Standing inside the wide temple, Xia Yi watched ten thousand kneeling and praying. What they said in a low voice, Xia Yi could hear clearly, their souls were white and innocent, and he thought they were wrong, yes. Because this filthy soul can't tolerate purity anymore?

"Are you willing to see hypocrisy? You should know what unrestrained forgiveness will bring. You should know that my methods have been very soft. People who deal with the church can not kill as much as possible. A few people will curse us before they die, but The vast majority of people are very sad and quietly waiting for death."

"They don't even die and don't fight against fate. This approach worries me. Can you believe that their prayers are still useful when the threat of foreign enemies comes? Is there really an omniscient and omnipotent existence to guard everything? Except for those Templar knights. Normal people, the souls of these guys are missing!"

The great elder of the empire looked at the kneeling prayers with sad eyes, and various images appeared in Xia Yi's mind, facing the darkness to burn his own human race pioneers, and those who would rather die than follow their fate to make the race great.

"But is their goodness only aimed at the same race? If so, I am opposed to destroying the church. This is fundamentally different from the evil way I imagined brainwashing others!"

Xia Yi now has a different view, because the atmosphere of harmony and happiness 100,000 years ago did not allow Xia Yi to feel comfortable and destroy peace and tranquility with his own hands. Xia Yi was unwilling to do such things.

"The problem is that even if the appearance is like this, they are basically providing faith for the so-called gods. They are pigs raised in captivity. Gods do not need to believe in evil thoughts, so their kindness is only born to be better used. Don’t you think this is the saddest place!"

"Perhaps it means that it may be used, which also means usefulness. What's wrong with giving freedom of faith and spirit to get peace? Sometimes freedom is not a good thing. Freedom also represents unrestrained desire and greed, as a way to survive. , I think this is reasonable, because the **** will take the responsibility to protect them."

"But the foreign enemy is far stronger than the so-called god, and we must be cruel to the foreign enemy by unscrupulous means!"

"I know... I just feel uncomfortable in my heart. Maybe it's because my original intention has not changed. I didn't say anything before."

Xia Yi was silent for a moment, and finally stood on the side of the great elder of the empire. He understood what was right, even if it seemed so wrong.

"No, I am also a little offensive. As a military member, the blood inherited from my ancestors from generation to generation makes me involuntarily wanting to do everything for the human race, and this immortal race is even worse than us. They see it in their eyes. No sand."

"It's okay. I used to have very different views of the immortals. I think they are just pure invaders."

Xia Yi once felt that all the immortals deserve to die, and that none of them should go to hell.

In the temple, Xia Yi and the empire elder stood by the door and kept talking in low voices. Their plan was also very simple. Capture the thieves first. Because of Xia Yi's unmatched combat power, the empire elders intend to directly Let Xia Yi control the top of the church and let the church disintegrate. Although the people who lose the church's coordination will be in chaos for a period of time, with the help of the empire, order will be restored soon.

While chatting, Xia Yi and the great elder of the empire noticed that someone was approaching them at the same time. They were wearing religious robes and hoods. They should not be very conspicuous. Inexplicably laughed twice.

"Is the saint of the church? Sure enough, she will be aware of it."

After the great elder of the empire, Xia Yi was also a girl who raised three points and looked towards them. She has a rare long silver hair, and her face cannot be said to be cute or beautiful, but it is much more attractive than ordinary people, but This kind of general but with an indescribable difference, she is slowly approaching in an ordinary white robe.

"I wonder what's the matter with the two of you?"

The saint did not look at the great elder of the empire or Xia Yi when she spoke. Instead, she looked at the gap between the two of them. Xia Yi stared at her, but the other party seemed to be out of sight. Those clever but godless eyes still stared into the distance.

It seemed that her eyes were decorations, she couldn't see, and to be precise, she was completely blind.

"Nothing big, I am the empire's elder, there are some things that need to be discussed with your pope, you should know who is next to me."

