Xia Yi wanted to go back after everything was done, and accompany him carefree for thousands of years.


The immortal clan originated from the realm of Dharma and God, rising from the immortal ancestor. Xianzu is also an early human character full of myths and legends. There are not many records about the immortal ancestor in the cultivation world. The realm of Dharma and God may have to be a lot more detailed, anyway. You need to go and learn about the Xianzu to understand the Xianzu.

"The words of the Fashen Realm...that is too far away, and the Star Territory knows but I don’t know where it is. I remember that after the Fashen Realm and the Immortal Clan split, they no longer have any contact with other realms. Know how long."

"Perhaps I have no contact with most realms, but it is precisely that my hometown has been in close contact with the Dharma and God Realm. Don’t forget that there are descendants of the Dharma God Realm in my hometown. What kind of holy war is there in the Dharma God Realm. Just lead to Xuanhuang and find the way to the holy war."

"Brother Xia, do you mean... go back to Xuanhuang first?"


Xia Yi had planned to go directly to the Dharma God Realm after suspended animation, so after rebirth, he did not waste any time. After confirming the star map and identifying his approximate location through the astrological signs, Xia Yi directly deployed and teleported himself. Xian Clan Yunan has stayed for so long, and Xia Yi will change boundaries in chaos, so he has studied the formation of space together.

Moreover, his realm is normal in the starry sky, this is a must learn, but even so, Xia Yi still took two years to reach the nearby human race realm, this is only a medium-level realm, slightly inferior to the heavenly spirit , But fortunately there is a Star Teleportation Array available.

Xia Yi went all the way. It took ten years to save the few sacred stones before finally returning to his homeland. However, Xia Yi did not drop by to find the heavenly spirit, and even after landing in Xuanhuang, he did not go home to take a look. He didn’t. No one was alarmed by anyone. Xuanhuang after four hundred years has fully realized the cultivation of the whole people, but the technology has not fallen, but it is also full of characteristics, and has a lot of exchanges with other realms.

Xuanhuang has slowly developed in the past four hundred years, but it is no longer what Xia Yi knew in his mind. On the contrary, because of the huge changes, Xia Yi feels strange. Xia Yi did not look for a side in Tianling. Aura asked for directions. Because it was not necessary, Aura said that the road of jihad was a relic in South America. With his current realm, the soul can search the entire South America carpet in a short period of time.

For the vast majority of people living here, Xia Yi’s primordial spirit cannot be felt at all, at most they just feel that a breeze is blowing, or they feel that someone is looking at themselves, but at most they will think that it is an illusion. .

"The space is abnormal...found it!"

The next day, Xia Yi lost his breath and looked at a wilderness in the clouds. The wilderness was on a small island with a row of stone statues looking into the distance. To enter the ruins may require many special methods, but Xia Yi doesn't need it.

"Chaos change boundaries."

Xia Yi performed Taoism and directly transferred himself to a place with anomalous space. In a cave, the cave extends in all directions, and there are many entrances and exits. It seems to be just a cave with complex terrain, or even a place thousands of miles away. In fact, it's underground in the depths of the island.

"A space maze?"

There are still many remains in the passage. It seems that many people have strayed here, but it is a pity that most of them are mortals, and it is difficult to find the real remains. Ola and his party were lucky at the beginning.

The innermost part of the labyrinth is a black stone castle. Stepping into it is another long journey, but Xia Yi still didn’t hesitate. He just went through the house three times and didn’t enter. Speaking of which, he didn’t go home the last time he went back to Xuanhuang. The time I met Ola was exactly three times.

There is no special reason for Xia Yi not to go back, and the time is not so tight that there is no time to go back to see her parents and sister, to see Yuer and Qingyunzong. Xia Yi just wants to see them again. Face them in the most honorable way.

As the person who made the immortal clan surrender, as a successful hero, return to his hometown, and let the meeting go in the best way.

"Xuan Huang, see you next time."

