To ask for justice?

No, it's revenge.

Whose revenge?

It seemed that it was not for Master and Cai'er, but for his miserable life. He denied everything he had encountered so far, all the humiliation he had suffered since childhood, and all the things that didn't go well in his mind.

He forgot about the beauty, and only hatred and sorrow remained in his heart. Even the little things bullied by his playmates when he was a child made him hateful. There seems to be nothing good in his life. Everything is against him. He is a waste. His life It's just a scum that is not worth mentioning.

His self-esteem was riddled with broken hearts. He felt that his head was empty, and an obsession climbed up his spine like a thousand bone-easter worms, penetrated into his head, and wriggled in his head.

He wanted revenge, not to avenge the inferior immortals, not for Master and Cai'er, but just for his scumbag life. He wanted to stand up again to deny everything, and all human races and justice would go to hell.

It doesn't matter whether he helps evil spirits or destroys the human race, he and Buddhism have no grievances and no grudges. Why does Buddhism want to target him like this? The whole world is targeting him. He wants to punish everything!

Especially that Xianhuan, is he sober because of him? What is it sober? Obviously he took everything from him, he was deceived, and he was easily deceived like a mentally handicapped scumbag. The conscience of the person telling him is correct?

Then stop being human! It wasn't because of being tricked or because of greed, but because he really wanted to stop being a human being. Since his past life was so sparse, what's the point of being a human being, and dying as a human being?

No, he would rather be reborn as a demon!


The evil beast in the boundless Buddha light stopped struggling, but the magical thoughts quickly swelled and spread. The palace lord of the square frowned, but Xia Yi had an unknown sneer on the corner of his mouth. The sage’s will is not only an insurance, but also a prevention The means by which Xian Juexiao was completely reduced to an evil **** was still a time bomb.

The time bomb was set by Xia Yi. Xia Yi clearly knows where the lead is. It only needs to be a little bit. Even the sage will fall to the demon. The closest to the demon is not the other, it is the sage, and the sage of the fallen demon is no small thing. .

Come on, if you want to deny your life, the immortal clan who gave you life is the first object you want to deny.

With a bang, the body of the evil **** beast exploded, and the billowing black smoke covered the sky and obscured the sun. Even the infinite Buddha light could not penetrate. The Palace Master of the Quartet was shocked, and Xia Yi also pretended to be surprised. To be honest, Xian Juexiao made him bother. Xianduofu didn't make Xia Yi worry, but at least he did his best as a tool.

The smoke and dust covering the sky and the sun grew at an extremely fast rate, devouring everything, and the entire abandoned star seemed to come alive. The weird calls one after another, and the clouds of miasma gathered from all the abandoned stars toward the place where the palace lord of the Quartet was. Miasma storms appeared nearby.

"Central, something happened, Buddhism told us to prepare to withdraw."

"Does Buddhism decide that it can't be solved this time?"

"Insufficient manpower, whether it is Buddhism or us, we should withdraw quickly."

The lord of Xitian Palace conveyed the meaning of Buddhism. Buddhism decided that it could not be resolved this time. The central palace lord still seemed to trust Buddhism’s judgment and did not intend to stay any longer. The Sifang Palace lord and Xia Yi both noticed something under the ground. Being awakened, it is definitely a wise move to withdraw first.

But would Xia Yi let them just withdraw like this? If he doesn't die, no one will want to leave today!

The Palace Master of the Quartet flew away quickly, but Xia Yi stayed still, and there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

"Xiangian, what's the matter!"

"Palace Master, I can't move..."


The Central Palace Master did not expect such an accident at this time. He immediately inspected Xia Yi's body and found that Xia Yi's body was almost occupied by death energy. Xia Yi is doing his best to heal himself. It seems that it was when the evil spirit beast exploded. All the remaining power attacked Xia Yi, all of which wanted revenge on Xia Yi.

"You wait!"

