"I'm afraid you won't make it!

Xia Yi came out with an idea. In fact, he was still madly urging the Great Yantian to generate heat and continuously compressed in his dantian. A sense of weakness struck Xia Yi's heart, but Xia Yi still chose to hold his head. Fight with the saint assassin.

The saint assassin's fighting skills are very high, and he will also seize the opportunity. Although Xia Yi took a little advantage at the beginning, with the sequelae of the Great Yantian and the continued sequelae of the Bamen Dunjia, Xia Yi became weaker and weaker, and went to the back to take the medicine. Not enough for the wound to heal.

The blood cannot be recreated, and the body cannot be healed. Xia Yi's face is a bit pale, but he is still compressing his strength, compressing and compressing all his strength with Yang Yan. He understands what he is doing. This approach is crazy, but it's not--- Kind of application of power?

His body was cut with one knife after another, and Xia Yi tried to attack with fist after fist. Even now he can hit the saint assassin.

It can hardly cause any harm.

The spirit began to become ignorant. Xia Yi realized that he was no longer able to do so, and his spiritual energy was almost exhausted. Only the power of physical refining still supported him not to fall. Xia Yi actually had many other methods to hurt the saint. You don't have to make yourself so miserable.

But he couldn't help it, but what's the use if he was injured? The saint wanted to run and he couldn't catch up, and the result was a wasted fight-or both sides were injured.


The saint assassin still has leeway, and his scorched body is actually beginning to recover. This is the horror of the saint. He is born with a powerful recovery ability, even if it is not as scary as Xia Yi.

"Heavens do evil, you can live, you can't talk about doing evil yourself, surrender is so good, why bother to ask for trouble!"

The saint assassin - pinch Xia Yi's neck with one hand and hold Xia Yi. Xia Yi is basically exhausted now, and recovery can't keep up with the consumption. The burnt hair of the saint assassin begins to grow again. His eyes were full of anger.

This Xia Yi was ignorant from the beginning. What he hates most is this kind of waste. He is self-righteous and thinks he is a genius. He may also accept disciples.

However, what happened today actually proved-point, he-began to keep his hands until Xia Yi was about to die. The so-called holy emperor behind Xia Yi still did not come out, and Xia Yi just had it just now. The ability to resist is enough to prove that there is indeed no holy emperor behind Xia Yi.

"I... can... provoke you?"

Although Xia Yi was held by his neck, this did not affect his communication with the saint assassin with his spiritual knowledge. The saint assassin only slightly shook his head when he heard Xia Yi's words.

"Too tender, too tender!

The saint assassin couldn’t help sighing, and was disappointed a lot with Xia Yi. This kind of genius generally died very quickly. He was complacent because of his temporary ability. Enmity, he just fulfilled the order, he admired Xia Yi so he planned to let Xia Yi survive.

It's a pity that Xia Yi didn't want this life himself, and that's no wonder he.

"Me? Too tender? Or... right...".

From the battle to the present, Xia Yi has a realization that he is indeed a little tender, and he must be careful and careful when dealing with saints in the future.

"You angered me, so you are no longer qualified to live.

The saint assassin's tone was flat, and his other hand slapped Xia Yi's head decisively. Xia Yi's body was instantly cut off, his heart stopped beating, and the body naturally gave birth to death. This state is undoubtedly dead, no longer dead. Fleeing before affecting the spirit, Xia Yi's spirit will die.

Naturally, the saint assassin wouldn't give Xia Yi this opportunity. That palm cut off Xia Yi's vitality and at the same time bound Xia Yi's soul within his body, and Xia Yi's next destiny was only left in smoke.

Of course, that is in his opinion.

A weird thing happened, Xia Yi’s body was born at a very strange rate of death qi,-it filled the whole body, better like spiritual qi-it penetrated the eight channels of the odd meridian, and some of the flesh and blood in Xia Yi's body began to turn into rotten sand and fall. , But he actually raised his head!

Yes, a dead man raised his head!


The saint assassin still kept holding on to Xia Yi, half of Xia Yi's face had disappeared, replaced by white bones, empty eye sockets, and bright red flames burning in the eye sockets.

He didn't even know what the flame was.

"Know... where is the other side of life?

"Go away!"

The saint assassin was a little scared and wanted to get rid of Xia Yi quickly, but Xia Yi hugged his arm tightly. He recognized what Xia Yi was now, it was Netherworld, the head of evil!

