What is a hexagon jungler?

483: Choose Lucian!

At the other end of the backstage channel is the VG team lounge.

Compared with Guodian's competition and training department, which has a slightly depressed atmosphere, this place is celebrating Ruo's performance in the second round with joy. "Win another round!" Ding Jun said in a high-spirited voice, "We can have a celebration banquet tonight!" He was very happy with his face flushed.

Not only the boss, but after two consecutive victories, the tense nerves of the entire team relaxed. The tricks that have been hidden for half of the summer game have worked frequently, and they have pushed Guodian to the edge of a cliff!

The Summer Championship is close at hand!

Rao even a few experienced players couldn't resist the temptation, their blood boiled all over, and they couldn't hide the smile at the corner of their mouths.

When Redmi wrote, the tip of the pen trembled slightly, "In the next game, we will be on the red side, and we will take the Ban position of Calista. We can choose the lineup like this. Gu Xing laughed and joked next to him, "EDG has picked Lucian twice in a row. If you don’t know how to place the order, you still have to continue to take it?”

There was a tacit low laugh among the VG players.

"To be honest, ut is really not good now," Li Ruixing uttered wildly in agitated mood, "it's useless to choose Lu Xian!" I am big!"

Gu Xing admitted this.

From the data such as KDA and damage, it seems that Lucian suppressed Kuro. But the actual situation is not the case.

Because Lucian eats too many resources. The first is the BP selection link.

In the first game of EDG, the junior player got Lucian, and on the road, he also picked the big meat tank that Mouse is good at. So what is the price? chopper team.

In this version, the bottom lane must be a traditional shooter + protection support, and the jungler is most likely to be in the front row—except for spiders. However, unless Elise is very fat, her spell damage in team battles is not high.

Under such circumstances, choosing Lucian in the middle is doomed to deform the team's damage type!

The selection of the chopper team can only rely on snowballing in the early stage to win. EDG's offensive pressure in the first game was too great, which directly led to the subsequent collapse of the team. In the second set, Nofe continued to hard-select Lucian. Realizing that the current version of the Chopper team would not work, he had to ask the players to sacrifice himself. Get Kennen who is not proficient for Mouse.

As a result, needless to say, the electric mouse was unable to stand under the tower due to the repeated military training by VG Ueno, and in the end it was almost super ghost! Secondly, EDG also gave Lucian meticulous care in the game.

Ming Kai repeatedly came to the middle road to arrest people to help the elementary school boy withdraw money to get money.

But Lucian, who was fed, is sometimes not as effective as Kuro, who is stocked by the whole field, in team battles! The ball girl can at least give one-hand control, and the occasional fixed-point spike is also very effective.

In contrast, Lucian's performance is not at all sorry for the large amount of resources that the team has tilted towards him!

"That's the way it is," Hongmi pondered for two seconds, and said his inference, "But I think EDG will still choose Lucian in the next round." He has already recognized Guodian's role in the final through the first two games. BP logic!

Not long after, a staff member came to knock on the door to remind the contestants to get ready to go on stage. Gu Xing took the paper cup refilled with iced Coke from Lord Hou.

"Let's go, brothers, let's work..." Seeing Jack put on an arrogant look of getting carried away and wanting to ascend to heaven, he didn't forget to tell him, "Yu Wenbo, don't be too arrogant, it's not a good thing to underestimate the enemy." .”

"That's right," Li Ruixing subconsciously added, acting as Gu Xing's lackey, "Do you know what your name looks like now?" Backlash!"

Kuro, like most KR people, believes in religion more or less, and the seven deadly sins are easy to understand. "What's the matter?" Jack poked his neck in disbelief, "Why are you so proud of me?!"

"Ghost Foot Seven can catch me to death..." His voice stopped abruptly.

Ming Kai's performance against Uzi in the semifinals was automatically replayed in his mind. The hanging man will be caught at level 2!

The teammates also thought of Ming Kai's unique martial arts, laughed out loud, patted Jack on the shoulder and cast a self-seeking look at him. Gu

After returning to the stage with a quick stride, his eyes once again accurately searched for the location of his family members.

