"Sorry, the first important wedding in your life was actually carried out in this false form, but neither of us had a choice."

"I know, in fact, I don't have much anger or disappointment, because it's the same development as I imagined. See you in a month."

"Okay, see you in a month."

Xianyueyin turned and left. Xia Yi turned his head and looked out the window. In fact, there are fewer and fewer places he can take care of at the same time. The current situation does not allow the best of both worlds, so at least one goal must be achieved. In this life, he has nothing to do with him, nor does he have any feelings. Xia Yi only hopes that she can always be so indifferent, so that she can't find a reason to kill her.

As long as there is no reason, there is no need.

A few days later, the news that Xianzun would be punished to marry Xianyueyin spread throughout the immortal clan. Countless young people of the immortal clan admired Xianyueyin, and countless girls of the immortal clan also admired Xianyueyin. It's the fifth person. It's no problem to say that he is the best man of the immortal clan.

One is the most beautiful, and the other is the best. The appearance of the two men and women is like a match made in heaven. Except for the rebels and some inferior immortals, everyone approves and blesses this marriage. Nantian City has become extremely lively and countless. People come from all directions wanting to witness this grand wedding.

But no matter how lively Nantian City is, it cannot change the desertedness in the penalty hall. Xia Yi, as the man about to win the most beautiful person of the immortal clan, has almost no joy, but is worried about what will happen to the central palace lord's attitude towards him after this. To change the situation, is it disgusting and defensive, or just let him forcefully swear to the blood?

In short, the central palace lord will personally come to Nantian Palace on the day of the wedding, and his plan for the immortal clan will change from that day as the demarcation point.

One month is very short for Xia Yi, as a venerable person. It was almost a moment of stunned time that passed. Xia Yi did nothing during this month, but was always paving the way for the worst. This is the possibility of the Central Palace Master turning his face in public. This kind of character is moody, and the ghost knows what he will do.

"The immortal is still an adult, the ceremony is about to begin."

Outside the hall, someone knocked on the door to remind Xia Yi that the time had come, and only then did Xia Yi put down the formation in his hand and took a deep breath.

"Well, I'll go right away."

In the penalty hall, Xia Yi was still preparing until the last moment, confirming the activation status of the sacred teleportation array, so that it can be easily used at any time. The worst outcome is that all means are invalidated and his identity is exposed in public, because today is not only the central palace owner. Here, the Lord of the Beitian Palace, the Lord of the West Heaven, and the Lord of the East Heaven are all here!

The palace owners of the Sifang Tiangong of the Immortal Clan gathered in Nantian. If there is any carelessness, it will be difficult for him to escape even if he can turn into King Asura, so he must make any unexpected preparations in advance.

Pushing open the door, at the entrance of the Penalty Hall is the sages of the Immortal Wufang Tiangong. As many as sixty-eight sages of different cultivation bases congratulate Xia Yi. This puts Xia Yi under a lot of pressure. This is more than the Quartet Palace Master. Gathering, even the sages of the immortal race have all arrived. At this moment, the highest level of combat power of the immortal race is gathered in Nantian Palace.

"A mirage, hide your own breath and try your best to imitate the blood of the immortal clan in me."

"Well...I will concentrate and never let the illusion stop."

The mirage also knew that in this case, if the illusion stopped for a while, it would lead to death. After all, this so-called big marriage has a second purpose, that is, succession to the lord of the Nantian Palace. Such important events are the fairy clan’s Quartet. The main reason for the gathering of the palace lord and the saints.

Xia Yi smiled and bowed his hands to the saints who congratulated him, and walked to the main hall of the Nantian Palace surrounded by the crowd. There were people everywhere in the sky, and some people used photo crystals to record this scene.

All the way to the entrance of the Nantian Temple, Xia Yi followed the sixty-eight Immortal Venerables of the Immortal Clan. In the Nantian Temple, I am afraid that all the Palace Masters from all over the world are there. There is no doubt that it is Longtan Tiger’s Lair. The pressure in Xia Yi's heart is greater than anyone else at this moment. Immortal people, that may be his most glorious moment today, gaining merit and fame, and returning home with beauties in his arms.


Xia Yi put his hand on the door, only feeling that this door was countless times heavier than before. Xia Yi pushed it open, and as expected, he immediately noticed the four powerful primordial spirits sweeping towards him.

