What is a hexagon jungler?

Chapter 444 444: Hunger Strike Evolution!

Seeing the wild monsters disappear without a trace in the camp, Gu Xing was stunned for a moment.

Even the poodle he was operating stood still.

"Brother Xing missed nothing!" I remember being amused by Rengar's cute action, "He never expected that this group of magic swamp frogs would be wiped out by RNG players in advance!"

There were bursts of rustling laughter.

Even VG die-hard fans didn't hold back for a while.

Puzzled, Gu Xing scratched his head, thinking that Xiang Guo changed his mind and wiped out this group of camps.

No way, he had no choice but to make the next eye and turn back the same way.

About half a minute was wasted before and after. Although there was no substantial loss, opportunities in the professional arena are fleeting. These 30 seconds may be related to a fatal rhythm!


Facing the rookie team, don't be too satisfied for half a minute. Gu Xing can make adjustments before the opponent reacts.

But RNG is obviously not a rookie!

Sure enough, RNG should have expected that Gu Xing would come to fight against the wilderness, and deliberately set up wards in the lower jungle area in advance. As soon as Gu Xing showed up at the Momao Frog Camp, Xiangguo immediately went to the middle lane.

As the top team in the world, VG has done a good job in online and wild linkage.

Kuro saw that his jungler was going to fight against the camp at the Demon Marsh Frog camp far away from the middle, so he didn't continue to press the line of the rock sparrow, but kept the balance of the situation to prevent Xiaohu from wandering around.

This way he is also hard to be ganked.

Good decision.

There is really no way to catch the incense pot.

He went to the middle to help push the line and grab a wave of line rights.

Originally, VG's mid-field was an absolute advantage. Galio has been firmly holding the line in his hands since he fought to kill Xiaohu in the middle and forced the enemy to double call.

But Xiangguo perfectly regained the right to the middle lane through this wave of Gu Xing's whereabouts exposure when he turned against the wild!

Even if the line rights window is not long, as long as the incense pot retreats, Galio can do whatever he wants again.

But that's enough.

RNG Nakano cleared a wave of troops first, turned his head and leaned down!

The fighting ability of wine barrel + rock sparrow is definitely inferior in 2v2, but facing Gu Xing alone, it is enough to use control methods to instantly kill the poodle that has not yet replenished its frankness!

As a last resort, Gu Xing had no choice but to retreat.

"The RNG duo returned to the lane and began to push the pawn line quickly. It was clear that they had to quickly push the pawn line into the tower and try to encircle and suppress VG's bottom lane!"

As soon as Uzi showed up, the questions that troubled Gu Xing were answered.

Press the Tab key, Uzi's replenishment number is 1 knife more than when he left the next route last time!

Obviously, it was Uzi who ate the group of magic marsh frogs, and then returned to the city to replenish the equipment, which caused Gu Xing to go against the wild with nothing.

are you crazy?

Gu Xing felt incredible.

The game is not yet in the transition period, how can any shooter start eating wild monsters!

You really don't think of junglers as human beings!

However, the situation is urgent now, and Gu Xing has no energy to think about the deep logic of Uzi's laning phase, and he starts to deal with the current predicament first.

"Go back down the road first," he commanded his teammates in the voice, "with my help guarding, your defensive towers will not fall, Ruixing, go up the road to find opportunities!"

Gu Xing does not intend to launch a decisive battle with RNG, but mainly to replace resources to stop losses.

He has not been promoted to level six, and without a big move, he has limited room to play in large-scale battles.

Regardless of the fact that the combination of Xia Luxia + Tam has mediocre combat effectiveness, even in the past, it may not be able to win.

Let's talk about the support speed of teammates.

Kuro is still dealing with the minion line under the tower. R [Hard Bear Debut] is only 4,000 yards away at the first level. If he wants to help the bottom lane in time, he has to go another 1,000 or 2,000 yards to activate his ultimate move.

By then the day lily will be cold!

What's more, teammates have almost no retention skills, and RNG players have time to run away after seeing Galio's ultimate move fall.

