What is a hexagon jungler?

538: 7 drops of blood

Seeing that his whereabouts had been discovered by the other party, Gu Xing simply didn't hide it, and went directly down the river and broke into the other party's field area.

After entering the red zone, he set up an eye position into the camp on the partition wall. After seeing SKT's intact red buff, he immediately judged that Xiao Hei was brushing from top to bottom.

This is also reasonable.

After all, Huni has chosen Dashu, and it is impossible for Xiao Hei, a pig girl, to help him in the early stage. It is undoubtedly a better choice to protect the duo from top to bottom.

The prince's movements immediately aroused SKT's heightened vigilance.

They set up eye positions in the grass in the lower river, so they were able to detect Gu Xing's traces in the first place just now.

Seeing Gu Xing crossing the river to invade, Xiao Hei immediately became impatient, "Hurry up, come help, this guy is going to turn against me!"

He is a regular fast three route, and after playing the blue BUFF, he is making out with the magic marsh frog. Now seeing that Gu Xing is plotting something wrong, he immediately abandons his old love and runs to find a new one.

In fact, according to the current information, the red buff in the upper half of VG is not cleared, and Xiao Hei can make up for the loss by changing the wild area.

But he doesn't want to do that.

Blank guessed that this was Gu Xing's conspiracy.

If you really change the wild area, you will fall into the trap carefully woven by the enemy!

At that time, he will be in the upper half, limited by the hero mechanism of his teammates, it is difficult to form a linkage with the top laner, and the middle laner Faker continues to press the line, and he cannot arrest Kuro.

In other words, he couldn't do anything other than clear the camp in the Ueno area of ​​VG.

On the other hand, Gu Xing, after clearing SKT's red zone, he can take advantage of the trend and go to the bottom lane, and cooperate with VG's non-stop pushing duo to launch a tower jump attack!

Only then did Xiao Hei make up his mind to defend his red buff!

"I can't make it through," Bang concluded directly, "you find Sang Hyuk!"

As Xiao Hei had just seen, SKT's bottom lane was under pressure, and the line of soldiers was about to enter the tower.

The mouse's early line pushing efficiency is still too low, even with Lulu, its strength is limited, and it is not worth mentioning in front of the passive line pushing mechanism of the small cannon's E skill!

Pei Junzhi felt that if he went to support, he would definitely lose money every time he came back.

Lee Sang Hyuk agreed decisively.

He has no laning pressure against the grasshopper in the middle lane, and he is not afraid that the opponent will follow up-in the early stage, Malzaha is basically a Five.

Faker slowly pushed the line of soldiers, intending to let Gu Xing clear the wild monsters first, so as not to overwhelm the enemy, and at the same time reminded his teammates, "Shan Jiu, pay attention later, I don't have W!"

It is less than 2 minutes and 30 seconds, and the mid laners are all level 2. Lee Sang-hyeok only has two skills of QE, and lacks the ability of W [Drive Mind] to grab wild monsters, and cannot guarantee 100% protection of the red BUFF.

"It's okay, if he dares to fight back to the end, he will definitely die..." Xiao Hei was murderous.

He calculated very clearly that if the prince wanted to reverse the red buff before himself, he had to hand over both EQ skills.

In the early stage when the skill cooldown was long, it meant that even if Gu Xing finished countering the wild monsters, there was only flash left to escape!

At that time, SKT Nakano and Flash will be able to easily take Gu Xing down!

Blank calculated loudly, thinking that he would not lose no matter what!

You like anti-wild, don't you?

What did you say in the promotional video, 'If you dare to commit an offense, you will be defeated'?

This game will make you feel the pain, and experience the power of the boomerang!

But when he entered the red zone, everything was completely different from what he expected!

The red BUFF was staying there safely, and the prince disappeared without a trace!

what's going on?

In the intense high-intensity game, Xiaohei's CPU, which was not enough, is now almost smoking, and I feel question marks all over my head.

At this time, Lee Sang-hyeok also handled the middle line of troops, got rid of Kuro and went to the grass behind the red zone, but also did not find the prince.

Gu Xing actually disappeared from the world!

Prince, you are not in the lower field area at all, where did you go? !

After thinking for a while, Xiao Hei came up with his own idea, "Could it be that he came in to make an eye, and then EQ went into Xiaolongkeng and withdrew?"

His speculation is not without foundation.

SKT's opening eyes in the lower half of the area are arranged in the river grass and triangle grass, which have blocked all the ways to enter/leave the wild area on foot.

The prince seems to have only the route of EQ going over the wall and going back to the river directly.

They only had one eye in the river, so they couldn't take care of Xiaolongkeng, and it was reasonable that they didn't see Gu Xing leaving.

Lee Sang Hyuk got nothing, so he had to go back to the middle in anger.

Back and forth for nearly 20 seconds, Kuro has already made up for the pawn line he pushed in just now.

Faker didn't put any pressure on the opponent in a daze!

He originally wanted to push the middle line of troops into the enemy turret, and take advantage of the gap between Kuro's knife to consume, trying to suppress the opponent.

