What is a hexagon jungler?

Chapter 308 308: Is this wave not a loss?

The continuous sound of signals resounded through the Olympic Sports Center.

"Welcome to the third round of the LPL finals. In the first two sets, VG leads 2-0. With three championship points in hand, any one of them can become the king of this spring competition!"

Wa Wa briefly introduced the situation of the game, "For WE, it is a last stand and there is no possibility of retreat. If they want to complete the comeback, they must chase three games in a row!"

Even the hardcore 60E doesn't have much hope in his heart.

It is extremely difficult to let the second chase the third. Looking at the LPL playoffs over the years, the number of times this achievement has been achieved can be counted on one hand!

What's more, the opponent is the defending champion VG...

But even if you think it is difficult for WE to win.

60E still cheered hard.

This is the first time WE has entered the league final stage since its establishment.

Even though the enemies they face are extremely powerful, fans only hope that the team will have no regrets.

"The five members of WE left the spring in a group. They went to the lower river and seemed to want to invade!"

Miller noticed WE's movements, "There is indeed a certain gap between the two sides in terms of the strength of the first-level regiment. In my opinion, there is no problem with the invasion..."

WE is sitting on the top laner Titan and the support Bron, two small experts in the first-level team.

Especially the latter, the passive [Concussion Slam] combined with dual shooters, can easily stack up the number of layers to trigger the stun effect!

In contrast, Gu Xing's praying mantis is really useless.

VG can only avoid the battle.

Kandi followed behind Bron, aggressively heading to the VG lower field.

You guys like to force me to start in the wild, right?

In this game, he insisted on making VG pay the price!

"VG saw the opponent coming to invade, and decisively chose to retreat. Jack threw a thousand arrows from a long distance to consume them. Zyra also used Q [Fatal Bloom] to hit Titan!"

Zyra's ability activates seeds buried nearby, and the resulting two plants shoot thorns towards the frontmost 957.

Coupled with the output of Detonating Thunder, Titan's blood volume dropped by nearly 30%!

957 wants to replenish the state and then go back to the line.

But the game time is 1 minute and 08 seconds. After he finds a safe position and returns to the spring, it is estimated to be about 1 minute and 20 seconds.

Top laner Titans at level 1 will naturally not learn Q [Clear Channel] if they don't fight in groups.

In the shoeless state, the Titan with a base movement speed of only 325 needs 37 seconds to move from the spring to the middle line of the road on foot!

In other words, when 957 completes the status return line, the time has reached 1 minute and 57 seconds.

At that time, the little soldiers on the road will start to meet and fight!

If 957 does this, it will inevitably lose the initial initiative in the lane!

But he had no choice.

If they lost 30% of their health and did not go back to the city, but chose to go online directly, then Smeb would definitely seize the disadvantage of Titan's lack of health and give it a hard blow!

957 fell into a disadvantage at the beginning of the line.

But he didn't care.

He can allow himself to be at a disadvantage in the lane, as long as he can help the team, then in 957's view, everything is worth it.

Gu Xing was keenly aware of the situation where 957's blood volume was insufficient.

Regardless of whether the opponent chooses to go back to the city to replenish, or just walk back to the top lane, there will be problems with the lane!

"Mai Bo, pay attention, the first level can grab the line, I will cover you in the upper half!" Gu Xing immediately sent a message to Song Jinghao.

Smeb readily agreed.

The lower half of his home area was invaded by Kandi, which meant that Gu Xing could only stay in the upper wild area during the first round of camping.

Naturally, he won't give up the precious oppressive opportunity that the bot lane duo won for him!

When Gu Xing went to the Red BUFF camp in the Ueno District of WE, his brain was still spinning rapidly.

Since Kandi dared to take out Qian Jue in the game of life and death, he must show the opponent some color.

In the 7.5 version before the playoffs, Qianjue Xiti was strengthened.

The frequency at which wolf spirits capture wild monsters has been changed to once every 50 seconds.

Compared with before, it is greatly shortened!

But Gu Xing doesn't think that Qian Jue can choose without thinking first.

Because this enhancement is a debt owed by the designer before repayment.

Last summer, Kindred was so popular that it once became the strongest jungler in the version.

But on the eve of the World Tournament, Qian Jue's basic armor was cut down with a single blow, and the recovery effect of W [Wolf Frenzy] was deleted.