After comprehensive consideration, Gu Xing could only choose to do the opposite and urge his teammates to go on the road to withdraw money.

It's just that it didn't take two seconds for Kuro to leave the middle lane, and Letme realized something was wrong, and quickly gave up the line of troops that were about to enter the tower, and ran into the self-closing grass with a hook.

"...Isn't this guy too stable?" Smeb has nothing to do with him, and his tone is full of helplessness, "Is it a dog? The nose is really good!"

As long as he takes a slow step, he can wave his hand to forcibly keep people, resist two towers and let Galio use a large long-range support, Qinggang Ying who does not flash will undoubtedly die!

It can only be said that Letme has learned a lot from a pitfall, and was killed by Gu Xingyue Tower last time, and now he has learned a lesson, and does not give VG any chance to catch him.

"Mai Boyou push the tower twice, Kuro, you go back to the middle to push the line..." Gu Xing saw that his Ueno hadn't succeeded, and after thinking for a moment, he gave the next instruction, "By the way, keep an eye on the opposite field before coming back. .”

Li Ruixing obeyed his words, and inserted a trinket eye into the enemy's red BUFF camp before returning to the middle lane to continue making up the knife.

Gu Xing made a detour in his own wild area and rushed to the bottom lane, trying to cover his duo to go online again, and let his teammates rub two bins to make up for development.

But Xiaohu refused.

Amidst Taliyah's soft scolding, Rock Sparrow cast R [Wall Curtain], and the wall composed of stones spread all the way under the blessing of magic power, blocking the passage from VG Xiaye to the next tower!

Although the duration of the low-level veil is very limited.

However, with the time wasted earlier, Xia still missed a whole wave of minions!

"What a loss for Jack!" I remembered that I couldn't stand it anymore, "7 minutes into the game, he only made up a total of 35 dollars!"

On the other hand, Uzi's female policeman is approaching the 70 mark with a make-up knife!

The gap is doubled!

"Although Smeb also forced Letme to give up a wave of soldiers in the top lane, and properly wear down the enemy's first tower, the value of the benefits obtained by the two sides is completely different!"

Miller's voice was full of passion, "The policewoman's next tower is equivalent to Jax's last tower, how can this be exchanged?!"

Aside from the weirdness of the two elders, Xuanming and Ming, who choose female policemen for the purpose of bot lane mixing + supporting the team's late output, Caitlyn will be the absolute core of the team as long as she is selected.

Bottom tower is very important for her.

If you can take the lead in leveling before the end of the laning period, the speed push rhythm of the policewoman can be spread out!

As for Jax, it's useless even if the last tower is removed. In the early stage, it is difficult for him to feed back his advantages to the team.

Such an exchange, RNG blood earns!

Xiangguo couldn't close his mouth happily.

He guessed that Gu Xing would come to try to fight against the wilderness, so he left an eye position near the camp earlier.

After capturing the movement of the enemy's jungler, he grabbed a time difference and went to the middle lane to untangle the line first, and then the middle and wild linkages went to the bottom lane to help advance.

Now the next tower of VG is crumbling, and it can be destroyed within two minutes at most!

The previous haze was swept away, and Xiang Guo smiled happily.

"Jane is proud, have you seen it?" He chatted with Uzi while returning to the city to replenish equipment, "I said Gu Xing would definitely be fooled!"

Uzi looked at the remaining HP in the next tower of VG, and then recalled the delicious magic marsh frog. He couldn't help laughing, and praised the reliability of his team.

After RNG changed the coaching staff this year, the improvement at the tactical level is visible to the naked eye.

They fully absorbed the operation and vision skills left by the former player Mata, successfully kept the lower limit, and are still developing a new system.

In the spring game, we successfully developed a new way of playing the wild game of hunger strike.

At the time, it wasn't particularly in line with the version, but in the summer, everything changed.

The strengthening of the tank jungler and the withdrawal of carnivorous characters have brought new life to the hunger strike style of play!