However, Gu Xing's bluffing field attack forced Lee Sang Hyuk to give up this idea and go to support the jungler Xiao Hei.

In the end, he fell for the opponent's trick instead, not only failing to catch the prince, but also wasting a great opportunity to suppress in front of the VG tower!

Li Ruixing learned from Ba Ge in the field of tower swords, and he is naturally very proficient after practicing a lot. At present, he is only 2 soldiers behind Li Xianghe, and there is no difference between rounding up.

Faker had to start all over again, trying to slowly accumulate troops, and then push into the VG middle tower with all his brains, and continue to seek suppression.

Xiao Hei simply put the red buff in front of him into his pocket first, based on the idea of ​​"everything is coming".

After killing the wild monsters, Blank turned to the stone beetle below, planning to upgrade to level 3 and take a look at the bottom lane to see if he could help.

The canyon is calm.

The five members of SKT are all developing separately. Although there are occasional frictions with VG, the overall atmosphere is very happy.

However, just as Blank swiped the pig whip to beat the stone beetle, there was a sudden exclamation in the earphones.

The timbre comes from Huni, the content is fragrant, and the main focus is a quality.

"Siba Rome (씨발놈아), why is the prince on his way?!"

Little Hei's ears froze, feeling nervous, he immediately cut the screen and looked up.

The two pheasant feathers behind Lu Bu are extremely eye-catching!

He carried Fang Tian's painted halberd on his shoulder and drilled out from the thread grass. The EQ second company picked up Huni who was just about to make up the knife.

The thunder talent carried by the prince came in handy at this moment, and the burst output immediately lowered the blood bar of the big tree to the extreme!

Huni didn't dare to neglect, Q [Arcane Heavy Strike] tried to repel the opponent, and then used flash to escape.

But Song Jinghao had already thought about his escape route, and decisively handed over his flash and came behind the big tree, avoiding the heavy blow of arcane magic and at the same time blocking the opponent's escape route back to the tower!

Huni has a strong desire to survive, so he has to hide under the tower after flashing.

Song Jinghao used Gnar's three rings to speed up and move forward quickly, even if he resisted the defensive tower, he had to kill it!

Seeing that he was doomed to die, Dashu hurriedly turned around and tied Gnar with W Asia to imprison Gnar and replace him.

There is one thing to say, Huni's operation is already very detailed, he even used the unselectable state of W to block Song Jinghao's basic attack.

Even so, Smeb still took the first blood easily, and then escaped smoothly after only resisting the shelling of the defensive tower twice with the help of high movement speed!

Hearing the restless cheers from the outside world, Huni was very angry, "Is the prince on the other side playing tricks?"

"Come on the road to catch at the second level?"

Xiao Hei pursed his lips and remained silent. His face, which was originally dark, looked like a black pot.

He felt outraged that his IQ was humiliated.

Blank finally understood.

It was impossible for Gu Xing to return to the VG wild area after handing in EQ and leaving Xiaolongkeng.

Because under normal circumstances, it takes at least 45 seconds for a shoeless hero to run around the wild area from Xiaolongkeng to the road on foot.

But Huni's death happened half a minute after the prince was exposed to the bushes in the lower river!

there is only one truth.

That is, after Gu Xing pretended to invade, he went straight back to the city and rushed to the road from the spring!

It only takes 8 seconds to guide back to the city. At that time, SKT Nakano rushed to the wild area for more than this time, which gave Gu Xing enough space to read the article!

And the difference of more than ten seconds between the two plans put the unsuspecting Huni into a situation of doom!

Xiao Hei wanted to understand the other party's routine, and looked at the back of the prince leaving the road, his teeth itching with hatred.

How did this crazy mind come about?

Why is it all a ghost idea!

On the commentary stage, Miller was all smiles.

"Brother Xing is still superior, his variable speed beats SKT around!"

Wawa even smiled, "SKT's thinking is still too rigid. They never thought that brother Xing would only clear a set of camps and then return to the city to replenish, just to go to the road faster!"

Not only SKT, most teams will not guard against such a weird routine!

"You still have to be a prince," I remember being full of praise, "This hero's second-level arrest is unreasonable, and the online heroes are trembling!"

Among the three major junglers in the version, only the prince has this ability.

From level 2 to level 3, the improvement is not particularly obvious for Jiawen.

Gu Xing made it clear that he wanted to disgust people. After the SKT members got the first blood, they went back to their Ueno area to farm stone beetles.

At present, the level of the prince is behind the audience, successfully triggering the experience compensation mechanism.

A total of 10 stone beetles, big and small, provide Gu Xing with 300 extra experience points!

Not only can it promote him to level 3, but it can also give him 1/3 more tube experience!

"The speed at which this level increases is really against the sky..." Miller sighed, "Blank didn't make any money after all, and his wild route was disturbed, so he didn't dare to go against the wild in the VG jungle."

When Huni was killed, Xiaohei hadn't finished brushing the stone beetles, and only the pig girl at level 2 had no Q skills. In the past, fighting against the wild was no different from courting death.