Since the family tickets were all in the front row of the stands, he could even see his younger sister happily dangling Shen Guanshan's arm, with a bright smile on her face.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xing couldn't help but feel happy inside.

My sister must be discussing the performance of the wise and mighty prince in our last game. Not in vain for my hard work this year!

Hey, it’s really comfortable for my family to come to watch the game live, and I’m very motivated to see them beaming...

Gu Pan in the stands looked up at the big screen at the scene, then looked down at his face information, and laughed out loud with joy on his face.

"Guan Shan Guan Shan, can you see if I've won the lottery?" She shook her sister-in-law's arm again.

Shen Guanshan was originally staring intently at Gu Xinggou on the stage, and after listening to his sister-in-law's repeated urging, he turned his head to look.

"Hey, don't tell me..." She studied in the imperial capital for a while, and now she can switch between Ningbo dialect and Beijing dialect at will, "You really won the lottery!"

"Win the lottery?" Mother Gu asked curiously.

"There is a lottery during the intermission," Gu Pan said happily, "The face information of the winner will be randomly selected on the big screen. I didn't expect to be able to draw me. We are so lucky today!"

She compared it again, and after confirming that it was correct, she was overjoyed, "Give me the whole skin, isn't Ma Huateng a blood loss?"

Gu Pan couldn't control the crazily upward corners of his mouth, and he almost turned into a slit girl.

It's a pie in the sky!

I was thinking about Star Guard EZ before, but now it’s great, any glacier miner can use it casually!

"Ah, yes, yes, he was so lucky that he burst into tears," Shen Guanshan rarely teased, "I'll show you the few strings of codes behind the scenes." Don't be sour, Guan Shan." Gu Pan smiled.

"I want to win the lottery." Shen Guanshan muttered a few words. She doesn't believe in luck.

But at the critical moment of Xiajue, Shen Guanshanjing also had absurd thoughts, worried that if he won the lottery, he would snatch all of Gu Xing's luck and implicate his boyfriend in losing the final.

Gu Pan hummed a ditty and looked at the contestants on the stage. He frowned and wondered, "What did Gu Yuyu do just now, why is he so happy now?" The director happened to focus the camera on Gu Xing, and found that the star With a smile on his face, he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

"It can't be, it takes so long to win a game..." Gu Pan was very suspicious because he didn't know.

To say that he just won a small game, it is reasonable to be happy, but now that the intermission is over, Gu Xing can still laugh? This joke is too low!

Besides, is Le Cheng really not afraid of being hated by the other party?

The big screen at the scene happened to be switched to Ming Kai, and his dead fish eyes showed strong displeasure. "Ohohoho, Patriarch Saiwen is going to exert his strength!" Gu Pan smiled.

Before she could say anything else, the loud and clear metal brittle sound spread throughout the audience! The Haier brothers, who have adjusted their condition, are in good spirits.

"Welcome back to the live broadcast of the 2017 LPL Summer Finals. In the current third round, EDG holds the right to choose the side. After choosing the blue side for myself, send Syndra to the ban position first!"

Wawa was very interested, "It seems that they still chose to make appropriate changes, thinking that Kuro's ball girl in the game brought a lot of pressure to the EDG team."

"The hero Syndra is really too strong in the early and mid-term," Miller tried to explain, "The single-point second man's ability is too prominent, and he threatens the life of crispy heroes all the time in team battles!"

In terms of single-body outbreaks, Syndra is also one of the best among all mages.

And the most outrageous thing is that the shooting range is longer than that of ordinary assassins, so that characters with fragile bodies must be wary of the ball girl's control and explosion.

"It's like Lucian in the last game. Although he has an advantage in the early stage, if he uses all damage equipment, he may be taken away by Syndra's long-range damage before he touches the VG players in the mid-term team fight!"

This is how crispy heroes face high explosive heroes.

No matter how well-developed it is, as long as it doesn't have a meat outfit, the fault tolerance rate is still very low.

Miller talked about his thoughts, "The second round of the elementary school boy was forced to use a magic drinking knife to prevent Syndra from killing him in seconds, which slowed down the speed of his own equipment formation..."

