What is a hexagon jungler?

566: The new version of the ship is released!

In the end, Song Jinghao was the teammate who participated in the Los Angeles All-Star Game with Gu Xing.

Although all VG members ranked first in the voting for the middle, lower, and auxiliary positions, only Song Jinghao's lead was as faulty as Gu Xing's.

There is no need to say more about the mid laner. Those who entered the World Championship include Xiaohu and Xiaoxiao, and those who did not enter the World Championship include Broiler Xiye. They are all big voters with their own fans.

In addition, Kuro's own style of play is not very pleasing, and he is purely Gu Xing dogleg, resulting in a small lead in the number of votes.

Jack faced the siege of Uzi fans, and the number of votes was greatly diluted.

Duan Deliang's support position also has another popular player Meiko, so the proportion of votes in the support position is not high.

In the VG team, only Ueno is the absolute leader - Gu Xing is too popular and completely crushes all players; there is currently no top laner who can compete with Song Jinghao in the competition area, and the blue-collar top laners like Letme and Mouse are very uncomfortable. Hi, I don't have an advantage in the number of fans.

As Riot stipulates that the same team can only send two players at most, the quota of VG's middle and lower assistants had to be postponed to Xiaohu, Uzi and Meiko.

There were quite a few complaints about the candidates for this year's All-Star LPL team in the post bar. Gu Xing accidentally entered the anti-bar, and he could see the complaints of the maggot babies.

[Why not let all VG members go? It’s too disgusting to have only two people on it]

[That is, it has become a competition mode in the competition area, and places are still allocated to other teams? Afraid of LPL winning? Fist CSYSM]

[Weakly ask, if you don’t change people and replace all the VGs, wouldn’t it be a replay of the S game...]

[Turtle, it’s time to test the strength of VG’s Ueno. I want to see if it’s true that GSL said that Uzi can win the championship just by changing his teammates.]

[I will definitely win the championship, I don’t know how to lose if you take Smeb, Virtue, and Kur! 】

【That's right, if brother Xing can't bring Uzi to win the championship, then don't blame me for depriving you of the gold content of the double championship! 】

The complexity of the comments on the post bar made Gu Xing speechless. He felt that there were a group of cross-dressers and skin monsters attacking each other. He still couldn't tell the composition of the baby maggot's speech.

Fortunately, Gu Xing is not a professional werewolf killer, and he doesn't bother to identify the fans after each comment, so it's just for fun.

Of course, the core purpose of Kangba Maggot Baby's comments is quite clear - only win but not lose.

It was exactly the same as Gu Xing's guess after hearing about the reorganization of the All-Star Game.

With VG winning consecutive championships in various international competitions in the past two years, the appetite of the LPL audience has been whetted.

The Waterloo in the original S5 season caused many netizens to lower their psychological expectations, thinking that it would be a success to break into the semi-finals in international competitions.

It's a good thing now, if you don't win the championship, you will fail!

Considering his own reputation, Gu Xing seized the time to take advantage of the short gap before the start of the All-Star Game to recuperate, try to recharge his energy and adjust his state.

Originally, he wanted to start a live broadcast, but Jin Wenhyuk said that he would wait for the whole VG team to start the broadcast after the All-Star Game came back. Gu Xing simply became a lazy dog ​​and slept in at home every day.

During the period before the assembly for the All-Star Game, there was a lot of news during the transfer period.

Among them, the most interesting is the giant club.

A major reshuffle is going on around the world, and all kinds of information are dazzling!

First of all, SKT. The double crown club quickly made personnel adjustments after the defeat in the S7 season. Instead of renewing the contract of Huni, who was in the upper unit, Untara was promoted to the starting lineup. The original jungle rotation Clid was also traded to the African team. , leaving only Blank alone.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that SKT is ready to show off.

In front of 96line, whether it is fame or strength, Ueno is a lagging existence!

Having failed to win the world championship for two consecutive years, SKT probably plans to wait for another year.

That's okay too, Miss Li.

SKT has never been a team that likes to spend a lot of money to buy famous players. They prefer to rely on their own youth training to produce stars.

