What is a hexagon jungler?

479: The second tough job!

"Congratulations VG!"

Miller said loudly, "In the first game of the final, we scored first and led EDG 1-0!"

"The new ship configuration plan that Prince Duan took out is very effective," Waowa echoed, "The VG duo directly destroyed the entire game through two lane kills!"

The chat channel in the live room swiped the screen quickly.

[I'm a tortoise, this incense burner is too ruthless, it's just outrageous NMB! 】

[Verus can steal life with just one piece of ruin, so why is he still full of blood after the team fight? 】

[How do you say blood sucking, blood sucking]

[This Verus, I'm really good at it, just ride forward and swell, you don't need to think about it, and the windy girl's breasts will fly! 】happy

[Nicole pull it down, you can't even play A... Oh Verus team battle station, it's okay]

Jack took off his earphones and happily punched Duan Deliang.

"Fuck, it's so exciting!" He kept his words out of the way, "Dude, this set of Verus shot the other side!"

After hiding for three weeks, when the incense burner finally came out, Yu Wenbo was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

"Did you see that? My buddy beat Iboy twice!" Jack held his head high and proud.

"I'm not the biggest hero?" Duan Deliang is also claiming credit for himself, "You can't kill people without an incense burner!"

"Including the last wave, our incense burner + redemption allows you to change your blood type again and you will not die!" Le

Yu Wenbo admitted frankly, "Na Que, buddy, I said it before... Duan Duan, you are definitely the number one support in the world. Your skills are given in a timely manner, and we played so comfortably!"

By the way, he hypnotized, his tone full of sincerity.

Duan Deliang's Feng Nu performance is really outstanding.

After Ruanfu came out of the censer, it wasn't that he was slapping the keyboard with his skills.

There are many details in it.

The passive effect of the incense burner lasts a total of 6 seconds, and the cooldown of the shield/healing skills of the soft assistants is probably longer than this time.

So how to connect the cast of skills and active props to make teammates eat as much as possible of the incense burner gain is the key link! happy

The other is survival.

How to make the incense burner soft assistant survive longer is also the top priority.

As long as you stay in the battlefield longer, you can maximize the effect of the incense burner!

After all, attributes such as attack speed, basic attack life-sucking, and damage enhancement are enhanced. Except for a few traditional mages, most heroes can benefit from it!

Like Duan Deliang, he stood at the end of the team formation at the beginning of the team battle. When he saw the enemy, he first set Jack with E [Eye of the Storm] to protect the shooter and attach a censer.

Then when the enemy's front row was close to threatening Yu Wenbo, he handed over his big move, blowing the opponent into the distance and providing milk for all friendly troops around him.

This sip of milk directly triggers the incense burner for all teammates! happy

Like the two Ueno brothers, one Gnar and the other a troll from Tiamat, after being strengthened by the incense burner, their combat capabilities ushered in a soaring!

Duan Deliang gave another sip of redemption at the right time, not only pulling Jack out of the dying situation, renewing the censer state for his teammates, but also allowing himself to restore the full blood state!

From the beginning to the end, he stayed on the edge of the battlefield, relying on the characteristics of Fengnv's fast movement speed and long range of skill casting to ensure his own safety.

Moreover, several C positions in the team were fighting with their censers on all the time!

Excellent shield/healing connection and perfect team battle positioning, Duan Deliang fully demonstrated the role of the incense burner in this game!

"Oops," Smeb muttered, "I don't feel like I have any gaming experience at all..."

He had no sense of presence the whole time. happy

Only one wave cooperated well with Gu Xing's combo skills.

In addition to that, it is always brushing money online.

After finally getting the combination of black cut + big ice hammer, he was gearing up to show his skills on the sidewalk and educate Mouse, but it turned out that his teammates pushed him to the high ground in the middle of EDG!

In the team battle, Smeb played the role of a meat shield, standing in front of the formation with Gu Xing as the front row of tanks, allowing Jack to successfully harvest the battlefield!

Song Jinghao thought about it carefully, but found it boring.

"Isn't it okay to lie down and win?" Kuro looked surprised, "How many people want to lie down and don't have this chance!"

