But this was a small problem in Xia Yi's eyes. Xia Yi used the primordial spirit to directly lock the organ's heart, and accurately fetched the organ's heart with the air-exchange technique. The organ's heart was taken out of the chest without injury, and it was suspended on Xia Yi's palm, blood stained. And the sticky and unidentified organization is about to damage the organ heart. This kind of object is an ancient relic at first glance, and it is estimated that it is difficult to manufacture at the current level of the Dharma God Realm.

Xia Yi flung his hand and threw the organ heart away at random, placing his hand on the sage's chest. The old sage only felt an inexplicable warmth in his chest, and a familiar but unfamiliar agitation was slowly born.

"I'm just here for questioning. Remember this. I don't want to kill anyone. Don't force me to get dirty. I can give you your heart and take your soul away."

The sage looked at Xia Yi with his eyes wide open. He almost couldn't believe that Xia Yi would do such a thing, repaying grievances with virtue, and facing dangers with kindness. There is a saying that God has mercy on the world, the gods of the human race in ancient times. It's like this, and always have tolerance and understanding for the people of the human race.

"I'm guilty……"

No one knows that when a sage was young, he was a member of the church, even a bishop of the church. He condemned the church because he spurned the church’s front and back style. He once believed that God is a man. , Then there is no merciful **** at all.

But now that he knew he was wrong, he couldn't help but want to repent, and for a while he planned to regain his faith.


After this, Xia Yi left directly and did nothing more. The menacing means was very gentle. The compatriot from Xuan Huang looked at Xia Yi as he stepped into the depths of the palace, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

He felt it, felt the gap, the gap in strength, the gap in mind, in level, in life, everything is inferior to him, this kind of existence that overrides mortals in all aspects makes him truly can only admire that this may be God. Different from people.

Divinity is a kind of human nature that is free from low-level struggles. Innate gods don’t care about good or evil. Therefore, innate divine nature is unfettered freedom. The divine nature created by human nature is a kind of order. Judging things with the longest perspective.

Therefore, the controversy between innate and nurture may be, most bluntly, a collision of disorder and order.

Inside the palace, there are countless powerful empires gathered here, but they all know what happened at the door. The sage is not the enemy of one unit. Even the disciple of the sage who masters the artifact is powerless, carefully preparing the magic knot that has been arranged with painstaking effort. The world was blasted through with a punch, this kind of high-level power that almost surpassed imagination, so that no one in the empire dared to resist.

Facing the weak and looking down.

Face the slightly stronger, hate.

Facing the strongest, look up.

Xia Yi had already caused the people of the empire to lose even the thought of resistance. Xia Yi reached the largest and most luxurious one in the palace complex all the way. After opening the door, Xia Yi saw a rectangular table with the main position. Sitting on top of a burly old man, although he can clearly see the characteristics of aging, his spirit is very strong, his body is powerful, and the expression on his weather-beaten face is calm, not even a bit more powerful than a sage.

A sage can only be regarded as a general saint at best, or a wounded ordinary saint, and the great elder is probably a demigod. Xia Yi felt a weak divine power in him.

"My lord, please sit down."

The great elder was quite polite, and took the initiative to stand up and put a hand on his chest to salute Xia Yi, and motioned to Xia Yi to sit opposite him, and Xia Yi did.

"Although the disturbance I have caused this time is big, I still want to say that I don't want to intervene in any disputes in the Dharma God Realm, and I don't want any disputes to actively involve me. I have heard that the soldiers of your empire have the blood to gather together. Power capacity, please elaborate."

"There is indeed. I wonder if you ask what this is doing. You should know that this is the biggest secret of our empire. Although you are indeed not malicious, you must have a defensive heart. Moreover, you are still a foreigner. I dare not. Make sure you don’t mean to invade."

"I still don’t look down on the Dharma and God Realm, let alone your little empire. I will leave as soon as I achieve my goal. The reason why you can still have confidence is nothing more than your ability to gather blood here. Li, this is what I'm afraid of, but I'm not afraid of you, but of the immortal clan."

"Xianzu... It's been a long time since I heard these two words."

The great elder of the empire sighed, so that Xia Yi's purpose would be easy to guess.

"Do you want to attack the fairy clan?"

