What is a hexagon jungler?

482: The sky is falling apart! champion point

After reaping the victory in the team battle, VG attacked the city and plundered territory in the canyon, and expanded the territory it could control through aggression. Even Guodian's wild area was not spared, and the few survivors cleaned up the camp!

Witnessing the situation taking a turn for the worse, the piggies were in mourning in the stands, and the wailing sounded together.

Fortunately, there were not many of them, and this tragic sound was extinguished by the restless cheers from the VG fans in the blink of an eye! In the live broadcast room, large blockbusters flashed across the screen, wantonly mocking EDG.

[Send it, send it, the team battle level of EDG is really rubbish]

[I suspect that even if they lead by 1 economy, they will be overturned, not to mention that they are already at a disadvantage. I felt that Guodian would send it at the beginning of the battle] [Is Nofe an iron-headed baby? I had to choose Lucian for two consecutive rounds, and the kidnapping team kept helping, but it was useless to fight by myself! 】

[The pot is pinched by the coach again, what did you do with your fat Lucian in the early stage? 】

[Support went shopping first, and then ate Mouse's line; the canyon pioneer group was forced to let him go because he returned to the city late, and had to defend the first tower, so he shot out his own flash; the middle road was also because of ut himself You have to show off in front of the prince before starting a group, but I say it's the BP's fault, it's definitely not the players' fault! 】

[Brother Xing is really decisive, Lu Xi'an dared to look at me and immediately rushed forward with a big move. I don't think the little boy did much damage until the end]

[I don't understand Lucian who has the advantage of drinking the magic knife naked]

[Isn't it normal for the meat to be stable with the wind, and the damage to the headwind to pretend to be a fight? No need to spray it] Miller frowned, analyzing the current situation.

"For EDG, the current team's double C and top laner are very average. When the damage of their own back row is obviously not as good as that of VG, playing a defense-oriented platoon protection system is tantamount to digging their own grave and dying slowly!"

Guodian is now unable to withstand the front row, and the rear row has no output.

If you play the soft auxiliary double protection row, the result is that before the prince in the front row of VG is killed, your own beer man will fall to the ground! Then VG took advantage of the number of people, and the front and rear rows were clearly formed, crushing EDG like a wheel rolling!

At that time, Guodian will have no chance of winning!

"If EDG wants to win, the first goal to kill is to cut into the enemy's back row and kill Second Lulu. If our side can lead by one incense burner, the difference in combat power will be wiped out!"

As a commentator, Miller has already seen how terrifying the censer is through the last game.

If Duan Deliang can be killed in seconds at the beginning of the team battle, EDG's five-on-four with the blessing of its own incense burner, it will not be a dream to make a comeback!

"Many times, in order to cover enough teammates with the effect of the censer, Ruosuke doesn't keep self-protection skills in his hands, and breaking the sky is nothing more than a healing technique..."

Miller followed his own logic to deduce, but his brows became more and more frowned, "But it's still the same problem, VG has Calista!" With a big move to protect, Lulu can't die at all!"

Kalista's ultimate move is even more outrageous than the golden body.

Zhongya requires the hero to activate it when he is out of control and can act independently, and enter the unselectable state for 2.5 seconds.

R [Call of Destiny] is a skateboard shoe to pull people in. It doesn't matter if the character signed a passive contract is locked in place by a chain control, and it takes up to 4 seconds to inhale the void!

What is the concept of 4 seconds?

As long as the assistant has some brains and doesn't stand in the front row of the formation, the opponent will definitely cut into the formation if they want to threaten her life, and fall into the danger of fighting alone.

At this time, Kalista pulls the supporter into the void and waits for 4 seconds before the supporter throws herself out to adjust the position or knock down the enemy hero...

The large amount of delay is enough for the friendly army to kill the enemies who cut into the formation!

After listening to her partner's deduction, Wawa couldn't help hissing softly, "Based on this, wouldn't Lulu die at all?"

··········································································· Miller has a serious expression,·····································

It's so strong, but the status of the incense burner assistant is too high now! "

What did the VG duo do in the last game, taking advantage of Duan Deliang's lead after making the incense burner first? Almost crazy killings, all kinds of unreasonable tower jumping and killings!

The BUFF gain of the incense burner is almost equivalent to providing 2000 gold coins to the ADC.

May I ask how much output space does a shooter with a leading 2k economy have in a team battle in ten minutes?

