The central palace lord has always been the same, paying attention to blood. For the blood, he can let his daughter combine with people he doesn't like, he can also beat the mandarin ducks for the blood stick, and he can also turn back for the blood.

The reason why the fairy clan is strong is precisely because it has integrated into the most advantageous bloodline of each clan.

"Innate Dao Xi..."

Xia Yi gritted his teeth and forcibly squeezed out a ray of innate Dao Qi, which was weaker than Xia Yi’s innate Dao Qi when he was a true monarch, but at least there is, but even this breath is a mirage. After all, Xia Yi was no longer an innate Taoist body.

"Although not many, you have just awakened after all, and one day you may become a small Taoist body. I remember you said that you refined the blood of Emperor Wu, didn't you?"


"In this and Yueyin are also married. Maybe I should take back what I said before. You can touch her. I hope I can hold my grandson soon."

The Central Palace Master had already begun to calculate in his heart. Even if Xia Yi is not a pure-blooded immortal, there is a fart relationship. He actually has two bloodlines of the Kaitian Emperor at the same time. If you introduce them to the Central Heavenly Palace, you can still get it! This makes him feel more happy than a true pure-blood immortal, because Xia Yi is a true pure-blood and only guarantees that his blood is not contaminated, but if he has two blood of the Emperor Kaitian, it can completely make the blood. Evolve again!

"Uh... Palace Master, are you changing your face too quickly?"

"Oh, what's the matter? If you told us everything earlier, there would be no misunderstanding today. Why didn't you say it when you met me when you first returned to the fairy clan?"

"I didn't know at the time that the successor palace owner needed to make a blood oath!"

Xia Yi relied on a series of true and false operations to finally make the square palace master less hostile. On the contrary, because of his "foundation", the central palace owner became more enthusiastic. The central line really cares most about blood, even if the opponent is. A dog, as long as the pedigree is good enough, I am afraid that the central line can accept it.

The tension of swords and arms eased, and the Palace Master Sifang's view of Xia Yi has also completely changed. Let alone other things, at least he must be kept in the Immortal Clan. Even the Palace Master Beitian is strong against Xia Yi. He endured the nausea and said a few good things.

Strength is the most important thing. Xia Yi relied on his ability to defeat Wu Jue one-on-one, so that even if his blood was impure, he was recognized by the immortal clan. At least it would not harm him. This also made Xia Yi relieved. Such things are just extra points, strength is the last word.

The five people had a good discussion about the future. The Sifang Palace Master was willing to keep this secret. The Nantian Palace Master Xian Ruyi came to sit, but in fact everything in Nantian Palace was under the management of Xia Yi. The blood of the fairy clan, this is the bottom line that the Sifang Palace Master can accept.

Until the end of the discussion, all five people got a satisfactory answer, and they all left the inner temple with a smile.


Nantian Temple, the main hall.

The reappearing Sifang Palace Master and Xia Yi looked happily, completely opposite to the coldness when they entered the inner hall before. No one knows what punishment Xianzun had talked with the Sifang Palace Master in the inner hall, but it seems that nothing happened. Something serious.

"Everyone, we and Xian have confirmed the reasons and agreed with the idea of ​​Xianhuan. Since he wants to perfect his wife, let him do whatever he wants. We have never been a stubborn race. This also made me feel that Xian still attaches great importance to the one he loves. I am really happy to be able to marry my daughter to him, and I am gratified for Yueyin."

The central palace lord stood beside Xia Yi and said good things, which caused the big rock in Xian Ruyi's heart to fall. After all, nothing bad happened at all. The central palace lord was more enthusiastic about Xia Yi, and he was sincere. Xianyueyin was stupid. Xia Yi poured her father some ecstasy soup, which actually made her father trust Xia Yi more.

The Sifang Palace Lord kept silent about the previous events, and the other immortals did not dare to ask. They could only guess what happened based on the Sifang Palace Lord’s attitude towards Xia Yi, but the Sifang Palace Lord’s enthusiasm for Xia Yi was not the same. It was a fake, which shows that Xia Yi does have his own reason not to swear a blood oath, and this reason has been recognized by all the Sifang Palace Masters.

