What is a hexagon jungler?

218: Abnormal BP thinking

"Baron Nash is here!"

I remember being very excited, "SKT's middle and jungle are all killed, and VG can even take the opportunity to grab more map resources!"

The noise inside the Staples Center never stopped, and the audience gave VG thunderous applause!

Netizens in the live broadcast room of the LPL game can clearly hear the carnival and restlessness at the scene, and the chat channel is full of excitement.

[Yellow chicken is easy to recommend! Master Hou, kill, kill, kill! 】

[Faker is now 0/4, he won't be super ghost in the first game, right? whee】

[VG, the dragon's decision-making is really decisive, he doesn't give SKT time to gather at all, and when he gets to the dragon pit, the formation is in disarray]

[Mainly Zyra and Huangji under the blessing of the earth dragon, the speed of the two of them fighting the dragon is much faster than expected, SKT can't react at all! 】

"The VG signal crazily marks the small map. It seems that Xiao Gu is planning to go to the Xiaolongkeng alone to accept the fire dragon. The remaining four people drive straight in from the top lane where they hoarded the army line before, and want to unplug SKT and go to the second tower!" "VG's idea is that I want them all!"

"There is nothing wrong with the decision-making," Miller said forcefully. "After the stupid chicken is killed, SKT doesn't have any means to grab the dragon...and send heavy troops to the lower half, and they will give up the high ground on the top lane!"

With the big dragon BUFF plus the previous earth dragon buff, the speed of VG's demolition can only be described as terrifying.

But SKT is not a stupid pig. They don't want the opponent to get all the map resources, so they will naturally try to resist.

"The remaining three of SKT chose wisely. They let go of the upper second tower that is impossible to defend, and formed a group to push back the VG middle tower in exchange!"

have to say. KT's pawn line operation skills are definitely the only top level in the world.

Their control over the line of troops and the 'potential' has reached perfection.

The middle tower was pushed out early, but SKT still handled the middle lane well with its excellent troop accumulation and reverse push skills, always staying near the midline, trying not to bring too much pressure to the wild and sidelines.

The duo of Duke and Wolverine had just seen that the stupid chicken was killed, and they knew that the dragon would definitely fall, so they set up a step ahead of time and planned to push the minions staying at the center line into the VG middle tower!

In this way, grab a first move, flatten the enemy's middle tower and immediately return to defense, and still hold the high ground on the road.

If VG is determined to advance to Kamikochi, the remaining three of SKT will be interspersed from the side. With the revived Nakano aircraft combination, they may be able to take advantage of the difference in numbers and wipe out the opponent!

From SKT's point of view, it seems that this transaction will not lose money by changing the tower.

But Gu Xing immediately made a countermeasure.

He decisively gave up Fire Dragon and chose to defend the middle alone.

"Is Xiao Gu's blood volume a little too low?" Waowa had a strong sense of substitution, and immediately expressed his worries with concern, "He faces the three generals of SKT alone, it will be difficult to defend the middle tower?"

The current version of punishment does not have the effect of returning blood.

When Gu Xing jumped into the dragon pit when he was fighting the dragon just now, he was beaten by Li Sang Hyuk, and now his blood volume is only half.

And there is no flash or big move. Although only Kenan has a big move among the KT trio, the duo does not rely on R skills, and the output ability is quite good.

It seems that if Gu Xing dares to defend the tower, it is a game of death!

But he just stood under the tower, with a crazy look that you can let the horse come if you have the ability. The three of KT saw Gu Xing's arrogance, and immediately prepared to take the life of the opponent's jungler, and by the way, they raised the middle tower!

The result is the next second.

Gu Xing inserted a real eye between himself and the SKT members.

The azure blue light hovered upwards!


Miller raised his voice.

The director responded quickly, and immediately divided half of the screen for the road.

Zhu Xiaolong and Li Zhixun, who were advancing, stopped, and the same rotating light lit up on their bodies!

"The middle and upper double teleportation, VG is vowing to defend this middle one tower!" I remember imagining myself as a VG player, with a feeling of controlling the canyon to turn the clouds and rain, and even laughed, "SKT, don't try to flatten us Defensive gate in the middle!" KT didn't want to give up the opportunity to stop the loss easily, and tried to kill the blind monk before leaving.