Wawa had been listening to his partner's explanation before, until he had a sudden reaction when he said this.

"Wouldn't EDG ban Syndra and choose Lucian?" He looked excited as if he had discovered Guodian's secret, "If you don't take Lu Xian, it seems that there is no need to ban the ball girl!"

Lucian seems to be better at playing Syndra, but that is the laning period. The operation difficulty of the two sides in the team battle is not at the same level at all!

As for Lucian's 500-yard short hand, if he wants to hit full output, he must be close, and it is easy to be sent away by the ball girl counterattack! The baby was silent for Miller.

After listening to Doll's words, the piggies in the stands also shouted in unison, seeming to reflect their dissatisfaction with the mid laner Lucian.

But Nofe obviously couldn't hear what the fans were shouting.

After Redmi banned the supermodel skateboard shoes, he immediately sent the spider to the ban position.

"Brother Xing's Elise is indeed a masterpiece. The ability to bring rhythm in the early stage is too strong. From the semi-finals to now, no one dares to let it go!" Wow boasted.

Gu Xing shook his head and sighed helplessly when he saw the spider go to the ban position again.

"What is Nofe doing?" He was puzzled, "This is obviously the version of the incense burner, and he still wants to ban spiders?" Elise only talked about the strength of the hero, and it is not bad in the current version.

But it doesn't fit the game environment.

The censer on the lower road is popular, and the assistants have to hang it online in the early stage, and use [Ancient Coins] to search for gold coins.

Not only is it impossible to link up with the jungler, but even the bot lane Gank is difficult to reach the sky, even if the spider is in the bot lane, it is not easy to kill the opponent-except for outrageous characters like Kalista with extremely high early damage.

As we all know, Spider is a jungler who needs the cooperation of his teammates to control him.

Cocooning is the only thing that can trap opponents all over her body. This skill is not easy to hit. If her teammates can't assist from the side, it is undoubtedly extremely difficult for Elise to raid the line!

In the current version with a slow pace in the early stage, the spider, who mainly plays snowballs in the laning phase, seems out of place!

If you don't accumulate enough advantages in the early stage, and dragged to the team battle stage, the extremely fragile Elise can't play much role, can't cut into the enemy's formation, and can't stand in the front row of the lineup to cover your own shooter. Shelter from the wind and rain.

Gu Xing felt that even if EDG released the spider, he would not choose it.

There is no need for the opponent to contribute a first-round ban on Elise!

"Lu Zhe is like this," Hongmi shrugged, "he probably hasn't adapted to the incense burner system yet, and his BP thinking is stuck in the semi-finals. If he just chooses the soft-assisted double-guaranteed system, Spider can choose it.

Because the environment has not yet evolved to a deformed level, everyone is not yet a tool person assisted by the incense burner, and the ones who guarantee the row are also double C. And now, the incense burner assistant is the real father!

An important reason for Calista's current supermodel is to protect soft assistants. The tactical focus has quietly changed!

It can only be said that Nofe's thinking is a bit rigid, and the on-the-spot response ability is insufficient.

"Let's ban Rexai first," Hongmi said, "don't give Clearlove room to play."

Ghost foot seven's unique excavator is indeed very good, and compared to the spider that also needs to be rhythmic in the early stage, the advantage of Rek'Sai is that it has a stable control and a higher success rate of Gank, so it can also be selected in the current version.

Nofe's last ban in the first round was given to Song Jinghao's Qinggangying, but he still didn't want the opponent to get the perfect top laner who took into account both team play and single belt.

"VG chose to dismantle Phoenix Legend and ban Luo, a very routine decision..." Miller looked at EDG's hero selection box.

"Wind Girl

? It is indeed a high-strength soft support, mainly because the basic cooling time of the shield is very short, and it can continuously set the shield and hang the incense burner effect on teammates." He nodded slightly, "Since VG used it in the first round of the final, Janna has quickly From the original sewer hero to the first sister of the soft assistant world!"

Wawa took the opportunity to answer, "VG's choice is to play Verus and Boar Girl in the bottom lane. There is no problem. They are relatively strong heroes in their respective positions."

