What is a hexagon jungler?

217: Is the sunset far away?

Blind Monk Gu Xing's kick seemed to kick out countless sparks, instantly detonating the already restless atmosphere in the entire Staples Center!

Cheers and screams soared into the sky with an unstoppable force!

"At 10 minutes into the game, Faker sent out his second death in this game!" Baby's tone was cadenced, and she was full of energy at the moment.

"Just kill him, just stare at Faker and catch him!" Miller was full of excitement when he spoke, roaring and roaring, "If you like to keep the flash? Then you don't pay it at all in the future!"

Their earphones are not soundproof, and they can hear the mournful howls of the LCK commentary next door.

This makes the LPL commentary even more excited!

Under the camera, Lee Sang Hyuk no longer had the composure he had when he was killed for the first time.

When he communicated with his teammates, he could clearly see a bit of panic.

Faker also plays blind monk, but his proficiency is average.

Gu Xing's kick made him feel incredible!

So far, Lee Sang Hyuk has no idea how the blind monk kicked him to the side without revealing his position!

But one thing is clear.

Killed twice in a row.

His development is destined to be far behind by the opposite yellow chicken!

He could only watch the VG Nakano in the black and white screen crazily depleting the health of the defense tower!

Both the yellow chicken and the blind monk have means to increase the attack speed, and they are slashing at a tower in SKT.

It wasn't until the stupid Olaf came late that the two retreated.

There was no more fighting in the canyon, so the director quickly replayed Gu Xing's operation just now.

The camera was also deliberately slowed down so that everyone could take a closer look.

"After the blind monk was kicked by Tianyinbo, he immediately triggered the second stage of the echo and rushed up..." I remember not taking my eyes off the screen, "Before reaching Ryze, use W [golden bell cover] to move Go to the real eye that was inserted on the side!"

Li Qing drew a 7 in the air.

And the entire displacement process is hidden in the thick wall under the SKT middle tower!

Naturally, Lee Sang Hyuk couldn't see what was going on inside the wall!

And when the blind monk interrupted the echo strike with the golden bell cover to make a lateral displacement.

For a brief moment, he was close to Ryze leaning against the wall.

At this very moment, Li Qing raised his foot and used the dragon to swing his tail in the midair of his flight!

The director cuts to SKT's perspective.

Lee Sang Hyuk was still backing away, but someone in the shadow vision kicked him suddenly.

Faker didn't even see the shadow of the blind monk, so he flew to the side!

This scene even aroused endless clamor in the venue!

The audience couldn't believe their eyes.

In 2016, Blind Monk W Flash is considered a high-end operation.

Not to mention this blind-sighted 7-word spin kick!

"You're so handsome, Brother Ba Xing!" Little Peanut stared at the screen directly above the stage, with stars in his eyes, and kept shaking the arms of his teammates, "Brother Zhong Ren, did you see that?"

Pray's face darkened.

He recalled the blind monk's footprints on his back in the semifinals.

At that moment, at this very moment?

But seeing the happy faces of his teammates around him, Pray laughed dryly.

He suddenly had a better solution in his mind.

As long as Gu Xing played a bunch of famous scenes with roundabout kicks on SKT players in this round, wouldn't no one care about himself who was whipped to death by public opinion?

Thinking of this, Pray immediately became energetic, waved the light stick in his hand, and cheered for Gu Xing vigorously!

"Pu Gu Figh!" His tall and loud voice was even louder, "Give me a hard kick!"

On the commentary stage.

Miller tore his vocal cords recklessly, "It's very similar to the mechanism of Xiao Gu kicking Pray away when VG faced ROX in the decisive game before. It's a technique of using blind monk QW to interrupt each other so that they can cast skills in the air!"

"It's just that Xiao Gu's actions are more subtle this time, and he operates in the blind spot of SKT's vision the whole time. Faker, it's useless for you to react quickly. You never know when the blind monk will make a big move!"

The baby clenched her fists tightly, and the veins on her forehead popped out, "I used similar moves when facing ROX and SKT, and the opponents were hard to defend against!"

"Xiao Gu is really exaggerating." I remember being amazed again and again. He was still the king of the Taiwan server, but now his reaction speed has dropped sharply, and he is quite envious of Gu Xing's talent. "Are young people doing this kind of operation now?"

The LPL live broadcast room is even more impressive!

Netizens were amazed by this, and the chat screen quickly refreshed!

[Damn, Bodhidharma! 】

[On what is the experience of playing Ryze as a ball? 】

[Xiao Gu's 7-character roundabout kick is so ruthless! 】

[There was an In-color kick before, and Xiao Gu's is called a Virtue roundabout kick. Who agrees and who opposes? 】

[Faker likes to save flashes, and hasn't used them for 10 minutes, hahaha, it's better to hold until the end of this round...]

