The person standing at the door to stop Xia Yi was Xianyueyin. After Xia Yi left the pass, Xianyueyin did not go to meet him, but before Xia Yi set off, he approached Xia Yi. Nearly three hundred years have passed. Not affected, but because of the strength of the cultivation base and the precipitation of the years, it has become more sultry.

If it was only flawless before, then it is flawless and unsullied now, with only the purest beauty.

"It has nothing to do with you, you just need to know that I will keep my promise and end with minimal sacrifice."

Xia Yi has not had any communication with Xianyueyin for three hundred years. Xia Yi clearly noticed that Xianyueyin has changed, and his personality and thinking have become more mature. Even the look in his eyes is different from the past, and he is no longer curious. , On the contrary, more vigilance.

"If something happens to the Sifang Palace Master, other realms will certainly not let go of the opportunity to divide the immortal clan, especially Dao Fa! I don't know your specific plan, but you must tell me now. I cannot let the Sifang Palace Master If there is an accident, this may be the smallest sacrifice for you, but it will follow!"

Xian Yueyin felt that Xia Yi would work with Xian Juexiao and other realms against the Palace Master of the Square. Xia Yi did not expect that Xian Yueyin would actually ask him about his purpose now, but the timing was good.

"Don’t worry, Palace Master Sifang will be fine. I can swear that I will do what I say, but I have mentioned it many times. I told you not to disturb any of my plans. It seems that my concern for you makes you a little bit. Self-righteous."

"This is the value I think I carry. I didn't ask you to care about me. I just agreed with your idea, otherwise your identity would have been exposed. This is a kind of transaction. You must act according to your idea. , Otherwise I have no reason to continue to comply with the agreement."

Xianyueyin knows very well that as long as the Sifang Palace Master is in the immortal realm, it can be said that they are not afraid of any forces at all, but they do not have the golden sun to shine and cannot gather the power of blood when they leave the homeland, although there are still not many things that can threaten them. But Xia Yi and Xian Juexiao can do it among them.

"My philosophy? What if I lied to you just to stabilize you from the beginning?"

"I can see that you didn't mean to lie to me at the time. You were earnestly letting me choose, and I also made the choice. I accept that the fairy clan admits mistakes under the premise of the so-called minimum sacrifice. This is true peace. But even if we make the mistake first, if the price to be paid is too great, I don’t agree."

"My surname is immortal, I am immortal, as immortal!"

Xian Yueyin made it clear that his attitude is that race is the top priority. Xia Yi doesn't blame Xian Yueyin, because this is right. He has no reason to let a person who loves his own race admit his mistakes for the righteousness of others.

Are the immortals guilty?

If Xuanhuang is stronger, then the immortal clan will have it. If Xuanhuang is absent, it would be nothing to talk about its crimes. It seems that these three hundred years of Xianyueyin have grown a lot, and finally made Xia Yi feel strange and memory fragments. The familiar old person among them can no longer overlap.

"What I have said will not be false. I said that the Palace Master of the Square will have nothing to do. They will not. You have changed. You are no longer the one I want to protect from harm. It seems that I also think about everything. It’s too simple, people will change, and I will change, not to mention you, that’s all for me, believe it or not."

After speaking, Xia Yi lowered his head and laughed twice. As he grew up, Xianyueyin had been watching the things he had done too much to the immortal clan. It is not surprising that it will become what it is now, and in the life of Killing Heaven, Xianyueyin was Seeing the cruel behavior of the immortal clan, he decided to hold onto his righteousness.

The only difference this time was that she chose the race.

"Now it's your time to swear, keep it, or expose it, I'll decide whether to kill you, cut off the trace of the remnant in my heart, it's funny to say, in this life, we have a fair and honest union, and we have the name of a husband and wife, but there is no husband and wife. In fact, even now, they still hate each other."