Guodian also used junglers and bottom shooters in the second and third selections. One thing to say, Nofe is a quick learner in this area. The main thing is to be able to copy VG's routines.

He also realized that in the current version, unless some very outrageous single-lane version heroes are released, the core bottom lane combination of the team battle and the jungler responsible for the overall rhythm are the top priorities.

And there are not many options, if you wait until the second round to make a decision, you may be banned by the opponent! "Did EDG take down the wine barrel and... the small cannon?" the baby looked thoughtful.

Miller reacted quickly, thinking of the reason why Guodian chose Tristana.

"Small Cannon is indeed a very good choice. During the laning phase, relying on E [Explosive Sparks] can push towers, and as the level increases in the middle and late stages, the output environment is also very guaranteed!"

"And Tristana also has a certain level of fighting ability, which can provide a lot of combat power in the battle for the right to bot lane!" He finally understood.

In the incense burner version, one inch is longer and one inch is stronger.

As long as you have an advantage in range, you can use the censer to continuously create high damage, so you don't have to worry too much about the enemy heroes rushing in! The current version of the small cannon will have a range of up to 669 yards after the full level, which is even farther than the policewoman Caitlyn!

Red rice noodles do not change color.

VG researched the incense burner system more than half a month in advance, and a shooter with an invincible range like Xiaopao was naturally developed early. It can be said that the new gadgets that EDG has produced so far have long been used up by them!

Hongmi finally gave Duan Deliang Lulu to supplement the incense burner.

Entering the second round of BP, he disabled the big bug and the big tree successively, blocking Mouse's top lane meat tank selection.

Nofe is also very straightforward, sending the crocodile and the prince to the ban position, trying to block the top lane melee combat H that can be linked with Gu Xingzhumei.

"The fourth choice is for VG to get the mid-lane plane," Wow looked at the character boxes of both sides, and interpreted the team BP, "No problem, since the emergence of the incense burner system, Corki should have a higher priority than Snake Girl."

In the current version, the aircraft is still a traditional three-phase endless crit outflow outfit.

Censer's attack speed, blood sucking and extra damage all have great benefits for Corki!

"EDG chooses Rambo first..." Doll raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Although Mouse is very good at Gundam Poppy, do you really want to choose it in front of a master like Sb?"

Discussion sounds resounded from the stands.

Mouse was squeezed from the support position to the top laner by Meiko, and he was able to quickly replace Koro1's position, relying on Guodian's ancestral tree.

Lambo is sitting tight @The choice of Lambo for the face only caused some waves in the auditorium. Then to get Lucian again, is to stir up a thousand waves in the stands and stir up an uproar!

The piggies broke their defenses one after another, and the wails continued one after another.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also looked like sharks smelling blood, scrambling to come to the chat channel for group building. [I'm a tortoise, EDG is really iron-headed now! 】

[Good guy, could it be that he was infected by LGD's optimism virus? The incubation period has been two full years and it's only happening now] [Nofe, you are sending β, you can really choose Lu Xian three times, can you have some brains? 】

[Isn't it the primary school brother who wants to choose? When I watched Lu Xian being locked on, UT in the camera was quite enjoyable]

[To be honest, I, a person who doesn't know LOL very well, knows that this version of Lucian is really not strong, what can I do with a range of 500 yards? There is no room for output in a group! 】

Nofe has his reasons for continuously choosing Lucian. He learned from VG's semifinal match against E.

At the beginning, White Crescent successfully prevented Kuro's efficient roaming by restricting the line power in the middle. Nofe wants to emulate this trick.

Compared with the strong strength of Gu Xing and Sb, the mid laner Li Ruixing will be better targeted.

The difference is that the implementation plan that White Crescent came up with was to block and limit Kuro's hero selection through the ban position, forcing him to only use magic core heroes to be trapped in the middle lane.

Nofe didn't want to pay the price of too many bans, which would put too much pressure on the rest of his teammates.

From this, he introduced another alternative plan-use a more powerful laning hero, make full use of the personal ability of the junior, and firmly trap Kuro in the middle!

Then Lucian is the best choice among them.

