What is a hexagon jungler?

372: Can you be as steady as me?

As soon as Gu Xing returned to the lounge, he smelled the aroma of various foods mixed together. "No way, you won the game with a quick decision, just to make a quick meal?" He joked.

Sb gobbled it up and showed off the spicy burger that KFC sent earlier, saying the catchphrase he didn't know where he learned it.

"There's no way it's like this. Sister Li, the ADC's operation on the other side is too much, isn't it Jie Kuo?"

Yu Wenbo was fighting for French fries with Kuro, and he replied vaguely, "Que, I didn't expect that there would be an ADC in the world who is more capable of sudden death than me. It's true..."

Halfway through his speech, he turned to ask Li Zhixun, "Master Hou, what did you say in the allegory?" Easyhoon adjusted his glasses, "Donkeys and mules can both sing."

"Ah, yes, yes, yes!" Jack remembered, "Using this sentence to evaluate Ohq is absolutely correct." Gu Xing was full of question marks, "What do you mean?"

He didn't round the bend for a moment.

"You are outrageous!" Yu Wenbo revealed the answer directly. To tell you the truth, Jack has always been able to speak Tibetan. Gu Xing was speechless.

He never thought that Li Zhixun, a Korean aid, could play Xihouyu to the point of perfection! "Master Hou, don't teach the children badly..." Jin Wenhyuk persuaded him a little, then continued to fight against the egg tarts, and even invited Gu Xing, "Do you want to eat, Xiao Gu? There are only two left!"

KFC is not stingy, and the number of egg tarts sent is not small. But can't stand the excessive consumption.

VG players want to compete, and dare not fill their stomachs before the game, for fear of affecting the state of the game.

But the coaches and managers of the training department and the club's camera operations were watching the game in the background, and they could only eat egg tarts when they had nothing to do, as a pastime.

"It's garlic," Gu Xing waved his hand and refused, "Save some stomach, don't you have to go out for dinner?" Jin Wenhyuk was no longer polite, and put all the remaining two egg tarts into his mouth, savoring the deliciousness . Gu Xing slumped on the gaming chair, flipping through his phone on his back.

The anti-bar is very lively and various hot posts emerge in endlessly.

The LOL game score post he stitched up earlier received rave reviews once it was launched.

Originally scoring is to allow netizens to express their feelings in the simplest way, combined with League of Legends, needless to say in terms of popularity!

Everyone participated enthusiastically and expressed their views on the players in the competition in the simplest way.

And the increase in the number of replies can also bring a lot of experience points to the host. A real win-win!

As a result, all kinds of scoring posts have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, which is dizzying.

Now the anti-bar has not restricted the scoring posts, everyone can post whatever they want without restrictions.

Gu Xing glanced over many scoring posts, and finally chose to click on the post posted by the Kangba Art Troupe account.

Less than half an hour after the end of the competition, the number of replies to this hot post has already exceeded 1,000! Sort by the popularity of replies, he saw his makeup photos at a glance.

In the photo, Gu Xing's arm was bent in front of his chest, pointing to the golden star on the VG team logo, with a smile on his face.

After clicking on the comment, Gu Xing saw countless rainbow farts as expected.

[Fuck, let's go! 】

[Full of jungle, forever VG daddy! 】

Kindred King! In the future, don’t call it Virtue at all, but change its name to ‘Mark’, 13 layers of passive in 24 minutes, let my grandma fight the last wave and she won’t lose! 】

[If you leave the passers-by, Qian Jue, who is so smooth, has to wait until 40 minutes to enjoy a few rounds of team battles before pushing the base, otherwise it will be like ants are crawling on his body... How can Brother Xing hold it back? 】

[Is there a possibility that the 13th floor passive is unattainable for us, but in the eyes of Brother Xing, it is commonplace? 1

[Is it time for Qian Jue to cut it? With a 13-layer imprint, the physical damage of 16.25% of the maximum life value of the general attack, the output of Wei En's full level is not as high as hers, is there any reason? ! 】

Gu Xing saw the last reply complaining that Qian Jue was too strong, and had to admit that Qian Jue was indeed exaggeratedly strong in terms of Chetan.

The well-recognized tank killer Wei En, after upgrading the [Holy Silver Crossbow] to the full level, he needs to attack the same target three times in a row to deal real damage equal to 14% of the target's HP limit.

And even Qian Jue with 8 layers of marks, when facing a target with 130 armor, the damage of the three arrows is almost the same as Wei En's full-level real damage!

If the enemy's armor is lower than 130, Qian Jue's damage will be even higher!

In addition, the Eternal Hunting Twins don't need to attack the same unit continuously, and the output feedback is applied to each flat A. From the mechanism point of view, it is much superior to Wei En!

