What is a hexagon jungler?

177: A Contest of Top Operations!

"I never imagined that VG could take the lead in this match against SKT!"

Miller's tone was filled with unbelievable shock.

For him and most of the audience in the LPL division, VG's performance in the first 7 minutes far exceeded expectations!

Even in the municipal auditorium, there were sporadic applause from some audiences. A small group of pure passers-by liked VG's vigorous and vigorous style of play, and the style emphasized a clean and neat style.

"Xiao Hei's leopard girl has not shown much aggression so far," said the baby very proudly, "In the early stage, a group of wild monsters that defeated Xiao Gu were also found, and now they are killed once, and the rhythm is interrupted. risk!"

The Leopard Girl is a strong hero.

But the disadvantage is that it is necessary to establish an advantage in the early stage!

As a hero who focuses on economic plunder + rhythm control in the wild core style of play, Nidalee is completely different from Qian Jue.

Even if the latter didn't make any money in the matchup in the wild, if it was delayed until the later stage, relying on the hero mechanism, Carry could still cause a lot of damage to the whole team.

If Leopard Girl started with a balance of power, she would have already lost half of the game in a strict sense.

Once she has no equipment and level leader, the effect in the middle and late stages is minimal! Kka in the KT lounge looked serious, pointed at the TV screen and said to the plain-faced players next to him, "Sexy, you have to pay attention, the opponent's jungler will defend against the mid-field linkage, and is very aggressive, a bit like Peanut... "

Bengi, whose name was called, leaned on the backrest and gave a simple 'huh', indicating that he understood what the coach meant.

He played fewer and fewer games this year, and the mid-season championship game was played by Xiao Hei, and bengi didn't even get a chance to play in a single game!

In every sense, he looks like a veteran who has been sidelined by SKT.

Bengi didn't care too much.

He himself is 23 years old, gradually entering the end of his career, and his ups and downs are not as good as young people. It is reasonable for SKT to train a young player Blank to succeed him.

What's more, he won the world championship and league championship softly, and the years of high-intensity training also made him overwhelmed.

In terms of honor, Bengi, who has achieved a dominant position, has no clear goals ahead, and staying on the court will only feel exhausted.

He simply watched the drinking fountain on the bench, and when the season is over, maybe he can use the gimmick of the double champion jungler to go outside to get a big contract. Wouldn't it be nice to make money for retirement?

Bengi now spends more time watching videos in the audience, researching various imaginary enemies, in case of emergencies.

Now hearing Kka's instructions, he knows that the coach attaches great importance to the VG jungler, and it seems that he regards Virtue as a potential opponent of the team.

This is very abnormal.

There are quite a few videos that Bengi researched, but the subjects are all Korean junglers in the same competition area!

Little Peanut and Ambison are on his focus.

From 2013 to now, the World Championship has always been dominated by OGN/LCK.

It has become everyone's consensus to kill all the teams in the Korean League to win the championship.

In this case, the VG jungler is the first time Kka named the jungler in the outer competition area that he should pay special attention to!

Bengi yawned lazily, put his hands behind his head, and focused his eyes on the TV screen.

The little black inside looked depressed and uneasy, and in Bengi's view, he was still too seductive and selfish.

He could hear the communication of several other teammates on the field.

"Grow first, don't worry..." Wolf remained calm, "We will definitely win in the later stage!"

Lee Sang Hyuk also calmly said, "That's right, we can accept this disadvantage, as long as it doesn't continue to expand, the team battle is not an opponent."

He didn't think he would lose.

In the three years of SKT, Faker played countless bad starts.

It's a matter of team style.

Especially in terms of first blood rate, SKT can be described as extremely poor.

In this summer split, SKT's first blood rate was only 37%!

That is to say, in nearly 2/3 of the games, they have to send first blood first.

For Lee Sang-hyuk, the disadvantage at the beginning has become commonplace, just like a routine!

It's just the pressure in the early stage. When the switch operation and team battles are pulled in the middle of the game, SKT can always smooth the gap and even overtake it!

Several of their veteran players didn't care too much about the gains and losses of the start.

In contrast, Blank, who has only joined the team for more than half a year, is still not quite used to it.

After all, as a jungler, the team's disadvantages at the beginning of the game are likely to be blamed on him, and his mentality will inevitably be out of balance!

"Sun Goo, follow me later," Lee Sang Hyuk advised him, "Let's act together!"

Xiao Hei had no other choice, his brain was confused by Gu Xing's repeated vicious attacks, and he couldn't think of a way to recover the disadvantage in a short time.

At present, I can only follow the advice of my own mid laner.

