Generally speaking, Dharma God Realm is welcoming dawn, Xia Yi does not need to interfere too much, just to achieve his own goals. After investigating the information about the immortal ancestors and finding the weakness of the immortal bloodline, the most important thing is to know. What is the clan weapon that was snatched by the immortal clan, and what's the use?

"Yes, the history you know has indeed been tampered with, and the realm of Dharma and God is not the center of everything. There may be life in every star you see when you look up at night. Of course, this probability is extremely small. , But there are so many stars in the sky, this probability will be a little bigger no matter how small it is, and there are things completely different from magic."

Xia Yi kindly told the girl everything, but didn't mention the history of the human race, these things will naturally be known after the opening of the Fa God Realm.

"What about you, what kind of existence are you? Are you really an ancient god?"

"I am indeed old to you. I am like a **** but not exactly a god. If you think I am an ancient god, I am worthy of this name."

Xia Yi confessed everything generously. Hearing Xia Yi's personal confession, the girl sighed, a little happy and a little sad, happy to know the truth, but sad that she was living in a falsehood.

"Master Ancient God, are you the creation of heaven and earth?"

"No, I was the same as you, of course the gods created by heaven and earth also exist."

"Then...are you the legendary **** of war who lit a sacred fire and sat on the throne with a mortal body after a catastrophe?!"

"I don't know what your gods are recorded in your legends, but your words are not wrong, as you said."

Xia Yi's words are completely like opening a door to a new world for girls. The history denied by the church, and the things recorded in ancient books regarded as taboos are all true, there are as many as stars. In the star realm, there are people who are not great, but gradually become great.

While chatting, a series of footsteps suddenly sounded nearby. Many soldiers armed with weapons came from the direction of the main entrance of the manor and directly surrounded the small pavilion from all sides. The girl was frightened by this scene, but Xia Yi was still drinking tea.

"It’s a big tone, God is supreme, the Lord of heaven and earth, how can mortals blaspheme, not to mention igniting sacred fires or something is completely cult nonsense. I don’t know what your identity is, but if you come here to cheat and drink, please You accompany us on a trip."

At the front of the soldiers was a young man who was very luxuriously dressed. He did not believe that Xia Yi had an important reason, that is, Xia Yi was too young and looked younger than him. How could it be possible for a person at this age? Will be the legendary god.

Even if the gods in the legend are young, but living in their own world for too long, people will become unwilling to believe in things beyond their own theories.

"Wilson, what are you doing! don't want to live anymore!"

The girl shivered with fright. Xia Yi is an ancient god. Legends have recorded too many gods’ powers. That is an existence with the power to move mountains and fill the sea. If the **** wants to do things like the kingdom, it can be instantaneous. Let it go away.

Although Xia Yi behaves kindly and loves to laugh, no matter how kind he is, he is also a terrifying ancient god!

"You just look at taboo things all day to make it easy for such people to deceive. In my opinion, he is at most a occultist who can blind eyes. The ancient occult arts belong to the wealth of the kingdom. He obtains it in the secret realm, so he must give it to the kingdom , Including his means to heal you."

The young man spoke with joy. If Xia Yi was really an ancient god, would he be interested in mortal things? So when he saw Xia Yi drinking tea slowly, and seemed to like the taste of tea, he decided Xia Yi It is definitely not an ancient god.

How can God eat all things? To God, aren’t all things dust and scum!

"I like this kind of straightforward and undisguised greed, and I haven't seen it for a long time. It reminds me a little bit of memory. I really don't have anything to do. I also want to go to the kingdom to ask about the situation, but I am more inclined to myself. Go, I will not kill, but she has helped me somehow, with my care, I am too lazy to take care of you, and I hope you will cherish your lives."

After speaking, Xia Yi got up and smiled and patted the shoulder of the girl in front of her. The girl knew that Xia Yi was about to leave, and it was impossible for a mortal to get close to him by Xia Yi's means.

"If they are unfavorable to you, you can just stretch out your finger and say death to one person, but it only works for those who want to kill you and have the intent to kill you. My protection will continue for a while. You can do it for yourself. From now on you and me Nothing."

This girl was a dying person, and she would have died if she didn't meet him, so Xia Yi didn't need to pay attention to the other party's future, because her own influence hurt her like this, just give her basic self-protection.

After speaking, Xia Yi dissipated like a breeze, as if it had never existed, leaving the girl and a large number of soldiers in place, not knowing what to do next, the man's fists slowly clenched, and the more he didn't think Xia Yi was so-called. God, will God run away if he is bullied by mortals?

Yes, it seemed to him that Xia Yi escaped with a secret technique, leaving behind his poor sister.