The Central Palace Master quickly rushed to Xia Yi to support Xia Yi, and wanted to save Xia Yi, but from the depths of the earth, countless black energy formed ropes suddenly tied Xia Yi, and the Central Palace Master slapped Xia Yi. After smacking his lips, he immediately raised his head to look at the three palace masters who had already flown away.

"Come and help, Xian is still trapped!"

With a word, the three palace lords who looked back at the situation saw that the situation was not good, almost without any hesitation, all swooped down for the first time, and without a word, they used their own strongest offensive to break the black rope.

The black rope is becoming more and more materialized, becoming stronger and stronger, and more and more black ropes are sticking out from the ground to trap Xia Yi, and the Palace Master of the Quartet has tried his best to keep up with the new speed of the black rope.

"The immortal is still there, there is no way, abandon the body, we will bring you back to the soul!"

"Palace Master, my soul is also bound... can't get out!!"


The central palace lord’s face was ugly and extremely ugly. Soon, the central palace lord’s hand was also trapped by a black rope, and the other three palace lords were not spared. The moment they were trapped by the black rope, they noticed the black rope. The horror, this black rope will continue to inject terrifying evil into their bodies, desolate their blood, spiritual power and even their souls.


The square palace lord immediately cut off the black rope, but still did not forget to try to save Xia Yi, even the central palace lord took the initiative to burn aura, gritted his teeth and held the Tianguang Emperor sword to save Xia Yi, the other three palace lords used their eyes Consoling Xia Yi, no one had the intention to leave first.

This made Xia Yi feel speechless while surprised. This is the reason why the immortal clan is undefeated.

"Xiangian, is there a way to regain the ability to move, we will use the blood forbidden method to help you break free."

"Four palace go quickly, I'm afraid it's too late..."

"Shut up! We will definitely take you back today. If you have time to give up, it's better to give me a solution!"

The Sifang Palace Master doesn't think that Xia Yi has any other purpose now, and he treats him as his own. Since he is his own, he must be rescued anyway!

twenty three

Seeing the Sifang Palace Master insisted so persistently, Xia Yi immediately pretended to struggle. The Sifang Palace Master cared about him so much. He did not expect this. It stands to reason that he is an outsider, and he has no great contribution to the immortal clan that can be recorded in the annals of history. There are even doubts about why they want to help themselves in this way.

Just because of trust? Just because of a little trust, you treat yourself as a family, so you don’t doubt your heartfelt commitment?

Xia Yi felt that he had found yet another weakness of the immortal clan at this moment, but Xia Yi would not take advantage of this weakness. It has been four hundred years since he came to the immortal clan. Although most of the time is spent in cultivation, it is precisely because After staying in the enemy line for so long and knowing their thinking, Xia Yi can look at the problem from a truly fair standpoint.

He had only one purpose from beginning to end, to let the immortal clan admit his mistakes, surrender, and vowed never to invade other realms, so that the immortal clan would not have to die another person. For this purpose, Xia Yi had to make a lot of dirty Activities, but behind these activities is the supreme righteousness.

As long as the purpose is lofty, can you use whatever means? There are different opinions on this point. Xia Yi actually doesn't think this is correct, but it should be better than being fair and inferior. Although he can slaughter the entire fairy clan in the name of revenge, is this correct?

The enemies of the Xian Clan and Xuan Huang are the hegemonism of Xian Clan and Xuan Huang's excessive benevolence. Excessive focus on human rights sometimes becomes a shield for evildoers, and they are proud of saving humanity without knowing it.

You must first see your own mistakes before you are qualified to criticize others. When people criticize something that they hate, it is always easy to substitute themselves into the right. Xia Yi also had this problem before. He felt that all members of the fairy clan deserved to die, but he I don't think so now. Xia Yi has no intention to beautify the aggressor. Xia Yi only knows clearly what the chief evil is and what the people are affected.

"Palace Master, it's too late, you...hurry up!"

