Xia Yi suddenly raised his head and smiled, his hands-hard, puff-sound, and the black and purple poisonous blood splashed from his chest splashed on the face of the saint assassin.

After Xia Yi finished all this, he immediately waved the spear he was holding tightly in his left hand. The saint assassin-a careless face was scratched by the tip of the gun. He immediately stepped back for a certain distance. Xia Yi looked at him coldly, with his right hand sticking out of his chest. , Shook the poisonous blood on his arm, the expression on his face was disdainful, the blood hole in his chest began to heal quickly, and he could even vaguely see it-a brand new heart was actually being formed.

The saint assassin couldn't help being moved, which made him shocked.



"This...what a monster!

The saint assassin never thought that Xia Yi would directly crush his poisoned heart, and he could generate a new one in front of him on the spot. This recovery ability can only be described by a monster, and the short knife that pierced Xia Yi's dantian was also Xia Yi took it out, seemingly unable to cause any harm.

The saint assassin pondered for a moment. It’s not that he has never encountered this kind of enemy who is good at recovery, but he has never encountered Xia Yi that is so inconsistent. If you want to deal with this kind of resilience and horrible enemy, you can only rely on a fierce attack. Tear to pieces!


Xia Yi raised his waist again and hooked his finger at the saint assassin. The saint assassin was speechless, but suddenly wanted to laugh. He was actually despised by a true monarch. Now young people really don’t know what awe is. what.

The unsanctified person never knows how big the gap between the saint and the saint is. The saint’s sacred bones are almost immortal, and the saint’s soul can survive for a long time even if they don’t take away their homes. The saint’s blood is born with the holy medicine, the saint’s Will is equivalent to heaven in one's own domain.

The saint assassin laughed twice and took out the short knife again with his left hand.

"The reason why the saint has absolute suppression of the mortal is because of the domain."

The saint assassin suddenly spoke to Xia Yi. After hearing it, Xia Yi didn't say anything. Thinking of it, the saint assassin didn't seem to have used the domain since the beginning, and what he said was the fact that the saint's domain was absolutely suppressed under the saint.

-An ominous feeling came to Xia Yi’s heart, the figure of the saint assassin began to split, one in two, two in four, Xia Yi immediately used his heart sword to break the delusion, but it had no effect at all, indicating that those who separated were all entities. It is a clone, not a simple illusion.

The number of saint assassins is increasing, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, and eventually split to sixty-four talents.

Sixty-four saint assassins were ready to attack at the same time. The short knives in their hands were shining with cold light. Xia Yi's throat was a bit dry now, but he could only bite his scalp and prepare to use the Yandi Burning Sky to detonate aura.

"Shura Instant Prison Kill!\'

The sixty-four assassins roared at the same time, and the starry sky that could not hear the sound actually heard the sound. After that, Xia Yi intended to directly detonate the spiritual energy, but the Dantian Qi channel was suddenly attacked, and the spiritual energy spewed out from the wound mixed with blood. Sixty-four saint assassins also launched attacks at the same time.

The cold light crossed, shadow and blood were all Xia Yi could see. He had to admit that he was arrogant. His experience in the Nanling Region made him a little swollen. The training in the barbarians made him think that he could fight against the saints. But the facts have proved that I am more than a bit short?

In the end, Xia Yi escaped into complete darkness, and the saint assassin did it--what he said at the beginning, Xia Yi could feel the hands and feet still but the meridians were severed, there was no good place up and down the whole body, and the five sense organs were severely injured. Losing his due ability, the Soul was confined in the Sea of ​​Knowledge by the Saint Assassin, unable to detect information from the outside world.

To Xia Yi now, he couldn't feel anything.


"you lose."

The idea of ​​the saint assassin passed into Xia Yi's mind, and Xia Yi had to admit that he had lost, and that he had lost miserably. Sure enough, all the strategies were so pale and weak under the crush of absolute strength.

"Next, your utilization value will not be too long. Swear to be my slave now, and you can live on in the future. Otherwise, once your value is used up, you will die. Think about your six small continents and think about you. Relatives, think about the one you love, is it worth it?'

In the darkness where there is nothing, only the voice of the saint assassin can be heard. His voice resounds in Xia Yi's mind like a curse in this environment. People will try to catch when they are desperate. Live-all hope, and the saint assassin took advantage of this to subdue Xia Yi.

However, Xia Yi was not half desperate at all, because he knew where the saint was so easy to deal with, and he was already ready to start being beaten up.