Shen Guanshan's eyes were clear and radiant, looking at the full screen of 666 floating in the bullet screen, he was filled with admiration.

"So fast……"

In her spare time, she has been supplementing the content of various events recently, and knows who was killed by Gu Xing in a row.

The current number one player in League of Legends e-sports.

Faker's ID became a victim, which added a bit of legend to Gu Xing's operations!

Gu Pan's gentle eyebrows and eyes became softer, "Gu Yu is fine!"

In the past, she seldom praised directly in front of Gu Xing. After all, the brother and sister had been in a blatant competitive relationship for the past eighteen years.

But ever since Gu Xing embarked on a career path, Gu Pan has gradually come to realize the truth.

The life trajectories of myself and Gu Xingfu are destined not to overlap completely, and the differences between them will become more and more obvious, getting rid of the label of being "students" when they were young.

Without a direct comparison, the desire to win or lose will naturally fade away, and Gu Pan can examine the relationship between siblings from a more objective perspective.

She no longer hesitates to cheer her brother on the field.

Through the switching of the director's camera, the two women can also see the reaction in the VG lounge.

Hongmi desperately punched the air with her fists, her face flushed red, like a red and warm Rambo.

Ding Jun clapped his hands and didn't stop until he felt obvious pain in his palms.

"Wuhu!" Jack jumped wildly in the gaming chair, venting his inner excitement, "I always care about Superman!"

The room was full of joy, and the voice of the VG team could be clearly heard on the TV.

"Xiao Gu!" Li Zhixun, who was usually calm and composed, was now impatiently impulsive, let go of his voice and yelled, and when he returned to the city, he still stretched out his left fist at the opponent, "Beautiful job!"

Gu Xing went back to replenish the equipment at the same time, freeing up his hands to celebrate with Easyhoon.

He heard a loud noise from the bustling auditorium, and was forced to raise the volume, "Your consumption was also great!"

Before Gu Xing made a move on Lee Sang Hyuk.

The mid laners of the two sides once faced the two-minute line.

The yellow chicken with long hands had the advantage against Ryze.

Ryze's only long-range damage ability is Q [overload].

But this skill must be linked with WE to achieve the desired effect, otherwise a single damage is not enough to threaten the yellow chicken!

The key point is that the maximum casting range of the WE dual skills is the same as that of the basic attack, which is 550 yards!

In the current version, the sand soldiers of the yellow chicken can manipulate and attack as far as 800 yards, and the Q [Sand Attack] is as long as 875 yards!

what does that mean?

For professional players, Ryze will never want to catch up and put pressure on the yellow chicken just by relying on the speed of a pair of legs!

The two sides said it was a blood exchange, but in fact it was Ryze who was beaten unilaterally!

Not to mention that Li Zhixun is still a yellow chicken with unique skills, and his control over distance is at its peak!

In contrast, no matter how strong Faker is, he can't change Ryze's short legs, short hands and bulky attributes.

When Gu Xing kicked out a 7-character roundabout kick, Lee Sang Hyuk was worn down to half of his health.

It was also because of this that he dared to cast roundabout kicks like this.

As long as the teammates make up the output, Lee Sang Hyuk has no possibility of escape!

Facts have also proved that Easyhoon's damage is completely enough.

"What happened?" Zhu Xiaolong didn't understand the situation.

When his middle and wild teamworked, he was entangled with Duke on the top lane and had no time to switch to the middle lane to watch the battle.

"It's just..." Xiao Duan tried to describe.

Duan Deliang was caught and killed by SKT before, and he has just been revived not long ago. Just now, he saw Gu Xing's roundabout kick.

But he himself lacks the ability to express himself.

He was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

"Stop, stop!" Brother Long's brain was swollen by the short chaotic description, "I can watch the video myself when I go back!"

Xiao Duan's face was full of red light, he laughed a few times and didn't make another sound.

Gu Xing went back and began to mend the parts of the bird shield, and asked his own order, "Do you have Nash?"

"Yes!" Li Zhixun replied affirmatively.

With two heads in hand, plus the 91-dollar replenishment economy and the system's automatic jump money, it is enough for him to make Nash's Tooth!

Although the passive magic damage attached to this piece of equipment does not apply to sand soldiers.

But attack speed, ability power, and cooling reduction are the attributes that the yellow chicken needs most, and the price is extremely high!

"Then you control the central route to death, and don't let Ruiz run around," Gu Xing arranged, "I'll help Imp next."

When he did it earlier, he kept touching his eyes to avoid SKT's vision in the lower river.