Xia Yi gritted his teeth and urged the four palace masters to leave. The Central Palace Master didn't answer at all, but looked back at the three-party Palace Master. The three-party Palace Master nodded in response, and the Central Palace Master rushed directly to the ground.

In Xia Yi's unbelievable eyes, under the natural gazes of the three palace masters, the central palace master smashed the ground like a comet.

"Xianhuan, you grew up in Taoism, maybe it’s very difficult to understand, but you have to know that this is the main reason why the human race can defeat the innate race in the ancient times. In short, you must not give up, otherwise how can you be worthy of the central palace lord? sacrifice?"

"Not for yourself, not for us, for the fairy clan, you must break free!"

Xitian Palace Lord’s words penetrated into Xia Yi’s mind. Xia Yi smiled. It was really a strong sense of ethnic identity. Unfortunately, he was not a member of the fairy clan. Although Xia Yi’s approach moved Xia Yi a little, Xia Yi knew the fairy clan better. Cruelty in the face of the enemy.

If he was born an immortal, Xia Yi was willing to give everything for the immortal clan, but unfortunately he was born a Xuanhuang person.

The depths of the earth began to tremble, and the strong golden light pierced the clouds through the gaps in the earth. Xia Yi seemed to hear the roar of the central palace lord, really trying to save him, compared to the sky spirit who stabbed him back. Compared with the principle of the supremacy of interests, compared with Xuanhuang, who is gradually indifferent to the human heart, perhaps the immortal clan is a better destination.

But this kind of thinking Xia Yi just think about it, no matter how good an enemy country is, it is also an enemy, and no matter how bad the family is, Xia Yi believes that Xuanhuang will get better sooner or later.

When Jin Mang dispersed, a person flew out from the depths of the earth. He vomited blood, his breath was wilting, and there was a hint of anger and unwillingness in his eyes. It was the Central Palace Master. He glanced at Xia Yi and wiped it with the back of his hand. Remove the blood from the corner of the mouth, and clenched the sword with both hands again.

"Xianhuan, both Yueyin and Ruyi are among the best women in this generation of our immortal clan. Do you want them to be widows? I still want to wait for you and Yueyin to have children, and I will accept you as a righteous son. Think about your family, don’t die here!"

After that, the central palace lord rushed into the ground once again. Xia Yi obviously felt that the **** of the black rope had become much smaller. If he really wanted to break free, it wouldn't be a big problem, but he can't break free now, and Xia Yi also didn't. Don't want the Sifang Palace Lord to die.

Let’s not talk about the role they can play on the human race in the future. If they die, the immortal race will be invaded by the boundless realm of Taoism. The immortal race is indeed guilty, but they also have merit. What effort.

Jumping out of Xuanhuang and standing from the standpoint of the entire human race, Xia Yi chose to give the Xian race a chance. It was this heart that gave Xia Yi the will not to be confused.

"Ah ah!!!"

Xia Yi roared and struggling violently, and dozens of black ropes broke instantly, but more than half were tied to Xia Yi. Seeing Xia Yi's renewed fighting spirit, the other three palace masters smiled and burned aura to try to save Xia Yi. The black rope restrained Xia Yi's speed for a while and couldn't keep up with the speed of being freed, which made the eyes of the palace lord of the three parties show joy, joy from the heart.

They showed their nature at a critical moment, and they will not give up on their own people. They also thought about surrendering and surrendering after losing the war against Xuanhuang 100,000 years ago. The Emperor of Heaven would not give them this opportunity, Xuanhuang died one person, and the immortal clan had to bury a hundred people. This was the style of Emperor Yan.

But there are only two endings to this kind of enmity. The hatred keeps accumulating until one party is completely destroyed, and one party is willing to bear the pain of the past and choose to forgive. The former is not wrong, but the latter is a human sage with a broader vision. .

