The two stared into each other's eyes. Xia Qing has a mirage to take care of. Basically, there will be no accidents, and the biggest trouble is now caused by Xia Yi. This is also a good thing for Xia Yi, because you can let go- war.

"Come on, let me try your abilities!

The saint passed the last thought to Xia Yi, and the whole person suddenly disappeared in front of Xia Yi's eyes, and the last word of that sentence was still recalled in Xia Yi's mind. The saint appeared in front of Xia Yi.

Xia Yi didn't dare to think about it. He didn't plan to try the move first. Instead, he directly used the Yandi Burning Sky to detonate his own spiritual power. The violent explosion caused the saint to change offensively to defend. Xia Yi used it. This gap immediately opened the distance with Qingyun Nine Jue, and there was an unexpected look in his eyes, and he was in trouble.

The saint in front of him is probably the way of studying space. After all, the other party is an assassin, and the study space is normal.

There was no dialogue, no ridicule, or yelling of death. The saint disappeared before Xia Yi like a ghost without any trace, and then appeared behind Xia Yi. The speed of the other party was no longer fast. , But a real teleport!

Xia Yi backhanded the gun, grabbing the tip just to resist the opponent's blade, but the saint smiled slightly, the blade pierced into the void where there was nothing, the blade sank into the darkness, but Xia Yi felt a pain in his dantian. ,,Place

Looking down, he unexpectedly appeared in front of him-a cutting edge, but it only stabbed the skin, because Xia Yi had a body refining, so he didn't spend a lot of effort, even a saint could hardly break Xia Yi's defense.

This saint also didn't expect Xia Yi to be so hard. He was a little surprised, but his expression quickly calmed down again. He stabbed in the void with a short knife, but every time he hit Xia Yi, Xia Yi At present, he hasn't figured out what the other party's methods are and can only resist hard.

After dozens of rounds, Xia Yi didn't touch the opponent and was played as a monkey by the opponent, but Xia Yi couldn't help it. After all, the opponent was a saint and was at a disadvantage.

"I said, the true monarch is too weak.

The saint now has leisure, temporarily stopped attacking, and transferred to Xia Yi instead.

"Before, you assassinated so many people from Sha Demon Sect with the cultivation of True Monarch. As an assassin, I actually admire you. I know you did it. I can give you a chance. I swear to be my vassal and not to betray me. , I will teach you all the assassination techniques I know."

The saint assassin is now moved to cherish talents. Xia Qing is one-definitely to be caught, but Xia Yi doesn't have to die. In that case, why not cultivate-fan?

After hearing this, Xia Yi exhaled a sigh of air, and his bent waist slowly straightened up. Many small wounds on his body began to heal visible to the naked eye. After a while, they became unharmed again, but the bleeding blood still stained the skin. , Makes Xia Yi look a bit miserable.

"Although you and I are in charge, I am not really hostile to you. I just follow orders. In other words, I don't have to take your life. Do you understand?"

The saint assassin continued to persuade, but did not notice that Xia Yi was smiling with his head down. He thought of a solution. The saint was indeed powerful. His weird methods did not even want to avoid or resist, but his strength seemed to be lacking. Can you give Xia Yi a skin trauma, isn't it just hard to resist?

"Did you misunderstand something? You are a dog with a master. It's a pity that I am not. Even if it is the Emperor of the Big Dipper, it is only a cooperative relationship with me.

"Really? It's a pity.

The saint assassin lowered his head and sighed, and took out his short knife in his other hand. The two short knives kept cutting on Xia Yi's body. Blood drops floating in the starry sky, but Xia Yi chose to ignore it, or even not accelerate. Directly walk towards the saint assassin step by step in the way of walking in the starry sky.

The saint assassin doesn’t understand what Xia Yi is doing, but he won’t be big enough to deal with the body refiners. It’s not easy to deal with the body refiners. Just don’t get close. When Xia Yi is about to get close to the saint assassin, he disappears inexplicably and reappears. It's already a hundred meters away.

Xia Yi didn't say a word. He lowered his head and turned and continued to approach. The saint assassin felt that Xia Yi had no means to attack him, so he was a little careless and didn't notice the blood drops from Xia Yi's wound.



There is almost no temperature in the starry sky. Xia Yi deliberately controlled his vitality and did not restore the wound, but consumed all the vitality in the bone marrow. This vitality allowed the bone marrow to continuously produce blood, and then flowed out to the starry sky. This made Xia Yi look miserable. If he were a normal person, his blood would drain and he would have died.

"It's useless, come back. I know what you are thinking. Killing you is really tricky. You can rest assured that I won't kill you, but other than that, as long as you don't... Within the scope, including sealing your soul, blinding your eyes, cutting off your ears and tongue, and cutting off your nostrils, you will enter endless darkness.

The accent of the saint assassin gradually became gloomy, Xia Yi still tried to get close to the saint assassin without saying a word. This saint assassin obviously exists in the holy way, but he is very careful in the face of a true monarch, and even a trace of flaws. Without revealing, this kind of talent is the most terrifying.