In that case, what else can they say? The Palace Masters of the Quartet agree, are they still going to oppose it?

The wedding continued in such a happy way. Xia Yi held the wine glass and respected each of the Xian clan. Xian Yueyin and Xian Ruyi stood beside Xia Yi and received gifts from the 68 venerables, which made Xia Yi almost Laugh out loud, it's so cool, the gifts of the sixty-eight venerables of the immortal clan are all good things, and they will all be put in his pocket when the wedding is over!

It is also an unexpected joy to let the Sifang Palace Master accept and tell the truth, especially the Xitian Palace Master is very important among the Sifang Palace Masters, and the other three parties will not doubt what he said, so Xia Yi then let the mirage dragon simulate the innate Dao body again. The breath, deliberately let the West Heaven Palace Master notice.

To be able to blend into the fairy clan and get to this point, all depends on the mirage dragon. Since the mirage dragon lived in his body, Xia Yi felt that it was a good thing to be able to meet the mirage dragon for the first time. It's so fat.

The wedding lasted for three days. After all, apart from Xia Yi, the Sifang Palace Master is also one of the protagonists. They used this to meet and by the way called Xia Yi for a five-party meeting, and this meeting also decided one thing, Xian From now on, the clan society will slowly find out whether Xuanhuang Benxing has the protection of Huangdi and how powerful it is.

The immortal clan’s heart is not dead, and wants to destroy Xuanhuang. Xia Yi took the initiative to take the matter. He is responsible for inquiring. He wants to show his value. The Palace Master of the Quartet has no objection to this. Anyway, he is not going to the army. That's all, but since Xia Yi handled it, I'm afraid it will become there without the protection, and it is still very powerful.

It can be said that in a short period of time, it is Xia Yi who decides whether the immortal clan will send troops to attack Xuanhuang, basically Xia Yi has the final say. For at least a thousand years, Xia Yi can **** Xuanhuang's Huangdi and protect it very well. To investigate and get the exact information, then Xuanhuang is safe.

In addition, the immortal clan temporarily allowed many external forces to withdraw to the immortal clan, one is to prevent Xian Juexiao, and the other is to train troops to attack the heavenly spirit. The immortal army descended on the heavenly spirit more than 100 years ago. It was by detecting the earth veins that the heavenly spirit's earth veins were being activated day by day, and the entire realm was being revived.

The great world of Heavenly Spirit is approaching, and perhaps it is about to reappear the style of the great world. Countless Tianjiao will be born from Heavenly Spirit. The immortal family intends to take the Heavenly Spirit as its back garden in advance, and Xia Yi, as the sage, finally Completely understand what the big world said.

When he was still in the Sky Spirit, Xia Yi heard people say that the great world was approaching more than once, and the six small continents were the center of the seizure of various domains at that time. Territory, and after that was born Shenxiao, Wuliang, Lingdi and other powerhouses.

But it is such a powerful realm, but after the years of Wudi, the reason is that the earth veins are obstructed, and the stars also breathe. When you breathe, the aura is gushing, and when you breathe, the aura is introverted. It is hidden in the origin of the city With the big secret, it was like some kind of obstacle that made Tianling only breathe but not exhale, but with the change of the broken sky, the aura that Tianling spewed out became richer and richer, especially where the six small continents were located.

Even Dao Fa has noticed this recently. One hundred years after Xia Yi left Tianling, Liu Xiaozhou finally undergoes a qualitative change. The abundant aura is not inferior to Zhongtian, and this also makes Xia Yi think again about why it breaks. The change of the sky is breaking the sky.

What is the reason why the fairy clan fought in Duantian and Qingyunzong and Luankong Shenzong? Why is the landform around Duantian city surrounded by mountains? If you want to enter and leave, you must rely on the space channel, the formation of the Duantian Mountain Range. The natural barrier is also too coincidental.

After the battle with Wu Jue, Xia Yi himself had the ability to cut through the canyon with a single knife. This was unimaginable in the past, but today Xia Yi is thinking about it repeatedly. As the fifth member of the fairy clan, Xia Yi is finally qualified. To understand all this through the fairy clan, to understand the extraordinary truth of the heavens and the earth.

