What is a hexagon jungler?

178: Unsolvable team battle, lore in the cracks! (A chapter of 10600 words!)

A blue foresight transformation illuminates part of the vision in the narrow Dalong Pit.

Although he was quickly eliminated by SKT players, he still got a lot of information from a glimpse.

Baron Nash has 7777 HP left!

The atmosphere in the VG team's voice suddenly became tense.

"Xiao Gu, shall we take it?" Lord Hou asked proactively.

Gu Xing moved his mouse back and forth near the Dalong Pit, trying to remember more details in the map.

The negative impact of arranging eye positions in the previous small section and being killed alone is far-reaching. Now the field of vision of the VG Ueno area can only expand to the vicinity of the red BUFF camp.

This caused the Dalongkeng and the narrow road above it to be completely dark now!

Gu Xing thought for a while.

"Accept," he said decisively, and took the lead to advance to Baron Nash's area, "Don't grab the dragon, just hit the front directly, and try to keep them all!"

Gu Xing thought clearly.

If he wants to grab the dragon, he has to use the Q skill to fly down from above the dragon pit.

The other teammates couldn't keep up, Gu Xing would die regardless of whether he could catch the dragon or not.

Moreover, for a team of SKT's level, it is basically impossible for the opponent to enter the Dragon Pit without hindrance, there must be an ambush!

Gu Xing felt that instead of taking the risk to grab the dragon, it would be safer to fight directly.

Now the two sides are still in balance overall. With the help of Baron Nash, VG has a good chance of winning in a frontal team fight!

Zhu Xiaolong, who was leading the line down the road, heard his command, and chose to move backward after pushing the line, and cut the screen to see if there was a suitable teleportation position in Dalongkeng.

Duke, who is guarding the high ground of his own bot lane, speeds up his action to clear the troops, and the superimposed anger shows that he is also ready to join his teammates!

Gu Xing now removes the warrior's field sword, Tiamat and mercury shoes, as well as the bird shield and chain mail, and the remaining grids are filled with real eyes.

Self-resistance combined with the extra 300 health points provided by [Power of Time], the frankness is quite impressive.

Now alone at the front is not afraid at all. KT Bu saw the blind monk and others moving towards the Dalong Pit from the eye position of the opponent's upper half.

Li Zaiwan glanced at the dragon's blood volume, then observed the speed of the opponent's arrival on the battlefield, weighed the pros and cons and made a decision, "Be prepared to fight to the end!"

Originally, he just wanted to force out Zhu Xiaolong's teleportation, so that Rou Aike would not unscrupulously put pressure on the sideline.

But the team's output ability is too exaggerated, and the speed of the dragon's blood loss is beyond imagination!

You know, any player is not a human calculator.

Especially when focusing on Baron Nash, it is impossible for anyone to give a precise time figure, all are approximate ranges.

Wolf is still subconsciously estimating the time to instantly kill the dragon based on the experience of the old version.

However, this World Championship is an unprecedented damage overflow version!

Tanks are scarce, and characters with massive output explosions are on the stage of history. KT's four players, Clockwork, Leopard Girl, EZ, and Karma, who are fighting dragons in front of them, have good damage capabilities.

As a result, Wolf made a slight misjudgment of the team's dragon-fighting speed.

This can also be Ms. Li.

After all, the sample size of using the World Championship version is too small, not only because Li Zaiwan has not developed a habit, but most of the players are not used to it.

For example, VG didn't react at the first time, but in just a few seconds, the blood volume of the big dragon dropped by half!

Li Zaiwan quickly adjusted his strategy.

"Brother Haocheng, you teleported here..." He assumed the important task of commanding the team, and the signal was marked on the eye position of the grass in the upper river, and he said to the mid laner, "Xianghe, put the ball up and have a look!"

Faker trusts the assistant's command very much. With Wolf's presence, he can concentrate on operating without distraction.

He stood against the wall of the Great Dragon Pit, and while using basic attacks to lower Baron Nash's HP, he used Q to drive the puppet into the Great Dragon Pit to detect suspicious situations.

As a result, the river and the two key passages leading to the Dragon Pit above the Dragon Pit were all blocked by SKT!

"Shan Jiu, save the slash damage and take down the big dragon first!" Li Zaiwan finally reminded the little jungler.

They have basically put an end to all the ways for the blind monk to quickly enter the dragon pit.

But Wolf still felt that it was not safe, so he specially told Xiao Hei to be careful.

Blank repeatedly agreed. After being suppressed by Gu Xing in the early stage, he is now eager to make contributions, and assured his teammates, "Just don't worry, Li Qing can't beat me!"

He has the leopard form Q [knockdown] that is blessed by the hunting passive. With the real damage of punishment, the killing line is extremely high!

Gu Xing saw the teleportation light blooming in the grass on the upper river, and knew that it was Duke who was going to cover his teammates to take down the dragon.