After that, Xia Yi stepped into it. The dark room lit up with dim light, and the galaxy flowed along, and the surrounding space was distorted. This jihad road is probably paved by the true **** of the Dharma God Realm, but the means are slightly obvious. Old, because it is not directly transmitted, but one transmission point is connected to another, continuously and continuously transmitted.

Xia Yi can catch this gap and feel the difference between the world and the earth. Some are in the stars of life, and some should be in the barren stars. It is not easy for this road of holy war to exist for so long. If there is a problem in the middle, it is impossible for a mortal to reach it successfully. Law God Realm.

After more than 80 times of transmission in this way, the fluctuation of space finally stopped. The nausea caused by time and space did not affect Xia Yi for too long. Xia Yi walked out of the castle, and the outside world looked like an abandoned underground. The ancient city, the ancient city is completely covered by dust, I don't know how many years I have been lost.

Xia Yi was not interested in exploring the ancient city, and was about to go directly to the surface with the Air Boundary Art, but the primordial spirit sensed the abnormality, so he used the Air Boundary Art to go to the abnormal place.

However, it was said to be abnormal, but it was not a strange thing, it was just because Xia Yi felt a lot of vitality.

The world in front of him changed, Xia Yi appeared in a wide underground palace, surrounded by many unnamed monsters, and five people here, all of whom looked strangely dressed in Xia Yi’s eyes. Girls, two men and two women were holding weapons and tremblingly facing those monster beasts. One of them was seriously injured and dying.

When they saw Xia Yi suddenly appeared, they were all stupefied. They didn't understand why a person suddenly appeared in front of them.


Xia Yi didn't even look at the monsters, and spit out a word casually. The death elephants directly deprived them of their lives. All of them suddenly fell down while running and couldn't sleep for a long time. Xia Yi saved people mainly because he wanted to ask questions. , There is no other purpose, nothing more.

Walking slowly in front of the dying girl, her injury was miserable enough, poisoning and heart and lung rupture, and still hanging in a sigh of life is really big, but this is not a problem in Xia Yi's eyes.

The other four moderately and slightly injured people opened their mouths to say something, but Xia Yi ignored it, and directly waved his hand to lift the dying girl with aura, let her stand, and then pointed directly to the center of his eyebrows.

Only a few seconds later, the girl's injuries were completely healed as if she had never existed.

"Who is the strongest in this world."

Without asking too much, Xia Yi's first sentence was to ask who is the strongest. Xia Yi, the language of the Dharma God Realm, has read it in the fairy clan. In order to study the needs of the ancient books of the fairy clan, he still knows how to pronounce it.

Trip to the Dharma

Xia Yi's words and Xia Yi's appearance both surprised this group of boys and girls. They looked at the dead monster beasts nearby, and they could clearly see that there was no trauma on the monster beasts, and most of them were wide open. The eyes kept fierce, as if they would get up at any time, but they just fell to the ground motionless.


They didn’t answer Xia Yi’s question, and they even looked a little worried. They danced and frantically wanted to express what Xia Yi wanted to express. Xia Yi could use the soul to search for the soul directly, but these boys and girls were too fragile, even if they were born in the image. The strength can't heal the injury on the soul, Xia Yi doesn't want to destroy the life of innocent people at will for his own convenience.

"who are you?"

In the end, the girl who was rescued by Xia Yi reluctantly answered Xia Yi, but she was not sure that Xia Yi could understand her words.

"Generally, people passing by."

Xia Yi feels that his identity is to explain that they should not understand, and basically he will not have a long-term intersection with them. Xia Yi can find the city to catch a strong person and search for the soul to solve the problem. If he has a higher cultivation level , Even if he is searched for souls, he will not hurt too much, unless Xia Yi is searching for souls with the mentality of killing the other party.

"Why do you know the old language, and your appearance...we have never seen it before."

The girl was still curious about Xia Yi’s identity, her appearance completely different from them, and the old saying that she spoke a very long time ago. Xia Yi probably knew why the communication was not smooth when she heard the words. It turns out that the language he mastered was all from the realm of Dharma and God. Old saying.

