thought Duofu twice. Xian Duofu carefully packed the box containing the origin of the Great Wilderness, and started thinking about how to get Xian Juexiao's trust and how to avoid being doubted.

"My lord, speaking of my ancestral grave is in Black Collar Town, you may be able to..."

"Oh? You guy is so savvy? But is this too unfair to you?"

"No, no, just behave, no matter how filial and respectful I am, I won’t be able to do this. Our immortals attach great importance to the glory of blood. Digging my ancestral grave is even more than destroying my whole clan. If you accidentally dig it, it is also a blessing to the ancestors."


Xia Yi suddenly laughed at this moment, laughing a little speechless, Xian Duofu is really a talent, so cruel!

"Okay, don't slap your tongue, you are very happy to have this deity, let's go now, remember to give the evil source pill to Xian Juexiao, no mistakes are allowed!"

"Subordinates will live up to the expectations of adults!"

Xian Duofu immediately stood upright, bends down deeply towards Xia Yi, and then slowly withdraws from the penalty hall. He wants to leave the immortal clan immediately, and Xia Yi's hand is banging on the table. This plan is indeed very risky. After all, it is tantamount to letting go. The original evil **** is free, and once Xian Juexiao knows the truth, he will become the original evil **** who hates Xuanhuang.

But it's just a risk, danger? The ones that don't exist, let alone Xian Juexiao, are there any fears when Xia Yi comes back to the wilderness?

"I have defeated Wu Jue, and most people can't kill me anyway."

"But if it is Xian Juexiao who has the power of the original evil god, he should be more convincing to kill me, and the central palace lord will not doubt a dead person no matter how stupid it is. What can he do if he is suspicious? Why not worry about Xian Jue? Akatsuki's revenge on the Five Heaven Palace."

"And Ruyi will definitely go crazy because of my death, hate Xian Juexiao to the end, and will do something outrageous. It is possible to directly slaughter the inferior immortals to vent their anger, and the hatred of both will be triggered by my death."


Xia Yi was in a good mood, and used his death merits to retreat to let Xian Juexiao upset the Xian clan. If Xian Juexiao has the ability to make the Wufang Tiangong fall, Xia Yi will show up to make the finale.

If Xian Juexiao doesn’t have that ability and is cut off by the Wufang Tiangong, the Wufang Tiangong will also suffer a lot of losses. At least he can detect the truth and futility of the Central Palace Lord. The Central Palace Lord is not only Dengshen 8 Tierya at all. The **** is so simple, after Xia Yi had the soul, he knew the general idea of ​​the central palace lord.

There is an extremely terrifying power hidden in his bloodline. If he is confronted rashly, it may be him who will die. The Central Immortal Emperor has studied the bloodline thoroughly, and can even block the bloodline of Xuanhuang through the Emperor Art. The Central Immortal Emperor The peak period is definitely not as simple as the ordinary emperor.

In addition, Xia Yi guesses that the Central Palace Master can definitely explode true power in the Xian clan's homeland, even beyond the power of the first god. Even if it is a trace of Dili, it is very possible, Xia Yi I only hope that Xian Juexiao's cannon fodder can have the greatest effect.


Half a year later, Xianyueyin returned to the Xian clan with the army, but as soon as she came back, she heard the news that the Central Palace Master had already betrothed her to the penalty Xianzun, but she was not surprised by this, but it was inevitable to be angry. Although she knew her father's character very well, it would be uncomfortable for anyone to be so disregarded of her wishes.

But she did not object, because it was useless, she would not do anything meaningless, her father was the central palace lord, and no one could refute the decisions of the central palace lord. Xianyueyin was only simple with the central palace lord after returning to the fairy clan. When they met, they went to Yunan, and the central palace lord informed Xia Yi to be ready within a month, and the wedding date was set a month later.

Nantian Temple, the Palace of Punishment.

As soon as Xianyueyin returned to Nantian Palace, she rushed directly to the Penalty Hall. She thought she had to talk to Xia Yi about some things, and Xia Yi knew that Xianyueyin would definitely come to her, she was in the Penalty Hall. Drink alcohol alone.

"How is this journey?"

Xia Yi looked at Xianyueyin as she opened the door. She was still wearing clothes from an unknown realm. She was also wearing a pure white feather coat like a tulle on the outside of the gorgeous silver dress.

"I passed three realms on the way, although they are all small realms, but they gave me a lot of insights, and overall I was quite satisfied."

"It’s good if you are happy, but I thought you were the kind of person who didn’t care about your own dress. So you would be tempted to see beautiful things. Other people might be very cheesy if you wear it, but it’s completely set off when you wear it on your body. It’s beautiful because of your dust."

Xianyueyin basically wore ordinary long gowns in the Xian clan. It was rare for her to wear other styles of clothes. Nowadays, Xia Yi's eyes are brightened by dressing up. It seems that it makes sense for people to rely on clothes.

"What do you think of me, I am not born ruthless, I have all human emotions and desires, I just don't want to spend my mind on low-level tastes, so you directly agreed to the father's request?"

"Can I refuse? Even if I can, it is only against me if I refuse. Anyway, it's just a cutscene, and I won't do anything to you. Even if it's a nominal wife, it's all yours if you like to play with that man. free."

Xia Yi's remarks did not surprise Xian Yueyin, because Xia Yi was this kind of person, and seemed to care about her very much, as if she didn't take her seriously.

"Well, I got it."

Xian Yueyin nodded faintly, and Xia Yi only responded with a smirk. The two high-profile newcomers who are about to join together, their attitude of meeting alone is even more indifferent than strangers.

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