What is a hexagon jungler?

272: Can this also be taught?

"In the final analysis, this wave of support from Kuro is too critical." I remember that the voice became cadenced when he was excited, "He rushed from the first tower of his home on the road all the way, flashed to Brother Xing with a shield, and successfully saved Qian Jue's life !"

Zuo Yi in the background quickly directed the broadcaster to give a replay of the battle between the middle and the field just now, and even supplemented it with 3D visual effects.

The fairy witch's short body swayed, and her short legs in her long robe ran wildly all the way, just to save Qian Jue from the fire and water!

The vg fans at the scene were all smiles.

Lulu's posture has a taste of 'don't hurt my father'.

Zeyuan also echoed beside him, "This is Lulu's charm, the ability to keep the platoon is too strong... But this plate of Kuro seems not to be a pure support genre, he took out all the small pieces of the Lich's Bane, look It looks like it is going to be part of the output device!"

Since vg didn't get the big mouth with its own magic damage, the current dual shooters in the lineup are all pure ad damage.

Kuro is bound to have to make up for a certain amount of magic damage, otherwise Kandi's beer man can serve as a stable front row with only armor equipment.

"Xiye has already collapsed at this point. I haven't eaten the blue buff from the beginning to the end. I guess I will be suppressed by Lulu all the time." Remember to judge fairly, "The only thing we can rely on now is 957 Qinggang Shadow!"

The 957 is stressful.

I haven't started the solo belt seriously yet, why are all the teammates collapsed?

He has just made the cloth armor shoes, Tiamat and the power of three phases, so the equipment can only be said to be good or bad, so follow the timeline.

And 957 can't take much advantage in the game against Bobby!

The reason is that smeb's laning strength is too strong.

Song Jinghao was convinced that Qinggangying's recovery ability was mediocre, and he repeatedly relied on the passive round shield to exchange blood, just to lower 957's blood volume, so that he could no longer push the line unscrupulously to threaten the defense tower.

Now, VG's next tower still has 70% HP!

Seeing that he did not gain an advantage, but his teammates fell one after another, 957, who was usually steady, was unavoidably anxious and played a little aggressively.

Smeb is very calm.

Right now I have the advantage.

I'm not in a hurry!

He also leisurely chose words and sentences to explain his current situation, "Don't worry about me, the other side can't do anything about me right now..."

Song Jinghao's voice stopped abruptly.

Just as he was about to step forward to exchange blood and continue to threaten 957, he saw a beer man popping out of the grass behind the next tower of VG!

Smeb didn't expect Kandi to appear from behind, and his attention was all focused on laning and talking with his teammates, and his reaction was delayed for a moment.

When he wanted to evade again, it was already too late.

Like last time, we Ueno was very willing to invest in facing him.

Double flash, just to take Bobby's life!

"Fuck!" Smeb vented his inner emotions in a straight voice, "As for targeting me like this? Do you want to play?"

"Kandi is working hard to give 957 an advantage. It's understandable. After all, this is the team's last hope." Seeing Qing Gangying adding another head, Ze Yuan's brows didn't stretch, "957 left Come down and plan to flatten the VG tower, but the WE middle tower is also in a hurry!"

The negative impact of Xiye's death in action appeared.

He has no blue buff, and he has completely lost control of the lane right.

After kuro pushed the line, he ran to find the jungler.

With Lulu's w [Wonderful Thoughts] attack speed bonus, Gu Xing appeared in the middle. With the 7th floor mark, he simply aqa a set of damage, directly reducing Nami's blood volume by more than half!

Zero flashed that he had handed it over before, and now he has no power to fight back against the menacing Qian Jue.

Even if he stays under the tower, he cannot escape death!

Gu Xing's last arrow took his life and took another head!

The brother-in-law had no choice but to retreat to the second middle tower and let Jack's policewoman blow up the first tower with a single shot.

So far, all the outer towers of the three roads of we have been destroyed, and the economic gap between the two sides has widened to 5k!

"It depends on 957. If we can't use the single point to gain an advantage, this game will be very difficult..." Remember to be blunt.

Smeb thinks so too.

He's on the lookout for split-pushing.

As a result, after two minutes, Song Jinghao's product was wrong.

"Isn't the single belt on the opposite side too rubbish?" He didn't master Chinese very well, so he couldn't accurately describe his inner thoughts, and his words were rather extreme.

