The coaches of both sides came to the center of the stage again.

The spotlights on the dome were fully fired, focusing on the gorgeous silver dragon cup, setting off the radiance and dazzling. The dazzling light reflected from the Silver Dragon Cup warmed the faces of the two coaches beside them.

Nofe and Hongmi are old acquaintances, and now they are not polite when speaking, and immediately gritted their teeth, "How many tricks have you hidden? It's really disgusting!"

With a hippie smile on Redmi’s face, he took Nofe’s hand and walked down the stage, “Not too much, not too much, barely enough.” Dai Zhichun provided a new idea, which VG has not yet brought out.

In addition, there is Gu Xing's tactical system of Qianjue wild core paired with soft auxiliary incense burners in the middle. Calculated in this way, VG now has a lot of cards in its hands.

Nofe is envious and jealous. He also wanted to hide his tricks. But conditions do not allow. What is the strength of VG?

The best Kuro is one of the top mid laners in LPL, and the whole team is a proper Galaxy Battleship!

If people want to control points in the regular season, they control points. Taking the first place is like a joke. Naturally, they can save extra energy to study new tactics and wait until the playoffs to exert their strength.

And what about EDG?

With the rookie ADC, he stumbled all the way and tried his best to get the second place in the group. They don't have time to practice the new system in the regular season!

Because the first goal set by the club management for the team is to enter the World Championship.

The higher the ranking in the regular season, the more guaranteed points the playoffs will provide for the World Championship.

Nofe knows how outrageous the strength of this year's LPL is. It can be seen from the bubbling stage-IG, E and RNG are competing for the only one World Championship seat!

In the past, the strength of these teams had to be the second and third seeds in the competition area, but now they have to fight bloody battles in the cruel bubbling match to the death!

In such an urgent environment, EDG naturally did not dare to take it lightly, and seriously prepared for every regular season game. Relying on Ming Kai's meticulous study of Uzi's play habits, he just defeated RNG and got the ticket to the World Championship! On the eve of the finals, Guodian finally freed up its hands to prepare for some hole cards.

As a result, the soft-auxiliary double-guaranteed system shown in the semi-finals of VG and E drove the evolution direction of version 7.16!

It took Guodian more than half a week to finally adjust and adapt to the new version of understanding, and then non-stop to prepare for the final material shooting and rehearsal.

In short, EDG has no cards at all so far!

Nofe sighed secretly.

It depends on whether the players can hold their breath and show the upper limit of their abilities to have a chance to overthrow VG!

As the two coaches left the stage hand in hand, there was a huge cheering sound from the stands on all sides! Seeing the team he supported win a good start, tens of thousands of VCs were very excited, and their voices were even higher!

Due to the large number of spectators at the scene, it is impossible to lead the shouts in an orderly manner like in the regular season, so everyone will highlight one shouting each. The effect presented is that the voices of VG fans cheering completely crushed the EDG piggies!

Summoner's Canyon descended, and all ten heroes went out. The sound in the stands gradually subsided, and suddenly another man opened his voice and shouted 'DGL Come on', and the laughter spread throughout the audience in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, various shouts similar to "Uzi Chong Chong Chong" and "OTTO Fly Bravely" were heard endlessly, and the tense atmosphere of the fans of both sides in the stands eased.

"Who is OTTO?" Gu's mother curiously asked Shen Guanshan beside her.

Uzi, she knows, is still quite well-known, and has launched several focus battles with VG. "Toilet," Gu's father replied naturally, "I remember there is this brand." Gu Pan pondered for two seconds, "... Is there a possibility that the brand is TOTO? "

Father Gu fell silent.

Shen Guanshan turned his head, wanting to explain in strict words, "I'm a professional player, I played Texas Hold'em before..."

Gu's mother understood, and couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion, "Good guy, I didn't expect to be so developed now, even

There are dedicated professional players playing Texas Hold'em? "

Something doesn't seem right. Shen Guanshan's brain crashed.

She had just organized her words and sentences, and was about to speak when she was attracted by the game on the spot.

"It seems that EDG is joining based on the idea of ​​not being able to beat it," Waowa said in a loud voice, "The bottom lane duo in this game is all barrier + healing!"

