What is a hexagon jungler?

Chapter 443 443: Got it figured out?

"Zero for two!"

Miller's voice was loud, "RNG and Ueno are both down!"

"Blood-deprived duck," remembering to think about the problem from the perspective of RNG, couldn't help but feel heartbroken, "Xiangguo came to squat instead, and instead of trying to steal the chicken or lose the rice, he put himself in!"

The VG fans at the scene kept tapping the light sticks in their hands. On top of the dull sound, there were even more deafening cheers!

The reaction of the royal supporters during the battle perfectly interprets the face-changing at the speed of light.

When Liu Shiyu's wine barrel stunned VG Ueno with meat, eggs, green onion and chicken, he shouted more than anyone else.

But when Jax and the poodle completed the counter fight, they couldn't laugh.

Looking at the tragic state of RNG Ueno lying in the canyon, RNG fans wanted to cry but had no tears.

How could he not be able to beat him when he squatted back?

This is not scientific!

The director gave the replay video of the Ueno battle in due course.

Miller stared at the big screen, not missing any detail.

"Smeb flashed back to resist the control of the second wall of Qinggang Shadow. This wave of operations is really ruthless, and he directly rescued Brother Xing who was in danger!" He praised again and again.

If Qing Gangying kicked Gu Xing unconscious, followed by A and pulled up, the poodle that has not yet stacked 4 layers of cruelty will undoubtedly die!

I can't even hide the praise in my tone.

"Not only that, Jax adjusted his position at the same time so that his counterattack storm stunned the enemy Ueno and the field, delaying the time so that Brother Xing can use the second Q [cruel and ruthless] before the blood bar disappears, and use the cruelty value to full W's blood recovery survived successfully!"

In the slow-motion playback, Jax's operation is pleasing to the eye.

Shaking his hand and swinging the street lamp, he kept knocking wildly. After each basic attack, he would move a small step forward, firmly blocking the enemy's retreat.

With double Dolan swords in hand, the weapon master has a full stack of passive [Relentless Combat], and the combat power is quite amazing!

In the end, RNG Ueno was killed by street lamps and gave Jax 600 yuan!

Witnessing the wonderful performance of the weapon master again, there was endless applause at the scene!

The barrage in the webcast room instantly ushered in a blowout.

[Fuck Maibo! Cruel Jax! So handsome? 】

[This is the world's top road operation, R (day) N (you) G (brother) gave the opposite show a turnaround]

[Letme really can't do it, even if the incense pot is under his control, he can't kill Brother Xing? 】

[Isn't this wine barrel insisting on arresting people? In 5 minutes, this beer talent is level 3, and the spicy hot pot is doing a good job]

[I can only say that RNG's top laner is muddy and can't support the wall, and the anti-squatting of the incense pot is already perfect, okay? 】

[Hohohohoho, I remember the scene where a BO3 of Letme was suppressed by a total of 10,000 in the spring, and I feel that I am not a player of the same level as Smeb at all]

In the RNG player booth, Letme looked at the black and white screen with an annoyed expression.

"My fault, I was nervous for a while, and the operation went wrong..."

He was filled with guilt.

Looking at the enemy Jax who took two consecutive kills, Letme once again recalled the fear of being dominated by Smeb's invincible split pushing in the spring split.

I couldn't help myself for a while, and the fingers holding the mouse were trembling slightly.

How do you play against the line next?

Xiangguo glanced at his Shangdan, pursed his lips and said nothing.

you do not say.

After I stunned the other side with meat, eggs, green onion and chicken, what do you have to think about AQ?

With the hook rope directly, these two people will be stunned, Gu Xing can't survive!

It is nothing more than a slight overlap in control, resulting in a short burst of damage in a short period of time.

But Qing Gangying can still kill Gu Xing with an extra flash and output.

As a result, you have to be greedy for damage and save skills, and give the opponent room to operate!

This is good, Jax directly numbs the scalps of both of them!

Xiangguo wants to calm down and continue to focus on the content of the game.

But the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.


Since the first blood was caught in the bottom lane, the situation of RNG has taken a sharp turn for the worse.

The most outrageous thing is that it's not that the thinking is crushed, but that the insight into the enemy's intentions is manipulated to the point of numbness!

First of all, it was predicted that Gu Xing would raid the middle lane when Xiaohu pressed the line. Xiangguo led Xiao Ming to counter-squat, and then Niutou's flash Erlian was dodged by Kuro. VG Nakano instead killed Li Yuanhao and retreated.

The second is the insight that Gu Xing may not return to the city to replenish supplies, and he may come to the road to help Jax feel disgusted. Qing Gangying, Xiangguo decisively followed up, and completed the anti-squat again, and then due to Letme's operation error, Jax completed a double kill !