Now two fake eyes plus one real eye almost completely seal off the bottom position in the middle.

The stupid Olaf has no means of displacement, so he can only gank on foot, so it is absolutely impossible to escape Gu Xing's eye position blockade!

Li Zhixun also knew that he could do whatever he wanted, so he carried a real eye to block the upper vision, and began to exert pressure on Faker.

The sand soldiers stood up, attacked and stabbed.

Q [Krassy Sand Attack] Send the sand soldiers over, hit the retreating Ryze, apply the slow effect, and then follow up with a stab!

Three times damage triggers Thunder.

The mediocre yellow chicken consumed a combo of moves, which reduced Ryze's blood volume by nearly 40%!

Lee Sang Hyuk's expression was not good.

After the hero with too long range gains the advantage, it can be called extremely disgusting.

Even if he keeps consuming in the distance, he still has nothing to do with the other party!

Ryze does not have the ability to recover.

Even if you buy a small synthetic lunch box from the Time Rod, you can only convert 15% of the consumed mana into blood, and each time there is a maximum of 15 points!

Under the consumption of the yellow chicken, it is just a drop in the bucket.

Reduce the amount of mana by half, and the added HP is not enough for someone to hit a Q [Kuangsha Onslaught]!

"Brother Xingxiong..." Lee Sang Hyuk was very annoyed.

He knew that unless he flashed past and opened it forcefully, he wouldn't be able to harass the yellow chicken.

You have to shake people!

It's normal for a stupid chicken to be called.

I usually have no less linkage with Faker.

But the problem now is that he can't restrain Li Zhixun!

Stupid Chicken and Easyhoon have also worked together for a long time.

He knew that the opponent's personality was extremely stable, so he would definitely keep the displacement of E [Quicksand Shifting] in case of emergencies.

What's more, when he grabbed the road before, the stupid chicken used his own sprint.

Now he is helpless against the yellow chicken!

Stupid chicken can't just watch Lee Sang Hyuk being consumed like this.

If this continues, it is estimated that in about 1 minute, the blood volume of the mid laner will bottom out, and he will be forced to return to the city to replenish.

At that time, the gap between the mid laners of the two sides will become wider and wider!

He had an idea and thought of a solution.

"Haocheng, after you finish pushing the line, send a wave to the middle!"

Stupid chickens also started shaking people, like nesting dolls.

This time he is looking for support from his top laner.

Duke was reluctant at first.

Why don't I pass it on?

Didn’t you just say that when I come here, I just need to take a single belt?

Now get me Kenan again, and teleport to support teammates...

Fortunately, Duke suppressed his negative emotions in the blink of an eye and agreed to his jungler's request.

The commentary didn't know what SKT was planning.

They are still lamenting the high damage of the yellow chicken.

"It's another wild sand attack, and Faker's blood volume is less than 30%!"

The baby was overjoyed, "I have to go back to the city, and if he stays online, he may be eaten by Lord Hou at any time!"

Lee Sang Hyuk took two steps back and moved to the first tower in SKT.

Bang manipulated the ice to shoot out the eagle spirit twice, and saw Gu Xing near the triangular grass on the lower road.

The stupid chicken who got the information of the enemy jungler's position was calm, and he kept his eyes behind him while guarding the tower.

The next moment, a scarlet teleportation gyration swept up!

"...Kenan's teleportation?" The baby was very puzzled.

He originally thought that the stupid chicken was just protecting from the rear, and when Faker returned to the city, he jumped out to defend the line.

Unexpectedly, the script is different from what I imagined!

Kenan's teleportation guide reading is already halfway through.

Lee Sang Hyuk also disappeared from VG's field of vision and retreated to the side of the teleportation eye.

At that moment, he immediately lifted the rune book in his hand and slapped the floor hard!

Messy runes appeared on the soles of Ryze's feet, forming a blue teleportation circle!

"Ah, this..." the baby was speechless.

Miller next to him immediately said, "SKT wants to gather Nakano to launch a siege against Lord Hou!"

The end point of the teleportation array is at Li Zhixun's feet!

I have to say that Lee Sang Hyuk's basic skills are very solid.

The teleportation range of Ryze's current level-1 R [Zigzag Leap] is only 1500 yards.

The hero's vision range is 1350 yards.

Lee Sang Hyuk didn't want the other party to know how many people were in his teleportation array, but also wanted to land directly at Easyhoon's feet, so as to achieve the plan of encirclement.

In order to achieve two goals at the same time, Faker's Zigzag is extremely difficult to cast.

If it was a little further away, it would be impossible to reach Li Zhixun in the first place, and it would be easy for the opponent to escape.

