What is a hexagon jungler?

297: Don't you have your own wild area?

Gu Xing witnessed Ming Kai kill Jack, and finally the remaining blood left the range of VG's next tower.

After opposing the opponent's three wolves, he immediately chose to return to the city without wasting any more time.

Because Gu Xing knew that Ming Kai, who was still in blood, had no ability to replace VG's jungle area, and if he was caught, he would die.

And EDG's camp in the lower half of the area was empty, and the factory manager had nothing to do when he came back.

For Ming Kai, returning to the spring water supply is the only choice!

Gu Xing deliberately kept the same frequency as his opponent, and on the way back to the city, he did not forget to place an eye position in the middle area between the EDG blue BUFF and the magic marsh frog camp.

"Brother Xing went back to the city to make up for the green wild knife, straw sandals and long sword, and went straight to the upper half of the area..." After seeing Gu Xing's movements, the baby still didn't know, "He doesn't plan to farm his own wild monsters anymore ?"

The Raptor and Stone Beetle camps in the lower half of VG have not been cleared since the beginning of the game.

At first, Doll thought that the male gun would be brushed from bottom to top.

As a result, Gu Xing did the opposite!

I remember seeing the male gun crossing the VG blue zone all the way, traveling a long distance and continuing to move forward, and finally realized what Gu Xing's goal was.

"Brother Xing is going to invade the upper half of EDG, and wants to take the stone beetle camp into his pocket!"

Looking at the Ueno area of ​​EDG, there is only one camp of stone beetles.

Remember that it is easy to judge Gu Xing's next move.

But when he set his sights on EDG, he suddenly felt that the problem was not that simple.

"The factory manager is also rushing to the stone beetle camp, and the two seem to be meeting each other!"

This is Gu Xing's true intention.

He just wanted to find Ming Kai!

Gu Xing almost guessed the position of the factory director.

After Ming Kai killed Jack in the bottom lane, because there were too many teammates who scored assists, the experience gained was only a short one.

In addition, he only had three groups of wild monsters in the wild in the first round, and he didn't 'crack' his teammate's line, resulting in only level 3 at present.

The game came to 4.5 minutes. As the solo line was upgraded to level 5, Gu Xing also reached level 4, and the average level of the game went up.

Ming Kai went to clear the camp now, and he was able to trigger the experience catch-up mechanism!

For the factory manager, the stone beetle with 10 wild monsters inside is an excellent choice!

Gu Xing and Ming Kai deliberately returned to the city at the same time, just to seek a match!

He is now a double leader in level and equipment, and he is not afraid to fight against each other in 1v1 men's battles!

"The blind monk used a second-stage Q to fly to the stone beetle..." Seeing that the junglers of the two sides were about to collide, Wawa couldn't help but feel anxious.

But unexpectedly, Ming Kai didn't rush to stand in the camp and clear the jungle.

Instead, he pulled the stone beetle into the grass behind the upper tower side of his house.

When Gu Xing bypassed the EDG red zone and came to the stone beetle camp, he didn't see Ming Kai's figure, so he guessed the opponent's hiding place.

He sighed slightly depressed.

Of course I can catch up and grab the wild monsters.

But the factory manager discovered his figure in advance, so he can retreat safely!

A male gun without the ability to enter and control can't catch up with the blind monk!

Originally, Gu Xing thought that he could arrest Ming Kai in the camp, but at worst he would lower the opponent's blood volume and increase the risk of the enemy's next gank.

Whoever imagined it didn't succeed!

"What a steady factory manager!" I can't help but praise, "His precautions saved him from being depressed by the male gun, and he successfully preserved his state!"

Ming Kai under the camera was muttering and cursing in a low voice.

He predicted that Gu Xing might come to trouble him.

The factory manager knew very well that Gu Xing would not let go of any opportunity to expand Snowball's advantage if he got a strong role in the jungle.

Invasion is also justified.

As for the EDG wild area, there were only two groups of camps left. Ming Kai guessed that Gu Xing also knew that he had to use the experience to catch up with the mechanism, and stone beetles might come to ambush him, so he pulled the wild monsters into the grass cautiously.

During this wave of calm escape, he was not even touched by Gu Xing in the whole process.

