What is a hexagon jungler?

Chapter 423 423: A brand new way to deal with it!

The whole VG team was ready for battle, and immediately devoted themselves to the training of the new version.

But the difficulty of running-in is extremely high.

"What's the matter with you?"

Little Peanut muttered dissatisfiedly from the phone, "The quality of this training match is too bad, right?"

Kuro laughed and said nothing.

Gu Xing sat on the engineering chair and looked at the whiteboard in the training room, on which were written the recent training games.

It can only be said that VG's performance in the battle is not ideal.

A whole day with Dragon Ball.

In the three training rounds, VG's winning percentage dropped to less than 40%.

Come to think of it, it was the first time this year!

No wonder Peanut complained about the mediocre quality of training matches.

Seeing that the VG players were silent, Peanut pushed forward.

"Hohohoho, you guys have today too?" He said triumphantly, "We, Dragon Ball, have turned around now!"

Dragon Ball is doing really well right now.

Since the end of the intercontinental competition, they have been advancing all the way when they returned home. So far, they have not lost even a single game!

Peanut's mentality collapsed for several days by Xiao Heizi from the Inven forum, and now he finally recovered.

Spraying, will it affect our Dragon Ball win?

The angrier the Korean Internet troll gets, the more he wants to win!

Smeb felt dissatisfied after listening to the ridicule from the younger brother in the team, "You still hate going to VG? Why don't you fight in the future, and find a suitable team to make an appointment with!"

Little Peanut heard the annoyance in Song Jinghao's tone, and instantly switched to a hippie smiling face.

"Oh, what are you doing... You can't even make fun of me? You all mocked Dragon Ball back then. Brother Jing Hao, you can't be too double-standard!"

"The training match of the appointment has to continue, which of our two teams will fight with whom?"

Although Peanut mocked VG verbally, he couldn't do anything to cancel the training match.

After all, at the most difficult moment of Dragon Ball, it was VG who took the initiative to lend a helping hand and help them find their status.

Even developed a female police system.

Although the policewoman was weakened after being used by VG for one game.

But it is undeniable that VG has indeed helped Dragon Ball.

Little Peanut thinks he has learned the favor, so he can't run away immediately after watching VG's recent training match decline.

Isn't that a person who dislikes the poor and loves the rich?

Besides, if you don't make an appointment with VG, who else can you find for training matches?

You must know that Dragon Ball is now a complete winner in the LCK, but its winning rate against VG is only in the early 60s!

VG's skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and the absolute strength lies here. It is difficult for Peanut to find a suitable substitute!

"Tomorrow we have to play KT," Peanut browsed the schedule, "we can have another round of training when we come back tonight to help VG find his status."

"Thank you!" Gu Xing thanked him sincerely.

Under normal circumstances, no training match will be arranged on the day when there is a match.

Players have to rest after a day of exhaustion.

It's not easy for Little Peanut to offer an overtime appointment to accompany VG in the run-in version, and he has given a lot of face.

Gu Xing felt guilty when he thought of this.

The opponent didn't even know that VG had hidden a soft auxiliary system with double protection and platooning.

Although the team once showed the strength of the system to Dragon Ball in the first match at the beginning of the summer split.

However, VG was no longer used after that, whether it was a training match or a main match, the soft auxiliary system completely disappeared.

Due to the lineup structure and other reasons, Dragon Ball couldn't copy VG's routine and turn it into its own use, so it didn't take it to heart.

I just thought that VG was forced to give up this double-guaranteed platoon and soft-assist play because of problems or unacceptable factors.

"You can make an appointment for a training match like this now, can the coach agree?" Song Jinghao asked curiously, "Shouldn't you report to him?"

"Wu Suo Wei," Little Peanut said nonchalantly, "Is it wrong for us to work overtime for training matches?"

The Dragon Ball players are a little less trusting of Kim Jung-soo right now.

They found the coach to be useless.

The main reason is that the loss in the foreign war was too bad. The double defeat of the mid-season game and the intercontinental game not only caused the Korean Open to lose confidence in Dragon Ball, but also the Dragon Ball players no longer believed in the authority of the coach unconditionally.

Our performance in the few games against the LPL was really mediocre, but even if most of our players were at fault, as a coach, don’t you have any responsibility at all?

Now that Dragon Ball is taking off again, the routine used comes from Khan's whim, what does it have to do with you, Kim Jung-soo?

In the team, there are pure newcomers like the middle and upper class, and there are also veterans like Xuan Ming and Er Lao.

In a world where seniority is all about seniority, Kim Jung-soo does not have the upper hand.

"Success," Kuro waved to the little peanut on the phone screen, "See you tomorrow!"

After hanging up the video call, Hongmi, who had been sorting out the training video before, got up to speak.