Xiangguo gritted his teeth with hatred.

Obviously, Gu Xing's movement has been calculated accurately, but he can't win with hard manipulation. This feeling of powerlessness is even more desperate than being crushed by his thoughts!

Corresponding to the silence in the RNG player bench, there is the never-ending laughter of the VG side.

"Good Maibo!" Gu Xingyu secretly rejoiced after the robbery, and praised his teammates, "I must treat you to barbecue tonight!"

While speaking, he didn't forget to take a sip of iced Coke to suppress his shock.

Smeb smiled, "Qinggangying on the other side really gave you a chance, I thought you were doomed, but I didn't expect you to be able to save him!"

"Not bad, not bad," Kuro praised the top laner by name, with a smile on his face, "Jing Hao has made great achievements in this wave, it is worthy of you, the number one player in S6TOP20!"

Song Jinghao was quite surprised, "Why are you praising me? Something is wrong!"

The last time he heard Kuro sincerely praise himself was more than half a year ago.

At that time, I was in the Tigers, and I was a veritable big daddy player. Kuro boasted himself to the sky every time he played, and he got carried away, and his heart was very good.

After coming to VG, the appearance of his real father, Virtue, made Kuro immediately change his family and join the new boss.

Smeb has since never enjoyed the luxury of the Tigers.

Unexpectedly, Li Ruixing actually changed his mind and licked himself today!

"Don't get me wrong." Kuro is not under much pressure in the lane now, and he can find time to say a few witty words, "I just praise you because you saved Gu's life!"

Song Jinghao was directly silenced, not knowing what to say.

Finally had to pull the topic back on track.

"Just watch me perform in this game, this Qinggang Ying has already collapsed."

Even if Letme didn't hand over the flash when he was killed, it didn't affect the situation on the road.

The multiple flashes of Qinggang Ying are nothing more than one more chance to escape later, if you really want to fight head-to-head, even ten flashes of her are not enough to kill Jax!

After all, when facing a weapon master, Flash plays very little role in the duel, and it cannot avoid Jax's main damage ability. If someone swings the street lamp up, killing the steel shadow is as difficult as pinching a chicken to death.

Smeb blocked the line of soldiers that hadn't advanced his own defense tower before going on the road, returned to the city to make up a handful of flares, teleported to the line and continued to control the line.

Letme originally wanted to teleport over to clear the line of soldiers after being resurrected, but Song Jinghao was faster, and at this moment manipulated Jax to stand beside the soldiers.

As long as he dared to step forward to clean up the minions, Letme had no doubt that Jax would jump up and give him a stick!

Jax of Shining Double Dolan means invincibility in the early 5 minutes!

Yan Junze only has Dolan + long sword + red crystal on his body, the economy is far apart, and the combat effectiveness cannot be compared!

It's just that he can't just watch the minion being stuck in front of the enemy tower by Jax all the time, then he might not have a chance to make up the knife for three to five minutes!

As a last resort, Letme bit the bullet and went to clear the line.

As he expected, Jax jumped up and slashed first, triggering the flare damage to lower Qinggang Shadow's HP.

After the RNG minions set fire to themselves, Smeb started to counterattack the storm shake hand.

Letme made a kick before the opponent launched a counterattack storm, and wanted to use an adaptive shield to help resist the damage.

It's just that the shield attribute is generated by the system based on the proportion of the damage type caused by the opponent before.

A physical shield appeared above Qing Gangying's head.

Although it can block the output of basic attacks, Jax's W [charged attack] is AP output!

The weapon master's stick directly hit Qinggang Ying's blood bar to only 60%!

Letme wants to use E [Hook Rope] to cooperate with the second section of the wall to return and kick Jax to stun him, and then leave the range of the counter storm.

But it's still the same problem.

Can't run away.

Qinggangying's movement speed is only 340, and her wall back can't be controlled for a second in front of Jax, who has the talent of resilience!

Smeb can completely turn off the counterattack storm manually after the dizziness is lifted, smash the enemy's physical shield, and then hit the A stick to regenerate the flare damage, and reduce the blood volume of Qinggangying to less than half!

The follow-up is to chase A all the way. After the opponent surrenders W [Tactical Sweep], Jax's Jump Slash is cooled down again, and he rushes forward to add another basic attack of light!

"Oh..." Miller couldn't bear to watch, "How can this Qinggang Shadow play?"

Remember to give advice, "Shouldn't he go back to the city to supply a wave? If he keeps going, Jax will be forced to dodge next time he jumps up!"

