What is a hexagon jungler?

273: The charm of military training!

Gu Xing put down the warm baby in his hand, and stroked the keyboard and mouse with his hot fingertips.

"I'll take a scan, let's go directly to the upper half of the opposite side," he arranged in an orderly manner, "Jack, you go to the bottom lane alone, make a defensive eye on the river and then come over."

VG Qinggangying + Shigou + Ryze's upper middle field combination is extremely strong in the early stage, and it has everything to control damage.

If Bron is added, their strength will break through the sky!

Gu Xing had no reason not to invade.

And the target of the invasion must be the upper half.

According to the pre-match plan, he will put pressure on the 957 Titans.

As long as Kandi can be forced out of the upper half, then in the first 4 minutes, the entire upper half of the canyon will become Gu Xing's world!

Jack obeyed his words, operated ez to go down the river to make an eye, and then rushed to the top of the map to join his teammates.

Just as Gu Xing thought.

We didn't dare to collide with them at level 1 in the wild.

Once it is hit by Braum's q [Winter's Bite], Qing Gangying and others will control him one after another, and it will be difficult to retreat at that time!

We were afraid of the vg lineup, so we never deployed defenses in the upper half, but just inserted a ward and let 957 watch from a distance, confirming that the enemy was coming to invade, we quickly retreated.

Jack's vision on the lower river channel just now also saw the information that Kandy went to change the wild area below as expected.

"It's not good news for us to switch buffs to start the game," Zeyuan explained his point of view, "Before level 6, the hard control in our lineup is the Titans, and Kandi is forced to start from the bottom field. You may not be able to catch people in the early stage!"

Whether it's Xiye's mid laner Grasshopper or bottom laner Big Mouth Lulu, their ability to cooperate with the blind monk in the early stage is almost zero.

There is no doubt about Li Qing's combat effectiveness, but he relies on his teammates to control him if he wants to catch people.

If you start from the bottom half, the possibility of Kandy doing things in the early stage is almost zero!

Condi is also well aware of this.

He made up his mind in his heart that he would first increase his level by clearing the jungle, and then wait for the opportunity to do things, and he was still communicating with 957.

"You must be careful, the poodle is likely to catch you after clearing the wild monsters, so don't give it a chance!"

Kandi knows how much VG likes to raise top laners.

What's more, Smeb chose Qinggangying, vg made it clear that he wanted to play the single belt system, and Gu Xing was destined to invest more energy in the road!

957 quickly responded.

He intends to put the line to the front of the tower to develop steadily.

Titan's tower defense ability is also one of the best in the entire alliance. It is full of control, plus [Courage of the Colossus] can provide a shield, so it is not afraid of the opponent to catch it!

After clearing the enemy's Ueno area smoothly, Gu Xing reached level 3, and then went straight to the road.

As 957 wished, the pawn line was firmly stuck in front of the tower.

In order to grab 2, smeb inevitably pushed Binxuan over when replenishing soldiers, but 957 took control.

As a phantom god, Titan is very strong in the early stage, and e [Undercurrent Surge] has a strong ability to clear the line quickly.

However, before Qinggangying made Tiamat, the speed of clearing the line was quite average. It is not realistic to rely on w [Tactical Sweep] to clear the line. In most cases, it has to rely on basic attack.

This made it impossible for Song Jinghao to quickly push all the minions into the tower against the titan!

Song Jinghao will feel very uncomfortable if he continues to be stuck like this.

He must always be on guard against the Titan's hook in front of the enemy tower, and if he is hooked in front of the tower, he will lose additional health.

As a last resort, I had to shake the jungler to push the line.

Gu Xing's Zun Jiawen's condition was well controlled this time, and he didn't eat a single soldier when he reached the cannon lane on the road in 2 minutes and 47 seconds, so he gave up all of them to Smeb.

"The poodle's line-clearing ability is here. 957 and Ueno have nothing to do with vg, so they have to let the opponent push all the pawn lines into the tower..." I remember that I noticed something wrong at the first time, "Later, the pawn line on the road will return Push it out!"

Although the Titan's line clearing ability is powerful, it is also powerless to face artillery soldiers.

Seeing that the fourth wave of soldiers is coming, 957 tried his best and failed to clean up the soldiers under the tower in time!

