What is a hexagon jungler?

Chapter 309 309: Pull!

"VG got the second head of this game!"

Miller shouted excitedly, "It's a perfect mid-field coordination. Brother Xing gave Kuro his experience to help him advance to level six, and then used his big move to complete the sneak attack on Xi Ye!"

After the propagation and diffusion of the sound, the excited voice lingers in every corner of the Olympic Sports Center.

But even so, they still couldn't suppress the wave of celebrations that shook the sky!

VC fans have long disliked Syndra.

No pawns in the middle lane, just want to use W [Drive Mind Power] to send the imprinted river crab to Qian Jue.

If you don't die, who will die?

Gu Xing was even more delighted.

You like disgusting me, don't you?

See if I do it or not and you're done!

Gu Xing took advantage of the flaw that Syndra had forcibly helped the jungler and saved two bins, and knew that the opponent had lost experience.

Therefore, it was decided to share the experience of wild monsters with Kuro at the sensitive node in the early five minutes, so that Ryze could be promoted to level 6 in advance, so as to widen the level gap between the mid laners of the two sides!

Xiye showed regret.

Looking at the black and white screen in front of him, he knew that his psychology was completely manipulated by his opponent.

Just wanted to take advantage of the gap between Kuro's move to the field, and seize the time to push down the pawn line and make up for the lost experience.

Who would have thought that he would step on the trap set by VG!

"It's broken," Kandy thumped in his heart, "I can't get the third set of marks!"

Wolf Spirit currently only targets River Crabs, Moor Frogs, and F6.

After Gu Xing and Kuro cleared out the Raptors, only two groups of wild monsters remained.

Both the Upper River Crab and the Swamp Frog will be refreshed and reset at 5 minutes 40-50 seconds.

And at that time, Xiye didn't have time to get back online after being resurrected!

Without the protection of the mid laner, Kandi, who had no flash, dared not make any mistakes.

He suspected that if he dared to enter the river, he would be chased and beaten by VG!

Without the imprint, Qian Jue's development will stagnate.

Not to mention that Gu Xing is about to reach level 6.

At that time, the mantis with the stealth effect of the ultimate move will be the absolute nemesis of Qian Jue in the wild!

After Kandi, it will be difficult to plunder passive layers like in the early stage.

It can be said that the death of Zhong Dan Xiye is very unfavorable to Kandi!

"Let's play it safe first," Xi Ye said helplessly, "The situation is not that urgent right now."

Kandi could only listen to the comfort of his teammates.

There is really no better solution.

Cutting the screen to look down, he frowned again.

"Chen Shengjun, please go down the road more steadily!"

The brother-in-law whose name was mentioned simply responded twice, and manipulated Lucian to retreat back in time.

He and Zero Dan are already in a state of residual blood, so they can only go back to the city for supplies.

Even though Kandi started the game with a BUFF in the field, he helped his duo stabilize the laning situation.

But the strength of the bottom lane combination of the two sides is not at the same level at all!

Zero Egg Braum's Q [Winter's Bite] is really not easy to hit the opponent.

The opposite Duan Deliang uses Zyra, which consumes too much power.

As long as he is accidentally hit by the enemy's skill, Braum will lose a lot of life even if he lifts the security door!

Lucian is also a short hand of the famous Tyrannosaurus rex level, and his ability to slide and ride his face is of course extremely explosive.

However, after finishing a set of skills, it is easy to be tortured by Yu Wenbo's ice with the advantage of range!

In addition, Kandi's help to the bottom lane is very limited, only in the first 4 minutes when he is in the bottom half, he can form a deterrent to the VG duo, forcing him to play steadily and dare not spend more.

But after Kandi left the second half, the balance of the bottom line gradually tilted towards VG.

Although Jack is not good at laning ability.

But definitely not bad!

Being able to compete in Uzi's best field without much disadvantage is enough to prove Jack's laning strength!

And there is also Duan Deliang's talent points, which are almost all invested in the fierce support on the line.

After VG's bot lane has an advantageous laning combination, it can definitely overwhelm the opponent!

"It will be harder for us to fight later," Zero Dan said anxiously, "Unless we wait for Lucian to make a run for it, we have no chance of winning!"