Forgiveness is often more expensive than revenge, and there are more things to sacrifice, even to bear infamy, and to guide the night to dawn in the curse of tens of thousands of people, maybe it will not get a fair evaluation until countless years after death.

This is the sage in troubled times.

Brilliant golden brilliance bloomed from the depths of the earth veins again, so bright that people could not open their eyes, and a terrifying beast roar came from the depths of the earth, and the black ropes that bound Xia Yi disappeared in an instant.

At this moment Xia Yi was about to cry. This was forcibly saved him. It was really outrageous. He turned his face and at least allowed the two palace masters to stay in Abandoned Star forever, but Xia Yi didn’t do that and died. It cannot atone for sins. Living for the Human Race is the best atonement for the past. Heal as much pain as it brings to the Human Race.

The turmoil in the future will require immortals.

"The fairy is... dead..."

"You die, you must die!!"

But when the three palace lords supported Xia Yi and took Xia Yi quickly to evacuate, hoarse human words were heard from the depths of the earth, and the corner of the abandoned star split.

twenty four

Abandon the starry sky beyond the stars, above the Golden Light Buddha.

The two elders of Buddhism were shocked by the evil intentions suddenly released by Abandoned Star. They raised their heads and looked overhead. The wheel of Buddha's light behind the head of the Golden Buddha was becoming dim, and even seemed to be shattered at any time.

"Oops, the worst is coming, that Xian Juexiao swallowed the polluted star origin of abandoned star."

"The evil **** has least it has descended on this abandoned star, but it is a good thing, this abandoned star evil **** will never leave."

The two old Buddhas nodded to each other, and immediately notified the Palace Master of the Square, who was still on Abandoned Star. Xian Juexiao is almost invincible on Abandoned Star, but Xian Juexiao will never be able to leave from now on. He still cannot. Swallowing the star, the price of forcibly swallowing the star is to integrate into the star, not eat it.

Perhaps this is also good news. The Cthulhu Abandoned Star will not be threatened for a long time at least, and Buddhism can inform the various realms of the human race to send people to slowly dissolve this monster.

Above the Abandoned Star, the Lord Xitian almost couldn't hold the wooden staff in his hand after receiving the news. This surprised the Lord Beitian and the Lord Dongtian, because the Lord Xitian had seen so many things, no matter what the vicissitudes of old man faced It was all calm and he was shocked, which only means that things have become very troublesome.

"Father Xi, what's the matter?"

"Xian Juexiao, he has swallowed the stars forcibly, already has the power of the evil god!"


"Let's go, and clean him up slowly in the future, anyway, he won't be able to go anywhere for at least ten thousand years."

The Lord of the Beitian Palace speeded up, Xia Yi just wanted to make Xian Juexiao more enchanted, but this idiot actually swallowed the stars forcibly? Then how could he harm the fairy clan! Xia Yi was really so angry that there was nothing to say, no, he must not let this idiot succeed. It seems that the plan has changed.

Just as Xia Yi was thinking hard about what to do next, from the cracked ground slowly crawled out a giant beast that covered the sky and the sun. The behemoth was just like a gluttonous animal, but the difference was that the head was originally only a mouth. A weird human eye grew out of it. Because the behemoth was too big, the human eye was as huge as a lake, and the tiny bloodshots of flowing black blood were as thick as a century-old tree.

The eye looked at Xia Yi with an extremely humane look of hatred. The giant beast opened its mouth, and immediately flew out countless ropes of black energy from the deep throat, trying to tie Xia Yi, along with the rope of black energy at the same time. There are boundless black and gray wastes spreading the world.

And this was part of the power that was once the real wasteland. You can imagine what the human race had to pay in order to deal with these evil things. The Lord of the Palace of the West probably also informed the Buddhism. The four people's heads have an infinite Buddha light, and the Buddha light prevented the black rope from spreading upwards. , But there is still a firmly tied Xia Yi's foot.