"Our performance in the training match during this period is relatively average..." He scanned the audience, seeing clearly the facial expressions of every VG player, as if he wanted to use this method to guess the psychological activities of everyone.

What makes Redmi very satisfied is that the VG players are relatively calm and calm, and their mentality has not been affected by the decline in training results.

The team members are not all hard-hearted, and they are not moved by the decline in their status.

Rather, they have adapted to this rhythm.

Rao is Jack with the least experience in the competition, and he has been taught several times by the designer's iron fist!

Riot's various targets in the past year have made the entire VG team accustomed to it.

"But to be honest, the state of the training match is generally within my expectations," Hongmi said. "It would be strange if we can ignore the weakening of the fist."

"Riot tried their best to strengthen the tank in the 13th version, just to weaken our dominance in the upper field, and forcibly handed over the heavy responsibility of the Carry game to the double C. system……"

As mentioned before, VG double C is a sub-core style of play.

If you want to transform into an absolute core, at present, you have to use double protection platoons, combined with soft support to protect Jack's output environment, so that Yu Wenbo can use his strong output ability to play.

But VG, who wants to hide his hole cards, dare not use it casually, worried that if someone steals it, he will cast it first in the professional arena, and attract fists again!

With insufficient resources to protect the ADC, it is difficult for Jack to go forward in team battles, and it is easy to be killed by the enemy's concentrated fire when he charges into the battle.

The restricted Ueno, the ADC who can't flex his muscles...

It is conceivable that the results of the VG training competition will naturally not be good!

"But today's training match, we didn't get nothing," Hongmi said with a smile, "Thanks to Dragon Ball, I reminded everyone."

"Why can Dragon Ball win consecutively in the current LCK?"

He asked and answered.

"Because of Jess!"

Redmi showed the team members Khan's hero stats in recent games.

"Khan has used Jess for 5 rounds since the Intercontinental Tournament. He won all of them with an average output of 777 points, a team damage ratio of 1%, a matchup economy lead of +3522, and matchups in the first 15 minutes. Knife leading +44... a proper big daddy performance!"

When Redmi announced the intelligence information provided by E+, there was a burst of discussions in the VG training room.

"I'm a tortoise, can this data be typed out by humans?"

"Scary Jesse, Papa C... Khan is still awesome, is he considered the number one Jesse in the LCK?"

"I've watched him play two sets. He's a no-brainer when it comes to laning, and he often overwhelms the opponent so much that he doesn't even have experience."

"Mai Bo, do you dare to touch him?"

Smeb immediately held his head high when he heard this, "Just for fun, didn't MSI just veil him? At that time, I couldn't even think about Khan!"

"One moment, another moment," Hongmi reminded him not to be complacent, "Jess couldn't be selected in the mid-season game, and Khan's strength was reduced."

"His laning strength is very high, and he can even be said to be a historically strong player when he gets Jayce."

When Khan debuted, he emerged in the professional circle with the label of Jace's unique skills.

Piltover's Second Battalion Commander is also a famous laning monster. He can often overwhelm the opponent and can't take care of himself!

In the 5 Jess games that Khan has used so far in the LCK Summer Split, he has almost hoisted his opponent up!

"Of course, today we are not going to discuss how good Khan is when he uses Jayce," Hongmi brought the topic back on track in time, "but to study this hero."

"For what reason did Khan abandon Jess between MSI and Intercontinental?"

Smeb can answer this question, "Because the armor-piercing armor has been weakened since the middle of the Spring Split, and Jayce himself has been taken care of by Riot's designers, so the strength is not enough to suppress the opponent in the early and mid-term."

After careful study, Jess was regarded as an innocent person implicated.

Originally, the designer just wanted to weaken the assassin in a disguised form, but he didn't expect to affect Jess, who also wanted to wear armor.

After being slashed, the Second Battalion Commander couldn't do anything wrong on the field, and was always in the embarrassing situation of being hidden.

It wasn't until Khan returned from the intercontinental competition that he took out Jess again to kill all directions!

"That's right," Hongmi agreed with Smeb's point of view, "but have you ever thought about why Khan suddenly changed his sex after the intercontinental match and carried Jess who entered the sewer to the arena?"

Of course, Gu Xing didn't know that it was he who inspired Khan during the handshake after the game.

"Because tank heroes are prevalent?" he guessed. "The front row poses no threat to Jace's existence."

Jess is tricky.

In the hands of Brother Unique, this hero is afraid of characters with a longer range than him, or the kind of close-faced heroes who can't be crushed and kill line monsters.

Like a pure tank, it's really hard to put pressure on him.

It is said that the output of the skill panel of the front row meat tank is good, but that is all.

In terms of burst damage, the tanks are really not enough.

What they are better at is to use shields or recovery methods to rely on the line, and gradually grasp the initiative in the line through non-stop fighting.

But most of the tanks have short hands, how can they get close to Jess and invite him to exchange blood?