"The **** of death awakened in recent rumors?"

The saint still has a plain expression, and is not afraid of the terrifying title of the **** of death.

"You don't seem to be afraid of death?"

Xia Yi was a little curious about this saint, because she was completely mortal, she was even blind, she didn't look at herself, but Xia Yi just thought she was staring at herself.

"For me, it's just going from darkness to darkness. There is nothing terrible. It's just a pity that I failed to complete my mission and cannot guide more people. In any case, I welcome the two of you to come, and I will immediately notify the Pope."

The girl walked away with a generous and polite smile. Xia Yi frowned involuntarily looking at the girl who was going away.

"She's very strange. I didn't notice it for the first time before. She didn't even look at it. She couldn't hear and feel it. Her heart didn't beat at all, and there was no vitality in her body. She was a dead person!"


Xia Yixiu is very sensitive to the breath of life and death, but this saint has no breath of death, it can only be said that she is completely dead, but she can still move and even talk and smile normally, which makes Xia Yi full of puzzles.

"She is a tool used by the church to deceive the believers. She has the reputation of being blessed by God. As a person who communicates with the omniscient and almighty, she should be immortal, but the church can never let people of the blood race be a saint. She was purified by the Holy Light before she walked in. Her soul was trapped in the body by the church with special means, and the body could not leave the temple. If the temple is a tool, then she is a tool spirit."

"Is it just empty existence..."

Xia Yi shook her head slowly. This was a bit too pitiful. It might be better for her to die. She served the light but longed for the death of death. Of course Xia Yi couldn't figure out what she was thinking about.

After a while, the saint and a middle-aged man wearing bright silver armor came to Xia Yi and the great elder of the empire. This middle-aged man had a cold expression and was also a strong body refiner, and his aura was no better than that of the great elder of the empire. Weak, it seems that it should be one of the highest combat power of the church. Many believers also noticed this and prayed secretly to this middle-aged man.

If Xia Yi's expectation is not bad, he is the knight commander of the church.

"I will take the Great Elder to meet the Pope, a **** outside the territory. For your purpose, we have asked the Elves and the Demon Vampire Archduke and learned that we are not going to make any meaningless resistance. The Great Elder, the Pope will give something to you You explained clearly, I didn't expect you to even move the gods outside the territory."

"Oh? What secrets do you have? According to my investigation, didn't the **** you believe in died long ago?"

At this time, the great elder of the empire deliberately revealed the secrets of the church, and his attitude was still very contemptuous. The middle-aged man squeezed his fist, but in the end he relaxed, but there was still an uncontrollable anger between his brows.

"Please don't insult our God, and don't be self-righteous because of your blind judgment. It is disgusting to be proud of knowing nothing."

The middle-aged man obviously had a good time with the great elder, and they were mocking each other. After speaking, the middle-aged man looked at Xia Yi, his attitude immediately became respectful, but he still didn't trust Xia Yi very much.

"Exterior god, the saint will tell you the details, let her go."

"His Royal Highness, please take him to the God's Court."

The attitude of the Knights Templar facing the saint’s words is extremely respectful. It is not like facing a so-called tool. The empire’s elder’s eyes are also a little surprised. He didn’t seem to expect that his old enemy would respect a girl so much. , This was beyond his expectation, indicating that the church really had secrets he didn't know, and the saint just smiled and nodded slowly

"My lord, the situation may be a little different from what I imagined. It seems that I will bring you this time and let the church decide to be honest and straightforward. But be careful, I can't guarantee that the church will count on you."

The attitude of the empire veteran has become a lot more cautious. After all, something unexpected happened. After so many years of fighting the church, there are secrets he has never heard of. If you don’t bring Xia Yi this time, I don’t know when you can find out. A little clue.

"Don't spit on people. Others have their own opinions. The pope has already prepared tea and is waiting to tell you a good old story."