"I don't want it, but I'm halfway through it. After I know how to crack the bloodline, I will clean up the immortal clan. I don't want you to be a soldier, and I will not covet you all at once."

"I will believe you for the time being. I wanted to rely on the guys at the door to test your strength. I didn't expect that even the tip of the iceberg could not be tested. I won't show my ugliness. The ancestors of our clan in the Daofa Emperor's time ruled the human race army. You should know that the world of law and gods is almost located between the initial star field and the new star field."

"I know that."

"At that time, the Dharma and God Realm was the frontier of the human race. Although the congenital race disappeared in the past, it still harassed us at intervals of three to five. Although the ancestor did not leave a name in the history, he did stay in the frontier until he passed away, and the next generation Who believes that you know better than me."

"The ancestor of the fairy clan?"

"Exactly, he is called Di Zhao. He is one of the disciples of Emperor Daofa. He was also given the emperor's surname after casting and making the emperor. Only a person who is the pro-inheritor of Emperor Daofa is eligible to change his surname to emperor. The surname is the first name, and the original name of Emperor Zhao is Zhaodai, and has no direct blood relationship with the immortal clan today. Zhaodai was punished by Daofa Emperor to guard the frontier for 50,000 years for committing a taboo, and the taboo committed by Zhaodai was to cast people. "

"Creating people... I'm afraid this is not referring to the organ people, right?"

Xia Yi smiled speechlessly. It was clear who made him. He was the fairy clan. Although he was the ancestor of the immortal, he had no blood relationship with the immortal clan.

"Of course, he thinks that the blood of the human race may have impurities like refining tools. Although martial arts can make people into steel, wouldn’t it be better to use fine steel castings directly? He wanted to make any contribution too much and came to the frontier. Later, I saw that the army guarding the frontier repelled the innate tribe several times, and this gave rise to the idea of ​​creating weapons men specifically to protect the human tribe."

"So... the fairy clan was a weapon man in the beginning?"

Weapon Man, this statement is a bit excessive, but it also conforms to the view that the fairy clan has always felt that he is a guardian, and based on what the central palace lord said not long ago, Xia Yi can analyze that the immortal clan still regards himself as a guardian. The Central Palace Master mentioned that in the early years, many people did not regard the members of the fairy clan as humans at all, and took the sacrifice of the members of the fairy clan for granted. There was no funeral, no condolences, and the only thing left to do with the damaged sword was to discard this one.

"Soldiers, the earliest immortals are indeed called this way. The means of gathering blood comes from the ancestors of our military family. The military family was mainly responsible for leading the army. Everyone in the military family is good at leading the army. All kinds of military skills were established in the early days of the military, and everyone who has completed the training must drink a drop of blood from the military members."

"We rely on blood to gather strength, but we do not rely on a single offspring. Anyone who drank blood and behaves can advance and retreat together as one heart. The strength is our own. We only give a bridge of communication. This is also the way of human beings. One of the important forces for Fatian to expand its territory so quickly."

The great elders of the empire were very proud when they talked about these things. The main reason is that these things can't be told to anyone at ordinary times. Xia Yi, a sub-god who comes from outside the territory and knows something about history, is a good confidant.

"In other words, in fact, blood cohesion should be the iconic force of the human army?"

"It is so, no other race is more suitable for this method than us. We are easy to communicate with each other, can empathize with each other, can share the same hatred, strong, united, and therefore invincible, but since the era when everyone is willing to give, who else will Willingly give their power to others?"


"To talk about this, I have always been curious about why there will be more and more disunity after going through hardships. What is the reason?"

The Realm of Law and God was once the frontier of the human race. It is not known by too many people because of the closure. This empire has always continued. With the power of gathering blood, it is basically difficult for local forces to completely destroy the empire.

Once the empire has a chance to breathe, the outcome will be as it is today, directly becoming the helm of the party.

"Our frontiers have always been peaceful, and the chaos of foreign races will not enter the Dao Fa, and the Dao Fa will not be chaotic in the frontiers. The main reason is that the Dao Fa emperor’s policies in the past also caused some people to protest. , In order to drive away the congenitals, the peak of Dao Fatian was obtained by sacrificing the ego by countless people."