A little closer, and VG will know about his plot in advance!

He is now concentrating, and the scale distance is just right!

When Li Zhixun saw the teleportation array appearing under his feet, he instinctively realized something was wrong.

With Faker's remaining blood volume, coming alone is almost like courting death!

The way of inner stability made Easyhoon retreat like a physical reflex.

But just now, his Q [Kuangsha Onslaught] has been used when Lee Sang Hyuk was consumed, and it is still cooling down.

I had no choice but to set up sand soldiers behind me, and rely on E [Quicksand Shifting] to run backwards.

But the displacement distance is much shorter.

Fist's directing skills are really high, and the split-screen operation is completed in just one breath.

Both sides of the screen focus on the starting point and end point of the Ryze teleportation array!

The 4.5-second guide time ended, and Kenan appeared from the spring to behind the eye position.

The combination of Duke and the plane is all located within the Ryze teleportation array!

After Kenan landed, he immediately took the zigzagging path and realized the space leap again!

When the Ryze teleportation array officially took effect, the director took advantage of the situation to combine the perspectives into one.

"Kenan activated his big move, flashing E to get close to the yellow chicken!"

The billowing thunder induced by the Ten Thousand Thunder Heavenly Prison included the Desert Emperor, unceasingly casting down the power of thunder!

Seeing this scene, the previously silent LCK commentary seat was suddenly invigorated, and Roaring Emperor's voice was full of passion, "Easyhoon's ult has not improved yet, and he will die even if he flashes!"

But the strong desire to survive still made Li Zhixun hand over Flash.

With a displacement distance of 400 yards, he successfully entered the shelter of a tower in VG!

At the same time, the turret lights up with a rotating light!

Ike from Top Road Zhu Xiaolong!

It's a bit late for him to send now.

Lee Sang Hyuk intentionally prevented VG from seeing how many people were in his teleportation formation at the first time, and now the action came in handy.

Brother Long thought that Easyhoon's life would not be in danger, so he didn't hand in the teleportation.

Now use it, and it will take 4.5 seconds before landing! KT Ue Nakano is enough to kill Li Zhixun!

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Faker decisively handed over Flash!

"Ryze EW put the yellow chicken in place," Jin Dongjun was filled with the joy of a good harvest, "The stupid chicken's Olaf axed it!"

Li Zhixun's blood volume dropped rapidly.

This is indeed a dead end.

But he is in good condition now, and he is still using the signature yellow chicken.

In a short period of time, the most correct choice was made!

Instead of running away, he commanded the sand soldiers to stab Lee Sang Hyuk crazily!

"The shield on Faker's body was shattered in the blink of an eye..." Plar's eyes lit up, and he praised Li Zhixun's decision, "The yellow chicken turned his head and fought back, making it impossible for SKT to kill him, and he must be killed as soon as possible! "

Lee Sang Hyuk has very little blood left.

After being poked by Lord Hou a few more times, there is a tendency to bottom out!

Even if Ryze is known as a magic machine gun, there is still a skill vacuum period.

Faker first used EW to extend the duration of imprisonment to keep the yellow chicken, and then handed over Q [overload] to detonate two layers of runes to refresh the shield.

All the skills on the body are handed over for one round!

You have to wait for the next E [Spell Surge] to get better before you can refresh the Q.

But the sand soldiers of the yellow chicken kept attacking.

If SKT chooses to make people lose, maybe Faker will be replaced!

Not to mention that there is Zhu Xiaolong's teleportation next to him!

Duke had no choice but to hand over all his skills, and quickly killed Li Zhixun!

"The end bounty was extracted by Kenan..." Roaring Emperor also realized that something was wrong, "Faker is at a loss!"

"Flash and ult were all handed in, and I only got one assist in the end!"

And this time the assist is still splitting the money with the stupid chicken, and the economy in hand is only a little over a hundred gold coins!

"If there is no flash," Jin Dongjun frowned, "Will Virtue seize the opportunity again in the next period of time?"

The South Korean commentator is still calculating the gains and losses of this attack. Kka in the KT lounge took a longer view.

Now Lee Sang Hyuk must return to the city with his remaining blood, otherwise he may be forcibly killed by Zhu Xiaolong who teleported to the ground!

Then the middle line of troops will be advanced by Ueno together.

Faker is about 15 CS behind Lee Ji Hoon, plus two kills.

The total economic difference goes straight to one thousand!

This final head was accepted by Duke, Lee Sang Hyuk has no development at all!

There will be a big problem with the balance of the lineup.

Why did Kka choose to take out the top laner Kenan when Gu Xing first chose the blind monk in this game, and the BP choice made by ROX at that time was to block Li Qing and then play Raiden Bobi?