Gu Xing cut the screen and looked over.

That's true.

957 has already taken vg to the next tower, and with two kills, he has already taken advantage of the sideline.

But still not much progress has been made.

The second tower under vg is safe and sound!

After being reminded by smeb, Gu Xing paid special attention to the handling of our soldiers.

In his opinion, it can only be described as rough.

After the pawn line changes in version 7.1, hoarding minions has become easier, which is great news for the dominant single-lead side.

We did the same.

957 kills the long-range soldiers first, and then lets the rough-skinned and thick-skinned melee soldiers resist the position where the line of troops is handed over, and slowly hoard the line of troops.

In this way, Qinggangying follows the slow push line and pushes forward a little bit, and when it is pushed into the second tower of VG, a lot of minions will gather.

At that time, 957 can take advantage of the smeb tower to clear the troops and wear down the blood volume of the defensive tower.

From the point of view of the bottom line alone, there is nothing wrong with 957's approach.

It turns out that smeb hoarded lines like this when playing Jayce.

But you must know that there are more than just the bottom road in the canyon!

After entering the line-changing period, the three lines of troops complement each other and rely on each other!

Every time we let 957 hoard lanes in the bottom lane, we don't care about the middle lane right.

As a result, Qing Gangying made a slow push line, but the initiative in the middle lane was still in the hands of vg!

As long as Gu Xing deliberately showed his head in the middle, exposed his position, and let the opponent know that he was moving down, 957 would not dare to single-handedly.

Although Qinggangying is fat, but in front of Qian Jue, who is passive on the seventh floor, it is no different from a piece of paper!

957 was afraid that he would be caught to death again, and completely destroy all hopes of the team's comeback.

Therefore, seeing that the central line of troops fell, all of our teammates were still defending near the second tower, and they did not dare to cross the central line of the river rashly to advance!

A large wave of troops hoarded earlier drove straight to the front of the Smeb tower.

In the end, it became the nourishment for Bobby's development!

Smeb's line of soldiers was blocked, and his tail knife developed beautifully. 957 stood by the river in a daze and went shopping, unable to do anything.

"Our single belt strategy is simply a school flower!" Kuro laughed.

Seeing this, Gu Xing immediately felt relieved.

He thought how confident we were that we could choose the Qinggangying single-belt system in front of smeb.

10% off?

"Maibo," he cleared his throat and corrected his top order, "From now on, if you say that others are bad, don't just say rubbish, it will hurt people's self-esteem..."

Smeb is doing his tail-end stably, no one can disturb him, and he is free to chat with his teammates.

"How should I say spicy?"

Gu Xing gave the answer, "Just say... yes, green."

Smeb was confused, his expression was like a black question mark, "What do you mean?"

"How should I say it?" Gu Xing wanted to explain patiently, but he found it difficult to decipher what "green" means in League of Legends with Song Jinghao. I can say I understand everything.”

Smeb seemed to understand, "We's Binxuan's operation is a bit green, so it's okay, right?"

There was laughter in the vg voice.

Jack also teased cheerfully, "Old Gu is still very good at emotional intelligence...but the pawn line on the opposite side is really good at playing."

They borrowed Rox's single-belt system and let smeb use it a lot in the first half of this season.

As a participant in the system, Yu Wenbo naturally knows the essence of the single belt.

It is the linkage between the three lines of soldiers.

The operation basis of the laning period is the linkage between the line and the wild. After entering the transition period, the linkage between the lines will be more important.

When the top laner splits and pushes sidebands in the bottom lane, the line authority in the middle lane must be guaranteed, so that teammates have room to move, and can help draw the enemy's energy and arrange vision to detect the opponent's movements.

In the professional arena, if you want to play single-belt only by advancing one line, it is undoubtedly a dream!

Whether it's 41 split pushes or 131 sidebands, the mid-lane team is the top priority.

In the eyes of vg, who is proficient in operations, we's split pushing on the side is undoubtedly a clumsy trick, and it does not pose any threat at all!

This has nothing to do with 957.

In the current environment of lpl, there are very few teams who can play and understand the basic operation concept, let alone side split push.

In a competition area where blue-collar top laners are popular, what sideband do you play?

Let's go!

At present, our head coach Bai Yueyue is of a good level among domestic coaches, but he has little experience in sideline operations.