"This kind of sacrificing the ego is embodied in that if the talents are insufficient, they can only become the masses of beings who gather strength for others, and they are not given the possibility. Because there are too many geniuses, so many ordinary geniuses can only be reduced to mortals. Dao Fa During the peak of the sky, who doesn't want to seek the emperor's throne, coupled with the peace for too long, the road of expansion will slowly stop."

"People's internal fighting eventually began in ideology. There are not many records about our clan, but our military ancestors have their own views. He thinks that soldiers who do not want to be generals are not good soldiers, but some people think that at least they are When you are a soldier, you must listen to orders, and don't resist the order in order to claim credit and do what you think is correct."

The great elder of the empire has obviously inherited the characteristics of the military and has cultivated tens of thousands of soldiers in the empire, but it is certainly not comparable to the immortal. It is conceivable that he even used his understanding of instruments to violate taboos. Although he succeeded in the end, it is a pity that some things are beyond his control.

Even if he is kind, even when the immortal clan was born, he was loyal to the human clan, but the behavior of some people is indeed chilling. No one asks the soldiers on the front line, and the villain in the back is beautifully buried, even if it is replaced by Xia Yi , Xia Yi would also feel unfair.

"So in fact, the immortal clan is dead-headed. If you don't know how to adapt, they are still sticking to the meaning of Dao Fa Emperor?"

"I am not very clear about the current immortal clan, but the immortal clan cannot resist the righteousness of the human race. They live and die for the righteousness. Since their birth, they have been branded with unchanging loyalty. Their bloodline is like this, and the bloodlines of all races are honored Being one body and dominated by military bloodlines, it is equivalent to that every soldier has the rich bloodlines of former generals, and the power that each immortal clan can supply and enhance is much stronger than ordinary people."

"Their army is invincible...because they are the army of our human race, our strongest external force."

The elders of the empire were speechless when talking about this, and the existence of the immortal clan was indeed very contradictory.

"What exactly did Xuan Huang do back then, and why did the Fa God Realm let the fairy clan defect and separate back then?"

"It is related to the human emperor soldier talisman. The human emperor soldier talisman is a carry-on item for the commander of the army. It has the heroic spirit of our human race throughout the year. When the immortal clan was created in the Zhao Dynasty, in order to prevent the immortal clan from resisting, the atmosphere of the soldier amulet was incorporated into the first generation of immortals. In the blood of the tribe, the immortal clan could not resist the talisman. Therefore, the immortal clan took away the talisman and the most important items for the frontier army after defecting.

"That immortal clan is called righteousness?"

What kind of justice is to let the enemy shut down!

"Actually... it's really righteous. After Emperor Daofa went with Emperor Wu, all realms wanted to take over the power of the human race. The internal fighting continued until the chaotic war. It was the invasion of the innate family that allowed the race to stop internal fighting and temporarily enter peace. From now on, the Human Race will never have any large-scale internal fights, and the biggest one after that was the battle between the Xian Race and Xuanhuang."

"I understand the reason for the defection of the Xian clan. It is estimated that the Xian clan was forced to do it with grief and indignation back then, so why did you have to enmity with Xuanhuang?"

"Because Xuanhuang has publicly expressed his willingness to accept and help any kind of innate family."

"Because of this?"

"Yes, the fairy clan probably remembered it in my heart at that time. Until countless years later, Xuanhuang changed from an ordinary realm to the holy land of the human race. Middle-earth China has the most gods in the starry sky, and the human race has the most people with the posture of becoming emperors. Belonging to a family is simply the second law. What will happen once such a realm is in power?"

"Will... indulge the innate family."

Xia Yi thought about it for a long time, and gave a true and accurate answer. Xuanhuang is a warm realm. Xuanhuang believes that all living things are beautiful and give equal opportunities to all things.

If in the peaceful age, it might be a good thing to have such a starry sky overlord, but it is definitely not in the starry sky where threats are always present. If Xia Yi must be chosen, even if Xia Yi betrayed his conscience, he must be admitted and ruled by the fairy clan. The starry sky is much more stable.

The blood of the immortal clan, the clan weapon that was taken from the Fashen Realm, Xia Yi has already learned the ins and outs, and the great elder has described it in great detail. He can see that even he himself is wondering about many things, and he needs someone to discuss it together. road.

