What is a hexagon jungler?

Chapter 422 422: Hiding, keep hiding! Hidden to...

"We're going to talk about the version today." Redmi stood in the center of the training room, with a computer and a tactical whiteboard beside him. "Fist has released Patch 13. According to the official notice, our match against IG will be implemented. Pack."

"It is worth mentioning that the level of this patch is quite high."

The VG players sitting around had a clear expression on their faces.

As we all know, Riot will make two key updates in the middle and end of each year.

That is, the new season (preseason) and the mid-season version, through patches and event planning, will be divided into two parts each year.

In fact, if you look closely, the first half of the year is not a pool of stagnant water without fluctuations.

Among them, in the course of the spring and summer seasons, each has a relatively important version patch. Although the influence cannot keep up with the large-scale updates in the pre-season and mid-season, it will also change the game environment.

This spring's big patch is 4. The focus of the fist is to weaken the high-status assassins during the preseason, and reduce the income of armor-piercing armor collectively, thereby reducing the assassins' output ability and the threat to the back row.

It can only be said that the fist is like this.

The designer's preseason version has just made changes to delay the outbreak, and modified the mechanism of the assassins collectively.

As a result, in the first half of the Spring Split, the performance of the Assassins in the rankings and professional leagues was terrifying, and the Mantis Poodle ruled the entire canyon!

Fist naturally wouldn't immediately admit that the food chain in the canyon became deformed because of a problem with its plan to update the assassin.

They attribute the reason to equipment.

It must be because the armor-piercing armor is too strong, which makes these assassins unscrupulous!

The designer weakened the equipment, and the assassins headed by the mantis poodle fell to the altar, which led to the absolute strength of the men's guns in the second half of the spring split, which also had a profound impact on MSI.

And the 13th version is a patch with a turning point in the summer game!

It will directly determine the game environment in the second half of this year!

"First of all, let's talk about the supermodel monsters in the previous versions." Redmi turned on the projector and presented the patch content in front of everyone. Strong earnings boost..."

"Obviously, the former is used to increase the difficulty of Galio's laning in the early stage, and the latter is to reduce the laning advantage of playing full meat equipment."

Galio's basic armor has been reduced by 3 points in total, which seems harmless, but it is actually seriously damaged.

Since armor is a typical attribute of diminishing marginal effect, every point of armor counts when the laning phase value is not high.

Not to mention that Galio himself is a melee hero!

If you usually go in the middle lane, you will inevitably be consumed by the opponent's long-handed heroes with basic attacks.

The reduction of armor attributes will directly affect its laning ability!

The damage of the Q skill has been reduced, and the impact on Galio is mainly focused on the lane power.

It is a typical roaming mid laner who must clear the mid lane as quickly as possible before leaving the lane for support.

The output of the main clearing method Q [War Wind] has been cut, imperceptibly weakening Galio's roaming strength!

"One thing to say, this knife still hurts..." Gu Xing murmured while holding his chin.

"But I don't think it's a big problem." Kuro had a clear understanding of Galio. "As long as the stats are not weakened too hard, he can play."

Li Ruixing, like Faker who had an epiphany in the intercontinental competition, knew that Galio was strong in mechanics and was really suitable for the professional arena.

"Indeed," Hongmi nodded in agreement, "Let's look at another version of supermodel Zack, his Q [Extended Strike] second-stage casting range has been reduced from 300 yards to 200 yards, and the control strength has dropped slightly."

In Zac's skill group, E is mainly used to get close to the opponent to fight first, and it is difficult to directly control the enemy from a distance in the professional arena.

In this case, the revised Q [Extended Strike] forms an important link in Zac's chain of control!

Many times, in order to ensure that the skill hits, players often use the first Q to put it on objects such as minions and wild monsters, and then use the second Q that strengthens the general attack version to firmly control the opponent.

Now the skill range is reduced by 100 yards, which undoubtedly limits Zac's control methods.

"Galio and Zac have been weakened. Doesn't that mean that BP is about to change?" Jack beamed with joy, "Okay, buddy, I've seen them both upset!"

Since the summer split, these two heroes have bought houses in Ban.

The teams that dared to release all encountered a try-and-die scenario—for example, SKT in the intercontinental competition was beaten dizzy by the WE freewheeling system.