No matter if you use a rock sparrow or some other hero, facing Lucian, you can only go to jail passively! But Nofe's dream is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

The strength of the VG team is so terrifying that it doesn't need Kuro's roaming linkage. As long as you hold ut online, you can easily win Guodian!

If you think about it, you know that the status of the mid laners of the two sides in the team is completely different.

The elementary school brother belongs to the father of the father, and has inherited the identity of the fat general in disguise, and must bear the heavy responsibility of carrying the team in the face of strong enemies. But Kuro is different.

There are two big figures in the team, Ueno, who can drive the rhythm of the game and carry the audience. No matter how bad it was, Jaeb held his chin and thought for a moment.

"Be careful, I don't need to choose the hero that will lead to the end. The intensity of our team battles in this game is quite high." Rambo is very strong in terms of laning alone.

It's because I'm afraid that the jungler will take care of me.

The Ueno combination of Shen + Zhumei is very good at military training. Not only do they have relatively stable control skills, but they can also quickly stack up with Zhumei's frost effect and hit the dizziness of E [Permanent Frozen Field]!

Simply the best choice!

Hongmi readily agreed and asked Duan Deliang to help lock the role. The lineup of the two sides has been determined so far.

Blue side EDG: top laner Rambo, jungler Barrel, mid laner Lucian, bottom laner Cannon + Wind Girl. Red Fang VG: top laner Shen, hit wild boar girl, mid laner Airplane, bottom lane Verus + Lulu.

"I feel that in terms of lineup strength alone, EDG is definitely better in the early and mid-term, but if it is delayed to the mid-to-late stage, especially after the aircraft is made into a three-piece suit, VG can turn the tide of the battle!"

Miller said so.

"That's right," Baby nodded in agreement, "And the advantage of the VG lineup is that the front row is very solid. Shen and Zhumei can make it impossible for EDG to pass them in team battles and go directly to the back row!"

"In contrast to EDG, it is difficult to provide an excellent output environment for all the heroes in the back row to shelter from wind and rain with the barrel alone!"

"Let's see if VG, with three championship points in hand, will make persistent efforts to win the final, or EDG will drag the game into the fourth round with its tenacity!" Waowa's voice is firm and powerful.

The director distributed the shots to the coaches of both sides.

The two came to the Silver Dragon Cup and shook hands again.

Inside the venue

There is an ocean-like cheering wave of EDG and VG supporters!

Shen Guanshan tightly held the support banner in his hand, and together with the three members of the Gu family beside him and countless VCs around him, he shouted loudly to cheer for VG! The piggies also temporarily put aside the controversial BP of the third selection of Lucian, and focused on the field first.

Amidst the deafening noise made by both sides, Summoner's Canyon descended with a bang!

"It is worth mentioning that both Iboy and the elementary school brother carry purification in this game, which is obviously very fearful of the control strength of the VG lineup. Whether it is the Ueno combination of Zhumei + Shen, or the duo of Verus + Lulu, It's all about control.

If you don't bring a light purification barrier, you may be targeted by VG's serial control chain in team battles!

EDG double C would rather sacrifice a little laning ability, but also ensure their own safety in team battles.

"The two sides started the game smoothly, and neither of them intends to team up to invade the enemy's wild area," Waowa said with a smile. Because of the uncertain outcome of the first-tier team, this crucial game was ruined."

"However, the wards that should be done still need to be placed. Sb went to the Ueno area of ​​EDG alone to insert an accessory ward to detect the factory manager's movement in the field. EDG also asked Meiko to go to the VG lower field to do wards... ····"

Other than that, the canyon was calm and calm.

When the time came to 1 minute and 40 seconds, the mid laners of the two sides had already headed to the middle lane to start the line, and wild monsters also jumped out of the camp.

"The junglers on both sides should have guessed the approximate location of the opponent's wards in their own jungle, and they simply didn't hide it. They both opened the field from the half of the enemy's ward!"

Gu Xing brushed slowly from bottom to top, wanting to clear all the six groups of camps and upgrade to level 4 first.

He knew that his bottom lane had an advantage in combat power at the beginning of the game, and after communicating with him, he decided that Jack would push the line to grab the second. Therefore, after brushing the blue buff, Gu Xing went to the Xiaolongkeng Pass to insert a jewelry eye.

