The wanton growth of meat, the foul-smelling carrion air, the soft and sticky ground and the oozing mucus, Xia Yi really doubted whether he had come to hell, and Xia Yi felt that his sanity was declining. Full of an uncontrollable irritability.

"Cang Yan."

Xia Yi waved out the surging flames and burned everything around. There were fat and weird bugs crawling out of the ground. All kinds of strange shapes appeared in front of Xia Yi's eyes and opened Xia Yi's eyes. The nearest Boundary Devouring Tree nearby. It was creeping and sliding towards Xia Yi like a snail, and the other World Devouring Trees were also alarmed and approached Xia Yi one after another.

Xia Yi didn't do anything at all. He just squatted down and touched the earth with his hands, igniting everything that can be ignited inside the earth, burning the earth and rocks, and purifying everything.

Cang Yan turned the earth into scorched earth. Xia Yi felt a better mood when he looked at the dark scorched earth. Anyway, sabotage everywhere should also alarm Xian Juexiao, and no one cares about this kind of abandoned star no matter how it destroys it.

The creeping Roshan is not Cang Yan's opponent at all. The whole being burned makes a strange sound to light up the sky, and even the miasma cloud can be burned. There is a blue fire between the sky and the earth, and it seems that they are not strong enough. , Xia Yi extended the primordial spirit to the starry sky, pulling all perceivable meteorites to the abandoned star.

After a while, thousands of meteorites fell from the sky like rain, flattening all weird things, and the distant mountain range began to shake. It was an unimaginable long worm that could grow to the size of a mountain range. The pale skin wriggled and made Xia Xia Yi gave birth to goose bumps, and the long worm was awakened and swallowed the Devouring Tree by his mouth, and then went straight to find other things that could be swallowed as if he couldn't see Xia Yi.

In the perception of long worms, Xia Yi is inferior to ants.

"It's uncomfortable, Brother Xia, it's worthy of abandoning the stars, there are all earthworms, but the problem is not big, I am here, I will swallow..."

"Don't swallow it! It's too dirty and disgusting, don't come back if you swallow it!"

The disgusting scene of Xia Yi being abandoned by the star made his whole body uncomfortable. The eyebrows were violent at the moment, and he could no longer calm down. He trampled the earth with his feet, causing Cangyan to erupt towards the sky, and then abruptly pulled out a hand from the earth to cover the sky. The great sword slammed into the long worm.

There was a loud noise, and there was a surging sound like a sea wave. This huge long insect burst into pulp, and its body quickly shrivelled. The indescribable mucus poured into the surroundings like a sea, and the sky was even more yellow and white. rain.

Xia Yi used the three and three layers of Cangyan inside to protect herself, and did not let the rain rain on her body. It was simply a nightmare of cleanliness. Until the rain stopped, Xia Yi raised her head and glanced because the miasma cloud burned out. The beautiful starry sky seen.


Xian Juexiao hadn't been found yet, and she was disgusted by the abandoned star first. There was a mess around her and was very badly damaged by Xia Yi, but the scorched earth intertwined with flames made Xia Yi feel relieved.

After taking a few pills and resting for a while, Xia Yi finally felt a familiar breath coming from a distance. That breath belonged to the Great Wilderness. Xia Yi once cut the Great Wilderness with his own hands and also controlled the Great Wilderness. Breath Xia Yi couldn't be more familiar, took out the jade slip of the transmission, Xia Yi immediately informed the Sifang Palace Master of the matter, and then directly headed up.

On this abandoned star, Xian Juexiao is extremely difficult to be killed. He should not be so stupid that he is really trapped by the Palace Master and Buddhism. If that is the case, it would be too disappointing for Xia Yi. Xia Yi can only practice the first Two plans.

The magical mind in the Great Wilderness is also practiced by Xia Yi himself. As long as Xian Juexiao has not completely turned into an evil god, Xia Yi can control it. So, not only Xian Juexiao has an advantage in this abandoned star, he also has a little advantage.