"Look at how easy it is for us now, we can win the game with just making up shots on the line!" He turned his head to look at the big dad in the team, "Are you right?"

Gu Xing couldn't stop smiling, "I can't help it. The incense burner version is like this. I think Maibo is not as good as playing Gnar in the front row of pure tanks. At least you can have a sense of participation in team battles."

It's not S5 now, everyone's understanding of the game is getting deeper and deeper, and when they see Gnar's anger value, they will pull it in time.

Unless he hides in the blind spot of the enemy's field of vision to accumulate anger in advance, and then plays control without hesitation when entering the field, it can be said that it is difficult for Gnar to achieve the effect of the invincible Tathagata Palm when he was a child!

EDG is obviously very good at it. Every time they start a group, they get stuck when Gnar happens to be small.

Song Jinghao can only use himself as Xiao Weien, relying on basic attacks to receive boomerangs to get three rounds of damage.

In terms of team role, it's really not as good as a pure tank hero, at least the serious front row still has one or two control skills.

The VG players chatted and laughed happily and walked to the backstage lounge. Gu Xing heard the restless noise from the stands in all directions on the way, and waved to the fans with a smile on his face. Not surprisingly, he received cheers that doubled in volume! happy

Shen Guanshan, who was sitting in the front row, was overjoyed, and his voice was lively even under the excitement of his heart, "Auntie, am I right? Gu Xing will definitely win!"

She stared intently at Gu Xing who was leaving the venue until he disappeared at the entrance of the passage.

The director's camera shifted from the happy VG players to the other side of the stage where the EDG members were.

The five team members looked blank.

Especially the Nosuke brothers.

They are the absolute core of Guodian, the decision-making brain.

But now the brain CPU is dry-burned. happy

Although Meiko realized that the problem was with the incense burner when he was killed by VG for the first time.

But he never expected that just a piece of equipment from the cricket could completely tilt the originally balanced situation!

Verus on the opposite side is extremely rampant, and it is the EDG duo who is full of blood by the Yuezhong Tower, and it is also the late stage team standing in place when facing the siege...

Jiang Zi is arrogant?

Tian Ye's mind was in chaos, and when he stepped off the stage, he almost stumbled when he took the wrong steps.

Ming Kai was even more confused.

He felt that his first game was purely lying down. happy

At the beginning of the game, I used the crouching in the middle to get the first blood for the juniors. Although the subsequent invasion of the VG Ueno area by a group was a bit reckless, it was only a small loss.

Afterwards, I got the canyon vanguard by myself, and used small tricks to flatten the next tower of VG and withdraw money for ADC; although Gu Xing succeeded in Gank on the top road, the income he could get was not as good as EDG...

Guijiaoqi thought that there was no difference between the junglers and the junglers in the first set, and his performance was not worse than Gu Xing at all!

The turning point of the situation is the two waves of battles between the duo.

After the subsequent economic gap widened, Ming Kai couldn't even take care of the dual protection system, so he had to drag Mouse to find the enemy's backline ADC - otherwise the combined damage of Lucian + Mouse would not be worth the incense burner Verus alone after blessing!

However, VG's solid team fighting skills ruined Guijiaoqi's ambition to make a comeback!

The Guodian team returned to the backstage, opened the door and entered the lounge, and saw the dignified head coach Nofe and Abramovich, the head of the League of Legends branch. happy

"The censer in the opposite hand is really a supermodel," Nofe waved the notebook in his hand, frowning and shouted to the team members, "I made a rough calculation, and the damage and HP recovery to the hero alone would have to be close to 5000 points !"

Fengnv's R [Recovery Monsoon] and Redemption are both group gains, which can make all nearby allies put on the incense burner effect.

As long as the five teammates make about 200 A shots in the team battle from beginning to end, they can get a total of about 5000 points of damage and milk!

For heroes with high attack speeds like Gnar, Troll, and Verus, it is not difficult to add up to 200 basic attacks in several waves of team battles.

You know, this is just the buff effect that the censer, a piece of equipment that costs 2,200 gold coins, bestows on the VG team!