However, Gu Xingtian's sound wave kicked the razor-beaked bird on the side, triggering the second echo strike and slipping in!

This time the SKT players lost their kill target, they didn't have the ability to move over the wall, so they had to give up resentfully.

The three just turned their heads.

The blind monk touched the wall again and reappeared behind him!

Not only that, but there is also a VG dog tag on the top of the head!

I jumped back, I jumped out again, how? Hit me you idiot!

Wolf's chest heaved violently.

Are you sick? Such a disgusting person?

But they dare not do it.

Because the teleportation of the upper and middle duo in VG is about to land!

Whether it's Hou Ye's yellow chicken after releasing the ice stick, or Zhu Xiaolong's Ike, they all have very strong pursuit capabilities.

If you stay near the VG Zhongta for too long, you will definitely not have good juice to eat!

"SKT was forced to retreat, and gave up the plan to continue demolishing the VG middle tower!" Wawa punched hard, almost hitting the rememberer next to her, "And our duo is still on the road to demolish, with the help of the big dragon BUFF, it is easy. Get the upper second tower!"

After VG Zhong Ueno dealt with the middle lane, he continued to go to Xiaolongkeng and took the fire dragon into his pocket!

"The economic gap is 5.5K," Miller's voice was bright and clear, "and there are nearly three minutes left of the big dragon buff, VG can definitely further expand its advantage!"

The duration of the buff effect of the Baron's Hand has been increased to 210 seconds in this year's mid-season version. The designer made this change in order to allow the team that gets it enough time to snowball.

Originally SKT enjoyed this little change.

For a top operation team like them, after getting the Baron, they can get a lot of benefits by relying on switching lanes.

Prolonging the time of the Dragon BUFF is to enhance the ability of the team to make a final decision in the mid-term in a disguised form.

But now, it was VG who got Baron Nash!

It's SKT's turn to endure the painful torture of the Baron BUFF advance!

The director shot was given to SKT players.

Li Sang Hyuk was still muttering something, but his expression was obviously a little depressed.

No matter how strong he was, he would be paralyzed after being killed in succession.

Dalong's performance in the team battle just now was a little delirious.

According to common sense, Ryze, who has no displacement, should not stand against the wall of the Dalong Pit after handing in the flash, so as not to be caught fire or controlled by VG.

But his idea at the time was to quickly kill that disgusting blind monk.

For this reason, he didn't even move his position, and threw all his output on Gu Xing!

In the end, Li Zhixun's yellow chicken used a combo similar to backing into the warehouse and pushed it into the Dalong Pit!

"Procrastinate and try again," Faker didn't want to give up, "Brother Hao Cheng, wait for the team battle, I will give you the output space, go in and hit the wave output, and the rest of Junzhi should be able to handle it."

He knew that his record was 0/4, his last hits were only 170, his equipment was very poor, and it was difficult to deal explosive damage in team battles.

All it can do is help draw fire on the flanks.

Let the other two damage points of the team have a better output environment!

Duke pursed his lips.

How can it be so simple?

Compared with Ice, who has a considerable output but lacks bursts, Kenan, who may hit the thunder, is obviously more threatening.

The yellow chicken and the blind monk Nakano on the opposite side will definitely be watching me all the time!

But he had to admit that what Lee Sang Hyuk proposed was the only solution that could help the team come back.

The VG contestants seats on the other side of the stage were filled with joyful and happy atmosphere.

With a red face, Gu Shengbin yelled words in broken Chinese that no one could understand. With his permed curly hair, he looked like a curly-haired baboon.

"With three little dragons in my hands, I don't know how to lose!" Zhu Xiaolong's Hunan Plastic Mandarin is very standard.

Xiao Duan couldn't help but began to shake his legs, and the smile on his face was extraordinarily bright.

Gu Xing echoed and praised his teammates, "Master Hou, you just had that Polaris, handsome boy..."

Li Zhixun remembered the scene of Faker being pushed down the dragon pit by his own drift, and the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably, still subconsciously modest, "Where is it, it's better for Xiao Gu to help you in the first two waves."

Gu Xing expressed that he was very grateful for the praise sent by his mid laner.