Because the tactical focus is different. KT took the top laner Kenan to play as a sub-core.

The core output of the team will always be Faker and Bang, and this will never change!

Duke's Kenan task is to go in and charge a wave, which can deal the best damage and create a harvesting environment for double C.

Even if there is no explosion damage from electricity, you can force the opponent's big move, and then just stay next to the double C for protection. Anyway, Duke basically doesn't need to fight the damage.

ROX is different.

The core of the team's team battle is Smeb. Although the double C of Pray and Kuro is also very important, in the final analysis it still depends on the top laner.

So their BP idea is naturally to focus on the top laner Kenan, and clear all obstacles for him!

That's why Kka continued to take Kenan for the top laner after Gu Xing chose the blind monk.

But now things are not right.

Duke, who was originally the sub-core, got fat after receiving the bounty, but Lee Sang-hyuk, the absolute core, was almost crushed!

Now are you going to count on Kenan to take on the burden of the team and break through the blockade of VG yellow chicken + blind monk?

Kka realized something was wrong.

The performance of the players in the game is completely different from the expectations during the BP!

"Virtue took advantage of the gap between SKT's upper and middle fields to catch yellow chickens, and came to the bottom lane brightly, directly forcing the wolf stick combination into the distance!" Roaring Emperor felt that the situation was very tricky, "Previously in order to cooperate with the stupid chicken to kill the VG support, the wolf stick combination After spending a lot of summoner skills, even if the blind monk doesn't have a big move, they don't dare to step forward!"

Once they are caught by the slowing skills, it is difficult for them to escape.

To be on the safe side, Wolf Stick backed away, and at the same time called Stupid Chicken to help out. The KT team also realized that it is not a good thing for Duke to get too much money.

Now Faker is down.

If Dinghaishen needle is fixed, it will fall and develop again.

The middle and late stages of the team will be very uncomfortable!

"Stupid chicken doesn't hesitate any more, after pushing the pawn line in the middle, he rushed down... Virtue ran to the lower river," Jin Dongjun raised his eyebrows, "He wants to attack Xiaolong!"

Now the game time has come to 12 minutes.

The second dragon has already been refreshed.

soil properties.

Gu Xing had no reason to give up the snowballing first choice.

He used the echo strike to enter the Dragon Pit, and looked directly at the ground.

A few seconds later, the resurrected Easyhoon handed over the teleportation and came from the spring!

"VG's bot line has already been dealt with, and the duo has settled down one step earlier," Roaring Emperor observed the formations of both sides in the canyon. "Only Ueno can be there immediately for SKT, and the double C and support are far away!"

Lee Sang Hyuk had just finished replenishing his equipment, so he walked down without teleportation, and there was still some way to Xiaolongkeng.

Wolfstick is still dealing with minions under the tower.

Overall, SKT's formation is relatively loose.

"Besides, Duke's Kenan doesn't have a big move or a flash, and this wave of team battles doesn't have the ability to forcefully enter the field and deal explosive damage," Plar praised VG, "VG's team command ideas are very clear, knowing that it is SKT now In the weak period, seize the flaw and take the lead to take the dragon!"

Stupid chicken has no choice.

He chose a stupid Olaf, without a flash, he could only walk into the dragon pit to grab the dragon, and it is estimated that half of the people would be gone.

Simply let the players return to the online development, and give up the earth dragon.

Gu Xing's punishment fell steadily!

"It's really a top team that can defeat ROX..." Jin Dongjun couldn't help but marvel, "VG from LPL stepped onto the final stage through hard power, it's really unbelievable."

Plar looked at the data panel, "The economic gap between the two sides is only a little over a thousand, but SKT's actual combat strength is far behind. The development of the mid laner Ryze... still has a lot of room for improvement."

He still hasn't experienced the heavy blows from the fans circle.

But at any rate, I grew up in South Korea, where fan culture is rampant, and I understand a little bit of it.

So I deliberately used a euphemism.

Even so, there are still question marks in the LCK live broadcast room. KT fans are very dissatisfied with the fact that the commentary on foreign battles is not completely oriented towards their own team.

The camera cuts to the center.

"Easyhoon is still suppressing..."

Lee Sang Hyuk moved forward and wanted to fight back, but Lord Hou pulled back, and he didn't forget to use sand soldiers to stab him on the way.

His attack speed is extremely fast now, and it doesn't take long to complete the basic attack, and he can move back immediately.

Faker's blood volume was suppressed to 60%, and he only returned a Q [overload] to go back!

"I can't touch it at all!" The Roaring Emperor was heartbroken, "Ryze's range is too short!"