After sending away the Sifang Palace Master, Xia Yi came to the inner palace of the Nantian Temple to search for the things left by the Nantian Palace Master of the previous generation. It is said that the invasion of the Immortal Clan was commanded by the Nantian Palace Master 10,000 years ago. He Tianling also doesn't know the truth.

There are very few things left in the inner palace of the main hall. Although there are various jade catalogs, they are all the results of the practice recorded by the Nantian Palace Lord himself. Xian Ruyi should have sorted it out by himself and classified them. Until Xia Yi found more miscellaneous records through classification, he actually found a map of Liuxiaozhou in the fairy clan, and even found a diagram of the cross-section of the ground vein.

"The origin of the heavenly spirit under Duantian City is located, and the Yinlong vein grows above the origin, and there are shadowless things under the origin, which will move the evil spirits to keep the dead souls..."

Looking at the text in the catalog, Xia Yi suddenly remembered the point of war when the six small continents met, and also remembered the time when the ancient Yin Ling gave power to later generations, including that he was also endowed with the power of the Xuanhuang ancestor, and even more thought of it. You Ming can actually resist instinct to help future generations.

Xia Yi turned the catalog to the back. On the front of the catalog, the very deep part of the earth vein near the center of the earth was a black shadow, but the back seemed to have been copied by the Lord of the Nantian Palace, so Xia Yi turned it over and found it The above is really lightly stained with pen and ink, and the black shadow is outlined.

That is a huge heart.

"The red dots on the Enchanted Demon Atlas... is it not a great wasteland?"


At this moment, Xia Yi wanted to recall the things recorded in the Demon Sealing Atlas, but couldn't recall it at all. It seems that the Sealing Demon Atlas was sacrificed by the Emperor Feng with a special method. It is impossible to remember the things recorded above, only the real You can always confirm the location until you get it.

But at least, this allows Xia Yi to grasp the first secret. The head of the ancestor of disaster and the heart of the ancestor of disaster are actually in the heavenly spirit. The heart is the source of life, and the connection of the head to the sea of ​​knowledge is the foundation of the spirit, the life and spirit of the ancestor. They are all sealed in Tianling.

But what does the immortal family intend to do to harm their ancestors?

Xia Yi didn’t understand it, but it didn’t matter, because the immortal clan was destined to fail, and the heart of evil to the ancestors could not be born. Yu'er was in the sky, and Yuer should replace him as the overlord of the Eastern Profound Land, and the **** of the western wasteland. The Bodhi Buddha below has a catalog of enchanting demons, as long as it is not an immortal or Dao law to invade.

The formation of Emperor Feng Mo, unless it is man-made destruction, will almost live the same life as the heavens and the earth.

"Is Tianling the real golden world... I am afraid that the young and young who are in the great world are all dead seniors."

Xia Yi smiled knowingly when he thought of these things. He used to grow up listening to the legends of the ancestors of the previous generations, admiring them in his heart, and dreaming that he could have that day too. Xiao Mo, Qingyun ancestor, Xuankongzi, God Xiaojun, Lingdi etc...

And now there is an invincible existence in the minds of the younger generation of Tianling, and it is also the closest existence to them, the legendary legend of Renwu Tianzun Xia Yi more than 100 years ago.

Recalling some past events a little bit, Xia Yi smiled heartily and packed his mood to prepare for a major retreat. After this retreat, he will leave the immortal clan according to the plan. The palace lord of the square will change his face faster than turning the book. Once he gets enough to threaten their status Ability, there will surely be another big catastrophe that confirms his true heart.

Once again, Xia Yi didn’t think he could escape. The Palace Master of Sifang would never allow himself to exceed their control. He would definitely choose a certain time to force himself to be loyal to the immortal clan. They are just observing themselves, just Don't want to push yourself too much.

