What is a hexagon jungler?

542: The Last Battle

Samsung's victory caught everyone by surprise.

There are very few iron-blooded fans who support SSG, such as Ze Yuan, and most of them are more optimistic about Dragon Ball's promotion to the finals.

Spring champion, MSI runner-up...

It can be regarded as the team with the best overall performance in the LCK division this year.

Although the foreign war is more hip, but the civil war is a group of strong!

Not to mention that since the establishment of the team, Dragon Ball has an absolute upper hand against SSG.

It stands to reason that it is impossible to lose!

What is Samsung?

The only contributor to the top 16 teams in the history of the OGN division, was captured by Vietnam in a foreign war, and has been labeled a national shame by LCK netizens!

If you tell others before the game that this team can hack all the way to the finals, no one will believe it except Zeyuan, which is purely ridiculous.

But the unbelievable fact is happening right in front of your eyes.

The No. 3 seed from the LCK went all the way to the final stage!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible..." Smeb began to doubt his life, "How could he lose so badly?"

Due to the good personal relationship and the fact that they belong to different halves and will not meet in the finals, VG has played a few training matches with Dragon Ball, and it is regarded as the opponent with the most Rio battles among non-LPL teams.

In the training match, Dragon Ball was able to win 40% of the games from VG by relying on a strong early attack, which is quite impressive!

Song Jinghao once thought that Dragon Ball, whose upper and lower lines are very suitable for the version environment, would cause a lot of trouble for VG.

Who would have thought that even a small round of Samsung could not be eaten down!

Redmi frowned, and quickly called Jin Wenhe to ask him to help contact E+ boss Xie Tunan, hoping to get more information about Samsung to verify his inner guess.

Gu Xing was still immersed in the shock of the dark horse's upset and couldn't extricate himself. When he was flipping through the phone, the maggot babies were also stunned.

[Hey, three-star Li Zaigan God and Devil? It doesn't make sense to kill RNG first and then win Dragon Ball! 】

[The second team in history to advance to the finals of the S game with the third seed, is Samsung really a steady upset? 】

[The first team is SKT from S3? There is one thing to say—that can’t be counted as the third seed. At that time, SKT was the summer champion. Faker had just finished a game with two robberies.

[Is Samsung the LCK version of EDG? Never disappoint in terms of disappointment. You think it will shine in the S3 World Championship, and SSO will make it to the top 16; you think it will be swept out this time, but it ends up hacking all the way to the finals. It is simply NM Outrageous! 】

[Wuuuuu, little peanut, why did you die so badly, brother Xing was still waiting for you to send the champion, this is good, the stable and filial eldest prince is offended]

"Good guy, Samsung's official tweet is very responsive..." Jack, who is usually the best at surfing the Internet, muttered.

Gu Xing leaned over and took a look.

The VG official Twitter once released a picture of Gu Xing, the god of death, knocking on doors with a sickle in his hand, and circled the two clubs of Dragon Ball and Samsung at the end.

The SSG official tweet responded as soon as it successfully advanced to the final.

The same picture of the god of death knocking on the door, but this time the protagonist is replaced by An Zhangmen.

Along the way, the gates with the logos of RNG and Dragon Ball were open and stained with blood. It was obvious that they had all been murdered. Ambison was heading towards the door where VG was located.

Different from Gu Xing's sunshine, Head An's expression is a bit fierce at ordinary times—otherwise, he wouldn't have had a picture of swinging a baseball bat at the beginning without any sense of disobedience. Now that his face is placed on the head of Death It seemed to be very harmonious, as if it was a messenger who came to harvest lives.

"Old Gu, you don't look very good," Jack commented, "Look at Ambison, this is the team bully, your smiling face doesn't look aggressive."

"You know a hammer," Kuro habitually retorted with raised eyebrows, "How do you say that's a spicy Chinese word...it's called a smiling tiger!"

"In anime, the kind of person who smiles until he squints his eyes and looks kind is the most powerful, okay?"

Li Zhixun echoed from the side, "It makes sense, Canrong with such a fierce face is called fierce and insensitive."

Don't look at An Bixin's seniority, but it's useless in front of Easyhoon. Both of them were born in 1992 and entered the OGN league in the same batch. According to the saying there, they are called "old relatives". Needless to say honorifics, the relationship is much better , it's no big deal to arrange two sentences behind it.

Kuro gave a thumbs up, "It still has to be that Brother Zhixun is educated..."

Gu Xing chatted with them a few words, got up and wanted to go to the water bar downstairs to buy some drinks to quench his thirst.