To put it bluntly, even if one's own side is destroyed by towers during the laning phase, as long as there are no consecutive violent deaths and line kills, the two sides will not widen the economic gap of 2,000 yuan in the era of no tapi!

At the end of the team battle, even the shooter who is at a disadvantage can start the unsolvable output mode with the assistance of the incense burner! It can be said that as long as the censer support can survive, the shooter is invincible!

Under such circumstances, the status of Kalista, who can protect the auxiliary, will undoubtedly rise!

Looking at the entire league, she is the only shooter who can protect a well-supported shooter in a team battle! This is the core logic of VG's second game BP to grab skateboard shoes first!

Miller originally wanted to make suggestions from the perspective of EDG, looking for an angle for the underdog to comeback and win. But I didn't expect to walk into a dead end after smoothing it out!

"You can't lose Lulu in seconds, it's not easy to kill Calista, this hero is too flexible!" Waffle yelled. Kalista is most proud of two features.

One is that the snowball is fierce in the early stage, and he is good at controlling dragons and suppressing them. As long as he negotiates with the jungler about the time to draw spears, he will not lose dragons—of course, Mala Xiangguo and Nai are exceptions.

The second is the first-class life-saving ability in team battles. Although the output method mainly relies on basic attacks, as long as the attack speed is fast, it can jump left and right. The ability to pull stupid tanks is unmatched among ADCs!

Although due to the existence of the passive [Martial Arts Stance], the damage of skateboard shoes is lower than that of other attack speed shooters. But there is an incense burner!

With the blessing of the incense burner, the missing output ability of Calista will be made up!

Not to mention that the range of the current skateboard shoes has not been weakened, and the standard attack distance of the shooter position of 550 yards makes her output environment extremely comfortable! No matter from which point of view, skateboard shoes are the perfect shooter under the incense burner system!

The VG players only felt that they had the chance to win.

"Dai Zhichun, you are really awesome." Yu Wenbo was overjoyed, "I don't even know how your hot little head grows. You can develop expensive props like incense burners?"

He knew that the players' voices could be heard in the backstage lounge of the team, so he deliberately shouted from the air.

Yu Wenbo has said similar words many times, but now his heart is agitated, and the praise seems sincere. Able sat on the couch with a shy smile.

"There will be great inventors in our team in the future," Gu Xing joked when he returned to the city, "Yu Wenbo, your Bobby title will be confiscated!"

Jack's name is followed by the word wave, which happens to have a big head, which is comparable to Heimerdinger. The team sometimes teases that the great inventor is Bobby Yu. "My brother's research and development level of this method is definitely not worthy of the title of a great inventor," Yu Wenbo said in a very loud voice, "Dai Zhichun must be worthy of it, my brother abdicates!"

Ding Jun, who was supervising the battle in the waiting room, was also full of joy. Seeing that VG had a huge advantage, he turned his head and said to Dai Zhichun, "The team has won the championship, and I will personally give you a bonus!"

According to the club's management regulations, the distribution of event bonuses is linked to the number of games played. Players are full @Say thank you Ding Jun! "Jin Wenhyuk teased him.

Before Dai Zhichun could respond, Yu Wenbo's exclamation suddenly came from the team's voice on the field. "Fuck, why are these Bs in our wild area!"

From the substitute to the coach to the boss, everyone turned their attention to the TV screen.

Jack was probably a little smug, thinking that his team currently had a huge advantage, and it was impossible for the opponent to invade, so he moved safely in his own wild area, planning to take the red BUFF into his hands first.

However, in the mid-lane team battle not long ago, VG invested a large amount of eye position resources in Guodian's wild area.

In addition, Duan Deliang had just made the watch stove at that time, and there were no eye stones in the backpack, and the number of eye positions that the team could place was not many. It caused darkness in the wild area.

EDG caught a glimmer of life in a desperate situation. Mingkai used the beer man's meat, eggs, onions and chickens to cross the wall and climb over the Xiaolongkeng, lurking in the VG lower jungle area one step ahead of time.

Then insert an eye, let the Mouse with the teleportation come to the grass in the enemy's red zone.

Jack, who came to collect the red BUFF, was unaware of this, as soon as he stepped into the grass, he saw the figure of the enemy Ueno!