In the S6 global finals, Qian Jue has become half a sewer character.

Only Gu Xing, the top brother with unique skills, is still using it frequently!

With the arrival of the new season of S7, Qian Jue's situation is even worse.

The wild monster refresh interval has been increased from 100 seconds to 150 seconds, which greatly slows down the speed at which the wolf spirit hunts to increase the mark - many times the wolf spirit is ready, but the enemy wild monsters have not yet been refreshed.

The delay is especially fatal to Qian Jue!

As a character with a strong V-shaped curve, like the policewoman, she needs a lot of economic and advanced combat power to support her transition to the point where she can take over the game as soon as possible.

The number of layers of imprints is naturally the key factor to distinguish whether Qian Jue is strong or not!

Stacking layers as soon as possible means that Qian Jue can have a strong output ability earlier.

With a long interval between wild monster refreshes, she will not be able to quickly accumulate marks!

As we all know, the level of bloodshed in the professional arena is far lower than that in qualifying matches-even for a reckless team like IG, the number of kills won cannot be compared with that of passers-by.

Therefore, most of the way Qian Jue obtains marks in the game is not from the sheep spirit, but from the wolf spirit responsible for capturing wild monsters.

And if the wolf spirit is weakened, Qian Jue himself will also be greatly reduced!

From Gu Xing's point of view, Fist has shortened the hunting time of wolf spirits this time, and the extent of strengthening is very limited.

So after the 7.5 version was installed, he never used Kindred on the field.

Seeing that Kandi insisted on choosing, Gu Xing was overjoyed.

In his opinion, the weakness of the current version of Qian Jue is obvious!

"Now the first set of marks will only be applied to river crabs," Gu Xing reminded his teammates in the voice, "I can't fight for the crabs in the lower half, but can you guys in the upper half take a look?"

In version 7.5, Qian Jue has another change.

The wolf spirit's hunting rules have changed.

Originally, the 0-2 layers will be painted on the enemy F6 and river crabs, but now only the river crabs will be selected as the target when marking the 0th layer.

Then the 1-3 floors become river crabs, F6 and magic marsh frogs are refreshed immediately.

Layers 4-7 are double buffs, stone beetles and shadow wolves.

The 8th floor and above are big and small dragons, pioneers and ancient dragons.

Gu Xing knew this by heart.

He made up his mind to compete for the upper river sprint crab, betting that the wolf spirit on the opposite side was on his side!

"Don't worry, just call me if you need anything!" Kuro replied with an extremely sincere attitude.

The two sides exchanged wild areas, and the start was uneventful.

However, as a praying mantis, Gu Xing was already slow to brush the stone beetles and F6 in the upper half of WE.

And in order to let Smeb grab the line, he specially didn't let the top laner open the field for him.

It is completely unrealistic to want to upgrade to level 3 before the two and a half minutes of river crab refresh!

Gu Xing decided to only use the red BUFF and Raptor, and save the punishment.

In this way, when the river crab is refreshed, there is a high probability that he can directly control it!

Two and a half minutes later, when the River Scuttle Crab was born, the Qianjue Wolf Spirit also started the first wave of hunting!

Gu Xing stared intently at the small map.

When he saw the imprint of the wolf spirit on the top of Shang Hexie's head, he immediately curled the corners of his mouth in satisfaction.

It's just that when Gu Xing wanted to go forward to kill the river crab, a change came.

There was a hint of anxiety in Kuro's tone.

"Syndra has passed, I'm one step behind her!"

It was a disadvantage for Ryze to face Syndra in the early stage.

Especially in the first three levels.

Ryze, who has an incomplete skill set, can't even breathe under the pressure given by the ball girl!

Li Ruixing originally wanted to take advantage of 2 minutes and 27 seconds to reach the cannon car line in the middle, and firmly trap Xiye on the line.

Who would have thought that the opponent had no intention of controlling the line of troops, and rushed towards the upper river!

Kuro wanted to follow suit.

But he was at a natural disadvantage in the first two waves, and his position was forced to the front of the VG middle tower.

If you want to go to the upper river, you must take a long detour and go a little slower.

Seeing this, Gu Xing quickly locked the river crab in place, hoping to use this method to force the swift crab to turn its head and move upwards.

When Smeb's Qinggang Shadow came over, he could still get the river crab in his pocket.

The swift crab was very obedient, seeing that the way ahead was blocked by the praying mantis, he turned his head and moved up.