Not only Yu Wenbo, most professional players are already tired of the same BP mode, and feel that there is nothing new.

Now that the supermodel monster has been weakened, it can naturally be released from the ban position!

"Galio should be temporarily removed from the T0 position," Hongmi replied to Yu Wenbo, "but it's hard to say for Zach, because..."

He pressed the keyboard to switch to the next patch content map.

"The jungle equipment has been changed."

When Gu Xing heard his position, he immediately pricked up his ears.

Redmi told the team members about the content of the patch, "First of all... the blue recovery effect provided by the jungler."

Gu Xing looked up.

The hero who originally made the jungle item will get a 180% base mana recovery buff in the jungle.

Now, that number is 225%.

At first glance, it seems very tasteless.

But for most tank heroes, their basic attack output ability is average, and the means of clearing the field mainly rely on skills.

Except for some characters who don't consume mana, everyone's magic value is generally not enough.

The mana recovery effect that Fist brings to the jungle equipment will undoubtedly make tanks feel like ducks in water in the wild!

"Secondly, it is the modification of the slag jungler knife together with [Bambi's slag]..."

Slag was originally priced at 1100 gold coins, but after the patch update it became 900.

The price is 200 gold coins cheaper, and the sacrificed attributes only have 80 health points!

"Although it is a loss to exchange 80 health points for 200 gold coins, but for tank heroes, they are absolutely willing!" Hongmi is very sure of her judgment.

Theoretically, the basic equipment red crystal worth 400 gold coins will provide 150 health points, and the attribute price of 80 blood points should be slightly higher than 200.

But don't forget.

The heroes who produce slag are basically the front row of tanks!

Unlike the C position, they can grab a lot of economy in the team to expand their own development, so as to buy more expensive equipment.

Routan's role in the team determines that he is more functional. He plays himself as a blue-collar and provides sufficient control and frankness for the team to be considered a success!

Naturally, the appeal of the front row is to buy the most molding equipment in the shortest time to support the strength in the early and mid-term.

The reduction in the price of meat packs is a big boost for them!

By making slag ahead of time, tanks can even ride face-gauze ADCs in the early game!

Slag removes the basic attribute changes, and the extra burn damage bonus caused by the equipment itself to non-hero units has also been increased from 50% to 100%.

Whether it is clearing the line or clearing the wild, the efficiency will be greatly improved!

"The improvement of the Cinder Giant's jungle knife is even more obvious," Hongmi said while holding up his glasses. "The health value has been reduced by 75 points, and the price is 200 yuan cheaper. In addition, the increase in the extra health value has increased from 15% to 20%."

Gu Xing hissed lightly.

If we say that [Bambi's Slag] is changed, it makes the tank stronger.

Then the patch content of Cinder Giant is to push the tank jungler to the altar!

75 points of blood for 200 gold coins is an equal exchange.

Combining the economic conditions and actual needs of tanks, it is considered a small profit for front row heroes.

But the increase in the extra life value in the back is too exaggerated!

If you make a piece of equipment with 500 HP, you can prostitute 100 HP for nothing!

Coupled with the increase in the recovery of mana in the wild, after a little thought, you will know that the priority of tank junglers will usher in a qualitative leap in the professional arena!

"Now you understand why I said that Zac's jungler will still be hot in the arena, right?" Hongmi shrugged, "Even if he doesn't have a mana bar, he can't get the bonus of mana recovery, but the strengthening of the cinder jungler It's a real improvement for him!"

Zac's characteristics are here, the higher the health value, the more inflated the body will be.

The slag jungler has a high degree of fit with the Xiang fighter!

"Yes, ruthless..." Kuro's heart fell silent instantly after being excited by Galio's lifting of the ban, "Does the fist have to keep slashing at Xiaogu?"

He was very dissatisfied with the designer's direction of change.

Strengthening the tank jungler is tantamount to weakening Gu Xing!

Rao is that Gu Xing has a deep pool of heroes, whether it is a crispy skin or a tank, he can be chosen.

But in terms of Carry ability, it has to be a wild core character.

If the front row jungler prevails, it will be difficult for Gu Xing to reverse the version and play wild core.