Xia Yi snorted, his face turned pale suddenly, and the three-party palace lord watched as the body of a big living person slowly became dry, and Xia Yi's blood was directly sucked out. Of course, this is a problem for Xia Yi. Not big, but you still have to install it.

The Lord of the Northern Heavenly Palace pulled Xia Yi to prevent Xia Yi from being dragged down by the evil spirit beast. The Lord of the Eastern Heavenly Palace and the Lord of the Western Heavenly Palace immediately prepared to attack, but at this time they saw another struggling figure. The Central Palace Lord was being besieged by a black rope.

"Father Xi, I'll help the Central Committee!"

"Go and come back soon!"

The Lord of the Western Heavens watched the Lord of the Eastern Heavens descend rapidly, a touch of determination flashed in his eyes, holding the wooden staff in both hands and raising them high, the mysterious pentagram patterns appeared in his eyes and they kept spinning.

"He who controls the punishment of heaven, I praise your name here. The sky is born before all the earth has been opened, and all spirits are afraid of you to see you. The power to punish the heavens and the earth, my spirit believes in you, the one who punishes the gods, and I pray for it to show the mighty power, and praise your real name again and again here..."

The lord of the Western Heaven Palace chanted the curse like an old **** stick, but the formation was not small at all. The black air covering the sky and the sun dissipated, the clouds of miasma dissipated one after another, and the dark thunder flashed across the sky. Wei is gathering, and even Xia Yi is terrified by this feeling. This dark robbery is probably second only to the divine robbery.

Is this the power of the Law God Realm? Simply unreasonable and incredible.

What’s more peculiar is that Xia Yi didn’t understand the last words of the Lord of the West Heavenly Palace. It was completely meaningless gibberish, but it was this gibberish that completely activated the power of the terrifying thunder, and the black thunder suddenly gathered to the Lord West Heavenly Palace. Xitian Palace Master swiped the wooden staff downwards, and thundered countless black robbery thunders from the sky and struck the evil spirit beast.

"God-destroying technique, God's thunder and heaven's punishment!"

The old man of the Xitian Palace Lord had to say that at the moment he was brave and brave, just like the Lord of Thunder, but Xia Yi also found that the vitality of the Xitian Palace Lord had dropped a lot, I am afraid this was his peak blow.

The dark robbery made the evil **** beast wailing, and black blood spewed from the burst wound like a waterfall. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Central Palace Master immediately broke through the encirclement and merged with the Eastern Heaven Palace Master. The black rope at Xia Yi’s feet was broken, and the Central Palace Master sighed. In one sigh of relief, the immortal was finally saved.


The Central Palace Master knew that there was not much time. The Beitian Palace Master supported Xia Yi to rush out of the abandoned star at the fastest speed. After the Xitian Palace Master released this lore, he was very weak. Xitian Palace Master who can't even float in the air.

"Master, you have worked hard, let us leave it to us next."

"Hurry up..."

Palace Master Xitian was out of breath and told Dongtian Palace Master to stop talking nonsense. Leaving the star was the main purpose. The five people got out of trouble. Xia Yi couldn't find how to operate it. Let's take a look at what the Quartet Palace Master did? One by one desperately saving him this inner ghost, the fairy clan is really both hateful and respectable.

It seems that I cannot die this time. I can only find a way to separate Xian Juexiao and Abandoned Star in the future, and then find a chance to get out. He died to remove the suspicion and proceed to the next step by the way. Although the next step cannot be implemented, but Just remove the suspicion.

Just when Xia Yi made such arrangements, an accident suddenly occurred!

The breath of the central palace lord suddenly stayed in place, and the three-party palace lord and Xia Yi looked back and found that the central palace lord was heavily **** with black ropes because they were too far behind.


The lord of the Eastern Heaven Palace called out the real name of the central palace lord in desperation. It turned out that the name of the central palace lord was Xianli.


The Beitian Palace Master's face suddenly darkened, and the hands holding Xia Yi became weak.

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