On the commentary seat, the doll looked nervously at the battlefield, "The barrel knocked the skateboard shoes into a stun, and Kenan's QE three times in a row triggered the stun

Although neither Ueno nor Ueno of EDG has a big move, their skateboard shoes have no meat at all, and the barrier has already been handed over in the upper wave team battle. Now they are bombarded by the enemy's output, and their blood has dropped to a state of crippling in an instant!

"Prince Duan's Lulu is still some distance away from Jack, and there is no time to rush to his side before his teammates die!" But Guodian didn't know the location information of each hero on the other side.

They were afraid that something would happen if they lost their head. It would be a disaster if they were rescued by VG and slipped their skates.

Guijiaoqi simply poured all the damage directly, and took the head with the last roll of the wine barrel! The piggies quickly broke away from their frustration and shouted their team name in the stands to show their support.

"In all fairness, EDG has made money, but it's not a lot of money," Waowa said impartially. "Taking people's heads from wine barrels is the worst outcome. Even if the factory manager returns to the city, he can only buy meat clothes. The bad Kenan received assists, but the price he paid was teleportation and time, and he was still far behind Rambo in terms of equipment!"

Now that the game has reached 18 minutes, Sb's CS is as high as 180, and the data is truly one knife per second. With the data of 4/0/4, the magic piercing staff is on the way now!

On the other hand, Mouse's Kenan currently only has Cricket's 135 knives. Not only is he behind in replenishment, but he has zero kills in the game! After returning to the city this time, he finally made the big mask, combined with the method of wearing shoes to make a second penetrating outfit.

The stunted Kenan is still unable to pose a fatal threat to the VG back row!

Miller automatically looked at the problem from Guodian's perspective, "It can only be said that EDG's direct benefits from Jack's death are relatively low, but they can use the advantage of the number difference to take the first step to the middle lane and advance to the VG middle tower first!"

VG doesn't plan to take over the group either, but just defends under the tower.

Although their economic lead is large, it is not enough to ignore the difference in the number of people. Furthermore, Jack is the only one in the entire VG team who can fully enjoy the benefits of the incense burner.

The remaining four heroes either do not rely on basic attacks to cause damage, or their output ability is low, and the incense burner is useless. Lacking a main output point, VG can't win even if it forces a team.

Fortunately, Kuro's Syndra has the ability to grab the cannon cart, and also has a certain range of damage to clean up the minions, delaying Guodian's push as much as possible.

"EDG doesn't want to give up. They spent two waves of soldiers in the middle lane, just trying to push down the enemy's first tower..." Miller said anxiously, "but the skateboard shoes have been revived and are about to rush to the frontal battlefield !"

"Aren't they going? If they drag it on, they will probably be kept by VG!" But EDG is now red-eyed.

The whole team finally grasped a life-saving straw, how could they give up so easily?

As long as one tower in VG is flattened, the team can gain development time and sufficient vision

! Therefore, Guodian is unwilling to give up knowing that the skateboard shoes will rush to the battlefield soon!

At this moment, Gu Xing made his move.

He moved back one step first, giving the opponent the illusion that he didn't want to start a group.

It seems that this action is very incompetent, and normal people can also judge that Gu Xing is a fake action after a short thought. But the problem is that he won't give EDG enough time to think!

The moment a person sees his opponent turning his back away from him, he will definitely be given a seemingly safe psychological hint, and then he will come to a deeper conclusion after thinking about it in his brain.

This reaction process varies from person to person.

The next moment he turned around, Gu Xing planted the German flag in front of the Guodian formation. Then Q [Dragon Impact] rushed over!

Back to the carbine!

It has to be said that Tian Ye's operational ability is not inferior to the top players in the single lane.

He reacted when he saw the German military flag, and charged his Q [hurricane roar] in seconds to blow forward, trying to interrupt Gu Xing's EQ second company. But the familiar bright golden light flashed.

The prince crossed Hurricane Janna and came to the center of the EDG formation!

"What a quick EQ flash!" Doll screamed in horror, "Brother Xing used his old trick to use a shuttle flash again, and while avoiding the hurricane, he knocked Kenan into mid-air!"

In the face of Gu Xing's carbine-back strategy, Tian Ye reacted quickly, but Mouse was a little slower. In fact, he can dodge with the flash in his hand.

However, when the German flag was planted, Mouse saw that the wind girl standing behind her had already charged up to blow the wind, and she made it clear that she wanted to blow it to interrupt the prince. Besides, Kenan's flash is very valuable, and it is best to enter the field with his ultimate move.