Locked Xianyueyin with killing thoughts and death elephants. Even if Xianyueyin had the third-order cultivation base of the Sovereign, Xia Yi could kill her with a single thought. There was no nostalgia and nostalgia in Xia Yi's eyes looking at Xianyueyin. Looking back, the beauty that has passed away may have its worst ending.

Even being a stranger is an extravagant hope.

"Give me a reason for me to believe in you."

"Give me a reason not to kill you, why would you dare to stop me? What are you, the third-order cultivation base is not as good as a demigod, a mere ant."

Xia Yi's expression was cold, and Xian Yueyin kept her mouth silent. She knew that when she made a choice, the other person who had given her the choice would definitely change. To put it better, she is the person Xia Yi once loved. , To put it bluntly...

It's just that the past doesn't exist. Why should she let a person living in reality abandon reality and choose the past.

"My past life and your past life may not have thought that we would have this day."

Xianyueyin suddenly smiled, Xia Yi didn't say a word, that's not necessarily true, would Killing Heaven give up Xuanhuang because of Xianyueyin?

If Killing Heaven was willing, then Xia Yi would do his best to burn his previous life with the fire of karma. What did he rely on to get the present? Of course, Killing Tian could not be willing, killing Tian was hurt the most.

"It's a pity that the past will never come back, and I don't want to go back to the past, but Yueyin, at least I haven't lied to you. Even so, I still hope you believe me once, I don't want to kill you, give us each other a chance."

A broken mirror is difficult to reconcile, at least there is still a shape, and the eye can recall it, why bother to ruin it?

Xian Yueyin raised her head and stared at Xia Yi's eyes for a long time, and finally moved a step to the side to make way.

"This is what you said, give us a chance for each other, otherwise, as the heir to the Central Temple, I would not be as kind as Ruyi."

"Are you suggesting that I should kill you? Although I don’t spend much time together, you remind me of many things I’ve been happy about. I hope that after everything is calm, we can travel the stars together. This is I owe you a promise."

"I hope so, and I hope we can speak calmly at that time."



The two bid farewell to each other, but goodbye also has a different meaning, and it can be regarded as saying goodbye to the past. If Xianyueyin dares to do any harm to Xia Yi, Xia Yi will treat him as an enemy and kill him without mercy. In addition to the years that he had lived before coming to the fairy clan, nearly five hundred years of age had made Xia Yi a so-called strong man.

How much you get, how much you lose.

I lost my heartless smile, my youth and innocence, my awe of every life, and my envy of looking up to others.

Xia Yi no longer needs to look up to anyone, he has become the one looked up to.


Fairy clan, alien sky.

Xia Yi flew out of the fairy star, and found a fairy clan flying boat in the meteorite belt some distance away from the fairy star. Xia Yi didn't think much, boarded the flying boat directly. The four palace owners on the deck were drinking each other and saw Xia Yi's arrival. They enthusiastically invited Xia Yi to drink together, but Xia Yi did not refuse, after all, he wanted to join the group.

"Xian Huan, we already know the location of Xian Juexiao, he abandoned the star in one place."

"Where is the abandoned star."

"On the other side of the boundless world, the Buddhist masters have already surrounded him, but I don't think he is trapped. Abandoning the stars is actually an excellent place to practice for him, half the evil god."

The Central Palace Master obviously also has his own source of intelligence, and he can accurately know the location of Xian Juexiao. Abandoning the Star is not a good place. It is a place that is even more unbearable than the Death Star and Barren Star. He holds hundreds of thousands of stars of life, and every once in a while, stars suitable for birth of life are discovered and transformed by the human race.

However, in order to fight against evil, many stars were abandoned. People can only retreat to the great realm that has existed since ancient times. Many realms that have just been developed or have been on the right track can only be abandoned before the birth of the strong in the future. This is the abandoned star. , Once a star in the human realm.

And most of them now are dead stars and barren stars, of course there are even worse ones, that is, beings transformed by evil gods, stars that have been invaded by evil spirits, and the low-level evil spirits on such stars are even evil gods. None of them can be used, neither the human race nor the surviving innate gods will visit them, and they will abandon the stars for real.