Miller nodded, "Soft support belt has many healing benefits. Not only can it provide high blood volume recovery for teammates, but it can also provide an additional means of providing buff effects after making the incense burner!"

"Then the qualitative change node in the bottom lane of this game should be to see who makes the fiery incense burner first..." He shifted his perspective to the canyon.

"In this game, EDG did not choose to invade at the beginning, which is very good, Sister Li. The combat effectiveness of the first-level regiments of the two sides is almost the same. Don’t invade, but still run into the opponent’s jungle and set up a ward to detect the jungler’s opening route!”

The first-level regiments of the two teams didn't have many control skills, and the two sides were able to set up their vision unscrupulously. The top laners pay their eye positions and poke their vision into the BUFF camp in the upper half of the enemy area.

The main reason is that Rambo is playing against Kenan. No jungler will catch him if he is less than level 6. The wards of the two don't need to guard against Gank in the early stage, and can be used to detect the opponent's jungler's movements.

However, when the two top laners finished their work and retreated to the river, they bumped into each other.

Now the behavior of going deep into the enemy's wild area to make eyes is completely exposed!

Mouse was very embarrassed and showed the EDG team logo to show his friendliness.

Song Jinghao also operated Gundam Bobby to dance on the spot and poke the drill bit twice, and the two sides passed each other back to the line in line with the concept of "well water does not violate river water".

"Brother Xing and the factory manager simply stopped pretending, and started the jungle from the Ueno area, and started the wild race in front of the enemy's sight!"

Gu Xing's Prince Gank used in this game is one step earlier than the wine barrel. It is one of the few heroes who can exert influence on the situation at level 2.

But he was in no rush to strike.

First of all, his own traces and movements have been captured by EDG, and it is not easy to get results if he wants to launch Gank on the third line. Secondly, launching Gank at level 2 will inevitably make sacrifices, and you will definitely be defeated by Guijiaqiqi to defeat several groups of camps.

Gu Xing didn't want to throw a lot of chips to gamble on the success rate.

As the saying goes, if you don't take the initiative, there will be no flaws.

If he hides in the wild area, Ming Kai will be wary, and he will not dare to show up easily to launch a surprise attack online! Gu Xing intends to stabilize this game, and his main focus is to strike after the attack.

Anyway, I'm not in a hurry!

In terms of the mid-term team battle fault tolerance rate, VG with Calista doesn't know how much higher it is than Guodian!

Furthermore, the junglers on both sides are playing cards from top to bottom. Judging from the current lineup selection, as long as Gu Xing does not show his face, Gu Xing has already won.

Because the strength of the heroes selected by the VG duo is really strong during the laning phase! Don't look at the opposite Verus is more or less a line bully.

But in front of skateboard shoes, Verus is a younger brother!

What's more, Duan Deliang also chose Lulu, the current version's laning ability can completely crush Fengnv!

As long as Gu Xing doesn't show his face, Ming Kai doesn't dare to take the initiative to catch him - in case he squats back, the duo will send it directly! Then VG can blatantly and frantically push the line in the bottom lane, further compressing the development space of the EDG duo!

"Brother Xing is very contented in the wild area. He even plans to choose the plan of clearing the wild area, which is very rare for the prince!" Waowa looked down the road through the camera of the director.

"Jack played very fiercely when he was on the line. Relying on his ability to push the line is even better, he rose to level 2 first, and the shield given by Lulu above his head stepped forward to exchange blood!"

Guodian's duo retreated in time. But the pursuit ability of skateboard shoes is too strong.

Jack A's two pawns slide forward to close the distance, Q's spear stabs and hits Verus from a long distance, and then pays E [Tear] Explosive Spear to slow down the opponent. Duan Deliang also gave Q [Sparkling Spear] an additional deceleration effect.

Smash the shield that Meiko put on Iboy, and also lower the opponent's blood bar by two bars!

"Oh..." Miller exclaimed, "Jack's proficiency in skate shoes is pretty good!" Waffle teased, "After all, he was born in VG, and skate shoes are a unique skill." Supporters in the stands They let out a few laughs.

The top unique skill of the former shooter Gu Sung Bin is Calista. Leaving aside the scene of being sent away by the Iron Man Three Hammers happily, the proficiency is terribly high.