"Why be so afraid of me, don't you want me to die? Now I am dead.

The current Xia Yi is indeed dead. Anyone who sees the current Xia Yi will think so. Xia Yi knows that his form is very scary. It seems that even a saint will appear timid for a while.

The next moment, Xia Yi hugged the saint assassin tightly, and the forces that had been compressed in the dantian were instantly released.

"What is the power of a zero-distance nuclear explosion, I'm very curious."

After that, Baimang swallowed everything, and even the dark starry sky was briefly illuminated.



When the white light faded, everything seemed calm, but it seemed a little different from what Xia Yi thought.

The karmic fire in Xia Yi's empty eyes swayed, and the fire was much dim compared to before. Xia Yi immediately pulled back, and the flesh and blood on his body continued to turn into sand and drift into the starry sky.

The reason for his retreat was not something else, but that the saint assassin was... still alive!

The Yangyan Fusion exploded by Xia Yi's accumulation at such a close distance, he was still alive. The saint assassin's appearance is similar to Xia Yi's, and even worse. Most of the flesh and blood have been melted away, but he is still hanging. --0 Qi, this made Xia Yi once again feared the saint, the realm of the true monarch and the saint was indeed too far apart.

I haven't really dealt with the saint before, and now I know that it is difficult to kill the saint even with his full strength. Xia Yi can be said to have used his strongest attack method.

"...To die

"Must! Must! Death!

The hoarse groan of the saint assassin sounded in Xia Yi's ears. Xia Yi's hands with only her finger bones were gradually squeezed, and now she was afraid that she couldn't run at all. Xia Yi lowered her head and glanced at the beautiful stars under her. To the extent that both sides definitely want each other to die, there is no possibility that one side will escape.

Only one person can return to the ground!


"I've...dead, I'm afraid you won't succeed!!"

Xia Yi also conveyed his thoughts. In any case, he can't lose in terms of momentum. Both sides are already at the end of the crossbow, so they can't hold on first. The saint assassin took out a short knife and teleported to Xia Yi in an instant, and the blade pierced Xia Yi's. Eye sockets, as a saint, he had obviously noticed that the core of maintaining Xia Yi's form was the bright red flame.

Karma fire was attacked, and the flame in Xia Yi's eyes was only a slight flash, and it was indeed weakened. Xia Yi immediately reacted and smashed his fist into the face of the saint with all his strength. The saint’s bones were hard, even if it was. In the heyday, Xia Yi couldn't hurt the saint's bones, but Xia Yi still punched fiercely, and could only punch fiercely!

The saint assassin also fought, aiming at the karma fire attack in Xia Yi’s eye socket, one knife after another,-the karma fire in Xia Yi’s eyes dimmed with the knife after knife, which made Xia Yi’s movements begin to slow down, thinking He also began to become ignorant, the most terrifying thing was that Xia Yi actually had a hunger in his heart that he wanted to devour flesh and blood.

Nether is immortal, only Xia Yi's mind and existence will die, so Karma Fire is actually the embodiment of Xia Yi's will, and maintains Xia Yi's will, even in the state of Nether Transformation, and can think normally.

Under the frenzied fighting and tearing between the two, the madness spread to both of them at the same time. Both of them wanted to desperately die to each other regardless of the consequences. Xia Yi simply stopped patience, biting at the remaining flesh and blood of the saint, and the vitality of it supplemented some. Xia Yi's consumption, but the feeling of wanting to swallow living things deepened.

Xia Yi knew that he could not continue, otherwise his mind would be completely contaminated by Ming. That would be equivalent to becoming a Nether again. He didn't want to be like that, so Xia Yi's remaining mind was used to suppress his inner hunger. Fighting entirely by instinct.

"Dead! Death! Death! Death!"

The saint assassin roared at the word death, and the blood and clothes of the two men or other things turned into floating dust in the starry sky, allowing the voice to spread in the dead starry sky.

He grabbed Xia Yi's neck, pierced Xia Yi's eye socket with the other hand for a while, and beat Xia Yi's skull with the handle of the knife. He wanted to break Xia Yi's skull, and Xia Yi could hardly resist even now. To do so, he can only hold on to the body of the saint assassin. The saint assassin is almost exhausted, and he wants to fight now whether he can stick to it!

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