"I can use God's punishment one more time...you buy time for me...!"

Palace Master Xitian coughed and said intermittent words, Central Palace Master gritted his teeth and shook his head, signaling the four of them to leave quickly, they may not be able to leave without leaving, but at this moment, something unexpected happened to anyone.

Xia Yi suddenly started to dive down, the target was the central palace lord.


Xia Yi feels happy now in the bottom of his heart, but it is finally time for him to wait until the glorious opportunity to sacrifice. He really has been saving him, and he feels embarrassed to die after saving him. This battle is the most speechless for Xia Yi. The right battle, this battle even made him re-examine the fairy clan.

If you go back in time and someone tells Xia Yi that one day the palace lord of the Five Sides of the Immortal Clan will fight his life to save him, then Xia Yi will definitely laugh at him as a lunatic idiot with a problem in his head, but now the facts are in front of Xia Yi. I can't help Xia Yi not believe me, but can only say that life is wonderful, and you will never think of what the next accident will be.

Being stabbed back by the once-respected Palace Master Taixuan and Lao Zun Tianding, and the hated Palace Master of the Five Sides of the Immortal Clan gave up his life to save his life, life... is really wonderful.

"The immortal is back to you..."

"Central Palace Master, you can't die!"

With just a word, the central palace lord began to feel that he had suspected that Xia Yi made him feel guilty, and it was precisely because of this that he was even more unwilling to sacrifice this outstanding young man.

"Go back, this is an order!"

"Then I resist the order!"

Xia Yi didn't talk too much nonsense, and finally waited for the opportunity of glorious sacrifice, and couldn't give up in any way. There is no better way to die than this! Xianyueyin just dared to tell the truth, and he would probably be slapped in the face by his father. Will a young man who sacrificed to save himself be a traitor or a Xuanhuang person?

No matter what, his loyalty can learn from the sun and the moon!

Quickly flew to the central palace lord, Xia Yi overwhelmed the power of the central palace lord, allowing the central palace lord to heal all his injuries, but he fell into a serious weakness.

"Palace Master, I said when you discovered my true identity before, I am absolutely loyal, and I will not change now. The disaster of Xian Juexiao was caused by me, and I took away everything he valued for my own benefit. This is my cause and effect. If he lives, what kind of harm will he cause to my fairy clan!"

"I will bear my fault myself, and I will definitely not let him grow up. Although I have not been in the fairy clan for a long time, I really regard this as my second home. I don't want to sacrifice for anyone in Daofa, but I am willing to sacrifice for those who sacrificed for me."

"Farewell, palace lord, if there is another life, I will still be a member of the immortal clan!"

After that, Xia Yi waved his tears and used all his strength to cut out a knife. This knife does not have the slender dust and glitz, only the sharpest and purest knife intent. This is the sword of the soul, and the person who has the soul will never be easy until the end. Use, to be honest, Xia Yi himself was moved by himself, maybe this is the highest state of an actor.

The black rope binding the Central Palace Master instantly dissipated, and the corners of the Central Palace Master's eyes could not help being wet.

"Xian...Xian also...Wait! Don't!!!"

The central palace lord was actually impulsive and wanted to continue chasing. Fortunately, the other three palace lords moved fast enough, and the central palace lord flew away into the starry sky. The four of them felt uncomfortable, but there was no way, the immortal decided to return. It is great, the immortal clan can have no immortal return, but it cannot be without the central palace owner.

The central palace lord can explode in the immortal clan's homeland several times stronger than it is now, but the immortal can't do it.

"Central! Let's see the facts, I have also misunderstood the return of immortals, now I want to come here to be true temperament, you want to live up to his kindness!"

The Lord of the Northern Heavenly Palace was self-reflection on what was wrong before, and the Lord of the Eastern Heavenly Palace and the Lord of the Western Heavenly Palace had no hatred with Xia Yi.

After flying to a safe distance, the four of them turned their heads. They detected the extremely violent aura in Xian's body. Did he intend to explode? The next moment, the immortal was swallowed by the evil spirit beast, and the evil spirit beast burst into laughter.

"Xiangian, finally... finally killed you."