"Brother Long, look here!" He inserted the jewelry eye to the side of the river.

In the next moment, a scarlet teleportation rotator bloomed in Summoner's Canyon!

The teleportation of the top laners on both sides put the area around Longkeng into a state of tension where the battle was about to start.

The rustling discussions in the municipal auditorium continued to amplify.

The Haier brothers had solemn expressions and focused their eyes on the field.

"Imp's all in the back and activate Youmeng to convert the attack speed into attack power, and then activate the big move!"

Amidst the magnificent background music, the western cowboy fired the first shot!

The super bullet tore through the air and rushed straight into the dragon pit!

Knowing that Gu Xing didn't want to grab the dragon, Gu Chengbin shot at Baron Nash's edge instead of helping his opponent.

The first shot successfully hit Karma.

Although Wolf put a shield on himself.

But as an assistant, his level is too low.

E [Encouragement] As a sub-upgrade skill, the shield value is vulnerable to armor piercing!

One shot pierced the white shield and took away a lot of Karma's blood.

"Xiao Duan's Nami has started her big move!"

Deliang used a big move when he was killed last time, and now it has been almost two minutes, and it has turned for the better again.

Nami waved her staff, setting off a huge wave and rushing towards the battlefield!

In the narrow dragon pit, R [Howl of Rage] is enough to cover most of the space!

In order to avoid the huge waves set off by Nami, everyone in SKT had to run to the innermost side of the Dragon Pit.

The opponents get together, and Imp's best move is like hitting a target!

The second super bullet directly penetrates the shield provided by Faker Clockwork Demon E [Command: Guard], and the damage of the touch of hellfire is staggering!

"Duke's Gnar landed first, and he stuck the Dragon Pit Pass, preventing his opponent from entering!"

Moreover, his anger control is quite perfect, and he can become bigger after four or five general attacks, which can be called Gnar's strongest form.

Now the three of SKT Nakanosuke are in the dragon pit, and Bang is quietly outputting near the top.

Gu Xing saw that he didn't have any particularly good opportunities to enter the arena, so he was not in a hurry. He simply waited for Brother Long to land, and then moved sideways and forward, trying to block SKT's route from the Dragon Pit!

"Fire out the third shot to further reduce the enemy's HP!"

Even though Gu Chengbin didn't get much help from Gu Xing in this game, there is still a gap between him and Bang in terms of economy.

But the gold content of armor piercing is here.

Especially when facing crispy skin, try to take away a lot of life with every shot!

"Brother Long Ike joins the battle group, and the W time force field is directly placed in the dragon pit!"

Lord Hou's Syndra also entered the river.

All five members of VG are assembled!

The last super bullet that was exhausted rotated and flew out, and the heat wave generated by the friction was transmitted to the municipal auditorium, and the scene became hot in an instant!

Gu Chengbin slightly adjusted the trajectory of this shot, aiming at the bloody Baron Nash!

R [Perfect Curtain Call] The final blow has a lot of slashing damage.

Anyway, SKT Nakanosuke is huddled inside the dragon pit, and Imp can hit the enemy even if he shoots the dragon, just trying to grab the dragon.

Gu Chengbin has no reason not to do a business that can make a profit without losing money!

Sweat dripped from Xiao Hei's forehead, and he focused on Baron Nash.

Before all the super bullets hit the dragon, he resolutely connected the punishment with the Q of the leopard form, and emptied the health bar first!

Accompanied by Baron Nash's painful roar, the purple dragon BUFF emerged from the five SKT players!

Xiao Hei breathed a sigh of relief after being hit by all the bullets.

If Dalong is robbed, he can probably prepare for a wonderful life and have their own dreams.

"Blank got Dalong," Wawa felt a little regretful, but his attention was immediately drawn away, "VG doesn't intend to let them go, SKT must pay the price!"

Now the situation on the battlefield is gradually becoming clearer.

In the Dragon Pit, SKT Nakanosuke gathered together.

The Longkeng and the upper river pass are guarded by the brigade.

Near the grass in the upper river, the top laner and Gu Xing were confronting each other.

The positions closer to the middle are VG Zhongsuke and Gu Chengbin.

"Chasing, chasing, everyone in the dragon pit must be killed!" Gu Xing gave the death order. KT Nakanosuke's blood volume status is very average.

In the current version, most lineups play dragons very fast, but they can't stand the front row and can't withstand the damage of Baron Nash.

Especially Xiao Hei is only level 11 now, and E [Wild Gallop] is only level 3, so the amount of milk is not enough.

And in order not to be caught by Gu Xing in the wild area and continue to solo, he listened to his teammates' suggestion and made the second Zhongya hourglass.

Without the additional healing of the Holy Grail, Xiao Hei cannot provide sufficient health to his teammates.