However, Syndra started sprinting and rushed towards her!

Immediately afterwards, he used W [Drive Mind Power] to catch the river crab into the air!

Gu Xing looked at the empty river, his teeth itching with hatred in his heart.

Level 2 Syndra clicks W, it is clear that it is for him!

But Gu Xing had nothing to do with Syndra for a while.

After the sprint was weakened, there were fewer and fewer players. In this game, Xiye was sacrificing part of his laning ability in exchange for influence, so that he could radiate all over the jungle!

Now Gu Xing looked at Syndra who was running away in a hurry, powerless.

Xiye dragged the river crab back to the middle lane, and threw it hard towards the area closest to the bottom.

A Qianjue emerged from the grass below the middle road, and QA stepped forward to cooperate with punishment and successfully beheaded it!

"The first floor mark is in hand!" Wow couldn't help applauding WE's exquisite cooperation, "Xiye doesn't even care about the line of soldiers, and insists on helping Kandi to plunder the mark!"

The applause from 60E was deafening.

They felt that WE in the third game swept away the decline and showed a perfect linkage ability!


Candy is even more beaming.

It is not easy to see Gu Xing frustrated.

But with Xiye's help, I was able to do it!

You only brush two groups of wilds, insisting on guarding the upper river crab, so what is the result?

Even if God is on your side and prints the mark on the upper part, it is still not mine after all?

Candy was smug.

"For Qian Jue, his set of imprints is tantamount to being prostituted, without paying any price, and he is even a river crab that he slowly rose to the third level to collect..." Miller was still judging the gains and losses.

Kandi can quickly upgrade to three levels, one is because Qian Jue cleared F6 and stone beetles in the early stage faster than Mantis.

The second is because he has teammates to help.

The WE duo specially helped Kandi beat the VG red BUFF into residual blood before going online, saving Qian Jue a lot of time in the jungle.

Anyway, both of VG's bottom laners have short legs. After Gu Xing was forced to the upper half, they didn't dare to push the line at all. It didn't make much sense whether the WE duo went online early.

Thanks to this, Kandi was able to achieve the level lead smoothly!

"Brother Xing has lost a lot." Miller shook his head after recognizing the situation in the wild area. "If you want to go back to the road, you will waste a lot of time..."

Kuro blamed himself immensely.

"My, mine," he had already learned how to apologize proficiently in Chinese, and now he could easily say, "I didn't expect this Syndra to be like a lunatic!"

Li Ruixing blushed a little.

When Gu Xing asked himself earlier, he even boasted that he would definitely be able to help.

But Xiye abandoned the line of troops and used sprinting again, vowing to snatch the river crab and give it to Kandi!

Kuro had no choice but to look at Syndra fiercely.

Who plays single in this way?

Cheap or not?

Li Ruixing felt embarrassed when he thought of this.

He found that Xiye's actions just now were almost a replica of what he had done in the past.

As the founder of the mid laner of Baodiliu, no one knows how to keep the development of the team's big dad better than Kuro!

He couldn't make any counterattack just now, mainly because Ryze's first two levels were too weak.

He couldn't even make a well-formed combo, so how could he compete with Syndra for the line?

If the roles of the two sides are reversed, and Kuro plays Syndra, the method of helping the jungler will only be more cruel!

"It's okay." Gu Xing looked as usual, "It's no big deal to give him a mark..."

Even though he said that, it didn't mean that he could calm down the turbulent emotions in his heart.

Xiye, right?

Just go, you wait for me!

He changed his mind and asked again, "Did Syndra lose the opposite side?"

Kuro was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately responded, "Two bins were missed!"

Gu Xing understood.

Start to plan the next countermeasures in your mind.

But before that, he has one more important thing to do...

Kandi inferred that Gu Xing hadn't cleared WE's stone beetle from the wild number.

But there was no plan to return to the upper half of the field.

Because after Qian Jue is strengthened, the next layer of wolf spirit mark will be generated in 50 seconds.

If Kandi goes back to defend, it will definitely delay his speed of plundering passive layers!

For Qian Jue on the first floor, the wolf spirit will only hunt in the three camps of the river crab, the enemy's magic marsh frog and F6!

Among them, F6 and Shanghe Crab have been brushed off by Kandi.

That leaves two possibilities.