As soon as he went out, he saw a group of dejected young men in black team uniforms walking towards them.

It's the Dragon Ball players.

How proud and confident they were five hours ago, how decadent and lost they are now.

Throughout the World Championships, Dragon Ball was the same as VG before the arrival of the semi-finals, with 9 wins and 0 losses.

He hasn't even lost a single game, and he's the absolute favorite to win the championship!

On the other hand, Samsung, 3/3 in the group stage, 3/2 in the quarter-finals, a total of 6 wins and 5 losses, the winning rate of the rounds is over 50%, no matter how you think of it, it doesn't look like a strong team!

Therefore, it seems reasonable for Dragon Ball members to start imagining the final before the game.

As a result, he lost three games in a row and was directly beaten by Samsung on the ground!

Few people can accept this gap.

Now the Dragon Ball members are all devastated and seem to have no confidence at all.

Little Peanut was no longer as high-spirited as before, with a sad look on his face.

When he looked up and saw Gu Xing, he raised the corner of his mouth and forced a smile, "It's OK... You must work hard in the final."

Jin Jingzhu, whose face was more fierce than that of the head of An, was even more gloomy at this time. Seeing Xiao Huasheng talking to Gu Xing, he let out a light snort with his nose, and walked straight back to his room.

"What's the situation?" Gu Xing looked at his leaving back in confusion, "I didn't offend him, did I?"

"Leave him alone," Shu Wang said in a low voice, "Jin Jingzhu is just like this."

Gu Xing fell silent.

Looking at Pray's appearance, it doesn't look like a joke.

Do normal players call their coaches like this?

Obviously there is a contradiction!

Gu Xing didn't want to get involved, so as not to cause a commotion.

However, Little Peanut seemed to want to use him as a trash can for negative emotions, and pulled Gu Xing to the window at the end of the corridor to confide in his bitterness.

"The Samsung team is really disgusting," Peanut reminded Gu Xing, "They play very weirdly, Nicole has to be careful, otherwise it's very easy to be ambushed..."

Little Peanut does not have such a strong sense of honor in the competition area. On the contrary, he quite likes the LPL, and has a close relationship with the VG players. First, he kindly tells his friends.

"Isn't it real eyes?" Gu Xing already knew it in his heart.

When facing RNG, Samsung has already invested a lot of real eyes to defend. Gu Xing doesn't need data to support it. He can see the strategy adopted by SSG just by observing with the naked eye.

"Yes," Little Peanut spread his hands helplessly, "but do you know exactly how Samsung uses real eyes to deploy defense?"

"I was busy a while ago, and besides, VG and Samsung are not in the same half area, so I haven't studied it carefully..." Gu Xing explained briefly. Seeing that Peanut's expression was not right, an outrageous guess suddenly appeared in his mind, " Could it be that you didn't fully understand?"

"That's right," Little Peanut began to confide, "There are conflicts within the team, and the coach doesn't work anymore!"

After listening to Peanut's detailed explanation, Gu Xing finally understood the cause and effect.

Dragon Ball's internal conflicts stem from the failure of the previous two international competitions.

The mid-season games were fine, even if they lost to VG, they would still be runner-up, and the results were barely passable.

Intercontinental is the nightmare.

As the No. 1 seed in the LCK, Dragon Ball is the top horse in the competition area, but it didn't win a game!

Since then, the Dragon Ball players' dissatisfaction with coach Kim Jung-soo has finally peaked.

I don't understand the version research, and I just lead the team to the pit, the level is just the same, but I am very conceited all day long, never willing to delegate power to the players, and make a lot of talk in the team.

Regardless of the fact that many of the Korean coaches in the LCK are monopolistic, Kim Jung-soo's style of play seems ordinary and not worth mentioning.

But don't forget where the dragon balls come from.


The team members and coaches usually act as brothers, and it is easy to discuss things, and the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

The sudden appearance of a coach like Jin Jingzhu, the former Tigers team members naturally cannot accept it!

It's not that the three of them can't accept a stricter coaching style.

But you have to be capable and prestige!

Your Jin Jingsu's ability is only like that, why do you boss around in the team every day?

In terms of qualifications, is Pray better than you?

When the three of them put together, after the intercontinental match ended, Kim Jong-soo was really emptied.

The remaining two upper and middle brothers are all newcomers to the LCK. They have no opinions at all, and only know to listen to the words of the big brothers in the team.

The whole team united as one, and quickly turned Kim Jung-soo into a head coach with no name but no real power. On-the-spot BP decisions were made by the Dragon Ball players.