Supermodel, pure supermodel!

Thinking of this, the EDG players hissed softly, as if they wanted to suck all the air-conditioning in the room dry. happy

Everyone just knows that the buff effect of the incense burner is exaggerated in the arena.

But the situation is tense, and it is not clear how outrageous it is.

Now that Nofe gave the approximate figures, they realized the horror of the incense burner!

"In addition, the incense burner also has an attack speed benefit, and the increased [healing and shield strength] can also be effective for redemption..." Abu said helplessly, "You should have noticed that the last group of wind girls gave the whole team a big mouthful, right? The incense burner came in handy!"

One mouthful of redemption, let alone help the whole team gain 3000 health points!

In this summer game where Ueno is mainly grass-fed, everyone's damage is generally relatively scarce.

To destroy these 3000 health points, it would be unrealistic in less than five or six seconds! happy

Tian Ye gnawed on his nails and looked forward unconsciously, his eyes listless and listless.

The incense burner system taken out by the opponent's assistant really made him dizzy.

Meiko can only say that times have changed.

All the soft assistants before were eye stone + redemption/crucible, and then went to mend the incense burner.

The reason is very simple.

Eyestone provides vision protection for the whole team, and both Redemption and Crucible can protect teammates.

In most cases, the incense burner is an exclusive item for the ADC alone! happy

As we all know, support is the support of the whole team, not a tool person in a certain position.

In the professional arena, the needs of the team are put first, so it seems that the order of the original equipment plan of the auxiliary is easy to understand.

But the naked incense burner is too strong.

Strong enough to make the assistant temporarily ignore the needs of the team and serve the shooter wholeheartedly!

"The incense burner has to be released as soon as possible," he slandered, "I have to say that the previous configuration plan is outdated..."

It's still the same reason.

The attack speed, lifesteal and extra damage provided by the incense burner are not so powerful in the later battles. happy

After the archers are magically equipped, each basic attack can easily deal hundreds of points of physical damage. Who cares about the small dozens of points of output of the incense burner?

But in the early and mid-term, the incense burner is extremely amazing for the shooters whose equipment has not yet been formed!

Tianye recalled the two battles after Fengnv purchased the incense burner in the first game, and had to admit that whoever made this item first would have the absolute advantage in a duo fight or even a large-scale team battle!

The original configuration plan is nothing compared to the perverted strength of the exposed incense burner, and it is destined to be eliminated!

It is not an exaggeration to use "It changed the auxiliary" to evaluate the incense burner!

Thoughts wandered in Tian Ye's mind.

After all, it was only in these two versions that the incense burner had an impact on the original auxiliary ecology. happy

From last year's World Championship to this spring, the arena was dominated by consumable supports. Heroes such as Zyra, the female gun, and Grasshopper relied on the spring breeze after the revision of One Blood Tower and Xiaolong to rule the ecological environment of the bottom lane for a long time.

At that time, if you played a wind girl and exposed the incense burner naked, it was tantamount to courting death!

It doesn't take 10 minutes to go down the road to a tower and be pushed flat. In the damage overflow version, relying on the healing amount of the shield can't support the opponent's continuous artillery fire at all!

At the beginning of this year's summer split, the naked incense burner was useless - at that time, the strength of ancient coins was average, and the world was dominated by the shield of the holy object.

It wasn't until version 7.13 at the end of the summer that a series of tank equipment such as Cinder Giant ushered in the enhancement again, and the two positions in Ueno were transformed into a world of tanks!

At this time, the rhythm slows down, and it is feasible for the soft assistant to release the incense burner!

Thinking of this, Tian Ye couldn't help shaking his head, filled with emotion. happy

VG is really outrageous, to be able to find the version answer in such a fast time...

He thought that the soft auxiliary double protection system exposed in the semifinals was already all the cards that VG had hidden.

I didn't expect this group of people to have backhands!

Tian Ye gritted his teeth.

Are you good at hiding?

A post-match injury panel was playing on the TV screen, grabbing his attention.

Meiko's eyes gradually focused. happy

Jack Aiqijuechen blasted 34,477 points of output in just 28 minutes, and the average damage exceeded the 1,000 mark!