After all, there are no textbooks in the coaching industry, and what they pass on to the players is nothing more than their own accumulated experience.

White Crescent used Qinggang Shadow to push once in the last ig game. At that time, 957 was almost self-closing, pulling and restraining crazily throughout the whole process, and won easily in the end!

This led him to think that split pushing from the side was just like that, and 957 could complete the push with a little pull, so he tried to let the players play Qinggangying today.

However, the ending was quite different from what he expected!

There is also a gap between lpl teams.

I don't know how much higher the operating capacity of vg is than that of ig!

It is impossible for 957 to push down the vg bot lane defense tower without the support of teammates!

In the commentary and the audience's perspective, many people can't understand the twists and turns in the sideline single belt.

They only knew that Qinggang Ying couldn't push down the tower, and was completely dead!

"957's split-push results are not ideal," I remember saying casually, and quickly changed the subject after realizing something was wrong, "We drag it on, and when the big dragon is born, they will be forced to start a team battle!"

VG is obviously a strong team battle lineup, and it is completely predictable to use key neutral resources to force the team.

Gu Xing didn't want to procrastinate any longer with the opponent, so he waited until 22 minutes before his teammates pushed the upper and middle lines of troops in, and then went directly to the Dragon Pit.

"We knew that dragging on would be a dead end, so we had to come forward to fight... But Jack's policewoman placed traps along a line of the river, blocking their way to Longkeng!"

The director's camera was shown in the Dalong Pit.

Gu Xing's Qian Jue has percentage damage, and with the boost of Lulu's attack speed, the speed of fighting dragons is extremely fast!

"957 handed over the teleportation and wanted to come to support, Xiye's Ryze even activated r [Zigzag Leap] to investigate the movement in the Dragon Pit!"

The brother-in-law bent down and drew the bow, and shot r [Precise Barrage] across the dragon pit, reducing the blood volume of the two of vg.

"Kandi got into the teleportation array of the winding path and entered the dragon pit!"

Condi has no choice.

The vg dragons are playing so fast, they don't even have the option of letting go of the dragon group to destroy the opponent!

As a last resort, Kandi had no choice but to go in to see if he could try to grab the big dragon, and then use his body to drag the enemy into the dragon pit. When the other four teammates arrived, there might be a slight possibility of reversing the situation.

He knew that the grasshopper had a big move, and the suppressing effect of the grip of the underworld could make him unable to release punishment.

Therefore, communicate well in advance and let Nami of Zero cast r [Scream of Raging Waves].

If the opponent dares to suppress him, Nami's knock-up can also interrupt him.

With the courage to fight to the death, Kandi entered the Dragon Pit.

As he thought, Duan Deliang did not use the Grip of Hades in the face of the coming Nami tsunami.

It was replaced by Gu Xingr [Sheep Spirit Lives]!

The sheep spirit blessed the Great Dragon Pit, and saved all the creatures in it from suffering.

Including Baron Nash!

"Brother Xing's big move made it impossible for Kandi to grab the big dragon!" Zeyuan said impassionedly, "No matter how strong the dragon grabbing ability is, it will not help Qian Jue's big move!"

But this is playing into Candy's hands.

During the 4 seconds of the lamb's life, he really couldn't grab the dragon.

But Candy won't die either!

He delayed for four seconds, and the other four teammates could rush to the front, creating a suitable environment for team battles!

Gu Xing's four arrows combined with the policewoman's headshot successfully pushed the blood volume of the wine barrel to the protection line of the sheep's spirit.

At this point, everything in the Great Dragon Pit seemed to have stopped.

On the land blessed by the spirit of sheep, no matter how you fight, no one will die.

We can only say "you stop fighting" to reconcile the conflict between the two sides.

The two teams fell into an eerie silence.

The We people in the river were still on their way to flatter their horses. They stepped on the trap together, and Jack raised his hand to deal a headshot critical blow.

Kandi found the right opportunity, got stuck at the end of the lamb spirit's life, and threw out the r in his hand [Explosive Wine Barrel]!

His big move is very tricky.

He wanted to blow the policewoman out of the dragon pit, and blast Gu Xing to the outermost side of the dragon pit.

In this way, Qian Jue couldn't output to everyone in front of us in the first time.

Waiting for the teammates to kill the policewoman first, and then come to deal with Qian Jue, our chances of winning are not low!