"I did it! I did it!!!"

Above the big mouth of the evil spirit beast, the huge one-eyed eye was like tears, the strange and sharp laughter made the abandoned star tremble, but soon, the abdomen of the evil spirit beast swelled rapidly, and the hot glare pierced it. Break the belly and shoot to the outside world.

Even though it was very far away, the Palace Master Sifang could feel the heat, which was the last remaining warmth of the immortal.

"Damn it! Damn... these rebellious group..."

"I will kill them all when I go back!!"

"Shit shit! You can't give them any chance, the waste should go to death!"

The central palace master was inexhaustible, such an excellent young sub-god, the immortal is simply the future of the immortal clan, but he just died, and was killed by those stupid rebels!

The four were silently observing the abandoned star land from the starry sky. The evil spirit beast’s laughter was still in his ears, but it was quickly covered by a violent explosion that seemed to open the sky. Both the land and the mountains were uprooted, and the laughter suddenly burst. But after the impact of the explosion passed, only silence remained.

The Sifang Palace Master stopped in the starry sky temporarily, the huge golden Buddha of Buddhism slowly approached, and the two old Buddhas were also surprised by the shock below. After seeing the explosion that ruined the world, they chanted Amitabha several times.

"The immortal also sacrifices himself to the benefactor to eliminate harm to the human race. This is a great good."

"The breath of the Heretic God seems to be integrated into the abandoned star, and no spiritual wisdom will be reborn in a short time. Xian Juexiao is dead. The most urgent thing is to separate the original seal. Please also the four palace masters to mourn."

The words of the two Buddhas didn't make the Sifang Palace Master feel relieved. Even if Xian Juexiao turned into the Evil God of Abandoning Stars, he could slowly wear him to death with time, but it would be difficult for a person as good as Xian to find the next one.

The central palace lord took out the transmission jade slip and contacted the native immortal clan. After a while, after receiving the reply, the expression of expectation quickly became sad. He let out a long sigh and put away the transmission jade slip.

"Nantian Palace Soul Hall has confirmed that the lamp of the Immortal Resurrection has been extinguished."


"It's a pity, it's a pity."

"My immortal clan is really suffering from endless disasters."

It was not long after the death of the Nantian Palace Lord that the immortal clan lost another talent, but the most uncomfortable was Xian Ruyi, who finally walked out of the grief of the death of his father, but lost his love again.

After waiting in the starry sky for about half an hour, and after confirming that there was no movement on the ground, the Palace Lord and the people of Buddhism dared to return to abandon the stars to investigate. A terrifying pit appeared in the place where the evil spirit beast originally existed, just like the earth stretched to the sky. The big mouth that came out was like a big pit, there were a lot of broken flesh, dirty, blood in the big pit, and it was dark red, and there was no Xia Yi in the big pit that was hot.

The evil spirit beast is not a true **** after all, but it is temporarily combined with the abandoned star. Its weakness lies in the body. A sub-god’s self-detonation completely destroyed the evil spirit beast, but this sacrifice is obviously worthless, because it cannot leave the abandoned star evil spirit beast. The threat is really small.

Nowadays, no matter whether it is the evil **** beast or the immortal, there is no bones left, and the soul is scattered. The only thing the Palace Master and the two Buddhas can do at this moment is to find the origin of the evil **** and seal it well, so as not to harm the world again.


Above the black smoky Abandoned Star, the Sifang Palace Master and the two Buddhas almost searched the surrounding area for thousands of miles, until the flesh and blood of the Evil God Beast was refused to the earth and nothing was found. The flesh and blood of the Evil God Beast were all above the Abandoned Star. The collection of filths, these filths rely on the power of the Great Wilderness to gather temporarily, and after being blown up, they will naturally return to the abandoned star.

"Where is the origin of the evil god?"

"Is it completely united with Abandoned Star?"

"I have searched the sky and the underground, and found nothing..."

"I have an ominous hunch."