This is also the reason why Shu Wang was able to make a decision when Gu Xing negotiated to work together to hide the change of the top laner environment.

After getting rid of Jin Jingzhu's control, LZ went smoothly and had a very high winning rate.

Even if Xia Jue didn't win against SKT, he would still be the runner-up. In the first half of the S7 World Championship, he had won 9 consecutive victories, and the situation is very good!

As a result, after the start of the quarter-finals, things went wrong.

The Dragon Ball players all saw that Samsung began to evolve tactics after entering the knockout rounds, and frantically bought real eyes.

However, as Little Peanut said, Dragon Ball's specific strategy for SSG is still unknown, let alone formulating a countermeasure!

Because of the critical moment, Kim Jong-soo opened up.

Are you capable of emptying me?

Then everyone stop playing!

During the replay during this period of time, Kim Jong-soo did not say a word, and he would not express any opinions on SSG.

Dragon Ball quickly ran into trouble.

As mentioned before, the implementation of a single version of the cup is different from that of the league. The version of the latter changes every two weeks.

The former is different, and emphasizes the depth of version research.

Everyone is studying the same version, and whoever understands more advanced will have the advantage!

Therefore, at this time, the skills of the coaching staff are very tested. For teams with stronger players, the understanding of the version does not need to be ahead of the audience, as long as they can follow up in time, it is considered a success!

But Kim Jong-soo was hardly of any use!

From the top eight to the top four, in just one week, there is not much time left for Dragon Ball to prepare.

How can players delve into Samsung's real-eye tactics by relying on players alone?

They are generally educated, and it is probably enough to learn SPSS a week, let alone draw conclusions and come up with countermeasures based on data analysis!

The coach opened his mouth, not only did the understanding of the version of Dragon Ball almost stagnate, even the targeted analysis of the opponent Samsung failed to do a good job!

How can you fight SSG while expecting to hold your feet temporarily?

"Brothers can still play well in the advantage game. After the big dragon was robbed in the first game, everything went wrong..." Little Peanut sighed, "It's all my fault, if the Baron is not robbed, say It’s a completely different situation.”

At first, the Dragon Ball players didn't realize how big a hidden danger the coach brought. Before the game, they even uttered big words to Gu Xing, saying that they agreed to meet in the finals.

They think that SSG was defeated in the early stage, and winning the game is not a matter of course?

But after Dalong was snatched away by Ambison God, the situation facing Dragon Ball took a sharp turn for the worse.

The dense real eyes make it extremely difficult for them to even attack!

After losing the first game, Dragon Ball saw the problem.

The understanding of real eye tactics is not clear enough, and the team's offensive is blocked, so they can only shoot the dragon to try to speed up.

However, Dragon Ball is not good at this style of play, as soon as the IQ of the dragon players is touched, the IQ of the group will drop by 50 points!

Similar to tightrope walking, as long as you make a mistake, Samsung will seize the opportunity to fight back!

The team has no confidence if they don't have tactical reserves, and they start to panic when they don't hold back. After this kind of negative emotion spreads, it is reasonable for Dragon Ball to lose.

Little Peanut regretted it.

If he was given a chance to do it all over again, he would never touch the big dragon in the first game!

Gu Xing was speechless.

He didn't expect that the conflict between coaches and players in the Dragon Ball team would intensify to such a serious degree.

So much so that I would rather sacrifice the results of a whole year of hard work by all the staff to be angry!

But this isn't the first time this has happened.

There were similar incidents in Assassin Star, WE and OMG back then, but some conflicts came from among the players, and some came from between the coach and the players.

VG also used to have conflicts within the team. During S5, Redmi took Mata and Death to declare that the duo had no way out. As a result, both of them left the team at the end of the season.

Looking to the future, there will be many similar things.

Maybe in the future, there will be teams that start to fight infighting in the group stage of the World Championships, and would like to directly advance to the top 16!

"When the season is over, you can travel with a calm mind," Gu Xing comforted Peanut, "Don't think too much."

Peanut sighed again.

It has been two years since his career rose, and he has all finished in the top four.

In all fairness, this result is quite good for other players. After all, some people have no chance to enter the global finals in their entire lives.

But Peanut was not satisfied.

He always felt that he was just short of breath, and he still had room for improvement.

It's just that even though Han Wanghu has thousands of thoughts in his heart, his 2017 season is over.

"I heard that there are so many interesting things in your imperial capital," Little Peanut suddenly thought, "Why don't I go there for a couple of laps with me, and watch the finals by the way!"