"But Jack's reaction was not slow. He immediately backed up with the e-skill rope net after the headshot. In this way, he was not directly blasted out of the dragon pit by the wine barrel's big move, but found a safe position and started to output wildly!"

Zeyuan's speech speed is already very fast.

But it is still impossible to describe every detail in the battlefield in detail.

When the beer man cast his big move, a golden light suddenly flashed.

"How did Smeb rush into the crowd?!"

I remember the surprise in my tone.

There was a lot of exclamation in the venue!

Someone could see clearly that Smeb was clearly flashing and adjusting his position, letting the wine barrel's big move blow him out of the dragon pit.

Thus appearing in front of the four people in front of us!

e【Heroic Charge】!

The river channel is not spacious, and the sudden appearance of Smeb Bobby is beyond everyone's expectations.

In the chaotic battlefield, before Zero could react, he was hit by the wall and fell into a dizzy state!

r [Guard's Judgment]!

With the help of Bidong, smeb successfully brought himself in front of the enemy Zhongsu.

The big move of accumulating energy in seconds directly smashed the two of them into the sky!

"My God... Smeb's wave of control is full!"

Zeyuan's passionate yelling was like a burning match, instantly detonating the atmosphere of the audience watching the game!

The situation was urgent, and Smeb just yelled "Look at me" twice during the hasty interval of flashing out.

Normal people will not immediately realize what smeb is doing.

But Kuro can.

He and Song Jinghao partnered for two years, and the Tigers got along day and night during those two years, and their relationship was so good that they could wear a pair of pants.

Li Ruixing realized what his teammates wanted the moment he saw Bobby flashing up the wall.

Without hesitation, Kuro flashed away from the Dragon Pit.

"Get bigger!"

Lulu's stupid and cute voice resounded through the canyon.

Bobby, who is also a yordle, suddenly swelled up, and pushed the we Zhongsuke who had just landed into the air again!

Duan Deliang cast q [Void Call] very insidiously next to him.

The silence effect continued to control, making it impossible for the two of them to even hand in a flash!

"VG's front row is at the front, and Brother Xing and Jack are crazy output at the back!"

Kandy's barrel was killed 1 second after Lamb's Breath ended.

Now the vg double shooter is hiding behind Bobby, pouring damage unscrupulously!

Xiye and Zero, who were silenced, didn't even hand over their flashes, and died suddenly on the spot!

The cheers in the stadium rose an octave in an instant!

"957 operated Qing Gangying to enter the field and wanted to continue to replace a general of the opponent, but Prince Duan still has a big move in his hands!"

In the air where the Qinggang Shadow hook rope entered the field, Duan Deliang resolutely handed over r [Grip of Hades], and suppressed the opponent in place!

Gu Xing was very thoughtful and showed a wave of damage to 957, who had never taken care of the whole situation.

Qian Jue only had 5 arrows, and within 3 seconds of the whole process, he instantly killed Qinggang Ying, who was close to full blood!

"0 for 4!" Remember to yell loudly, "VG's team battle lineup plays a role, the extremely solid front row and the explosive damage rear row output, let us suffer a lot!"

"Smeb's unbelievable and outrageous approach to the game is the final word, ending the suspense of the game!" Ze Yuan still finds it inconceivable in retrospect, "He is too creative!"

Song Jinghao used Poppy to prove that he is one of the top top laners at present, he can advance, attack and retreat.

Even though Kandi was repeatedly targeted in the early and mid-term, team battles can still play a role!

Gu Xing turned around and took down the dragon with a few arrows, and cooperated with his teammates to push forward from the second tower in the middle.

We only have Ezreal, my brother-in-law.

And the development is very average, it can be made into a two-piece set of Ice Fist and Magic Cut, and the damage on Bobby is similar to Gua Sha.

"We are the first to resurrect Nami, and there are still 25 seconds left. VG wants to take advantage of the trend to end the game!"

Smeb stands at the front with Lulu's shield against it, taking damage from ez and defensive towers. It is as stable and reliable as a mountain, providing sufficient output space for teammates behind it.

The five of VG attacked the city and pulled out the stronghold all the way.

Nami's resurrection did not effectively stop their advance plan.

Thanks to Gu Xing's several waves of care, the threat of the we duo has long since disappeared!

When Xiye and Kandi were revived, vg had pushed to the point where only the main crystal remained.