Based on the idea of ​​saving money and trusting his teammates, Mouse did not hand over his flash to evade the prince's EQ in the first place. As a result, Gu Xing's shuttle shot caught him by surprise!

Seeing that Kenan was picked up by the prince and was out of his control, Mouse's heart skipped a beat. It's over.

He gasped, knowing he had made a serious mistake.

On the other hand, Gu Xing's EQ flash is almost like jumping into the enemy's formation alone. EDG immediately set fire to plan to lose Gu Xing in seconds.

But after the prince opened the [Golden Holy Shield], the members of Guodian were filled with despair.

In version 7.7, which was installed at the end of the spring game, the prince's skills have been changed, so that every time he hits an enemy hero, he can get a shield equal to 4% of his own health.

But now in the narrow area in front of the first tower in VG, after Jarvan IV enters the field by flashing, the golden holy shield with a radius of 600 yards spreads slowly to all five heroes of Guodian!

This means that Gu Xing's golden holy shield will have an additional shield of 20% of his own health plus 115 basic values. What concept?

Gu Xing's current equipment that can provide health is the cinder giant jungle knife + giant belt + red crystal. Relying on the 20% extra health increase of the jungler, his blood volume is now as high as 2600 points! The Golden Holy Shield can provide up to 635 points of shield value!

At the time point close to 20 minutes, the 600+ shield is extremely terrifying. Because Gu Xing himself still has a certain resistance.

To break this 600+ shield value, EDG would have to pay as much as 1500 points of panel damage to say the least! There were endless exclamations at the scene!

The ultra-thick shield that exceeds 1/5 of the health bar brings unspeakable impact to everyone!

"Brother Xing's flesh is going to die, the output of EDG only cuts a small part of the shield, it's almost like scratching an itch!"

Wawa explained the situation in a loud voice, "Syndra gave the EQ second combo, coupled with the big move, it will directly force Kenan to death!" Mouse's body is still too fragile.

Even though Tian Ye handed over his healing spell and E skill shield to support his health before he died, Kenan, who has no resistance and no resistance, can't withstand the damage of VG's back row at all!

Rao is a well-developed Kuro, relying on Syndra's unparalleled single-point kill ability can also send him away with pleasure! "EDG took the lead in downsizing. They couldn't even do 4v4 duels, because Jack has already rushed to the battlefield!"

In Miller's hoarse cry, the skateboard shoes came from behind, and with Lulu's [Wonderful Idea] double bonus of attack speed and movement speed, they began to stab wildly, leaving needles and needles on the enemy's body. His spear looks like Madam Rong!

At first glance, Guijiaoqi knew that the team battle could not be accepted.

Kenan flashed his big move and died suddenly if he didn't hand in it. He didn't know how to win in the economically disadvantaged situation! Ming Kai saw that the prince was still walking forward despite his reluctance, so he simply threw R [Explosive Wine Barrel] to make a fuss. The casting angle of the ultimate move is very tricky.

It can push the prince into the EDG formation, and blow up the other four VG heroes who are at the back. The VG team has relatively few retention skills, and Guijiaoqi also wants to try to see if he can kill Gu Xing in seconds.

While the hops were rolling and rising, the prince let out a roar. Demacia!

Jarvan IV, carrying a halberd on his shoulder, leaped high, and the inexplicable metaphysical force directly smashed a deep hole in the ground! The surrounding soil was piled up, and the buildings built covered all the wine barrels and elementary school students inside!

"Beautiful!" Miller couldn't help shouting, "Brother Xing played a trick to control offset!"

The rising process of the prince's ult is the hegemony effect, which is somewhat similar to the stone man's ult. Gu Xing used this characteristic to successfully evade the control of the wine barrel's big move, and backhanded the enemy Nakano Tongtong! Lulu waved her magic wand, and cast R [Wild Wild Growth] to make the prince's body swell suddenly!

ut reacted very quickly this time, giving up his sliding step and retreating back before he was covered by the prince. But Guijiaoqi's reaction speed is obviously not enough to support him to do so.

After slowing down for a while, Lulu's big move gave him a knock-up effect.

Followed by Lambo's R [constant temperature burning] flame roasting!