Coupled with the fact that Gu Chengbin hit all four shots, the blood volume of the three people in the dragon pit was less than half!

Lee Sang Hyuk planned to leave Longkeng with his teammates first.

This place is too narrow, there is no room for the characters to move around, and it is easy to be surrounded by opponents!

Just as he was about to leave, he saw Rou Ike rushing up!

The time force field of W [Time Staggered] is officially generated, sealing the dragon pit pass!

When stepping on the time stagger, the hero will be stunned for 2.25 seconds, which is almost like waiting to die.

Cross flash and feel worthless.

Lee Sang Hyuk and the others had no choice but to stay inside.

At this time, Duke, who had not performed much in this game, showed an amazing sense of smell.

He let Brother Long rush past him, and pointed his finger at the other opponents in the upper river channel.

Just a meaty Ike, it is impossible to have much impact on SKT's front.

The root cause lies in the other four people of VG!

As long as the enemy's output point can be blocked, the three people in the SKT dragon pit will not be in danger for a short time!

Gnar was full of anger, first retreated in sheep's clothing, then turned his head and jumped lightly towards the VG formation, intending to flash and change his form to make a big move!

But Easyhoon was already prepared.

The magic ball condenses, and the weak retreat!

In the air when Gnar jumped forward, Syndra pushed him unconscious!

"Let's go to Longkeng, leave Gnar alone!" Xiaoduan's voice was urgent.

During the interval of communication, Duan Deliang handed over Q [Prison of Blue Waves].

The water dungeon was perfectly connected, and at the moment when Duke just woke up from the dizziness of the weak retreating, he controlled him again!

Next, Imp can give W [Fatal Brilliance] to imprison Gnar as much as possible.

Can control the opponent for nearly 5 seconds.

Everyone except VG did not hesitate, and went straight to the Dalongkeng Pass ahead, trying to join Longge and kill SKT Nakanosuke!

The little black leopard girl threw out a javelin.

The cast of skills is quite predictive.

Zhongsuke subconsciously turned around to avoid the VGs that were pasted together.

Even though Blank is poorly developed, he is still a leopard girl after all.

Q [Javelin Throwing] If you hit the crispy skin from a long distance, it will create an explosive output!

In crucial team battles, no one wants to lose combat ability after eating a skill in Xilihutu.

Since Xiao Hei's pre-judgment javelin blocked the move, the VG middle assistant who has no displacement ability can only make a small move towards the wall near the Dalongkeng in the river.

Witnessing this scene, Lee Sang Hyuk couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth slightly.

He slammed the R key on the keyboard!

Command: Shockwave!

The clockwork demon urges the puppet to distort the space, releasing a force that can tear everything apart!

"What kind of big move position is this?!" Doll couldn't believe her eyes.

He could see very clearly.

The golem at the center of the shock wave's focus is hidden in the thick wall extending from the Great Dragon Pit.

If it weren't for the special effects of the big move in the space distortion, the doll would not know when Faker put the golem into the wall!

The audience in the municipal auditorium also burst into deafening noise!

Like the commentators, they also discovered the weird location of the puppet!

The players on the field are completely different.

The player's perspective is based on their own central area. When playing in a group, the screen contains too much and too complicated information, and they have to be distracted to operate. It is impossible to quickly see every detail like the perspective of watching a game.

In most cases, everyone pays special attention to the danger closest to them.

Unless it is the kind of player who doesn't know where his own people are when he fights a group, he will only notice the distance when the perspective is cut randomly.

But professional players will definitely not make such low-level mistakes!

VG Zhongsuke knew that he had no movement skills, and he was also paying attention to the clockwork monster's ultimate move.

However, both of them focused their attention on the Dragon Pit.

In the small space stood SKT Nakanosuke and Zhu Xiaolong, a total of four people.

The skills of the ten-player team battle fly around, Lee Sang-hyuk doesn't use the skin yet, the color of the puppet is very inconspicuous, it is difficult to find the position in a short time.

Hou Ye and Xiao Duan didn't even notice that the puppet was hidden in the wall covered by trees and rocks!

It wasn't until the shock wave was about to form that the two of them noticed that the space here was distorted!

In a hurry, Duan Deliang quickly handed over the flash and pulled it back.

But Easyhoon does not have such a fast hand speed.

Nearly 24 years old, his reaction speed has dropped a lot compared to his peak period, especially when playing in groups, he is more used to relying on experience.

This style of play thinks ahead of time about the attacking methods of the opponents in this wave, and reserves spare energy to counter, sometimes it will be very effective.

For example, just now Duke's jumping face when he retreated in sheep's clothing but actually moved forward.

Li Zhixun had thought earlier that he might enter the arena like this, and before the opponent could make a move, he pushed Duke unconscious from the air.

The disadvantages of relying on experience are also obvious.