With no effort, Gu Xing's bow and arrow destroyed the enemy's base!

The director zoomed in on the auditorium, and bursts of restless noise erupted here, and the noise made by the vg supporters never stopped!

"Congratulations to vg, one-to-zero first!" Zeyuan said loudly, "They showed a very tacit teamwork in the first game, and their communication skills have improved compared to the beginning of the season!"

"The sideline lineup we chose didn't have the expected effect. They only pushed down the opponent's two defensive towers throughout the whole process," remembering that they were still analyzing the reasons for the loser's defeat. Should we give up split-push tactics!"

The linkage ability between the three lines of troops is poor. Even if we continue to choose the split push system, it will be difficult to achieve the goal.

"Another key point is Brother Xing," Zeyuan said here feeling admiration, "The legend of Qian Jue with a 100% winning rate is still continuing, and his mark acquisition speed is really too ruthless!"

In the mid-term, Qian Jue with a 7-layer imprint is almost invincible.

Unless you use continuous hard control to kill it in seconds, no one can stand Qian Jue's percentage damage!

"It can only be said that Brother Xing's Qian Jue's unique skills are not blown out, and they are definitely worthy of respect..."

The picture is given to the we players' seats.

Kandy, who took off his earphones, was unwilling to hear the commentary echoing in the stadium.

There was nothing wrong with his thinking early in the first game.

Help the middle lane get first blood, and then follow Gu Xing by tailgating, use the punishment difference to snatch the wild monsters, lock Qian Jue's trail, and let the opponent lose the way to drive the rhythm!

It's just that after the wave was surrounded by smebs, he teleported and flashed the wall, and he completely lost the initiative in the wild.

In the follow-up, he could only let Qian Jue ride on his face to get what he wanted, and it was difficult for him to even fight back!

Kandi really realized what it means to fall short!

If I were a little more cautious, would the outcome of this game be rewritten?

It's a pity that there is no if.

With a long sigh, Kandi picked up the paper cup and followed his teammates back to the waiting room.

"My problem brother Meng..." White Crescent was guarding the door, and said apologetically when seeing the team members return, "I chose a split-push system for you before I fully understood the single belt, I take the blame!"

He is good at calming the mentality of the players, and his style has always been to get along with the players and get on well with everyone.

Seeing White Crescent voluntarily admitting his problems, Kandi also began to reflect, "The one who shouldn't have invaded Qian Jue's red zone is really a blood loss..."

The results of the previous MVP selection are being played on the TV screen in the lounge.

Not surprisingly, Gu Xing was still there.

201.1% damage conversion rate

22080 total damage

34.4% team damage ratio

5015's counterpoint economic difference

The data is gorgeous!

On the screen, Gu Xing, who was wearing a vg black slim-fitting team uniform and pointed his fingers at the shining gold star on his chest like a gun, showed a handsome figure and a slight smile.

Kandi also had to admit that the opponent's ability to snowball after catching an opportunity was so terrifying that he didn't even have the ability to resist.

"Let's do this..." White Crescent subconsciously quickly pressed the button on the ballpoint pen, making a crisp clicking sound, telling her plan.

Xiye questioned, "Can it work?"

White Crescent patted her chest and assured, "It will be fine, trust me!"

When he came on stage again, he was still instilling with the players the tactical ideas to be used in the next game.

After making sure that the players remembered it firmly, they were relieved and looked at the vg player bench next door.

Hongmi was still chatting and laughing with Gu Xing and the others, and the atmosphere was harmonious and full of laughter.

"Bobby, Maibo, you are absolutely amazing!" Jack gave a thumbs up sincerely, "I never thought you could push forward!"

With the help of the big move of the wine barrel, we directly cut off our way of life.

smeb's team-starting idea is somewhat unconstrained.

"Hey, isn't it the basic operation?" Song Jinghao's expression was triumphant, but his mouth was still modest, "It must be Ruixing's cooperation!"

Kuro sipped with a glass of ice-cold American style, with a satisfied expression, "Where is the key to sales, let's lie down on a plate and feel comfortable..."

He likes vg more and more.

From all aspects, the conditions are better than Korean clubs.

What's more important is on the field.

With a jungler like Gu Xing around, Kuro felt that he could win if he hit the card and touched a fish.

Where can I find such a job?