Although I am not particularly bright in the middle term.

However, the advantages he laid for his teammates in the early stage have already fully utilized the role of his own blind monk!

"Master Hou just stock up on the line and push slowly on the top lane," Gu Xing walked out of the spring, still directing his teammates, "Brother Long, go to the bottom lane, and do fast lane push with us in the middle lane, and go directly to the second tower!"

He has learned a lot of operational knowledge from Redmi in the past six months.

And the style is inevitably influenced by the other party.

Gu Xing has gradually developed the operation method of doing two fast pushes and one slow push in the advantageous game, instead of going straight to Huanglong with three lines at the same time.

If you use waves to describe it.

The orderly fast and slow line advances, the waves will not impact intensively, and the pressure on the enemy will not be as great as the three-way push.

But the advantage is very stable.

It is difficult for the opponent to find a breakthrough to counterattack. The character who pushes the line slowly can take the opportunity to search the wild area along the way, and then arrange enough vision to clear the back eye.

And the offensive is continuous, fully accumulating strength.

Pushing the line slowly can often accumulate two artillery soldiers.

After the enemy has dealt with the two lines of fast push lines, they often lose their skills and their respective positions are pulled apart. Facing this wave of huge waves of troops, it is difficult to have a quick and effective solution!

"Then I put the passive in the middle?" Li Zhixun asked.

Yellow Chicken Passive [Sun Disc] can effectively clean up enemy minions, playing the role of interception + elimination.

It usually looks like a weak passivity, after all, it can only be used on the ruins of the defense tower, and the storage time is not very long.

But if the operation level is good enough, it can still show good results at specific nodes.

Like now.

As long as the sun disc is used in the middle, it means that VG has half an extra person to help deal with Binxuan in a short period of time!

It is particularly important in the continuous cycle of the dragon BUFF.

After getting an affirmative answer from his own jungler, Li Zhixun built a sun disc on the ruins of the first tower in SKT, then drifted back to the Ueno area and headed for the upper half.

Gu Xing looked at the disc of SKT's yellow chicken skin, which turned into the base of a summoner's trophy, with golden angel wings unique to the team.

It is indeed beautiful.

And at this moment, the sun disc of this SKT skin is firing shells to deal with SKT's minions!

Isn't this a kind of NTR?

Build your city-state on ruins?

Miller saw VG's extremely organized pawn formation and praised it greatly, "Excellent operational skills, it is difficult for SKT to deal with it now!"

In all fairness, just talk about pawn line operations. KT is the strongest team in the world.

Neither ROX nor VG are rivals.

But the competition is not purely just about operation!

I was fierce enough in the early stage, and operated with an early-to-mid-term economic advantage of 6,000 to 7,000, what do you use to fight back? !

Of course, VG's operation level is not as strong as SKT, but looking at the entire league, ranking in the top three is not a problem!

Unable to widen the huge gap, SKT couldn't withstand VG's continuous pawn line pressure at all, let go of the middle and lower towers one after another, and retreated back to the high ground.

The line of troops hoarded by Li Zhixun finally arrived.

The techniques he uses are exquisite.

Due to the existence of the big dragon BUFF, if the hero goes directly to the line, the minions will be greatly strengthened, and they will not be able to store the line of soldiers at all.

Therefore, Li Zhixun chose to attack SKT long-range soldiers with the limit of 875 yards of Q [Kuangsha Onslaught] through the wall.

Hand of the Baron's enhanced area for minions is 800 yards around the hero.

As long as you pay attention, you won't buff your minions!

Skillful control of skills allowed Li Zhixun to successfully hoard two and a half waves of small soldiers and head straight to the high ground of SKT!

"VG's four players except Brother Long are all assembled on the top lane. SKT is a step slower in order to clear the middle lane, and the high ground tower has already lost half of its HP!"

The big dragon BUFF was officially blessed on more than a dozen small soldiers. After increasing in size, they were piled up in front of the SKT Shanggao Tower, which was particularly spectacular.

A round of concentrated fire, the defense tower is crumbling!

In particular, the two cannon vehicles are aggressive and arrogant, firing shells unscrupulously outside the range of the SKT Highland Tower!

