What is a hexagon jungler?

296: Hitting East and West!

"The VG game is on the blue side, and the little murlocs are still banned first!"

The little murlocs used in the first round of the deduction meat were outstanding. Although they did not win the game, Redmi was still quite afraid.

He doesn't mind giving Fitz one when there are plenty of Ban slots.

"EDG is still blocking Karma... They are really afraid of VG's mid-support swing system!" I remember laughing, "As the developer, VG is quite proficient in mastering this tactic!"

Let Xiaoduan get soft assistants, and EDG will have to bear a lot of pressure on the line.

If Kuro is used to walk in the middle, then the right of the middle route is destined to be in the hands of VG, which will cause a chain reaction in the jungle, making Gu Xing feel like a fish in water!

What's more, EDG decided to use the late lineup in this game, and the selected auxiliary swing position had to be used by Meiko.

Because Karma and Lulu's team battle output ability is really average, going in the middle is the pendant of ADC.

And although Iboy's reaction speed is very good, let alone compare with Jack in the level of damage, he can only be regarded as the mid-range in the entire league!

If the elementary school boy takes a soft support and goes to the mid laner, it is tantamount to handing over the banner of team battle damage to Iboy's shoulders.

After witnessing Iboy's move against the sky and leading the team into the abyss in the first game, Scout will not trust him at least today.

Faker plays the middle lane Lulu four guarantees one, and the shooter is Bang.

EDG's staffing simply can't keep up!

That being the case, it's better to just disable VG's soft assistants honestly.

"VG bans Enchantress second-hand, it's a normal Ban selection..."

I remember seeing that the BP of both sides has not changed compared to before, and he even explained a few words, "Best of BO5 is in the third game, the two teams have already figured out the tactics of each other quite clearly, if they don't want to raise their cards, there is a high probability that they will be banned. Fix it!"

As he said.

EDG sent Lulu to Ban again.

After VG blocked Poppy, EDG adopted exactly the same response as the first game, banning Malzaha.

The three middle and auxiliary swing positions all buy houses in the Ban position!

Redmi directly grabbed Bron first and kicked the ball to EDG.

Nofe did not choose Ice this time.

Perhaps it was because Iboy's performance in the first two games of Ashe was lackluster, and he was somewhat psychologically shadowed.

In the end, I chose to take down Verus, who had a slightly lower priority, and then took out a wine barrel.

"The beer man can be used as a Ueno swing," Waowa was not surprised by this, "Both the factory manager and the meat picker are not low in proficiency!"

Seeing that the opponent didn't intend to go directly to the top in the first round, Hongmi was not polite.

Directly show the double C in the second and third hands.

Ice + Syndra!

"In this way, VG's middle and lower combat power is quite strong," remembers a bright light in front of his eyes, "Now they put the two core Ueno players in the second round, so they can more fully target the enemy lineup!"

After the 10Ban mode was implemented, the distinction between the first round and the second round of BP became more and more obvious.

Now the position of the selected character in the second round is either the anti-pressure position that is given up tactically, or it is used to restrain the opponent's back-hand ter.

VG Ueno is naturally the latter.

They use the middle and bottom three as the output and protection positions of the lineup.

But none of them have the ability to dominate the early battle situation, and they are basically the characters who hold the line.

It is Ueno who can really drive the rhythm.

Gu Xing and Smeb can see each other's lineup clearly, and then choose a hero who can freely launch an offensive!

Nofe saw VG's intentions.

In the third hand, he first helped Meiko choose Zyra, who has the ability to suppress.

Then in the second round of BP, start to limit the rhythm points that the opponent is good at.

First, Shen, who performed exceptionally well on Smeb.

After thinking about it, he blocked Gu Xing's extremely skilled spider queen.

Red rice is not to be outdone.

He didn't know the specific branch of the wine barrel, so he set the target as a junior.

Although Jess of Scout in the upper game said that he lost a kill in the last wave of defending the high ground, his previous performance is also remarkable, and he is the absolute core of leading EDG to advance the rhythm in the mid-term.

In addition, Redmi has blocked Ryze, which has strong strategic significance.

The blue-skinned bald head was brutally murdered by the designer in the first two versions, and now his strength has been reduced to the middle of the T2 echelon.

However, its own R [Curved Path] is too suitable for the positioning of the professional arena, and it is not guaranteed that the juniors will take it out to drive the rhythm of the audience.

"EDG's fourth choice... blind monk!" Waowa suddenly raised her voice, "The factory director is still not convinced, he insists on proving himself!"