Before that, Xia Yi had spent a leisurely time with Xian Ruyi. Xian Ruyi took a blood oath and officially became the lord of Nantian Palace. Xianyueyin also lived in Nantian Palace, but he hardly had any relationship with Xia. When Yi meets, Xia Yi will not bother her, and enjoy the sunrise and sunset in the leisure and leisure years. After the wedding, Xian Ruyi has become particularly virtuous, but she is also a gentle and good wife, but it is a pity that Xia Yi from the beginning Just don't have any heart for her.

Everything seems to have slowed down, calm and calm and enjoy the calmness of the years, okay?

No, this is just a sign of catastrophe.

One year later, Xian Ruyi, who was completely seated in a stable position, stopped being with Xia Yi all day long. After Xia Yi said that he would retreat for a long time and could not disturb him, Xian Ruyi also expressed his understanding and handed over the reserves of Nantian Temple to Xia. For a large part of Yi, Xia Yi didn't practice during this year, but was just relaxing everywhere, thinking about the phenomenon of life and death.

Xia Yi studied the works of the predecessors of the immortal clan and respected the understanding of the Tao of the immortal clan. Even though the immortal clan is innocent, even in a cruel way, the immortal clan is seeking his own way. But they are both human and innate. They are born strong, but they have forgotten their original mind at the beginning of their birth.

No, it would be better to say that they were created conditionally, but they rebelled against that condition. Some people of the fairy clan once asked why they wanted to fight for others. The early days of the fairy clan were completely cannon fodder in the eyes of the human race. However, sacrifice is taken for granted, and there are also times when one's own blood is considered dirty by other human races.

The so-called one peck and one drink has its own destiny. It is not so much that the immortals did not fulfill their responsibilities, but rather that they only rebelled against their own destiny. This is one of the natures of the human race, but they have created inferior immortals and demanded The inferior immortals fulfilled the responsibility of their own birth, and are now resisted by them.

Sure enough, the immortal race is still a human race from its bones. The biggest mistake that can be learned from history is that it is impossible to recognize any mistakes in history, even if it is something born of itself, it is not taken for granted.

Just as the blood of the Titan created the acquired spirit, the acquired spirit does not recognize the Titan.

The so-called real life, perhaps, is the unrestrained freedom without any responsibility. Since it exists, it will be unrestrained until death, and let the things created by oneself be unconstrained, and let the cold and empty starry sky lively, not fighting or grabbing just for the sake of Life, let the life of the entire starry sky continue, there is no difference between races, only life or death.

"Born and bright, neither life will last forever in the world, as the moment of blooming blossoms, darkness and silence are miracles, I have understood that, take it calmly."

Born from nothing, it will return to nothing. A miracle is for a short moment, just to leave its own light in two periods of nothing.

Thinking about the nature of the biological phenomena, Xia Yi stepped into the big formation, and as the formation closed, time flew in Xia Yi’s eyes. Xia Yi sat in the big formation, the primordial spirit focused on one problem, and the vitality in the body revolved around on its own. Heaven, its body is like a world, one body and one world, thinking of the galaxy, and observing the flow of qi and blood.

Xia Yi’s resources are sufficient for Xia Yi to retreat in the big formation for more than two hundred years and close to 300. This is not the time in the formation, but the outside of the formation. In the formation, nearly a thousand years have passed in the retreat, and this is also Xia. Yi's real retreat was just for enlightenment.

Unconsciously breathing, extremely slow and quiet, ten years of breathing, ten years of breathing, no years of retreat, mountains and rivers have changed.

Fifty years after Xia Yi was in retreat, a demon named Xian Juexiao appeared in the starry sky. He was driven by magical thoughts. He didn't care what to devour for revenge. , But wandering from all walks of life to devour the evil demon sect, and also swallow the evil and save people from water and fire.

People call him a holy demon, but the immortal clan often sends people to crusade, even if it is often empty, it is also abhorrent.

Xia Yi retreats for a hundred years.

The fame of Xian Juexiao’s holy demon spreads far and wide. People know that he cultivates demons, but they also know that he never killed a good man. The Lord of the Immortal Clan’s Eastern Heaven Palace once chased and killed him personally and almost killed him, but he was still escaped by Xian Juexiao. People are forced by the immortal clan to dare not say much, but they increasingly believe that the holy demon Xian Juexiao is the savior of the world.