As a last resort, Lee Sang Hyuk could only honestly make up for the knife under the tower.

From time to time, he was stabbed by sand soldiers and lost blood.

"Stupid chicken is going to move to the middle lane again, I want to help my laner relieve the pressure..." Jin Dongjun has been paying attention to the movement of the blind monk on the small map, and immediately raised his voice when he realized something was wrong, "But Virtue chose to take advantage of the vacancy Enter, go to the bottom lane and try to break the game!"

Gu Xing wants to make a lot of money and end the laning period immediately!

In the team chat box are lines of numbers and English letters copied and pasted.

Duan has been conscientiously responsible for recording the cooldown of the enemy summoner's skills.

Gu Xing knew at a glance that before SKT joined forces to kill Xiaoduan, Wolf had handed over Flash, and it was still ten seconds away from turning around.

Instructing Imp to quickly start the big move to keep people, he got out of the grass behind the side of the SKT tower, and chased the wolf stick combination that retreated in front of the second tower one step ahead!

"Bang turned around and shot a big move... But the distance is too close, and he can't faint for a long time!"

The Roaring Emperor's tone was urgent, "Jin's super bullet hit Wolf, and his movement speed was greatly affected!"

The wolf stick combination was still slowing down Gu Xing who was chasing after him, trying to force the opponent back.

"Virtue moved his eyes forward to get closer, and Tianyinbo shot at Wolf!"

Bang gives heals, boosts his teammates' health and movement speed, and counts on him to dodge abilities.

Li Zaiwan frantically clicked the mouse on the floor, trying to force the female gun to twist the waist of the water snake to avoid Tianyinbo.

However, he was hit by Jin's super bullet just now, and his movement speed was still a bit short after all!

Gu Xing's Tianyinbo hit with precision!

It's over.

Li Zaiwan's broad forehead was covered with cold sweat.

He knew what to face next.

"The blind monk triggers the second echo and hits forward, and the SKT duo has no hard control to stop Virtue!" Jin Dongjun let out a miserable cry.

Li Qing came to Nvqiang's side and lifted his right leg vigorously.

The golden light shone.

Accompanied by the roar of Muay Thai blind monk, he appeared behind Wolf and kicked him close to the VG duo!

The VG supporters at the scene gave bursts of cheers.

The R flash that Gu Xing used this time, compared with his own figure 7 roundhouse kick, can be called mediocre and unpretentious.

But the effect is equally outstanding!

"Wolf was finally killed by Jhin's fourth shot... Only Bang was left alone, unable to defend the tower at all!"

Gu Xing turned around and led the duo to start demolition.

The stupid chicken didn't want to transition to the transition period, so he walked down the road with an ax in his hand.

The blood volume before the defensive tower is still healthy, and it should be able to last until he reaches the line.

But when Gu Xing was moving down the road just now, he set up his vision on the lower river in advance.

Now that he saw the stupid chicken going down, he immediately reported the information to the middle road.

"Received!" Li Zhixun's voice was no longer low and gentle, and now he was uncharacteristically full of energy.

The yellow chicken ordered the sand soldiers under his command to charge forward, and used the ultra-long range to poke Lee Sang Hyuk's Ruiz again.

Now Faker's blood volume has reached about 40%, and he has become the son of the tower, relying on wiring to eat under the protection of the defensive tower.

"Stupid chicken is on the way out!" Gu Xing gave the information again.

Li Zhixun stared at Ryze who was still developing under the tower.

The ID word 'SKTFaker' above the head is so eye-catching.

There was a rare look of ferocity in his eyes.

Li Zhixun, who had calculated everything, pushed the line of soldiers into the tower.

Then place the first soldier wall in the SKT Raptor camp.

Lee Sang Hyuk was stunned for a moment.

The yellow chicken put W [Sand Soldier Appears] There is a more obvious gesture of raising his hand.

Just looked carefully, Easyhoon definitely summoned a sand soldier.

But there are no sand soldiers around!

He doesn't have the vision of his own F4. Stupid chicken hasn't moved to the upper half of the area for a while, and Gu Xing hasn't been to the top of the map recently, so naturally there won't be anyone here to watch.

For SKT, it is a blind spot.

However, Lee Sang Hyuk reacted very quickly, and immediately guessed that the other party had put the soldiers in the F4 camp.

what do you want

Immediately afterwards, the yellow chicken cast E [Shifting Sands] and got into the Raptor camp!

At first, Lee Sang Hyuk thought that Easyhoon was trying to counter a wave of wild monsters.

However, he instinctively sensed something was wrong.

Resolutely start sprinting and move backwards to stay away from your own F4!