"Your... is over."

"It's me... it's round!"

Xia Yi caught the saint assassin's thoughts with his own thoughts and transmitted to him, the saint assassin's brows--wrinkled, it's my turn? What turn?

On the other side of the starry sky, the sky above the northern sea of ​​Tianling ushered in a new round of rising sun. The sun instantly pierced the starry sky. The blood left by Xia Yi gradually heated up in the sun, became hot, and finally burned!

Those burning blood warmed the starry sky, and began to form countless small fireballs to gather in Xia Yi’s body. Seeing this, the saint assassin did not sit and wait for death, but directly tried to cut off Xia Yi’s neck and walked away with Xia Yi’s head. But at the moment when his short knife cut it off, Xia Yi opened his eyes blinded by him.


In the pupils, there is Extinguishing Flame burning.

"Big categories have changed!

The pooled blood adds _ Shang Xia Yi’s own heat. The accumulation of this heat produced fusion, which instantly made Xia Yi a terrifying explosion in the starry sky like a nuclear bomb. The saint assassin’s reaction at this distance can only be as fast as possible. Can only be moved 100 meters away with teleport.

The hot white light flashed, and the sky over half of the North Sea flickered like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. There was no sound of explosion, only light and heat were spreading. This caused the temperature in the North Sea-some areas to rise by several degrees in an instant. After the white light disappeared, somewhere in the starry sky...

An ugly monster with a scorched body, flesh and blood, fire spots on his face, and hair loss, slowly lowered his arms, his eyes were still spirited, he lowered his head and looked at his body, it is beyond words. The anger erupted from his heart.


"I...it's you!

He sent out a thought to the fireball not far away, and the fireball suddenly exploded at this time. Xia Yi, who looked like a fire god, stood in the starry sky and ignored the saint assassin. His hair was like red wire and blood vessels. The blood flowing in it is like magma.

And the lines on the Wuqi spear in Xia Yi's hand also began to shine, and sparks of sparks continued to be born beside Xia Yi and exploded.

"You can try!"

Xia Yi's current state has returned to its peak, and even for the sake of safety, Xia Yi has successfully opened the eight-door Dunjia five doors, which is the limit he can bear now.

Today's Xia Yi's strength is almost the same as that of a saint, but Xia Yi also understands that since 2 this state cannot last for too long, he must fight quickly.

And the saint assassin was injured by Xia Yi's sudden shadow, but it was far from serious injury. It was far beyond his own estimation. In fact, Xia Yi used the fusion and recoil of Yang Yan to create an explosion. Still not as good as a nuclear bomb.

But this at least gave Xia Yi a good inspiration, and he thought of a new trick.

"Field, super

The saint assassin came back to the realm, the scorched black figure turned into sixty-four, and this time he will all target the vitals!




Facing the avatar of the saint assassin, Xia Yi didn’t do any defense, but frantically took out the pill and knocked it off, no matter what kind of pill he knocked, including the death pill, these death pill are all the little ones before. The assassin's contribution, in order to collect the death pill, Xia Yi played a pretending to be seriously injured.

And this crazy use of spiritual energy, vitality, and dead energy to burn also made the flames around Xia Yi get hotter and hotter. Those clones were far less than the saint assassins, and those who were closer to Xia Yi were directly burned by high heat and turned into dust. Dissipated, the avatars of the other saint assassins-the fact that they were burned down once they were close to Xia Yi, in the end only one person remained close to Xia Yi, and that was the body of the saint assassin.

His spiteful eyes rolled, and he decided not to attack Xia Yi now. Xia Yi could not maintain this state forever, but Xia Yi was also decisive. He found that the saint assassin was going to delay the time and directly urged the Qingyun Nine Jue to attack. , However, the teleportation of the saint assassin really gave Xia Yi no way to touch him.

Xia Yi is now being educated again. Isn't this kind of fighting style what he likes to use? He also likes to delay time by running. In desperation, Xia Yi has to use karma to compress and transform the bursting energy. Xia Yi's body temperature gradually dropped, and the flames on his body began to go out.

The saint assassin was a little surprised when he saw this. He didn't expect Xia Yi to be able to maintain this state for only this amount of time, but think about it, why can a true monarch fight with a saint? Can this state be maintained for a while?

"No more-ha, no more! E Wu Xiaozhi

The face of the saint assassin showed joy (thinking that Xia Yi is about to fail, and the feeling of anger is also affecting his judgment. The more calm people are, the less likely they will be to calm down once they get angry.

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