Seeing that Yu Wenbo's skateboard shoes are changing smoothly now, I can see a bit of I in it.

"The VG duo took advantage of the blood exchange after reaching level 2, and directly chose to push forward aggressively, forcing EDG's bot lane out of the experience zone!" Meiko was too far away from the line of troops, and watched the enemy minions fall under the artillery fire. powerless.

Logically speaking, he would not be particularly anxious.

After all, it is the shooter who needs to make up the knife, and has little to do with the support. But Tian Ye produced [ancient coins] wages!

It is too far away from the death area of ​​the VG soldier, and he can't even trigger the coin effect, let alone pick it up! Meiko is a little irritable.

To buy this piece of equipment is to stay on the line for a long time, and his teammates collect soldiers to pick up money, and quickly add up the economy to buy equipment. But now the suppression of the VG duo makes me feel stuck in my throat!

If he made the incense burner one step slower than Duan Deliang in this plate, Meiko couldn't even imagine what would happen!

Fortunately, when the VG duo pushed the line before grabbing 2, a lot of HP was consumed by the EDG minions.

When the third wave of artillery vehicles arrived, Jack pushed all the minions he had hoarded into the tower. Then he took Duan Deliang to the lower field of EDG!

"The VG duo is trying to make trouble," Waowa became interested, "The factory manager has just brushed the blue BUFF, and the heroes of both sides are about to face a head-on collision!" Ming Kai predicted from half a minute ago that VG's bottom lane might finish pushing the cannon The car line came to the lower wild area to find myself.

Theoretically speaking, he can avoid risks by modifying the order in which the six groups of camps are brushed from top to bottom. But he didn't.

The main reason is that it takes a lot of time to modify the wild path, and you need to go back and forth between the camps halfway, and you need to walk a few more distances. And disrupting the order of clearing the wild will also affect the reset rules of the second round of camps.

Over time, in order to avoid the risk of being invaded by the VG duo this time, Ming Kai may have to pay an extra few minutes on the route in the jungle!

Guijiaoqi felt that it was not worth it, so he simply chose to fight head-to-head.

Of course, it is obviously unrealistic for him to confront the VG duo by himself. Ming Kai intends to shake people.

EDG's bottom lane was tied under the tower and he couldn't move, but he still has a mid laner!

"The little brother was called to the wild area for support. He probably got the reminder in advance. The pawn line in the middle is doing very well. He has pushed the pawns into the VG middle tower, and he won't lose pawns when he roams..."

Miller stared at the small map intently, raised his eyebrows suddenly, and his voice became extremely high-pitched, "Kuro Li Zaigan?" The screen was shown in the middle.

Li Ruixing's Syndra used Q [Dark Ball] to kill the two bins and a residual blood cannon under the tower, then abandoned a large number of long-range soldiers and headed straight down the river, making it clear that he would also support the wild area!

"Is Kuro crazy?!" Wawa was shocked, "How can there be a mid laner who insists on support without the line?" Especially in the early stage, every minion is a precious and important resource for the mid laner.

Some mid laners even cherish soldiers like their lives. As long as there are minions in the middle, he will never roam to help his teammates! But Kuro is a real weirdo.

Is it important for minions to have support?

What he pays attention to is to sacrifice the small self to fulfill the big self!

Even the members of Guodian who boasted that they had conducted in-depth research on VG were all shocked by Syndra's unhesitating terrorist support efficiency. Is there any need to go so far?

"EDG saw that their team was at a disadvantage in numbers in the lower jungle area, so they temporarily decided to send their support over to help!"

However, the field has just passed through the grass behind the side of the lower tower

Entering the lower field, the middle lanes of both sides arrived at the battlefield almost at the same time. Syndra directly flashed forward, [Driving Thought Power] Grab the blue BUFF through the wall!

"Brother Xing came across the lower river at the same time. After Syndra threw out the wild monster, he used passive heavy attack and punishment to get it in his pocket!" Waowa praised unceasingly, "VG Nakano's cooperation is very tacit, EDG is very good at There is nothing to do!"

The bullet screen scrolled wildly in the live broadcast room.