After Gu Xing killed Blank, he cleaned up all the wild monster camps at home. By the way, he got the blue BUFF for Master Hou, and collected enough gold coins to go back to the city to make [Caulfield's Warhammer].

At this moment, his equipment is extremely luxurious, and his fighting power is ridiculously strong!

President Gu let out a sigh of relief. It is well known that KT is weak and has no rhythm in the early stage.

But how to use and open the gap is the most important thing!

The opponent's defense was impenetrable, and SKT didn't step on the hole Gu Xing dug before, which is enough to show their caution!

Fortunately, Blank gave him the opportunity to be detected by the wandering three wolves first, creating an opportunity for Gu Xing to catch him;

It can be said that Xiao Hei was responsible for at least 1/3 of the two waves of kills!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room of the LPL game also praised Blank by name in the barrage.

[Xiao Hei, our good brother in LPL forever! 】

[As expected of his own family who went out from LSPL, he really gave it away at the critical moment]

[I said today will be a jungler gap. Before the game, there are still people who don't believe that Blank can compete with Little Guppy? 】

[It can only be said that Xiao Hei got on the big ship of SKT, and he is just an ordinary jungler without his teammates]

The LPL audience is still teasing Blank.

The contest in the arena is still going on.

Lee Sang Hyuk's style of play has quietly changed.

He knew that Easyhoon's Syndra didn't have double summons, so he played extraordinarily fiercely. Even if the equipment was definitely behind, he would come up to exchange blood with the opponent.

Hou Ye, who is steady by nature, did not dare to fight to the end.

Gu Xing just finished cleaning up the wild area and went out again, but Xiao Hei's leopard girl had already been resurrected, and the exact location was not yet known.

Li Zhixun was afraid that if he got entangled with Faker, Blank would come to make trouble.

If you are caught in the big wind-up move, it will be very difficult to escape without flashing!

He chose to hold his hand first, and retreated without giving a chance.

At the same time, make a line eye, so that Lee Sang Hyuk will not run around when he pushes the line in.

Faker's last QW emptied the middle lane and pushed all of them under the tower of Lord Hou.

Then he stepped back and passed the line of sight, and moved straight to the middle tower of SKT.

"It should be going back to the city," Lord Hou told his teammates of his guess, "The clockwork mana is running out."

Lee Sang Hyuk's mana amount is less than 1/4 left, which is definitely not enough at the time when SKT's blue buff has not been refreshed.

Easyhoon then made a reasonable inference based on the QW cast by the opponent before leaving.

When the old clockwork has no mana battery life during the laning phase, it is basically not possible to use W [command: noise] to clear troops.

Because it consumes too much mana, level 1 W will consume 70 mana points, which can release two Qs!

Moreover, W [Command: Noise] is not a main upgrade skill. When the equipment is not formed, the damage is not very high, and the lethality against minions is limited.

But Lee Sang Hyuk did just that.

Easyhoon thought that the opponent had to seize the time to push troops back to the city to replenish equipment, so he didn't care about the consumption of mana.

The field of vision information provided by the thread eye also supports his idea.

Gu Xing was brushing his own red BUFF in the upper half of the area at this time, and decided to take Hou Ye, who was about to clear the minions under the tower, to the upper wild area to have a look.

Due to the initial wild zone exchange, he cleared SKT's first round of blue buffs, and learned that the opponent's blue zone monsters would reset after 7 seconds.

He can take Li Zhixun and take the blue BUFF before Faker reaches the upper half!

For a traditional mage like clockwork, losing the stable mana battery life means that the line clearing efficiency will be greatly reduced, and thus lose the initiative to deal with the middle lane! There is only one set of blue buffs in the Ueno area of ​​KT now, and the three wolves and the magic marsh frog are estimated to have been wiped out by Xiao Hei.

Gu Xingtian Yinbo kicked Lan BUFF, but suddenly realized something was wrong.

When he killed Xiao Hei in the middle, he had obtained the number of last hits from the opponent.

Combining various clues, Gu Xing can be sure that Blank had already brushed the upper half of the area for one round at that time.

Now there are almost 100 seconds before Xiao Hei's death.

Logically speaking, SKT's upper half must have been reset once, and Blank emptied the two groups of camps before choosing to move down...

That's where the inconsistency lies.

Blank has no reason not to know when the SKT blue BUFF will be refreshed, he must know better that Gu Xing also knows the reset node of the blue zone!

The other party just let himself and Lord Hou rebel like this? The wild area is completely undefended?

The idea of ​​avoiding battles and exchanging resources will definitely not work. The refresh time of the VG blue BUFF is earlier, and Master Hou has already got it!

Is it possible that SKT let go of the blue BUFF by default?