Unfortunately it was too late.

The next moment, the sand soldiers carrying the desert emperor appeared within Lee Sang Hyuk's field of vision!

"The yellow chicken also came with a wave of EQ7 word drift?!" Roaring Emperor, who has been in the commentary for 20 years, has now broken his voice, "Easyhoon wants to jump over the tower and launch an offensive against Faker!"

The damage from Kuangsand Onslaught hits Ryze, and at the same time E [Shifting Sands] collides with the hero, providing an extra layer of shield for the yellow chicken!

Lee Sang Hyuk just wanted to manipulate Ryze to raise his hand to cast a skill.

But he has no chance!

Back then, SKT turned its back on the strong backing of all sentient beings, used his champion skin, turned around and slammed a heavy blow at the ruler under the spotlight!

R [Wall of Forbidden Army]!

The thick and magnetic voice resounds through the Staples Center!

"Glory to Shurima!"

Glory to Shurima!

The sand soldiers loyal to the emperor rushed forward, knocking Ryze into the air!

A thunderbolt struck down from the sky.

The upper limit of Ryze's blood volume, which has not yet been made into a staff of time, is not high, and the blood bar that was originally only 40% has bottomed out in the blink of an eye!

The second sand soldier stood beside Lee Sang Hyuk, stabbing his body with a spear!

Nash's Fang and the passive attack speed bonus provided by W make the chicken's attack speed extremely fast.

Lee Sang Hyuk opened his mouth slightly unconsciously, concentrating on the operation.

He can fight back!

As long as EW fixes the yellow chicken, Q [Overload] brushes out passive shields and movement speed bonuses.

Not only can Easyhoon not kill himself, but he also has the risk of dying under the tower!

Spell surge followed by rune imprisonment, and the 1.5-second imprisonment time fixed the yellow chicken in the SKT middle tower.

However, Q [Overload] has not been shot yet.

His blood bar was emptied by the sand soldier's stab!

"Dansha!" Jin Dongjun looked desperate, "The damage of the defensive tower is not enough to kill the yellow chicken, and Easyhoon can escape calmly!" The VG team logo slowly lit up on the head of the desert emperor with KT champion skin, with 1/3 life It is worth leaving the range of SKT's middle tower calmly!

"Easyhoon placed an order to kill Faker at the tower!" Doll's eyes widened and she let out a roar of excitement.

"This is a contest between two S5 champion team members!" Miller blushed, "Easyhoon won this confrontation!"

The Staples Center ushered in another boil in an instant!

The rustling of whispers was completely drowned out by the cheers that hit like waves!

The VG fans at the scene yelled restlessly.

The reactions of the members of the Tigers were even more exaggerated. Meb got up and called Li Zhixun's name loudly, but his voice became distorted with excitement.

Little Peanut hugged Pray next to him tightly, yelling something indiscriminately.

The trousers showed a gratified smile, "As expected of you..."

The director quickly played back.

"It's very detailed!" Kuro himself played a lot of games, noticed Li Zhixun's operation, and felt admiration spontaneously.

"How to say?" The team leader Sejin didn't know, so her league level is relatively average.

The trousers turned their volume to the maximum, barely covering the celebratory sounds around them.

"He deliberately circled around F4, knowing that SKT has no vision there, so that he can hide his EQ process!"

"Otherwise, if you rush to the face in front of Ryze, Faker will directly use EW to stop him, and then hand in Q to brush out the shield to escape or even counter-kill..."

Trousers explained in detail.

Li Zhixun, as the brother of the yellow chicken, took into account all the details of this wave of tower jumping.

It's a no-brainer!

He clenched his fist hard, but his thin forearm burst out with endless strength, shouting for his solo kill!

Li Zhixun waited for a full year.

Not to prove how great he is.

But what you lost, you must get it back with your own hands!

"Beautiful!" Gu Xing did not expect that there would be an unexpected joy, and his voice was loud and clear, "Master Hou, you are too good, aren't you?!"

Gu Shengbin laughed loudly, "Just kill it! There are a bunch of baskets on the opposite side!"

The voice in the VG team was full of joy and laughter.

The stupid chicken is miserable.

He felt like a firefighter, and he quickly made up for any problems.

Although I usually do similar work.

But stupid chicken has never felt so exhausting.

Compared with other teams, after VG gained the advantage, the attack was as swift and violent as a storm!

After they get the advantage, they will not seek single-point blooming.

It's a multi-line attack!

Just now VG exerted force at the same time in the middle and bottom, so the stupid chicken can only choose one of the two to protect.

What he can't accept the most is that he helped Faker clear the line, and his mid laner will be killed by jumping the tower!