The pawn lines meet in the tower, and the pushback line is officially formed with an irreversible trend!

Next, the handover position of the minions will move towards the vg tower a little bit. If the titans want to eat soldiers, they have to leave the protection range of the defense tower!

"Brother Xing seems to be able to create a wave of gank opportunities..." Zeyuan also reacted.

If Gu Xing took the opportunity to crouch in the line of grass near us, and wait for the line of soldiers to push out, he could attack the Titan!

957 realized the seriousness of the problem earlier than the two commentators. When the pawn line was pushed into the tower, he knew that it would be difficult for him to block the generation of the pushback line.

"Xiang Renjie, can you help me?" 957 marked the position of the upper lane twice.

Candy had no choice.

If 957 goes out to eat and pushes back the line, the poodle will die when he comes over.

If you don't go out to eat soldiers, Qinggang Yingneng will always be stuck in the line, slowly widening the economic and level gap between the top laners of the two sides!

Our goal in this game is to ensure that the top lane is not threaded, and then try our best to ensure that the bottom lane has an advantage, and finally pull vg to fight together.

The ring on the road must not collapse!

Kandi's blind monk has just been promoted to level 3 not long ago. He has just cleaned up the crabs in the lower river and is about to go back to the lower half of his home to clean up the camp.

Hurry up slowly, and finally come to 957 when the pushback line pushes through the middle of the river.

The two carefully made sure that there were no signs of poodles around - after all, vg Ueno's combat effectiveness and manipulation were stronger than we's, if Gu Xing really crouched nearby, the two of them might suffer a lot.

Noticing that the poodle was not nearby, Kandi helped 957 push the top lane.

Then he traveled thousands of miles back to the lower half to continue his development.

"Kandi sacrificed a lot of time to help the top road deal with the pawn line, and relieve a little pressure on 957..." I remember that I can see the whole situation from the perspective of God, "Brother Xing is still swiping violently, he has cleared the upper half of his home, and has been promoted to four Return to the city to replenish equipment after leveling up!"

Gu Xing also ate a river crab, and the wild speed was very fast.

It can only be said that the poodle clearing efficiency after the revision is too high.

He went back and didn't directly buy a green jungle knife.

Instead, he sold the reusable potion and abruptly took out a pair of long swords and a pair of straw sandals.

When I went out, I didn't move to the lower field area where the second round of camp was about to be refreshed, but continued to the top road.

"What is Brother Xing doing?" Ze Yuan noticed the abnormal behavior of the poodle, "The upper half area was just cleared by him, and there are no wild monsters now!"

"He wants to catch 957 once!" I remember telling the truth, and then frowned, "But the soldiers don't seem to support Brother Xing to do this!"

When Kandi came to help deal with the pawn line, he once pushed the pawn deep into the vg upper tower.

Although there are no cannon soldiers, this is not something Qing Gangying can quickly deal with.

There will also be a wave of pushback lines when vg hits the road!

Now the soldiers are gathering together and advancing into the we tower.

And after the arrival of the artillery line at 4 minutes and 17 seconds, the momentum of advancement is even more unstoppable!

957 only needs to stay under the tower to get the pawn line, and it is impossible to be gank by the poodle!

However, when the director shot to Gu Xing, the poodle was still striding upwards!

"Brother Xing... Is it possible that you want to climb the tower?" Zeyuan put forward a bold hypothesis.

Remember to look at the Titan's health immediately.

"But 957 still has 70% of his HP!"

On the road, I changed blood sporadically a few times, mainly because Qinggang Ying of Smeb relied on his w [Tactical Sweep] to actively harass.

But 957 is not at a loss, Qing Gangying has about the same blood volume as him.

The Titan, who is in good condition, sticks to the tower, and he doesn't look like he can be killed easily!

The director suddenly cut the screen to the lower half.

"Kandi is still clearing the jungle... His position was discovered by vg!"

Remember to see clearly that in the raptor camp where the blind monk is located, there is a ward that Kuro came to set up after pushing the line just now!

The moment Kandi's movements were exposed, Gu Xing immediately manipulated the poodle to the grass behind the side of the tower on we.

As Zewon said.

Gu Xing was about to jump over the tower!