But think about it, those are the languages ​​that the immortals mastered during the split from the Dharma and God Realm. They were all tens of thousands of years ago. Xia Yi didn't expect to return to Xuanhuang to be able to communicate smoothly with modern people through classical Chinese or even Oracle.

"Don't ask too much about me, who is the strongest in this world, you only need to answer this question."

Xia Yi had no intention of traveling in the Dharma and God Realm. If he were Xian Ruyi, he would appreciate his true ancestral realm. To be honest, Xia Yi was also a little interested, but he could do it after completing his main purpose. Feel free to understand.

"Please wait"

The girl hurriedly took out a book from her pocket, which seemed to be a translation document. Xia Yi also used Yuanshen Mind to inquire about her surroundings again. The characters depicted in the surroundings were all ancient sayings he had mastered. A group of boys and girls are here prepared, but the combat power is simply not good.

Xia Yi stretched his hand to grab the document, and he could turn a few pages within a second. In less than a minute, Xia Yi closed the book and returned it to the girl in front of him.

"Who is your strongest person?"

This time, they all understood Xia Yi’s words. Xia Yi learned a language at an almost unbelievable speed. For Xia Yi who possesses the soul, it’s not a difficult task at all. Can never forget.

"The King... Kingdom General?"

One of the teenagers stunned and said an identity. Xia Yi knew that the other party must have misunderstood. Sure enough, it would be impossible to gain anything from talking to children who didn’t even fully understand the world in which they lived. They were in their teenage years. From Xia Yi's point of view, it was a period of time in the starry sky.

"Forget it, I'll find it myself, and I'll send you back on the way."

After the words, Xia Yi had a thought, using the chaotic air change technique to bring the five young girls to the high sky outside the ancient ruins together. All five of them turned green in an instant, and one of them almost fainted while watching their feet. .

"Where to live?"

Xia Yi then asked. The girl who was rescued by Xia Yi seemed a little bolder. She tremblingly pointed to a small town in the distance. Xia Yi nodded, the space changed rapidly again, and Xia Yi moved twice in a row. Jumped over the city gate once and appeared directly in the corner of the city.

"Here, be careful next time. You are not so lucky every time."

This small group of five people can't find the north at all at this moment. It was still deep in the ancient ruins before, but suddenly appeared high in the sky, and even returned to the city in a flash. They couldn't understand this method at all, what kind of advanced it is. Space magic? But this person neither chanted spells nor formed a magic circle but also made instant casts, isn't it a little incredible!

Speaking of his previous method of saving people, it was incredible. The four of them had nothing to do with the injured girl. They could only watch her die. Even the most powerful priest might not be able to rescue the girl from death, but that mystery People just waved his hand to bring the girl back to life.

The things they encountered today were too exciting for them, and they had reached the point where they wondered if they were dreaming. After all, even the strongest generals in their minds were extremely brave. Rumor has it that they have defeated the dragon, but even the generals are also. Can't control the space at will!

"wait wait wait!"

Xia Yi wanted to leave, but was stopped by the girl he had saved before. Xia Yi looked back at her and paid attention to her appearance once more by the way. In fact, the comparison between the people of the Fa God Realm and the immortal clan is still very obvious, immortal. The clansmen have blonde and golden pupils, and those with noble blood have white-gold pupils. Although not all people in the Dharma and God Realm are blonde and blue-eyed, their overall characteristics are very different from those in the West.


"Are you an ancient person who was sealed? Did we revive you?"

The girl thought that the place before was ancient ruins, and Xia Yi’s first few words were old sayings. She felt very excited when she felt that she might have touched some big secret accidentally, but although she was wrong, she was not completely wrong. , Because Xia Yi's age is indeed ancient compared to her.

People who were nearly five hundred years ago.

"You don't understand what I said. If it's okay, please tell me about everything you know."

When Xia Yi first arrived in the Dharma God Realm, Xia Yi wanted to go directly to the main goal, but Xia Yi also noticed some inconveniences. Xia Yi couldn't find a strong person in this entire city. They are fragile people who can't afford to search for souls.

It is a mirage to do it, and if it is not careful, people will be completely stupid.