Only Lucian, who synthesized the first piece of molded equipment, had the possibility of riding on the face to keep people, relying on slow speed to make the ice unable to kite himself.

But the dilapidated price is too expensive, and with the development of my brother-in-law, it takes at least 12 minutes to get it out.

"Then I'll come down later to help you guys," Kandy said, making plans and preparing to launch Gank, "Remember to save your skills!"

He puts a lot of emphasis on the bottom lane.

The hero Lucian can't stand the disadvantages. Once he gets into trouble, it's extremely difficult to make a comeback!

If Kandi doesn't help, and the brother-in-law misfires, the WE lineup will face big problems!

At the same time, the team also needs Lucian to support the mid-term.

After all, Qian Jue is quite weak in the mid-term.

If there is no Lucian, WE mid-term rhythm will be very difficult to transition!

Kandy thought that he would not be able to get the mark of the wolf spirit anyway, so he might as well make a bot first.

Supporting my brother-in-law, he will be able to relax a lot!

The initial execution of the plan went very smoothly.

Zero egg W [come forward] came to Xiaobing, and then Q flashed and hit Zyra!

This scene immediately caused the on-site commentary to become louder and more powerful.

"Lu Xi'an slid forward, and shot two shots at Zyra... Xiaoduan reacted very quickly, directly giving weakness!"

When Duan Deliang saw the opponent Bron hand over the flash, he knew that WE had murdered him.

He hurriedly applied his weakness to Lucian, who had the strongest continuous output ability, trying to reduce his brother-in-law's damage.

Jack rained arrows on Lucian, trying to dissuade him from pursuing him.

It wasn't until Qian Jue appeared from the side that the VG duo planned to retreat.

"Kandi crossed the dance of arrows and stepped forward, hung E [horror] and slowed down Zyra!"

When Qian Jue used the basic attack to passively stack the Braum on Zyra's body, a teleportation light descended on the minions!

"Ryze from the middle lane!" Miller blurted out, "Kuro is going to help relieve the pressure on the bottom lane teammates!"

Li Ruixing had to push 131 points in this set.

When the transition period comes, he is bound to stay on the wing for a long time.

Having strong support means is a necessary condition for implementing the 131 tactics.

In case a frontal team battle starts in an instant, he must have the ability to join his teammates quickly!

Ryze's R [Zigzag Leap] has a displacement distance of only 3,000 yards at full level, which obviously cannot meet his needs of rushing from the sidewalk to the battlefield.

So Kuro simply carries the teleportation, ready to support his teammates at any time.

Now comes in handy!

"Xiye is still some distance away from the middle lane, and he can't interrupt Ryze's teleportation... WE is doomed to lack help, but still decides to continue attacking, vowing to kill Duan Prince!"

The short handover flash lured WE players to go deeper as much as possible.

Kandi's flash didn't turn around, and he couldn't pursue it.

The brother-in-law saw that Han Bing's arrows were still shooting at him non-stop, and knew that he would be stuck if he retreated now, and it would be difficult for him to escape when Ryze landed.

Feeling ruthless, he simply flashed forward, and threw the skill damage at Zyra when the duration of weakness expired!

With the combination of holy light through the body and superimposed war enthusiasm, Lucian's output is quite exaggerated when facing a small crispy skin like Zyra!

"My brother-in-law took Zyra away with one shot, and Ryze, who teleported to the ground, aimed at Lucian!"

Kuro is very detailed.

He learned that WE had no way to reduce the movement speed in the field, so after detonating two layers of runes on Lucian to gain explosive movement speed, he began to pull the opponent by moving to avoid the passive [Shock Slam] shot by Braum .

Ling Dan conscientiously raised the anti-theft door, and used his body to block between Lucian and Ryze, intending to resist the opponent's damage.

Ryze's Q [Overload] is indeed very restricted, and cannot be output to Lu Xian through the security door.

But there is Jack's ice beside him!

The arrow abruptly turned Lucian into a hedgehog!

"One for one!" Doll shook her head, "VG paid the price of flashing and teleporting, but kept WE's Lucian!"

Very worthless in his opinion.

The brother-in-law handed over Flash to change the life of the assistant, which is obviously a loss!