The four palace owners searched separately and joined again. However, the origin of the evil **** was not found. Instead, the relics of Xianhuan were collected. The storage ring of Xianhuan was damaged in the explosion of Xianhuan, and the stored items were scattered in the big pit. However, only a handful of high-level items survived, such as the Nandi formation amulet and formation sword. The spear that the immortal would occasionally use was also among them. All other items were not spared and turned into fragments scattered on the ground.

Xianhuan’s total net worth is far worse than their Sifang Palace Master. Only three things survived, and two of them belonged to their immortal clan. However, the Sifang Palace Master did not mean to look down upon, but felt even more sad and felt that Xianhuan Very poor.

The lonely person is working hard in Dao Fa, because his life experience is not good, and he finally got back to the fairy clan and just got the approval, but unfortunately died here, which is really embarrassing.

So after a long time, the two Buddhas also joined the square palace lord holding the sticks, but when the eyes of the few people met, the two Buddhas closed their eyes and shook their heads, indicating that they could not find the origin of the evil god.

No one would think whether the origin of Cthulhu has dissipated, because it is impossible, that is something that even Feng Demon Great cannot erase. Even if the origin is dissipated, it will definitely disappear from the corner of the starry sky someday. Regenerate, so the Great Seal of Demons will take the seal.

The origin of Cthulhu, to put it bluntly, is only a manifestation of Tao. The origin is a bridge to communicate with Tao. The origin will dissipate, but the avenue will last forever. No matter whether the previous wilderness is the same as the next, at least they are all the wilderness, they are all certain Concretization of this phenomenon.

"Four palace masters, we have a very unfortunate news to inform you that the Cthulhu Essence may still have its own consciousness, but it should have been suppressed by Xian Juexiao. After Xian Juexiao's death, the Ethic’s Essence will have awakened, and it is likely that he has already regained consciousness. Escaped."

"The Evil God's origin is not something that our born creatures can control at all..."

The words of the two Buddhas made the palace masters of the four directions unspeakable, but they could only accept the facts. This was the price of using evil power, and Xian Juexiao would still bring harm after death.

"Even the heretic gods should be suppressed by godlessness, otherwise the innate gods would have returned to their thrones a long time ago. We immortal people have innate blood, so I can feel it."

This kind of suppression is everywhere. Whether the world is changing or the tide of the avenue is still unclear, but one thing is certain, that is, the avenue is as unpredictable as this starry sky. Who can keep up with its steps and changes? Can grasp the general trend, the unsuitable can only be eliminated, and the natural selection of the fittest can survive.

"It's also... But it's a scourge after all. It is better to remove it as soon as possible. The tide will ebb and flow. If there is a day when the tide is really high, a released Evil God will be a huge advantage for the innate race."

"We Buddhism will pay close attention to the changes in the major realms. The great wilderness eats life. He can't hide his strength if he wants to restore his strength. Its appetite will only grow bigger and bigger. Sooner or later, it will be found again. Please also everyone of the fairy clan. Help pay attention."

The people of Buddhism are willing to take the initiative to take on the task of searching for the Great Wilderness, which is naturally better. After the two Buddhas left, the Palace Lord of the Square also left Abandoned Star, but no one was talking on the road, and they all returned to Feizhou’s room. Being alone among them, this incident made the four of them realize the fact that the rebels are very harmful.

At first it was not painful or itchy, but suddenly it was a direct pain of cutting the flesh. It seems that we must be more disciplined, and then close the ascending channels of some inferior immortals, so that they will be rebellious and have no reaction, although this will arouse public anger. , But it’s better than something like this happen again.

After a year and a half, the Sifang Palace Master quietly returned. The Central Palace Master did not return directly to the Central Immortal Palace, but first came to Yunan. Although Xian Ruyi is a woman, she also handled all the affairs of Yunan. Orderly, this alone made the central palace lord breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the immortal passed away, at least it left something to the immortal clan. Xian Ruyi was the last remaining heir of the lord of the Nantian Palace, and the immortal still cared for the pillars that grew up. The immortal said to use it, but In fact, everyone knows how good Xian Ruyi is, and in order not to reveal his identity, he pretended to be in front of him.