The din of the auditorium was non-stop, filling every corner of the venue!

The VG supporters were so happy that the game broadcast room was full of jokes.

[I'm really going to die of laughter from Fei Kai. In the first game, even a blind monk was crushed by Brother Xing's spider. I have to lose a little bit more to be happy, right? 】

[Brother Meng gave Guijiao a song "Never Give Up" at seven o'clock, it should fit Mingkai's current state of mind very well]

[Sister Li is like this, the factory manager insists that brother Xing will give him a set of 4396 to be happy]

[Don't be embarrassed, there is a saying that Mingkai's blind monk in the first round played well, it's really not special]

Smeb was all grinning.

"Jie Kuo, show up on Kenan, hurry up!" He kept urging.

When Yu Wenbo preliminarily selected Kenan, he could still hear faint rustling laughter from the audience.

"I wanted to do this in the first round, but unfortunately I didn't think about it at the time..." Song Jinghao was happy.

The director is not afraid of big things when watching the excitement, and the camera is pushed to the EDG player seats.

Ming Kai's blackened gaze was faithfully recorded by the camera.

Clearlove7 kneaded her fingers, and the joints made a clicking sound.

"You son of a bitch messed with my mentality, right?" He gritted his teeth, "We must give them some color..."

VG brightened Kenan for a long time, and replaced it with Titan at the last moment.

"It's a middle-of-the-road choice. Smeb is going to give up the single belt and start focusing on teamfights in this game?" Wawa doesn't quite agree with this idea. One belt and damage dealt!"

In his opinion, the Titans were clearly out of style.

Redmi has made major changes to the role selection of the top unit, mainly because the current version of the game environment is not very friendly to the Carry type top road.

Both Jess and Qinggang Ying, who once dominated the world, were chopped off.

The rest of the sword girls are too tightrope-walking, there is no fault tolerance rate in selection, unless the team is determined to open the situation from the top lane, otherwise they will not be forced to choose.

Kenan is too dependent on entering the field, and forced to choose against the blind monk, the effect must not be too good.

The combined effect of multiple factors has resulted in the fact that there are not many heroes available for Carry top laners in the current version.

After EDG banned Shen, there were very few characters that could be used to deal with the barrel!

Redmi simply gave Smeb a Titan to compete with EDG in team battle skills.

He looked at his jungler.

"Xiao Gu, do you think it would be better to choose a jungler, and the poodle is not good enough."

After being weakened, Rengar's power has dropped sharply, and now he needs teammates who also have the ability to enter the field to cooperate.

The last game was selected because of caution, and the two of them could complete their entry with double ults.

However, Smeb used Titan in this game. Although it has hooks and locks, it is not a hero who cuts into the field in the traditional sense, and there is no linkage with the poodle.

Gu Xing thought for a while.

He originally wanted to choose the signature Qian Jue to end the semi-finals and give EDG a happy farewell.

In the late stage of forming a double shooter with Jack, the two attack quickly, and they can instantly play Bron's passive.

But after weighing the opponent's lineup, Gu Xing still gave up the idea.

EDG is clearly on guard.

The Ueno choice of wine barrel + blind monk can knock Qian Jue out of his ultimate move [Lamb Spirit Breath], and the skill set is extremely restrained.

"Male gun," Gu Xing rubbed his fists, "I have a lot of room to play in this round."

After the pure man's magic resistance attribute was deleted, the strength of the male gun continued to decline with the rise of the multi-AP lineup in the arena.

But Gu Xing didn't have a better choice.

Spider, blind monk, wine barrel and poodle Qian Jue, these five characters were either banned or robbed, or were limited by the lineup and could not be drawn at all.

The best thing to do is to settle for the next best thing, and the male gun that entered the sewer has become a favorite instead.

Seeing his confident expression, Hongmi thought about confirming that Graves' combination with the rest of the lineup would not violate the harmony, so she asked Xiao Duan to help choose him.

"Now it's EDG's turn to be the ter. Let's see what role they want for the juniors..." I remember full of anticipation, guessing and expressing my thoughts, "The lineup is a bit short of output, it should be a late-stage magic core!"

Meiko's hero selection box first showed a spring figure, and then switched to a vampire, which seemed to be still vacillating.

During the period, Wawa still did not forget to add, "If EDG wants to get the late-stage law core, there is basically no guarantee for the right to the middle lane. They must consider this clearly!"

Facing Syndra, the line power pressure will be infinite.

And it is bound to radiate into the wild.

The elementary school students are also thinking about this issue.

"Hmm..." He scrolled the mouse wheel and scanned his hero pool, "Hunk."