The corresponding Iboy output is only 15570, more than double the difference!

Meiko didn't do less damage, about 4000+ output, much higher than Fengnv.

Seeing this, Tian Ye couldn't help showing a wry smile.

At first glance at the data performance, some people may think that he is useless.

In fact, Tian Ye knew very well that the first game was a naked support gap!

Duan Deliang relied on the gap in combat power opened by taking the lead in making the incense burner, and asked Jack to forcibly launch a duo to fight, establish an advantage through line kills and quickly snowball! happy

What Summoner's Canyon pays attention to is that one hair can move the whole body.

The collapse of the duo directly led to the loss of the right to route in EDG, which in turn dragged down the wild area, and finally radiated to the side lanes, causing the whole team to collapse!

Gui Jiaoqi drank a large glass of iced cola, and finally woke up his head through the coolness.

Seeing that his teammates were all silent, he immediately stood up and assumed the responsibility of the team leader, "Don't keep silent! Isn't it just a small round of loss?"

"This final is still a long time away!" Guijiao made a crisp clap of seven clapping hands, trying to do a trick of "all eye-to-eye", and his voice became louder, "Tianye, you continue to choose soft assistants in the next game, just follow the opponent's assistant It’s just a small incense burner, everyone can buy it!”

"Ming Kai is right," Abu agreed with him. "The opponent uses equipment as a hole card, nothing more than taking advantage of the information gap to steal a small round of victory. If we really want to compete for strength, we may not lose!"

In the first set until Duan Deliang made the incense burner, the two teams were still in balance. happy

From this point of view, Abramovich's statement is not wrong.

The faces of the players turned from cloudy to sunny.

As long as the incense burner is stolen, the two sides can stand on the same starting line again!

"Let's go," Nofe signaled the players to leave the waiting room and return to the stage, "I will try to choose a suitable lineup for you... In addition, if Meiko wants to bare the incense burner, Ming Kai, you must bear a certain vision in the early and mid-term pressure."

According to the standard of the previous game, the time when Duan Deliang replenished the eye stone after the incense burner was finished was about 17 minutes.

Compared with the traditional way of buying eye stones first, it is about 10 minutes slower.

In these 10 minutes, the team's vision control task will be on Ming Kai! happy

"Don't worry," Guijiao Qilian agreed, "I'm not good at other things, but we are professional in map control!"

When they took the stage again, they could still hear Ji Ji expressing his opinions in the commentary box with a crooked accent.

"The last MVP was awarded to Prince Duan. There is a saying that this is the first time I have seen an MVP winner with such poor statistics..." I remember laughing and teasing, "The team's damage ratio is only 2.8%, which is also the only one in LPL history. One serving!"

"The key to winning the award lies in the innovative production ideas," Ruofeng said solemnly, "The girl who was naked from the incense burner completely dominated the first round of the final. Terrifying combat power and milk volume crush opponents in team battles!"

"I can only say that with the changes in the version, the positioning of the support in the canyon is also completely different," he gushed out his opinion, "I think back when the Prophet potion was still there, the support was often 400 on the head in the mid-term , I don’t even buy equipment, but I have to help the team control the field of vision.”

In the era when Ruofeng played professionally, the support status was extremely humble, and he basically didn't even think about buying any equipment. The gold coins were used to buy 400 and wards, and he sold a pair of five-speed shoes to walk around the field.

Now watching Duan Deliang's 13-minute hard hold on the incense burner, it is inevitable that you will feel dreamy and blurred. happy

"Prince Duan's censer performance in the first game was quite successful. I feel that there may be a lot of supporters who want to imitate his outfits in tonight's qualifying match..." Ze Yuan joked with a smile.

The live broadcast room is overcrowded, and any topic can be filled with a lot of barrage.

[It's over, don't even think about getting points tonight, it must be a group of valuables playing support]

[The rise of the Incense Burner Religion, the spring of ADC is finally coming! Don't be angry in the future]

[Master Eddie has shown his face, good luck to you! I didn't expect to complain about the low status of ADC in this version. Ueno has become a tool person, what else do you want? 】

[It’s like this, when the teammate’s service is slightly unsatisfactory, he will start spraying. When he was in C, he never thought that the four of us were creating an output environment.]