The last time he saw Condi coming to the road, there was no green jungle knife in his backpack, so he knew that the opponent didn't have extra vision for the top lane to defend the vision—after all, the blind monk's vision was very scarce, and he had to reserve it for life-saving or pursuit.

Therefore, Gu Xing boldly crossed the river and crouched behind Tai Tan.

"Remember, Maibo, I will fight against the tower first, and then you will go up!" He expressed his meaning clearly in concise and clear language.

After hearing Song Jinghao's echo, Gu Xing patiently waited for the line of troops to be in place.

A whole wave of artillery soldiers, plus a few scattered soldiers poured into the tower on us!

Within Gu Xing's field of vision, he saw another wave of We soldiers coming to the tower.

"Freeze hands, freeze hands!"


The poodle jumped out of the grass, jumped on the soldier, successfully stacked a layer of brutality, and came to the back of 957 under the tower at the same time!

q【Cruel and ruthless】!

Rengar lunged forward, the claw blade successfully hit the titan's body, and resisted the tower aggro!

957 was preparing to fill up the tower knife safely, but unexpectedly a poodle jumped out from behind.

He was taken aback, his eyes were full of blankness.

How dare you come vg?

957 reacted quickly after a brief absence, turned around and hit the poodle with a general attack, fixed it in place, and then used q [clear the channel] to hook it and keep up with the control.

Gu Xing threw out the e lasso while being imprisoned by the general attack.

So far he has stacked up to 3 layers of brutality!

Gu Xing took his time, woke up from the dizziness and launched another general attack, hitting the thunderbolt on Tai Tan.

"The second bombardment from the defensive tower came down, and beat Brother Xing to blood!"

In Zeyuan's loud cry, the poodle cast w [War Roar], recovering 50% of the damage received for nearly 1.5 seconds.

The blood bar reached nearly half in no time!

"Qinggangying's hook hit the wall, and the second section of the wall kicked back towards Titan..."

957 handed over Blink to avoid control.

But another golden light flashed across the room, causing the whole room to exclaim!

"Smeb was prepared in advance, and predicted that the Titans would cross flash, so I caught up with Flash and stunned it!" Zeyuan spoke at an astonishing speed, "Brother Xing turned around and handed over cruel q [cruel and ruthless], breaking through 957's health bar, Then immediately flash out of the range of the defense tower!"

Song Jinghao stopped in detail, and handed over the aq when the target of the turret was re-locked back to the cannon.

The shelling of the defense tower needs to be cooled down, and smeb can use this trick to make one shot to reduce blood loss.

When the Titan raised the anchor and was about to anchor himself, he surrendered w [Tactical Sweep].

The last a is pulled up.

Qinggangying raised his leg blade, sending away the Titan with real damage!

"First blood was born! Smeb resisted two shellings, and finally escaped with residual blood!" I remember being amazed, "VG Ueno's wave of tower jumping is extremely exciting!"

"Really resisting the damage of the defensive tower and overtaking the Titan with most of its blood!" Ze Yuan couldn't believe it, "957 blood loss!"

The resurrection time is not short.

In addition to the 4.5-second teleportation guidance time, when 957 returns to the tower, the soldiers will die in all likelihood!

"Beautiful!" Gu Xing shouted.

Smeb's face was about to burst into laughter, "The cooperation is good, Gu Gu! We are so strong!"

On the other side of the player's seat, Kandi unconsciously bit his lower lip.

Gu Xing caught this wave of counter-routines, which was completely beyond his expectation!

What's more, he managed to kill 957 for only one extra flash!

Of course he can go to the second half of the second round against vg.

But Gu Xing can also use we Ueno District as a replacement!

The wild routes of both sides are still exactly the same as the first round!

Continuing to do this, Kandi felt that he would not be able to find any mobile phone opportunities before level 6!

Gu Xing brushed the enemy's wild monsters happily, and then prepared to do it again.

The current situation of the pawn line on the road is to push back the line in turn.

Just now when 957 was killed by jumping over the tower, the large wave of soldiers hoarded under the tower was not cleaned up, so Binxuan would naturally push back in the direction of vg.

Gu Xing saw that Tai Tan still wanted to eat soldiers, so he decisively gave up a group of his beloved f6 and rushed to the road one step ahead of time.