This is not only the case with 96line, Ma Datou and Hou Ye also made their mark in the team through similar methods, and eventually became top players.

Looking at the history of SKT team building, currently only the two top laners Huni and Duke are bought at high prices, and the rest are all due to youth training!

But when these two top laners were in SKT, the team did not win the S championship!

Therefore, it is really reasonable for SKT to think about returning to the track of youth training and team building.

It's just that Untara and Xiaohei, who will be the starters next season, both belong to the type of talent that can be seen at a glance, obviously not like the shining superstars in the history of SKT.

It is foreseeable that unless the two are connected to Ren Du's second line, SKT will not be able to make any waves even if it enters the S8 World Championship!

When Gu Xing first saw this news, he couldn't help but sigh.

He has mixed feelings about SKT.

As an LPL audience, Gu Xing once regarded SKT as the strongest dynasty in League of Legends, with unparalleled dominance.

After becoming a professional player, he regarded the SKT members headed by Faker as objects to stand shoulder to shoulder or even surpass.

Now watching SKT collapse twice in the middle of the World Championship because of him, and completely prepare for rebuilding, Gu Xing is filled with emotion.

Perhaps the BO5 in the S7 semi-finals was the last straw that broke the camel's back, directly leading to the collapse of the dynasty.

Another big news in the outer division is the TSM reshuffle.

In the past two years, the giant liquid, whose performance was not ideal, began to exert its strength. It directly bought the phantom body master brother, assisted Xiao Wang to go to CLG, and the race knight went to C9 to practice—this is the same as what TSM executives sent to Gu Xing The promises made when soliciting information were exactly the same. Presumably, the management itself did not like the race knights.

In just a few days, TSM only had two solo laners left, and the whole team fell apart!

In contrast, the European division is much more stable.

The only news worthy of attention is that EU's most famous striker, Ou Cheng, has changed his partner.

The support named Hylissang was transferred from Pink Unicorn UOL to FNC.

Gu Xing has no impression of this ID, but feels that it is a bit awkward to put together, and it is a bit like "Hi, send" in Chinese.

In addition, the lineups of several strong teams in the European Division have not changed significantly, basically maintaining their original appearance.

The rest is some fragmentary information, such as the emergence of two teams composed of talented teenagers in the LCK's secondary league-GRF and DWG.

The players inside are all well-known high-scoring passers-by in the Korean server. It can be seen that the youth training work is flourishing and is in a virtuous cycle.

The outside transfer period is coming to an end, as for the local LPL...

Everyone is holding their breath!

The official review likes to check the flow, and it is always used to pressing the contract approval until the end before releasing it.

Otherwise, release all the content of the contract signing in the first place, the heat coming from the hot spot, the popularity coming from the hot spot?

The LPL official is to let the audience spend the entire transfer period in endless discussions!

VG's full contract renewal disclosure is an exception. After winning the double championship, the team has become a unique existence in the competition area. Ding Jun made Jin Yibo directly approve the contract with a phone call!

The rest of the clubs were helpless, unable to resist the official power, so they had to wait for the approval to be approved before announcing the transfer and renewal status.

Therefore, most of the currently public information is the content that the club can release on its own after the player's contract expires.

All members of JDG and NB have left the team, and everyone is most concerned about the whereabouts of Doinb; the last team of LPL next season will be at Station B, and the uncle bought IM and renamed it Bilibili Gaming; EDG not only let Mouse leave , and released two players, Ai Loli and Zet, in one breath. It seems that they intend to resell more players to free up the team's salary space.

After all, Little Peanuts are not cheap, and Wolf Bank needs a high transfer fee to buy them from Suning.

Based on the idea that saving a little is a little, it is reasonable for Guodian to quickly throw out all the players who are not needed.

The time quietly came to December 5th. Gu Xing woke up early in the morning, first took the high-speed train from Ningbo to Shanghai, waited for the rest of the domestic all-star teammates to gather, and then flew to Los Angeles together—top laner Song Jinghao and coach Hong Mi already rushed directly from Seoul to America one day in advance, and did not follow the same route as them.

The middle and lower teammates came quite early. Xiaohu was chatting and laughing with Tianye while holding his male duck voice, while Uzi was chewing gum beside him, with a relatively serious expression.