[Why do I feel that you mean something? Is it a hint?] Le

[But the national server's solo queue ADC is really not playing well, it's not fun to fill up a bunch of seats to support, it's either Xiaofa or Huomen, and you can choose a stone dog to stand behind the ADC, you think the mentality of the ADC is almost there, right? reasonable? 】

During the barrage discussion, the director screen has been given to the commentary seat.

After a period of rest and adjustment, Miller's voice was high-spirited and powerful.

"The second round of BP begins, let's see what countermeasures EDG will make in this game against Lord Duan's censer play in the last game!"

The baby took the topic and continued, "VG uses the right to choose the side to get the blue side for itself, and block the snake girl first as usual!"

Nofe also didn't think there was anything wrong with his ban position in the last game. He also blocked the spider first, and after the opponent's second ban position was dedicated to Shen, he restricted Qinggangying himself.

Redmi gave the last ban to Ming Kai's Rek'sai, giving Guijiaoqi respect. happy

Since the red side has to undertake the task of splitting Xialuo, Nofe can no longer block Jax like he did in the first game.

However, he didn't panic in the slightest, and he had already prepared a complete countermeasure during the intermission.

"Let's see what the blue side wants to grab first..." Miller was very interested, "In the upper game, the prince's Feng Nu played very well, and the hero itself is also very compatible with the incense burner. VG is trying to choose again. once!"

But what appeared in the hero selection box on the first floor of VG was an unexpected character.

All traitors must die!

The hateful selection sound resounded through Wukesong Stadium, causing a commotion at the scene!

"Skateboard shoes?!" Doll exclaimed, "I haven't seen this hero for a while!"

After Kalista was strengthened, her popularity remained high in the first half of the summer split.

But with the arrival of the 7.13 version, she disappeared from the bottom lane ecological environment like ice.

The root cause is that the economy of the first blood tower is weakened, the income of snowballing in the early stage is reduced, and the mechanism of skateboard shoes determines that she will be more scraping in the later stage. It is difficult to complete a breakthrough in a short time when facing the front row of meat tanks!

However, VG made him see the light of day again in the second round of the final!

"Good guy, could it be another card hidden by VG?" Miller took a deep breath, his voice full of astonishment, "What have they been studying all summer!"

There was laughter in the VG player seats.

"Brother Meng, let EDG see how powerful we are!" Jack was gearing up, laughing treacherously. happy

"Don't get too complacent," Hongmi reminded, "You must advance according to the normal rhythm, and you must not give it a chance. The opponent's style of play is very suitable for the version. If EDG catches a respite, we will suffer old crimes!"

Gu Xing felt relieved, "It's okay, I don't even know how to lose when I get the skateboard shoes!"

Skateboard shoes are the perfect shooter thought out by VG based on the extension of the incense burner system.

In terms of versions, they are already far ahead.

Because game understanding will undergo iterative upgrades.

VG, who has mastered the version answer in advance, has never slowed down the pace of research, and has been exploring more derivative systems through secret team training.

After their repeated tests, Calista is the God of God with the incense burner! happy

The reason is simple and easy to understand.

Even EDG members who have seen the incense burner for the first time can understand that there is no need to hide it.

"It's broken, it's broken," Tian Ye's face turned pale, "These skate shoes were chosen for softness!"

Why are skate shoes so strong at the beginning of the summer split?

It is because of the ability to protect the row!

She can protect each other with Tahm, Thresh, Bullhead and other heroes, avoid Gank and gain a wider living space in team battles!

Putting this ability into the censer version can also produce miraculous effects! happy

Crispy soft assistants like Lulu and Fengnv can make the skateboard shoes turn on R [Call of Destiny] to retract themselves when encountering a fatal threat, and readjust the team battle position.

As long as the censer support is not dead, the team can always have a high output guarantee!

Nofe is extremely irritable.