What about the tank tool man?

The more Li Ruixing thought about it, the more angry he became.

League of Legends Designer!

Don't care about C, you take me to win?

Redmi continued to display the version update content, [Adaptive Helmet] HP increased by 50 points, and [Abyss Mask] was also strengthened.

The designer is gone.

He had a showdown.

The naked thing is to strengthen the tank, and the intention is obvious!

Gu Xing frowned.

"Hey, stay north..." Smeb muttered the Tibetan words he learned from the Flash Wolves some time ago, "They just deleted all warrior heroes, and only tank heroes are allowed in the list!"

Song Jinghao faced exactly the same predicament as Gu Xing.

Known as the hexagonal warrior, he is proficient in various top lane heroes.

Can C and dog, also has a good understanding of tank heroes.

But the problem is the same.

Playing tanks is difficult to carry the whole team!

Excluding the example of treating the individual case as a whole, the front row tool man lacks output, and his role in team battles is indeed not as good as that of the C position.

The designer's knife made the tank hero succeed, directly threatening the strength of the upper field that VG is proud of!

Since the transfer period last year, everyone has been looking forward to VG Ueno.

The TOP1 player of the S6 World Championship plus the FMVP, the system formed by the two is the strongest Ueno in the world!

But let them play tanks, how can they exert influence on the overall situation?

Redmi calmed down the team members slightly.

"The 13th edition is not all bad news for us," he curled his lips into a smile. "The hard work in the first half of the summer split finally paid off."

As soon as the content of the next patch appeared, the VG training room resounded with loud cheers!

"Good job!" Duan Deliang clenched his fists and vented his inner emotions by shouting, "Fist, the hanging designers, wash my neck and wait!"

"Beautiful!" Yu Wenbo laughed so hard that his mouth crooked, "Boys are waiting for today!"

Gu Xing, who was depressed at first, also laughed out loud.

The content of the patch that caused the entire VG team to use the face-changing method is the change of auxiliary equipment.

To be precise, it is an ancient coin.

Fist finally got tired of watching the scene where a group of protectors with holy relic shields fight each other in the bottom lane, and decided to add a little bit of variables to the auxiliary ecological environment.

It is impossible for the designer to enhance the long-hand consumption aid that Duan Deliang used to perfection before, at least there is currently no intention to change the blade of the law.

Then ancient coins are the only choice!

In version 13, the gold coin reward picked up by the ancient coin is increased from 20 to 25, and the mana coin is restored from 8% of the lost mana to 15%!

When the player upgrades the ancient coins to high-level equipment such as [Nomad Seal], the gold coin reward will reach 40!

The enhancement made the VG players extremely excited!

"It's a good thing we hid the double-guaranteed platoon system with soft support," Gu Xingxi said with a smile on his face, "If it's used during the summer split, the designer will definitely be cut twice!"

These remarks were unanimously approved by the entire VG team.

They have already seen the insanity of the fist.

This patch in the middle of the summer split fully demonstrated Riot's shameless oppression against strong teams!

Just like what Gu Xing said, if the cards hidden in VG were thrown out earlier, the designer would definitely not let go of the soft auxiliary protection system, at least don't even think about strengthening the ancient coins!

After a long wait, when it finally came to fruition, it was inevitable for the VG members to be excited.

"This is really good news..." Kuro was very pleased, "Can we use it?"

Hongmi frowned in thought.

"My suggestion is to wait a little longer," he said of his thoughts, "We don't have much pursuit of the results of the regular season, so we simply hold this hole card and use it in the playoffs. At that time, the designer will have nothing to do to weaken it. !"

The playoff version was fixed.

By the time VG took out the long-cherished hole card, the fist had already been unable to recover, and they could only let them use the routine to the end!

Everyone looked at each other and let out a tacit low laugh, which sounded quite eerie in a confined space.

"This is the core content of the Riot 13 version. Let me summarize," Hongmi reorganized the logic chain. "The original two supermodel monsters, Galio and Zack, have been weakened, and Galio will be directly banned from the permanent position." However, Zac benefited from the overall enhancement of tanks in the jungle, and his position is likely to remain stable..."