In the years of no gods, evils and abnormalities occur frequently, and all walks of life suffer from evils and evils. They welcome the arrival of Xian Juexiao. Even Dao Fa actively contacted Xian Juexiao to have a good relationship with him. Relying on the power of devouring demons, Xian Juexiao's cultivation base is rising at an extremely alarming rate. Even though he was unknown more than a hundred years ago, a hundred years is enough to change a lot.

For the hundred and thirtieth year after Xia Yi retreat, the fairy clan announced that Xian Juexiao was wanted by the Xian clan, and he must be killed. All walks of life were asked not to accept Xian Juexiao, otherwise the immortal army would come and be helped by Xian Juexiao. Jie surface agreed, secretly scolding the immortal clan for being arrogant and overbearing.

Xianjuexiao swallows demons, not only helping herself, but also benefiting others. His strength and reputation gradually gain a foothold in all circles of the human race. Although he is a rootless sage, he is secretly provided by the boundless Taoism and other realms that dare to touch the fairy clan. help.

Xian Juexiao, he is already a serious problem for the Xian clan before he knows it!


Tianling Dongxuan, Qingzhou Qingyunzong.

The scorched earth a hundred years ago has already regained its vitality, the grass is full of the earth, and the most powerful force of the heavenly spirit, Qingyunzong, stands here. The Tianding Holy Land far away in the middle of the sky is no longer able to compete with the Qingyunzong, even if Qingyun Zong has not entered the Holy Land, but is already an uncrowned king.

Renwu Tianzun has passed away for more than two hundred years. The Azure Cloud Sect has been expanded six times, covering an area almost the same as a giant city. In recent days, it was the day of the Eastern Xuan Grand Competition. It was hosted by the Qingyun Sect. They all rushed to Dongxuan to get a glimpse of Dongxuan's demeanor. After all, it seems that the East Xuanyu is now the center of the heavenly spirit, which is only stronger than the Zhongtianyu.

On the wide arena in the center of Qingyunzong Square, there are two Tianjiao fighting, one with the sword and the other with the spear. The fire of the sky is set off between his marksmanship. The power is amazing and people are very concerned. The other is the Tianjiao of the sword. It was completely lost, and it was only a matter of time before he retreated under this fierce offensive.

"Like him, including the way he advances and retreats, it's definitely his inheritance."

On Qingyun Cliff, there are two women sitting here to observe the competition. The person who speaks is someone who seems to be only in his twenties, but although he is a woman, his breath is as hot as the scorching sun. Qingyun Cliff is a holy land to Qingyun Sect. , Is also the place where the Sect Master is, the elders are not qualified to enter and exit Qingyun Cliff at will.

"After this battle, I will ask someone to bring him up and refining the ice. Should the people sent to Xuanhuang the other day come back, still haven't found the remains or any leftovers?"

"Except for the traces of battle on the broken star, I have found nothing. Many broken stars may have drifted to the depths of the unknown starry sky. The bone is immortal for thousands of years, how can it be possible that there is not even a trace of it left."

"In short, keep looking, Xia Yi is definitely not dead, but I don't know if he can return from the netherworld."

"He can come out once, maybe there will be a second time."

Both are relatively optimistic. Even though Xia Yi's soul jade slip and soul lamp have all told them that Xia Yi is dead, the Netherworld that was once feared has become the last sustenance in their hearts.

The two were chatting, when footsteps suddenly sounded behind them. It was an elder, and this elder also brought a young man, who was the arrogant who used the gun before.

"Meet the Nine-Tailed Sovereign and the Sovereign of Ten Thousand Vessels."

Young Tianjiao was a little nervous at the moment. He lowered his head and secretly looked at the two female saints in front of him. They are the two best women of the Heavenly Spirit, but they are gathered in the Azure Cloud Sect, and they are the same Taoist companions.