I'm afraid he was bombarded by the enemy's cannons before he reached the second battalion commander's face!

"That's right," Hongmi nodded, "Among the regular tank top laners, only Bobby has a certain ability to resist..."

The double ponytail cannon has the ability to protrude the face, and W [firm demeanor] can also block Jace's hammer form Q skill.

The laning period is certainly uncomfortable, but once the ice fist is released, relying on the percentage damage of Q [Holy Hammer Slam] to chase all the way, maybe you can hit a single kill!

In the S6 World Championship, many blue-collar top laners used her to face Jess.

The effect is good and bad, but in general, only Poppy can do this among tank heroes.

"Another reason is that the price of Dolan's shield has increased, and meat tanks only have a bottle of blood medicine when they go out with defensive items. It is difficult to withstand the pressure online."

Facing Jess, a bottle of red is not enough!

At this time, there were no runes such as [Wind of Recovery], and online heroes didn't have many ways to resist stress, so it was easy for Jess to lower their blood volume.

Then the second battalion commander can use the line right on the road to choose to stock up on the line and enter the tower, and shake the jungler to jump the tower and roll the snowball!

"In the end, Khan dared to unscrupulously exert pressure on the top lane, which is inseparable from the efforts of the jungler," Hongmi gushed, "He knew that Peanut would come to protect him."

Jayce is very afraid of jungle Gank.

He has a limited fault tolerance rate in the professional arena. If he is killed by Gank a few times in the early stage and wastes the golden period of laning suppression, he may be silent.

"In particular, Peanut is very good at the spider, a rhythm-type jungler who can jump up without thinking. The two cooperate perfectly and can often tear a gap in the top lane!"

Redmi changed the subject and boosted the morale of the team with an uplifting tone, "But we also have a similar Ueno lineup in VG!"

"Jing Hao + Pin Gu, in terms of strength, it is even better than Dragon Ball Ueno!" He looked at the two of them, "Why can't we use Jess?"

Gu Xing fell into deep thought.

If Jess can be selected for the top laner, it will undoubtedly greatly relieve the pressure on the team.

Taking Smeb as the absolute core of the team, double C returns to its own positioning, and the burden of the team's output can also be handed over to Song Jinghao.

The whole VG will enter the familiar field!

In the current version, Jayce's only flaw is the high offensive pressure.

If it is delayed to the later stage, the opposing tank hero is bound to shine in the team battle, blocking Jess's reinforced gun with his own solid arm, and has more influence on the situation than the second battalion commander.

However, Gu Xing felt that the price was acceptable.

The principle is exactly the same as the spider queen in the jungle position!

With VG's quick attack advantage, as long as they can snowball as soon as possible, they can win the game before Jess' strong period ends!

Song Jinghao also thinks that Jess is a good choice.

"Just do it!" He agreed deeply, "I'll take Jess out later to find the feel!"

Smeb was very proficient at Jayce before, and he used it a lot in the Tigers.

As a newcomer to join VG, he was also selected many times in the spring split, and together with Gu Xing, he formed the sharpest blade of the team, piercing the enemy's heart fiercely!

It's just that I haven't played for a long time, and it's a bit rusty.

Song Jinghao dared to bring the Second Battalion Commander onto the stage only after he had a lot of hands.

Redmi finally made a decision, "Version 13, let's practice the Baoshang system headed by Jess!"

After solving the immediate problem, the atmosphere in the training room suddenly became relaxed and cheerful.

Gu Xing specially opened customization, picking out a few junglers who are suitable for helping on the road to practice jungle clearing and various skills.

It was not until early in the morning that I returned to the dormitory to prepare to wash and rest.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw my friend's figure.

"Brother Xing, you still bought a CD player?" Ding Ran looked at the table with great interest.

He was on the summer vacation of his freshman year, and his parents were all busy with work, so they simply went to his brother Ding Jun to hang out.

"Yes." Gu Xing took out a change of clothes from the closet, got up and walked to the bathroom, "Guan Shan gave me an album, and I'll buy a CD player to listen to before going to bed."

After obtaining Gu Xing's consent, Ding Ran turned on the CD player and played "The Last Battle".

"Tudoo..." He was very childish, lying on the table and imitating the prelude to the song.

"Don't tell me, this CD player sounds really different from QQ Music!" Ding Ran was intoxicated by it, "The treble is sweet, the middle pitch is accurate, and the bass is deep. In a word, it is transparent!"

"You've watched Infernal Affairs too much... I suspect it's a psychological effect," Gu Xing turned on the nozzle and chatted with him, "Didn't everyone say that you can only listen to it for less than 10,000 yuan?"

"Maybe." Ding Ran lay down on his own bed and stretched, "Are you confident in playing IG tomorrow? I think your performance in the training match is average."