Meiko came over to strike up a conversation immediately when she saw him,

"Brother Xing, it's up to you this time!" Tian Ye bowed to the pier first.

Although he debuted earlier than Gu Xing, Meiko, who was born in 1998, is really a younger brother in front of Gu Xing.

What's more, Gu Xing has displayed terrifying strength in the past year and a half, which made Tian Ye's cry of "brother" feel unburdened.

Gu Xing covered his mouth and yawned, trying to relieve the drowsiness caused by getting up early, and cheered up to deal with the temporary teammates, "Don't, don't, it depends on everyone's joint efforts to win the championship, I haven't familiarized myself with the new version yet! "

Uzi was full of ambition, "Everyone work hard, this All-Star Game must be won!"

He is bound to win the trophy!

For no other reason, Uzi really lacks honor.

In the five years since his debut, he has only had one official championship in the S7 Intercontinental.

Nothing else!

Otherwise, Uzi wouldn't even try his best to fight for the Solo championship. Players like Lee Sang-hyuk and Gu Xing who have won the S championship play solo matches purely for entertainment, and they don't have much desire to win at all.

Now Uzi can only win a few more Solo championships to support the scene, adding bricks and tiles to his wall of honor that is not very worthy of the table.

It's no wonder that netizens call him a super soldier. He doesn't even have a league championship. Uzi himself feels that he can't boast!

This time, he managed to replace with a group of teammates, including the help of top Ueno Song Jinghao and Gu Xing. Uzi is determined to become the champion of the All-Star Game!

After Wen Sen, who was sent by Riot to manage the players, was in place, everyone hurriedly prepared to board the plane.

The business class that Riot helped book this time is unsatisfactory for long-distance travel, and it is much better than the crowded economy class.

After finding the seat, Gu Xing took his seat, and picked up his mobile phone before the flight took off.

The news of VG's entire contract renewal has already spread abroad, and public opinion has been fermented. Together with the transfer news and comments in other competition areas, he directly saw the coolness.

[C8, what does it mean for VG to renew all contracts? Can it leave a way for other teams to survive? 】

[Wu Suowei, the designer will take action! 】

[Nicole, pull it down, if the fist designers are really useful, they canceled VG before the S7 World Championship, how could it be possible for them to win another world championship? 】

[I promise this time is different, S8 will be a year for LCK to rise, and LPL will definitely decline! 】

[ @SK tele T1, let's see how they maintain the strength of the lineup, and then look at you! 】

[SKT is a pure beast, brother Meng, we should drive the truck to the gate of the club to let them know that fans are not easy to bully! 】

[Faker is only 22 years old, you want him to play with Blank and Untara? SKT, you don't even want your face! 】

After browsing through, Gu Xing felt that the main reason was that LCK netizens reacted fiercely.

European and American netizens are all discussing the upcoming All-Star Game, believing that their own competition area is more competitive than the opponent in this event, which in turn leads to a routine battle between EU and NA.

[Let's take a look at EU's top laner selection... Soaz? Hahaha, I really made me laugh, let the old stuff go into the ground and explode the gold coins]

[It sounds like NA is very strong, can you touch Jankos+Perkz? As soon as Nakano joins forces, wait to see NA explode! 】

[Hehe, is Ou Cheng still out to play games? After losing the game, he knows how to cry and buy some marketing releases, and after the game, he cleans himself up and pretends to be one-eyed and four-eyed. His teammates are dragging him down...]

[Laughing, there are actually people arguing about who is stronger between EU and NA. To put it bluntly, how far we can go in the competition area depends on when we can meet the China and South Korea competition area.】

Perhaps the last comment told the truth, Gu Xing saw that all the netizens were sending crying emoticons.

At this time, the flight attendant reminded the passengers that the flight was about to start, so he quickly turned off his mobile phone, closed his eyes and rested his mind, waiting for the plane to take off from Wuhu.

The half-day travel time was very long, and Gu Xing regained the feeling he had traveled half the world to Brazil to participate in MSI half a year ago.

Facts have proved that the relatively spacious space of business class is not enough for a flight of up to 12 hours.