"Hmph, I would like to know what you have been hiding for so long!"

The great elder of the empire snorted coldly, and left with the knight commander of the Templar. The saint looked at Xia Yi quietly, and Xia Yi also looked at the saint like a dead person.

"Lead the way."

There is no extra words. Since the church wants him to see something, he will go and take a good look at what the church is doing. The saint turned around and led Xia Yi through the many believers, and through the passage behind the idol, he came to the temple deep. Place.

The temple is very wide, but the more you go in, the narrower it becomes. This makes Xia Yi quite puzzled. The Templar Commander mentioned the temple, but the word court obviously refers to a larger space. How could it be set up in a narrow place? However, Xia Yi didn't ask, just muttered a word or two in his heart.

In the end, the two came to a small room. The interior of the room was empty. Only in the center was a luxurious chair. A skeleton was sitting on the chair. The clothes they were wearing were very old, just like those outside the temple. Like a god.

If Xia Yi didn’t guess wrong, this is the **** of the church. As the empire said, he was dead a long time ago, and he has not even become a god. The skeleton has a weak divinity that has not been completely lost, and his bones look very strong. Intact, it shouldn't have died of divine calamity.

The saint stepped forward to hold the skeleton's hand, slowly raised it and placed it on her face, her blind eyes showed a look of nostalgia, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, as if she had been touched by a loved one.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yi finally felt that things were very difficult.

The saint began to chant the curse, but Xia Yi didn't interrupt. A space door appeared in front of the long-dead skeleton, connecting the unknown side. The saint glanced at Xia Yi, and then walked directly into it.

Xia Yi hesitated for a moment and did not act immediately. Instead, he walked to the skull and reached out and grabbed the crystal that the skull was holding in his right hand. It was not a rare thing. It was a common photo crystal in the cultivation world. Xia Yi activated the photo crystal and took the photo. A very common scene appeared in the crystal.

A teenager hugged the girl. Many people nearby were clapping and congratulating. It looked like a ritual. The two kissed at the end. The girl looked like a saint, and the boy’s forehead was hurt. Xia Yi looked at it. Xiang Skull, there was indeed a slight crack above the eye socket, did this **** deliberately leave it unrepaired?

Xia Yi didn't know why at the moment, but felt a little heaviness inexplicably, turned around and walked quickly into the space channel. On the other side of the space channel is a beautiful courtyard, full of fluorescent flowers and plants, and the sky is full of flowers. There is a gem-like emerald green, but there is no vitality in the courtyard.

In this courtyard, you can faintly hear the whispers of thousands of people, that is, those flowers and plants. The space where the courtyard is located is extremely strange. It is definitely not above the stars in the ordinary sense, but in a different space.

"You want to let people be free. You think the church and him are sinners through the ages, but if there is no church, what will the world of law and **** be at this moment?"

Beside Xia Yi, the figure of the saint suddenly appeared.

"This is the last blessing he gave to the world. This is the courtyard of the gods. The gods have already passed away. Only immortal obsessions remain, but faith cannot make them last. The fallen gods sleep here. If Without faith, they will destroy everything and devour everything when they are awakened."

"If you want to save the world, then your enemy is not the church, but the decaying gods of the old days."

The saint's eyes were no longer dim in this courtyard of the gods, but full of spiritual dim light. Xia Yi felt several breaths belonging to the gods, which made his heart feel a little cool.

This is the secret of the church. The ignorant belief is just to satisfy these fallen old gods. If he wants to liberate the frontiers of the human race, then he has to challenge...

It's the gods!


Xia Yi looked at the courtyard of the gods, which was not too big. Although this courtyard belonged to the secret space, it was not set up for battle and could not bear much damage. After the secret realm broke, everything in the courtyard of the gods would be scattered. This world also includes these fallen old gods.

"I won't shoot."