Soon, Xia Yi and a hazy figure in the black mist looked at each other face to face. The black mist slowly dissipated, revealing a bloodless face. It was Xian Juexiao. His eyes looked at Xia Yi. Extreme hatred and crazy magical thoughts flooded Xian Juexiao's heart, making it more and more difficult for him to control himself.

"It's no use for you to steal my stuff. It's useless. You are actually swallowed by evil forces. You are really damn. I only thought you were an ant. I didn't expect you to cause me a lot of trouble. What about that idiot? Could it have been swallowed by you?"

Xia Yi deliberately stimulated Xian Juexiao with a frivolous tone. Xian Juexiao suddenly laughed. The bloodthirsty eyes showed that he basically didn't even want to talk to Xia Yi. He just wanted to abandon everything with all his strength and kill the unpopular sky in front of him. man of!



Xian Juexiao let out a hoarse low wailing, the voice really didn't sound like a human being, how much of the human part was left on him? He is not even as sensible as the real Great Wilderness.

After the wailing, there was a wild laugh. Xian Juexiao’s body was filled with endless black mist covering the sky and swallowing Xia Yi. Xia Yi didn’t move. Is it true that the great wasteland can swallow him again? However, pretense is still needed. Xia Yi restrained his breath, deliberately absorbed a lot of black mist into his body, forcibly let go of his blood, and forcibly recovered his vitality without resisting.

"The fairy...I have waited too long for this day!"

Xian Juexiao saw that the evil force was useful, and as expected, the black mist became more intense, and it kept attacking Xia Yi. Xia Yi felt bitter. What did Xian Juexiao swallow? The quality of this evil force is really bad! As long as there is plenty of vitality, you can resist at will, and you can get crooked!

Even if it is to cultivate demons, demonic cultivators will spend time dispelling the miscellaneous energy and refining the evil power, but Xian Juexiao just swallows everything else and ignores everything else. If the source of the Great Desolation is not strong enough, his cultivation base will have long been abolished!

"Can a mere evil force hurt me?"

You can’t put too much water in your pretense, otherwise the Palace Master of the Sifang will be suspicious, so Xia Yi resisted a few times and restored his previous injury. He was able to defeat Wu Jue when he was half **** three hundred years ago. This means he Now that he is not afraid of a palace owner alone, it would be too fake to be easily defeated by Xian Juexiao.

Xian Juexiao is weaker than Xia Yi imagined, but fortunately it has reached the strength that can kill him. If this is not achieved, then Xia Yi will directly drive Demon Mind to control Xian Juexiao’s burning self regardless of the enemy and mine. Find ways to consume the Quartet Palace Master.

Although it is obviously not a good decision to turn your face here, after all, the Sifang Palace Master must have been prepared, but there is no other way, but Xian Juexiao is not enough to crush the water, how to die, this needs to be considered. NS.


While waiting for the Sifang Palace Master to come, Xia Yi had been pretending to resist, repeating dodge and recovery. Xian Juexiao was very proud, thinking that he had the upper hand, and said a lot of arrogant words.

Xian Juexiao's strength has indeed grown over the years, but many things as a person are degenerating, and he is not even as smart as he was hundreds of years ago. He is not even a demon, but was swallowed and replaced by the demon. I got the power I dreamed of at the most painful time, but in fact, it is at this time that I should least believe in any power that can be easily obtained.

Xia Yi still remembered that when he was suffering in Six Continents, he thought about taking it to become a great power directly, but the pill that never progresses in cultivation solves the current problem. If it really appeared in front of him at that time, it would definitely not be a good thing! Because he was likely to take it.

"The immortal is back, have you ever thought you have today?"

"You are indeed a genius, but a genius is only as a human being. I have obtained the power of the evil god. This is the power you all want to obtain, and you will die under this power!"

Xian Juexiao seemed to have the name of self-knowledge. He relied on the power of the Great Wilderness to kill Xia Yi, but he was not close at all. His heart still feared Xia Yi. If the power of the Great Wilderness disappeared, he would not even dare to stand. In front of Xia Yi's eyes, although Xia Yi felt that Xian Juexiao was weak, in fact Xian Juexiao was already strong enough. He had defeated the Lord of the Beitian Palace not long ago, and even grabbed one of the other's arms.