On the way back, the Sifang Palace Master reached an agreement that he would never reach out to Yunan, because Yunan was really miserable. If he did anything for profit, it would violate their immortal clan’s bottom line. They could seize power and do it for Act for their own interests, but they cannot be without a lower limit.

Yunan, Nantian Temple, the central palace lord walked into it, but did not see Xian Ruyi's figure, and the inner palace did not have her aura. The central palace lord released his own soul mind, and soon found the immortal. Ruyi is actually in the penalty hall.

Although Xian Huan's death has not been spread out yet, Xian Ruyi should know what Xian Ruyi said as the lord of the Nantian Palace.

Coming to the entrance of the penalty hall, the central palace lord opened the door and walked in. The central palace lord sighed first after seeing everything in front of him. Xian Ruyi's eyes were paralyzed on the chair, and there was even a thin layer on the top of his head and shoulders. Gray, it means that she has been sitting here for a long time and hasn't moved.

Although Xian Ruyi is obviously still alive, she looks like a dead person. No matter how bad she is, she is also a surviving female. She also has a tough side. She cheered up in the grief of the tragic death of her father, brother and relatives. In the eyes of the central palace lord, she is not a weak woman, but because of this, it is enough to explain how much the death of Xian Huan has hit Xian Ruyi.

"Ruyi, I failed to bring him back. He died to save me. He is a hero. Your father and your husband are both. You are the hero's daughter and the hero's wife. You should be proud of this. "

The central palace lord did not say much, and even the words that were not even comforting, the central palace lord left the Nandi array talisman and sword as well as Xia Yi's spear, turned and walked directly out of the penalty hall. Xian Ruyi was not 16 or 7 years old. A sentimental woman, he is the venerable immortal clan, she will never be so vulnerable.

It's just that the central palace lord still heard hoarse crying with a low voice on the way out of the penalty hall. As an adult, there were no cowards tears.


In the endless starry sky, thousands of stars revolve safely in their own orbits. Around a hot barren star are densely packed meteorites, but among the meteorites there is something unique.

A dark burnt bone.

Jiao Bone didn't know where it came from, but it was drifting towards the indestructible hot star, and there was a beautiful crystal dragon like a phantom not far away.

"Brother Xia said to find him a wild star with a hot spot, but I couldn't find it after three years. In my opinion, it must be cremated anyway, so I just throw it into Yaoxing."

Yaoxing, this is how the dragons call stars. Mirage dragons really can’t stand it. They have been wandering in the starry sky for three years, and there are very few stars with earth veins. She was troubled anyway and decided to take a risk. .

Before Xia Yi exploded, he told the mirage dragon to transfer his bones in time, and he could be reborn if he found the stars of life or the stars with earth veins, but the mirage dragon could not be found, so he knew how long it would take to find the ghost.

"Brother Xia, I'm doing errands, don't worry, although this is a bit risky, I shouldn't miss it."

Thinking about this, the mirage decided to be a little lazy, and then directly controlled all nearby meteorites to hit the pitch-black charred bones with his primordial spirit. The charred bones flew towards the hot star at a very fast speed, and the mirage specially found one. A star with a cooler temperature, Mirage swears that she is never avenging her personal revenge.

She is saving time for herself and Xia Yi. Who doesn’t like this mutually beneficial thing? As the burnt bone gets closer to the star, the whole burnt bone burns without fire and becomes red, let alone rebirth. I'm afraid it will burn to ashes sooner or later if this continues.

However, he personally cremated Xia Yi. Not only did Mirage Dragon feel no sadness, but was ecstatic, and there were few opportunities for Xia Yi to fight back and curse.

"Brother Xia, Brother Xia, I hope this makes your cold heart warmer."

The mirage dragon looked at the burning bones until the flames completely wrapped it and turned it into a small fireball. Only then did the mirage dragon relax and start dozing off. She knew it would take a long time, at least countless times. For several years, after yawning, the mirage dragon fell asleep looking at the fireball, and was awakened by a wave of fluctuations not knowing how long later.

The fireball in front of him looked very unstable, as if it would explode at any time. The mirage dragon stared at the fireball and prepared to appreciate the beauty of the upcoming scene, the mystery of the power of life, Nirvana.