"Well, please come to my house first if it is convenient!"

At this moment, the girl thought that it was so. This person didn't know anything about the outside world. It really was a sealed existence. The ruins in the southern part of the town have existed for a long time. It is rumored that they are the gate to the unknown world in ancient times, and they are often used for investigation. Never go back.

The five boys and girls have their own ideas, and they all have a strong interest in the mysterious existence of Xia Yi. They are even suspicious of a fact that makes them feel scared.

Is the existence in front of him a sealed ancient god?


In a fairly spacious manor, Xia Yi was treated here as a guest. Xia Yi sat in a pavilion next to the manor’s flower field. Both servants and people living in the manor were very curious about Xia Yi, especially The owner of the manor and the president of the local chamber of commerce.

Hearing his daughter’s report, who was not well received, this person appeared from ancient ruins, spoke ancient sayings, and possessed incredible means. It was most likely an ancient **** in the legend, Xia Yi’s long dark hair and deep depth. To them, the pupils looked very strange, but Xia Yi's temperament was awe-inspiring from the bottom of my heart.

This is an inhuman existence. Almost at first glance, the owner of the manor thinks that, he has also run the chamber of commerce for most of his life. He still has a bit of perspective to see people, and he can analyze what the other party is probably thinking.

But let alone see through Xia Yi's thoughts, he just looked at Xia Yi and felt that everything was seen through. He hardly dared to have any thoughts, but obediently made room for the other party to use.

"Father, is this what she brought back from the ancient ruins? A big living person?"

On the third floor of the manor, the owner of the manor was quietly looking at Xia Yi through the window. Next to the owner of the manor was a man who looked about the same age as Xia Yi. The man's expression was a little uncomfortable, even frowning.

"Don't worry about her too much. She belongs to the Ruins Investigation Team of the Kingdom Academy. This big discovery is enough for her to stay in the history. Didn't the Southern Ruins appear to be Warcraft a few years ago? No one is going to destroy it, you too If you don't tell her, she will be your sister no matter how she says it."

The owner of the manor is still blaming his son for this, but the most important thing is that her illegitimate daughter directly brought back a living person. Their family affairs are a bit complicated, but as a father, we don’t want to see this illegitimate daughter. , He also fulfilled her responsibilities as a father, and spent the money to let her go to college to study in order to be self-reliant in the future.

It's that his son is too small-minded, and he always feels troubled with his half-sister.

"She spends her family's money every day, and she has nothing to contribute. The cost of Wangdu College is so expensive. If she doesn't contribute anything, I plan to find time to talk with her, but what does this person say? She was told by her companion that this person saved her life. She was poisoned by a three-headed snake, and her chest was pierced by a demon wind beast with a wind bullet. It stands to reason that she must die, but this person healed her in a flash."

"You can speak a little bit more affectionately..."

The owner of the manor was a little unhappy when he heard the words "must die", but he couldn't say anything. There was so much hatred between his children, and there must be something wrong with him.

"I think it's better to inform the kingdom as soon as possible. If the kingdom can control this person, it will be a nightmare for the surrounding countries. The kingdom will definitely thank us for our timely report, and at least it can be awarded the title. At that time, our family will be regarded as a veritable nobleman."

The man thought very well, and the owner of the manor shivered. The kingdom controlled this person? Just rely on the little kingdom? It's useless when the empire comes!

"Don't do stupid things, you are still too young, you don't understand the concept of ancient gods at all."

"Hehe, no matter how strong it is, can it be stronger than our kingdom general?"

In the impression of men, no one is stronger than the generals of the kingdom. That is the hero who can defeat the dragon. The people of the kingdom have grown up listening to the heroic deeds of the generals. The generals are the most powerful in the eyes of the residents of the kingdom.

"You made a fool of yourself by intrigue? My child, I won't say much about the past. I know you have a lot of dissatisfaction with me, but you'd better not fool around about it. You don't understand. In the eyes of God, what are we..."