Candy felt fine.

He knew beforehand that Kuro had teleportation in his hand.

When Xiye can't put enough pressure on the middle lane, the opponent Ryze is likely to teleport to support the bottom lane.

But Kandy still chose to act forcefully.

Because his ultimate goal of this trip is to let Lucian get the economy and make a ruin as soon as possible to resist the pressure of the VG duo.

Moreover, this wave of 1 for 1 also forced out Ryze's teleportation.

In the next 5 minutes, the double teleportation in VG will not be able to get any play!

"Brother Xing has cleared all the upper half of his area and successfully upgraded to level six!"

In less than six and a half minutes of the game, Gu Xing had already learned the ultimate move.

Credit goes to Kuro.

After killing Xiye earlier, Li Ruixing felt deeply guilty for sharing the wild monsters, and specially shared the pawn line in the middle with Gu Xing.

When teleporting to the bottom lane for support, there is another wave of soldiers in the middle lane.

Seeing that Binxuan also wanted a girl, Gu Xing dealt with it after obtaining Kuro's consent.

Mantises who have been assigned a large amount of soldier line experience can improve their level faster than expected!

"This time Brother Xing evolved into W at the sixth level," Miller looked at the strange-colored spikes on the shoulder of the Tyrant Mantis, "It seems that he intends to focus on consumption and retention!"

If you evolve R, you can use the passive ability of entering the grass to become invisible to enhance your flexibility, and launch surprise attacks from unexpected places.

Gu Xing did not intend to treat himself as a pure assassin in this game.

He knows that the core of his tactics is 131 split pushes.

You just need to do your job well.

After reaching level six, the first thing Gu Xing did was to go on the road and try to help Smeb gain an advantage.

Song Jinghao came to the wild area to kill Qian Jue once before, and he only got an assist worth 200 gold coins, but he handed over his own flash and teleportation.

His life on the road during the laning period was not easy.

Relying on the strength of the Titans, 957 is smoothing out the disadvantages little by little, and can even suppress Smeb in turn.

E [Undercurrent Surge] The damage to soldiers and heroes is becoming more and more exaggerated, and Qinggang Yingguang can't recover by tactical sweeping!

Song Jinghao sometimes intends to use the second wall of E [hook rope] to kick back and kick the middle Titan to seek a trade advantage.

However, before he kicked 957 with his toes, he was knocked down from the sky by the heavy anchor of the Titan!

Back and forth, the exchange of blood results in a big victory for the Titans!

Smeb had no choice but to seek Gu Xing's help.

"Brother Xing ran to the road, first hit the Titan with W [Void Spike] from a distance..."

The effect of Gu Xing's evolution W is revealed.

Three long-distance thrusts make it difficult for Titans to dodge!

The slow effect applied to it keeps it in place!

957 knew that the lower half was still fighting just now, and his teammates were not around, so his position was not considered advanced, and he was probably in the middle of the top lane.

Unfortunately, the road is too long. Even with the current position of 957, it will take a certain amount of time to get back to the tower.

"The Titan hooked the wall while using E [Undercurrent Surge] and was still trying to hinder the opponent, but Smeb hooked the wall and kicked it directly!"

This time 957 was unable to interrupt the enemy.

He chose to dodge to dodge.

But Qing Gangying saw that his second wall had no hope of hitting, so he decisively surrendered his big move.

Camille raised her leg blade in the air, and her combo was smooth and fast, covering the Titan in the field of Hex's ultimatum!

"957 handed over his big move to Brother Chao Xing, and knocked Smeb into the air halfway!"

Tai Tan hurriedly walked to the edge of the barrier.

The weakening of Qinggangying in version 7.7 is quite obvious.

Originally, the duration of the first-level big move was 4 seconds, but now it is only 2.5 seconds.

Gu Xing just recovered from the knock-up state, jumped over and scratched a set of damage, and the field of Hex's ultimatum disappeared!

"Brother Xing still has to chase... 957 was swept by Qinggangying's tactics and arrived slowly, and there is still a little distance from the range of the previous tower," Miller talked about the situation on the spot, "Titan must wait for the next attack Turn Q well to escape!"