"It shouldn't be..." Gu Xing frowned.

He always felt that SKT had no reason to do this. He was suspicious and reminded his teammates, "Brother Duan, be careful, Leopard Girl is below, there is a high probability that they will catch you."

As soon as the words fell, I heard Gu Shengbin scolding in a straight voice, "The crooked sun...why is the clockwork still there?"

Gu Xing cuts the screen to the next lane.

It was discovered that the Clockwork Demon, who was running out of mana, led the leopard girl to double-team the VG duo from behind!

Han Wenliu's commentator was very proud, "Sang Hyuk's fake moves deceived everyone in VG. He pushed the middle lane and did not return to the city. Instead, he walked a large circle around his lower field to chase and intercept him!"

"Easyhoon's eyeliner placement was a bit rough, and he failed to obtain any information. Instead, Xiang Hyuk used his tricks to construct a scam!"

It turned out that seeing SKT Nakano's heavy and nearly frozen atmosphere instantly became active, the faces of the LCK commentators also brought a little smile.

"This is the background of the double crown..." The corners of their mouths couldn't stop rising.

Lee Sang Hyuk does not have much mana left.

It can only support him to cast two skills.

But totally enough.

"Wolf Karma gave RE's group shield and acceleration, and the four of SKT surrounded the VG duo under the tower!"

Gu Shengbin and Xiaoduan had a strong desire to survive, and they both used flash to avoid Faker's big move.

However, SKT was unable to guard against Leopard Girl's bite and EZ's crazy output!

"Blank flashes Q [knockdown] to take Jhin's life, and Bang also gives healing acceleration, adjust the angle and get the last secret shot to kill!"

The South Korean commentator looked excited and his tone was high and powerful.

"In addition, SKT's middle and lower junglers have assembled, and they have the opportunity to take advantage of the efforts of the rest of VG's players in the upper half to flatten the blood tower in the bottom lane!"

When Gu Xing saw the opponent's middle field appearing in the bottom lane, he was thinking about countermeasures.

He took aim at Duke's Gnar.

The two top laners have been developing steadily for a long time. Due to the small number of battles, not only the directors are stingy with the shots, but even the players rarely pay attention to the top lane matchups.

Now both Duke and Brother Long have about 60% of their health, and the VG line is about to push SKT to the tower, which is indeed a good opportunity.

"Duke keeps throwing boomerangs and basic attacks to stack up his anger. He is about to grow bigger and has no intention of going back to the tower. Instead, he uses his body to attract the hatred of the minions and traps Binxuan outside!"

Zhu Xiaolong Ike's W [Time Interleaved] fell, and he was about to stun Gnar.

Duke resolutely surrendered E [light jump] and moved out of the tower, full of anger, he became bigger in the air, dodged the time position, returned his hand and opened the big move, and shot all the VG soldiers on the wall!

"Beautiful!" The South Korean commentator was elated, "Most of the VG line was wiped out by Gnar's big move!"

"Although Duke is still unable to escape the fate of being killed in battle, he ate up the minions before he died in battle to stop the loss and make up for a lot of growth!"

His partner, CloudTemplar, is the runner-up member of the S2 World Championship. He has retired for many years but his level is still online. He can see Duke's other intentions at a glance, "Gnar clearing most of the army line will greatly hinder VG's progress in demolishing the first tower on the road! "

The number of minions entering the upper tower of SKT is not enough to attract too much time from the defensive tower.

If VG wants to level the opponent's tower, he must wait half a minute for the next wave of pawns!

On the other hand, in the bottom lane, SKT's four-person group advances, and the tower demolition speed must be faster than VG!

"SKT's round of fake moves and shifting speed is equivalent to earning an extra head and 400 gold coins for a blood tower, and the overall economy of the two sides has returned to the same level again!"

Not only that, but the SKT players who were the first to dismantle the First Blood Tower can also gather the Xiaolongkeng and get the first earth dragon in their pockets!

The reaction of Korean netizens in the live broadcast room was similar to that of Putian Tongqing.

[As expected of SKT, the pride of the Great Cold Republic! 】

[Fortunately, I was worried about SKT's mid-field status just now, but now it seems that it is just a small mistake in the early stage of the game???]

[LPL teams are only good at the laning phase... The RNG jungler MLXG in the mid-season game is like this. It is very fierce in the early stage, and it gets lost when it comes to the transition phase. Virtue thinks it is just a replica of MLXG]

【Is it worth watching SKT games? Waking up is another victory! 】

The director cut the screen to the SKT player seats.

Lee Sang Hyuk in the center looked relaxed.