The Desert Emperor can be regarded as a character who is more able to control the right to line up among the French nuclear heroes.

His own excellent consumption ability makes him not too uncomfortable when facing Syndra.

When the equipment is formed in the middle and late stages, the range advantage and anti-entry ability of the yellow chicken will be brought into full play!

Nofe knows this is indeed the best option.

Compared with Victor, who fell to the bottom due to passive weakening, and the clockwork that relies too much on teamwork, the yellow chicken can be called the panacea in the magic core!

When EDG really locked on the yellow chicken, Lord Hou couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

This is his natural role.

It is no exaggeration to say that no one knows yellow chicken better than Easyhoon!

Seeing this, Li Zhixun hurriedly went to Kuro's side to give a few precautions, and also told his mid-laner about the strong and weak stages of the yellow chicken, so that he could make some mistakes and make a reasonable response.

Kuro stroked his chin and kept nodding to show that he understood clearly.

The two commentators are evaluating the lineups of both sides.

Blue side VG: top laner Titan, jungler Gunner, mid laner Syndra, bottom laner Ice+Bron.

The red side EDG: top lane wine barrel, jungle blind monk, mid lane yellow chicken, bottom lane Verus + Zyra.

"VG is a three-core lineup, and both the middle and the bottom field need resources. Unlike the previous game, once the lineup in this game falls into a big disadvantage in the mid-term, it is very likely that the C-position economy will not be enough!"

I remember that the logic is clear and organized, "EDG is balanced and stable, the double C is the core of the lineup, and the rest are all pendants, so that the disadvantages can also concentrate the economy on the key output points..."

"Not only that, but the EDG lineup has a very high fault tolerance rate and strong anti-force opening skills, which can create an excellent output environment for the C position!"

The selection of the EDG lineup made it clear that it was going to drag it to the later stage.

High fault tolerance is good for them.

Remember to find out the hidden danger immediately after.

"However, the factory manager is the one with the most pressure. The mid laner Syndra will undoubtedly take the initiative. Brother Xing will definitely not let go of this great opportunity. He probably will bombard the EDG wild area indiscriminately!"

"Whether the jungler can withstand the pressure will determine whether EDG can drag the double C equipment into shape!"

While speaking, the director has already retracted the camera from the two coaches in the middle of the stage.

Accompanied by the shouts of the audience going straight to the dome, the canyon came crashing down!

The doll adjusted her condition and began to explain the situation on the scene.

"The two sides moved to the lower half of the area when they went out, but VG's first-level regiment is obviously much stronger, and EDG has no capital to fight at all!"

The combination of Ice + Braum's Freljord has two brushes in terms of slowing down and keeping people.

What's more, the top laner Smeb is still using a titan, as long as he hooks the opponent, the enemy has to hand over the flash even if he is not dead!

On the other hand, in EDG's lineup, the yellow chicken who only has W to summon sand soldiers at the first level is a pure Five, and its role may not be as good as a cannon cart.

They had to avoid their sharp edges, once they were caught by VG members, the only thing that greeted them was the possibility of blood loss!

Therefore, Kou Rou just stabbed the eye partition wall in the lower river for detection, then turned around and ran back.

"VG broke into EDG's lower jungle in a group, but they didn't seem to plan to change the jungle directly. They just placed a ward in the opponent's blue zone and turned around and retreated!"

It is feasible to force Mingkai to switch wild areas, but the benefits he can get are too low.

It's impossible for Gu Xing to take his own duo to organize a down-lane tower jump kill - there is a saying about the male gun's hero jumping towers.

He felt that it would be better to start the game normally, and just create a field of vision to give himself an information gap advantage.

Back in his wild area, Gu Xing stood near the second middle tower, cutting the screen and observing the EDG blue area.

I want to grasp Mingkai's starting route in advance through eye position vision, and then design my own opening direction based on this.

At 1 minute and 35 seconds, the blind monk appeared in the EDG blue zone.

Gu Xing moved down without hesitation, preparing to brush from below as well.

"Brother Xing's treatment is very luxurious. Before he arrived at the Red BUFF camp, Prince Duan smashed the ice to wake up the wild monsters first, and Jack is also slashing and cutting the blood volume of the wild monsters..." Remember to look at the other side of the canyon Side, "Compared to the factory manager, he is much poorer. He is alone in the wild!"

Ming Kai's figure resembled a widowed old man very much.

The EDG duo didn't come to the wild to help, but ran to the bottom lane to grab the line first.