"This road should be given up..." Wawa commented on many SKT games, and also has a certain understanding of their style, knowing that they are very stable and will not take risks when it is impossible to win the battle.

As he expected. KT resolutely gave up on the high ground on the road, which seemed like a cession of land for peace.

The players are still preparing to wait for the opponent to leave, relying on the influx of super soldiers, and dragging down to supplement the development of the C position.

In their view, the benefits of VG's entire dragon buff are three inner towers, one highland, and one fire dragon.

Already made a lot of money!

Should we retreat?

But Gu Xing knocked off the SKT top lane crystal with one punch, but gave the order to keep going!

He was also worried about having long nights and dreams. After all, KT can be regarded as one of the best teams in the later stage.

If I don't take advantage of the huge advantage I have in my hand to press it to death, maybe something will happen!

Relying on the big dragon BUFF for the last half minute, the five of them pressed forward with a large number of remaining soldiers to the vicinity of SKT's front tooth tower!

The fact that Gu Xing dared to do this had something to do with the defense tower.

The current incisor tower is really weak.

It is the version that shoots lasers continuously.

The damage is not high, and the threats to minions and heroes are extremely general!

Seeing that VG is approaching, remember to shout out immediately, "The meaning of VG is simple and clear!"

"SKT, don't you like to let tower protection grow? Now I want your main crystal, do you want to let it go or not?!"

There was a lot of noise inside the arena.

Pure passers-by viewers are tired of watching LCK's procrastinated operations, and they like teams like VG and Tigers who seize every opportunity to crush each other, and cooperate to create a full-blown momentum in the stands!

Li Zhixun's yellow chicken came up and touched the front tooth tower, and the blood volume of the building dropped a lot in an instant!

A vast number of soldiers are still helping to set up the artillery turret. KT also knows that if they don't form a group to resist, their two front teeth will have to give up!

"Faker is going big!"

In Miller's excited voice, Lee Sang Hyuk's Ritz slapped the floor, and a teleportation array was formed!

Kenan turned on the E Thunder Armor with the effect of Home Guard and rushed into the teleportation array at an accelerated speed.

Duke saw that VG had already made arrangements around the Ryze teleportation array.

He even activated his big move in advance, so as not to be caught by the serial control, causing him to go in and release dumb thunder!

"Bang's icy ult was blocked by Xiao Gu...Wolf used the female gun ER to shoot twice in a row!"

Amidst a burst of hahaha laughter, Miss Fortune's double guns swayed a rain of bullets!

Kenan landed next to the VG formation with the help of the teleportation formation.

Before he could cast the skill, he was knocked into the air by Zyra's R [Vine of Strangling]!

Imp's two shots directly lowered his blood volume by more than half!

If Duke hadn't activated the Ten Thousand Thunder Prison in advance, otherwise he would have been caught in seconds!

The thunder and lightning rolled, but it also dealt decent damage.

More importantly, it is the output environment!

In order to avoid Kenan Tianlei and Female Spear's big moves, everyone in VG scattered, and the formation was torn apart!

"Faker to control Ike of Brother Long in the front row, so as not to let him disturb the output points behind his house!"

Stupid chicken even started to slash wildly with his big move.

"VG doesn't plan to retreat, they still want to attack!" Wa Wa noticed Gu Xing's movements, and her voice immediately rose an octave, "Xiao Gu opened the bird shield for his teammate, Tian Yinbo hit the female gun, and he flew in with a second Q! "

Wolf immediately flashed back, wanting to take Gu Xing to the side, so that he could not kick Bang beside him.

But when Gu Xing saw Li Zaiwan's flash, he touched his eyes halfway and forcibly changed the direction of displacement!

He didn't flash, and he couldn't do any fancy roundhouse kicks.

It's just an unpretentious raptor wagging its tail.

Kick Bang's ice to the far side of the battlefield, making him unable to deal damage for a short time!

Now SKT's continuous damage core ice is far away from the battlefield, and the remaining Kenan's blood volume has bottomed out and there is no Zhongya. It is estimated that he will die in a short time.

The rest of Faker's Ryze is still developing and stretching his hips in this round, and he can't play much output at all!