This wave dared to lower his mana, pretended to return to the city, but actually went to the bottom lane to catch people. The root cause was that he discovered a loophole in VG.

Vision problem.

When Gu Xing kicked Xiao Hei back in the middle before, his combo was a roundabout kick immediately after touching his eyes, and his cooperation with Li Zhixun was even more fluid and smooth.

Through this scene, Lee Sang Hyuk was sure that the other party had premeditated, knowing Blank's position in advance would make such a decisive move.

That is to say, VG had arranged the eye position in advance and saw Xiao Hei's movement!

Faker thought about it at the time, and made sure he didn't see Master Hou looking around the SKT Raptor camp.

The eye position was naturally arranged by Gu Xing.

Using two eye positions consecutively, even a blind monk will fall into the predicament of eye position depletion!

The green jungle knife has a total of two charges, and the blind monk's accessories have been replaced with scans.

From this, Li Sang Hyuk concluded that Gu Xing didn't have any extra energy to focus on the lower half!

And in his view, after the VG jungler returns to the city to replenish equipment, he will naturally go to the upper half of the area to brush the red BUFF, and he cannot go to the lower part of the map to defend.

The field of vision in the lower half of VG is no different from pitch black!

Faker seized the opportunity to sneak in, stuck in the timing to show a wave of acting skills, and turned around to attack the enemy duo.

Everything is within his plan, without any variables!

Lee Sang Hyuk believes that as long as he continues to operate steadily, victory is only in SKT's pocket!

Korean commentators think so too.

They were all smiling, eager to open champagne at halftime to celebrate the victory.

Although the economic gap between the two teams has not widened.

But viewers who have watched the LCK vs. LPL team match know it well.

The operation during the transition period is the foundation of the Korean team!

In the next 10 minutes, SKT will open up 3000 economy at least!

The Korean commentator from God's perspective is ready to appreciate SKT's picturesque operation skills.

CloudTemplar's expression turned serious.

"What is Virtue doing?"

He set his sights on SKT's Ueno area.

Half a minute has passed since the two teams swapped side defense towers.

The rest of the players had already returned to the city to replenish their equipment, and began to change lanes between the upper and lower lanes.

But Gu Xing was still crouching in the grass next to the SKT blue BUFF camp!

"He wants to catch Leopard Girl?!" CloudTemplar realized Gu Xing's thoughts, and the speed of his speech suddenly became a bit hurried, "Competitor Blank is on his way to the upper half!"

Xiao Hei, who just finished eating earth dragon accompanied by his teammates, is now in a good mood.

He admitted that his ability to seize opportunities with rhythm is not as good as Gu Xing.

But junglers are not limited to these two tasks.

Wouldn't it be nice to keep up with the mid laner and eat hot?

Xiao Hei stabbed the newly reset Demon Swamp Frog with a javelin on the partition wall, transformed into a leopard form and rushed towards it.

The next moment, a sky sound wave flew out from the grass behind him!

Blank couldn't react in time, and was marked by a skill hit!

"While the blind monk was shaking Tian Yinbo, he touched his eyes and got close to Leopard Girl, E [Sky Thunder Break] and Tiamat hit burst damage!"

The Korean commentators changed their faces at the speed of light, "Blank is still in leopard form, W skills and flash are still cooling down, and there is no countermeasure against the blind monk's rush...Ahhh!"

Screaming echoed in the commentary.

In Summoner's Canyon, the blind monk with red eyes raised his right leg.

Raptors tail!

Nidalee's body was out of Xiaohei's control, and after being kicked against the wall, there was only residual blood left!

Li Qing himself has the Warhammer of Tiamat + Caulfield. The equipment already provides good attack power, and the basic damage of his Q skill after being upgraded to level 7 is not too low.

At this moment, keep up with the beheading of the second-stage Q [Echo Strike], and the output instantly kills the leopard girl!

The South Korean commentator at the scene was crying and howling.

The Haier brothers, who were still worried about SKT's excellent strategy of jumping down and swapping towers, were extremely excited!

"Xiao Gu, it's him again!" Miller shouted loudly, "Dansha's opponent, stand up again and open the situation for the team!"

The baby also echoed, "The leopard girl was sent back to the spring as soon as she finished her equipment and went out, and it took a full minute to delay her development!"

The voice in the VG team was boiling.

Li Zhixun praised in a warm voice, Brother Long's face almost wrinkled with laughter.

"Beautiful!" Xiao Duan really started to be a cheerleader, cheering for his jungler, "I knew you would do it!"

Goo Sung Bin, who was pushed off the tower by four packs and two just now, also regained his spirits, "Wait help us push the top line over, we can switch to the rhythm!"