"Xiangyou, today is your happy event, my happy event, and also our fairy clan's happy event, so today you can behave casually, don't be too restrictive."

After Xia Yi entered, because of her inner tension, her face was stiff and looked serious, so the central palace lord laughed. First let Xia Yi let go. Xia Yi immediately calmed down her nervous mood and squeezed out a smile, and began to look at the other two. The Lord of Heavenly Palace who has never met.

The Lord of the Eastern Heaven Palace is a tyrant dressed like a mortal emperor. His middle-aged and mature appearance is very majestic, and his eyes have a fierce aura that shocks the soul. It feels very fierce and makes people feel scared. In terms of temperament, it is mainly noble compared to the Central Palace.

Xitian Palace Lord is an old man with kind eyebrows, his eyebrows are almost covering his eyes, his beard and hair are white, and he wears a white robe with golden lines on the robe. His primordial spirit is stronger than the central palace owner. At one point, holding a crude wooden warrior in his hand, Xia Yi could perceive that this plain-looking wooden warrior was actually an imperial soldier.

It is said that the Xitian Temple and the Beitian Temple are completely opposite. The Beitian Temple is the most direct culture of the cultivation world. The power of the whole realm is mainly based on the structure of the sect. However, the Xitian Temple is equivalent to the Xiaofa God Realm. Sage".

Xia Yi estimated that in the culture of the Dharma and God Realm, the great sage might be equivalent to the holy deity.

"The immortal is still, you are married today, I will not lose your face, but there are some things I want to ask you when you are going to deal with it. The Venerable who was killed by Xian Juexiao a few days ago was from the Beitian Palace, I hope You get rid of Xian Juexiao as soon as possible, this guy was also caused by you."

When Xia Yi looked at the Lord of the Beitian Palace, the Lord of the Beitian Palace immediately said something out of place. The problem with Xian Juexiao was actually too big. After all, this is a demon cultivator that can devour the venerable. The existence of Xian Juexiao lies in the immortal. The family is embarrassed.

"Naturally, once I know his exact whereabouts, I guarantee that he will die without a place to be buried."

"Okay, I'm relieved after you have said so."

The Lord of the Northern Heavenly Palace nodded, he couldn’t be too much, otherwise the central palace Lord would be unhappy. There is nothing unpleasant about the Lord of the Eastern Heaven, the Lord of the Western Heaven and Xia Yi. Both of them just praised them, and Nothing actually spoke.

Until the sixty-eight venerables and those of the immortal tribe with real power in their hands were all seated, Xia Yi stood in the center of the main hall, and two people from the inner hall came to the Nantian Hall one after another. These two people were Xianyueyin and Xianru. Yi, both of the immortal clan generation's stunning beauties, even if Xianruyi is not as good as Xianyueyin, they are also better than the immortal women.

It’s just that Xian Ruyi’s dress is slightly more mediocre than Xian Yueyin’s, and walking behind Xian Yueyin is probably to emphasize the order. They wear crowns on their heads and wrapped in simple robes, which are probably the traditions of the fairy clan. Wedding dresses, on the contrary, are simpler and simpler than daily wear, and are not solemn.

But this also brings out the natural beauty of the fairy clan women, the simplest dress is just to show the original beauty.

The two of them stood side by side in front of the palace lord of the Nantian Temple. Xia Yi slowly walked forward and reached out to them. The two naturally reached out to hold them, but Xian Ruyi looked more Happily, and sincerely happy, Xian Yueyin was still indifferent, as if it was someone else who got married, and she was just a bystander.

"Ruyi, I am very sorry about your father's affairs. If you don't mind now, you can treat me as your father. Since you and Yueyin are married to the immortal and are your wife, then you will also be my daughter from now on."

The central palace lord stood up from his seat and came to the seat of Nantian Palace lord, but did not sit down, just stood in front of the lord.

"Thank you Central Palace Master."

Xian Ruyi nodded happily, while Xian Yueyin hoped that this torture would pass quickly. This kind of meaningless ceremony was a waste of time.