The defense is that Ming Kai uses E [Meat Egg Onion Chicken] to cross the wall of the Xiaolong Pit and bypass Jack's eye position near the triangular grass in the bottom lane to catch it! Patriarch Sai Wen had a criminal record, so he had to take precautions.

After solving the vision problem, Gu Xing returned to his own wild area and continued to clean up the camp. He feels that VG has turned the lower half into an impenetrable iron barrel formation.

But in the end, it's a hundred secrets.

The game time came to 2 minutes and 50 seconds.

"Iboy turned on the explosive sparks A cannon troop," the baby stared at every detail in the canyon, "The speed of clearing the line of the small cannon is very impressive. Even if the VG duo uses all their strength, they can't accumulate a large number of troop lines and send them to the EDG tower. Inside!"

VG successfully grabbed level 2 in the bottom lane before, and has been firmly in control of the line. But Iboy and Tianye did not give up resistance completely.

They obviously don't want all the minions to come within range of their turrets.

The small cannon's E passive + active effects are all used in clearing the line, which is really effective, killing a large number of surrounded lines in minutes! Seeing that the upcoming fourth wave of pawn line handover points will be stuck before EDG descends the tower, Duan Deliang plans to make an eye in advance.

Previously, Jack put his ward in the triangular grass shortly after he went online at the beginning of the game. The accessory ward that lasted for one minute has just disappeared.

Duan Deliang's own first eye position is inserted in the grass of the lower route to ensure the success of the duo's 2nd grab. It will take 3 minutes to cool down. He was stuck in the triangular grass at exactly 3 minutes, ready to poke the newly turned jewelry eye into it.

However, looking away, he saw a burly man holding a wine barrel! It was Gragas!

Duan Deliang was shocked.

Seeing that the other party bumped into him shyly, he hastily handed over his flash. But it was too late.

Another golden light flashed.

The wine barrel caught up with Flash, and its belly hit Lulu's head heavily, making a dull sound!

"The factory manager reacted very quickly, and it was very difficult for Prince Duan to escape in time!" Miller raised his voice, "Iboy jumped over the wall with a rocket and hit Lulu.

Keep lowering the opponent's blood bar! "

After iboy reached level 2, he reserved a skill point on purpose, and now investing in skills can come in handy! The purple-skinned garlic is still too brittle, even if Duan Deliang puts a healing spell on himself, he can't resist the opponent's high damage. Three seconds later, Lulu's wizard hat floated into the air and landed slowly.

"Birth of First Blood!"

The baby was very pleasantly surprised, "It's the factory manager again! His Gank is too steady, and he appeared in a position that made the VG players feel unbelievable!" The piggies at the scene fell into a carnival.

The director quickly gave information prompts.

EDG's first blood rate in this final is 100%, and Clearlove7's first blood participation rate is also 100%!

"In terms of first blood, the factory manager can be said to have achieved the ultimate today, taking the lead in breaking the game and repeatedly succeeding!" Miller praised Ming Kai sincerely. As an old piggy, it is reasonable for him to be able to do this.

Duan Deliang scratched his head.

"It's outrageous, why is this guy hiding in the grass, I was thinking that nothing would happen if I made an eye..."

Gu Xing was brushing red buffs in the upper half of the area, and when the battle broke out in the bottom lane, he cut the screen and glanced over to deduce Ming Kai's strategy. Guijiaoqi made it clear that he came prepared.

EDG first let Xiaopao use the high-speed pawn clearing ability to get the pawn handover point stuck in front of its own tower, forcing the VG duo to do anti-Gank wards. And Ming Kai, as the planner, would lie in ambush in the grass ahead of time after reaching level three.

He knew the cooling time of the accessory eyes of the VG duo, so he waited for Duan Deliang to come to the triangular grass to set up the eye positions in about 3 minutes, and then he attacked the opponent by surprise!

Gu Xing pressed the Tab key and saw that the wine barrel had only spent 3 knives so far, so he logically deduced that the opponent was the fast three route of blue BUFF-magic marsh frog-red BUFF.