Kandi didn't dare to go deep into the upper half of the enemy's area to find the Demon Swamp Frog, so he could only bet his chances on the lower river crab.

He crossed the lower river and returned to his wild area to continue to farm and grow, and wanted to quickly upgrade to level 4 to deal with possible battles.

The atmosphere in the commentary was tense.

The baby is still tracking Gu Xing's movements, "Brother Xing went around to clean up the stone beetles in WE, and saw the figure through the eyes inserted by 957 on the way!"

Miller followed up and added, "Smeb has a lot of advantages in the top lane, and he is about to push the pawn line to the top tower of WE!"

The chain reaction of VG's early deployment is now in effect.

Due to the status of returning to the city for supplies at the beginning of the game, the online time of 957 was delayed.

Song Jinghao was able to grasp the initiative in the top lane.

In fact, it is reasonable to say that Qinggangying is not strong in lane after being weakened. On the contrary, the Titan operated by 957 can be said to be the best in the top lane. E [Undercurrent Surge] has both lane clearing and consumption capabilities.

But 957 was afraid that Gu Xing had been wandering in the upper half of the area, and did not dare to play too aggressively, for fear of being caught by the mantis.

That's why Song Jinghao got the line right very easily.

He's picking up speed to push the line.

However, WE has three melee soldiers that happen to be located in the tower. Except for W [Tactical Sweep], Smeb has to attack melee if he wants to clear the line of soldiers.

When approaching the defense tower, let 957 seize the opportunity instead.

"Titan Q [Dredging the Channel] hits Qinggangying, and uses the forced displacement effect to pull Qinggangying into the range of the defensive tower!"

In the exclamation of the doll, the turret detected an enemy intrusion, and immediately fired an attack on it.

"957 is coupled with the passive immobilization effect, trapping Qinggang Ying in the audience... The passive triggered by Smeb is a magic attribute!"

Titans are mainly based on AP damage, and the sporadic blood changes since the laning have also relied on E [Undercurrent Surge].

Qinggangying's adaptive shield will naturally determine the magic shield centered on spell damage.

The problem is that the magic shield cannot withstand the shelling output of the defensive tower!

"Qinggangying was set under the tower by the Titan and was shot three times by the defense tower. His blood volume was low. After clearing the line of soldiers, he hurried to the safe area and returned to the city!"

The doll is beaming with joy.

He felt that Song Jinghao made a big mistake in this wave.

Directly send out all the advantages accumulated during the early laning!

Even if the pawn line is handled very well, there is no need to send back and forth lines.

But a total of four waves of soldiers were drawn, and Qinggangying couldn't touch the glory for the first time when he returned to the city, which was already a bit of a disadvantage in terms of rhythm.

"957 played well!" Miller praised sincerely, "The opening laning was a small disadvantage, and he was able to save it with his own efforts!"

Under the camera, 957 pushed the glasses, with a calm expression on his face, and manipulated Tai Tan to steadily mend the tower knife.

Steady as ever.

It's just that VG's voice is very lively.

"Thank you, 957!" Smeb's Mandarin was broken, but he couldn't hide the sincerity in his tone.

"Mai Bo, you can use this trick as a plan!" Gu Xing went back to wipe out the magic marsh frogs in the upper half of his house when he was talking. The effect of isolation and punishment, the clearing efficiency is quite high.

"That's it," Song Jinghao chatted with his jungler when he returned to the city, with a proud and proud expression, "Is our acting skills good?"

He deliberately showed his flaws to let 957 get out of the hook.

After hearing Gu Xing's plan before, Smeb has been planning to find a chance to return to the city.

Seeing that WE has three long-range soldiers guarding the tower, he pushes the boat forward physically, pretending to clear the line, but actually hooks himself to the angle under the tower for 957.

In this way, Song Jinghao's return to the city will not arouse too much suspicion and suspicion!

"It's great, I can even comment on the Oscar winner..." Gu Xing echoed, and then quickly got back to the topic, "Follow me, Maibo!"

Song Jinghao promised, went to the spring to buy a long sword and straw sandals, and then moved towards the lower half of the area.

After Gu Xing finished brushing the magic marsh frog, he was also heading down!

Now the time has come to 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

There are still 14 seconds until Qian Jue Wolf Spirit's next search and hunt target!

Watching the game from the perspective of God, Wawa immediately noticed that something was wrong with Song Jinghao's movements, and immediately raised her voice to ask her own questions.