The fragile girl was surrounded by a group of soldiers. No matter who it was, everyone could think of the outcome. The girl swallowed nervously. Of course, she was not careful because of this situation. She did not expect her brother to be so arrogant. This degree.

Disrespect to God...

Fortunately, the other party is not the evil gods in the legend. What Xia Yi said can be clearly understood by individuals. The killer will always kill him. Xia Yi will not deprive others of their lives, but those who deprive others of their lives will definitely suffer. Sanctions from the deprived.

"Wilson, the truth is as you can see, Lord Ancient God didn’t want to intervene in our ridiculous dispute. I was able to live thanks to his divine power. Although I am not as knowledgeable as my father, at least I can see him right. We don’t care about our lives and deaths."

Xia Yi has a life-saving grace for her, but it is like a trivial effort for Xia Yi, she does not ask anything, and she does not ask her to do anything specially, knowing that she can't provide much help, just like people are hungry. The cubs showed compassion and gave them a bite at will when they passed by.

People know that the cubs do nothing to help themselves, it is purely a whim.

"So, how about giving up your ridiculous greed?"

Xia Yi is gone, the soldiers who are still here are like furnishings, like a joke, the man still insists on what he means, he needs to catch the deceitful occultist and make himself soar, his own annoying sister It's useless anymore, but some things still make him care.

He turned his head to look at a soldier next to him. The soldier drew a bow directly at the girl. The arrow made a burst of air breaking through the girl’s cheek. The girl reached out a hand in disbelief and touched her slightly aching face. A burst of warmth can be clearly felt.

"I'm here to expose his deception. If he is really the so-called god, then what he said is true. If not, you can see it right away. Next time, he won't miss the shot, but it seems to me that most of it is. is fake."

After that, the soldier who pulled the bow also sneered. Gods are all legends. They don’t even believe in the church. What's more, other gods and churches just brainwash the people with the power of God. There are no gods at all, and humans can reach them. The limit is just like that of a general, and Wu Yong can only defeat the dragon.

Although the magician's methods are weird, the secret technique is the most peculiar, but if the occultist is considered a god, then the world will be full of gods long ago.

"Do you have to use someone else's life to prove your stupidity!"

The girl gritted her teeth. In fact, she doesn't know whether Xia Yi's so-called care is true or false, but she believes that God does not need to deceive people. People who have suspicions about history are also divided into two groups. One of them is her. Kind of, I believe that there were gods and even gods in the world in ancient times, and there were many fighting gods who were sublimated through battles in mortal bodies.

Of course, some people think that there is no **** in the world, and heroes and sages are the limit that humans can reach.

"No matter what you say, whether you decide to pursue that occultist with all your strength, this is a simple way of verification."

If the other party really has incredible power, then immediately notify the religious country in exchange for the favor of the religious country. If not, then notify the kingdom to arrest Xia Yi, and the way to verify this problem only needs to sacrifice one person, which is very cost-effective.

Either his sister died or the soldier died. As an extremely ambitious person, it was not the first time he took the lives of others.

"I understand, my elder brother, I am a person who has died once anyway. The appearance of the ancient gods will definitely bring about changes. Perhaps the initial change was because of us, and it was also the initial struggle between our two factions."

The struggle between those who respect history and those who disrespect the unknown.

"so what?"

The man folded his chest with his hands confidently, and looked at the girl who talked big in front of him. The girl glanced at the soldier with an apologetic look. Although he only obeyed the order, somehow her own brother also got into the top of the city defense army. Command soldiers can only be executed.


After speaking, nothing happened. The soldier was still a little nervous. He didn't dare to resist the order. The end of the resistance was dead, so he could only bite the bullet. He hoped that the so-called **** was fake. , And it now appears to be the case.

"Haha...haha, nothing happened to me!"

"Master Wilson, the so-called **** is really fake..."

The soldier hadn’t finished speaking, and suddenly realized that everyone’s eyes were not right when they were looking at him. There was fear in their eyes. Some even knelt down and prayed. The girl’s brother, the man named Wilson, had expressions. It was extremely ugly to step back a few steps, and the whole body couldn't help shivering again.

And their eyes seemed to look at the top of their heads again.


The soldier looked up and saw that there was a cloud of human-shaped black mist above his head. I don't know where it came from. Even the sun could not penetrate the black mist. Hei mist held a scythe in his hand and waved it down.

The next moment, his eyes lost their look, and he fell straight before he could think about the next step. There was no injury or blood stains on his body, and he left in such a clean and neat manner.

Even the girl herself did not expect that she could summon that thing. The black mist is very similar to a forbidden technique in the legend. At the cost of her own life, she summons the so-called shadow of the **** of death, and pulls the opponent to die with her. It is the most mysterious and sensational curse in black magic, and even heroes cannot survive in the shadow of death.