Xia Yi pondered for a while, and slowly shook his head. The risk was too great. The gods were true gods no matter how bad they were. Their methods were unimaginable. They also ruled the king in an era, if only a **** , Xia Yi dare to challenge, but Xia Yi can fully imagine how dangerous the gods are.

"I don't mean to ask you to help us, because no one can beat the gods. The only thing our church can do is to appease the gods with faith and let them decay in the years, no matter how many years will pass, but sooner or later There will be such a day."

"I specifically asked you to come here, just hoping that you can know the truth and know why we did this. The gods the church believes in deceived all the gods to sleep in this courtyard, in order to prevent their endless greed from destroying. In the realm of Dharma God, the church has never lied, and our **** has indeed sealed the gods of the old days."

The saint prayed with her hands on her chest, and there was a trace of grief in her eyebrows. The church could not tell the truth. If people knew that their faith was only to satisfy some greedy evil gods, they would never be sincere. Believe in them. Most of the old gods who have lost their faith will use fear and oppression to force people to believe in them.

"What happened to the gods? Why did they fall to this point? No matter how you can't become gods, it won't harm mortals, and the use of faith is the last thing to do, and it will make your own divine powers become confusing."

Relying on belief to become a **** belongs to the side door. Belief does have a certain importance to God, but if it is regarded as the whole of oneself, it is no longer a sacred existence, because it is contaminated with too many mortal desires, and ultimately makes one’s own divinity. Fallen, become extremely filthy, worse than mortals.

The sacred soul has unknowingly turned into a trash can, loaded with evil thoughts that countless people want to discard.

"The gods are waiting for the tide of the avenue, but countless years have passed, and the claims of the tide of the avenue have not been confirmed. The gods can no longer wait. In order to continue their existence, they captive mortals to swallow spirits, and they will deliberately swallow spirits every once in a while. Triggering wars that spread across the entire world, with hundreds of millions of deaths as food, people who live in misery all day long will believe in gods more than in the past."

"But they are no longer the once glorious gods. They are just greedy beasts. Our **** is the only one with a conscience surviving. He sacrificed himself in exchange for the present peace. We don't need redemption because we can save ourselves. I don’t expect your mercy either."

The saint of the church has obvious meaning. She hopes that Xia Yi will not interfere with the church. Even if the empire is eyeing the church, the empire’s elders will definitely change their views after knowing all this. Not only did the appearance of God fail to bring freedom, but destruction followed one after another.

"Initiating war is for faith, but faith in wartime is often sad or even hateful. Praying before God that the enemy will die without a place to bury him, looking forward to the so-called divine punishment, and amplifying the sins in my heart without limits, this is simply It’s a vicious circle. You are doing the right thing. Now this kind faith is the only medicine that can comfort them and make them sleep peacefully."

Xia Yi acknowledged the correctness of the church, but he also noticed a problem, that is, in the last millennium, there have indeed been more forces against the church. People want freedom too much, and they don’t want to be born into idiots who only pray. Some things have to be done by someone. If everyone doesn't do it, then everyone will naturally bear the consequences.

Is it guilty to yearn for freedom?

Of course not, but commendable.

"It is so, it is better if you can understand. The gods must never wake up. They are monsters that have been completely unable to communicate. Everything about them is rotten, including soul and humanity. All they have left is greed."

This saint didn’t know how long she had survived in a special way. She should have been responsible for guarding the decaying gods until the day when the gods turned into sand and scattered with the wind, her mission would not end. Perhaps she was the church. The person with the highest status in China.

"But it's time to go back. I promise I won't do it. I will also have a good talk with him on the side of the empire."


The saint nodded gently. This result is good for everyone. Xia Yi doesn’t have to work hard for the Dharma God Realm, and the Dharma God Realm doesn’t need Xia Yi to be smart, but the holy girl opens the space channel and Xia Yi is about to step into it. At that moment, the space channel was suddenly distorted.