"The only good news is that Jax chased too deep just now, and didn't get stuck in the pawn line in front of the tower. Putting the minions in his own tower, Qinggang Ying can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and wait for the pawn line to push back. Make up knife development..."

But is this really good news?

Cold sweat broke out on Letme's forehead.

He felt that if he stayed under the tower any longer, he would definitely be jumped over the tower!

There was no other way, Letme had no choice but to go back to the city to resupply, first restore the blood volume to full before talking, and tried to shake people in the voice.

"Liu Shiyu, can you squat back for me?"

He was quite guilty, after all, the last time Xiangguo came over and squatted back, he made a mistake and hurt the jungler.

"No way," Xiangguo rebuffed flatly, "We can't win!"

Not to mention that Shangbo made a mistake and ruined the good situation, even in line with the principle of helping the good and not helping the bad, he will not go on the road again!

Fend for yourself.

He must help the rhythm of the second half.

Xiangguo calmed his mind, put himself into Gu Xing's perspective, guessed the other party's possible movements, and made a countermeasure based on this.

Gu Xing on the other side was still thinking.

Even in the previous battles, he had already helped the team recover from the initial disadvantage, and the two linkages with the middle and upper teams had achieved good results.

But he still sensed the problem.

I used to be able to crush the incense pot with novel ideas, but today I failed once!

Liu Shiyu caught him squatting in the first two attacks, and he didn't think it was accidental.

The opponent must have predicted his own Gank route!

Alarm bells rang in Gu Xing's heart.

Now it seems that Xiangguo's rhetoric before the game was by no means empty guns.

RNG obviously has bear coming!

He guessed that his route had been studied.

In all fairness, this usually happens after a rookie has played for a few rounds.

It turned out that there was no one to target, and the rookie could shine in the arena, but after a few bright games, the opponent would study the video and develop a restraint style of play.

However, Gu Xing knew that he was a different kind.

Due to the existence of Domori chocolate, he has absorbed a lot of ideas from top junglers and turned them into his own.

From an objective level, his style and route are difficult to analyze!

Therefore, it is not surprising that the pattern was not discovered until the second year of his career.

For other teams, Gu Xing's style of play is still erratic, unable to guess his preferences.

However, the RNG coaching staff undoubtedly has this ability!

The head coach Firefox was an analyst back then, and he worked for Redmi with strong professional ability.

The analyst Gou Ba is also a ruthless person, he is regarded as the number one student of Firefox.

The ability of the two to play BP and conduct competition training is quite satisfactory.

But if they analyze the habits of the opponent's players, they will immediately become energetic.

This is old business!

Gu Xing boasts that his style is unpredictable, but he is still a human being, not a pure AI machine.

As long as it is a decision made by a human being, there must be a pattern to be found.

The RNG coaching staff should have guessed his route, told Xiangguo about it and used it in this game!

Gu Xing hissed lightly, feeling that the challenge of this game was interesting.

No team has ever seen through his Gank thinking before!

Since Xiangguo could roughly figure out where he would go, Gu Xing simply stopped pretending.

I have a showdown!

Returning to the city, he made a green wild knife and double long swords, and he moved to the upper half of the area when he went out.

The gap in the bottom lane cannot be filled by him alone in a short period of time, Gu Xing is about to tear open the wound, grab the top laner and pluck it fiercely!

He insisted on giving Letme an unforgettable military training experience!

"Jax pushed a large wave of soldiers under the RNG tower, Xingge circled a large circle in the opponent's upper field area, avoiding the area where the enemy might set eyes on the triangular grass, and successfully reached the side of the upper tower of RNG In the grass behind!" Remember to say loudly.

When Gu Xing left the grass, Letme found that he could no longer escape!

The encirclement trend of VG Ueno has been achieved!

"Letme had no choice but to stick to the tower, trying to replace an enemy hero... But the difficulty is really high. He hasn't reached level six yet, and he hasn't even learned his ultimate move!"

On the other hand, Smeb's Jax has reached the sixth level and possesses R [Grandmaster's Power], and his combat effectiveness has reached a higher level.

This is the ninth wave of gunners on the road. Letme has missed a lot of experience before, and estimates that he can barely reach the sixth level after eating all the minions.

Don't count on impromptu breakthroughs in battle.

With Qing Gangying's ability to clear the line, it is impossible to kill all the minions in the tower before they die!

"Brother Xing took the lead in resisting the tower, Q started with AE..."

Miller sentenced Letme to death in his heart.

Qinggang Yingjiao E [hook rope] tried to run away.

Want to escape?

Gu Xing made a small sideways move, and blocked Qing Gangying's retreat path on the second section of the wall!