Stupid glanced sideways at his teammates.

Lee Sang Hyuk was in a trance for a moment, "Brother Xingxiong, can you help me guard the middle tower..."

"I can't make it through," Stupid Chicken frowned, "The middle tower is about to fall."

In the current version, more than 90% of the games, the bottom tower is the first to be flattened.

But now, it was the mid lane that was considered by everyone to be SKT's strongest before the game to collapse first!

"When the effect of the earth dragon is brought into play, Easyhoon will be able to flatten the first tower by itself by relying on the damage bonus!"

Li Zhixun pushed it unscrupulously.

He knew Duke's teleportation hadn't gotten better.

The stupid chicken is still on the way. No one in KT can stop him!

The first tower was broken, and Hou Ye, who just got a lot of money by eating alone, returned to the city and started making ice stick parts!

"SKT was forced to change lanes, otherwise the disadvantage of the mid lane would be too great, and the drawbacks of controlling the whole map would be too serious..."

During the line transfer period, the stupid chicken found a wave of opportunities, relying on Lee Sang Hyuk's big move to go around and catch a wave of Imp to death.

But Gu Xing did too much work to stop losses, and directly replaced SKT's residual blood to the next tower, and the entire lower jungle area!

"Yellow chicken switched to the top lane, Hou Ye was holding the two-piece set of Nash's tooth and ice stick in his hand at 16 minutes, while the opposing Faker only had the time stick and Goddess Tears!"

I remember laughing wildly and complacently, "SKT, what do you use to make a comeback?!"

The lineup between the mid laners and the top lane can only be described as one-sided.

Li Sang-hyuk didn't dare to look at the yellow chicken on the opposite side, for fear that the other party would come up to keep others with the ice stick.

If you get stuck, you might get a solo kill again!

"Xiao Gu gives vision protection, and Easyhoon can flatten a tower on the road alone!"

Seeing the widening economic gap between the two sides, Wawa's voice became more and more upbeat, "Now the duo is balanced for SKT, the top laner has a small advantage, and the middle and field are completely overwhelmed by VG!"

"The competitive state shown by the high-numbered Nakano in the first game of the final is really terrifying!"

The game came to 20 minutes.

Relying on Lord Hou's absolute line power, Gu Xing filled his field of vision with the entire upper river course.

When Li Zhixun hoarded a large wave of soldiers and entered the second tower of SKT, he immediately gave the order to quickly kill the dragon!

"SKT must come to defend, they cannot accept that the first big dragon was taken by VG at such an early point in time!"

Lee Sang-hyuk's Ryze hands are very short, and he is on the red side and wants to stand on the top of the dragon pit and throw skill consumption into it.

But Gu Xing was stuck in the gap between his casting skills, W flashed a super long displacement and wanted to repeat the same trick, kicking Lee Sang Hyuk into the dragon pit with a roundabout kick!

"Faker reacted very quickly. First, he used flash to distance himself, then turned around and locked the blind monk in place..."

Remember the sound stops abruptly.

"My God, Lord Hou, Li Zaigan, God and Devil?!"

After Lee Sang Hyuk flashed, he was still on the edge of the dragon pit.

Easyhoon quietly approached the wall of the Dragon Pit.

Cast sand soldiers on it, E [Shifting Sand] to fly up, and then use Q [Sand Attack] to let yourself go back to the dragon pit.

He seems to be doing repeated horizontal jumps and back and forth moves up and down in the dragon pit!

But during the displacement, R [Wall of the Forbidden Army] was cast!

The sand soldiers actually pushed Ryze down from the top of the dragon pit who was attacking Gu Xing crazily!

Miller screamed hoarsely, "The skills of everyone in VG have been thrown up...Faker is second!"

All the SKT supporters present felt a little heartbroken.

The mid laner is second, how can this wave of dragon team battles be answered?

"Xiao Gu made a big move to kick the female gun away from the dragon pit, and use Tianyinbo to go down with his teammates to collect the big dragon!"

Stupid chicken also tried to drive into the dragon pit with sprint and ult to grab it.

But before reaching Baron Nash, he was instantly killed by VG!

The scream of the dragon echoed endlessly in the Staples Center!

-----Off Topic-----

1w words.

Some readers reported that if the monthly small goals are not achieved, only the group has a sense of participation. It is useless for me to list them at the end of each chapter.

After thinking about it, it is indeed so.

Originally, the monthly goal of 270,000 was not completed, and 1,000 red envelopes were distributed in the group.

Now add one more, if it is not finished, I will also send 1000 red envelopes at the end of the chapter at the beginning of the month.

Mainly as an incentive.

ZFB password: 46285989

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