Seeing that he didn't have much blood left after being attacked by Verus for a while, Gu Xing resolutely handed over another Q [Dragon Impact]. After the Q level was up, the cooling time was fast, and the anchor point of Gu Xing's dragon impact was still locked on the German flag.

The prince who had just rushed forward to the center of the EDG formation relied on his Q skill to return to the side of the military flag again, and retreated from the center of the battlefield. On the way, he shot back Ming Kai who was beside him!

The control chain is perfectly connected!

"The factory director is going to be dropped in seconds!" Wawa yelled, "Fengnv's protection skills are cooling down, so I can only use her big move to help restore a little blood, but it seems that the effect is minimal!"

Janna's R skill AP bonus looks high, but that's the total healing. The healing value allocated to each second is not too much.

In the end, Jack even drove R and threw the poke ball to let Lulu fly out to control him, trying to control Mingkai to death!

"The middle and lower trio of EDG saw Lulu rushing out and wanted to kill each other... but Prince Duan has E and healing skills!" Miller deeply regretted, "The output of the three is not enough to fully Send the blood back to the spring!"

Sb seized the opportunity of the opponent's turn to output, flashed forward decisively, Q [Arson Feast] entered the red temperature state, and the general attack drill bit straight on Verus!

Hu Xianzhao handed over his flash to escape, but Rambo's electronic harpoon still slowed him down. Follow-up VG team members swarmed up like wolves and tigers, killing Verus with three strikes, five divisions and two divisions!

"0 for 3!" Miller yelled, "EDG won't lose money by stealing chickens. Not only did they fail to flatten the first tower in VG, but they also buried three of their own players because of greed!"

"The time has just come to 20 minutes. VG can choose to fight Dalong to further expand its own advantages!" Ming Kai's dead fish eyes became more and more dull.

Listening to Mouse apologizing over and over again in the voice, he didn't even have the face to blame his teammates. Guijiaoqi himself was also killed in seconds.

Before he died, he didn't even hand over his flash, so there was no essential difference from Mouse!

The eyes of the thousands of piggies in the stands on all sides were staring straight. They had only harvested Jack's bounty head one minute, and they were going to give away all the proceeds in the next minute, and they also wanted to catch a Baron Nash!

The only remaining Zhongfu, the 98 brothers, have no way to hinder VG at all!

Accompanied by the desperate roar of Baron Nash, the venue echoed like a tide of VCs

Such enthusiastic cheers!

"The economies of both sides have been stretched to nearly 8K yuan. The skateboard shoes returned to the city and directly took out the hurricane and the attack speed dagger. The combat power has reached its peak!" During the interval between the five VG members returning to the city in a group, the director also replayed the Shanghai Botuan details of the battle.

"Brother Xing's team play is really outrageous," Waowa marveled, "The sense of smell is too precise, and the skill connection is perfect. Use the least skill set to control as many enemies as possible, and protect your own safety... ·····Just this team fighting ability, how many players can't learn it in a lifetime!"

Team battle skills are talents, and it is difficult to improve through systematic training.

Because there are too many variables in a 5v5 confrontation, players must make their own judgments from positioning to skill casting to communication with teammates. Unlike laning, there are only so many strong heroes in the version, and you can practice routines against various characters through a method similar to exhaustion.

Opportunities in team battles are fleeting, just in the blink of an eye. Some people can seize them and are willing to take a gamble to achieve their careers; some players will choose to play it safe and take two steps back. Waste may be Great opportunity to make a name for yourself!

"VG decided not to split-push, and rushed directly to the high ground from the middle lane, planning to break all the way first!" EDG's decision was to give up.

Although they don't know how terrifying the economic gap between the teams is, they can guess the approximate figure based on the equipment prices of players at each point on both sides.

The key skills have not been improved. If you force a group, it will undoubtedly send your team into the endless abyss! But VG has too much appetite.

Gu Xing saw that the other party did not intend to resist, so naturally he would not be satisfied with leveling the high ground all the way. He wants all three crystals!

When pushing to the last high ground, Ming Kai finally couldn't bear it anymore and decided to try to start a group. As a result, he died peacefully.

The skateboard shoes protected Lulu very well, EDG couldn't kill Lulu at all, and Gu Xing gave full play to the role of the meat tank jungler.

It is to use the big move and the EQ second company to circle the battlefield, and open the [Golden Shield] from time to time to provide yourself with tanks to resist the enemy's damage.