Gu Xing calculated the approximate cooling time of the opponent's skills, turned on R [Void Invasion] to speed up the invisibility, successfully passed the Titan, and got stuck in the area between the opponent and the defense tower.

957 has no options.

Titan's body is not thick, and after being set fire by VG Ueno, he has very little HP left.

He had no choice but to throw the anchor at the position of the defense tower!

As a result, Q [Clear Channel] hits the unit in front of him.

The Titan barely moved the entire time!

957 let out a short sigh.

"It's gone," Miller concluded directly, "Brother Xing's card position is very important, and he personally cut off the last hope of 957 escaping back to the tower!"

Gu Xing gave up the head to Smeb after finishing the damage.

Song Jinghao was also polite, and laughed at the real injury of a two-kick.

"It's okay to sell you," Smeb was very grateful for the generosity of his teammates, "I will definitely beat the top lane in this game!"

Gu Xing agreed twice in a slightly perfunctory manner, "Hurry up and push the pawn line over, the other side will hand over the teleportation line..."

Even if 957 is in a team, it is impossible to leave a large wave of pawns on the road without eating, insisting on saving teleportation and going online on foot.

And Song Jinghao's teleportation will improve soon!

There is a TP difference between the two top laners.

How can it be used?

Gu Xing was still planning the next big move in his mind.

Now that the game has progressed, he can see it clearly.

Kandi is a guy who is desperate for the imprint - before Gu Xing was able to successfully kill the opponent in the lower river channel, it was because Kandi was greedy for a flat A in order to gain the second layer of passive.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so smooth at all.

That being the case...

Gu Xing suddenly understood.

"Jack, let Ruixing take you to clean up the crabs in the lower river, don't leave it to the other side!"

He made the first step arrangement first.

Kuro listened to Gu Xing's words.

Without saying a word, Li Ruixing pushed the middle line of soldiers forward and approached the crabs in the lower river.

The last time the wolf spirit imprint was painted on the Demon Swamp Frog in the Ueno area of ​​VG, after Gu Xing killed it, the cooldown was less than 50 seconds.

The wolf spirit has not started the next hunt yet.

With the help of Jack's E [Eagle Strikes the Sky], VG's double C avoids the enemy's vision and takes the crab into the bag first.

Gu Xing went back to the city to renew the warrior's jungle knife, and moved to the lower field first, preparing to clean up the camp including his own red BUFF.

After brushing the Raptor, he didn't continue to go up.

Instead, it's moving down.

"Mai Bo, you are going to hand over the teleportation, let's kill Lu Xian on the opposite side!" Gu Xing finally revealed his true intention.

Raptors and Downstream Crabs have emptied themselves.

The Mark of the Wolf Spirit will only be refreshed in the VG Frog Concubine and the Upper River Swift Crab.

According to his understanding of Kandy, the opponent will definitely arrange around the mark.

If Qian Jue goes to the upper half, the defensive power in the bottom lane will be quite empty!

Song Jinghao is fully prepared.

Just as Gu Xing thought.

Kandi seems to have some kind of collection addiction, and his pursuit of imprint layers has reached an almost pathological level.

He felt that as long as there were enough passive layers, Qian Jue's stage would be in the middle and late stages!

What's more, the WE Ueno area itself is ushering in a wave of resets. Just as Kandi was about to clear the wild development, he saw the imprint appearing on the top of the crab's head in the upper river, and his eyes lit up immediately.

The mid laners of the two sides are still in a stalemate - Ryze's ability to push the line is getting stronger and stronger after replenishing equipment, but Syndra's strong period is not over, and the two can see each other for a while.

957 on the top lane is also pushing the line. After Smeb's Qinggangying loses his ultimate move, he doesn't have the ability to kill Titans, so he is unscrupulous.

Condie thinks this is a once in a lifetime opportunity!

Without hesitation, he shook Xi Ye in his voice to protect himself.

When Syndra turned her head to go up the river, Gu Xing knew that the opponent had already exposed her weakness.

"Prepare to freeze your hands!"

As soon as he gave an order, Xiao Duan hid in the grass and hit the enemy Braum with E [Entangling Root].

Immediately afterwards, Jack immediately cast W Arrows + R [Magic Crystal Arrow].