The underdog doesn't hurt. KT will definitely be defeated one by one!

"Bang flashes forward without hesitation, trying to maximize the output!"

Arrows pour down!

Ashe's damage at this time is really not to be underestimated. In addition, Zhu Xiaolong is facing Kenan, and he has a lot of magic resistance equipment, which really can't withstand the damage.

"Brother Long's big move was forced out..." Miller took a deep breath, and before he could recover, he saw a scene that left him speechless.

"Master Hou rushed in!"

Li Zhixun has been manipulating the sand soldiers to output non-stop from the edge just now, and the damage has not been reduced at all. KT Ueno was almost killed by him.

What he was waiting for was the flashing of the hand.

At this moment, the control of SKT's lineup is basically all handed over, and they can't restrain themselves at all!

Shifting Sands!

The yellow chicken followed the sand soldiers and charged forward.

Q [Burst Sand Attack]!

The sand soldiers sprinted diagonally, carrying the emperor to the front of SKT's back row!

The Wall of the Forbidden Army! None of the KT duo flashed, they could only watch themselves flying in the sky!

"My old swan!" I don't know how many times I said the mantra in this game, and now I am emotional, "Bang is going to be instant!"

Gu Shengbin happened to hold the fourth gun.

Flash up and dance with the grenade, and then a whisper general attack, directly kill the ice!

The team battle has been decided!

"Hou Ye flashed to pull the distance, and the ice sticks carried by the sand soldiers slowly left everyone behind!"

The doll is yelling, "Only Faker's Ryze has sprint and flash, barely escaped..."

He just finished speaking. The yellow chicken with KT skin drove the loyal soldiers to poke into the spring of SKT!

Amidst the cheers and applause of the audience, the last trace of blood on Lee Sang Hyuk's head was emptied by the spear!


The love and hatred between light and shadow that year seems to be coming to an end at this moment.

Under the camera, Li Zhixun was shouting abnormally, expressing extreme excitement.

The surviving VG players worked hard and flattened SKT's main base!

"One to zero!" Wawa smiled, "VG took the lead in this final and temporarily took the lead!"

"VG's method of speeding up the game is very effective. In the case of SKT's lack of output, they won the game quickly!" Miller finally breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down his overly violent heartbeat.

The VG fans at the scene shook the light sticks in their hands vigorously, and above the muffled sound was endless applause!

The smiles of the members of the Tigers were as bright as those of the VG players on the stage.

"Beautiful job!" The simple and honest face of the trousers was full of joy at the moment, "Give me a hard kill!"

Gu Xing stretched out his hand and shook hands with Li Zhixun.

"How about my yellow chicken?" Easyhoon rarely asked for credit with a shy face.

"Niu Niu Niu, the champion skin is really good..." Gu Xing praised sincerely, "I, a blind monk, can do it too, right?"

Before Li Zhixun could answer, Gu Sung Bin rushed forward and hugged the two of them, smiling broadly, "Strong, strong!"

His game was selectively discarded by Gu Xing because Wolf chose the restraint combination of female guns.

His own jungler just came to protect the pawns, and didn't give much help other than that.

Imp finished a round in a satisfactory manner, and it was really numb.

The five people took off their earphones and walked quickly to the backstage. Gu Xing was still interested in listening to the shocking momentum created by the audience in the stands!

He had seen the stands of the Tigers before, and even waved to the ROX players in the crowd.

Peanut's gray hair is really eye-catching.

Little Peanut cupped his hands around his mouth, and was still shouting at Gu Xing, "Brother Xing is fighting, come on, come on!"

The two have known each other for a while, and Peanut has learned a little bit of Chinese, but now it is pretty standard.

But even if ROX gets the front row seats, there is still a certain distance from the exit channel.

And the sound at the scene was too noisy, Gu Xing couldn't hear what he was saying clearly.

It can only be easily distinguished by mouth shape.

After a general understanding, Gu Xing's smile became brighter and brighter, and he followed his teammates into the backstage passage.

Redmi couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, and rushed to the corridor to wait for the players when the SKT crystal exploded.

"You played really well..."

He hugged and celebrated with the contestants one by one, "Especially you, Zhixun, you really impressed me today."