"I just hope it won't be too disgusting. I don't want to see the mountains and rivers formed by pieces of rotting wood and dirty soil."

The lord of Beitian Palace seems to hate Abandoning Star. Although Xia Yi has never been there, Xuanhuang has experienced the disaster of the Boundary Devouring Tree, so Xia Yi can more or less imagine the appearance of Abandoned Star, which is occupied by undead carrion. Yes, the stars where time stops.

"Those evil gods pollute the blood of the born creatures and turn them into monsters. It is really hateful. Our immortals have also guarded the human race anyway. This is the glory of our blood. The Emperor Feng Demon died in countless battles in the last year. Yes, this Xian Juexiao did what he shouldn't do! As an Xian clan, yet he is willing to fall, and he will die no matter what."

The lord of the Eastern Heaven Palace also had a great opinion on Xian Juexiao. As the lord of the Eastern Heaven Palace said, the Xian clan had indeed guarded the human race diligently before the birth of ambition. They had merits, and this was also Xia Yi’s willingness to give the immortal clan A reason for opportunity.

Admit their mistakes, apologize, they are still a member of the human race.

"Now the evil gods and innate gods hidden in the starry sky are regaining their power, and our human race has no gods. Our immortal race leads the human race to really gather power to survive this catastrophe. But fools in other realms are at this time. Still talking about freedom and human relations, don't you know that we are most worried about the future of the human race."

Xitian Palace Lord thought a lot about this, and couldn't help but sighed. They are guardians. They were born because of guarding. Even if they want to dominate, they at least know what to do after they dominate. They promulgate a series of rules to implement resources according to their abilities. Allocate and coordinate the development of the whole human race in the most reasonable way.

But the human race is completely wasting time now, and the strong desire for freedom has blocked the emergence of order. This is no problem in the Daofa Great Emperor, and the Feng Mo Great Emperor is also justified.

But now, it is the year of the end of the law.

"I have to say that there are a lot of idiots, and Dajie currently thinks of himself too many people, but the stronger the order, the more it restricts humanity. Are we really united enough?"

Xia Yi all resonated with this. Although the immortal clan is the enemy, the idea of ​​the immortal clan has been recognized by Xia Yi. Think about it, can the immortal clan take gentle measures? Impossible, resisting injustice is also one of the nature of Human Race, but it can be occupied and destined to feud.

Whether Xuanhuang is right or wrong is not necessarily true. Xia Yi can't look at everything from an absolutely neutral perspective, but at least Xia Yi can already recognize that the immortal clan is also right and Xuanhuang is wrong.

Vengeance and grievance, and when it comes to the overall situation, the disaster is all human beings, and no one can stay out of the matter.

"It's easy to say for our immortal clan, but you have also seen the rebellious immortal among the inferior immortals. How much ability to do great things, everyone wants to bet on their own future? Where are the resources! Only if it is fair It's the most unfair. It may be cruel to decide everything at birth, but when is this."

After the central palace lord finished speaking, he drank a swig of strong alcohol. Xia Yi didn’t expect that one day he would sit in front of the immortal square palace lord and talk about humanity with them. Plan ahead.

"To be honest, was it irrational to attack Xuanhuang before?"

"We need to kill chickens and monkeys, in order to reduce the number of deaths, and Xuanhuang and us have a world feud, why not do it? Both revenge and achieve the goal, who doesn't like the matter of killing two birds with one stone, but what kind of protection did the Emperor Yan leave behind? Why? Our army just wants to board his dojo!"


The Central Palace Master was heartbroken at the sacrifice of the Nantian Palace Master, and even more heartbroken to the army, so many army can fight even the boundless.

"Actually, at the end of the station 100,000 years ago, we immortals were all ready to compromise, but Xuanhuang was unwilling. We could let go. They couldn't let go. They said that they must seek justice for the victims, but it hurt both sides. , And don’t believe in our compromise. Xuanhuang is too dangerous. The Xuanhuang people believe that their personal will is stronger than their judgment of the overall situation. They are simply devil. They are paranoid in pursuing humanity and self, and they are also human."