There is a saying that the lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, and this saint assassin is like this, he does not treat Xia Yi as a true monarch, but seriously takes Xia Yi as his goal and slowly tortured.

And this is his way of fighting.

"As a saint, don't you dare to fight me head-on in the face of a true monarch?\"

Xia Yi now also felt that his decision might be wrong, because the saint assassin was too careful.

"It's not necessary. I tend to use the most labor-saving method. What do you think is the style of an assassin. I use no poison and be kind enough to you."

Mouth r mu.

The saint assassin responded to Xia Yi's question with a voice transmission. This answer left Xia Yi speechless. He was worthy of being a saint, with a firm mind, and would not be influenced by his little radical generals.

Xia Yi glanced down at Tian Ling. This was his second time with people in the starry sky--fighting. The last time was with Long Aotian. Long Aotian kept all kinds of hands in the middle, and he was fighting with him completely for the sake of teaching. , Xia Yi has three advantages over the ground in the starry sky.

One is that the movement of the Qingyun Nine Jue in the starry sky consumes less aura; the second is that the loss of his own power is extremely small; the third is that if the sun exists, he can directly bathe in the starry sky to make up for the consumption.

The existence of Yang Yan made Xia Yi almost a perpetual motion machine as long as he fought under the sun.


Xia Yi coldly snorted, F took out the pill and took it; while taking the pill, the saint assassin tried to cut his wrist to prevent him from taking the pill. Although it was still cut, in addition to adding to Xia Yi's body -There is almost no harm done outside the wound.

"I see how many pills you have!"

The saint assassin sneered-sound,-at first it was just playing with Xia Yi. I didn't expect that Xia Yi was so ignorant and didn't surrender. Then he would be true. The saint assassin put away the short force of his left hand and put his left hand on the upper right. A touch of his short force seemed to apply something to the knife, and then he continued to stab into the void. Xia Yi's right wrist was cut, and the wound immediately turned purple and black, and the toxin quickly spread throughout the body through the meridians. .

Xia Yi glanced at his right wrist, and squeezed his right fist forcefully, forcibly squeezing out almost two-thirds of the blood in his right hand. The vitality in the body allowed the blood produced by the bones to make up for it. Xia Yi repeated the grip. After shaking his hand, the poison had been completely discharged by him just now.

The saint assassin's eyelids twitched slightly, and then he patted his hands a few times.

"Some means, your resilience can only be described as horror. If we are of the same rank, I will immediately turn around and leave. It's a pity that you are just a mere genius.

The saint assassin is the first time I have seen someone who can still be alive after bleeding so much, but there is a Lu family in the ancestors who once had a master of gods and blood gods. The technique handed down is the imperial blood technique. And the people of the Lu family were also very strange. The blood seemed to flow endlessly. The fighting style was very cruel. He even wondered whether Xia Yi had anything to do with the Lu family.

"Of course, it must be no better than your sage.

Xia Yi took out the pill and continued to take it. The strong vitality made Xia Yi look miserable, but in fact it didn't hurt any vital points. As long as Xia Yi thought about it, he could immediately recover unscathed in a short time.

"You want me to get closer, so be it as you wish." C Canton 1 of 4

The saint assassin knew that it would be useless to fold the space and attack Xia Yi with a short knife. The damage caused by that method was too small. Before applying poison, Xia Yi could ignore it. Then, in addition to the plan of beheading with full strength at close hands, Don't even think about consuming Xia Yi from a long distance.

When Xia Yi heard the saint saying this, he was overjoyed and was ready to fight back. The figure of the saint assassin had disappeared at this moment. Xia Yi put the divine sense out of his side every inch, so that he could do it the moment he sensed it. Out of reaction.

Suddenly, Xia Yi raised his brows, he sensed it, and he was right in front of him.

The long spear was picked up hard from bottom to top. The tip of the spear was burning with a fiery trail in the starry sky. Although no one was seen in front of him, Xia Yi felt like he was hitting something. Not far away, it was black. Ying's posture gradually solidified, and the breath of that posture was extremely weak, which made Xia Yi happy at first, but suddenly felt bad.

Wrong!! There is a fraud!

This thought occurred in Xia Yi's mind for an instant, but it was obviously too late. A short knife pierced his dantian at some unknown time, and another short knife pierced his heart.


The heart beat violently twice, Xia Yi lowered his head and pressed his heart, the weak figure in front of him gradually disappeared, and finally turned into a dead sea monster corpse.

"Too tender!"

The saint assassin reappeared in front of Xia Yi, and he felt that he had a chance to win, even if his heart as a saint was pierced by someone, his combat power would be greatly reduced, and it would be difficult to resist in a short time.

Therefore, he walked slowly in front of Xia Yi and took out a short knife to destroy Xia Yi's limbs, but Xia Yi suddenly stretched his hand into his chest, and the blood slid down Xia Yi's wrist. The saint assassin was taken aback.


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