"Smeb doesn't plan to go back to the road for the time being, is he asking for Gan Shenmo?"

The information obtained by dolls watching the game is too complicated, and it is not like professional players who are personally on the scene and use sporadic information to make the next step command.

Of course I can't guess VG's plan.

What's more, he doesn't usually play Kindred, and he has never commented on the games where Kindred played since the change of wolf hunting rules in version 7.5.

Doll doesn't have so much free time to memorize the gameplay of unpopular heroes, so it can be said that she doesn't know anything about it!

Until VG's upper and lower fields all gathered in the lower field, the game came to 3 minutes and 34 seconds.

The sleeping wolf spirit woke up again and patrolled the wild monsters that met the conditions.

The rest of the camps were all wiped out by junglers on both sides.

Only the swift crabs in the lower river are left!

The wolf spirit made it his own treasure and tried to get his hands on it.

So far, the commentator and the audience finally understand the meaning of VG Ueno!

"Brother Xing took Smeb with him, and wanted to go to the lower river to launch an offensive against Kandy!" Waowa suddenly realized.

Miller was excited, "It seems that the probability of success is really not low, and Condi has not reacted so far!"

Candy has even taken the lower river crabs as his personal property.

Without punishment, 50 seconds is still not enough for him to advance to level four.

However, with double BUFF in hand, Kindred has reached the initial strong stage.

As long as it is pulled a little, the mantis is definitely not his opponent!

What's more, there is Xiye's Syndra who can use W [Drive Mind Power] to grab wild monsters to ensure that she can take the mark smoothly!

Candy almost laughed out loud at the thought.

He didn't know what kind of danger was lurking in VG's lower jungle area.

It has been 1 minute since he entered the enemy's bottom half last time.

Before he left, Candy still had a jewelry eye inserted in it.

However, the level in the early stage was too low, and the eye position did not last long, and it has disappeared now, and no movement of the enemy was found during the whole process.

Kandi relaxed his vigilance and felt that he was overwhelmed, so he started shooting the river crab with the crossbow in his hand.

However, the moment he raised his hand with a general attack, a green steel shadow rushed out of the VG lower field area separated by a wall!

The Cinderella hook was hung on the wall, and the second section of the wall was accompanied by a golden light as soon as it was shot!

"Smeb stunned Qian Jue with E flash, and Kandy couldn't react at all!"

Miller's voice was extremely loud and powerful.

The reaction time left for Condi is almost zero.

There is no vision, and Song Jinghao's E flash is too fast.

Qian Jue has no ability to resist!

"Brother Xing punched over the wall, Q【Taste Fear】scratched on Qian Jue!"

Wild monsters do not prevent Gu Xing from triggering the isolation effect.

The sharp claws ruthlessly tore open Yang Ling's delicate skin, leaving a deep and long scar on it!

The side effects of Kindred's base armor nerf last year are on full display.

Gu Xing's EAQ's simple tricks, after triggering the Thunderbolt, reduced the dissatisfied Qian Jue's blood volume to only 1/3!

"Syndra rushed to her horse, and she once again used her psychic power to grab the sprint crab and throw it at the enemy far away from the mantis!"

Kandi is very smart, flashing to close the distance between himself and the river crab, and staying away from VG Ueno by the way.

Then use a basic attack to cooperate with punishment to kill the river crab!

Gu Xing laughed angrily at Kandi's move.

Do you still miss your imprint when death is imminent?

Seeing Syndra shoot the second QE, he immediately handed over his flash to avoid the opponent's weak back!

After approaching Qian Jue, the basic attack received another black tiger heart attack.

W [Void Spike] Finishing, take Qian Jue's life!

"Birth of the first blood!" Miller was excited, "Not only will Kandi have to sacrifice his life, but Xiye will also have to pay the price!"

Kuro is still under pressure in the lane, and the speed of supporting the river is not as good as Xiye.

However, he was not passive and slowed down, and followed Syndra to the river.

Seeing that Syndra was left alone, Li Ruixing flashed forward with a smirk, and the EW Erlian used runes to imprison Syndra in place!

"Smeb's Qinggang Shadow cast a tactical sweep and slow down to keep people, and then A followed up with a second kick and hit. Syndra's blood volume is only a small amount!"

Xiye was at a loss for what to do. He had no ability to defend himself with a backhand, so he quickly handed over Flash.