"It's okay, the imperial capital is so much fun..." Gu Xingying dragged him to the water bar downstairs to order a drink to relieve his boredom.

The next day, members of the competition and training teams of VG and SSG took a flight to prepare for the last leg of this World Championship.

Pudong Airport was full of people, and Gu Xing talked and laughed with his teammates in a relaxed atmosphere.

The eyes of the Samsung members on one side were red.

VG is not a team fighting.

The LPL sparring team is all in place!

A total of 15 people practice with VG, and they can put on various shapes according to the enemy's style of play, which will undoubtedly make VG's week very fulfilling and maintain a good competitive state!

From this point of view alone, I don't know where it is better than SSG!

Samsung doesn't even have a brother in the same competition area!

Dragon Ball? Don't make a fuss, he was eliminated by me, and the relationship is not very strong, how could he have the face to invite LZ to be his partner?

As for SKT...

After losing the semi-finals at the barbecue stall, he went to Hainan for vacation. He said that he had never seen tropical scenery in his home country, and wanted to take time to rest and relax while his visa was not expired.

The domestic LCK team had a holiday early before entering the World Championship, and no one was willing to sacrifice their precious leisure time to play the sandbag of SSG.

Now Samsung seems to be alone, with no helpers around.

"Hey," Cuvee's round face puffed up, "the host really has an advantage, next year we can also find a sparring team..."

According to the tone revealed by Riot employees, there is a high probability that the World Championship will land in South Korea next year.

When Cuvee thought of this, he was filled with longing.

At that time, I must recruit a good brother to be a training partner, and fight for the disgusting opponent!

Gu Xing is facing exactly the same situation as before. When the crowd gathers together, it will attract more people's attention in the airport.

Then fans rushed in like a raging wave, mixed with the shouts and screams of supporters.

"Brother Xing Chong Chong Chong, get another S crown and I will brag about you for the rest of your life!"

"Fierce tulle SSG, try to make Mr. An a filial son!"

"We must win. The Dota has been sent this year, and the alliance will be stunned!"

"Ten years old VG fan came here uninvited, Jack, you must not give it away in the finals, I'll get C!"

Yu Wenbo's face turned dark.

Gu Xing hastily signed the ID on the notebook handed over by the fans, took a few group photos and then ran to a secluded corner under the protection of Shiquan staff.

Unlike in the past, after winning the semi-finals, Gu Xing had been on Weibo hot search for two days, coupled with Tencent's efforts, his already frightening popularity soared to the sky again!

There are not a few tourists around who can recognize him!

Gu Xing was afraid of disturbing the order of the airport, so he quickly found a quiet place to hide and relax.

After checking the ticket and boarding the plane, he breathed a sigh of relief, and browsed his phone after finding his seat.

Riot is already warming up for the finals, and the official push has pushed the schedule preview to the top, and also attached various interesting statistics.

{VG, which is one step away from the Grand Slam of the year, vs. SSG, which has never won any championships this year, who is better? }

{No matter who wins the championship, they will write a new record in the history of League of Legends e-sports. Before that, SKT was the closest to the annual grand slam in 2015. It was only one small game away from MSI to win all the BO5s of the season. Now VG is expected to launch a challenge; and Samsung is currently the strongest dark horse. It has become the final team with the lowest winning rate in the group stage of the previous World Championships - only 50%, and after winning the championship, it will have the oldest championship in history. new record! }

An Zhangmen is the same age as Easyhoon. The 25-year-old old thing has not yet exploded in gold coins. He was stunned to break into the finals. He can also be called a living fossil of the OGN era.

Seeing this, Gu Xing knew that there was another new record that was bound to be broken.

The youngest champion ADC.

Ruler is very young. Born at the end of 1998, he is still less than 19 years old. If he wins the championship, he will become a champion shooter younger than S4Imp.

The same is true for Jack, he looks like an underage wife, a proper child laborer!

{It is also worth mentioning that after the finals, there will be a double-S crown club that will keep pace with SKT! }

SSG is not RNG, they have never played Dirty Reincarnation, they are two teams merged into one, the quota and seats have not changed, and they can justifiably inherit Samsung White's world championship.

Gu Xing browsed all kinds of interesting data sorted out by Fist to relieve boredom and pastime, but it didn't feel like it.

The number of comments below is quite amazing.

Logically speaking, Twitter is not the main battlefield for domestic netizens, but VG has a large number of fans, and it can even suppress LCK supporters.