[So ruthless Xingdora, EDG thought that Kuro could be trapped by clearing the middle lane, which is too bad] [Spicy is really awesome, Kuro stands out, as long as the wild area fights, Always arrive in time] [When will I meet this kind of mid laner when I play jungle? Woooooo, I really envy Brother Xing]

[It's very simple, as long as you have the strength of Brother Xing, I guess a group of hard-core slaves in the qualifying competition are willing to choose Galio for you] [Ghost Foot Qi is about to die of anger, the blue BUFF is face-to-face NTR, what is the plot? 】

Ming Kai gritted his teeth with hatred, but he didn't dare to take the initiative to attack.

Iboy is still clearing the troops under the tower, and it is impossible to win against EDG who is short of troops and major generals! Guijiaoqi's pair of dead fish eyes stared closely at Syndra who "flicked off his clothes after the incident, hiding his merit and fame". Like to support, right?

You just wait for me, see if you don't, it's over!

VG successfully reversed EDG's blue buff, and the team's voice immediately blossomed.

"Did you see that?" Kuro held his head up and his chest was firm, "Isn't our support very important!"

"Amazing!" Gu Xing praised sincerely after getting the freshly baked blue BUFF, "Your roaming speed is really fast, I feel like the opponent is going to hate you to death now!"

Hearing that the absolute core of the team praised him, the corners of Li Ruixing's mouth couldn't stop rising.

"That's right, as long as I can give you an advantage, we will be willing to lose even more!" He licked in a simple and unpretentious way, with a kind of back-to-basics beauty.

Gu Xing thought for a while, and then came up with a new job. "Ruixing, why don't we give it a try? He told Ruo his mid laner his plan.

After hearing this, Kuro's eyes lit up immediately. It has to be said that Gu Xing's thinking is very bold.

If successful, then VG will successfully establish a team advantage! It's just that I will lose at the counterpoint level.

Li Ruixing, who adhered to the principle of self-sacrifice, immediately agreed, "No problem, Gu Xing, you just look for opportunities, and I promise to complete the task!" Gu Xing went back to his wild area to finish the remaining camps, and went back to the city to buy green jungle knives and red crystals. Go out and be ready to execute the plan.

The Haier brothers from God's perspective were not aware of the discussion among the VG players, and they set their sights on the middle lane. After all, according to the traditional concept, the center line is the most important branch in the canyon, which can often have a profound impact on the overall situation. "After Kuro's support, the laning state is full, and the hit rate of the Q skill is much higher than before!"

Wawa was full of praise, "The blood volume of the little brother has been cut to about half, and he will have to go back to the city to replenish after pushing a wave of soldiers later, otherwise he may be caught by Syndra Dansha at any time!"

Miller frowned suddenly, "Something's wrong...the central line of soldiers has been pushed out!"

"The director's wine barrel is on the way, and he seems to want to do something to Syndra," he said at a moderately high speed, "Kuro has been fooled!" Miller understood it this time.

The elementary school boy was Q twice earlier, and now he is standing in the pile of his own minions. In this way, as long as Syndra uses Q to consume blood, it will wear down the minion line at the same time.

In the long run, the handover point of minions is bound to advance in the direction of the first tower in EDG! In order to make up the knife, Syndra must also move forward.

Mingkai's wine barrel rushed to the middle at this time, just to catch Kuro and avenge him! Miller sighed, "Kuro is a bit careless..."

Under normal circumstances, mid laners with a little level will stay away from the lane when the opponent has area damage skills, so that the opponent can only make a choice between consuming heroes or minions.

It is impossible for the enemy to use a single skill to achieve the intention of pushing the line and consuming blood. Otherwise there must be ghosts!

Such a simple truth, Miller thought that even he knew it, but Kuro didn't realize it? Pure low-level mistakes!

But he is still too young.

Li Ruixing is not a fool, so he can naturally see that the other party, Lu Xi'an, deliberately moves into the pawn pile to pick up the Q, in order to trick himself out and create a Gank raid opportunity for Guijiaoqi.

But this is what Kuro wants!

At four and a half minutes into the game, Li Ruixing had just handed over his Q skill to lower Lucian's blood volume to 1/3, and a big beer man squeezed out of the grass above him!

"Kuro grabbed the magic ball and tried to stun the opponent with the weak back scattered......"