There are always unexpected accidents in team battles, and unimaginable variables will catch experienced professional players off guard!

Like Lee Sang Hyuk's big move of hiding the ball on the wall now.

Easyhoon never expected that he would be forced to the wall by Leopard Girl's javelin, so naturally he couldn't dodge the puppet inside the wall!

If it was a young player with fast hands, like Xiao Duan, he could also hand over his flash by relying on his physical reaction.

But Li Zhixun can no longer do this kind of exaggerated reaction operation!

As soon as his finger was placed on the flashing button, before he could press it, the shock wave swept him into the air!

"It's broken, it's broken!" Miller was heartbroken, and said the voices of countless viewers who supported VG, "Syndra will suffer!"

Bang in the distance was already prepared, bent down and drew his bow to shoot R [Precise Barrage]!

The golden crescent and Wolf Karma's spiritual flame rushed towards Syndra almost at the same time.

The exquisite cooperation from SKT96line vowed to kill the old teammates!

At the critical moment, Gu Xing also found an opportunity.

Clockwork Monster has some skills that can move and cast spells, but when casting R, the character must stop in place to cast spells.

When Lee Sang Hyuk just read a big move.

Gu Xing moved his eyes forward, Q [Tian Yinbo] was hitting the immobile Clockwork Demon!

The second-stage Q echo strike decisively kicked over!

The moment Hou Ye was knocked into the air, Gu Xing also came to Clockwork's side.

First use the active effect of the bird shield to put shields on yourself, Long Ge and Hou Ye next to you.

Then he raised his foot and kicked out R【Raptoron wagging its tail】!

The golden light shone.

Gu Xing flashed to adjust the position, and came to the side to adjust the repelling direction of the Raptors wagging its tail!

In the canyon, the blind monk's R flash hit the clockwork monster hard. Lee Sang Hyuk bumped into Xiao Hei again.

In the cramped space of Longkeng, SKT's Nakano and field are almost stuck together.

Before Blank could react, he was affected by the Raptors swaying his tail.

The two are flying in the sky!

The Haier brothers, who were frustrated just now because Master Hou was caught in the vagina by the clockwork trick, instantly changed their faces at the speed of light!

"My God...Little Gu!" Miller hoarse, "Kicked SKT Nakano!"

E [Sky Thunderbolt] Pick up Tiamat!

Gu Xing was dressed in half-meat clothes.

But playing crispy skin, the output is not low.

Duan Deliang's Nami, after dodging the shock wave of the development bar, also used E [Blessing of Tide Calling] to add damage-increasing effect to Gu Xing's basic attack!

Brother Long's Ike is not polite, with the help of knock-up control, he can keep up with the output and kill the clockwork in seconds!

"Faker was the first to be second... Lord Hou is not dead yet!"

The speed of commentary can't keep up with the ever-changing team battle situation.

Gu Xing previously gave the bird shield the shield value of the active effect to try his best to protect the safety of his mid laner.

Moreover, the bird shield's passive aura can also provide 15 points of magic resistance bonus for allies around him.

However, Faker's clockwork skill, Bang Yin Zerai's ultimate move, and Wolf Karma's Q [Inner Flame] are all magic damage!

Therefore, even though Hou Ye had a burst of SKT three players, he still survived with less than 200 blood points left when he was full of blood!

R【Energy pouring】!

Master Hou threw out his skills, and immediately flashed and ran to the top of the dragon pit, and quickly escaped with the speed of sprinting.

"Half-blood Wolf was instantly killed!" the baby yelled loudly.

Easyhoon's gear is pretty outrageous.

Gu Xing has been helping him take heads in the early and mid-term.

Now I have two and a half pieces.

What's more, Wolf stayed in the dragon pit for too long when he fought Baron Nash, and he was often sprayed by the dragon.

The corrosive acid will eat up his magic resistance!

In this case, Master Hou's ultimate move is almost the same as real damage, sending Karma back to the spring with magic balls!

"Blank broke away from the flying state of the Raptors swaying its tail, and W [Meng Pounce] cooperated with flashing over the wall to rush to the Dragon Pit, and wanted to escape from the sky!"

A leopard girl with residual blood will basically not have any effect on the frontal battlefield.

VG didn't divide the staff to deal with him.

Now on the battlefield, SKT's mid laner was killed, the jungler fled, and the VG mid laner retreated.

The two sides became Bang+Duke playing VG with four generals except Lord Hou!

Among them, Duke was controlled in the rear for a few seconds, and now he has only half blood left!

"VG wants to win the team battle!" Miller looked excited, "SKT should flee separately to save as many dragon buffs as possible!"

All the audience and the VG players on the stage thought so.

When Lord Hou returned to the city, he almost applauded Gu Xing to congratulate him.

The Korean commentators were even more mournful, screaming loudly, "Virtue, you are so despicable, you actually came to sneak attack when Sang Hyuk released R!"