Gu Xing agreed and started to clean up SKT's Ueno area on the spot, planning to take down Frog Concubine and Three Wolves first.

Miller stared at the number of last hits of both sides on the data panel, "With the two sets of camps in hand, the gap between the junglers has further widened..."

"It's the third day of the World Championship, and it's the first time I've seen the blind monk lead the leopard girl by clearing the wild," Waowa smiled. "I don't know how Blank feels now?"

Xiao Hei bit his lip and scratched his chin unconsciously with his fingers.

Although there is a black and white screen in front of him, it is extremely dazzling to him at this moment.

"If it's really not possible, why don't you leave Zhongya first?" Li Zaiwan gave Blank a suggestion. The KT duo was near the upper second tower just now.

But the speed at which Xiao Hei was instantly killed was too fast, it took only three seconds before and after, and the two of them couldn't keep up!

If Blank had Zhongya, the armored leopard girl would definitely not die so easily. As long as she can pull out her golden body and delay for 2.5 seconds, she can last until the reinforcements arrive!

"Okay..." Xiao Hei said with a bitter tone, "Then I will make the third Holy Grail."

Originally, [Athena's Evil Holy Grail] has a smooth synthetic curve and a very low price, which is very suitable for Leopard Girl's second forming equipment.

But Blank felt that if he was the Holy Grail, Gu Xing would probably kill him in the wild!

No one paid any attention to him.

The other four players were dealing with VG's sudden attack.

"They're going to push the center line and turn to the center. In Wan, you go directly to help Xiang Hyuk. I can handle the top line by myself, no problem!" Bang directly let his support leave.

The blind monk on the opposite side doesn't have a big move. He thinks that he holds flash and E [Arcane Leap], and guarding the road alone will not be life-threatening.

Li Zaiwan did not dare to go directly to the middle road through the Ueno district.

Because of Xiao Hei's sudden death in battle, the place is now completely dark.

Wolf worried that he would be arrested by Gu Xing if he rushed in.

Gu Shengbin's Jhin opened W and R remotely, which is very likely to leave himself in the wild.

To be on the safe side, Li Zaiwan could only make a big circle along the wall of the high ground and rush to the middle road.

But VG moves much faster than him.

Gu Xing, who didn't need to take a long way around, pushed the upper line of soldiers with a short section, and immediately rushed to the middle!

"This wave of small soldiers can be used, but the opponent's return to defense is very slow," Gu Xing rushed to mark the signal on the line of soldiers in the middle behind him, signaling his teammates to pay attention, "We must remember to protect the artillery cart!"

He clearly knew the arrival time of each wave of three artillerymen.

This is the most basic link in Redmi's operating theory, and it can be called a compulsory course.

Operation is essentially nothing more than the replacement of resources such as wild monsters, eye positions, and defensive towers.

In most cases, the carrier of resource replacement is the soldier line.

Small soldiers have the functions of providing vision, advancing in groups and putting pressure on the line of troops, etc. They can be used to attack, retreat and defend. They can be called the most important basic resources in the canyon.

A team with excellent pawn line management will basically have good operational skills.

During the period when Gu Xing took over the command of the wild nuclear campaign, he was also groping, and now he has a glimpse of the way.

He deliberately stuck at the node where the artillery line reached the middle lane to put pressure on SKT.

At present, only Lee Sang Hyuk is guarding the Zhongyi Tower.

The Clockwork Demon alone is completely unable to quickly deal with this wave of artillery vehicles!

The foreshadowing that Lee Sang-hyuk planted when he double-teamed the next road to take a blood tower before, is now beginning to show its consequences.

Clockwork has no blue BUFF and no big move!

Even if Faker is the number one player in the league, he still can't clear the thick-skinned and thick-skinned cannon cars!

Gu Xing stepped forward to press him.

Lee Sang Hyuk's flash has just improved, but it doesn't mean that the other party can hang around under the tower unscrupulously.

If Faker dares to move forward, Lord Hou's Syndra is not a vegetarian.

Easyhoon's flash is also better. If you are in a hurry, directly flash the big move [Energy Pour] to start, and then retreat to the weak. There is a high probability that the mainspring will be stunned and stay!

After Li Zaiwan walked around to the second tower in the middle road, he saw that the blood volume of his turret had been worn down by the three of VG, and he knew that the situation was urgent.

The middle tower is the most important outer tower resource in Summoner's Canyon. If SKT loses this battleground, it will be passive in the next operation!

"Teleport, Brother Haocheng, you need to protect the defense tower first!" Wolf urged his side to take the order.

He knew that it was not realistic for him and Lee Sang Hyuk to keep the turret safe.