Gu Xing, who had just won the mvp, was still immersed in the joy of earning another month's living expenses, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

"How's it going, Jack, is it fun to kill Xi Ye?" He asked when he had nothing to do.

"It's definitely not good!" Yu Wenbo shook his head again and again, "My buddy killed the opponent Ryze once in the last team battle, and he has no gaming experience at all!"

"Then I have to satisfy you in the second game," Gu Xing was now full of ambition, and immediately made a promise, "I will kill Super Ghost for Xiye!"

Before he could fully express his ambition, he heard the referee behind him urging smeb to start the second game quickly.

Accompanied by the sonorous and powerful crisp sound, the bp panel is presented in front of everyone!

The two commentators who had adjusted their condition were refreshed.

"The second round of BP starts, and vg chooses the blue side. Let's disable the enchantress first!"

Both sides have nothing to say first-hand, and there is no room for mediation in White Crescent, so they have to obediently block Verus.

"Vg's second ban is still aimed at Ice, and I don't want my brother-in-law to get a strong ADC that can detect the vision in the early stage and take over the game in the middle and late stages." I remember that this is not surprising.

"On the other hand, we chose to disable the hot-handed Qian Jue of Shangpan Xingge!"

Qian Jue's current version is not strong, and basically the entire alliance has Gu Xing to use it.

The key is that as long as you get it, you can carry it stably, which is outrageous.

White Crescent never had a hard time. After seeing Gu Xing's terrifying performance, he immediately decided to ban him.

The color of the red rice noodles did not change. It was obvious that he had expected it a long time ago. Knowing the style of the old colleague opposite him, he would not release Gu Xing's Qian Jue after he suffered a disadvantage.

He chose to ban Shen, who is very proficient in 957, making it difficult for the opponent to let 957 easily support his teammates through hero selection.

"Our last ban in the first round, the target is still on Brother Xing, banning the wild nuclear male gun that the opponent is very good at..." Ze Yuan laughed, "We must ban the first three blocking positions. Verus, the rest of the positions are given to Brother Xing, and the bans are all wild core characters!"

"There is only one version of the weakest leopard girl left, so that Brother Xing can't choose wild core characters to roll the snowball in the wild!"

Redmi ran behind smeb.

"I'll get you Qinggang Ying, Jing Hao, you can play single tape."

Hearing this, Song Jinghao's eyes widened, "Hurry up, I'll just lock it!"

He's really strong in tank roles.

But not many people naturally like to be punched like sandbags.

Smeb can't wait to choose Qinggang Ying!

Camille's head with short hair appeared in the hero selection box, and Song Jinghao locked it with joy.

"Wait for the top laner on the other side, this game will teach you what single-band split pushing is!" He whispered in Korean.

Redmi is thinking about what role to use next to expand and build a single-belt system.

I was taken aback by the bp candidate of White Crescent.

"Lulu and Grasshopper!" I remember being astonished, "We chose to reproduce the selection strategy of VG, and first take down the middle assistant who is in the swing position!"

Hongmi opened her mouth slightly, with an expression of disbelief.

I just developed the Lulu Swing, you just use it after half an hour?

Really copy it?

Homme recalled it carefully, and decided that Bai Yueyue, who worked with him in s5, would not use this trick yet.

Because of this, he thought it was impossible for the opponent to immediately choose a swing system, so he didn't take precautions.

Who would want us to copy directly!

"Turtle..." Jack couldn't help but burst out his cravings, "What is this on the other side, copying homework?"

"Jack, don't you understand? This is called Sharingan!" Gu Xing didn't think there was anything to worry about, and was still teasing, "Kakashi Hatake!"

The two Korean aids have also seen Hokage, and they can't wait to join the discussion group.

When Gu Xing began to explain how many floors a bag of rice had to resist, Hongmi finally couldn't bear it, and went over and rewarded his jungler with a brain-dead blow.

"You need to concentrate!"

After Gu Xing covered his head and kept silent, he gave the order just now.

"Choose the poodle and Ryze, let's focus on the middle field, don't play positively with the opponent, the game is pulling!"

Hou Ye emphasized when translating.

White Crescent is a road to black, and chooses the special cute pet tool of Miss Lulu, Big Mouth.

"Then it seems that Lulu is going to be used as a support, and the grasshopper is used by Xiye to walk in the middle..." Ze Yuan guessed.