But Ming Kai couldn't be happy.

Tears are rolling in my stomach.

It is true that I was not noticed by Gu Xingyin, but I gave up a group of wild monsters in vain!

The point is that this is a stone beetle!

The absolute core of the experience catch-up mechanism!

Without the stone beetle, it would be difficult for Ming Kai to catch up with Gu Xing's level!

Doll is also aware of the seriousness of the problem.

"The game lasted less than 5 minutes, and the factory manager has already been defeated by three groups of wild monsters." He couldn't hide the worry between his brows and eyes, "Although we said when we determined the lineup, the EDG wild area will face relatively great pressure, but Now the gap is too big!"

"The four groups of camps in Xingge's wild area have not been wiped out. If he cleans them all up, it is estimated that he will be able to upgrade to level five and a half!" I remember feeling that the situation in the wild area is not optimistic. Cold burn!"

The corners of Ming Kai's mouth were tightly pressed together.

The level gap between the two junglers has been completely widened, and it is difficult to make up.

In the matchup in the wild, it is difficult for him to complete the comeback.

I'm afraid he will be beaten by Gu Xing all the time!

Ming Kai decided to find another way.

Just don't clear the wild, focus on bringing the rhythm through Gank!

If you can kill the opponent's character, you can also go back to wild monsters to make up for the development!

He has been forced out of the Ueno area at present, and his subjective willingness is not very willing to help on the road.

In this way, there are only two lines left.

The yellow chicken in the middle lane does not have any linkage ability with the blind monk before it reaches the sixth level, and it is easy to be pushed away by Syndra when it is close.

Then the best option is to go down the road.

Jack without double call, it's up to you!

Ming Kai walked down.

He knew that Gu Xing had defeated his Three Wolf camp before, so he probably placed a ward in the lower field.

Therefore, he chose to go straight to the bottom lane along the line, bypassing the area where VG suspected of controlling the field of vision!

However, Ming Kai was only halfway through the run when he received a notification from his teammates.

Frost shot at Eagle Spirit!

And the direction of aiming is on the next route!

"Jack actually guessed the factory manager's route?" Doll yelled in surprise, "The sense of smell is as sensitive as radar!"

From the perspective of God, the information he received was too complicated, so he naturally didn't know how VG discovered Ming Kai.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

Gu Xing had not seen the blind monk in the eye position near the blue zone of EDG.

The upper half of the district is under the rule of Gu Xing himself.

With a simple method of elimination, the blind monk's course of action can be obtained!

The factory manager cannot avoid it, and is illuminated by the eagle spirit!

He took a deep breath and tried to suppress the constant ups and downs of anxiety in his heart, but in the end he was forced to change his strategy again.

"Push the line down the road and go in, Tianye, you accompany me to fight the stone beetle!" Ming Kai also ordered the elementary school boy to insert a ward into his F6 camp through the wall.

As soon as his vision fell, he saw that the male gun was wantonly abusing the Raptor.

Ming Kai, who had already entered the blackening mode, had a bit of gnashing of teeth in his expression.

He has always regarded F6 as a treasure, but after 5 minutes of the game, he didn't even brush a group of Raptors.

All fall into the enemy's hands!

Seeing that his whereabouts had been exposed, Ming Kai simply stopped pretending.

Minghuang appeared in the bottom lane, covering his duo to push the line, and then moved to the stone beetle camp.

He felt that this wave of opposition was inevitable - Gu Xing was still in the upper half, so he couldn't interfere with him at all.

As everyone knows, the big net laid by Gu Xing is being tightened quietly.

"The Titan is gone!" Kourou retreated after seeing Smeb push the line, and immediately reported the information to issue a warning.

Ming Kai's heart skipped a beat.

No way?

He secretly slandered.

Smeb cooperated with Gu Xing on the wave to get the first blood, and because there was no pressure to push the pawn line under the EDG tower, Song Jinghao didn't even need to hand in the teleportation, and he could go online on foot after returning to the city for supplies.

In order to make up the line, Kou Rou had to use the teleportation.

In other words, now Smeb is one TP ahead, and may come to support at any time!

At first, Ming Kai had some fluke mentality, planning to go into the VG wild area to steal wild monsters and run away.