Easyhoon has currently made ghost books.

This is the most cost-effective equipment after the large-scale update of the mage in the mid-season version this year.

The price is only 2900 gold coins, and the composite curve is extremely smooth with a bunch of parts.

It will provide heroes with 100 spell power, 400 mana points, 20% cooldown reduction, 20% maximum mana recovery from kills and assists, and will also apply a serious injury effect lasting 8 seconds to enemy heroes whose health is below 35% !

All the attributes that mages like are available, it is simply a BUG level existence!

Syndra, who made the ghost book, even showed her own strength, and every magic ball is extremely threatening.

Li Zaiwan has no doubt that Syndra, with the blessing of Thunder, possesses the ability to instantly kill him with a set of skills!

He can only ask his teammates for reinforcements.

Duke, who switched lanes to the bottom lane and continued to split push, heard that the middle lane was in trouble, and immediately retreated to a safe position, and decisively handed over the middle tower for teleportation defense.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xing quickly formulated a countermeasure.

"Don't force yourself, wait for the teleportation of Gnar on the opposite side to land, Brother Duan, follow me to invade the lower half of the opposite side," he talked very fast, conveying his thoughts to his teammates, "Don't eat F4, I want that group of stones beetle……"

The Raptor is close to the middle lane, and Gu Xing is not the factory manager who can't walk when he sees F4, even if he has ten guts, he wouldn't dare to force NTR wild monsters in front of the three of SKT.

He simply aimed at the bottom stone beetle camp.

There was no one guarding it, so Gu Xing turned against the wild at will.

"Brother Long, keep pushing down the tower and try to take down the defense tower!" He commanded methodically.

Based on the basic principles of the canyon, Gu Xing made this shift in strategic direction.

The arrival time of the pawn lines on the upper and lower sides is 10 seconds later than that in the middle.

Therefore, the cannon line in the middle road has been pushed into the SKT tower.

The cannon cart on the next road has just arrived on the line, and is fighting the enemy!

With the help of this wave of cannons, Gu Xing and his teammates can easily flatten SKT and get down the tower!

After all, Duke teleported to support the middle lane, and the lower half of SKT was empty, and the defense was extremely weak!

Zhu Xiaolong agreed, he has Yaoguang in his hand, and E [Phase Dive] can cause a lot of extra damage to the defensive tower, and the speed of demolishing the tower is not slow.

This wave of VG shifted from up to center, forcing Duke to transfer and then transfer to down, and the execution was extremely smooth!

The Haier brothers looked at each other.

Something is wrong... Is this operation method our LPL team?

Although there is still a certain distance from the suffocating transfer of the top teams in the LCK, it is obviously not something that can be played in the LPL division!

And you know, the opponent is SKT!

Redmi in the backstage lounge looked relieved.

Since he joined VG, he has been instilling operational concepts into the team. In the 5th period, VG relied on Samsung Hakunosuke, and the transfer operation was indeed very good.

But the strength of the three thugs was obviously not good enough, and there was a conflict between Mata and the death announcement in the follow-up, which caused the team to explode directly. 6 The spring game faced the dilemma that the lineup did not have a strong point. It was difficult for the team to establish an advantage in the early stage, and the overall strength was not good.

It wasn't until the summer that reinforcements headed by Gu Xing and Imp joined, finally turning VG into a strong team with no obvious shortcomings.

The long-term operation guidance finally came in handy!

Redmi has always believed that in the League of Legends, the personal strength of the players is the foundation.

Operation is like building a building on the foundation, how stable it can be depends on whether the foundation is reliable.

It is really not easy for the overall operation level of the team to reach the historical level of SKT.

But as long as you understand the basic concepts, you will be much better than most of the current LPL teams!

This thing does not have too strict requirements on the comprehension requirements of the players.

Of course, it is better to have a super strong perspective and be able to learn without a teacher.

It doesn't matter much if you don't have talent in this area.

Many operational processes are rote formulas.

As long as you are willing to work hard, the team's operational level can be called a good evaluation.

It is nothing more than whether it is possible to have a coach who understands operations and how to impart concepts, and a group of players who are willing to work hard and study.

But VG has them all!

During the current line transfer period, VG made full use of the advantage of the difference in numbers to turn the old strong team SKT around!

The Korean commentators who were still waiting to see the jokes about VG's poor management fell into dead silence.

"The line transition is so smooth..." CloudTemplar marveled, "This year's VG is really impressive."

"They not only have strong laning ability and wild area confrontation strength, they are also remarkable in changing lanes!"