What's more, Qian Jue's imprint has unlimited growth ability, and a silent assist in a 5v5 team battle can also increase the number of layers. The upper limit is really amazing in the later stage!

But Fist is no idiot.

Although Qian Jue seems to be very strong in the middle and late stages, he still has to go through that painful developmental stage!

It's just that the current jungle version is generally biased towards herbivorous control maps, and there are not many aggressive junglers, creating a fairly good development space for the eternal hunting twins.

Gu Xing doesn't think Qian Jue's strength is worth weakening.

Swiping the screen of the phone, he saw Sof's slightly rich face again. The following comments are fairly moderate, and most of them gave the Vietnamese a passing performance of 6-7 points.

Sof played very well today, but it's a pity that when he met Gu Xing, the huge advantage he created in the early stage was useless in front of Qian Jue!

The worst is Ohq.

According to the unspoken rules of scoring posts, basically the winners have more comments than the losers. But for the first time, Ohq received more replies than VG!

[My evaluation is: pure against the sky! 】

[You don’t learn the advantages of Jack’s love on the opposite side, but imitated the sudden death to a full extent. Whoever buys you will be unlucky]

[You die suddenly when you shouldn't die, and you cowardly when it's time to move forward... In the second set of the vanguard group, you just hang around and watch your teammates die? Going up to A twice can kill you, right? 】

[It's the first time I saw a professional player's operation and was disgusted to the point of nausea. Is this something a normal person can play? 】

[Two games combined, the total output can't keep up with Jack for one round, is Zuo Wu your father? This level can be mixed on the field, the prince of the Snake team, right]

[If it’s really not possible, can you call Martin back? More than enough than Ohq! 】Gu Xing felt physically and mentally comfortable and happy.

Jack stuffed the french fries he had won into his mouth, and was glad to have finished browsing the anti-bar.

"Sure enough, fortunately we won the competition, otherwise the maggots would have to show me what cyber violence is..."

Even if he has a wave of extremely funny sudden death operations.

However, the MVP policewoman in the first game and Verus, who turned the tide in the vanguard of the second game, still saved his reputation today.

And there is a comparison.

With Ohq's poor performance, Jack's sudden death seems not so unacceptable.

"Speaking of which, the animation of your sudden death flashing straight backwards is too joyful, isn't it?" Gu Xingle slapped his thigh, "Save it decisively, and go back to the little red car to make a live wallpaper for you!"

He still can't feel it during the game, and he can't think too much when the form is tense.

Now that the game is over, Gu Xing has enough time to savor Jack's GIF. When he saw the flustered Yu Wenbo flashing his head and knocking him unconscious, he burst into laughter from ear to ear.

The honest and honest Kuro also laughed out loud, "I feel that it has the same effect as Clearlove's big move in last year's World Championships. Hohoho...."

Yu Wenbo was so ashamed that he couldn't lift his head up, he became angry and urged everyone to eat quickly. They found a spine soup pot near the University City, and after filling their stomachs, everyone rushed back to the base. As soon as I entered the Haowangshan community, I met the VGP training department in the moonlight.

"Yo, how is your second team doing now?" Gu Xing grabbed Brother Long's shoulder.

He had just finished eating the hot soup and rice, and he was blowing the cool evening breeze in early summer, looking contented. "Three victories in a row!" Zhu Xiaolong clenched his fists and was so excited that he couldn't help himself, "Wow Kaka is so cool!"


The start date of the first-level league is earlier than that of LPL, and the schedule is relatively denser-after the restructuring in 2017, LSPL also changed from double-loop B01 to B03.

And due to the existence of the relegation match, they must compete for the teams and ranks participating in the relegation before the start of the LPL playoffs.

Because of this, VGP now plays one more game than a team of Big Brothers.

Zhu Xiaolong shared the latest situation of the second team with Gu Xing vividly, with gestures like playing an accordion. VGP's performance in the new season is really impressive.

The combination of zootian, yagao and Nanfu is currently struggling to play in the LPL, but it is no problem to bully the secondary leagues.

Especially after Long Ge stole from Redmi, he decided to build a team according to the template of S6VG, and the results have improved quite a bit.

"This summer is the most promising LSPL competition for VGP!" Zhu Xiaolong was as excited as a chicken blood, "Xiao Dai is not here, no one can stop us!"

Since 2016, LSPL has been a paradise for young generations.

In the spring of S6, EDE, the predecessor of IM, had a dimension reduction attack. AJ and others were all proper LPL players at the time. They came to the secondary league to help the home team practice an LPL ticket to sell money.

In the summer, Nakano Enjueyijue 1.0 version of the blackened Doinb swept LSPL in the name of Dean! S7 ran into Suning again in the spring, and there were a bunch of fierce people inside.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n

By the last LSPL with relegation quotas, there was finally no strong player in the league who came down to compete with the young people for food.