When he took Meiko to the VG stone beetle camp, Gu Xing had already cleaned up the raptors and rushed to the middle road.

The familiar Q [Dead End] gunpowder bomb clears all short-terms.

The male gun's line-pushing ability can only be described as terrifying!

"Back back!"

Ming Kai's hairs stood on end, and he quickly signaled Tianye to retreat.

The location of the stone beetle camp is quite deep.

If they are double-teamed by VG, they can't escape!

"EDG's wild assistants all withdrew from the enemy's jungle area, and they are very afraid of VG's support speed!" I remember frowning, "But they gave up halfway, wasting a lot of time during the process!"

The VG duo who cleared the line under the tower have already shown their skills and wiped out all the minions.

Jack still didn't forget to shoot W [Thousand Arrows] from the wall to harass and reduce the blood volume of EDG Nosuke.

If it is normal, Tian Ye must educate Yu Wenbo.

But now he just wants to run away!

After finally retreating to the river, bad news came.

"Brother Xing finished clearing the middle route, and took Kuro directly to the lower jungle area!" Wawa's tone was as passionate as ever, "The two of them will repeat the previous gameplay, and join forces to fight against the wild monsters of EDG!"

"The side effects of the factory manager's unsuccessful invasion just now appeared, and the advantage of the right to downline created has disappeared!"

Now the bottom lane resets back to the middle ground.

Meiko was busy retreating, and a few seconds later when he returned to the line, the VG duo had already snatched the initiative into his hands!

The yellow chicken of the elementary school boy in the middle road is firmly guarding the tower, and he dare not even enter the river without level six.

Ming Kai once again fell into a predicament of isolation and helplessness!

"There is only one group of demon marsh frogs in the lower jungle area of ​​EDG, Brother Xing will not let it go..." I remember seeing Ming Kai's embarrassed appearance and wanting to laugh out loud.

But his current professionalism is pretty good. Those who have undergone professional training don't remember smiling, and they are still looking at the data panel with a suppressed smile.

"The factory manager only has 4 supplements so far, isn't it too shabby? Brother Xing already has 35 knives!"

Right now, a single wild monster only counts as a replenishment.

From the beginning of the game to now, Ming Kai has only brushed double buffs, magic marsh frogs, and a river crab.

He is not like Gu Xing who has to charge some tolls for passing through the line, but he has brought his herbivorous style to the extreme, and he will not dirty two bins by the way.

Duty is like Ming Kai, he is still far away from the fourth level, and he doesn't even know when the fifth last knife will appear!

Gu Xing didn't want the factory manager to achieve this goal in a short time.

Because five will not work.

He defeated EDG Frog Concubine cleanly, then returned to his camp, and began to clean up the wild monsters from bottom to top.

It has to be said that Ming Kai has a keen sense of smell and a very cautious style.

When EDG Nosuke came in to try anti-stone beetles just now, Gu Xing did plan to drag his teammates to encircle and suppress them.

As long as the opponent makes dumplings, the EDG wild area will collapse in advance!

As a result, Ming Kai still noticed something and retreated early.

Gu Xing felt a little lost.

But also within reason.

The factory manager's old, cunning and steady style of play, if he stepped into the trap so easily and lost his life because of recklessness, it would be a bit outrageous.

He is not in a hurry.

He hasn't killed Ming Kai yet, but the matchup gap between the two junglers is already greater than the economy of one head!

As long as the high pressure is maintained, Clearlove7 will not be able to withstand it!

The baby was still crying for Ming Kai on the commentary stage.

"The factory manager now has nothing in the wild area, not even a root hair, how to develop?"

All the camps have been reversed by the male gun, he has no room to supplement the economy!

Gu Xingze brushed his mouth full of oil, seeing that the time was about to reach six minutes, he abandoned the upper half of the magic marsh frog that had not been wiped out, and returned to the city ahead of time to take out the warrior's wild knife!

Go straight to the lower jungle area of ​​EDG!

"Come again?!" Wawa couldn't believe it, "Brother Xing, please leave a way for others to survive!"

Since Gu Xing has reversed each group of non-BUFF wild monsters in EDG, he knows the refresh time of them.

At 6 minutes and 18 seconds, EDG's Three Wolves will refresh.