"The immortal is back, then my two daughters can be handed over to you. You are the rising star of our immortal clan. We all look forward to you in all directions. You return from Dao Fa when the immortal clan is in danger, even more so. Not long ago, representing the immortal tribe in the great victory over Dao Fa and winning the glory for our immortal tribe. I think that you have worked in Nantian Temple for many years and married Ruyi as your wife. You can simply double happiness today and formally succeed Nan. How about the Lord of the Heavenly Palace!"

The central palace lord did not spend much time on the wedding, and directly led the topic to the successor palace lord. Xia Yi took a deep breath, and his heart really came, and the catastrophe was not small.

"I'm very happy, but I don't know what other palace masters and venerables would like. I respect everyone's opinions. After all, I am not from the same line of Nandi. Although I and Ruyi's future children are well-known, at least I am not as good as that. ."

Xia Yi pretended to ask everyone's opinions, but the Central Palace Master had arranged it. It was simply an appointment. It is hard to say even if other people have opinions.

"There is no Dongtiangong."

"Xitiangong agrees, and Nantiangong should also have a master."

"Beitiangong has no objection."

"Then I will come to witness from the Central Temple today."

"We congratulate the Lord of Nantian Palace on his succession."

The Palace Master of the Quartet successively expressed their opinions, and the saints present immediately began to change their slogans to Xia Yi as the Master of the Nantian Palace. So far, the succession has become a solid fact, and Xianyueyin seems to know what will happen. He looked at Xia Yi with an inexplicable curious look.

The bloodline oath, this can't be faked, even if Xia Yi can lie to the Palace Master of the Quartet and the sixty-eight nobles, he can't lie to the Southern Emperor's Great Array!

Xia Yi slowly walked towards the position of Nantian Palace Master. The Central Palace Master smiled and took the initiative to give way to Xia Yi. Xia Yi walked to the master seat and touched the handrail twice, but did not sit down, just smiled and shook his head.

"I thank the four palace masters for their support, but I think this position is for Ruyi, who is a direct line of the Nandi, to sit. She is my wife, and I will fully support her. Soon after my death, I, an outsider, took his place, and it was not good to think about it."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, all the venerables in the Nantian Temple stopped talking. The northern palace lord’s mouth turned slightly, as if he thought things had become interesting. The eastern palace lord carefully looked at Xia Yi again, and the west heaven’s eyebrows fluttered. Next, a gleam of divine light flashed from his turbid eyes.

The Central Palace Master looked at Xia Yi in surprise. This was different from what he had said, but now that he was given this to him, doesn't this mean that Xia Yi is absolutely dissatisfied? The Central Palace Master couldn't help but slowly shook his hand behind him!


"I think it's very appropriate, and just as you said, since Ruyi is your wife, and you will fully support her, then there is no problem with your succession. Why should you be ignorant of yourself? Don't be humble. Our Quartet Palace Master is I agree with you."

The tone of the central palace lord has changed a little, even the smile on his face has a cold color, everyone feels the atmosphere is not right, it seems that the immortal still has to succeed the Nantian palace lord today, who is the lord of the five sides? I don't want to sit on it, what happened in the Nantian Temple is being broadcast live to the whole fairy world through the photo crystal.

"I also respect the Nantian Palace Lord. I gave Ruyi a lesson in order to allow her to succeed in justifiable ways. She worked very hard for this. In order to truly continue the glory of the Nandi family, how can I bear her? How can I lose the one who loves me and the one I love?"

"Even if Ruyi is not disgusted with my succession to the throne, I am not good to Ruyi for taking her name to the throne. This is a matter of my bottom line and my personality."

What Xia Yi said is a righteous remark. Countless women of the fairy clan see this scene through the photo crystal, their hearts are going to be transformed, and they are too handsome. For those who like it, they don’t even need to be the palace lord, even Quartet. The palace lord dared to refute what the palace lord said. It was said that Xian Ruyi dared to deny the face of Beitian Palace lord directly because of Xian Ruyi.

Young, strong, excellent, infatuated, where is this perfect person!

At this moment, Xia Yi didn't know that he was already more popular among the fairy clan women than Xian Yueyin among the immortal men.

"Well, if you insist on being so persistent, how can I force it? If the Lord Nantian is alive, he will definitely be gratified that he has a son-in-law like yours. In that case, let's take the Nantian Palace together, and the two of them will make a blood oath together. In this way, it makes sense for anyone to be the palace owner."