"There must be," Gu Xing replied without thinking, "Even if I don't win a training match, I still think I can win in the arena."

Ding Ran felt relieved, put his hands behind his head, and reminded his friends, "I just saw the big list posted by IG, and Cuzz will start tomorrow, so don't hold back, if the opponent finds you back, you will lose face at that time." It's gone!"

In the spring game, Gu Xing sent Cuzz to the ICU in two sets, destroying the genius that countless dog sons placed high hopes on. The game is still talked about by VG supporters.

If Cuzz were to take revenge tomorrow, I would feel ashamed after thinking about it.

Gu Xing's focus is not on his grievances with the opponent's jungler, but on his confusion about the roster.

"Cuzz debut? IG is crazy!"

As the founder of the LPL league arrangement, IG still refuses to give up traditional arts.

For the current team, only the mid laner and the support team are determined.

The bottom lane shooter is vacillating between the original GT Eddie West and the child Youshen.

Ueno has two options.

One is Audi + Cuzz, and the other is TheShy + Ning.

Due to the identity restrictions of the single broiler, Ueno cannot be all Korean aid, and can only be disassembled for use.

IG was stunned to be able to play out the rotation of these three positions!

In the first half of the summer split, IG put up the Audi+Cuzz+West combination in every game.

If you win, keep playing. If you lose the first game, you have to see who has the worst performance, and take the worst one down to see the water cooler.

If it's an ADC problem, it's easy to solve.

But if there is a mistake in one of the Ueno rings, they have to be replaced together!

The funny scene once drew ridicule from the audience.

As the schedule progressed, the performance of the first group of Ueno combinations was relatively slow.

Audi's personal strength is inherently problematic. Cuzz was abused by Gu Xing to the point where his morale collapsed, and his strength fluctuated very unstable on the field.

The combination of Ueno and Ueno can achieve a surprising effect of 1+1\u003c2!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are not very good at strength.

In addition, Gu Xing obviously restrained Cuzz.

Before the game, it was generally believed that IG would make TheShy+Ning the starting field.

Unexpectedly, it was still Cuzz!

"I don't understand either," Ding Ran turned up the temperature of the air conditioner, "If it wasn't for Cuzz's nationality, I wonder if he also blocked the atomic bomb for Wang Sicong."

Gu Xing thought of a more reasonable logic.

"Maybe I just don't want to give up on Cuzz. They worked really hard in the spring, and they showed a lot of strength."

From the perspective of the IG management, after all, Cuzz has had a bright performance, and it is a reasonable thing to gain trust, and it still has a certain cultivation value.

Ding Ran diverged his thoughts, "Maybe he wants Cuzz to seek revenge on you. If he succeeds in taking you down, maybe he will recover his state and return to the land fairyland!"

He thought and thought, and hurriedly changed his words, "It doesn't seem right, Cuzz has never been a land fairy, where did he come back?"

Gu Xing left the bathroom, seeing that the time was not too early, he fiddled with the CD player twice and brought up "Dragon Fist" as a sleeping song, "No matter how many soldiers come to cover up the water and the soil, whoever comes to the stage will be upset, anyway, it will be me win."

After the lights were turned off, Jay Chou was still singing hard, and the fast-paced rap music echoed in the room.

"My right fist opened the sky and turned into a dragon..."


"Welcome to the sixth week of the 2017 LPL League, this is Super Brand Plaza!"

Zeyuan's unique voice came, "The next two sides are VG and IG!"

Partner Su Xiaoyan twitched her ears and broke her hair, "IG is still testing the lineup today, with the Ueno of Audi + Cuzz paired with the children Youshen and Baolan in the bottom lane!"

"One thing to say, this contest is not good news for IG Ueno," Zeyuan said worriedly, "Whether it is Audi or Cuzz, they can be called rookies with little experience."

"In this game, facing the most powerful upper-field combination in the LPL, whether they can withstand the heavy pressure is still unknown!"

The scene of Cuzz being beaten into autism in spring is vivid, and Zeyuan couldn't help sweating for IG Ueno.

"For the two of them, the good news is that the version is changed to 13, and a large number of tank heroes have emerged in the Ueno and field positions," Su Xiaoyan tried to make up for it, "The pressure of the laning period given by Brother Xing and Smeb should not Big."

Like most commentators, she reads the version and only studies the surface.

This is no wonder Su Xiaoyan.

The commentator couldn't get the data of the training game. Of course, he didn't understand what attempts the teams had made around the changes in version 13. He could only consider it from the patch text.

Judging from the willingness disclosed by the fist alone, the designer is indeed trying to improve the status of the tank.

"BP has started!"

Zeyuan shouted, drawing her attention back to the arena.

The BP panel was presented in front of all audiences!

The year is finally over, and I just left my hometown with my partner today.

The author who has nothing to do can make up the number of words

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