Jeon Yong-jun, a well-known host roaring beside him, was full of emotion, "The first tower in the bottom lane has been flattened by Ike and the blind monk. I assisted Nami to go back to the city and prepare to return to the top lane again. Instead, SKT is a bit led by the nose! "

"The death of player Blank this time has cost the team a lot!" KT's operation can be called the top in the world, and in terms of real level, it must be better than the current VG.

But no matter how experienced they were just now, it would be difficult for them to defend impeccably during the time when Xiao Hei was not resurrected!

During the period, seeing VG Nosuke moving to the bottom lane, SKT also wanted to retaliate against him in the same way, and reversed to target the enemy's top lane defense tower.

But Jhin's strength can be clearly seen at this moment!

Gu Shengbin placed three lotus traps successively at the position where the pawn line passed by.

E [All Overwhelmed] The damage caused by successive explosions, combined with Jhin's W [Deadly Brilliance], directly blows up the entire wave of troops, leaving only one cannon cart, even if it comes in alone, it will not be able to threaten the VG. One tower!

"Ah Yixi..." Li Zaiwan was obviously not as calm as before, and cursed in a low voice.

Before he returned to the city last time, he used the sharing economy of the One-Blood Tower to make eye stones and replaced the accessories with scans.

But before Li Zaiwan rose to level 9, the scanning range was really limited.

Wolf didn't know where the prop Sung Bin had set up lotus traps, so he could only watch helplessly as E [All Overwhelmed] killed a large number of minions!

In a wave of operational confrontations that lasted less than two minutes, SKT lost a teleportation, a bottom tower, and an array of wild monster camps!

Blank also knew that he had dragged the team back, so he became more and more cautious in his actions, for fear of making mistakes again.

"Xiao Gu went back to the city to make a warrior's jungle knife and mercury shoes, and the equipment was quite exaggerated," Miller Lehua said, "Xiao Hei in the counterpoint only had runic echoes, CD shoes, and a zero-layer dark seal, and his equipment was poor. There must be more than a thousand gold coins!"

"SKT seems to be economically able to bite at the moment, but a careful analysis shows that they only have an equipment advantage in Bang!"

Baby took over the topic, "Besides, Ezreal's equipment advantage is not equal to the combat power advantage before the mid-term, and the EZ strength of Mozong + Yaoguang is also equal to Youmengjin in terms of strength!"

"Without a prominent advantage point, it is difficult for SKT to choose who to launch an operational offensive around!" Seeing that there was no breakthrough for VG, KT simply began to retreat and defend.

Prepare to wait until Bang's Ice Fist and Magic Cut come out before waiting for an opportunity to pick up the group.

Lee Sang Hyuk sensed how tricky VG is.

The last time I had a training match was before the LPL Summer Finals, and the strength of the opponent was obviously not as good as it is now.

He could feel the speed of VG's progress.

But Lee Sang Hyuk still has sufficient self-confidence.

"Drag, just drag..." His voice was calm and powerful, "As long as Junzhi and I have completed the equipment, the opponent will not be our opponent!"

"That's right, Sang Hyuk's stage is huge," Lee Jae Wan took the opportunity to comfort Blank, who seemed overly nervous, "Sun Goo, you should protect Sang Hyuk at ordinary times, and if necessary, I will call you."

In all fairness, Faker does have a lot of room to play in this game.

VG double C and support are all non-displacement short-legged heroes. As long as the wind-up big move is pulled in the middle and late stages, it will have a devastating effect!

Blank just nodded.

He now occasionally recalls his affirmative answer when Coach Kka asked if he could snatch Leopard Girl in the BP session, and his face became hot with a sense of shame.

On the commentary stage, Baby Miller was still applauding for VG's siege.

"After Brother Long made his ice fist, he started chasing Gnar and beating him violently!"

The current version of the top laner, Ike, was originally Ounter Gnar. Zhu Xiaolong successively dismantled two towers and added assists to the economy. The equipment should be more luxurious.

He is unreasonable, meeting is E [Phase Dive] stepping forward to trigger the ice fist to slow down, sticking to the opponent and non-stop basic attack.

The often-triggered cornerstone talent of the Grasp of the Undying made Duke complain even more!

If you want to get rid of it, you must hand in E [light jump], but the version on the eve of the World Championship has just been weakened. Gnar, whose E skill was fully upgraded at the end, has a displacement cooling time of 22 seconds before level 14!

After Ike made the CD equipment of Ice Fist, Gnar would have a chance to move and escape every time he cast Face Protruding E [Phase Dive] three times!

Fault tolerance and flexibility are both at a disadvantage, and the line power is undoubtedly firmly controlled by Zhu Xiaolong!