The goal is also zero eggs!

Zyra casts a ward behind Braum as the Frostbolt blasts through the air.

Immediately there was teleportation and the light soared!

Seeing this, the baby yelled, "This time it's Smeb, he came from the top road, trying to launch an offensive against the WE duo!"

"Zyra handed over the R [Strangling Vine] she had just learned, and prepared to control Braum's chain!"

Frostbolt has hit the ice.

The stun time is neither short nor long, but it can perfectly provide pre-preparation for Zyra's flower burial!

Bron was fixed in place and couldn't move, and he was about to be blocked by the control chain until he died!

Gu Xing jumped out from behind, W [Void Thrust] not only hit Braum, but also shot towards Lucian not far away!

"Brother-in-law slipped backwards and quickly dodged, he sold the support like this!"

Mystic had to wait for a moment if he wanted Braum, who hadn't flashed, to escape.

Let Lingdan use W [Stand Up] to come to him, so that he can retreat safely.

But now that my brother-in-law can't protect himself, how can he care about waiting for Bron?

"957 finally found Qinggang Ying who was in the upper tower of VG to guide the teleportation reading. He swung the anchor and wanted to interrupt..."

Half of the director screen was allocated to the road.

At the moment when the titan threw out Q [clear the channel].

Qing Gangying's teleportation guide time has ended.

The 957 anchor hit the defense tower, but pulled Titan into the range of the turret. He turned back and left in a little embarrassment. He was bombarded twice during the whole process and lost a lot of blood.

Some VCs in the audience laughed gloatingly.

The director did not focus the camera on the road for a long time.

As Qing Gangying teleported to the bottom lane, they immediately switched the screen.

"Smeb hit Braum with a basic attack, then without even looking at Zero, the hook hits the wall and goes straight to Lucian!"

My brother-in-law fell into an ice cave.

Facing Qinggang Ying without his flash, he has no ability to resist!

Seeing Gu Xing approaching aggressively from behind, he felt full of despair.

"Thousands of ice-cold arrows are fired slowly to leave Lucian behind, Qinggang Ying's damage has already risen, not to mention the presence of praying mantises!"

The brother-in-law's resistance was a set of skills that lowered Gu Xing's blood bar by half.

But it didn't help.

Gu Xing's life was not in danger at all.

Leave the head to Qing Gangying, and run to brush Xiaolong himself.

Jack also kills Braum with a flat-A arrow.

"Zero for two, VG can try to advance to the bottom lane and the first blood tower!" Waowa's eyes showed approval, "Their four-pack-two decision is very decisive and effective, making WE hard to guard against!"

Little Peanut, who was too drunk, had blurred eyes. Seeing that VG pushed WE to the bottom of the road and established a blood tower to establish an advantage in the laning phase, he shouted excitedly, "The referee is VG, and the referee is Virtue!"

There is also a bit of a tongue symptom when speaking.

"Xingguo intentionally left his mark in the upper half, and tricked WE's jungler to go to brush...and Condi was really fooled!" He laughed happily, "Isn't this person too pure?"

From the perspective of God, most of the audience couldn't see that Gu Xing was playing tricks.

But Peanut himself is a jungler, and he knows a lot about wild heroes like Qian Jue. As a top professional player, it is not difficult to judge Gu Xing's intentions while watching the game.

"Qianjue got a tier of mark, and paid the price of a tower, an earth dragon, and two lives in the bottom lane," Penaut snapped his fingers to settle the matter, "WE is really at a loss!"

Kandy is still reassuring his teammates.

"It's okay, wait for me to c!" He also tried to use this method to numb himself and calm the panic in his heart, "Su Hanwei, you and Chen Shengjun delay for a while, and you can fight around me in the later stage!"

The uncle bit his lip.

In the laning phase of the three-set finals, he was killed twice in all of them.

In comparison, this battle was actually somewhat of an improvement—after all, a head had been harvested.

But how can Lucian play without an advantage?

The transition period has arrived.

VG directly showed the final form.

The duo defends the center, the mid laner goes to the top lane, and the top laner goes to the bottom lane.

They are the first to push the first blood tower in the bottom lane, so they have the right to arrange the transition tactics first.