"957 is going to suffer again!"

Gu Xing appeared from behind the triangular grass, hit the e lasso first, and then moved forward physically to block 957's way back to the tower.

"Kandi is on his way here, but 957 may not be able to last until his teammates arrive!"

Smeb operated the green steel shadow hook to hang on the wall, and the second section of the wall was shot down by 957 Titan's q in the air.

But even so, the output of both him and Gu Xing was enough to kill this Titan with average equipment!

Candy wanted to help and came over to untie the thread.

But the blind monk's clearing speed was too slow, he was one step too late after all.

In other words, Gu Xing arrived too fast, and he was willing to give up a group of raptors.

When Kandi arrived on the road, less than 1/3 of the blood volume of 957 was left!

The comparison of combat power between the Ueno and the wild is completely out of balance!

Conti had to sell the 957.

"Qinggangying takes another head!" Zeyuan couldn't control his voice, "VG's raising plan is beginning to bear fruit!"

Smeb's legs were shaking.

If he continues to develop like this, he will be able to produce three-phase power in less than 10 minutes!

How will the Titans play then?

957 scratched his head in distress.

He was a bit lucky, he felt that the poodle would not be on the road so soon, and he wanted to rub two more bins before Kandi supported him.

As a result, Gu Xing let go of a group of wild monsters, and really came one step ahead of time!

Candy pursed his lips.

The top laner was killed and hadn't been teleported yet, so he had no choice but to eat pawns with tears in his eyes, and wiped out the opponent's line of pawns that re-pushed into the tower.

Seeing the wound on the road being torn open, he was very irritable.

Let 957 go down the line again, and it is destined to raise the big daddy Qing Gangying!

But at this moment, Kandy knew that there was no rush.

If you lose your temper and become impatient, you will only expose more flaws!

Only take a deep breath to adjust your mentality.

His brain was spinning rapidly, looking for opportunities to counterattack.

Really let him find it.

When the time came to 7 minutes, Xiye's grasshopper seized the gap between Ryze's reinforcements, flashed forward without hesitation, r [Grip of Hades] and fixed Kuro in place!

"Kang Di's blind monk rushed from behind, w stuck to the grasshopper, Tian Yinbo hit the immobile Kuro, a set of combos crushed him into blood, and Xiye got the head in the end!"

We fans in the audience let out a long sigh of relief.

Finally, he made up for some disadvantages and let Xiye get a crucial hit!

Kuro looked as usual.

He was prepared for this.

As long as Xiye's flashy big move turns well at the same time, he is destined to be withdrawn.

After all, he can't get a quicksilver belt at the beginning of playing Ryze, can he?

Anyway, death is only at your own loss.

It's a small profit for Gu Xing - he can go to the middle to make up another wave of lines.

Gu Xing originally wanted to continue to uphold the strategy of helping others, and make 957 completely autistic in one go.

But when he saw Xiye used flash and big moves, he immediately took it to heart.

At 8 minutes and 30 seconds into the game, Gu Xing ran to the We lower field area, looked into the blue buff camp through the wall, and returned to the city to take out the warrior's jungle knife.

Then headed for a long-distance attack on the lower river.

Kuro had planted a real eye in the grass of the river before, and made sure that there was no eye position nearby.

Gu Xing went all the way unimpeded, crossing the river grass and came to the grass separated by a wall from the we blue zone.

He lay in ambush, motionless, like a seasoned hunter.

"Brother Xing, Li Zaigan?" Zeyuan didn't know why, "I can't catch the middle lane at this position!"

Not only him, but also his partner remembers and many viewers can't figure it out.

The area where Gu Xing crouched was still a certain distance from the middle lane, and he didn't enter the we lower field area.

It can be said that it is stuck here.

What's the point of crouching here?

At exactly 9 minutes, there was finally movement in the we blue zone.

Blue buff jumped out and was born again!

At the same time, the figure of the blind monk also appeared in the blue area, exposed to the vision of the eye position that Gu Xing had just inserted.

The corners of Gu Xing's mouth raised slightly.

It's now!

-----Off Topic-----

This BO5 is full again, and the state of the left hand is really average.

But rng has to go to the bubbling match.

Watch the game, less updates today, make up tomorrow.

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