Gu Xing was stuck in time to fight back!

"However, the prospects this time are not optimistic. The elementary school students have already reached the sixth level and have certain support capabilities!" Remember to pay attention to this key information.

Previously, Gu Xing's move to help the mid laner push the line in order to counter the wild had a side effect after all.

Kuro is divided up a lot of experience.

He should have been promoted to level 6 in 5 minutes and 37 seconds, but he hasn't learned the ultimate move yet!

There is a certain gap in combat power in the middle.

Ming Kai had nothing to do during this period of time, but he used his eyesight to light up the river, and thus saw Gu Xing's intrusion.

He also knows that his mid laner is one big move ahead.

The three wolf camp is located in the deepest area of ​​the EDG wild area.

The factory manager immediately realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

As long as he can catch the male gun to death, his situation in the wild will be greatly improved!

Without hesitation, Ming Kai called friends in the voice, ready to bring his team members to make trouble together.

"Brother Xing hasn't given up on his plan to fight against the opposition," remembering that he gradually increased his speaking speed, "Is this the boldness of a high-level artist or an accidental mistake?"

He didn't quite believe that Gu Xing didn't take into account the level gap of the mid laner.

For top junglers, observing the situation on the line is a basic skill.

But I can't guarantee it.

After all, he has transformed from an analyst to a commentator, so he can be called well-informed.

Outrageous things often happen in the arena, and the famous scene where the grasshopper releases R [Grasp of Hades] for the big Olaf can appear.

Thinking about it carefully, it is not impossible for Gu Xing to make a mistake, but it is also possible for Sister Li.

Many spectators in the audience also noticed the level gap between the two mid laners.

There was a very harmonious scene between the fans of both sides.

The lost piggy had hope in his heart, thinking that Gu Xing dared to come in and invade to give away his head.

The VCs were full of confidence in Gu Xing, and felt that since he dared to go in and fight against the opposition, he must have confidence.

The supporters of both teams were looking forward to it, waiting for Gu Xing's next move after the invasion.

"The male gun broke into the EDG three-wolf camp and collided with the blind monk at close range!"

Ming Kai started with Tian Lei Po to connect with A, and then quickly caught up with Tian Yinbo to trigger the thunder, and hit the damage first before Gu Xing stacked up the high resistance of the pure man.

"The yellow chicken is rushing to the wild area after clearing the middle lane, and Syndra is not to be outdone, and is also rushing to the battlefield!"

The director suddenly zoomed the camera to include the bottom lane in the screen.

The EDG duo also wanted to support, but they were held back by Duan Deliang's physical body, and Q [Winter's Bite] hit Zyra in the field.

Iboy had to turn around to help his family out.

They couldn't catch up in a short time.

"Smeb was also forced to entangle with Kourou in the top lane...so this jungle confrontation has temporarily evolved into a conflict between the two sides!"

Gu Xing raised the barrel of the gun, and the moment he hit the wall Q, he followed up with a general attack.

The output of thunder appeared, and the high damage immediately caused the audience to exclaim!

A level 5 male gun with a warrior's wild knife, facing a level 3 blind monk with no defense equipment, the output is naturally exaggerated to the extreme!

"Brother Xing hung up the smoke bomb to level A, and the blind monk's blood volume was less than 40% left. The factory manager quickly handed in punishment to restore his blood volume!" I remember seeing the battle progressing to a fierce stage, and finally raised the speech speed to Gatling mode , telling the situation in an orderly manner.

"The little brother has arrived!"

The sand soldier stood up and carried the yellow chicken to move forward. Q [Krassy Sand Attack] stabbed Gu Xing, causing a lot of damage.

The blind monk just keeps up with the damage of the second-stage Q [Echo Strike] at this moment.

"Brother Xing handed over the flash and pulled back, but the younger brother also had a flash!" I remember the anxious expression, "The situation seems to be not good for Brother Xing!"

Two streaks of golden light flashed in succession.

The yellow chicken appeared behind Gu Xing.

R [Wall of Forbidden Army]!

Several sand soldiers rushed out to defend their emperor and pushed the male gun into the EDG wild area!

Gu Xing's blood volume had bottomed out in the air.

But he took his time.