But the real wave of SS in SKT's adversity has only surfaced.

Previously, the frontal team battle was extremely hot, and Bang only attracted the director's camera when he shot R [Precise Barrage].

But that's not all he did.

Bang has been kept in a safe position, and his basic attack connects with Q [Secret Shooting] to hit the nearest target Ike.

Quietly stack up the passive [Spell Energy Boost].

And in the 6.17 version, the enhanced spell power is soaring. At this time, the full layer can provide up to 60% attack speed for level 12 Yin Zerai!

At the same time, the cornerstone talent [War Passion] is also stacked to full stack, gaining a lot of attack power.

The super fighting Bang finally started to take over the game!

First disable Ike of Brother Long, force the opponent to hand over the R [Time and Space Break] blood recovery and avoidance skills, and then target the blind monk on the edge of the dragon pit!

Yin Zeruier's small water gun seemed soft and weak, but it was extremely painful when it hit his body!

Gu Xing only has one piece of chain mail that can provide armor, and the rest of the equipment is magic resistance, which can't stand the damage at all!

He just wanted to walk over and fight EZ hand to hand.

Duke, who was thrown to the back by VG before, rushed forward!

The giant Gnar finally resisted a series of controls by VG, and now it was free to vent its anger in the river!

Flash forward.


The ferocious-faced Gnar let out a roar, and his thick arms slapped VG Nosuke on the wall!

All of Gu Xing's movement skills are cooling down, he really can't dodge them, he can only fall into a dizziness!

"Big Gnar's boulder throwing combined with Inzerel's secret shooting, kill the fragile Nami first!"

Brother Long waited for another round of his skills to improve, E [Phase Dive] stepped forward and wanted to hit EZ.

However, when he brought Inzreal into range, Bang suddenly handed over E [Arcane Leap] and pulled back!

Ekko's E has a unique mechanic to follow.

Since the skill itself is attached to the basic attack, the hit can be guaranteed in most cases.

As long as the basic attack is knocked out, even if the opponent uses displacement, Ike will follow!

Now Bang is taking advantage of this to bring Zhu Xiaolong away from the battlefield!

Turn around Q [Secret Shooting] to link up with the basic attack, and cripple Ike again!

Brother Long gritted his teeth and threw Q [Time Curler] to slow down the opponent, and before he could hit the third ring, he quickly flashed and ran away!

But Bang's skill is like a homing missile, locking onto Ike's body!

Zhu Xiaolong moved around and tried to dodge, but he still didn't dodge another secret technique shot!

Ike's blood bar has been emptied!

Miller opened his mouth slightly and looked at the screen in disbelief.

Gu Xing was also stunned for a moment by Bang's flexible and steady team fighting style.

But he immediately came back to his senses.

"Kill him, don't let this person go!" Gu Xing knew very well in his heart that if he didn't kill Bang in this wave, the other party would use Yin Zereal's characteristics to keep chasing him.

At that time, it is estimated that it will be difficult for myself and Imp to escape!

He made a decisive decision, turned his Q [Tian Yinbo] and attacked the EZ not far away!

Bang still wanted to dodge.

But his flash was used to kill Xiaoduan at 18 minutes.

E [Arcane Leap] is also cooling down.

Gu Xing skills are very precise.

He could only watch helplessly as the mark of Tianyinbo was placed on the top of his head!

"Beautiful!" Waowa clenched her fists secretly, "Xiao Gu don't rush forward, wait for a wave of skills to cool down..."

Gu Xing entered the arena with a touch of his eyes before, and the W [golden bell cover] cools down for a long time.

However, the E skill is about to improve.

He knew that Bang had no means of escape, so he waited for the cooldown of the Thunderbolt before triggering the second stage of Q [Echo Strike] to fly up!

"EZ has an ice fist on his body. With the armor blessing, he has eaten a set of blind monk skills, and his blood volume is less than 1/3..."

Bang pulls and fights back, hits all the basic attack skills, and kills Li Qing!

There was a sudden burst of cheers from the South Korean commentary stage!

"BangBangBang!" Jeon Yongjun imitated the sound of an ID gun, with an extremely smug expression, "He saved SKT's team battle!"

The fighting didn't stop.

Gu Xing made the same final contribution as Brother Long.

He handed over the second section of E [Broken tendons and bones], and slowly kept EZ.

Naturally, Gu Chengbin would not let go of this great opportunity.

Originally shrunk behind and sneaked out, he showed his sharp fangs.

Flash forward, Q [Dancing Grenade] smashes it out.

Then keep up with the last general attack bullet in the magazine!

Beheading damage clears Inzreal's health bar!

Imp, gaining explosive movement speed, set his sights on Gnar.

The western cowboy tap danced and rushed to harvest the last enemy on the frontal battlefield in an extremely awkward way!