"The remaining supermodel monster skate shoes have not been weakened in version 13, but due to the strengthening effect of ancient coins, there is a high probability that they will leave the ban position."

Redmi simply explained, "Except for Thresh and Luo, who have more complex multi-functional positioning, which are applicable to ancient coins, there are also characters such as Lulu Karma, who don't match skate shoes."

At least that's how it looks from the current version.

Skateboard shoes need to be suppressed on the line, and are more suitable for hard assists with strong opening capabilities.

Linked with Lulu Karma's crispy soft auxiliary, Calista's strong fighting ability has nowhere to play!

"And as tanks gradually occupy the upper field position, the double C will be forced to choose the C position with stronger output capability..." Hongmi talked eloquently, "Calista's team battle damage intensity is not high, maybe it will be defeated Version eliminated."

"On the whole, Verus should be a very stable choice for the bottom lane. There are signs of a panacea. No matter what support is used, it has a percentage damage and Chetan is also very fast," he analyzed. "In the first half of the summer split The prevailing Ice seems to be unable to find a place in the professional arena."

Gu Xing nodded in agreement.

Although Han Bing at this time is not the Gua Sha Ai master in the future.

But the skill mechanism determines that her damage is very low when facing tanks, and a blue shield can restrain Ashe to death!

E [Eagle Strikes the Sky] is the key weapon for her to dominate the professional arena.

However, after version 13, it must not have any effect.

Because in the environment where there are real swords and guns in the wild, the vision of the wild provided by Eagle Spirit is of great value.

It allows one's own jungler to grasp the information difference, so as to plan an attack to suppress the enemy.

However, the 13th version is clearly playing the role of a meat tank jungler.

Even if Han Bing shoots the eagle spirit and sees the position of the enemy jungler, so what?

Is it possible to expect a role like Pig Girl to go to the solo jungler in the barrel to fight?

Although Eagle Strikes the Sky has value, it is no longer worth the team investing too much BP resources for her, and the priority has to be lowered!

Gu Xing raised his hand at this time to supplement his understanding, "I think the spider is still a very good choice in the field matchup."

Elise did not touch the designer's 40-meter sword, and her own strength is not a problem.

"Could it be too hard?" Hou Ye questioned, "The spider's voice is too low in the late team battle..."

Compared with the solid front row of tanks, Elise really doesn't have a high sense of presence in team battles!

"It's just the offensive pressure." Gu Xing felt overwhelmed. "But the spiders bring a lot of benefits to the team. As long as they can bring the rhythm up, the team can still win."

"I see that in the 13th patch, the gold reward for vanguard's kill has been increased from 25 to 100, which makes the vanguard's importance to a higher level. Choosing a meat tank as a jungler is definitely not as easy as a spider to control resources!"

Redmi cast a favorable glance and agreed with Gu Xing, "The meat-eating rhythm jungler is really squeezed by the tank version. If you want to stand out, you have to go to extremes..."

"A character like the blind monk must be difficult to appear in version 13, because his Gank is unstable, and he has to wait until level 6 to control it."

"Spider and Rek'Sai should be the few non-grass-eating meat tank heroes that can appear in version 13."

The early Gank of these two characters highlights a rogue.

As long as there is a slight chance, the two of them can kill each other with their own abilities!

"So please don't waste these two heroes while practicing tank and jungle in the recent qualifying matches. They will always come in handy." Hongmi urged Gu Xing.

Then he scanned the players in the training room again.

"Next, let's talk about the other updates of version 13..."

13 The core logic is to clarify the status of the tank.

But the specific content is much more than that.

Redmi had to dismantle the version and tell the team members, for fear of missing details.

VG players concentrate on listening carefully to better understand the version, so as to improve their hero pool accordingly.

The version seminar did not end until late at night, but the curtain of version 13 was slowly opened.

VG must meet new challenges!

In the S7 season, from the spring split to the summer split, there were a lot of changes in the written version, and a lot of pen and ink was spent.

Looking at it in series can help everyone better understand the content and focus of the version at that time.

After all, patching is the top priority of League of Legends, one version after another.

You can also sort out the version changes to let everyone know why it eventually evolved into the game environment of the S7 World Championship.

So you have a certain concept of BP mode.

PS: The birth of the Censer Monster is not far away.

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