In Xia Yi’s opinion, perhaps a simple problem is not necessarily in the eyes of others. No matter how bad the quality of the dead dust is, it is also the power of the great wilderness. The average person has no way to resist, and the strong can only guarantee it in the face of the great wilderness. Undefeated.

"Ha ha……"

Xia Yi sneered twice, appearing to be disdainful, and continued to stimulate Xian Juexiao. It is not a good thing that Xian Juexiao’s current temperament is not a good thing. Xia Yi does not want the Sifang Palace Master to know the power of Xian Juexiao and him. There are relationships.

"Do you still dare to laugh?! Why do you laugh!"

Xian Juexiao let out a sharp roar, and I have to say that this sound reminded Xia Yi of the real wild roar in the Heavenly Spirit Secret Realm 100,000 years ago. The surging black ash became more violent, trying to pass Xia Yi's limbs. Hundreds of corpses poured into his body, but Xia Yi still only selectively controlled the degree of his injuries.

It's enough to keep minor injuries all the time.

"Laughing at you is really a waste. I want to obtain this power and plan to refine it, but I have to override this power, control this power, not be controlled by it. You are just a soul that has been swallowed by evil thoughts. The scum, revenge? Just your scum is still eligible for revenge against me?"

"It's just an ant who is tempted by evil forces and is willing to fall. If you say that you are a trash scum, you are worthy of you. What are you? You are not even a human being. How many unreasonable things have been done by the so-called hatred? I know what you are thinking in your heart. As long as you can get revenge, it doesn't matter how the human race is."

"But I, I still have Human Race in my heart. Your wild master is more capable than your trash. He knows to intercede for you, and he knows the general knowledge. I actually don't want to take care of you. If it weren't for you to rob prison, Will your wild master die? Will your wild women and wild children die?"

"You really laugh at me too! You are the one who killed them, you come to me for revenge? You can only see the so-called injustice you suffered, and you can't see the appearance of the pure-blood immortals being abused by those rebels. I can’t see how people at the bottom of other realms live.”

"Greedy! Your greed killed yourself, and your greed made you devil. Look, this is your nature. How can we give you justice?"

Xia Yi’s contemptuous attitude and the disdainful words in the sneer provoked Xian Juexiao’s nerves and stimulated his few sanity. Xian Juexiao felt like he wanted to be crazy, he didn’t want to think anymore. , He just wanted to act by instinct, and just wanted to kill Xia Yi's enemy!

"To shut up……"

"To shut up!!"

With two screams like beast roars, Xian Juexiao took the initiative to rush towards Xia Yi and wanted to deprive Xia Yi alive. His anger had temporarily forgotten his fear of Xia Yi.

"Look, you even refuse to think, but you still have revenge? Are you revenge for yourself, or are you helping evil spirits revenge against the human race? Who are you revenge?"

Xia Yi’s remarks seemed to have touched Xian Juexiao’s heart. Xian Juexiao’s crazy expression was suddenly astonished. He remembered Master’s teachings. In any case, don’t forget what you are fighting for, but he is now Can't remember, he seems to have become just wanting revenge for some reason.

Many pictures that he had beautified in his heart came to mind. He deceived himself that the dead are guilty, so he let go of swallowing, ignoring the cry of many people before death, he knew that there were people who were forced into helplessness. , But he just found himself a reason to devour others.

Compared with the evil things that cannibalism, he seems to be no different except for being a human.

"But no matter what, you must die!"

Xian Juexiao recovered a bit of reason, which made him even more angry. He was awakened by his enemies. Doesn't this mean that he is even worse than Xian! He couldn't accept this fact, he was actually worse than the cruel immortal, but he had to admit that he was no longer a human being.

Compared with Xian, he is trash and scum.