Duke now has no E or flash, and is still in the form of Danar.

He is like a wooden man in front of Gu Chengbin, without the ability to resist!

When Gnar fell.

In the upper river of Summoner Canyon, there are 7 corpses of heroes lying.

"3 for 4, it's acceptable, SKT got a big dragon after all," Miller finally took a breath when he saw the team battle was over, "We survived the double C, Imp got the head of Bang, and left Blank on the opposite side This dragon species."

The baby looked helpless, "Bang is really the pinnacle of this SKT team. He is in a hot state and his output is fully maxed out!"

When replaying the team battle, he looked at the many details that he left behind the first time, just like refilling the plot.

"Master Hou interrupted Duke's entry first, and was ambushed by a clockwork hide ball because he avoided the leopard girl's javelin, and almost died..." Wa Pa took the count with his fingers, "Xiao Gu seized the opportunity to kill Faker with a roundabout kick Beat Xiaohei, Bang started to output like crazy, VG forcibly kept him!"

"The two sides have a wave of team battles going back and forth, and they will not give in to each other!"

The South Korean commentator is still sighing.

"Bang just suffered from the fact that Flash didn't turn around!" Jeon Yongjun felt sorry for him, "Otherwise, Yin Zerui would have finished this wave!"

Plar retorted with a smile, "If Bang hadn't killed Nami before, SKT would not have occupied the field of view of the dragon area so easily, and this team battle would not even have broken out."

"But overall, it's acceptable to SKT. The 1,500 team gold coins provided by killing Dalong is not a small number..." He adjusted his glasses, "To be honest, VG is pretty good. It can compete with SKT like this. Outside of the LCK It is the only one in the team!"

Millions of players around the world watched the whole process of this tragic and twists and turns team battle.

All the chat channels in the live broadcast rooms of major events have been swiped several times!

[Hey, Bang is too cruel, isn't he? Really emotionless output machine? 】

[Bang Zreal is just kidding with you, EZ Jinchuriki! 】

[Faker is insidious enough to hide the ball. Everyone put it there to deal with Ike who rushed into the dragon pit. He stuffed the ball into the wall to try to do something wrong. If he didn't react quickly, he would have been clocked in seconds.]

[Little Gu was able to save Lord Hou. It is indeed a miracle. Bird Shield has made great contributions! 】

[Why do I feel that the strength of the two teams is not much different? Team battles come and go]

[Impossible, absolutely impossible! How did SKT fall to the same level as LPL? 】

"VG's surviving double C gathered together and pushed forward in the middle. Blank was powerless to resist, so he could only put the defense tower to the opponent!"

A tower in SKT, which had held on for nearly 22 minutes, collapsed.

After VG destroyed the enemy's defensive gate, he was finally able to place his wards and infiltrate the enemy's wild area.

"The potential hidden danger is this EZ... 5 kills and 1 dead, he is about to pull out the Blade of the Ruined King!"

Miller frowned and mentioned the hidden dangers of VG, "After his flash cools down, how will he die with Karma's help?"

Bang chewing gum under the camera, still has that expressionless face, almost like artificial intelligence.

There were smiles on the corners of the other teammates' mouths, as if they were winning.

No one knows better than them how strong Pinnacle Bang is.

Four Guarantees and One Lucian is a terrifying output machine that can get five kills in the late stage. He is the most reliable pillar of the team in the late stage!

Don't know how to win?

Just keep Bang, as long as his development doesn't lag behind, team battles will be a nightmare for all enemies!

After Yin Zereal's synthesis was broken, SKT grouped up and started to advance.

An eye for an eye is an eye for an eye.

The goal is directly at the VG middle tower!

"Xiao Hei moved with the big army, and the remaining big dragon BUFF provided huge buffs for the little soldiers. VG wanted to defend, but Bang's skills were too accurate!" Miller frowned,

Although the EZ skill is also empty, the hit rate is still much higher than other players.

The most important thing is that after Inzerel hits Q [Secret Shot], Ice Fist will apply a slowing effect.

The next ones to meet VG are Clockwork Golem, Leopard Girl Javelin and Karma's Q [Spiritual Flame].

The middle road becomes the battlefield of World War II, with skills everywhere!

Gu Xing wanted to form a group.

But EZ turned around in a blink of an eye, and there was absolutely no possibility of him kicking back to Bang from the front!

As a last resort, we can only put the first tower in the middle to the opponent. KT was still not satisfied, so he used Xiaohei's remaining big dragon buff to flatten the second tower in VG, and then wiped out all the wild monsters on both sides!

Seeing that the next fire dragon was about to be refreshed again, Gu Chengbin couldn't hold back.

"How about fighting a wave, in fact, my equipment is not bad!"

He took away Bang's big head in the big dragon team battle, and now he is almost in a three-piece suit, reaching the peak of his armor-piercing power!