Xia Yi's primordial spirit felt countless evil thoughts gathering towards him at this moment, as if an evil spirit smelled the smell of blood, the sacred court that had calmed down countless years suddenly trembled.


"Pure supernatural power..."

"Life... the power of immortality..."

"Give me……"

"Hateful Aleus, is that you? You traitor..."

The ancient whispers echoed in the sacred court. This is an ancient saying in the realm of cultivation, not the language of the realm of Dharma and God. Xia Yi frowned and clenched his fists involuntarily. He almost instantly noticed what was going on. His all phenomena were Vitality is exactly the dream of these decadent ancient gods. Perhaps anything with a divine nature will awaken the greedy people when they enter this garden, not to mention what they desire most.

The old gods are thirsting for a new life, and they have been waiting for too long.

"It seems that it was a mistake that you let me enter here. Of course, it was because of my carelessness. I think there is no place in the God Realm that I can't go. You don't have to blame yourself. This is my mistake. They are already on the verge of destruction. , My appearance is their last hope for survival."

It's like a drowning person grabbing a straw before dying. It is absolutely impossible to let go. These decadent old gods slept for too long, so long that they may have passed away, leaving only the greedy obsession. , Just like the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, only the inner demon is alive.

"They mentioned a name called Aleus. He should be your **** and your beloved, right? What kind of **** is he?"

Gods all have names of gods, and it is a great respect to call each other by the name of gods, just like the title of the emperor, and like the title of the saint.

"Kuishen, he controls the glory."

"I know, I will send him a ride with respect. In order to seal these things, it seems that he himself has fallen."

twenty one

As long as these gods who have been sleeping for countless years still have faith supplies, they will never wake up easily, unless someone wakes them up, but can wake them up and feel their breath in time. Xia Yi thinks there is only one, that is. The creator of the God Court, in order to maintain the stability of the God Court, he merged into the God Court to obtain faith and then distributed to the gods.

But he also slowly forgot everything, only instinct remained. Until Xia Yi arrived, the rich vitality and divine power in Xia Yi made him greedy, who had forgotten everything, and his greed and malice also caused other old gods to wake up.

Xia Yi understands this feeling. People in desperation can make any compromises, let alone trampling on goodness against one's heart, even if they are no longer being a human being, Xia Yi himself has done this kind of thing, he To this day, I still remember that after the mortals who knelt down and begged him to die disappeared, he didn't regret it, didn't feel sad, and didn't feel disappointed.

He smiled, and the corners of his mouth were indeed raised uncontrollably.

That is the true heart hidden deep in his heart, and even he himself is not willing to face it. He wants those people to die, whether he admits it or not, the ideals still exist and he is absolutely dominant. These are half-dead. Where can the gods of the old days face the most straightforward temptation?

It was the instinctive evil thoughts that kept them alive today, otherwise they would have dissipated.

"Does the end... really come? In order not to let you destroy the church, I can only think of this way, so that you can see it with your own eyes, but your arrival still leads to destruction..."

The saint’s shoulders trembled slightly, and the blind eyes showed extremely painful eyes. She calculated a little but not all. She didn’t understand the desire of these gods for true divine power. That was Xia Yi’s painstaking efforts. The pure divine power that comes is the all phenomena of life with the profound meaning of life.

It is the water of the desert, the straw for life, the medicine to resurrect the dead, and the root of the decadent obsession after the fall of the gods.

"The conclusion is too early. The doomsday is indeed the doomsday, but I don’t know who owns it. Although I have no reason to risk dealing with these ancient gods for you, but if they want to eat me, it would be too much. It's too simple. After you go out, let the people in the whole city and surrounding Zhucheng evacuate, the sooner the better!"

"The holy city is too big, this can't be done in a short time..."

"Three, two, try to do it in one day as much as possible, and do it if you can't, don't let them see a living person after they come out! They won't keep hands with me, I treat them I won’t keep my hands. This is the battle of the gods, and I might even call the Underworld to fight for me.”

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