His ambition is not small, even involving the throne of several princes in the capital. Not long ago, he even wanted to take him down and become the president of the chamber of commerce. Therefore, the owner of the manor was more willing to train his own daughter.

"Isn’t that just right? The religious country only recognizes the only god. He is a wild **** among the ancient gods. He is a heretic among the pagans. Perhaps he does have some background, but it’s a good thing to be able to climb into the religious country, father. It's really too stupid. You also believe in ancient rumours? At best, it's a secret wizard."

The man is very confident and thinks that his opportunity is right in front of him. How can he miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

The owner of the manor continued to persuade his son, but it didn't help much. The more he persuaded, the less he would listen. The owner even wanted to beat someone, but when he looked back at the guard behind him, he could only shake his head and sigh.

"Sooner or later, you will suffer a lot because of your ambition. If you are embarrassed to call my father, I know it will be no good for you to come back in a hurry."

The owner of the manor couldn't help lamenting that people should be in awe of everything at any time. Destruction is often accompanied by arrogance. This is the main reason why he has been stepping by step for so many years.

In the small pavilion of the flower field, Xia Yi was drinking tea comfortably, listening to the girl in front of him telling the history. The closure of the Dharma and God Realm was beyond Xia Yi’s imagination. Although the magic method was retained, it was more conscious than Xuan Huang. Be behind.

There has been an extremely serious fault in the history of the Dharma and God Realm, which has caused the Dharma God Realm to think that it is the center of the starry sky. It has been tampered with.

There is no immortal war, no ancient holy war. It is the gods served by the church who created everything. The other gods in the legend are the losers who have been sealed after being defeated by the gods of the church. This kind of speech control and this kind of spiritual dictatorship make Xia Yi Realize that the Fashen Realm may have encountered a very serious problem.

Dharma God Realm is now in the age of Tianling Tianba, and it has been going on for a long time, but it is different. This way of tampering with history and ensuring the purity of faith, there is no doubt that Dharma God Realm has a desire to use faith Behind the scenes, someone who has become a god, or perhaps already a god, controls everything.

But that guy’s control is not absolute, because there have been a lot of protests in the Fashen Realm in the past thousand years, including investigating ancient ruins, which is also a way to find the correct history, and it is also a form of resistance. As the found "ancient **** "Once the existence is made public, it will undoubtedly cause an uproar.

But to be honest, Xia Yi is still a bit disappointed. Xia Yi originally hoped that the Fashen Realm would be as strong as possible, because the Fashen Realm is a very close ally, but now Xia Yi doesn’t really need allies. He doesn’t need allies anyway. What kind of frontal war will be waged with the fairy clan.

Becoming an inferior **** and realizing the power of life, Xia Yi is no longer just the ninth human race.


"In short, this is the history we know well, and I don't know if it is the same as what you know, but according to the information we have investigated, history is by no means what the religious state claims. There are not only gods in the ancient times, but also gods!"

The girl looked at Xia Yi with expectation, hoping to know the real history. Xia Yi also grasped a rough idea. Judging from the information he had already learned, the Dharma and God Realm had planned to close up for recuperation after the split of the immortal clan. There is too little communication with the outside world, and as time goes by, the existence of Outland is gradually unknown.

At this time, someone caught the opportunity and thought it was a good time to control the entire realm. After seizing the hegemony of the Dharma God Realm, he would directly rewrite everything and let the Dharma God Realm abandon the correct history from top to bottom, but even if it is In doing so, there is a limit after all, and people's curiosity will never be lost.

As more and more correct histories are discovered, the various forces in the world of Dharma and God are resisting in their own way, and the rule of the religious state has long been worse than before, and the gods claimed by the religious state have never appeared. , Or perhaps it has passed in the years, but his subordinates still rely on this method to maintain their hegemony.

I have to say that this is a kind of sorrow. The Dharma God Realm wasted too much time and almost fell into a standstill. Fortunately, people have realized the problem, and some people who have traveled through it are estimated to have done a lot in secret. Contribute.

For example, Aola's companions at the time, if they were still alive after so many years, they would at least be the overlord of the Fa God Realm.

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