After all, Big Mouth Lulu is a combination that is bound together. If you take it apart and walk different lines, the effect is not brilliant.

In the second round of BP, White Crescent kept a close eye on the VG duo.

Ban the combination of Jhin and Karma.

As a result, there are very few version characters available for vg to choose from!

We have made it clear that we want to play a frontal team. During the laning phase, we will mainly attack the lower half of the zone, fatten up the big mouth and then win by holding a team!

Redmi banned Bobby and Dashu, the phantom god brothers, to prevent 957 from comfortably driving on the road.

At the same time, we tried our best to destroy the opponent's team battle system, making it difficult for us to find a reliable front row.

"Compared to the first game, the thinking of both sides is completely reversed!" Zeyuan praised, "Now vg wants to play single belt, while we seek to fight head-on!"

"I've only heard of the teaching bureau of hero swap before, but I didn't expect there to be a systemic forehand and backhand teaching bureau!"

There were rustling discussions in the venue.

The popularity of barrage in the live broadcast room is even higher!

[vg you started again? 】

[Oh, really awesome, there is still this kind of teaching? 】

[White Crescent finally stopped doing scientific research, oh thank goodness, I didn't expect to have a green steel shadow on the sideband, can we score and push? If you can’t fight, you don’t have that ability, you know]

[I believe Smeb can break through 957, can you borrow the power of senior Aluka to smash Qinggangying! 】

Before White Crescent made a choice, the brother-in-law pre-selected a role.


The moment the old driver appeared, there were screams and cheers from the audience.

Countless we fans still have fresh memories of the Qiu Mingshan drag racing battle.

Sinking the Tigers, that was the only glory in the early days of the team's rebuilding!

The uncle covered his mouth and smiled happily.

He was also there at the time, and when he and Xiye debuted on the international stage for the first time, they were able to defeat the Tigers, the then ruler of lck, which was a sweet moment for mystic in the s5 season.

Seeing Thain now, my brother-in-law can recall every bit of that time.

"No, don't do it!" 957 hurriedly asked the brother-in-law to change roles, "Don't bring such a cheating brother!"

He's always been emotional.

Showing Sion in front of Smeb is the same as showing Jie in front of Yue Lun.

Isn't this a dung beetle beating a lantern, courting death?

as expected.

Smeb, who was still squinting and smiling a moment ago, darkened visibly to the naked eye.

Disgusting me, right?

Good boy, choose if you have the ability, and see if I can do it or not, and you're done!

White Crescent also quickly dissuaded him.

"Everyone is a professional player. If you look up and see you down, there's no need to hurt your peace...Take the Titan!"

This version of Thain cannot be selected, and the proficiency of the old driver of 957 is not as good as that of Aluka.

In order to be on the safe side, White Crescent must take a version of a strong character.

Titan's ult move lock strength is quite good, team battles can also be called a must!

Seeing that the opponent finally changed heroes, smeb turned pale.

But that doesn't mean he's out of temper.

"Sing Gu, help me grab this plate, and I'll kill them!" Song Jinghao gritted his teeth.

The second round of BP has nothing to do with Gu Xing, he can spare his time to appease his teammates.

"Don't worry, I will use the same attitude as I used to deal with Marin to target 957, Bao Maibo, you are satisfied!"

Redmi got the combination of ez+Bron for the bottom lane.

The main backhand and defensive hanging line.

The core of his tactics is smeb's Qinggang Ying, and the bottom lane naturally has to resist pressure.

"We added a blind monk last to improve the strength of the early lineup and the ability to start a team. It is also a jungler with Kandi's high proficiency!"

The lineup of both sides is determined.

Blue Fang vg: top laner Qing Gangying, wild poodle, mid laner Ryze, bottom laner ez+Bron.

The red side we: top laner Titan, jungler blind monk, mid laner grasshopper, bottom lane Dazui + Lulu.

Zeyuan talked eloquently.

"We took out a pure four guarantees and one system, put all the heavy bets on the brother-in-law, and hoped that Dazui would take off to carry the game, while vg took into account both single-band and team battles. The strategic focus of the two sides was completely misplaced. How will the two junglers drive the early rhythm!"

Accompanied by the sound of cheering and cheering on the scene, the canyon came again!

-----Off Topic-----

I feel that lng is going to go far this year, and this bubbling match is really unstable.

8700 words, 19.11w.

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