Because Xia Yi also majored in the path of fire, Xia Yi's Nirvana is also the Nirvana of Fire, rebirth from the ashes.

The next moment, the fireball with dazzling light exploded, and the flames flashed in the void. The overly strong light covered everything. When the light faded, there was a person standing in the starry sky among the little sparks, looking at him. Palm in a daze.

This person is Xia Yi. Xia Yi was stunned for a long, long time before realizing that he was reborn. Although he was reborn by fire as he imagined, he did not seem to be in the veins. Xia Yi looked around and realized that he was actually there. The starry sky, an eternally existing star burned before his eyes.

The corners of Xia Yi’s mouth twitched twice, and he was really deprived of the mirage. For the sake of safety, plus he was not at ease with the mirage. Xia Yi thought about this possibility but did not dare to do it. You must know that there are too many accidents in the starry sky. If he is not careful Falling into the star will undoubtedly die, and it is a waste of time from the perspective of a monk.

It takes too much time to absorb the earth veins directly. After all, he can't directly absorb the energy of the stars. He can only get the high heat emitted by the stars in the air. Fortunately, he explodes himself with sun flame, leaving a touch of sun flame as a kind of fire. Otherwise, the lazy method of mirage dragon, it will be many years after she discovers that something is wrong.

Xia Yi temporarily covered his body with fire as clothing, and quickly rushed to the mirage dragon.

"The past few years."

"Well...it should be thirty-two years, if you want to count from Xia Ge you died, thirty-five years."

"You don't know how to listen to me, not to mention the time that can be saved, even safety is guaranteed!"

"Brother Xia, you are here again, so you are afraid of doing what you are in. What kind of Tao do you cultivate?"

"Although this is the case, but after all... Forget it, don't say it."

After all, Xia Yi has cultivated step by step from a mortal to the present, and has a natural awe of the huge and terrifying stars. However, when you think about it carefully, he has also been afraid of lava. After getting used to it, he has not often bathed in magma. .

I'm not used to being able to get so close to the star one day and make a living from it.

"But the power of life is really exaggerated. My realm is more than 30 years of healing, and it only takes so little time for me to come back to life."

For more than 30 years, Xia Yi’s impression has been "this point" time. If you change to a mortal, almost half of your life has passed, but if you think about it carefully, the years of Jue Jian Dao Zun is not weaker than that of birth. It’s right. One thought reproduces the peak years.

Xia Yi’s death is completely different from death in a general sense. In a sense, Xia Yi’s vitality is equivalent to the original Heretic God. Although he is not completely immortal, there are too few things that can really kill Xia Yi. After his death, the soul lamp is indeed After all, the soul lamp is a one-time use. If a person dies, the soul lamp will not reignite, and the soul card will not split and merge automatically, and no one will design a soul lamp that can reignite.

Everyone knows that there is only one life, and the ghost knows that Xia Yi can have several times.

As for leaving some things in the abandonment of the stars, it is also to make your own death more real and thorough, so as not to doubt the Palace Master of the Quartet.

As for Xian Juexiao, of course he was not dead. After Xia Yi used a self-detonation to separate his connection with Abandoned Star, Xia Yi directly turned his broken body away with a chaotic air exchange technique. He is mostly awake now, maybe I wondered why I was still alive, I was thankful that I was dead, and I was preparing to continue to take revenge on the immortal clan.

It doesn't matter if Zhan Tian stays in the fairy clan, because that means Xia Yi will definitely go back to get it.

"Brother Xia, what are we doing now? Shall we go back?"

Now that Xia Yi was resurrected, and the immortal was dead, and died well enough, it was almost time to go back, but Xia Yi shook his head.

"I said, it’s not too late to go back after everything is resolved. Now I’m going to the Dharma God Realm. I need a means to decipher the blood of the Immortal Clan. The Dharma God Realm must have it. The Tianguang Emperor Sword is only a treasure of the Dharma God Realm. There is something else about the clan artifacts, and I have previously investigated in Nantian Palace."

"Only by letting the enemy's strongest means fail, and the last means in vain, will the enemy surrender willingly, and will not try to resist and kill evil in vain."

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