[No matter how you think, VG can win the championship, right? Samsung doesn’t have a champion at all]

[Sweeping Dragon Ball is not called a champion, I guess VG can't do it! 】

[Winning a Dragon Ball is annoying, and I don't know who was double-killed in the group stage]

[Hot knowledge: It is said that Virtue beats Faker, but in fact SSG is more restrained. All Samsung members have not even won a small game so far! 】

[Some people can really boost other people's ambitions, destroy their own prestige, admit defeat without even fighting, or just award the championship trophy to VG directly! 】

[I agree, citing the trash talk Virtue said - SSG went to the final venue to give VG the summoner trophy]

The two factions were fighting fiercely, and Gu Xing relied on the translation software to watch it with gusto.

Most of the supporters of VG are European and American elders. Their stance is relatively neutral. After watching the one-year international competition, they are convinced by the strong strength of VG, who is invincible. They think that VG will win the final.

In addition, there are some fans of barbecue stalls who are also supporting VG.

Gu Xing was puzzled at first, and was very confused by their behavior.

It was only after reading the two comments that I suddenly realized.

Fans of barbecue stalls just don't like Samsung.

Anyway, there will always be a club with double S crowns, why can't it be VG?

If Samsung wins the S championship, SKT's popularity in the LCK division in recent years is bound to be cut in half!

You know, this is not a civil war against your own brothers.

It's a foreign battle against this year's favorite to win the championship, the rival VG who has defeated countless LCK teams!

If Samsung really wins, the popularity of An Zhangmen and others will rise instantly, impacting SKT's domestic dominance!

Fans of barbecue stalls naturally don't want to see similar scenes.

Those who support SSG are the majority of LCK netizens, and they are also unanimous in foreign wars. Most of the pure passers-by hope that Samsung can regain the original card for the region.

To Gu Xing's surprise, there was another force supporting the SSG.


[Samsung brothers, come on, if you can win VG, it's not too much for GAM to say that it's actually the runner-up, right? 】

[That is, GAM is 1:1 tied with Samsung. As long as SSG wins the championship, we will be equal to the runner-up in hard power! 】

【SSG is strong! Love from Vietnam]

【However, VG won the championship. It seems good. Anyway, we were all in Group A. We are nothing more than third place.】

Gu Xing was dumbfounded by the strange logic of Vietnamese netizens.

He saved screenshots of a few interesting comments in the gallery, glanced at the thin clouds outside the window, put on his earphones and pulled down the blindfold when he was bored, and curled up in a chair with his eyes closed.

"The Last Battle" was playing in the earphones, and the familiar prelude of the machine gun chug echoed in his ears, and Gu Xing felt extremely at ease.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

After landing, take your luggage, take a group photo outside the airport, and board the bus to the China National Convention Center Hotel where you are staying.

This place is right next to the Olympic Park. When the hotel room opens the curtains, you can see the Bird's Nest and the Water Cube not far away, which is an invincible view.

On the night of arriving in the imperial capital, Redmi called all the players of the team to the temporary training room set up for a meeting.

"We met Samsung in the quarter-finals last year and this year's group stage. As the Internet said, VG didn't lose a single round to the opponent," Redmi warned the players first, "but don't take it lightly. , Samsung's current staffing has not changed, but the style of play is completely different from before!"

"In terms of macro strategy, SSG is still played as an iron turtle, desperately dragging on to the later stage, but the specific implementation strategy has been changed." He pointed to the projector screen with a laser pointer, "I think everyone has understood it more or less. The core is the true sight guard."

"E+ sorted out more in-depth data today, let their person in charge explain it first..." Li Zhixun opened a WeChat video call and connected to Xie Tunan.

The postgraduate student of Peking University School of Letters has graduated this year, and he still dresses in the style of a technical house, not quite like a boss in the traditional concept.

He waved his hands a little nervously to say hello to the members of the competition training department, and after a few pleasantries, he got straight to the point.

"Everyone knows that Samsung relies on real eyes to arrange defense, but they should have no idea about the detailed data," Xie Tunan pushed his glasses, "Since the knockout round, their style of play has undergone a sudden change, with a total of 225 in the 5 rounds of the quarter-finals Real eyes, an average of 45 per game; a total of 144 in the three rounds of the semi-finals, an average of 48 real eyes per game."

Shocking data came out of Xie Tunan's mouth.

"This is all superficial information. What we did yesterday was to refine the real eye data..."

He opened a slide remotely, and everyone in the training room took a closer look and gasped.

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