As long as the duo is placed in the middle, WE, who has lost the center line, can only send a duo to defend!

"The combination of Lucian + Bron is really not good at defending the line. Their shooting range is too short, and they are not the opponents of the VG duo at all!"

Miller told the truth.

Uncle is fine.

Relying on the head that Kandi fed before, he managed to make a run-down, and he had a certain amount of blood recovery means.

But Zero Dan is really helpless!

As Bron, even with a security door, there is no guarantee that it can withstand much output.

And he doesn't have the ability to recover blood yet, relying on the recovery amount of the holy shield alone is useless at all!

This caused Zero Egg's HP to bottom out in less than a minute after it went online!

As long as you return to the city, the middle road will usher in a state of emptiness.

Lucian alone can't defend the defense tower at all, and he will pay the price of his life for a little aggressiveness.

WE had no choice but to shake Kandy to the middle and use double shooters to clear the line of troops under the tower.

However, Gu Xing was waiting for Kandi to show up.

"Ryze is hiding in the grass on the upper route, using his big move to prepare to take Brother Xing to launch another surprise attack on Xiye!" Seeing the azure blue teleportation array, Wawa felt anxious in his heart.

However, with Xiye's dual summons in hand this time, and the presence of R [Energy Outflow], escaping is not a problem.

It's just that I lost too much blood, and I can no longer defend the tower.

"VG Nakano is not polite, first flattened the defense tower on the top lane, then turned around and ate away at the wild area!"

Gu Xing poked his eyes deep into the Ueno area of ​​WE to detect Kandi's movements.

Before Kindred reaches level 9, her scanning effect is very poor, and she can only remove wards in a small area, and it is impossible to clear all vision in the jungle.

When Kandi was cleaning the camp, he was discovered by Gu Xing, and he directly activated his big move and rushed in stealthily.

E [Leap Strike] sticks to the face, Void Thrust gives slow speed, AQ hits Thunder.

In an instant, Qian Jue's blood volume was less than half!

"Kandi hurriedly pulled back, still calling for friends to let his teammates come to help him!"

WE's strategy in this game is to emphasize integrity.

From the perspective of God, Gu Xing's assassination in the wild area can be said to affect the whole body.

The WE duo and the mid laner all left the line and rushed to the Ueno area!

"Brother Xing relies on slowing down the opponent, chasing forward and following the general attack!"

Wild monsters do not affect isolation and helplessness. Even though Gu Xing evolves W, in the face of crispy Qian Jue, the output is enough to force out the enemy's R [Lamb Spirit Breath]!

Seeing Qian Jue using the life-saving amulet, he turned around and retreated without hesitation.

On the way, the second stage of R is turned on, the stealth effect makes it impossible for WE to find the trace of the mantis!

"The characters from the upper half of WE converged into one place, and they wanted to chase after him fiercely, forcing Chu Xingge to show up...but Mantis' W has turned around!"

Three void stabs shot out from Kha'Zix's shoulders.

In the narrow terrain of the wild area, everyone in WE couldn't dodge at all!

After being hit, the slow effect makes them unable to move an inch!

"Brother Xing, get away!"

The cheers in the Olympic Sports Center have never stopped since Gu Xing caught Qian Jue who was alone in the wild.

Now it is even more surging, as if it is about to break through the dome directly!

WE removes the lock of the Titan, and the rest don't want to keep the flexible mantis when the distance is not too close!

They could only watch Gu Xing run away!

Only then did Miller have the energy to check the situation of the rest of the people in the canyon.

"VG took advantage of the time when Brother Xing's invasion attracted the attention of the WE generals, and they were all doing their own things, and had no intention of going to the wild area to help..." Miller had a flash of understanding, "They did it on purpose!"

"Brother Xing went to fight with Qian Jue just to create space for his teammates!"

On the road, Ryze hoarded a wave of troops and pushed them all into the second tower on WE.

Then go back to the city and go online on foot, which is equivalent to earning a supply opportunity for nothing than Syndra.

If we say that the situation on the road is still relatively stable.

The middle and lower roads are much more serious!

Jack's ability to push the line with a small section is surprisingly fast. When the WE duo went to the wild area to support, the two easily reduced the blood volume of the middle tower by half!