Normally Hou Ye would not be so aggressive to frequently cut into the formation and push people with the big drifting move.

It was used several times in the first game, which is really abnormal.

Easyhoon still hadn't shaken off the excitement of defeating SKT, his ears were flushed, "Keep up the game, there are still two games left!"

After playing this set, he now has enough confidence to win!

"Old Gu, your kick is really handsome..." Yu Wenbo came up and gave Gu Xing a hug, "I was stupefied in the background!"

"Designated to arrange the stupid chicken well today!" Gu Xing was full of confidence, "Make it clear for him!"

Surrounded by members of the training department, they returned to the waiting room, and all the players happened to see the output panel.

Li Zhixun hit a full 22777 points of damage, standing in front of everyone like a middle finger!

On the other hand, Lee Sang-hyuk suffered only 11,140 damage.

The difference is fully doubled!

In terms of battle damage ratio, Faker is even more miserable.

0 kills, 5 kills, 2 assists.

It's no different from a transparent person!

"Let's play on the red side in the next game, so we can do this..." Hongmi knew that he could not celebrate recklessly at this time, took out his notebook and quickly explained to the players the concept of lineup selection for the second game.

Brother Long originally wanted to see what was going on with everyone praising his jungle kick.

But he can also distinguish between primary and secondary, and hasten to listen carefully.

Gu Xing also looked away from the TV screen.

He didn't know that the LPL live broadcast room had exploded.

The screen full of barrages are all swiping 0/5/2.

[What is an S5 champion mid laner? 】

[I'm obsessed with Gap, being beaten by a 24-year-old mid-laner, Faker is really ridiculous]

[Yellow Rooster vs. Ryze, there is also a gap in the champion mid laner]

[Isn't that because Xiao Gu caught two waves in the middle? 】

[So he was single-killed and pushed into the Dragon Pit? Getting caught isn’t the reason you sent it, right?]

[VG can't really win the championship, can it? No way? 】

The audience was also immersed in the excitement of Gu Xing's miraculous flying kick and the nimble and elegant push of the yellow chicken to create a famous scene.

The short intermission is over, and the players of the two teams are on the stage again.

"I don't know how SKT will respond when they are on the blue side," remembering that they were still looking forward, "their BP will indeed be more comfortable..."

"At least we don't have to face the trouble of Leopard Girl and Syndra being sent to the Ban position anymore," Miller continued, "But the most important thing is Faker. If he doesn't adjust his state, I think the finals will be ignored. I won't let him go easily, and I will definitely catch him to death!"

The crisp metal sound echoed in the Staples Center!

"The second round of BP has begun! SKT will ban Syndra first... Huh?"

The dolls could see that something was wrong.

"Can't SKT stop Leopard Girl?"

According to the understanding of the current version, it is often the red side that bears the forbidden position of the only T0 jungler Leopard in the version, and the blue side bans Syndra.

But SKT is an exception.

Because all kinds of information show that stupid chickens will not use leopard girls.

So when they are on the blue side, they will often block Leopard Girl and let the opponents on the red side ban Lee Sang Hyuk's more intimidating signature Syndra!

As a result, this time, they changed their positions!

"What do you mean, does SKT have to assume two Ban positions on the blue side?" Miller joked, "What's the difference between this and the red side?"

Redmi can't figure it out either.

It is certainly impossible for him to ban Leopard Girl and directly ask the team to block Bang's Ezreal.

In the second ban position, SKT chose to ban Zyra.

Directly destroy the auxiliary ecological chain of Karma-Zyra-Female Gun!

Hongmi frowned, blocking Karma.

He still doesn't know what medicine is sold in SKT's gourd.

"It wouldn't be SKT's last choice to release Leopard Girl to Xiao Gu, right?" I remembered that I couldn't believe it, "Isn't that courting death?"

Kka made a quick choice.

Send Gu Xing's blind monk who performed well in the last game to the half.

"Really!" Wawa was surprised, "SKT really dare to let it go!"

Redmi shook her head.

In the end, he chose to implement the thinking before the game, free up time, try to solve it by himself, and instead disable the top laner Gnar.

"SKT's first choice... Leopard girl?!"

-----Off Topic-----

These six teams can really survive today.

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