If you can get the benefits of this little dragon, the twin fire dragons will have extremely strong combat effectiveness!

Gu Xing didn't object.

In the narrow terrain of Longkeng, VG's lineup will be stronger.

Besides, no matter how SKT arranges the vision, it is impossible to light up all the wild areas.

He hides in a shadowy corner, maybe he can make a deadly move!

The team fight was pretty brutal.

The VG five-member group was destroyed, and only the opponent's three generals were replaced!

The only good news is that before Gu Xing died in battle, the punishment snatched the fire dragon from Blank.

The atmosphere at the LPL commentary stand instantly dropped to freezing point.

"Bang was not cut to death in the team battle, he surrendered the flash or escaped calmly," Waowa said with a bit of bitterness in her tone, "EZ is too flexible, VG and several people cut him hard and didn't kill him!"

"EZ and Gnar survived, flattened the middle of VG, and put pressure on the super soldiers..." Miller sighed subtly.

In his opinion, VG has done its best.

There is really no better way to deal with it.

Although VG never thought that VG could fight SKT to such a level before the game, Gu Xing's successful attacks in the early stage gave hope to many LPL audiences including Miller.

Now seeing that he is going to be defeated by SKT with the most familiar way of pulling the hips in the middle and late stages of the LPL division, Miller is extremely depressed.

"I'm resurrected."

Gu Xing went back to the city to synthesize [Guardian Angel] This equipment is still composed of chain mail + negative electrode cloak. The attributes are all resistance, and there is no attack power.

As usual, after making key large pieces of equipment, he notified his teammates.

Everyone is in a good mood in the voice.

Gu Chengbin was indignant, muttering what kind of basket Bang was, what kind of skin thief, etc., which really enlivened the atmosphere.

"Let's fight again," Gu Xing suggested, "Let's push the super pawn line in the middle and go to Dalong. If we can get the dragon, we will continue to wait for opportunities. If we can't get it..."

He hesitated to speak.

If you can't get the big dragon, as long as SKT can survive two people, they can push the VG crystal all the way!

Gu Xing felt uncomfortable.

He felt that he had reached the extreme in this game.

The operation transfer and team battle cooperation of the four teammates are also quite good.

In this case, there is nothing you can do if you lose the game.

It can only be said that SKT's performance is also very good.

"Come on, come on, isn't it just a group match? If you lose, you lose. What are you afraid of?" Brother Long was very open-minded.

He has been leading the lane during this period of time, but after SKT gained the advantage, he often came over in groups to disgust himself.

Therefore, Zhu Xiaolong did not make any progress on the wing.

The five VG teamed up again and quickly cleared the middle lane.

Hou Ye also used W [Drive Mind Force] to raise the super soldier in detail, so that it could not hammer the VG soldier line.

Gu Xing passed by his own raptor camp and went to the Dalongkeng Pai to see it.

Seeing that Li Zhixun smashed the super soldiers to F4's side, he was going to wipe out the wild monsters together.

A flash of light came to his mind.


God's perspective.

The Haier brothers are still explaining the situation dutifully.

"VG's economy is not far behind, it's only 4K, and it doesn't have that much impact at this point in time," Wawa talked eloquently, "The key is how to deal with Bang, Wolf and Faker kept giving him shields and acceleration, Yin Zerui Er's pulling ability is too strong..."

"It seems that VG intends to come to the newly born Baron Nash to try again," Miller noticed the movement trend of the heroes on the small map, and gained insight into their thoughts, "SKT's vision found VG's group movement, and the five of them didn't want to give up. Come to Dalongkeng to defend!"

Miller glanced at the summoner skills of both sides.

"Bang's flashing almost got better, about a minute or so..." He raised his eyebrows, "Looks like there's a chance?"

VG took the lead in emptying the eye position above the dragon pit.

Even the upper river took up half of the view. Under the premise of ensuring that the formation is not chaotic, KT moved forward little by little, re-lighting the river and the dragon pit.

Bang knew he hadn't flashed, so he stood very far back.

The only thing he needs to be wary of is the roundabout kick from the opposite blind monk.

As long as you avoid the first round of VG's offensive, everything will be like the previous two waves of team battles, let yourself reap the endgame!

"If you eat the blind monk Tianyinbo, stand forward. Xianghe and I will give you the shield. You won't die immediately. As long as you don't let Li Qing enter the arena, everything will be fine..." Li Zaiwan urged. All KT generals except Xiao Hei are professional players who have experienced many battles, and they know what the core points of team battles are.

Blank knew it was for himself, so he quickly agreed.

When holding a group to arrange the eye position connected to the VG Ueno area above the Dragon Pit.

In the shadowed corner separated by a wall, a strange thing was suddenly thrown, hitting the heads of Duke and Xiao Hei in front of the formation!

"What's going on?" Blank was puzzled.