The legend of more than two hundred years ago, the Tianzun Renwu Tianzun Xia Yi who defeated the five deities with the cultivation of true monarchs, two hundred years later, even his Taoist companions were so good, and there are even rumors that the Qiongqi Yaozun of the demon race is also compatible with Xia Yi is inextricably linked. The invincible King Jingyi in Zhongtianyu has lost once in his life. That is, he lost at the battle of Tianjun more than two hundred years ago and was defeated by Tianzun Renwu.

"No gift, which one are you from?"

"Dongming Sect is just a small force in Zhongtian."

"Where did your marksmanship come from?"

"I found my aunt's bones at the bottom of a lake. My father was looking for my aunt until he passed away. At the bottom of the lake, besides the file left by my aunt, there is a strange martial skill, the thundering flame gun."

"When did the matter between your father and your aunt happen?"

"Two hundred years ago..."

After the young Tianjiao finished speaking, he looked nervously at the two saints in front of him, wondering why they were curious about their martial arts. This thundering flame gun did change his life. It was not just a simple marksmanship, it also contained one. Such a profound way of refining the body allows him from Xiaozongmen to stand here.

"This martial skill should have been created by Tianzun Renwu when he was young. You can be regarded as his half apprentice. I didn't expect that he improved Lei Huang's body refining and incorporated it into spear technique. In the future, if you want to, you can stay in Qingyunzong."

The noble and dusty Nine-Tailed Holy Venerable seemed to think of something happy. Speaking of Lei Huang's body refining, she first gave Xia Yi to her. She couldn't help thinking of the days when everyone was a teenager a long, long time ago. At that time, Xia Yi was less than twenty, and she was only fifteen. It was an unforgettable youthful life.

But looking back so far, they are all over a hundred years old.

"is it okay?"

"It's okay. If you want to be grateful, be grateful for your luck."

The nine-tailed sage allowed the other party to become a member of the Azure Cloud Sect while speaking softly. The Azure Cloud Sect was the sect that countless young people of Tianling wanted to join in their dreams. However, the conditions for joining were too high, and Dongxuan was much better than the previous one. A hundred is only the threshold, and the top ten can enter steadily.

Yes, the Dongxuan Grand Biography of this high-level Grand Biography is, in a sense, just a new recruiting ceremony for the Azure Cloud Sect.

"Boy, your gun is a bit bad. After the big match is over, you will find me, and I will give you a pinnacle holy soldier."

The Lord of Ten Thousand Vessels faintly exhorted, the young Tianjiao couldn't help being overjoyed, and thanked all the eighteenth generations of the ancestors of Renwu Tianzun. Only a little inheritance from Renwu Tianzun can change your life. What could be more impressive than this. What about happy things?

The young Tianjiao left soon, and the Nine-Tailed Sovereign stretched out, looking at the starry sky through the clouds.

"Zhao Lianbing, Xia Yi's sister had sent me a message before, and the people of the fairy clan actually asked Xuanhuang to cooperate, but Xuanhuang has not yet risen, so she wants us to help."

"Xia Yi's younger sister? Oh... that Xia Shi, I met him before. The cultivation base is too short of home. Being his younger sister is simply embarrassing to him."

"She was too anxious, and the road of growth was too smooth, and her vision was not very high. Saint Demon Xian Juexiao is not a good thing, just a rebellious immortal clan. Cangmang wants to join in and let them go on their own, Xuan Huang and us can just take care of themselves."

"I think so."

The Nine-Tailed Sovereign and the Ten Thousand Vessel Sovereign are not planning to cooperate with Xian Juexiao. The Xian Clan takes care of its own affairs, but it is very happy that the Xian Clan has such a big rebellion.

"By the way, Yuer, didn't Xia Yi's apprentice in Xuanhuang heard that he was very impulsive? I wish I could immediately enter the fairy clan, what is his name?"

"Xuanyuan Zhuxian, fortunately, that kid Guan Li is sensible. Guan Li is also a disciple of Xia Yi, and he is still a big disciple. He went to stop Xuanyuan Zhuxian. Xuanyuan Zhuxian has nothing to say. This Xian Juexiao is really disturbing the immortal family. I can't help him on the face, but let's send something back behind us."

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