The meat tank hero is mainly characterized by the control skills that come with the skill group, which is destined to be not very economical.

As long as the level can keep up and does not affect the punishment damage and cause the neutral resources to be robbed by the enemy, then everything is easy to say!

Xiangguo is like a fish in water, relying on a hunger strike to lead RNG to triumph in Group B, ranking first for two months!

Recently, Firefox has come up with a new idea, which can perfectly make up for the disadvantages of hunger strike!

As we all know, hunger strikes rarely spawn their own wild monsters.

The hidden danger is that once the opponent frequently turns against the wild, it is easy to raise a father.

In the zero-sum game of the wild area, every group of camps that you avoid by yourself will theoretically be nourishment for the enemy's jungler!

Firefox's solution is simple.

I'm afraid that the opponent will invade the wild and steal development, so I can eat the wild monster myself?

Fragrant pot doesn't go wild, someone else wants to go wild!

The answer is Uzi!

Uzi is a typical shooter who eats the grass first, regardless of milking or not.

The ugly saying is that one person eats four ways, and the demand for the economy is quite large.

When he first joined RNG last year, he had a dispute with Xiang Guo about economic distribution in the wild.

At the beginning, Liu Shiyu was still a male gun leopard girl + Qian Jue's iron-blooded wild core game, which also cost a lot of money, so naturally he couldn't understand Uzi's style.

It's good now, after the incense pot is switched to the hunger strike style, there will be wild monsters left in the RNG wild area.

Just enough to brush Uzi!

In this way, Xiangguo no longer has to worry about the enemy jungler crazily invading when he is on a hunger strike, and Uzi can also gain advanced development by clearing the jungle.


In addition, there are unexpected benefits.

For example, Gu Xing's attempted counter-jungle just now, after being detected by RNG, Xiangguo can react quickly, first handle the right of the middle lane, attack the enemy's bottom lane first, and seize the rhythm initiative!

"Show them the new job later," Liu Shiyu's smile was somewhat sinister, "I have to impress Gu Xing today!"

Gu Xing saw that his family's lower half was getting worse and worse, so he resolutely adjusted his strategy after calming down his thoughts.

Glancing at the chat channel in the team, seeing the cooldown time of the enemy summoner's skills recorded by Duan Deliang, he was sure that Xiaohu's flash would take half a minute to recover.

He decided to save the country with a curve, starting from the middle.

After making the warrior's wild knife, Gu Xing went straight to the F6 camp, intending to wipe out the Raptor first, so that he could upgrade himself to level six and learn the ultimate move.

In view of the fact that when RNG Nakano moved to the bottom lane in a group, he passed through the bottom field area of ​​​​VG, and it is very likely that he has done vision around the camp.

Therefore, Gu Xing carefully pulled the Raptor into the nearby grass, and poked a real eye under his feet.

As expected, a fake eye arranged by RNG was exposed in front of him!

After Gu Xing emptied it, he started to clear the field. After clearing the camp, he successfully upgraded to level six.

RNG is completely unaware of this information!

Then Gu Xing immediately turned on R [Hunting Rhythm] to kill in the middle!

"The poodle is going big and wants to catch the little tiger..." Miller glanced across the middle, with a slightly worried expression on his face, "The rock sparrow is standing in front of the tower, this position is not easy to catch, Brother Xing really wants to freeze his hands forcibly?" ?”

Li Yuanhao's screen went dark, and the sound of his heart beating became more and more intense, making people upset.

He couldn't help swallowing.

Can you eat pancakes?

I'm already standing in front of the tower, you still want to come and mess with me?

Xiaohu once suspected that the other party's real target was not himself.

But within a thousand yards, there are no teammates.

To be on the safe side, Li Yuanhao moved closer to Father Ta's embrace.

If so, the moment he stepped into the range of the defense tower, the poodle pounced on him!

The golden eyes are full of murderous intent!

The advantage of the poodle's ultimate move is that it can distinguish whether there are other enemy heroes around.

Gu Xing could see clearly.