After making the power of three phases + Tiamat in the lower lane, Qinggangying finally turned around and ushered in his own strong period.

From then on, 957 no longer has any means to restrict him!

Seeing that all four of WE ran to the upper half, Song Jinghao immediately attacked Titan with a set of damage.

The familiar R [Hex ultimatum] hides from the Titan Q, traps 957 in the barrier and beats him wildly!

After beating the other party to blood, Song Jinghao was satisfied and left.

957 had no choice but to go back to the city to replenish his blood, and Smeb almost flattened the second tower in the lower lane.

The middle and lower lanes are in jeopardy, and the situation of WE is not optimistic!

The familiar script was staged again.

It's just that Gu Xing no longer detects Qian Jue's movements through vision intrusion.

Instead, through Jack Hanbing's E [Eagle Strikes the Sky]!

The drone cut through the air and flew into the distance. On the way, Qian Jue could clearly see the magic marsh frog who was brushing WE.

Candy saw the drone illuminating his figure and sensed the approaching danger.

But he took chances.

Mainly because Kandi is too poorly developed.

Because the next tower fell too fast, Kandi had no time to make any preparations, and the mid-term had already arrived.

Qian Jue, who was on the disadvantaged side, was very embarrassed during the transition period.

Once she can't counter-jungle or capture key neutral resources, she can't get her mark.

At 16 minutes into the game, Kandy still only had 3 passive layers!

Coupled with its mediocre equipment, Qian Jue is like a useless person!

Kandi gritted his teeth and decided to take a gamble, and seized the time to kill Concubine Frog.

Gu Xing successfully caught the other party in the wild.

"The mantis jumped forward, and the W Void Thrust slowed down to Qianjue," Waowa said faster, "Brother Xing didn't care about the wild monsters that had turned into residual blood, just stared at Qianjue and pounded hard!"

Candy has no big moves.

When he saw the mantis, he crushed his own blood, and finally recalled the fear of being ruled by Gu Xing throughout the finals.

The general attack received the punishment to accept the magic marsh frog, and Kandi hurriedly used the dance of arrows to cross the wall to find the Titan to join him.

However, Camille in the distance set up the hook rope, a golden light flashed, and E flashed towards him!

"Kandi reacted quickly, handed over the flash and retreated... Brother Kexing also has a flash!"

Gu Xing saw that Qian Jue had finished handing in Flash and confirmed that the other party could not escape from his palm, so he followed Shan AQ to kill Kandi!

Because Qinggangying did not apply damage and assists.

What appeared on the kill list was a single kill!

"The jungler was killed, Mantis accompanied Qing Gangying to push the bottom lane to the second tower, and then switched to the middle lane, planning to launch an offensive against the WE middle tower!"

Under the encirclement and suppression by four people, the WE duo did not dare to hold back, so they had to give up the middle tower to their opponents.

Miller laughed.

"VG has really made a lot of money by relying on Brother Xing's frequent offensives against the jungle!"

He also took stock, "The two outer towers on the upper and middle roads, plus Qian Jue's head, Brother Xing will definitely make a great contribution!"

The economic gap between the two sides has expanded to 7K, which is already a very exaggerated gap in the medium term.

Candy couldn't see how far behind he was.

But he was burning with anxiety.

At this moment, Kandi finally understood Gu Xing's plan.

The opponent didn't care that much about the number of marks obtained in the early stage.

As long as Qian Jue falls into a disadvantage in the mid-term, it is pure waste!

For this reason, Gu Xing frequently went online to drive the rhythm, and in the mid-term, he used Mantis' own matchup advantage to sneak attack him!

Kandy never had a chance to grow into shape!

This is the end of the matter, there is only one way left.

"Let's hold together, we can't win if we continue to divide and push!" Kandi put his last hope on the team battle with the strongest lineup.

957 thought so too.

He felt that if he continued to play single belt with Smeb, he would probably repeat the mistakes of the regular season.

With the damage of Qinggangying, he pushed the bottom line of troops to the end, and immediately went to the middle road after returning to the city to supply, trying to catch the opponent's flaws and start a group.

957 is a natural opener with a very keen sense of smell.