Zhu Xiaolong has already regarded the top league seat as his pocket!

"Come on, Brother Long!" Duan Deliang sincerely sent his blessings, "If you can lead the team to the LPL, you can be regarded as a famous name in the coaching circle."

"That's natural," Zhu Xiaolong patted his chest, with a confident expression, "Just wait and see our VGP—Lu Liansheng will be done!"

Behind him came the sound of the VGP players playing and playing.

Gu Xing looked back and saw Gao Tianliang beating Zhang Xingran violently.

Perhaps it was Zoo's precise defense breaking technique, and Gao Tianliang could only do it if he didn't want to win. But Zhang Xingran is white, fat, tall and tall, which is comparable to that of a squirrel.

The defense attribute was so exaggerated that Gao Tianliang couldn't break the defense at all. "...It's nice to be young." Gu Xing put his hands on his hips.

"Hey, considering what you said, our players born in 1994 and 1995 are not old yet, but you, a jungler born in 1997, feel emotional instead?" Sb feigned dissatisfaction.

Gu Xing debuted at an older age, but he couldn't help but realize his talent at an astonishingly fast speed! Not yet 20 years old, only one step away from the Grand Slam!

This age is still at the peak of LOL e-sports, far from going downhill.

"That's right," Kuro affectionately stroked his jungler's black hair, which felt a bit stiff, "I'm still waiting for the salesman to win the championship, you must not grow old!"

Before Gu Xing could speak, Sb glanced at him.

"Can you be a little more cheerful? Thinking about hugging your thigh every day, how can there be such a weirdo in the middle unit?"

Li Ruixing was confident, "What's the matter? I sold all the soldiers, and I was always the first one to fight in the jungle. I would rather sacrifice the line to support the side lanes. I didn't make any contribution?"

"You are content, if you are not nestled, you don't know how many times you will be caught and killed by the opponent's mid laner!"

Song Jinghao was speechless.

This is indeed a solid fact. As long as Kuro is around, the mid lane is very stable.

Although he said that Carry's ability is not strong, but the victory is stable and will not be exploded-the premise is not to touch Faker and Easyhoon.

Moreover, it can basically trap the opposing mid laner, turning the enemy into a ground-bound spirit, and it is difficult to radiate influence to the side lanes.

In the current version, there are very few mid laners who can be willing to be green leaves!

"Also, how do you talk to brother?" Kuro began to put on airs, "Be careful, if you speak wild words again, you will just wait for the leftovers!"

"Yeah, are you really climbing up the pole?" Sb

Relying on his tall stature, he slapped Kuro on the back of the head, "I gave you a face, right?"

Behind Gao Tianliang and Zoo shook hands and made peace, and the two Korean players scuffled together. Seeing this, Gu Xing let out a long sigh.

Can you be more steady like me?

"Hey, hello?" Gu Xing adjusted the camera, and yawned when he moved the position, "We are live broadcasting this morning, aren't we very diligent? If there are free fish balls, let's swipe it?"

The live broadcast room was crowded with people.

[Good guy, live broadcast at 0 o'clock, let's cook the eagle here, right? 】

[Can you come earlier? There's still class at eight in the morning tomorrow. Brother Xing, it's hard for me to do this! 】【The start time is really capricious, you won't play two sets and run away? 】

Gu Xing flipped through the chat channel.

"Please forgive me," he explained, "Usually there is only one training match in the evening, but the team is very busy these two days, and an extra set is temporarily added, so the broadcasting time is not fixed."

Live broadcasting is certainly a job, but it can only be considered a part-time job at best. Gu Xing's main job is still a professional player, so training is the most important thing.

Since VG developed the double-guaranteed platoon system, Redmi began to increase the amount of practice, trying to make the team familiar with this style of play as soon as possible.

Although they just defeated the Snakes with a crushing momentum two days ago, the coaching staff did not let down their vigilance.

Besides, after winning the championship, the team also received a lot of business activities, which took up a lot of VG players' time.

In his spare time, Gu Xing took the time to live broadcast once to explain the situation to the audience.

"Today we can OB the game in Europe first, the time is just in time for the live broadcast.\\n.\\n.\\nG2 match, the quality is still guaranteed."

He opened the webpage and was about to watch the game when he was attracted by a bullet screen. "Look at the US test server update patch?"

Gu Xing couldn't figure out the situation, "What's the big deal? I heard that there is a new hero named Kayn coming online..."

He jumps to the page of the US test server, which has the hero change log released by the designer. Gu Xing took a rough look, and it was rare for him to lose control of his expression, showing surprise. "ah?"

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