A ray of thunder descended, and it hit the Remnant Blood Shadow Wolf, and at the same time as it was beheaded, a blue swirling light appeared on its body!

"Brother Xing has been promoted to sixth!" Ji Ji finally understood Gu Xing's plan.

Ming Kai also understood.

Gu Xing obviously came prepared!

Male Gun previously cleared 10 groups of camps in a row, plus one blood and two waves of short-term experience in the middle.

Before Gu Xing came to rebel against the three wolves, he was already at level five with full experience.

Punish and kill Shadow Wolf, and he will directly rise to level six!

Gaining nearly 100 health points, plus the benefits of punishment, the blood volume is completely enough!

"Collapse and flee!" Ming Kai knew that something was wrong, and immediately began to retreat.

He is a third-level blind monk, and his skills are all on cooldown except for W. How should he play against a sixth-level male gun?

In tight spaces, the Graves barrel fits in your mouth!

But he wanted to retreat, but some people disagreed.

"Kuro is late, but he can still catch up with the end of this wave of battle!"

Amidst the shouts I remembered, another golden light flashed.

Syndra flashed forward, QE launched the weak to retreat!

Moyan is always trustworthy when the factory manager escapes, running to the side as fast as lightning, avoiding Syndra's ball push.

However, the younger brother was not so lucky.

He flashed and passed through E [Quicksand Shifting], and the yellow chicken that lost all displacement skills was slaughtered in the narrow lanes of the jungle!

Get stunned for 1.5 seconds after being pushed to stun!

"Sindra used the driving force to throw the magic ball to the yellow chicken's face, and the thunder damage lowered its blood bar again!"

Gu Xing slid forward, a bullet hit the elementary school boy, and then he used the movement speed provided by the straw sandals to quickly approach the enemy, and wanted to chase the blind monk who was about to rush to the middle of the first and second towers on the bottom road.

He didn't raise the shotgun until he got behind the yellow chicken.

R【Ultimate Explosive Bomb】!

Seeing the shotgun explode on the yellow chicken's face, Gu Xing felt a sense of joy in his heart.

Like to come around behind me and push me with big moves, don't you?

This bowl, this bowl is called giving back the way of the other!

The male gun killed the yellow chicken, and also relied on the forced displacement of the ultimate bomb to push himself in the direction close to the blind monk!

"Brother Xing's operation is so cool!" the baby roared.

The operation of Graves is not difficult, and the empty bomb EQ and AQE are purely handy.

The most difficult thing is nothing more than Gu Xing and Sofm's AREQ flash A in the second Uzi earlier, and players with faster hands can use it after two rounds of practice.

The key is fluency and adaptability.

Under what circumstances, how to deal with it, what combos to use, engraving the operation habits of the male gun in the bone, adapting to the situation is the most difficult part!

From the beginning of Gu Xing's battle with Yin to the present, his combo has become silky smooth, just like eating Dove!

Now only the blind monk with residual blood remains.

He wasn't in a hurry to clear the opponent's health bar, and stepped forward to chase.

Ming Kai's skills are all in the vacuum period, and he is completely a piece of meat on the chopping board. Gu Xing just needs to avoid being escaped by him.

Given that the factory manager's escape technique has been very stable.

Gu Xing decided to play it safe.

First use your own movement speed to speed up and get close, and wait for the distance between the two sides to be close enough before launching a basic attack.

A shot exploded.

The damage of a level 6 male gun against a level 3 blind monk is completely incomprehensible!

Turned Q [Endless End] cast out, followed by the last bullet.


Li Qing fell to the ground in outrage.

"Beautiful!" Kuro sent out his praise in an exaggerated tone, "Xiao Gu, you are my God!"

Jack grinned happily, "Tuigui, buddy, I'm ready to lie down and win this game!"

Gu Xing smiled all over his face.

He is not very good at hiding his joy on the field. Being a robot is really boring.

Gu Xing believes that with so many spectators at the scene, it is the right way to cheer up, which can not only motivate himself to boost the morale of the team, but also allow supporters to feel the enthusiastic atmosphere of e-sports.

Now that he got the advantage, he immediately smiled.

"How about Ruixing," he began to claim credit for his teammates, "I cleared your two-wave line, so you can earn it too?"