Even though Li Ruixing got the details right, he always turned his head when he threw the [Instigate Force], and used the skill mechanism to make the captured magic ball fall to the ground faster. But the speed of the second company of E is still not as fast as that of QE.

With Gui Jiaoqi's reaction, he can attack one step ahead. Chicken with meat, egg and green onion!

Immediately following Flash, successfully dodged the retreat of the weak, and knocked Syndra unconscious! "Luxian slid forward and began to output, and Syndra's blood volume dropped very quickly!" With the doll's rapid commentary noise, Kuro was in a precarious situation!

Before Li Ruixing recovered from his dizziness, he was hit by the rolling wine barrel and slowed down.

He simply stood where he was and finally used the cooldown turned Q [Dark Ball] to clean up the middle lane! In the end, ut - send a general attack to clear Kuro's health bar!

"The first blood is born!" Miller shouted, "The factory manager's ability to drive the rhythm is very good today, and he won the first kill for the second consecutive round in the final!" The piglets in the venue were full of emotions, and burst out in the auditorium cheer!

The director deliberately gave a close-up of the ghost's foot seven, and saw the corner of the other party's lips curled up, revealing an evil, charming and domineering president smile. It is exactly the same as the advertisement picture of "The World Focuses on You", and it can be called a nanoscale replica.

The screams from the stands grew louder.

"Brother Xing is not idle, he chose to attack the bottom lane!" The camera shifted to the bottom lane.

The EDG duo was not fast enough to deal with the large number of minions that had previously advanced into the tower, so that the fourth wave of short-line handover points were still stuck in the tower.

It is inevitable to usher in the front push line.

Now the bot line has quietly pushed through the central area, to an area closer to the VG tower. Gu Xing didn't make any fuss, and immediately got out of the triangular grass and headed down the road.

Since the EDG duo has been pushed from the beginning of the laning period, now it is hard to push out the minion handover point, and there is no time and ability to go to the triangle grass to set up the vision.

Gu Xing is unscrupulous!

When EDG got off the road and saw Gu Xing's figure, it was too late to run away. "Prince Duan flashes forward and turns into a sheep!"

Aiming at the field!

Meiko's reaction was quick, and he flashed and pulled back the first time.

But the sheep-changing spell has already been used, and Tian Ye's move is just to slow down the arrival of Lulu's spell.

Although he panicked, he was not at a loss.

Hurry up and cast Q [Hurricane Howling] to aim at the direction where the prince is coming and try to blow him up.

Seeing this, Gu Xing also knew that he couldn't wait for the sheep to fall on Fengnv's head before turning in his skills. He immediately used a move to shuttle and dodge the hurricane, and the EQ second company flew the field into the air!

"The gank methods of the two junglers are exactly the same!" Miller exclaimed, "They all use flash to avoid the opponent's control skills!" Jack jumped forward, and the spear kept piercing the crispy girl.

Meiko felt that he could save it again, so he handed over the treatment as well.

But he hasn't touched skate shoes for too long, and he doesn't know anything about Kalista's damage!

Jack stacked four spears, and handed AE a strong pull, beheading Fengnv who had nearly 30% of her health remaining on the spot! "This is the bad thing about the ancient coin's production equipment, the early stage is really brittle!" Miller was heartbroken.

The salary package does not provide health attributes. As a long-handed protection assistant, Fengnv's body is fragile, and she can't stand the ravages of the VG Xiaye trio.

Color, pay back the color to the piggies!

"But this round of exchange seems to be more profitable for EDG," Waowa expressed her opinion. "Even if Syndra can make up the line after teleportation and resurrection, he is a mid laner after all, and the price of one death is heavy!"

Ming Kai thought so too.

He was skeptical of Kuro's handling of the wave even before he did it.

Why did the opponent dare to continue to pay Q consumption and push the line when the junior brother hid in the pawn line? Are you not afraid of me?

The sale of ut is so obvious that Syndra actually wants to push the line!

It's unbelievable that such a low-level mistake happened to a single person in a first-line profession!

At first, Guijiaoqi thought that the opponent had set up a trick and asked Kuro to push the line to deliberately lure him to catch it. In fact, Gu Xing squatted back in the middle. But after he thought about it, he felt that as long as the opponent Syndra finished the Q, the combat intensity of the two sides' middle and field would not be on the same level, so there was no need for him to be cowardly!