"They can abandon the overall situation for the persistence in their hearts. Affection is the brilliance of human nature, but it is also a switch for self-destruction."

After drinking for three rounds, the central palace lord chatted about some past events and talked about what Xuanhuang is like in the position of the immortal clan. Xia Yi felt a little uncomfortable when he heard that he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to speak.

"But if people are ruthless, are they still human? If they are inhuman, how is it different from beasts in human skin."

This is Xia Yi's point of view, and also his point of view as a Xuanhuang person. Being born with spirits is definitely not to live more like barbaric beasts.

"This is the ultimate question. Whether to die like a human or to live like a beast? After all, our fairy clan was born for protection. If humanity becomes an obstacle, it will be destroyed. In other realms, we are not. Recognizing that we are human, but in fact other realms do not recognize us as human beings, because we reject humanity that is unnecessary for survival."

"In any case, may the glory of the human race be forever."

The central palace lord looked into the starry sky, and the three palace lords toasted Xia Yi. This was the first time Xia Yi heard this sentence. This sentence of wishing the glory of the human race will always be sincere, but it came from the mouth of the fairy clan.

After all, who can represent the human race...


The flying boat traverses the starry sky like a streamer. This flying boat is the highest quality that the fairy clan can make at present. It can travel through the starry sky at the fastest speed. Yi each find a room to practice.

In order to get to Abandoning Star, the journey will take less than one and a half years. It is impossible for the five of them to drink and chat for a year and a half, except for a few hours after boarding the flying boat. They all went back to the flying boat to practice.

For the venerable, rushing in the starry sky is common, and one and a half years is not too long. This is based on the willingness to spend ten or a hundred years on the journey.

After a year and a half, no one needed to remind, the flying boat’s shrinking formation closed on its own, which caused the Palace Master Du Xia Yi of the Quartet to wake up from the state of cultivation at the same time. Five people came to the deck at the same time and saw that one was not very big. Strange stars with red and purple as the main color.

The entire star is lifeless, and there are a lot of dark and squirming dots on the main tone of red and purple, which makes people feel like corpses.

"Tsk, it's the kind of abandoned star that I hate the most, but for Xian Juexiao's needs, it's probably this kind of abandoned star."

The Lord of the Beitian Palace looked at the stars very disgusted. It is estimated that there has been any psychological shadow. There is actually a huge Buddha statue with golden light floating in the starry sky. Xia Yi can vaguely see the lotus flower under the Buddha statue. Many monks meditate.

"This Buddhist flying boat is peculiar."

Xia Yi was eye-opening at this moment. There was also a realm dominated by Buddhism in the heavens and worlds of the human race. Xia Yi remembers it was called the realm of bliss, which Buddhism called the real world realm closest to the real world of bliss.

"The Buddhism can be regarded as a prestigious old and stubborn, but Buddhism is better than those who are stubborn and stupid, so let's go and pay a visit to the master of Buddhism for respect."

The central palace lord’s evaluation of Buddhism was surprisingly good, but in fact Xia Yi also had a good impression of Buddhism, because Buddhism is not pedantic, but full of wisdom, which is completely different from the power he originally imagined to brainwash others by faith.

The fairy clan flying boat quickly leaned towards the Golden Light Buddha, and a series of wonderful Buddhist sounds and chanting sounds reached the soul, making the heart unspeakable.

"Guangshou Buddha, Guanghai Buddha, how is the situation?"

After the five people boarded the Golden Light Buddha, the central palace lord walked directly to the center of the lotus platform and walked to the two closest to the Buddha sitting down. These are two elderly people who did not know how long they had lived. After opening their eyes, they almost invariably looked at Xia. Yi, it seems that there is something about Xia Yi that attracts them.

"Who is this?"

"Punish Immortal Venerable, Immortal Return."