"After the poodle was stunned, Qinggangying tried to put all the damage on brother Xing, but Jax jumped up with the counterattack storm!"

Letme immediately dodges and pulls away to avoid being stunned by the weapon.

Ke Gu Xing also moved backwards, out of the range of the defense tower, turned on W [War Roar] to restore HP, and gave the hatred to Smeb.

"Jacs activated his big move to increase his dual resistance, and he chased the slowed down opponent. He hit Qing Gangying on the head with a stick... so much damage!"

Miller couldn't help but be amazed at the speed at which Qinggangying's blood bars disappeared.

The third-level W, combined with the burst of flare, is quite terrifying when it hits Crispy Camille.

"Brother Xing's Q is getting better again. After stacking up the brutality value, he will connect the enhanced version of Q [Cruel and Ruthless], chop Qinggang Ying into residual blood, and then give the head to Jax!"

Smeb resisted the tower three times, and left calmly with the remaining half health.

"Jax at the start of 3/0!" I remember the high-pitched voice, "Smeb's stage is really big!"

Miller glanced at the canyon again, "Letme's life is really miserable, his teleportation is still cooling down, and a large wave of cannon soldiers under the tower will be donated to the opponent!"

"Jiang Zi continues to play, the level difference of the top laner will be completely widened!"

Having said that, he repeatedly shook his head and was very pessimistic about Qinggangying's future.

The camera gives a close-up of Letme.

It was found that the blue-collar top laner's eyes were sluggish and completely absent-minded, probably because he was beaten dizzy by successive accidents.

He felt that he, with such a strong ability to resist pressure, could hardly stand it anymore.

Why is time so hard?

Can you hurry up, don't make me too painful?

"Fortunately, Xiangguo is not inactive. He ran to the bottom lane to put pressure on the VG duo," remembering to follow the director's camera, "But Prince Duan is very capable of protecting his teammates with W [Drinking] !"

This time the incense pot did not flash, Jack held the healing spell in his hand, and combined with Tam's E [thick skin], Duan Deliang survived successfully!

"The HP of VG's next tower will be worn down a lot, but it's acceptable for them. The teammates in the upper half are too strong, and they're about to beat their opponents through the line!"

Jack returned to the familiar autistic grass and thought about it.

Seeing little soldiers being bombarded and killed by his own tower, he calmed down and felt disgusted.

Just press the knife, what else can you do to me?

What is the use of light ADC fertilizer?

It's hard to do things down the road!

"Liu Shiyu, keep catching your father," Jack teased dismissively, "If you catch him to death once today, I will recognize him as your father!"

After Xiangguo forced the opponent back from the bottom lane, he ran to brush the stone beetle and F6 in the lower field of VG.

He is behind in level, and after triggering the experience compensation mechanism, he can quickly increase his experience.

After clearing the camps with the largest number of wild monsters in these two groups, Xiangguo successfully caught up with the level.

Liu Shiyu took a deep breath.

Later, I will show you the power of the hunger strike!

After Gu Xing finished the enemy's Ueno area, he returned to the city to synthesize Caulfield's warhammer and straw sandals.

"Have you returned to the city to replenish your equipment?" He was about to run down the river when he found that the RNG duo had disappeared.

"It should be," Duan Deliang provided information, "Uzi has a lot of money on him, so he needs to return the spring water to increase his combat effectiveness."

Gu Xing understood it in his heart.

"Then I'll counter his group of frogs," he marked the signal, "the wine barrel should not be able to spawn."

Xiangguo's sense of presence is full in this game. Don't squat wild monsters in the early stage, it is clear that you want to play hunger strike.

And the magic marsh frog can be regarded as the most disgusting wild monster in the hunger strike jungler.

For a single camp, after triggering the experience catch-up mechanism, you can only get 30 more experience points.

And the damage is high.

The jungler Frog Concubine who is behind in level will probably lose a lot of life points due to spraying!

Therefore, the hunger strike jungler will basically not touch the magic marsh frog.

It takes too much time and the income is relatively low.

Gu Xing also used the Hunger Strike Flow in the spring competition. Having mastered the routine, he is sure that he will not be able to use the incense pot.

But for the poodle, the magic marsh frog is a great tonic!

Resisting a group of camps can widen the economic gap between yourself and the barrel!

Gu Xing calculated the approximate time it would take for the RNG duo to return to the next route, and planned to sneak in and run away against the other group.

But when he crossed the lower river and broke into RNG's lower wilderness, what he saw was an empty Demon Swamp Frog camp!

what's going on?

Gu Xing was at a loss.

Who brushed this group of wilds?

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