"Xiao Gu seized the view of the Xiaolongkeng by virtue of the right to go down the route, and was going to get the fire dragon..." Miller, who was always paying attention to the mini-map, could see the opponent's thoughts through the hero's movement trend, "SKT should want to let the fire dragon fall, and go to the wild together. Move on the top lane, and Faker will go back to the middle lane to defend the lane!"

This time Li Zaiwan had Xiao Hei's help, and started scanning to remove the lotus traps along the line.

As a result, a wave of artillery vehicles drove straight in, pouring into the defense tower on the VG road!

"Imp wanted to use R [Perfect Curtain Call] to snipe and kill minions from a distance, but SKT Nosuke stood in front of the line of soldiers, blocking Jhin's super bullets!"

Leopard Girl has milk, and Karma has a shield. The two of them have kept their blood volume quite healthy before, and it is not a big problem to take turns to withstand Jhin's four shots.

"SKT Nosuke sent the line of troops in, and covered Bang to push the tower... EZ still needs resources, and he will soon have a two-piece set!"

Bang is in his prime this year, and he's an all-powerful hexagon fighter.

In terms of offensiveness during the laning phase, he does not take the extreme oppressive route, but he is also very aggressive against the colored pen duo, and he can protect his own safety to the greatest extent in the face of strong enemies.

At 18 minutes into the game, Bang is still 1/0/1 with zero fatality data, highlighting a muffled fortune!

Only in the middle and late stages will he let his opponents realize what cruelty is!

In terms of team battle output ability, Bang now thinks he is second and no one dares to say he is number one!

"Xiao Gu took down the fire dragon and rushed to the bottom lane immediately, looking for a chance to kill Duke once, but he is too steady, not only does not leave the range of the defensive tower, but also acts as an eye in the wild area through the wall to capture the blind monk's movements!"

The eye position appeared at Gu Xing's feet.

He glanced at the small map and suddenly found potential danger.

"Brother Duan, retreat quickly, the other side may come looking for you!"

Duan Deliang is controlling the vision near the Great Dragon Pit, preparing for the upcoming Baron Nash in 20 minutes.

The jungler is going down the road, and he is alone as a ward. When KT moved from the field to the top lane, he often placed eye positions in the upper half of VG.

Duan's whereabouts have already been seen by the opponent.

Gu Xing was worried that his position would be exposed, and that the support who was alone would encounter SKT's joint encirclement and suppression, so he hurriedly sounded a reminder.

Duan Deliang realized that the situation was wrong, and cast a skill acceleration on himself, wanting to retreat quickly.

However, SKT, who is good at catching details, has very keen insight. They seized the opportunity and made a decisive decision to freeze their hands!

"Bang canceled the return to the city, and rushed from the top road to the wild area, and accelerated with the shield supporting Karma!" Miller thought that something was wrong, "Xiao Hei's leopard girl is also chasing it!"

Even though Nami has the passive [Treading the Waves], her running speed is still too slow.

Not long after, he was chased by Bang and Xiao Hei!

"The personnel arrangement in the upper half of VG is only double C, and the two have no ability to move, so they dare not rashly enter the wild area to help Xiao Duan!"

Lord Hou could only watch Lee Sang Hyuk not let him leave the middle lane, there was nothing else he could do to help.

Bang cross E [Arcane Leap] over the wall, face Nami and hit the damage at the same time, spotting Xiaoduan and raising his hand to cast R [Scream of Raging Waves], flashing directly behind the opponent, the basic attack connects to Q [Secret Shooting].

The soft assistant level is low and the body is still fragile. Under the continuous output of Moqie Izreal, he died within two seconds!

With the death of Xiao Duan, the economies of both sides have returned to the same level again!

"The lower half of VG fought back, and Xiao Gu Ming appeared in the bottom lane, forcing Duke back and allowing Brother Long to flatten the second tower!"

Miller was worried, "It seems to have earned a lot of gold coins, but VG's view of the Dragon Pit is completely dark, and it will be difficult to seize this part of the view after Nami's resurrection!"

Bang went back to the city to replenish his equipment, a two-piece magic cut ice fist set, CD shoes, and a vampire scepter, ready to combine into ruins.

"Okay, come to the dragon team to gather," Li Zaiwan breathed a sigh of relief, and the signal was marked at Baron Nash, "Let's force Ike's teleportation out, don't let him put pressure on the laner in the bottom lane!" KT generals quickly assembled , ready to make a fuss around the dragon, eating away at resources step by step.

The blood volume of the dragon dropped little by little, like an hourglass countdown, and there was not much time left for VG to consider and make decisions!

-----Off Topic-----

Gala, I am Superman!

10100 words, a total of 18.46W/27W

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