Ming Kai made a decisive attack and helped the elementary school boy get first blood!

More importantly, he has finished the sacrifice, and then he can let ut accompany him for a wave of lossy roaming!

Guijiaoqi could also guess that Gu Xinghui would choose to go to the side for Gank after seeing that he was caught, adhering to the principle of late strike to exchange resources. It's just a reminder a step late.

Gu Xing's movements were too fast.

As if prepared in advance, just waiting for Ming Kai to show up from the middle lane, he immediately rushed down to launch an offensive! However, Guijiaoqi thinks that EDG has earned blood.

He thinks that the middle lane is the foundation of rhythm, and whoever can win the middle lane will win the game! Gu Xing's point of view is completely opposite to Ming Kai's.

Before the debut of the incense burner system, Gu Xing would have felt that the mid laner was more important than the bottom laner. But the debut of the blazing incense burner has completely changed the ecological environment in the canyon!

Getting off the road is the most important thing now!

Whoever can make the auxiliary make the incense burner in advance and let the ADC develop and take shape first will have the advantage! Ming Kai's thinking was obviously still before the finals, and he didn't have time to keep up with the trend.

Or I also know that the bottom lane with the incense burner is very important, but I still haven't raised the status of the duo to the supremacy, thinking that it is not as important as the middle lane.

Gu Xing asked Kuro to sell on purpose, in order to trick Guijiaoqi out, so that he could start from the bottom lane, first establish an advantage for his own duo, and squeeze the development of the enemy team by the way!

Now the bottom line is still in front of the VG tower. After Meiko was killed, Jack was able to take advantage of his combat strength to block this wave of soldiers for a full minute!

If lboy dares to push the line forward, the combination of Calista + Lulu can use the longer down line to chase him to death! A single Gank by Gu Xing can hinder the development of the EDG duo!

"Fighting broke out on the road," Waowa saw the two Poppy scuffling together on the mini-map and playing stickers. At first, his tone was flat, "These two people should not be able to kill each other if they are less than level 6..."

As a result, the director cut the camera, and his eyes showed shock.

"What's going on?! Rambo has already disabled Kenan, Q is getting better again and plans to force a flash!" Seeing that the situation is not right, Mouse hastily retreated to be on the safe side, flashing to persuade the opponent to retreat. There were screams in the stands.

Song Jinghao didn't want to kill him either - he was afraid that EDG Nakano would run to the top road to find him after killing Kuro. Choose to accept it as soon as it is good, and report the other party's summoner skill CD to Gu Xing.

"How do you play the top lane?" Miller was puzzled, "Kenan isn't that difficult to play against Rambo in the early stage, is it?" Raiden Bobi's laning in the professional arena highlights a balance.

Excluding Lucian, there is almost no one who can suppress him in the lane, and he can play with anyone. Facing Rambo, Kenan should have an overall advantage!

Mouse is also complaining now.

Song Jinghao's Rambo proficiency is really terrifying, but his own Kenan is barely usable. That counter advantage was wiped out by the gap in the understanding of heroes between the two sides!

Sb played dirty tricks. After reaching level 4, he started to use the second-level Q roasting line to push the line. After pushing the cannon pawns under the tower, he took advantage of his gap to hand in the E electronic harpoon.

As long as Mouse uses Q to replenish the tower knife, Rambo will immediately use Q to top the tower!

Gundam Poppy has [Shattered Shield] to resist the damage of the turret, but Kenan doesn't have any way to restore blood volume except Doran's sword! After two rounds of exchanges, Mouse has nothing to play.

After being shot out of Flash, he has to hand over the teleportation to supplement the development of the line.

At seven and a half minutes, Rambo used the twisted line right to create a pushback line, forcing Mouse to leave the shelter of the upper tower and move towards the outside of the tower to make up the knife.

Gu Xing was stuck at this moment and rushed to the road!

He has just reached the sixth level, and his EQ is connected to R [Heaven Falls and Earth Shatters]! Combos are extremely simple.

But Mouse was helpless.

Kenan didn't have the displacement skills, he was trapped in the obstacle and used his big move to give the little soldier electrotherapy, and was finally sent back to the spring by Rambo's flame!



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