"But we still helped Xuanhuang, first of all because of the relationship with Xuanhuang, and secondly because of Xuanhuang's approach. As the frontier of the human race, we actually don't agree with Xuanhuang's approach internally. We give civilization to everything, who will give us? years?"

"The Dragon Clan lost control of Huang Gutian because of the connivance of the Human Race! And the Xuanhuang Clan inherited too much dragon blood, and inherited the tolerance of the Dragon Clan, which also caused the fairy clan to feel that Xuanhuang is a dangerous factor."

As the person leading the rise of the empire, the great elder of the empire had a longer-term view of these things than Xia Yi. Xia Yi lowered his head and pondered, and all the answers to various questions finally came together.

A final test question that faces everyone, the instinct that exists in the heart of the living from the beginning of the birth is to survive, no matter what, to continue to copy one's own existence, because everything is a miracle, and the soul should be headed by.

"In order to survive, can you do nothing at all..."

Xia Yi was dumb. This was no longer just for the sake of being righteous. If he couldn't continue to do it, he would lose everything, so what else would he care for? Can only be desperate.

"Even if Rumao drinks blood, this is how we came here. In order to continue to survive, we don't mind doing it again. So I have told you so much, do you want to help liberate the frontiers of the human race? The world of Dharma and God may be of great use in the future. The existence of the church is completely It's a scourge!"

When the empire veteran said that he wanted Xia Yi to help him, Xia Yi shrugged and nodded decisively after thinking about it for a few seconds.

"You used history to move me. There is no rhetoric or deception. I like that."


If the Dharma God Realm is only the Dharma God Realm, then Xia Yi still intends not to interfere according to the original plan, but it seems that the history of the Dharma God Realm is not simple. land.

Because the Dharma God Realm did not have much spiritual energy, all people living in the Dharma God Realm used martial arts as their mainstay, and slowly found out other ways to use aura and heaven and earth, that is magic, which is based on spirit power. Controlling the power of heaven and earth produces a series of chain reactions, instead of using oneself as a furnace to refine the power of heaven and earth.

As far as magic is concerned, the heaven and the earth pass through the body and do not exist. They are just a medium. For the monk, the heaven and earth are contained in the body. The gap between the medium and the container is still very large in the long run. The perfect method may be far stronger than the monk in weak hours, and when the Qi-gathering monk can hardly create fire on his own, the magician can already control ice and fire, and can control wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

But the container will gradually expand and increase as the contents increase, but the medium is always just the medium. When it reaches a high level, the medium will cause itself injury due to the excessively powerful energy passing through the body, but the container has already transformed itself. To be a member of the heaven and the earth, until even the heaven and the earth are contained in it.

The origins of magic basically appear with the goal of being usable by everyone and exerting greater power as much as possible. It is much faster than practicing. It may be able to produce sages in a hundred years, but the holy deity spends it on average. Only a thousand years can be achieved.

But at least, compared to magic at a high level, there is no way to improve, no matter how long the road of Taoism is, at least it can go on.

On the way to the church, the great elder of the empire and Xia Yi talked about magic. He focused on body refining, and he didn’t get much magic. Magic is a high-start and low-growth route, while refining is a low start. Grow high.

There is a lot of pain in body refining, no need to say more about how painful it is. He was almost beaten by the Qi-training monk before Wu Huang, and Xia Yi also felt this way. Once he was stretched far away, it would be really uncomfortable to die. Fortunately He had foreseen this a long time ago, and practiced the Qingyun Nine Jue diligently to make up for his own disadvantages, but he still often suffered serious injuries.

No way, he has to find ways to get close to the enemy!

"I think magic is more suitable for large-scale promotion. As a good means of self-preservation, it is excellent enough and does not require high levels of cultivators. Even though Taoism is easier than refining, it still needs some talent and understanding. Well, comprehension is the most difficult thing to say clearly."

Talents are at least measurable, and understanding is not clear. People with high understanding can get stuck on the bottleneck, and people with low understanding can soar in place because of an epiphany.

"Enlightenment is a kind of growth, a proof of thinking about anytime and anywhere. In my opinion, being alive is a kind of enlightenment. There is no single answer to any question, and I will comprehend from time to time until I find what I am. Alive."

After all, Xia Yi was considered a cultivator, and he had understood many principles of heaven and earth, and he still had some insights, but the empire veteran was not good enough, and his vision and overall outlook were somewhat lacking.