Seeing this, Gu Xing didn't pursue him deeply.

"Kangdi just lost his life because of this river crab," Wawa thought it was not worth it. "The one who got the head of VG was Brother Xing!"

400 yuan is of great benefit to Mantis' matchup in the wild.

Not only that, Gu Xing can also clean up the remaining group of three wolves in WE by the way.

Lay your own lead in one wave!

Many VCs in the stands around were so excited that they stood up and cheered!

Little Peanut knocked on the empty beer can vigorously, his cheeks were flushed and he flaunted his might, "Did you see that? Choose Qian Jue to give him blood, just to relieve his worries!"

"I have to say, Smeb is really the key..." Miller watched the whole process of Qinggangying's attack, and he could also think about the reason why Song Jinghao was beaten to death by the Titans with the help of the defense tower on the road before.

Can't help but be filled with emotion, "WE was completely deceived by him, 957 didn't even know that Qinggangying was going to surprise the river, and didn't even hand over the teleportation!"

When 957 reacted, Kandi had already turned into blood.

It takes 4.5 seconds for him to teleport and land.

If the TP is handed over, by the time the Titan lands, the day lily may be cold!

957 is very smart, he also figured out that Smeb was deliberately seducing before, to trick himself into being deceived.

Despicable, so despicable!

957 pressed his lower lip tightly, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness sweeping through his body.

"Mai Bo, hurry back to the road," Gu Xing arranged in an orderly manner, "I'm going to reverse his three wolves!"

When he pressed the scoreboard, he could see that Qian Jue had lost a group of Shadow Wolves in the wild count.

The opponent's jungler was killed, and the mid laner had no blood left.

It's normal for Gu Xing to turn against the wild!

Candy is well aware of this, too.

At first, he still regretted why he wasn't more vigilant. If he could see Qinggang Ying's movements in advance, he would not be so easily controlled by Smeb!

As long as he can hold back and pull, when his own duo arrives, the powerful Braum can dominate the battle by relying on [Concussion Slam].

At that time, the only way to meet VG is to crash!

It's a pity that there is no if.

He sent out first blood and a group of three wolf camps, and along the way he played a flash of the mid laner Xiye.


Fortunately, there is a second layer of imprint.

Candy patted his chest and let out a sigh of relief.

This wave is simply a blood profit, absolutely not a loss!

The next question lay before Kandy.

He can't get the mark for a short time.

F6, Moor Frog and River Crab have not been refreshed yet.

The wolf spirit can't find the hunting target!

Kandi had no choice but to concentrate on development.

Gu Xing did not intend to let go of this opportunity.

The game came to 5 minutes and 16 seconds.

"Ruixing, come quickly and eat the bird!"

Gu Xing beat his Raptor, which was refreshed in the early 5 minutes, to a bled, and called out to his teammates in the voice.

Kuro still wanted to shirk.

"This is not good..."

Li Ruixing didn't want to farm resources for the jungler.

If Gu Xing is underdeveloped, who will make up for the missing nutrition?

"Hurry up and stop the ink!" Gu Xing urged, "I'll wait for you to be promoted to sixth grade!"

Kuro glanced at his experience bar, and finally used his skills to clean up Big Bird with peace of mind.

Originally clearing out the first 8 waves of minions, he was one step away from level six.

Gu Xing's act of letting the wild monsters directly let Kuro advance to six!

"Catch it!" Gu Xing gave the target to kill, "Hurry up!"

Seeing that Syndra was still clearing the line in the middle, Kuro knew that it was not too late.

Immediately opened the rune book and summoned R [Curved Path]!

The landing point of the azure blue teleportation array is right under Syndra's feet!

Xiye turned pale with shock.

Just now I saw that Ryze was still level 5 when he left the middle lane. Is this a big move?

Realizing that something was wrong, he turned around and wanted to retreat.

But the teleportation array didn't take long to guide, and Xiye couldn't run far at all!

After landing on the ground, Gu Xing jumped forward, scratching at Syndra who hadn't flashed with his paws!

Without any suspense, Ryze's rune imprisonment fixed Xiye, and in the blink of an eye, VG Nakano beat Syndra to death!

In the end, Kuro took the head with an unpretentious basic attack!

The finals will end tomorrow, and there will be red envelopes at the end of the chapter.

RNG lost a bit.

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