But the price of use is that the user himself will undoubtedly die, but the girl did not feel any bad things in the body.

If the **** declared by the church can at least be respected by the people, then the **** of death circulated in the myth is the existence that all living beings fear.

"Death... the servant of the **** of death... she is the dark witch..."

"Then...the person before that the **** of death?"

"She was protected by the **** of death, the legend is true! Go and notify the church!"

The soldiers were completely panicked. Because Xia Yi knew some legends of the Dharma and God Realm, he deliberately let the power of his death image appear in the form of a black shadow sickle. In this sense, it caused a greater storm.

The **** of death with black eyes and black eyes appeared in this world!

Although Xia Yi might not have thought of this, Xia Yi didn’t care either. Everything would be clear after the Dharma God Realm opened again, unless he was alone in the fairy clan and desperately fighting with the Sifang Palace Master, unless he was so stupid to go to the Dao Fa to fight the Four Great Dao. Zun, otherwise he basically doesn't have to worry about his own safety.

The Law God Realm can't help him, and even the closed Law God Realm can't do it.


Half an hour later, there was an uproar in the palace of the royal city. The news from the border towns had shocked the entire palace. Someone awakened the ancient existence sleeping in the ancient ruins. It was most likely a **** and a black magician. One of our most worshipped gods, the **** of death.

Many soldiers have testified that the **** can let a fragile girl use the shadow of death at will without sacrificing her own life. This can only be done by the followers of the **** of death, and the **** has indeed said about him personally. The girl's own protection has been given.

Once this news came out, it could not be covered up. The only thing the royal family could do was to seek help from the hegemony they hated, and only to help the church, because the **** of death said that he would come to the palace himself, and this news has already been made at this moment. All the black magicians who learned about it were caught in a carnival.

The reason why white magic is the mainstream is that there are churches, but the gods of the churches have never appeared. The **** of death they believe in in black magic has suddenly appeared. Does this indicate that the world is about to usher in darkness? Under the shadow of death?

And as a believer, their black magicians are also subordinates, and they will surely be able to control everything.

"My lord, the big thing is not good, the black magicians are rioting outside the palace and want to break into the palace..."

"My lord, the deputy commander of the Palace Magic Group is actually a black mage. He has publicly announced a betrayal..."

"My lord, the black witch in the black forest in the north of the country is coming out of the nest and is heading to the king city!"

In the magnificent palace, the king was stupid when he heard the news reported by the soldiers, because the surrounding countries also heard news that the local dark magic groups all flocked to his kingdom, wanting to see them for the first time God, even the Shadow Church, which has been hidden in the ground for so many years, no longer hides. The dark power of the world is reveling because of the appearance of death.

I don't know how much power is fueling the flames behind this. The magic crystal, which was originally only an image record, has been copied countless times in a short period of time and reached the hands of countless people who worship the darkness. For the first time, the world of darkness has appeared in front of people with such a high profile.

Perhaps even Xia Yi himself doesn't know how many people's attention he will focus on as a denial of the current historical existence of the God Realm. He is not acting in a high-key manner. He can be low-key but not necessary.

He has long since lost the playfulness that wanted to bully people when he was in the Metaverse. He only wanted to achieve his goals most efficiently, and it would be beneficial to the Fashen Realm in the long run.

The king did not dare to resist any resistance at all, and simply announced the release, allowing the rebellious people who were regarded as infidels to flood into the palace, or women dressed in black robes, or women dressed in coquettish fashion, and undead with rotten aura. It's all here, even if the king of the dark world appears, it won't make the people of the dark world so crazy.

But if it’s a **** in the dark world, it’s a different story. The world of Dharma and God has had a unique culture of faith since ancient times, let alone being dictated by the church for so long, and even the faith is not free. Now I am fortunate to be able to see it in person. What you see, how can they not be crazy?

In the evening, as the sun sets, almost all people in the palace are connected with the darkness. The world of Dharma and God is the most faithful in the light and therefore a strong dark faith was born.

Suddenly, a person appeared inexplicably above the palace. After this person appeared, the noisy atmosphere immediately became quiet. All the people who served the darkness knelt down and stared at the person who appeared suddenly with unexcited eyes.

Black hair and black eyes are the rumors of death.


After Xia Yi appeared, the first thing he felt was doubt, because he came from the border, and Xia Yi admired the style of the Dharma God Realm on the road, which caused Xia Yi to come a little late, but those who kneeled to him, looked at him. What's the matter with the fanatics still in it? Xia Yi wanted to find the king to learn some historical legends, as for?

"You are?"

Xia Yi didn't understand what was going on with these people, but he could see that they all respected him extremely. Could it be that the culture of the Fashen Realm was different?