"The so-called original intention?"

"Heh...Where there is any original intention, it is good that the original intention can remain unchanged, it is just a feeling, or the original intention of the ancients and the original intention as we understand it is not a concept at all."

Xia Yi was aware of this problem a long time ago. The original intention was too difficult to maintain. Xia Yi's original intention was kindness. He wanted to see everyone happy, and he hoped to see everyone around him laughing, no intrigue, no deceit and betrayal, blue sky and white clouds. Staying here, don't regret coming to this world, you can walk with a smile to death.

But how many people actually live worse than death?

"I don't understand very well, but I have to say that this era is indeed difficult. After Wudi, it will eventually decline to Godlessness. Soon, if we live long enough, maybe we will usher in the Year of No Saint in our lifetime. I really hope that It's best not to come one day."

"No one wants it, but if that day comes, it would be nice to be able to do as many things as possible."

Xia Yi went back 100,000 years ago, and clearly felt the gap between heaven and earth, and the future generations would feel like living in the fog, seeing everything blurred.

"Yes, but the innate family has fallen worse than us. This should be the only thing to be happy about."

"Um... maybe."

Xia Yi's expression hesitated for a moment, and the empire veteran didn't say anything, because he felt that even if he asked, he didn't necessarily understand it. Although he knew history, history was always past.

"Here, there is the Holy City of Jiaoguo in front of you. It's very peaceful, isn't it? Such a big city doesn't even have guards. Although the Jiaoguo has done a lot of excessive things, it has actually never persecuted any infidels. There is no killing and crime in the most peaceful land in the whole French God Realm, but I always feel that the people here are laughing stiffly."

It is obviously not the first time that the great elder of the empire has come to the Holy City of the Kingdom of Education. He and Xia Yi landed in mid-air and walked directly into the holy city without guards and no wall protection. The holy city is mainly based on white. Buildings are either white stone or white wood, and you can feel a kind of peace from the heart just by being in it.

Xia Yi carefully looked at the passers-by. Everyone was talking and laughing. They humbled and greeted each other with three words of hope that God would take care of each other. The belief that existed since birth changed their way of living. Xia Yi didn't think they laughed stiffly. , It’s just that the smile is too simple, it seems that smile is their most common emotion.

"I’ve been in **** for a long time. It’s strange to see heaven. I don’t know if their souls are free, but they don’t feel unjust. Belief in God makes them harmless, but I don’t think it is suitable for survival. Malice is necessary. Yes, because that is the most basic instinct."

If you are benevolent to all things, you don't need to exist, and the creatures that have lost their minions are like grass and trees.

"I think so too. Although the church is not wrong, but the church's approach is like raising pigs. I don't know the hard history, don't care about the future of suffering, and just have fun in the moment."

The opinion of the great elders of the empire is not unreasonable. The human race went too smoothly during the peak period of the Dao Fa Tian and took many things for granted. In fact, fundamentally speaking, it is not easy to be able to exist and to be born as a person.

"Violence is the root of the disaster, but it is also a necessary factor for its existence. It is ridiculous to say that the church is guilty of taking away people's violence. I even think they are indeed guilty, and I really don't know what to say. "

Violence is a sin, and no violence is also a sin. What is not a sin in the end may be a sin at birth.


In the center of the holy city of the religious nation, there is the largest temple in the whole French God Realm. Outside the solemn temple, people keep entering it, the people are praying, the clergy are praying to God, a small mistake in daily life, An uncontrollable anger is a sin.

Standing outside the temple, Xia Yi only felt that this was a way of repressing humanity, but because of this, the entire church country can be so peaceful. Under the rule of the church, the God Realm does not know how long the peaceful time has been spent. This obviously should be correct, but Xia Yi always feels uncomfortable.

The empire and all the forces that rebelled against the church disrupted peace, brought war and death, sang songs of freedom to kill evil, and scolded people who had no power to abandon their gods. The church and Xia Yi imagined it. The gods of brainwashing people are somewhat different. Even if they are treated maliciously, most of their prayers are asking God to redeem themselves, believing that they have done something wrong that caused this end.

No one prays to God to punish sin, because they don't understand what sin is. It is their own sin that makes them suffer injustice and be cruelly treated.

"I said, are we really going to destroy the church?"

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