Succession to the Nantian Palace Lord is definitely a good thing. If there is only one bad thing, it is the need to issue a blood oath so that the Nandi Great Array can recognize the Lord. It seems that the immortal still does not want to take this oath. What idea is Xian still thinking of!

Does he really want to be against the fairy clan? Or is it that for his own ambition, he has foreseen a day when the race will fall into a disadvantageous situation? What is his purpose? Isn't it a Daofa person? Wu Jue was specifically defeated by him?

The Central Palace Master continued to speculate and became more and more suspicious. He decided to force the immortal to give a blood oath even if he was strong today, otherwise he would never let him go.

"Master Palace, this is my bottom line. I can't let Ruyi down. Even if she agrees, I won't agree."

"Really? Since you are so persistent, then I won't say much, Xianhuai, you come with me, let's have a good talk."


Xia Yi nodded, the central palace lord cast a look at the other three palace lords, they walked towards the inner hall together, Xian Ruyi was very worried, she did not know why the central palace lord would not inherit the position of Nantian palace lord because of Xia Yi She became hostile, and she could only pray in her heart.

Nantian Temple, the inner hall.

The not too big inner hall still has a faint rouge scent. After all, this is Xian Ruyi’s living place, and it’s normal to smell like her. The central palace lord waved his hand and directly sealed the inner hall. Others The three palace masters all stood behind Xia Yi and stared at Xia Yi.

"The immortal is still, there are only a few of us at this moment. I don't want to hear anything about the bottom line. Tell me why you dare not take the blood oath!"

After the Central Palace Master asked, Xia Yi did not answer, but bowed his head in silence.

"Don't you dare to say? You are not really a spy sent by Daofa? What Daofa promised you, we Xian Clan can give you, Xian Clan is your home! Child, you have this With such an outstanding talent and such a powerful ability, why can't you return to the race sincerely? Or does Falun Dafa caught you?"

The central palace lord did not directly do it, but first began to persuade Xia Yi’s prodigal son to turn around. He felt that Xia Yi might still be bewitched by Dao Fa. After all, Xia Yi based on previous reports and various investigations. The seizure of the God Stone did exert all its strength, and it didn't look like a fake. In order to delay the time, the army paid a lot of money.

"Palace Master, please believe that I am indeed loyal to the Immortal Clan. I can take an oath to testify, but for some reasons that are not easy to explain. If the blood oath..."

As Xia Yi was talking, the central palace lord suddenly stepped up to Xia Yi and grabbed Xia Yi’s neck with his hand. Xia Yi did not resist. The immortal clan cares most about the purity of blood, but this immortal still seems to have a bloodline. The question is, is it possible that he is a foreigner pretending to be?

But how can the immortal bloodline be so easy to deceive!

"Central, there was a flaw in this guy's breath at the moment you just shot it. There is a problem with his bloodline. I feel the breath of a foreigner. It's such a sophisticated illusion. I have to probe carefully to find the flaw."

At this time, the Western Palace Master suddenly said that he was old, but instead of being dim-eyed, he was very knowledgeable, which made the Central Palace Master directly furious.

"You beast, dare to pretend to be a member of my immortal clan? Today you will definitely die!"

"Show me your true shape!"

The palace lord of the Quartet used the primordial spirit to attack Xia Yi, and he really noticed the fluctuation of the illusion. The palace lord of the north sky smiled cruelly, and the expression of the lord of the east sky palace was extremely cold. Hair color has changed.

However, it's just that the color has faded a lot, and it still has the characteristics of a fairy clan.

"You... are you inferior immortals?"

The Central Palace Master looked at Xia Yi in disbelief. The Palace Master Xitian narrowed his eyes and probed carefully, then shook his head quickly.

"Accurately speaking, it is a mixture of inferior immortals and foreigners. There is not much blood of our immortal clan at all, and he has really deceived it to the present."

"What's next? Killed?"

Palace Master Beitian was very intent to kill, he had long been unhappy with Xia Yi.

"If this son is really loyal to our fairy clan... Isn't it a pity to kill?"

The Lord of the Eastern Heavenly Palace said something fair, after all, Xia Yi indeed possessed extraordinary strength no matter how he said it at this moment.