The combination of Verus + Zyra definitely has the ability to grab 2 and suppress.

For this reason, the two reluctantly sacrificed the efficiency of their junglers.

Gu Xing had a panoramic view of all the information.

Dark thoughts immediately surfaced.

He confided the plan to his teammates, and after getting an affirmative answer, he chose to continue to go up, went straight to his upper half, and followed the most basic double BUFF + magic marsh frog speed three route to clear the jungle.

During the period, when you are stuck on a thick wall, use E [Quick Draw Gun] to reset the basic attack continuously, and stack the pure man layers to improve the armor.

Gu Xing didn't forget to cut the screen to observe his teammates' laning situation.

The key is to get off the road.

The EDG duo relied on the advantage of going online one step earlier, plus their own dual long-distance characteristics, successfully grabbed the line right, and the speed of pushing the line was quite fast.

When the second wave of troops comes, they plan to hoard a wave of troops and enter the VG tower.

So when the cannon line is reached, minions either reset to the center line or push back in the direction of EDG.

It is beneficial and harmless to the laning of the EDG duo!

However, after listening to Gu Xing's dark thoughts, Xiao Duan swallowed a bottle of blood medicine, and insisted on using his body to stand in front, firmly stuck in the line of soldiers!

"What is Bron doing?" I remember being puzzled, "He carried the EDG duo and the focused fire of the pawn line, and blocked the pawns from his own defense tower!"

Seeing that the pawn line could not be pushed in, Meiko panicked and pulled Iboy to pour all the damage on Braum.

Duan Deliang gritted his teeth, and used the effect of the shield of the holy object to kill the soldiers and restore their health.

Jack's Ice also uses W [Thousand Arrows] to reduce the blood volume of the soldiers.

After being promoted to level 2, Xiao Duan raised the anti-theft door to resist damage and barely maintained his own state.

He delayed for six or seven seconds and lost half of his health in exchange for the artillery line.

The remaining three EDG long-range soldiers still have not entered the range of the defense tower, but were stuck in front of the VG tower together with the cannon line!

I remember suddenly realizing, "This pawn line handover point is very unfriendly to EDG. If they want to push the line, they have to clear the artillery pawns in front of the enemy tower!"

Zyra doesn't have a shield of relics, so if you think about it, you know how long it will take to kill the cannon!

And now is the time to play wild and fast three.

The EDG duo is all short-legged, staying in front of the enemy tower is simply courting death!

Duan's abnormal behavior immediately aroused Tian Ye's vigilance.

"The man on the opposite side may have shot from top to bottom, maybe he will come to arrest us!"

Meiko's inference is well-founded.

VG has set up a vision in the EDG blue zone, and saw Mingkai is the route to brush all the way up.

Therefore, Gu Xing can form a dislocation with the factory manager after swiping down, and the success rate of Gank is quite high!

Besides, if Gu Xing didn't plan to capture him, why did Duan Deliang sacrifice half of his blood to get stuck in the line?

If he just deliberately disgusted himself, then Braum would have to go back to the city to replenish his blood after he failed, and it would take half a minute every time he went back and forth!

No matter how he thinks about it, Meiko feels that VG's line jam is intentional.

"Wait a minute, I'll rush over there right away!" Ming Kai finished three quickly, and ran down immediately after brushing the red BUFF.

The situation of the wave of pawns in the bottom lane is really scary.

Guijiaoqi knows that the top priority of this game is to protect the stable development of double C.

If he hadn't known that his lower jungle area was set up with wards at the beginning, he wouldn't have started from the bottom and moved up!

Just as Ming Kai manipulated the blind monk and rushed towards the bottom road.

Gu Xing has cleared three groups of camps and arrived at the upper river.

Use the shotgun to attack the river crab twice, maintain the pure man's passive and reduce the cooldown of E [Quick Draw Gun].

Then enter the Dalong Pit, slide over the wall and come to the EDG wild area.

I remember being dumbfounded watching this scene, "The drunkard in VG didn't want to drink, Prince Duan dug a hole to lure the factory manager over, so that Brother Xing went to the upper half of the district to run amok!"

The importance of vision is fully reflected.

VG has fully grasped Ming Kai's opening route, and can guess the opponent's next move.

EDG didn't know anything about Gu Xing's whereabouts, and the wild area was completely blacked out!

"Brother Xing came to the red zone of EDG and saw that the BUFF has been taken away by the blind monk!"

Gu Xing has already made plans to fight the blind monk in the jungle - he came here with a full layer of pure men, as long as he is a jungler with physical output, he cannot be an opponent with a full-state male gun!