When Gu Xing got off the plane, he thought that his waist almost didn't belong to him.

Uzi grinned his teeth as his old back injury broke out, and after pulling over Vincent, he was asking if there was any place in Los Angeles that could do professional physical therapy.

Li Yuanhao suppressed his sleepiness, holding up his camera and taking pictures all the way.

"Brother Xing, don't you want to take some photos?" Xiaohu couldn't help asking when he saw that Gu Xing was dragging his suitcase and looked like he didn't care about the scenery in a foreign country.

"Oh, brother Xing was here last year, what kind of photos do you want to take?" Tian Ye replied instead of Gu Xing, "Unlike us, we have never been to Los Angeles before!"

The venue for the S6 finals was at the Staples Center. After winning the championship, Gu Xing spent a lot of time shopping in the area. The place has basically remained the same for a year, so he naturally didn't have much interest in watching it.

Xiaohu suddenly realized when Meiko reminded him, and he couldn't help but be envious.

After arriving at the hotel and checking in, the group of people dispersed separately. As professional players who had been sitting for a long time, their bodies were already fragile.

Gu Xing's physical condition is not bad, and he will be revived with full blood after sleeping. Hearing that the training room provided by Riot has been set up by Wen Sen, he hurried over to play two sets of ranking hot hands.

The US server is still a classic high-ping environment. Even though Riot provided a super account with a high hidden score, Gu Xing still couldn’t resist. He chose a blind monk to harvest at least 20 points for killing pigs.

When the sun was about to go down, the LPL team finally arrived.

Uzi just finished his physical therapy outside, and covered the area from his right hand to his upper arm with a black muscle patch, as if he had redone and changed his skin.

"Is this thing really useful?" Gu Xing was very curious.

"It's useful, but not completely useful," Uzi rubbed the sore spot, "Anyway, it still hurts like hell."

It’s the same as if he didn’t say anything, Gu Xing wanted to know where to buy the muscle stickers so that it would be more reassuring, when he heard Redmi knocking on the tactical whiteboard.

"Have a meeting before training," he declared in advance, "I know that some players don't even touch the game during the offseason, so we have to start talking about the version update."

Redmi distributed the temporarily printed materials to everyone, and there was a faint fragrance of ink on them.

"The first is the rune system. This year's All-Star Game implements the 23 version, and in the 22 S8 preseason patch, Riot made subversive adjustments to the rune talent." Redmi quickly entered the working state, and the language Speed ​​up.

Li Zhixun, the translator, was still at his side, and he conscientiously conveyed the words of the head coach to the players.

Gu Xing looked down at the documents in his hand.

Products such as talent trees and Intel runes bid farewell to League of Legends, replaced by a very distinctive rune recasting system.

Runes are divided into main and sub-categories. Different branches are free to choose, and when matched together, different bonuses will be obtained.

The Resolute line (Grasp of the Undying, Aftershock, Guardian) as the main line can make the hero gain 130 points of health;

Domination system (Electrocution, Predator, Dark Harvest) as the main system will provide an adaptive bonus of 11 attack power or 18 ability power;

The magic system (Aerie, Arcane Comet, Phase Rush) is the main system, and the character will get 15 attack power or 25 spell power adaptive power;

The precision system (Strong Attack, Deadly Rhythm, Quick Step) is the main system, and the bonus will be changed to an 18% attack speed increase.

The last special one is the enlightenment system (unsealed cheats, glacier boost and burglary omen), which as the main system will provide an additional 20% duration of the potion and mixture, and then depending on the choice of the secondary system, they will get HP, Adaptive force and attack speed increase.

"It is worth mentioning that when the Enlightenment Rune is used as the main system, the initial attribute bonus provided is higher than that of other main systems. It is probably because the fist considers that the combat power provided by the [Enlightenment] rune is too weak. Compensating for attributes will lead to an imbalance in the strength in the early stage." Hongmi talked eloquently.

"At present, the information I have obtained from E+ is that the main system of witchcraft is particularly strong. When Aery first appeared, the strength can only be described as explosive..." He signaled the players to focus on the patch notes.

Gu Xing took a glance and thought it was outrageous.