"Really? You are really loyal to help the demons kill the few strong men of our human race. Who else will you kill in the future? Kill everything you used to know, so that everyone's homes will become like this abandoned star? "

"You should also think about it. If you think you are still a human being, it is still too late to stop now."

After speaking, Xian Juexiao looked at his hand, and he hesitated.

What Xia Yi needs is a character that can cause trouble to the fairy clan, not a silly idiot who has been targeted by Buddhism before that. Xia Yi intends to awaken a part of Xian Juexiao’s sage will, after all, he is deciding to let Xian Juexiao Xia Yi was cultivating his will before carrying the power of the evil god.

Xia Yi knew that if he didn't do this, it would be tantamount to helping the evil **** recover.

"Yes, that's it. Think about it yourself. Our enmity can be resolved in a human way. I do owe you something, but I only return what I owe to others, not to the evil god! So challenge me and face me. , Look straight at me, you scumbag, if you still think you are a human being!"

Xia Yi stepped forward and kicked at Xian Juexiao’s front door. Xian Juexiao was stunned and flew away from Xia Yi, spitting out dirty blood mixed with black and gray, looking at what was in front of her. With the dark blood, Xian Juexiao couldn't help thinking.


Xian Juexiao once thought about why he had to encounter so many injustices. He believed that injustices must be fought. His master often smiled and told him stories about the human race and the past of the human race. During that time, he understood the immortal race. In the wrong place, the fairy clan is too lacking in favor.

He wanted to change something and acted for it, but because of his hatred, he fell to this point. Even if he could get revenge, what would he be after the revenge was successful?


Indeed, setting aside the hatred between the two, what the punishment Xianzunxian still did is right from the perspective of the entire immortal clan, but why is he wrong when he is fighting against injustice! why! !

After gritting his teeth, Xian Juexiao jumped in midair and adjusted back to his posture. He raised his head and looked at Xian Huan seriously for the first time. Xian was still prosperous, and there was a convincing arrogance in his eyebrows. He was cruel. But his words are so straightforward and correct.

"It is because I am a human being that I want to kill you day and night. You take everything from me, but you also reminded me a little bit about what I haven't lost in the end."

"I want to thank you for this, but you still have to die!"

Xian Juexiao's expression became a lot more serious, that kind of madness disappeared, replaced by human dignity, Xia Yi could perceive that the demon in Xian Juexiao's body was fading, and his will was regaining control of himself.

"That's right."

This is his apprentice Xia Yi!

Xian Juexiao used his own will to control the power of the Great Wilderness. Without the support of his magical thoughts, Huangchen's horror that swallowed the world has faded a lot, but the black ash has also turned into white dead ash. Although the amount is less, the quality is doubled. Ascension is a phenomenon that does not carry any evil thoughts, but simply makes the heaven and the earth barren.

The desolation of Vientiane.

"The celestial being returned, it is a pity that you are a natural arrogant, but you are a thief."

Xian Juexiao still had a trace of respect for the immortal at this time. As an enemy, he also called on his own will to make him think again about what he is living for. Thinking about what he lives for is the essence and the most basic of living beings. Humanity.

"Then am I a Tianjiao or a thief? It's not for anything else to awaken your will. I think you are still a bit extraordinary. If I fail, I will at least hope to defeat my existence. Continue to fight for your own ideals and will not help the enemy of the human race."

"Leave aside the hatred between us. Don't forget that you were born."

If Xian Juexiao really turned into a second great waste, it would be quite troublesome to be honest, and Xia Yi still didn't want to cause trouble in the future.

"I remember it in my heart."

He generously admitted that he was inferior, Xian Juexiao only felt that his mind was smooth, and the magical thoughts that had been affecting him became unworthy. At this time, Xia Yi raised his head and glanced at the sky above Abandoning Star, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. meaning.

"It's a pity that you wake up a bit late now. The Palace Master of the Four Directions has arrived, and this abandoned star is not a good place to wake up. After all, you have sold your soul once, and it is not easy to regain it."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, he turned to look at Xian Juexiao. At this time, Xian Juexiao realized that her power had started to swallow the filthy evil power on this abandoned star uncontrollably, and the filthy breath poured into his body one after another. He couldn't control it at all, because it was like the instinct of the Great Wilderness. No matter how he can wake up, he will pay the price for what he did before.