The middle road is empty!

RNG never dreamed that he would rise to level 6 after brushing F6, and immediately launch an offensive against the conservative rock sparrow in the middle!

The poodle threw itself on the rock sparrow, creating a layer of brutality.

Xiaohu's reaction was not slow, he handed over W [Rock Protrusion] at his feet the moment the poodle jumped out of the camouflage form.

It's a pity that the rock protrusion takes too long to take effect.

Gu Xing landed on the ground and heeled Q [Cruel and Ruthless], easily dodged with a small displacement!

"Brother Xing and E skills slow down, War Roar fills up a mouthful of blood, and after stacking up the brutal value, connect the enhanced version of the lasso!"

Under Miller's anxious cry, the chaffinch, which had no room to move, was tied up in place!

"Kuro turned in the E skill to shorten the distance, Q [Justice Wind] to blow the remnant rock sparrow... Finally, Brother Xing killed Taliyah with a single knife, and he used the enhanced movement speed triggered by the cruelty value and the cooldown to refresh it. Q skill leaves the defense tower!"

Rengar licked his sharp claws, flicked his tail triumphantly and disappeared within RNG's field of vision.

I remember being dumbfounded, "Is the poodle's damage so high?"

He can see clearly.

Gu Xing's combo almost killed the rock sparrow with most of its blood remaining!

"Warrior jungle sword!" Miller praised again and again, "The poodle really quit the spring stage because of the weakening of armor-piercing armor, but the attributes of the jungle sword have not changed. Rengar's explosive ability should not be underestimated in the early stage. watch for!"

Gu Xing's disadvantage is that he lags behind in rhythm, and he is not in vain in terms of personal development.

1/0/3 plus non-stop harvesting, the economy is even higher than that of the rock sparrow!

Under the camera, Li Yuanhao was extremely depressed, scratching his head helplessly.

A chaffinch without flash is a toy in front of a poodle!

Xiangguo clicked his tongue.

I just feel that Gu Xing is too difficult to deal with.

In the early stage, I predicted most of Gu Xing's intentions based on the instruction of the coaching staff, and repeatedly succeeded in counter-squatting.

Even so, the opponent can still find a breakthrough!

Just as Xiangguo was thinking about what to do next, a good news came from the voice.

"I can't play anymore!"

Letme informed his teammates with a very aggrieved tone.

It's really not that he is bad.

But there is no way to line up at all!

As long as he dared to take a look at the soldier, Jax would jump on his face, drive the counter storm to hit the flare twice, Qing Gangying couldn't even avoid the stun of the weapon!

Since Smeb carries the resilience talent, Camille needs to increase her movement speed and enhance her pulling ability if she wants to use the second wall to kick back and stun Jax before leaving the range of the counter storm.

Three-phase + straw sandals are enough.

If it is a balance of power, at most 14 minutes Qinggangying can pull Jax, making up for the lack of fighting power as much as possible.

But now that Qing Gangying is in such a developed body, where can she collect money to buy the Three Phases?

Without enough movement speed, facing Jax's brainless slashing and counterattack storm, Letme's health was so bad that he could only return to the city!

Without teleportation, if he went online on foot, he would probably be pushed to the ground by Jax on the first tower.

"Hurry up," Uzi urged, "Liu Shiyu, come and help me push down the tower, and withdraw money quickly to avoid being taken by the other side!"

Xiangguo had no choice.

The middle and top are about to collapse, and he has no choice but to go down.

Arriving at the grass behind the side of the next tower of VG, forcing back the enemy duo who had been warned in advance, Liu Shiyu began to act as a bodyguard, supervising the progress of the policewoman's demolition.

However, before the next tower fell, he was hit hard again on the road.

After Letme finished his form and walked back to the line, Gu Xing jumped out from the grass behind the defensive tower and scratched Qinggangying with his paw!

Not only that, with the poodle as the center, two whirlwinds converged extremely quickly!

Tough Bear is here!

Galio in the distance starts his big move!