He was knocked out of his mind by VG in the background, and he only had time to think about how to deal with Jax who was forced to release him on the BP, and he didn't have the energy to think about the follow-up cards of the incense burner system!

Seeing that the BP countdown began to count down, Nofe had to make a choice.

"Choose...Fengnv, put a wine barrel out," he tried hard to suppress his beating heart, and prioritized calming down the emotions of the team members. The character with the strongest bonus will win if you play slowly!"

Redmi's response is unpretentious. happy

Lulu + Prince.

Nofe got Verus in the third pick.

After watching the first round of BP, Wa Wa summed up the pattern, "Since the birth of the incense burner system, both teams in the finals have unanimously increased the priority of the bottom field in the BP link, and all determine the selection plan in the first round of selection!"

Miller simply explained, "Currently there are not many top junglers, and the two sides have banned some of them. If you don't pick them in the first round, you may not get a strong role in the second round, and the jungler is still a rhythm position. In the current early stage In the version that is partial to development, whether you can get the advantage of the jungler will directly determine whether your lineup has the initiative in the early stage..."

"It's easier to understand the bottom lane. The strength of the incense burner forces the team to focus on the bottom lane in BP. It is very important for the team to choose a duo that can match the fiery incense burner!"

By the time he spoke, the second round of bans was over.

VG banned Guodian's signature mascots, the big tree and the big bug, and forcibly blocked the version's powerful meat tank top laner. happy

Nofe also aimed at the upper unit, sending Gnar and Jeston to the ban position.

"EDG's fourth pick is to give the top laner a hero first... Kenan?" Wawa murmured, "It's not bad at all, but Queshi doesn't have any particularly useful top laners at the moment."

"Mouse's Kenan should use the AP style to fight the team," Miller speculated, "The AD game of the Ice Hammer style was popular for a while in the mid-season version, but EDG probably won't use it."

Nofe paced back and forth in the back of the player's seat, and the nervous expression that was previously caused by VG's choice of skate shoes was relieved.

This electric mouse is his weapon against Jax.

Kenan will only be beaten and ravaged when the weapon is laning!

I don't believe Song Jinghao, you dare to play Jax with an electric mouse! happy

Nofe has coached Smeb for two years and knows Maibo's character well.

Don't look at Song Jinghao who is smiling like a sunny and cheerful boy on the surface, but in fact he is full of arrogance in his heart.

Dig a hole for him, this guy really dares to jump down!

Smeb really wanted to pick Jax at first, knowing that there are tigers in the mountain and he prefers to go to the tiger mountain.

As long as they can defeat Mouse against the counter, the opponent's self-confidence will be completely crushed!

But Redmi didn't agree.

After some discussion, Smeb puffed his mouth and asked his teammates to help him choose Gundam Poppy. happy

"Rambo?" Miller was very surprised, "This is one of Smeb's unique heroes back then. Not only can it make up for the team's AP damage, but it is also a good match for the prince in team battles!"

The last position of VG gave Kuro to get Syndra.

The effect of the rock sparrow on the upper plate was mediocre, and the red rice didn't give a damn, so Li Ruixing was asked to change to a hero who was stronger in the lane.

The answer sheet handed over by EDG is a second lock.

"It's Lucian again?!" Wawa couldn't believe her eyes, "EDG has put in all their efforts today, and they insist on taking Lu Xian to guarantee the line suppression power for the elementary school boy!"

Many piggies in the stands were discussing in one go, with worried expressions on their faces.

The defeat of Lu Xian in the last game made them not trust Lu Xian in this move. happy

After the players exchange heroes, the lineups of both sides are determined.

Blue Fang VG: top laner Rambo, jungler Prince, mid laner Syndra, bottom laner Skate + Lulu.

Red Fang EDG: top laner Kenan, jungler Keg, mid laner Lu Xian, bottom laner Verus + Fengnv.

"EDG's lineup in this game is a bit better than the previous game, and the offensive pressure is not too great. There is a possibility that Kennan can create a miracle team..." Miller talked eloquently.

"But I'm looking forward to the performance of skateboard shoes," Waowa said excitedly, "I have a hunch that VG will have a big job today!"



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