He doesn't have the will to control his power, although he can wake up, he can be swallowed again.

"I...not a demon..."

"My hatred... I want myself..."


Xian Juexiao trembled all over, trying to control the power of the Great Wilderness to stop swallowing, but his skin and pupils were changing, his body became bloated and ugly, and finally turned into a monster that can only be described by an alien.

There are no eyes, ears and nose, but a mouth with sharp teeth and wide open. The skin is purple-black, and the body is covered with hair-like bone spurs. Dirty pus and blood splashed with the bone spurs from the broken body, completely empty. Humanoid things reminded Xia Yi of a kind of existence. The gluttonous beasts in the Tianling Secret Realm 100,000 years ago were also the true posture of Dahuang.

Many evil creatures were once considered to be divine beasts because they looked like beasts, but the Feng Mo Great Emperor accurately distinguished the differences. No matter how evil the divine beasts were, they were extremely evil but not evil, but the evil creatures were completely different. They were evil gods. The beast, not the evil beast.

The howling monster is still changing and becoming more terrifying, until it completely turns into a disgusting monster. Xia Yi specially awakens Xian Juexiao and triggers her magical thoughts. In order to make Xian Juexiao still useful.

In this battle, he wants to kill himself, but he can't die.

Soon, the evil beast that Xian Juexiao turned into opened its big mouth that could swallow the world and bite towards Xia Yi. Xia Yi stretched out his hands to grab the upper and lower jaws of the evil beast, almost unable to grasp it. Xia Yi's palm was burned by the evil spirit beast's venom that corrodes all things, and white smoke rose, and the screams kept resounding.

"Good guy!"

This strength is really big, no wonder it is said that gluttony can crush mountains and rivers, swallow mountains and drink seas. The gluttony of Heavenly Spirit Secret Realm 100,000 years ago was only a small part of the power of the Great Wilderness. On the real wasteland.

"go away!"

Xia Yi held the big mouth of the evil spirit beast with both hands and kicked the evil spirit beast with his feet. Xia Yi concentrated all the power of the few war spirits on his toes. The beast was kicked far away, like a shooting star smashed through the distant mountains.

"It's a bit difficult to deal with."

Xia Yi rubbed his hands together, his palms were almost rotten to the point that only fleshy bones were left. The Palace Master of the Quartet rushed to Xia Yi's side at this time, and they felt a while after seeing Xia Yi's hands. Anonymous chill.

They had previously observed that Xia Yi supported the evil spirit beast with both palms, and at that time they had already accelerated.

"The immortal is back, where is Xian Juexiao?"

"I told you that you might not believe it. The thing I kicked off before was turned into him, not this monster that abandoned the star."

"That monster was changed by Xian Juexiao?"

"Well, the great wilderness is the ancestor of the desolate beast. What's weird about being able to become a desolate beast by relying on the power of the great desolation, but this guy is very difficult to deal with. Although the wisdom may be equal to zero, it is precisely because of this. , We have to face a brutal monster who is not afraid of death."

As soon as Xia Yi's voice fell, a black shadow crossed the sky, and rushed towards Xia Yi again, as if he was vowing to devour Xia Yi. Seeing this, the Palace Master of the Quartet didn't doubt that Xia Yi had a problem, and that there was no problem. Maybe cooperate with a monster to entrap them, and the main target of this monster seems to be Xia Yi.


"Old North!"

The Central Palace Master immediately called the Beitian Palace Master to act. The Beitian Palace Master is an all-rounder who is very good at containment, and saw that he put on a glove and rushed directly in front of Xia Yi.

"I know!"

People go first, and then the words come. The Lord of the North Heaven is holding the big mouth of the evil beast like Xia Yi before, and the gloves burst into golden light. The Lord of the West Heaven does not need the Lord of the Central Palace to command anything. The big mouth of the evil spirit beast was allowed.

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