"We are your loyal believers, and we are here to admire your majesty."

"Honey Reaper! Are you trying to avenge Guangming?"

"Please let us follow you to change the world."

These people with dark beliefs swear loyalty in unison, Xia Yi was speechless. He did not intend to hold any power in the Dharma God Realm. The Dharma God Realm reminded Xia Yi of Xuan Huang who had never known other realms. This kind of closure may be a kind of luck, or it may be a kind of sorrow, but in any case, the destiny of the Fa-shen realm is controlled by the people of the Fa-shen realm.

"I don't intend to change anything, and I am not the ancient **** you believe in. If one of you has an understanding of true history, it should be where I come from. My position has nothing to do with light or darkness."

After that, Xia Yi looked at the very nervous king above the throne. There was a body refiner beside the king, who had reached the level of martial arts, but had not yet made any turn of the Ninth Turn of Fading Fan. He is probably the general of this kingdom, so if you say this, the dragon and the dragon clan of the Dharma God Realm are obviously not the same clan, they should be distant relatives of the dragon clan.

"Who is the strongest in this world?"

It was still an old question. Xia Yi went straight to the subject, ignoring those who regarded him as a god. The king clearly knew the general situation of the Fashen Realm better than the lower class people, but he still thought about it for a while.

"I don't know who the strongest is, I only know who may be the strongest."

"Also, tell me everything."

Even if it is not the strongest, the one who can dominate in the Law God Realm definitely knows some ancient mysteries, perhaps looking for the past one by one will get more information than simply looking for the strongest.

"The elven queen of the beginning of the forest, the sage of the academy alliance, the great elder of the only empire, the dragon island dragon god, the demon king and the vampire grand duke, the pope of the church, and the knight commander of the Templar with the name of the hero king."

"I got it, but the absence of angels and demons surprised me."

"There is, but it was a long time ago, and the possibility of existence in certain relics is not ruled out."

The king’s words basically gave Xia Yi a clear idea of ​​the structure of the Dharma God Realm. It seems that there are many people in the Dharma God Realm who retain ancient bloodlines. What is an ancient bloodline? Logically speaking, the Xuanhuang Fuxi clan is a human snake tail, or a dragon tail. , But with the optimization and dilution of time and blood, most human races are developing in the most ideal direction.

That is the characteristics of the three Kaitian emperors. The three Kaitian emperors proved that the initial human race is the strongest. No matter how many blood lines are mixed, human blood will always dominate. In other words, other humanoid races are all human races in general.


After Xia Yi learned the information he wanted, he disappeared and disappeared as he pleased. He didn't say a word to those who believed in the darkness. It was not Xia Yi begging them to come, but this reaction made the belief in darkness. People have become more fanatical.

This is the arrogance that God should have. They think that they have nothing to contribute, so why can they be in the eyes of God, and the things Xia Yi asked before made many people think about it. Xia Yi asked all the strong in this world. Who are they, and they seem to be looking for them one by one, is this to subdue them and then climb to the top with absolute dominance from top to bottom?

Although there are many misunderstandings, dark believers believe that it is time for darkness to sweep the world.

The starry sky outside the realm of Law God.

Xia Yi flew out of the clouds and rushed directly into the outer starry sky. This is the fastest way. Thinking of the Dharma God Realm with so many ancient blood human races, Xia Yi seems to have realized why the immortal ancestors can create immortal races. It should be because the ancient blood human races have their own power Inspired by the characteristics, he tried every means to integrate the non-human parts, and obtained various ancient blood abilities, but because of this, he lost more human blood.

The strength of the human blood must be acknowledged, but the weakness of the human blood is also obvious. That is a matter of probability. The ancient blood humans can be excellent powerhouses, but the current humans have to experience too much competition if they want to get ahead. Fight with each other, but basically a dozen or so ancient blood human races are comparable.

So... the means by which the immortal ancestor shared his own power through blood connection must also come from a certain ancient blood human race in the Dharma God Realm. The way to crack it is to find the roots of that ancient blood race and ask the ancestors.

Xia Yi’s first goal is the queen of the elves. Most of the beautiful features of the fairy men and women are inherited from the elves. Although Xia Yi does not know how long the life span of the mortals of the celestial race is, they are longer than mortals in other realms. , Xia Yi has never seen a few particularly old people in the Xian Clan except for the Lord of Xitian Palace.

Just look for it one by one, and sooner or later we can analyze the blood composition of the immortal clan clearly, and the bloodline problem that is the most troublesome for Xia Yi will be solved by then. Even if the immortal clan separates from the Fa God Realm, the Fa God Realm is still an immortal. The true lair of the clan!

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