At first he thought it was Syndra's dark orb.

After taking a closer look, I realized that it turned out to be a big razor-billed bird!

The wild monster wailed, as if dissatisfied with what happened to him.

Above the head of the razor-beaked bird, there was an imprint of Tianyinbo hanging impressively!

At the same time, SKT didn't care to clearly communicate who would insert the ward at this time. Wolf and others inserted the wards in the backpack all over the dragon pit!

The three fake eyes fell to the top in unison.

There is also a clockwork genie golem!

All vision props are telling them a message.

VG is waiting here in a group!

"Withdraw, withdraw!" Li Zaiwan shouted loudly.

However, a figure flew down.

It is the blind monk!

Gu Xing successfully made a certain displacement with the help of the Tianyin wave hanging above the head of the Raptor.

Touching his eyes obliquely in the air, he was approaching Yin Zerai in the back row of SKT formation!

Bang, who had always been as calm and calm as a robot, suddenly panicked.

Things are going completely differently than he imagined!

Handing over E [Arcane Leap] wanted to increase the distance between himself and Gu Xing.

But it's too late.

The blind monk made a signature swing of his feet.

Under the embellishment of the bright golden light, sticking closely behind EZ, he sent him back to the SKT formation with one kick!

The little yellow hair was out of control for an instant, and his blood bar also dropped a bit!

There was an uproar in the municipal auditorium!

"What kind of game is this?!" Wow was overjoyed and began to yell, "Bang was kicked back!" Everyone in KT avoided their teammates in order not to be knocked into the air.

Even so, Wolf who was closest to Bang was also knocked into the air!

Master Hou was merciless, and decisively R [Energy pouring] hit Yin Zerui's head and face.

The weak retreat!

All the dark magic balls are launched, controlling the SKT duo in the air!

"Nami's big move, let me shoot..." Miller, who was leaning forward, suddenly raised his head and chest, "It's gone in seconds!"

Nearly 10,000 spectators in the venue immediately boiled!

"Bang is the first to die!!"

Wolf, who suffered a lot of range damage, also failed to survive, and followed his own ADC back to the spring for recuperation.

Although Lee Sang Hyuk used the golem to pull out a wave of pretty big moves, Gu Xing used the bird shield to help his teammates resist a lot of damage!

"Brother Long Ike is chasing after him, and the slow speed attached to the ice fist sticks to the remaining three of SKT!"

It took only two seconds for Miller to go from depressed to elated, and he roared angrily at this moment, "Karma was killed in battle, what are you going to do?!"

Imp's ultimate move is activated, every super bullet is like death knocking on the door!

"Duke chose to sell himself in order to cover the retreat of his teammates... But do you think this will allow SKT Nakano to survive? There is no way!"

Under the excitement, the baby's voice was high-pitched and powerful, and his tone was harsh, "The wild area is full of narrow roads, and it is difficult to empty all the sniper rifles!"

Gu Xing, who just came to the back of SKT's formation to kick Bang, used his life to forcefully keep the opponent.

Lee Sang Hyuk was so irritated by him that he used a set of skills to play the resurrection armor special effect on the blind monk with residual blood.

But as the doll said.

In the wild area, how can SKT Nakano escape?

Gu Sung-bin forced out Blank's golden body with the last shot.

"Wait for the golden body!" the baby asserted, "It's only 2.5 seconds, Leopard girl, you still have to die!"

After the exhausted W [Fatal Brilliance] hit the body perfectly, a lotus trap bloomed under Nidalee's body.

"Faker is the only one left, Ike flashed and hit the ice fist passively, slowing down and sticking him!"

Miller blushed and clenched his fists and shouted, "After the blind monk was revived, the W golden bell cover was close to his teammate, Tian Yinbo shot...hit!"

The second-stage Q kept up, and Gu Xing left Lee Sang-hyuk behind with his slow speed.

The last old punch pierced the clockwork demon's health bar!


The cold female voice system broadcast echoed endlessly inside the municipal auditorium!

"Tuan Destroyer!" Wawa has been talking non-stop since the team battle broke out, and now she is almost out of breath, "The resurrection time is as long as 40 seconds, VG can try a wave from the middle!!"

"This teamfight is outrageous!" Miller smiled, "SKT played a good game and died suddenly!"

In Summoner's Canyon, the five members of VG marched in a group.

Gu Xing stopped the super soldier alone.

Then let Hou Ye use W [Drive Mind Power] to throw the super soldiers one by one into the distance!

VG drove straight in and went straight to the high ground of SKT!

"This is the first time VG has seen SKT highlands in this game, but it will also be the last time!" Wow was extremely excited, "SKT has no chance!"

The game lasted to 29 minutes and 57 seconds. The KT base shattered into fireworks!

-----Off Topic-----

Why did G2 suddenly stretch his hips...

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