The German flag will provide 30% attack speed for the surrounding allies at the full level. With the blessing of the incense burner, the attack speed of the skateboard shoes will exceed 2.0! "Skateboard shoes flicker and frantically output in the battlefield, harvesting the lives of EDG members!"

As the king of damage, Yu Wenbo's ability to produce output is undoubtedly the only one in the world. As long as no one can kill him, Yu Wenbo is an invincible existence in team battles!

Now, he is fully able to export from beginning to end, without worrying about the living environment like before.

Because of the attack special effect carried by the hurricane scattering arrows, now every basic attack on Jack can trigger 3 times of blood recovery from the incense burner, and the replenishment of HP is as high as 80 points!

With two basic attacks per second, the amount of HP restored can reach 160!

Like Verus or Lucian, their basic attack damage is probably this number! Calista's meat is out of the sky!

The skateboard shoes jumped continuously in the battlefield, tied the barrel into a hedgehog and pulled it out, successfully clearing Mingkai's blood! And the other spears inflicted by the hurricane were also pulled out, and the huge damage caused caused the scene to burst into exclamations! When Jack pulled out the spear from Fengnv's body for the last time, the icy announcement of the quadruple kill resounded throughout the audience!

"Kalista's strength is fully demonstrated by VG!" Wow yelled loudly, "Everyone in VG is ready to end the next round!" In just 23 minutes, the main base of EDG turned into fireworks!

"Two to zero!" Miller praised, "VG made a quick victory and made another victory, showing a strong competitive state... Although some details are not perfect, they definitely played better Good side!"

"Now that VG holds three championship points, they only need to win one more round, and they will win another Silver Dragon Cup in the club's history!" Tens of thousands of VG fans at the scene were excited, and they expressed their appreciation for the wonderful plan planned by the commentator. Blueprint was so looking forward to it, the restless noise they made unconsciously rose an octave!

Gu Xing took off his earphones and bumped into Jack head-on.

"Who else?!" Yu Wenbo, who had just won the quadruple kill, went wild, "I asked who else

who! "

Duan Deliang had a great time in this round, and it was rare for him to speak up for his teammates, "Who gave Jack's pentakill to K?" Almost, Yu Wenbo was able to engrave his ID on the milestone of the pentakill in the LPL final!

"Maibo did it!" Kuro immediately stood up as a witness, "I saw it with my own eyes, he stabbed Fengnv to death with an electronic harpoon!"

"Fuck you*," Song Jinghao said decisively, "I thought I didn't know, but after you knocked Fengnv unconscious, you lost your big move very quickly. It's clear that you just want to kill Meiko in seconds!"

Li Ruixing looked disgusted, "Pull Nicole down, I'm not well developed, that kind of damage can kill Fengnv in seconds? Don't make me laugh!"

"It's all over the stomach," Jack put his arms around Kuro and Sb's shoulders, and responded with a grin.

He hugged left and right, coupled with a free and easy tone, he looked quite handsome. If the height is ignored.

Jack hasn't finished his development yet, and he is currently at an altitude of 1.7 meters. Song Jinghao was about the same height as Gu Xing, and went straight to 18.

Yu Wenbo wanted to put his arms on Sb's shoulders, his movements were more or less comical. Gu Xing stepped off the stage holding back a smile, and waved to the nearby stands in the process.

With experience this time, he glanced around the stands and pinpointed the area where his family and girlfriend were. "Gu Xing, come on!" Shen Guanshan put his hands around his mouth in the shape of a trumpet.

For her who is socially phobic, being able to shout this out in an environment surrounded by countless strangers has exhausted all the courage her boyfriend gave her.

But in terms of tone, Shen Guanshan has no advantage over the countless VG supporters in the auditorium.

But Gu Xing seemed to be able to feel the subject's voice echoing in his ears all the time, and immediately burst into a brighter and brighter smile, and walked briskly towards the backstage.

The audio in the venue still faithfully transmits the commentary sound to every corner.

"EDG must adjust their state as soon as possible. If they simply lost to the incense burner system in the last game, it is hard to say that the team has a problem with only one ring in this game!"

Baby agrees with his partner's opinion, "It's like this. In this round, VG used the unique trick of Kalista to form a mutual protection lineup with Xianglu Ruanfu. Although they played very well, in the final analysis, there were more mistakes in team battles and operational decisions!"