"We are Canyon Bank. The two waves of soldiers you gave me didn't disappear, they just stayed by your side in a different way. No, you returned the principal with interest, right?"

Kuro nodded happily.

The two waves of pawn lines given up are indeed a lot of experience and economy.

But as Gu Xing said.

There is something to gain.

He only got the yellow chicken's assist, which is 150 gold coins in economic terms, plus experience can be worth a wave.

But don't forget, after the junior brother is killed in battle, he will also lose money!

According to the canyon theory of relativity, the enemy's loss is equivalent to his own gain.

Once back and forth, Kuro directly made up for the loss of the previous pawn line!

And the advantages established are real!

"You will come here often in the future," Kuro cheerfully promised, "Bin Xuan in the middle lane, you can eat whatever you want!"

Just as the discussion in the VG voice was on the rise, the excited shouts of the audience soared into the sky, and echoed in their ears through the sound-proof headphones!

For a moment, the VG players laughed even louder.

The piggies were so sad that they couldn't believe their eyes.

Gu Xingming stepped into the encirclement of EDG, so how could he still escape?

It's not even called escaping, but it's crazy output on the face!

The impactful picture is extremely shocking.

"Zero for two!" Waowa yelled loudly, "The director of the factory took the elementary school boys into the gutter, and the three wolves didn't keep it!"

The live broadcast room of the event is in full swing, and the speed of refreshing the barrage is staggering!

[Let me use unpretentious words to describe: send! 】

[In ancient times, there was a level 4 Pan Sen fighting a level 6 praying mantis, and now there is a level 3 blind monk fighting a level 6 male gun. It can only be said that the factory director is worthy of being the factory director! 】

[Little Heizi, watch and study hard, Guijiaoqi will tell you today, who is the number one jungler in the world! 】

[Xingge Queshi is strong, it's been six and a half minutes, and the blind monk has spawned three groups of his own wild monsters in total? 】

[Male gun, don't you have your own wild area? 】

Ming Kai thought so too.

The crouching plan failed, and the whole person was depressed.

He couldn't imagine it at all.

How can Gu Xing play games like this?

Even in the career shame match against ROX, Ming Kai was not so embarrassed!

No matter how much Little Peanut bullied him, it would crush him in a small-scale team battle.

Gu Xing started the game with a face!

For a moment, Ming Kai really stopped ringing.

But after all, we still have to face reality.

He hadn't found Gu Xing's figure in the eye position that he had set in the river below his house.

It wasn't long before the other party came out, so there was obviously no need to go back to the city.


Ming Kai put his hand on his forehead.

The time approached 7 minutes, and his own blue buff had been refreshed.

Gu Xing must have reversed the blue zone of EDG!

Sure enough, after a while, Syndra with the blue BUFF was seen running back to the middle.

Ming Kai had no choice but to go to the Ueno area, try to replace the stone beetles spawned above his house, and use the experience compensation mechanism to catch up with the level first.

Gu Xing did not obstruct the other party this time.

He wants to seize the opportunity and expand his personal advantage into a team leader!

The target is Earth Dragon!

Gu Xing shrank into the dragon pit, stuck on the thicker part of the wall and used E [Quick Draw Gun] to reset the basic attack. The stacked pure man resistance can also reduce his blood loss.

When the time came to 7 minutes and 11 seconds, Tulong fell to the ground with a wail!

"Brother Xing doesn't plan to go back to the city yet. After accepting his red BUFF, he goes straight to the upper half of the district..." The baby didn't think there was anything wrong.

But Ming Kai's sense of smell is very sensitive.

He took advantage of Gu Xing's interval of brushing dragons, and placed a ward in the Ueno area of ​​VG.

When he saw the male gun appearing in the field of vision, Ming Kai immediately counted that Gu Xing hadn't brushed off the stone beetle in the wild area - this group of camps probably will take a while to reset.

His eyes light up.

Here's your chance!

I only have more than half of the experience of the fourth level now.

If he can defeat VG's stone beetle, he will be able to reach level six!

Ming Kai didn't expect to be able to crush Gu Xing with equipment in this round.

But at least you have to be promoted to level six.

As long as he has the ultimate move, the blind monk has the ability to drive the rhythm!