Then there is still a group of shadow wolves in the Ueno area of ​​EDG that have not been brushed!

He made up his mind, after brushing off the red buff, he drove the steel bristles under his crotch to brush off the swift crab, and then crossed the upper river to invade. The time node to enter the EDG Ueno area is 3 minutes and 35 seconds.

Gu Xing was not too worried about being discovered by the opponent - according to the duration of the accessory eye at a low level, if the opponent wants to insert an eye that can detect his movements, he must deploy it after 2 minutes and 35 seconds.

However, Guijiaoqi had already cleared the two camps of the magic marsh frog + blue BUFF in the Ueno area, and the time was earlier than 2 minutes and 35 seconds. From the beginning of the match to the present, Guodian Shangzhong and the two teams have never left the lane and ran to the wild area to make eye shots.

Based on the information, Gu Xing judged that the opponent did not know his exact location, and he was unimpeded in the Ueno area of ​​EDG.

He didn't counterattack this group of shadow wolves, but walked around, made a trinket eye in the area connecting the Guodian blue zone and the magic marsh frog camp, and then chose to return to the city.

"Mai Bo, can you control the soldiers back?" Gu Xing sent a warning signal to Song Jinghao, "Otherwise, the wine barrel may come to you later." Sb understood and agreed immediately.

Rambo's combat power before level 3 was not careful, and Song Jinghao successfully controlled the line by virtue of his superb troop line control skills. Now even if Mouse is upgraded to level 3, it's useless, the trend of top lane soldiers entering enemy turrets is unstoppable!

After pushing the pawns deep into the tower, Song Jinghao stepped back, waiting for the pawn line to push back. In this way, his position is absolutely safe, even if Ghost Foot Seven wants to catch Shen, he can't find a chance.

Gu Xing was very satisfied. After returning to the city, he first made a green jungle knife, and then added a real eye. Go out and continue to move to the upper half!

He still has a group of stone beetles in his Ueno area that he hasn't cleaned up, and now he can clean them up easily. During the period, I saw Mingkai's traces in the eye position near the blue zone of EDG.

The opponent is here to brush the wild area for the second round.

Guijiaoqi brushed off the magic marsh frog and walked down. He guessed that he could not help Rambo when he saw the situation of the top lane, so he chose to continue to develop in Qingye.

Now the position of the top lane has been pushed past the center line. According to the information provided by Sb, Rambo has moved offline to the river for a short time. It should be

It's time to set up the eye position.

Judging by the turn-back time, the eye position is in the wild area connected to the river on the top road. Therefore, Gu Xing did not choose to walk to the upper river.

Instead, cross the Q pig directly from the top of the dragon pit and rush across the wall, avoiding the eye position placed by Mouse on the grass!

With the help of the acceleration effect of the river crab altar, Gu Xing successfully sneaked into the EDG wild area, crouching next to the grass behind the opponent's upper tower side.

"Maibo, look at my position, prepare to freeze your hands..." Gu Xing looked at the cooldown time of Q in the skill bar, and counted in a low voice, "Three, two, one, up, up, up!"

He hid the pig's head in the wall and pushed it out!

The strong body of the steel bristle squeezed out of the wall abruptly, and appeared in front of the tower on EDG across a super long distance! Most importantly, Gu Xing did not attract the hatred of the defense tower!

The pigskin on his body is still there!

Rambo can't even do a slow pull with an electronic harpoon!

Sb has already made preparations for cooperation, and stepped forward to invite Rambo to initiate a blood exchange one step ahead! Mouse thought that Shen was sick, so he fought against a wave of troops to fight against him. Mouse didn't wake up until a pig girl emerged from the edge of his rear view. It turned out that I was too young.

A coolness climbed up the spine and reached the center of my mind!

Mouse was too remorseful, and after being ridiculed by Shen, the pig girl waved the shackle to him. Shen's basic attack slashed on Rambo's body, quickly stacking the frost effect.

Seeing this, Mouse simply didn't even hand in the flash, saving it for later use. Pig Girl E [Permanent Frozen Field] After knocking Rambo unconscious, Shen slashed twice and took the head!



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