The two Buddhas nodded. After knowing the name, they didn't say anything. Their expressions were plain and plain. They seemed to be curious because they hadn't seen them, and there was no other reason.

"Xian Juexiao can no longer suppress the magical thoughts in his body. He can only hide on Abandoned Star. Once he leaves Abandoned Star, we will perceive him. In other words, we can be sure that he is still on Abandoned Star. You could have brought the army. Yes, Xian Juexiao is now a half evil god, and this abandoned star is his home court."

"The army is too slow. It will take at least thirty years for the army to arrive. I'm afraid Xian Juexiao will run away for him when his cultivation level is promoted."

"It also makes sense, who can go down to Abandoned Star to find Xian Juexiao? Abandoned Star is covered by the corpse qi and demons. We will almost be attacked by all evil things on Abandoned Star. erosion."

This is the main reason why Abandoned Star is Abandoned Star. Living creatures can't survive on Abandoned Star for a while. Even if they are as strong as the Venerable, they are struggling. The existence of things is possible.

"Let me go, if I have a golden body, I will use all the aura to restore the power of qi and blood."

Xia Yi took the initiative to take the burden, and in fact, this was the reason why the Palace Master of the Sifang had to wait for Xia Yi to leave the customs. Wu Dao suppressed the evil spirits, kept the whole body without leakage of energy and blood, and was not affected by the evil spirits. The two Buddhas It seemed that he was relieved to let Xia Yi go. There was no objection and no proposal.

"The immortal is still, although Xian Juexiao has fallen into the demon, both her intelligence and judgment have dropped a lot, and she is easily driven by hatred, but she still has the ability to think. Once she finds it, remember not to act, just notify us and then haunt him."

"I understand, thank the Central Palace Master for your concern."

The plan is very simple and there is nothing complicated. Xian Juexiao trades her own future and even her own reason for existence in exchange for strength, so she will definitely lose a lot of things accordingly, and even the soul will no longer belong to him. This This kind of ignorant person does not need to spend much thought to calculate.

"Then you go and wait for your good news."

After that, the Sifang Palace Master intends to talk to the Buddhists about how to deal with Xian Juexiao’s evil power. If Xian Juexiao is not stupid, he will definitely not leave Abandoned Star. Only on Abandoned Star can he deal with it alone. Buddhism Venerable and Sifang Palace Master.

Venerable Buddhism was also thinking about something secretly when he was communicating with the Palace Master of the Quartet. Why did he not notice Xia Yi’s fate, just like the dead, but unlike the dead, Xia Yi was indeed alive, and the fate was a certain kind. Destiny is changing at any time, and it can be used to foretell bad luck.

However, there are too many strange people in the starry sky, and it is not the first time that they have encountered people without fate, but most of them are people with fate.

Above the abandoned star, Xia Yi penetrated through the faint yellow clouds like a miasma. The whole star exudes a disgusting smell. Standing in the sky, you can see a lot of squirming Roshan. They are the little spots that you see like corpses.

"No wonder the Master of the Beitian Palace is so disgusted, it's disgusting."

This is the appearance of the stars that have been completely invaded by evil things. When the origin of the stars is completely exhausted, there is no longer any spiritual energy, and even the earth veins are calmed down, these evil things will still be able to move for several years before they will completely die.

Xia Yi landed, the ground was soft and there was a weird chirp, a lot of mucus seeped out of the ground, like dung water, Xia Yi frowned, no more, he was disgusted, Xian Juexiao unexpectedly Dare to swallow these things?

This can be said to be very powerful. I have to say that Xia Yi thinks he is inferior. Originally, the feeling of devouring evil is similar to eating shit. This kind of lowest level evil is probably like eating old years and adding insects. Rotten, extremely old shit.

"I lost, I lost, let's float."


Xia Yi has always felt that he has a strong psychological endurance. After all, he has seen a lot of evil things, but he really doesn't want to see this kind of simple and disgusting thing. This is completely challenging people's physical limits.

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