The central palace lord watched Xia Yi fall into contemplation. He hated the inferior immortals. No wonder Xia Yi could kill the inferior immortals without a psychological burden without being backlashed by the blood. It turns out that he is too, Xia Yi is now With a look of disappointment and grief, the Central Palace Master thought for a long time, and finally sighed, came to Xia Yi and patted him on the shoulder.

"It's nothing, you hide your identity for fear of being looked down upon. I do feel your loyalty, but there are some things I hope you can understand. You and Xianruyi don't care about me, but Yueyin, you are not allowed to touch her!"

"After that, we will treat you equally for the time being, and hope you can prove your loyalty and no worse than anyone else."


The palace masters of the Sifang have their own thoughts at this time, and the palace masters of the central palace are inevitably disappointed. Even though the immortals are still so good, why these talents are the inferior immortals, and the inferior immortals cannot control the power of the immortal clan. Naturally, he could not succeed as the lord of the palace.

"Xian Huan, although you have the blood of a foreigner, but that foreigner should also be a big clan? I felt an unpredictable breath."

The Lord of the Palace of the Western Heavens used his primordial spirit to repeatedly touch every breath of Xia Yi's body, peeling it away, wanting to see how much inheritance Xia Yi has, can become a demigod, and even defeat Wujue, the foreign race in his body. The blood is not necessarily inferior to the blood of the immortal clan.

"I only know that my mother seems to be an inferior immortal. I don't know the identity of my father, but when I fought with Wu Jue before, he said that I might have the blood of Dao Fa."

Xia Yi started to talk nonsense with his eyes open. Although he was no longer inborn Dao body, he used to be. The aura of inborn Dao body Xia Yi was very clear about what it was like, and it made sense to pretend that he was a descendant of Dao Fa Great by a little simulation.

"Does Dao Fa have a line... it is worthy of the blood of my immortal clan."

The Lord of the Eastern Heavenly Palace nodded silently. Although the opponent's bloodline is impure, the opponent's bloodline is not lower than that of the immortal clan. This makes them immediately put away their contemptuous gaze. What if the immortal is not a member of the immortal clan, his talent is not as pure. The blood fairy is bad!

"Did you not know before?"

"I don’t know. He told me after the battle with Wu Jue. He invited me to Dao Fa, saying that I can definitely get better treatment than the fairy clan, but I still chose the race, but I didn’t expect me. After I came back, I was treated like this. I don’t need one of the sacred stone I got this time, just as I have paid off the resources I used in the fairy clan before. Since the fairy clan doesn’t welcome me, because my blood discriminates against me, I can leave. go!"

After Xia Yi finished speaking, he deliberately snorted, a look of fearlessness. In fact, Xia Yi’s ability to show now is the ninth dignified human race. Any realm will welcome Xia Yi. If the immortal race drives away such strong people. It's just crazy.

"Ahem, immortality, there is a misunderstanding between us, I was impulsive before, I did not do the right thing, our immortal clan really values ​​bloodlines, basically there will be no exceptions, but it does not mean that there will be none. You deserve an exception for us."

At this time, the central palace lord made a speech, and he forced a smile to apologize, but the Beitian palace lord did not say any more. Xia Yi is about to open the conditions, and the Taoist law also welcomes me. Why should I be rotten to your immortal clan? On a tree? If I don't welcome me, forget it.

"Then can I not take the blood oath to succeed as the lord of Nantian Palace?"


The smiling face of the central palace lord immediately froze. This would not work anyway, this was a matter of principle of the fairy clan.

"It doesn’t work, it’s the same if Ruyi sits on it. Everything in this world is vain in the face of absolute strength. After the battle with Wu Jue, my Dao blood has awakened, and I will become stronger and stronger, but I feel something Then I think I need to make it clear to you that I am not under any of you. Maybe I was before, but I am not now. I chose the Hui nationality, understand!"

Xia Yi had a hard time in front of the square palace lord, but the central palace lord always laughed. It is always a good thing to have a strong person in his clan who can stand upright. It is not guilty to drive others away because of blood. It is completely ignorance.

"You have grown up now, let us see your value, you have proved yourself, since you choose the Hui, the immortal will never disappoint your loyalty, and your descendants will be classified as the five-fang immortal emperor in the immortal clan. The descendants have the same status. If possible, can we see how far your Daoxue has awakened?"

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