The factory manager saw the needles, and was going to go to the opposite wilderness area to sneak away the stone beetles.

His mobility is very good, he returned to the city to mend his true eyes and long sword and went straight to his destination.

"Brother Xing got the blue BUFF by himself, and set off on the road," remembering to cast his gaze on Gu Xing, "He's going to be dirty again... help push the line?"

The men's guns were equipped, and a simple QA pushed all the troops over.

Tai Tan, whose mana had bottomed out, hurried back to the city.

The Astros faced the Beer Man, and the further they went, the harder it was to fight.

Titan's W [Titan's Wrath] is a virtual ratio skill, and the shield will shatter when it reaches the mid-term.

On the other hand, the passive [Happy Hour] refills will only get more and more exaggerated.

It is also reasonable for Song Jinghao, who is empty and blue, to return to the city.

The point is that Gu Xing also appeared on the road!

Seeing this, Ming Kai became even more unscrupulous, and kicked into the stone beetle camp with Tiansonic Wave on the partition wall, and began to quickly clean up the wild monsters.

It's just that the script is different from what he thought.

"Brother Xing did an inspection near his own stone beetle before!" Wow felt sad for Ming Kai, "VG has already captured his movements!"

A beam of teleportation light shines on the eye position, and the position is next to the blind monk!

Ming Kai was taken aback.

He realized he had been duped.

Flash is still less than 20 seconds away from turning around, but fortunately he has a ward.

However, as soon as he touched the wall and came to the VG red zone, he received information from the junior student.

Syndra is here!

"The VG duo also participated in the encirclement and suppression, and the factory manager had nowhere to escape!" I remember seeing all the VG members rushing to the stone beetle camp on the mini-map, and knew that Ming Kai had no chance of surviving.

The factory manager also understands that it is difficult to escape on his own, and it is difficult for his teammates to provide support.

He simply used Q [Sky Sound Wave] to go back to the camp, and finish brushing the wild monsters first.

It's all here, you can't just lose your life, right?

Ming Kai broke the pot and smashed it, he would rather earn some experience.

It's just that he managed to smash out all the little stone beetles.

But Jack shot W [all arrows]!

The arrow containing the power of ice-cold hits 4 small stone beetles, emptying their blood bars!


Ming Kai clenched his back molars.

A wild monster is 30 extra experience points, and 4 small stones are 120 points!

The wild monsters who came here and fought hard by themselves, in fact, the experience gained is a set of F6!

"Titan landed, basic attack followed by QR, knocking the blind monk into the air!"

Duan Deliang gave Q [Winter's Bite], and Jack poured the output by the side.

As soon as Li Qing recovered from the knock-up state, he was knocked out of Bron's passive concussion and slammed, and he was dizzy on the spot!

"The factory manager can't move the whole time, and Kuro has to come over and get an assist!"

The four members of VG completely regarded Ming Kai as a tool to brush up the battle loss ratio.

In the end, Yu Wenbo, who was previously underdeveloped, took it away!

"After killing the blind monk, VG is not over yet, they will point their sword at EDG to go down the road!"

Gu Xing also finished his equipment and came to the line.

He directly made the attack speed shoes, as well as the long sword and the magic resistance cloak, making it clear that he would synthesize the magic drinking knife.

The pure man does not provide magic resistance now. In this version with a particularly sufficient AP output, the male gun has to increase the priority of the magic drinking knife.

But there are benefits too.

At least Gu Xing dared to charge forward against Meiko Jiela's output, killing plants and soldiers with shotguns!

"VG gathers the power of five people and a wave of cannon lanes, and we must forcefully push the opponent's next tower to end the laning period!"

It wasn't long before the transmission of the pork belly was turned around.

He intends to teleport down to defend the tower with his teammates.

But when the cannon line advanced, the VG duo had already reached level six!

The Freljord team officially ushered in a strong period!

"The elementary school boy was also leaning down, but he was stopped by Syndra halfway!"

Li Ruixing, who possessed the blue BUFF, was very rampant, casting out one after another of dark magic balls, successfully forcing Scout back!

Kou Rou had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​teleporting down, followed the commander's suggestion and handed over the blood tower in the next lane!

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