"The VG trio is going up, planning to use Qinggangying as a cash machine!"

Miller leaned forward and stared at the battlefield on the road, "Letme handed over the hook and tried to move away..."

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly raised his voice, "Beautiful! Brother Xing used Enhanced E to keep Qing Gangying in place!"

Gu Xing used the passive jumping of the grass plus three skills to quickly fill up the brutality value.

He also waited in great detail for Qinggang Ying to hand over E [hook lock] first.

Before the hook hits the wall, handing over the control skills has no effect, and Camille will still be dragged to the wall.

Gu Xing and others threw the lasso at the moment Qinggang Ying was dragged out, directly trapping Letme in place!

With a roar, the Colossus of Justice crashed down!

"Jax jumped up to make up for the damage, Letme couldn't move the whole time, and could only watch Jax take him away with a basic attack!"

Miller was very distressed, "Isn't Letme's position too careless when it went online? If he moves against the top wall, Brother Xing won't be able to catch him!"

Yan Junze is dizzy now, his head is getting bigger.

Whoever receives repeated military training will not be too peaceful.

Letme didn't even think about it, the details were quite rough, and when it went online, it moved down, giving Gu Xing the opportunity to jump directly from the grass to count the brutal value.

Otherwise, Gu Xing would not be able to brush up Enhancement E after handing in the three skills, and it would not be difficult for Qing Gangying to escape.

This is a good time to give Jax another head!

And VG's upper middle field can completely flatten RNG's upper tower!

"Even if the Tower of One Blood is still under the control of Uzi, but RNG's development in the upper and middle fields is extremely poor, and they are forced to rely on puppies to carry the game. This is not a good thing!"

Remember to be worried and express your own opinions.

Only 10 minutes into the game, RNG entered the rhythm of the game relying on female police officers, which is very unhealthy from a macro perspective.

"The two sides switched the duo to the middle lane, Uzi firmly held the line power in their hands, and the canyon pioneer was also in their pocket..."

Gu Xing didn't even think about fighting.

The female policeman is now armed with speed shoes + big sword + yellow cross. If there is a fight in the river, they can put the clamps in a long snake formation and seal the pass to Dalongkeng!

If VG forcibly takes over the group, the chances of winning are not high without Galio's ultimate move.

Gu Xing thought about it and decided to let go of Pioneer. He went to the lower half of the area to stop the loss of Xiaolong while the Xiangguo was playing Pioneer, and escorted the mid laner by the way.

Yan Junze understood very well this time, and ran to the autistic grass to stay.

Relying on the fact that there is no one on the opposite side to take care of him, Smeb directly knocked out half of the health of RNG who was originally full of blood from the tower!

I thought that a similar development situation would last for a while, and when Jax's real sideband was formed, VG could pull the opponent with a 41-point push.

But the good times didn't last long, and Gu Xing realized something was wrong.

Uzi's last hit is ridiculously high!

Only 13 minutes into the game, his replenishment has exceeded the timeline, as high as 144!

It stands to reason that only when the number of supplementary hits at the key C position in the middle and late stages will exceed the timeline of 10 knives a minute.

Because everyone's equipment level is average in the early stage, the efficiency of clearing troops is very limited, and there is no extra time to obtain more economy.

But today the policewoman in Uzi is an anomaly!

Gu Xing fell into deep thought.

Is not, where is the problem?

He gathered the information on the policewoman's movements that he had obtained before to form a complete road map.

Suddenly, an inspiration flashed, and my heart suddenly became enlightened!

The author of this game is a bit procrastinated and will end as soon as possible.

The main reason is that Uzi's three-step answer is related to the version of the S7 World Championship. It must be written in detail and explain the cause and effect slowly.

Sorry to mess with.

PS: 10% off on JD.com? Hahaha I said in this chapter that I was not optimistic about this kind of quad-core team during the transfer period, and now it is fulfilled.

Taobo Gemini played exactly the same as tes back then.

Red rice training left hand?


The left hand wants to turn the red rice into a white crescent!

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