When Ming Kai stepped down from the stage, he felt extremely irritable when he heard Brother Haier's words. The team is in a hurry.

Ever since they found out that they couldn't deal with the VG duo in the team battle, the whole team has been in a state of impetuosity. The disadvantaged group wanted to fight desperately to catch the loopholes. After finally taking advantage of it, they gave it all away because of their greed!

EDG's pre-match preparations in this BO5 final were completely blown away by VG! The whole team was in an awkward silence, and no one said anything to ease the atmosphere. Mouse, who was usually the most optimistic, stopped talking at the moment.

He was knocked out of his mind by VG Ueno's conjoined strategy in the last game. At the end of the final game, Mouse's record was 0/5/2.

If it weren't for the current slow tempo, and the number of kills exploded less than before, he has no doubt that he will be super ghost! No one can play with such a performance, and it is impossible to chat with teammates with a hippie smile.

Guilt haunts Mouse all the time.

As soon as Ming Kai walked into the lounge, he saw Abu holding his mobile phone and looking at him.


As soon as the shrill voice sounded, Gui Jiaoqi waved his hands, with a sense of despondency all over his body.

"I know, I know, it's not because I didn't zoom in or dodge on purpose, and it wasn't 'the opponent kept entering my jungle and asked me to go to the bottom lane, how can I go'... It's simply because the decision-making in this round was too impatient , there is no way to fight back.”

Abu was speechless.

He originally wanted to reenact last year's famous biblical scene and wake Ming Kai up with a harsh curse. I didn't expect the other party to learn to rush to answer!

The MVP selection session is being played on the TV screen.

It’s no different from what Ming Kai thought. The judges may have considered Jack’s sudden death and his relatively mediocre performance during the laning period, and finally decided to put

The MVP award was awarded to Gu Xing, who had two blossoms in the early stage and the late stage, and had a good rhythm in team battles.

Battle loss ratio 2/0/14

Team injuries accounted for 48.39% of the team participation rate was 88.9%

Counterpoint economic lead +2208...

Ming Kai glanced at it, and couldn't help but gasp.

Nearly 50% of the injuries were caused by humans? Immediately thought that he could also be Sister Li.

The entire VG team only has one tank, and they rely on the prince to charge and fight to control the front row. In addition, when they are attacked by wild monsters, they will also get injured. It seems understandable that this statistic is better...

Ming Kai used similar words to comfort himself at first, but in the end he still felt that it was outrageous. Fifty percent of the injuries ah!

Gu Xing, what are you doing? !

"Don't be discouraged," said Nofe, who was still taking the time to appease the mentality of the team members. "It's already reached this point. There is no need for everyone to put too much psychological pressure on themselves."

"That's right," Abu nodded in agreement, "Anyway, we've entered the World Championship and accomplished our goal for this season, so let's go to the finals now with the idea of ​​losing money and winning blood!"

"How to play the training game, everyone will play how to play next time, don't be burdened!" The effect of this remark was excellent.

At least Iboy looks a lot better.

As a rookie, in the first year of his career, he can break into the World Championship and win a guaranteed LPL runner-up. Isn't that great? At least Hu Xianzhao himself is quite satisfied.

Without the burden, he felt much lighter all over.

"Could you get me some skateboard shoes?" Iboy asked the head coach, "We're going to be crazy when we play!"

Nofe showed a embarrassed look, "That's enough, VG must know how strong Kalista is, and they will definitely ban them on the red side in the next game..." He changed the subject, "But I can definitely get you a suitable role, including You are satisfied!"

Hu Xianzhao was very happy.

The elementary school boy started biting his nails, and his face was so rosy that he almost had a fever.

If there was a pot-sharing meeting for the defeat in the last game, he would have to be one of the main culprits, not to mention the culprit. Lucian's 2/0 start in the early stage was stunned, but it didn't work out, and he would feel sorry if he didn't take the blame!

"What about the next game?" Nofe tried hard to show a pleasant and gentle look, "Rui Can, what hero do you want to use?"

He is considered an outlier among Korean coaches, and he likes to discuss BP with the players, which he did a lot in the Tigers back then. It's Nofe's ninja way to get into a group with the players.

ut thought for a moment, "I feel...it's still Lucian." Nofe showed a satisfied look.

He thought so too.

Players must have self-confidence.

If he loses two sets, he will give up and not choose. Where can he find the lack of self-confidence that the elementary school boy lacks?



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