The earliest version of Alley provides 20-60 base damage based on level, and has a value increase of 1AP+15AD!

It's so scary that it doesn't make sense!

In the early laning stage, it is an absolute rogue rune!

"Fortunately, the fist reacted quickly, and its fire speed was weakened in version 23, but another extremely powerful rune surfaced," Hongmi said with a focused expression, "Arcane Comet."

"If you just look at the value, you may feel that Comet is far inferior to Aerie before it was weakened. After all, the cooling time is too long," he explained in detail, "but after Aerie was slashed, the advantage of Comet is reflected. .”

"The consumption capacity is very strong."

"Because the reworked rune system doesn't have any frankness for most heroes!" Redmi's logic is clear, and the topic is slowly brought to the point.

"Currently, only the Resolute line can increase blood volume and double resistance, but except for some tanks of Uenosuke, most crispy heroes will not consider it as a rune choice, although Fist has been generally adjusted after the rune system is reworked. One hero attribute, everyone's armor and magic resistance has been improved, but the double C is still much more fragile than before!"

Gu Xing and the others nodded repeatedly to show their agreement.

The reason is very simple.

When there was an old version of the rune system, the hero could choose the corresponding resistance according to the damage attribute of the enemy on the line, and can gain part of the frankness from it, so that the crispy skin can also stand on the line in the early stage.

It would be good to have a revision now, the crispy skin only hurts, and the frankness is almost zero!

The arcane comet, which focuses on consumption, took the opportunity to ascend to the altar!

As long as you seize the opportunity to consume two waves during the laning period, you can firmly grasp the laning advantage!

"So as long as they are heroes who can carry comets, they will become particularly strong in this version," Hongmi interpreted, "I think the female guns and Jin in the bottom lane, Zuo Yin and Huangji in the middle lane have a very high winning percentage in qualifying. Above 55%."

"This is also inseparable from the weakening of the incense burner. The income of the incense burner has been cut off with a single fist. Now the appearance rate of protecting soft assistants is not as good as before."

When Uzi heard this, his heart turned cold.

Listening to what Redmi means, wouldn't it just become a tool man throwing monsters in the bot lane, and consume each other's Poke?

I'm not good at it!

Uzi panicked to death.

The S6 World Championship held in North America last year also had a similar bottom lane environment, but it was the Thunder that controlled the world at that time.

In the global finals, Uzi was very uncomfortable with the role of the main consumption in the bottom lane. He was usually used to use A to go head-on, and he couldn't play long-range throwing monsters at all!

Hongmi didn't care about him, and continued on her own, "Another thing to mention is that Ornn and Yellow Chicken have been enhanced, and the range is quite large."

All the skills of the yellow chicken have been directly improved, and only the sand soldiers can no longer stab the guards and the casting distance has been reduced.

Ornn is even more outrageous. After landing in the alliance, he was enhanced 4 times in the 6 small versions. People can't help but wonder if the blacksmith stuffed money for the designer in private!

"Maibo and Xiaohu, you two must practice hard," Hongmi emphasized with a correct attitude, "at least this kind of strong hero must be able to handle it!"

"As for the jungle...the changes are relatively small. The enhancement of comets and single-lane heroes has limited impact on the jungle environment," Hongmi reminded, "but there is no way to play in the hunger strike style."

Gu Xing glanced at it, feeling helpless at the designer's precise knife technique.

The fist cut right on the main artery. Originally, the hunger strike was to gain 30 extra experience points for each wild monster behind each level, but now it has become 50 experience points for each large and epic wild monster behind each level!

It is simply unrealistic to engrave a group of stone beetles madly chasing 300 extra experience points!

"Guigui, the incense pot is about to suffer..." Meiko giggled.

RNG's double Cs all put on a straight face.

They are the most familiar with the hunger strike trend in the whole world!

The chopping of Xiangguo style of play will directly affect RNG's performance next season!

Redmi clapped his hands and drew the attention of the two of them back, "There are only so many major changes. In the next few days, everyone, hurry up and practice all the heroes of the version..."

Time flies, and it will be December 8th in a blink of an eye.

The All-Star game officially begins!

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