However, Gu Xing was not disappointed when he didn't find the blind monk.

The bot line was blown up like that, so it was only natural for Ming Kai to untie the line and squat back.

Gu Xing went to arrest people on his own.

The goal is naturally to top the order!

The fight on the road was very bloody.

The two meat tanks in the front row are short-handed, and they have to fight each other hand-to-hand when they have nothing to do.

One with a shield and one with passive recovery, the situation is deadlocked.

Kourou had heard Meiko's report before, and thought that Gu Xing was really in the lower half, so he was not particularly cautious in his position.

His first trinket eye is still used at the beginning to help teammates prevent invasion.

After finally waiting for 3 minutes, the second eye turned around and immediately moved to the triangular grass, wanting to insert an eye to ensure safety.

As a result, as soon as the eye was poked in, he saw the gangster godfather with a cigar in his mouth!

The butchers were dumbfounded.

"Brother Xing handed over the smoke bomb, and the basic attack with the red BUFF stuck to the opponent!" Doll was very excited, "The beer man handed over the meat, eggs, onions and chickens and wanted to go back to the tower, but Smeb flashed over and used it first." The anchor holds it in place!"

Immediately afterwards, it was Q [clear the channel], and the connection control trapped the wine barrel.

"One more A shot from the male gun, adjust the EQ position of the empty bullet and hit the wall to rebound!"

At the same time, thunder damage also broke out.

The wine barrel had only half of its health left, so it couldn't handle the outbreak of VG Ueno!

"The last shot of the male gun sent the beer man away, and successfully won the first blood!"

I remember Kang's passionate voice was accompanied by restless cheers from the audience!

"VG's decision-making is very exciting, and the line-wild linkage has been achieved to the extreme!" I remember being full of praise for this, "Kuurou was cheated, and he didn't even hand in the flash!"

When Ming Kai saw Gu Xing appearing on the road, he knew he had been tricked.

But he has come all the time, and he can't just do nothing on the bottom road.

Simply unite with your teammates in the duo and try to further depress Braum, who has only half health left, and force him to return to the city for supplies!

It's just a small flaw in the action process.

Because the artillery line was stuck before the VG went down the tower.

A small section of Braum stands within range of the tower.

Ming Kai was accidentally shot twice by the turret when he started, and his blood volume dropped a lot.

But it's not without gains.

Jack was afraid that EDG would be murderous, so he handed over the treatment to the assistant to help increase the blood volume.

"Prince Duan has only 1/4 of his health left, so he has to go back to the city. It is also difficult for Jack himself to defend under the tower, so he has to retreat to the autistic grass!"

Gu Xing was not in a hurry to get off the road.

He calmly cleaned up the EDG Raptor first, and then "accidentally" cast Q [Endless End] when passing through the middle, and pushed all the troops under the EDG tower with gunpowder bombs.

Then move down with the liberated Kuro!

"The factory director originally wanted to go against VG's stone beetle, but when he saw the opponent's Nakano rushing over in a group, he had to give up..." I remember feeling a little strange, "It's the blind monk who made such a loss!"

Gu Xing's male gun earns a set of F6 and first blood bounty for nothing.

Ming Kai helped his teammates deal with the bottom line, and forced the opponent's duo back.

But what you pay is blood.

"Brother Xing is not forgiving, he still wants to go to the three wolves in the lower jungle area of ​​EDG, relying on his own advantage in the matchup, and fight against a group of wild monsters!"

Ming Kai endured the thought for a while and became more and more angry.

He originally planned to go back to the city, but finally stopped and squatted in the grass on the bottom road closest to the VG turret, waiting for Jack to take the bait.

Since Gu Xing went to invade, even if he couldn't give priority to support in the bottom lane, he still had to drag his opponent away.

After Jack returned to the bottom lane, he pushed the pawn line violently and wanted to use a large number of minions to trap the EDG duo on the line.

It turned out to be in Ming Kai's hands!

"Meiko flashed close to the face, and the E skill successfully bound her!"

Iboy gives the slow speed of E [Evil Spirit Arrow Rain], Ming Kai easily hits the opponent with Q, and the second echo strike kicks up to kill the ice!

"Prince Duan hasn't returned to the line yet, and it's hard for Jack to survive the flash!"

Ming Kai followed Flash at the same time, E-Sky Thunderbolt plus basic attack to take the head!

Piggy's cheers were endless, and he was still cheering for the players he supported.

But from Gu Xing's point of view, once Ming Kai made a flash, the outcome of the laning phase of this round has already been decided!

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