When he was promoted to 3, the VG duo who had finished pushing the line in the bottom lane retreated to a safe position, perhaps running to his own wild area to set up a defensive eye position.

Xiao Hei didn't know Gu Xing's movements, so he didn't dare to act rashly, for fear of causing another disaster.

He had no choice but to take away the river crab under the cover of his teammates, and then brushed from bottom to top.

In this way, Xiao Hei and Gu Xing staggered the direction of the jungle, but it could also ensure the safety of SKT's jungle as much as possible and not be invaded by the opponent.

But Lee Sang Hyuk couldn't sit still.

The top laner Huni sent a blood, Faker couldn't help but have some not-so-good memories in his head.

This kid can raise a father even if he doesn't know how to play with a big tree, right?

Lee Sang Hyuk felt that if he didn't stand up again, the wound on the road would be severely torn again!

He is in a hurry.

Relying on the right of the middle line, Lee Sang-hyuk inserted a ward into the enemy's F6 camp.

At 5 minutes and 50 seconds into the game, the Ornament Eye detected that the prince continued to move down after brushing the second round of Raptors.

Faker remained calm and waited for a while, he had to make sure that Gu Xing was slightly away from the middle lane.

In the middle, he used skills to smash Kuro's passive protective film, and lowered the opponent's blood volume to about 70%, and then took the right time to see the opportunity and launched an attack outrageously!

"Sindra grabbed the magic ball and threw it at the grasshopper..." Seeing Lee Sang Hyuk bullying forward again, Wa Wa thought it was still an ordinary exchange of blood.

I have to say that Faker's details are very well done.

When he threw the orb that W drove the mind to pull, he deliberately clicked the floor with the mouse, so that he leaned against Kuro.

Syndra's unique mechanism is that throwing W with his back facing him will hit the ground a split second faster than throwing it face to face.

Kuro has no movement skills, and Lee Sang-hyuk predicted his position slightly, and was hit by a magic ball to trigger the slowing effect when he couldn't dodge for a while!

Immediately afterwards, Faker forcefully pushed the weak to retreat!

The slow-moving grasshopper didn't dodge, and could only allow itself to be stunned by Syndra!

Li Sang-hyuk's fingers were fast, and he pressed the Q key to condense a dark magic ball under the grasshopper again. He hit the thunder three times to reduce Kuro's blood volume, and then mercilessly threw his big move!

Energy pouring out!

The three magic balls around him and the two on the ground poured into Malzaha's body!

Just fill it up!

"Faker wants to fight to the end!" Wawa suddenly realized, and finally saw Lee Sang Hyuk's plan, and couldn't help speeding up her speech in a hurry, "This five-ball big move has very high damage, and Kuro is a little hard to handle!"

Thanks to Gu Xing's previous invasion of sheep suits to help relieve the pressure on the middle lane, Li Ruixing has not returned to the city for supplies so far.

Now this has become Lee Sang Hyuk's chance to do something!

Kuro didn't have much blood in total, and he was fully charged with Syndra's set of skills, leaving less than 20% of his blood volume!

Ball girls can kill him with basic attacks!

"Kuro hurriedly dodged to open the distance, Faker caught up with the flash, activated the healing speed for himself, and output the opponent with basic attacks!"

The summoner skills of the mid laners of the two sides are different.

Lee Sang-hyuk emphasizes the strength of laning and mid-field, and bringing a healing technique can ensure the combat strength as much as possible; Kuro's main team focuses on support and brings teleportation.

Now it is this healing technique that gave Faker the courage to try cinnabar!

One basic attack, and another...

The grasshopper has only a layer of blood left!

Kuro gritted his teeth and finally ran back to the middle tower, seeking shelter from the tower father.

Lee Sang Hyuk held his breath, and when he was about to walk into the range of the defensive tower, he threw a basic attack!


He screamed in his heart, and his cheeks were a little bit angular due to the excessive force.

Kuro was desperate.

Syndra's basic attack ballistically landed on the grasshopper.

However, Malzahar's blood bar has not been emptied!

Even though it was mostly dark, and the blood streaks were completely invisible to the naked eye, the grasshopper just didn't fall down!

"7 drops of blood!"

The doll was so excited that she punched the commentary stand, "Kuro only has 7 blood points left, so he survived by luck!"

Lee Sang Hyuk opened his eyes slightly, showing a bit of disbelief.

He didn't dare to catch up again.

Once within the range of the enemy turret, the grasshopper turns around and directly fires R, and the Grip of Hades suppresses it for 5 seconds. With the artillery attack of the defensive tower, it is enough to kill him back!

As a last resort, Lee Sang-hyuk hurriedly cast the Q that had just been converted, trying to send away the grasshopper with a dark magic ball from a long distance.

But Kuro is not an idiot, he was not limited in speed this time, and moved at a right angle to easily avoid Syndra's deadly skill!

Faker was so annoyed that he had to let the other party go.

Just as he was about to turn around to replace the little soldier, he saw a majestic figure appearing from below.

Wearing a armor stomach, shouldering a halberd.

If not the prince, who else?

It's over.

Lee Sang Hyuk fell into an ice cave.

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