He teleported to the eye position of the side river to intercept Gu Xing who was about to retreat after countering the wild monsters.

But when 957 uses the dredging channel hook to move the wall, and is ready to hand over R [Deep Sea Shock] to fly Guxing.

But I saw a layer of immune shield on the opponent!

From 【Blade of Night】!

This is a new toy that debuted at the end of last year.

Active effects guide for a certain period of time, and you can get a shield that resists skill damage and effects.

It can be called the banshee veil of the AD position!

957 didn't expect that Gu Xing didn't even make Youmeng for this game, and he just synthesized the Blade of Night first.

Now it was his turn to be in a dilemma.

He is alone at the moment, and his teammates are still a little behind. Turning in R will be avoided by the effect of the blade of night. If he doesn't turn in R, this wave of teleportation will have no effect!

Not waiting for 957 to make a decision.

Gu Xing first slowed him down with a Void Thrust.

Immediately after that was Frost's R [Magic Crystal Arrow]!

"957 was forced to hand over Flash, for fear of being retained by the other party!" Miller praised again and again, "Brother Xing understands the Blade of Night!"

The strongest thing about WE is the frontal team battle.

The only truly stable control point is the Titan.

Gu Xing used the blade of night, which can effectively prevent himself from being shot to death by the opponent.

In this way, the split push points of the two sides can safely carry out single belts without any hindrance!

"The upper and lower towers are all broken, and now the WE Highland is exposed!"

The 60Es put their heads in their hands to hide their despair.

If the team battle cannot start, they will be slowly tortured to death by VG's side push!

Candy couldn't take it anymore.

At 26 minutes into the game, seeing that the high ground was about to be flattened by the enemy, he finally made up his mind.

The big dragon forced the group.

"WE stood in a good position to try to rush the big dragon, Brother Xing went around the top of the dragon pit, and kept harassing with void stabs!"

Gu Xing has already been promoted to level 11, and now even R has evolved.

The invisibility and acceleration effect obtained when entering the grass made his figure elusive.

WE was tortured by him beyond words!

"Zyra's plants are also very disgusting. With the ice stick in hand, the WE members in the dragon pit can't walk if they are not careful!"

Then it will be more difficult for them to dodge the follow-up mantis skills.

From time to time, Jack also used a thousand arrows to consume.

"VG Zhongshang doesn't come to Dalongkeng at all, they insist on a way to bring it to Hei!"

After Kuro demolished the high ground on the road, he directly drove R [Curved Path] to bring a pile of soldiers to the high ground on the bottom road, and helped Song Jinghao complete the advance!

"We have no choice now. Faced with the continuous slowing of the mantis, they can't walk at all, let alone find a suitable space to return to the city...they can only go to the black by one dragon!"

Gu Xing turned on the active shield of Blade of Night, saw that the big dragon had become bloody, and jumped directly into the big dragon pit!

Kandi, who was two levels behind, was afraid that Dalong would be robbed, so he had no choice but to use his big move.

The sheep spirit lives and shelters Baron Nash.

But this helped Gu Xing achieve his goal!

He just wants to delay time and create opportunities for his teammates!

"VG Zhongshang has gathered together, ready to demolish WE's front teeth tower!"

The director switched the screen to the past, and the last defense tower of WE was crumbling!

"The 4-second delay in the life of the sheep spirit makes it impossible for WE to quickly solve the battle in the dragon pit and return to the city to defend!"

Jack accidentally took 957's Q and was killed by Xiye's set of skills.

Kandi also used punishment to accept Dalong firmly.

But the end is set!

"Brother Xing has dragged everyone in WE, they can't go back at all!"

Miller's voice was impassioned.

The restless cheers from the audience were deafening!

The two incisor towers were flattened in the middle of VG, leaving the exposed main crystal, which could not withstand the devastation of Qinggangying and Ryze!

When Gu Xing had a trace of blood remaining and was about to be instantly killed.

The screens of the monitors of the ten contestants all moved towards the main crystal of WE uncontrollably!

With a loud bang, the WE base shattered into fireworks!

The uploading chapter at the starting point is stuck... two minutes late.

Red envelope: 00319889.

9200 words.

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